1. Rabelais, François 1n.5
  2. Radstock, Lord, see Waldegrave, William
  3. Raleigh, Sir Walter 1
  4. Ram [public house] 1, 2n.7
  5. Ramsay, Allan 1, 2
  6. Randall, Jack 1, 2n.1
  7. Randolph, Thomas 1, 2n.28
  8. Ray, James, History of the Rebellion 1, 2n.48
  9. Ray, John, Herbal 1, 2n.51
  10. Receptacle, see Scientific Receptacle
  11. Redding, Cyrus 1, 2n.4
  12. Reynardson, General Birch 1, 2, 3n.168, 4
  13. Reynardson, Mrs 1
  14. Reynolds, John Hamilton 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6n.45, 7n.200, 8, 9n.207, 10n.26, 11n.37
  15. Riddle, Uncle John 1
  16. Rine Dyke 1, 2n.14
  17. Rippingille, Edward Villiers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8n.73, 9n.191, 10n.230, 11n.9, 12n.14
  18. Roberts, Frederic [servant at Milton] 1, 2, 3n.176
  19. Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidoire de 1, 2n.49
  20. Robin Hood 1
  21. Robin Hood’s Garland 1, 2, 3, 4n.27, 5n.69
  22. Robinson Crusoex, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5n.10
  23. Roman Bank 1, 2
  24. Rose and Crown [public house] 1
  25. Rose’s Early Muse 1, 2n.66
  26. Rotten Moor 1, 2n.14
  27. Round Oak Spring 1, 2
  28. Royal Academy 1, 2n.6
  29. Royce, Mr and Mrs Richard [Helpston neighbours] 1
  30. Royce Close 1, 2
  31. Royce Wood 1, 2, 3, 4
  32. Royston 1
  33. Ryde, Henry T. 1, 2, 3n.157
  34. Ryhall 1, 2, 3n.123, 4n.171