
Warships are listed under the heading ‘Warships’: all are British Royal Navy unless otherwise indicated.


acorns 87

Agriculture, Board of 16

Admiralty, Board of passim agent victualler 5660

agent victualler afloat 6570

albatrosses 30, 94

alcoholism 152

Alldridge, Thomas 63, 89

alligator 39

almonds 167

American Navy food 1403

American War of Independence 11, 61

Anderson, Dr 165

Anson, Admiral George 155

antiscorbutics 12, 42, 103, 15566

ants 99

Appert, Nicolas 171

army food 11

arrack 42

arrowroot 167

Argentinian Navy food 148

Atkinson, Christopher 49


bacon 9

bacteria 22

bakers 54, 134

ballast 79

Baird, Dr Andrew 160

Banks, Sir Joseph 84, 165, 171

‘Banyan days’ 32, 115

‘bargemen’ 98

barley 16, 35, 167

‘batterie de cuisine’ 133

beans 34


corned 19

fresh 25

heifer 27

salt 9, 18, 185

shin of 22, 154

beer 9, 40, 56, 76

Bentham, General Samuel 84

bilge 79, 80

Bills of Exchange 60, 93, 1813

biscuit, ships 9, 1518, 184

Blane, Sir Gilbert 153, 159

blood 90

Bogle, French & Co 52

bones 55

bonito 39

Booth, Richard 63, 64

Boudriot, Jean 145

Boyle, Robert 29

brandy 41, 42

brawn 12

bread 1518

bread bags 60, 98

bread barge 98

bread making 16

bread oven 54

bread room 18

Brest blockade 13, 160

brewers 40, 56

brewers’ grains 20

brewing 40, 56

brine 22, 78, 186

Britanniaware 124

broad arrow, the 16

Brodie stove 105, 133

Bromley, Richard 63, 64

Brown, Nicholas 65

buckwheat 16

bullocks 258

bumbo 42

bumboats 94, 118

burgoo 34, 191

Burke, Walter 42

butchers 21, 55, 91

butter 9, 2933, 57

Byrne, Commodore John 165


cabbages 36

cakes 129

calavances 34

calories 10, 1778

calves 27

candles 94

canellini beans 34

canning 9, 10, 29, 167, 1712

captains’ orders 75, 100, 103

Carlin pea 33

carrots 38

Carrs (biscuit makers) 129

casks 54, 174

shaking of 80

cattle 258

Charnier, Frederic 126

champagne 132

cheese 9, 2933, 57, 125

cheese worms 31

chestnuts 16

chickens 29

chick peas 34

Chilean Navy food 148

chutney 128

cider 141

citrus fruit 155, 157, 172

claret 141

coal 78, 93, 105

Cochrane, the Hon. Basil 51, 62, 73

Cochrane, Thomas, 10th

Earl Dundonald 51, 134

cockerels 88

cockroaches 94, 98, 99

cocoa 43, 167

coconut 165

cod 9

coffee 132

collard greens 37

Collingwood, Rear-Admiral

Cuthbert 70, 125

commanders-in-chiefs’ orders 72

complaints/ing 14

confit de canardld’oie 29

congee 36

contractors 13, 19, 46, 52, 62

cooking 10417, 133

Cook, James 157


mess 10014

officers’ 127

professional 127, 132, 133

ships’ 104, 113

Cookworthy, Mrs 154

coopers 54, 82

coops (hen) 88

coppers 10506

Cornwallis, Admiral Sir William 25

corruption 49

Cortes, Hernando 44

cows 129, 168

Crawford, Abraham 126, 135

crockery 110, 123

‘crow’s foot’, the see underbroad arrow’, the

Cruikshank, George 110

curry 36, 135

cutlery 110, 124

Cutforth, James 66


Davidson, Alexander 128

Delftware 123

Dening, Greg 120

Deptford 17, 56

‘dholl’ (dal/dhal) 34

Digby, Admiral 135

Dillon, William 25, 39, 40, 99, 125

dinners, formal 138

dolphins 39

Donkin & Hall 171

dough 17

draught 79

Druce, Mr 50

Drury, Rear-Admiral

William 165

Dubois, Mrs 154

ducks 29

duff 102, 189

Duff, George 39

Dutch Navy food 1435

dysentery 155, 165


East Anglia 34

East Indies 34, 50

East India Company 52, 53

Edlin, A134

eggs 35, 88

Elliott, Hugh 127

Elliott, William 127

Eton, William 235

excise duty 41

exchange rates 60, 93

export duties/restrictions 68

extra petty warrant 58


fenalår 29

fiddle 123

fire hearth 105

fish 9, 38, 78; see also under individual species

fishing 38

Fitzgerald, William 63, 64

flip 42

flour 18

adulteration of 16

flummery 166

fodder 27, 90

food for the sick 1668

Ford, Richard 6670, 119, 1223

Ford, Susannah 69

Fordyce, Alexander

Dingwall 123

fraud 49, 50, 65

French beans 34

French Navy food 1458

Frere, John Hookham 68

fruit 35, 86, 118, 131, 155;

see also under individual species

frumenty 35

frying 105

Funk, Casimir 166


Galen 156

galley 11, 108, 134

game 130

gammon 19

Gardner, James Anthony 34

garlic 167

Gayner, Edward 679

geese 29

Genevois, Duke of 164

Geoghegan, John 66, 69, 122

ghee 32

Gillespie, Leonard 138

ginger 128, 167

gingerbread 16

Glascock, WN 90, 127

Glasse, Hannah 116, 135, 167

glass jars 29

glasses 123

gluten 16

goats 19, 87, 130, 168

Grant, Samuel 956

grapes 36, 164, 168

gravy 17, 123

green peas 33

greens 36, 37

Griffiths, Anselm 109

grilling 105

grocers 128

grog 42, 103

Gulivar, John 135

gunroom 122


hake 9

Hall, Basil 18, 30, 39, 130

ham 19

Hardy, Thomas Masterman 35

Hartshorne brewery 56

haslet 12

hay 27, 89

Hay, ‘Landsman’ 40

Heatley, David 65, 66

‘heritage’ plants 38

hides 55, 91

Higgins, Joseph Blake 50

Hindostan (transport ship) 61, 62, 66, 68

Hippocrates 156

hogs 19

holds 824

Hoste, William 132

Howe, Richard, 1st Earl 117

hoytakers 46

humours, the four 28, 156

Huntley & Palmer 129


imprest accounts 73, 183

incompetence 49

inflation 48

insanity 152

issuing food 10003


Jacobs (biscuit makers) 129

jam 129

James, Admiral Batholomew 131

James, John 27

‘Jemmy Ducks’ 130


kale 37

Kane, Elisha Kent 97

Keats, Sir Richard Goodwin 26

Keith, Admiral Lord 44, 65, 1512, 1623

killing season 20

‘kishmish’ 36


ladies 139

lamb 28

Lamb & Nicholson stove 108, 133

Landsmen’s diet 11

leaven 17, 134

leeks 37

lemon ‘pepper’ 162, 196

lemons 36, 1567

juice 42, 103, 1602, 167

lentils 34

Liardet, Francis 89

lime juice 103, 163

Lind, James 1559

livestock 8690

lobscouse 190

logbooks 26, 72, 115, 164

Lovell, William Stanhope 130, 135

Loyal Toast, the 137


macaroni 138

macaroons 197

mace 167

MacNeill, Archibald 26

madeira (wine) 131

Magellan, Ferdinand 12, 97

maggots 98

maize 16

malaria 85

malt 156

manger 88

Mangin, Edward 122

Mark, William 39, 47

Marsden, William 68

Marsh & Creed 66

Masefield, John 12, 97

master (ship’s) 757

McBride, David 156, 157

mealtimes 112, 121, 138

measures 174


fresh 26, 102

salt 9

See also under individual types

merchant navy 12

merchant seamen 12

mess 100, 109

mess cook 100, 11112

mess kids 101

mess tables 110

messers 21

officers’ 121

mice 96, 126

Middleton, Charles 13, 47

midshipmen 1256, 129

miscounts 76

milk 27, 43, 87, 129, 166, 168

molasses 16, 34

money 175

monopolies 53

mouflon 28

Mure, Son & Atkinson 158

musters 92

mutiny 13, 94, 170

mutton 28, 154, 166


Nastyface, Jack 91, 112

Navy Board 47, 59, 105, 106

necessary money/necessaries 60, 94, 105

Nelson, Horatio passim nets, cooking 101, 11314

New England boiled dinner 19

night blindness 153

nopal 1656

nutmeg 128, 167

nuts 118


oatmeal 9, 34

oats 16

offal 22, 55, 130, 154


messes 121

servants 127

stores 1278

oil 32

onions 36, 103, 119, 157, 163

opuntia see nopal

oranges 36, 1567

Otway, William 23

ovens 105, 134


Parker, Admiral Sir Hyde 129

Parker, William 89, 119

Parkinson, C Northcote 51

Parliament 46, 49

Pasley, Thomas 19, 43, 87, 132, 158

pastrami 19

pastry 134

pay 48, 92

pea flour 16

pease 9, 33, 187

Peckston, Thomas 122, 123

Pellew, Admiral Sir Edward 27, 51, 63, 112, 132, 135

pens, sheep 87

pepper 128

Pepys, Samuel 9

Peruvian bark 86

petit salé 19

pewter 111, 123

pickles 119, 128

Pigafetta, Antonio 12, 97

pigs 20, 87, 130

pilferage 76

plague 96

plates 11011

Plymouth 17, 56

porcelain 124

pork 9, 18, 186

porridge 34, 103, 108, 191

portable soup 153, 167, 192

porter (beer) 56, 131

Porter, David 40

Portsmouth 17, 56, 58

Portuguese Navy food 149

port wine 122, 131

potatoes 16, 38

Potter, Christopher 49

poultry 29, 87, 119, 130;

see also under individual species

‘Jemmy Ducks’ 130

precedence 137

price fixing 53

pricking for meat 102

Pringle, Sir John 156

pudding bags 18, 101

pudding, black 11, 56

pudding, white 11, 56

puddings 111, 125, 135

Puget, Peter 166

pumpkins 37

seeds 37

punch 42, 132, 194

pursers 13, 62, 63, 916

purser’s pound 14

‘purser’s nuts’ 17


quality 13, 77

quinine 86


rabbits 130

Raigersfeld, Jeffrey Baron de 35, 39, 125, 130

Rainier, Admiral Peter 51, 131, 132, 135

rainwater 43

raisins 18

rancidity 31, 104

randers 21

ratcatchers 46

rats 96, 97

Regulations, the 9, 18, 36, 7194, 100, 101, 103, 160, 166

rice 18, 35, 167

Richardson, Robert 84

Ridge, Thomas 49

Rodney, Sir George 159

rum 11, 42

Rundell & Bridge 124

Ruyter, Admiral de 145

rye flour 16


sago 167

salad 157

salt 16

salting 212

saltpetre 22

sauerkraut 157, 187

Saumarez, Admiral James de 129

Saunders, Mary 129

sausages 56, 118

savings of provisions 94

Schweppe, Mr 134

‘Scotch coffee’ 44

scurvy 25, 15466, 172

scuttle butt 43

sea pie 135, 190

sea provisions 58

‘seven-bell’ men 113, 114

shallots 167

shark 39

sheep 28, 87, 130, 166

sherbet 103

sherry 122, 131

short allowance 94

sickbay 109, 166

sick, the 28, 1668

Sick and Hurt Board/Sick and Wounded Board 45, 160

sinecures 47

silver dishes 124, 127

slaughter houses 25

slaughtering 90

slaughterman 55

slop clothing 93

‘slush’ 104, 113

small beer 40, 56

Smith, Robert 142

Smith, Sir Sidney 170

Smollett, Tobias 16, 97

smuggling 41

Snipe, Dr John 86, 155, 162, 164

Solly & Gibson 64

Somerset House 46

sorrel 159

soup 17, 115, 125, 188

sourdough 17

‘sowins’ 166

Spanish Navy food 148

Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl 170

Spencer-Stanhope, Walter 125

Spencer-Stanhope, William 125

spices 128

spirits 43, 76

Spithead 13

spit (roasting) 105, 134

‘square meal’, a 111

squash 37

starting water 82

steep tub 104

stewards 92, 10002, 127, 132

storage 56

storekeepers 46

stout 141

stowage 7586

Ships Taken Up From Trade (STUFT) 61

St Vincent, John, 1st Earl 23, 43, 91, 11516, 128, 129, 132, 161, 162

substitutions 18, 28, 32, 34, 35, 176

suet 18, 104

sugar 9, 35

sultanas 36

surety 92

surgeons 1668

surgeons’ necessaries 167

surveys 77, 94

swede 16

sweetmeats 129

syllabub 196


table money 57, 145

tables 123

tableware 1234

tallow 55, 91, 104

tamarinds 167

tea 43, 132, 167

tenders 52

theft 41

Thomas Coutts & Co 96

toasts 1378

tobacco 92, 104

tongues 55, 121

tormentor, a 102

tortoise 40

Tower Hill 45

Towry, Commissioner 66

tradesmen 54, 57

Transport Board 45, 61, 62, 161

transports ships 60

trawling 39

Trevithick, Richard 84

trim, of a ship 79

tripe 56, 126

Trotter, Dr Thomas 42, 158, 160

turkeys 29

turneryware 94, 111

turnips 16, 38

turtle 40



peptic 155

scorbutic 155

‘use by’ dates 57


Vansittart, Nicholas 23

vegetables 35, 86, 102, 131;

see also under individual species

vermin 969, 171; see also under individual species

Vernon, Admiral Edward 42

victuallers 60

Victualling Board 12, 4570, 7294, 1601

victualling yards 17, 53, 5660, 94

Vilmorin-Andrieux, M M 38

Vincent, Richard Budd 85

vinegar 33, 128


Vitamin A 153, 17980

Vitamin C 129, 155,

157–9, 166, 17980


wardroom 122

Warren, Sir John Borlase 24, 82

Warrington, Thomas 26


Active 68

Agamemnon 163

Alcide 125

Amazon 89, 119

Arrow 84

Belleisle 63

Bittern 97

Boyne 89

Constitution, USS 142

Daedalus 118

Dart 84

Diana 66

Donegal 66

Doris 79

Gibraltar 15, 25, 37, 163

Gloucester 122

Goliath 95

Jupiter 158

Leander 130

Lyra 30

Mars 39

Niger 68

Pembroke 95

Queen Charlotte 89

Renown 130

Royal Sovereign 163

Sibyl 19, 87

Suffolk 159

Superb 112

Swift 124

Triumph 76, 163

Vengeance 110

Victory 35, 42, 67, 80, 99, 106, 107, 109, 113, 123, 127, 167

Volontaire 122

Wager 155

Zealous 90

washing-up 125, 128

water 11, 43, 78, 845

water tanks 845

weevils 978

Wellesley, Richard Colley, 1st Marquis 171

Wellington, Arthur, 1st

Duke of 11, 70

West Indies 35, 49

weight 13, 21, 78, 174

wheat 15

wholemeal 15

Wilkie, Patrick 59

Wilkinson, William 50

William IV (Prince William Henry) 75, 136

William (transport ship) 61, 97

Wills, William 65

wine 11

women 43, 120, 138

wood 55, 105

wort 157

Wybourn, T Marmaduke 84, 135


yarning 120

yeast 17

Yeames, Henry Lavage 24

Young, Sir William 158