- Rabelais, François 1n.5
- Radstock, Lord, see Waldegrave, William
- Raleigh, Sir Walter 1
- Ram [public house] 1, 2n.7
- Ramsay, Allan 1, 2
- Randall, Jack 1, 2n.1
- Randolph, Thomas 1, 2n.28
- Ray, James, History of the Rebellion 1, 2n.48
- Ray, John, Herbal 1, 2n.51
- Receptacle, see Scientific Receptacle
- Redding, Cyrus 1, 2n.4
- Reynardson, General Birch 1, 2, 3n.168, 4
- Reynardson, Mrs 1
- Reynolds, John Hamilton 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6n.45, 7n.200, 8, 9n.207, 10n.26, 11n.37
- Riddle, Uncle John 1
- Rine Dyke 1, 2n.14
- Rippingille, Edward Villiers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8n.73, 9n.191, 10n.230, 11n.9, 12n.14
- Roberts, Frederic [servant at Milton] 1, 2, 3n.176
- Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidoire de 1, 2n.49
- Robin Hood 1
- Robin Hood’s Garland 1, 2, 3, 4n.27, 5n.69
- Robinson Crusoex, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5n.10
- Roman Bank 1, 2
- Rose and Crown [public house] 1
- Rose’s Early Muse 1, 2n.66
- Rotten Moor 1, 2n.14
- Round Oak Spring 1, 2
- Royal Academy 1, 2n.6
- Royce, Mr and Mrs Richard [Helpston neighbours] 1
- Royce Close 1, 2
- Royce Wood 1, 2, 3, 4
- Royston 1
- Ryde, Henry T. 1, 2, 3n.157
- Ryhall 1, 2, 3n.123, 4n.171