
Page numbers in italics refer to figures, tables, and photos.

acceleration of crests and breaking waves, 110

Adams, John, 24

Aegir Wave Power, 218

Agulhas Current, 130, 136

aircraft, supersonic, pattern generated by, 203, 204

Airy, George Biddell, 23–24, 50, 51, 52

Alsop, W., 112

amphidromic point, 185

amplitude dispersion, 52–53

amplitude of waves, and energy, 46

Anaconda wave attenuator, 226–27

angle of ship waves, 205–6

Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 197–98

Aquamarine Power, 227

Army Corps of Engineers, 117–18

atomic particles, wave equation for, 55

attenuators, 225, 226–27

Australia, King Sound, 189

Australian Shallow Water Experiment (AUSWEX), 75–76

Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast, 93

Banner, Michael, 77–78

Banzai Pipeline, Hawaii, ix, x

barrels, surfing, 111

Baschek, Burkard, 134

basins of oceans: currents in, 195, 195

gyres and prevailing winds, 195–96

tides and, 185–86

Batchelor, G. K., 34

Battisti, David, 161, 164

Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, 188, 189

beach currents, 115–16

beach cusps, 116–17

beach cycles, 116

Beaufort wind force scale, 59, 60

Benjamin, Thomas Brooke, 57, 138–39

Benjamin-Feir instability, 57, 139–41, 140

berms, 116

Bernoulli, Daniel, 189, 208

Bernoulli, Johann, 21

Bidlot, J.-R., 92, 93

big waves: challenge of describing, 45–48

as exchanging energy, 56–58, 68–70

forecasting, 45

measurement of, 62–63

Russell and, 51

solitary, 54

Stokes and, 51–53

theories of, 53–54

weak waves compared to, 50–51

biomass, 219

blobs of water: breaking waves and, 107, 109, 109

energy and, 18

gravity, pressure, and, 18–19

illustrated, 16

orbits of, 22

trochoidal waves and, 52

in wave trains, 16–17

Boltzmann forecast program, 89

bow waves, 200, 201

Bradshaw, Ken, 105

breaking waves: beach currents caused by, 115–16

beach cusps and, 116–17

beach cycles and, 116

breaking index (Xi), 111–12

described, 109–10

energy in, 3

extreme, for extreme surfers, 104–5, 106

modeling, 112–15, 114

Nearshore Canyon Experiment and, 119–21

plunging, 4, 4, 110–11, 113, 114

predicting worst, 111–12

sandbars and, 118–19

shape of, 110–11

spilling, 3, 4, 110

surging, 5, 111

swells becoming, 106–7, 108, 109, 109

tracking across continental shelf, 117–18

tsunamis arriving as, 146

white-caps, 76–79

Brisette, F., 72, 74

British Weather Service, 62, 63

buoyancy, center of, on ship, 208

Cabrinha, Pete, 105

Caledonian Star, 126

California: Bodega Bay, 111

Cortez Bank, 105

La Jolla, 119

Canary Current, 194–95, 197

Cane, Mark, 161

Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, 116

capillary waves, 25. See also ripples

Cardone, Vincent, 76–77

Carter, Walter Ford, 124

catamarans, 214–15

Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 22–23

caustics, 138

census of waves, 45–46

centrifugal force: tides and, 181, 182

wave generation and, 31–32

Challis, James, 24

Chapman, Sydney, 65

Checkmate Sea Energy, 226

Chelton, Dudley, 165, 173–74

choppy seas, 7, 8

circumpolar waves, 198

climate change, 219, 232

clipper ships, 211–12

collisions of wave trains, exchange of energy from, 56–58, 68–70

Columbus, Christopher, 194

columns of fluid, total spin of, 169–70, 171

comparison, law of, 209–10

compression waves, 11, 11–12

continental shelf, tracking waves across, 117–18

conversion devices for wave energy, 224–28, 230–31

Copernicus, 178

Coriolis effect/force: described, 175–76

gyres, prevailing winds, and, 195–96

hurricanes and, 94

Rossby waves and, 163, 167, 168, 170, 171

spiral pattern of tides and, 186–88, 187

Cortez Bank, California, 105

cosine waves and statistical description of seas, 45–48

cotidal lines, 184, 184–85

Cox, Charles, 59–60, 61

crests: acceleration of, and breaking waves, 110

creation of, 16

wind as leaping between, 76

critical layer in Miles model, 42–43

cross-seas: growth of waves in, 72–74, 73

maritime accidents and, 130

currents: Antarctic Circumpolar, 197–98

eddies and, 174

generation of, 198–99

gyres, prevailing winds, and, 195–96, 196

major, 195

potential power from, 219–20

rogue waves and, 136–38

Rossby waves and, 174–75

Sargasso Sea and, 197

speeds and volumes, 196–97

curvature of waves and energy generation, 217

curves, fitting with sine and cosine curves, 33–34, 34, 46–47

cusps, 206, 207

Cutty Sark, 212

d’Alembert, Jean LeRond, 21

Darbyshire, J., 62–63

Davisson, Joseph, 55

decay of swells, 49–50

Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsumanis (DART) system of buoys, 155–56, 157

delayed oscillator model of internal waves, 161, 162, 163–64

Delft3D program, 115, 119, 121

Desjoyeaux, Michel, 214

de Vries, Gustav, 53–54

Diderot, Denis, 21

diffraction, 7, 7

Dirac, Paul, 55

Discovery, 131

dispersion, 23

dissipation of whitecaps, 78–79

diurnal tides, 179, 180, 188

diverging waves in ship wake, 206, 207

dolphins and wave resistance, 215

domino example of wave, 10

Donelan, Mark A., 72, 74–75, 76

Doppler shift and synthetic aperture radar, 100–101, 103

drag, reducing, 214–15. See also resistance of ship hulls

Drake Passage, x

Draupner oil rig, 126, 128–29

Drennan, William M., 72, 73

Duck, North Carolina, 117–18, 119

Duncan, James, 78–79

earth, motion of, 181–82, 182

earthquakes and tsunamis, 142, 144, 145–49

ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), 90, 98, 234

eddies: in air, and wave generation, 35, 36

currents and, 199

population of, 172–74, 173

Rossby waves and, 170, 171

vorticity and, 167

Ekofisk oil rig, 128–29, 134

electricity, market for, 218–20

Elgar, Steve, 120

El Niño events: described, 158–61

internal waves in, 161, 162, 163–66

satellite image of, 160

EMEC. See European Marine Energy Centre

energy: in breaking waves, 3

of earthquakes, and tsunamis, 147, 148

electric, defined, 220–21

focusing of, and rogue waves, 135, 136–38

in jump rope example of wave, 12–13, 13

loss of when waves break, 78–79

to move ship through water, 200

propagation of, 18

in sinusoidal waves, 220

transfer of among waves, 56–58, 68–70, 78

transfer of from wind to waves, 37–41, 38

of types of waves, 8. See also renewable energy

wave energy spectrum

energy balance and wave forecasting, 82–84, 85–86, 88–89

ENVISAT, 97, 98

Equatorial Counter Current, 198

ERS-1 and ERS-2, 97, 128

Espinschied, Lloyd, 98

Euler, Leonhard, 21–22, 53, 189

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), 90, 98, 234

European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC): Pelamis and, 217

tidal power testing by, 229–30

wave power and, 223–24, 226

European Space Agency, 97

European Wave Energy Thematic Network, 223–24

Explorer, 134–35

extreme waves for extreme surfers, 104–5, 106

Farrell, Brian, 43

Feir, James E., 57, 139

Ferrell, William, 191

fetch: described, 18

growth of waves and, 40

slope of waves and, 62–63

wave energy spectrum and, 68, 69

Floating Instrument Platform (FLIP), 42, 49

flow, general equations of, 22

focusing of wave energy and rogue waves, 135, 136–38

forced waves, 186

forecasting: comparison of models for, 92–94, 93

daily, with advanced models, 90–91

energy balance models of, 88–89

first generation of models for, 84–86

hindcasting and, 91–92

Hurricane Katrina and, 80–81

JONSWAP spectrum and, 68

need for, 45

origins of, 82–84

Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum and, 64

progress in, 232

real-time, and SWADE program, 72

research and, 234

rogue waves, 134, 141

satellites in, 96–101, 101, 102, 103

second generation of models for, 87

storm surges, 94–96

third generation of models for, 89–90

tides, 189–93, 191

tsunamis, 154–57

forecasting centers, x, 90

form drag, 32–33

Fornberg, Bengt, 137

fossil fuels, energy production from, 218–19, 223

Foster, John, 157

Fourier, Joseph, 33–34, 34, 46–47

fracking, 219

France: amphibious landing in, 84, 192–93

Rance River, 229

freak waves. See rogue waves

frequency: energy as function of, 47

relationship between period and, 68

friction and breaking waves, 110

Friehe, Carl, 41, 42

Froude, Robert, 208–9, 211

Froude, William, 208–11

Fukushima, Japan, tsunami in, ix, 149–51

fully developed seas, 63–64, 68, 84, 86

gales, ix, 59

Galileo Galilei, 19–20, 178–79

Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 17

Gaussian distribution, 132

Gelci, Roberto, 85–86

geothermal power, 219

Germer, Lester, 55

Gerstner, Franz Joseph von, 53

Gerstner waves, 53, 54

glitter experiment to measure slope of waves, 59–62

Global Positioning System (GPS) and tsunami warnings, 157

gravity: center of, on ship, 208

tides and, 179–82

gravity waves: Airy and, 23–24

capillary waves compared to, 25

d’Alembert and, 21

Euler and, 21–22

generated by ships, 203–6, 205

Newton and, 20

oscillation of blobs and, 18–19

greenhouse effect, 219

Grilli, Stephan, 113

groups: of swells, 26–28, 27

of waves, tendency for breaking among, 77, 78

growth of water waves: in cross-seas, 72–74, 73

energy transfers and, 87

measurement of, 43–44

resonance model for, 37–39, 38

when approaching beaches, 107, 108, 109, 109

whitecaps as limiting, 76

Gulf Stream, 195, 196–97

Gusiakov, Victor, 146–47

gusty winds: rogue waves and, 136

wave growth and, 43

gyres, 195–96, 196

Halley, Edmond, 197

Hasselmann, Klaus: energy exchange theory of, 68

energy transfer effect and, 41

forecasting and, 87, 88–89

JONSWAP campaign and, 66–70

satellite radar and, 103

spreading waves and, 70–71

Wave Modeling Group and, 89

wave quadruplets and, 57–58

Hawaii: Banzai Pipeline, ix, x

Kanehoe Bay, 228

Outer Log Cabins, 105

Peahi Beach (Jaws), 104, 105

wave energy in, 222, 223

heaps of water in tides, 179, 181

height of waves: described, 1

distribution of, 132–34, 133

glitter experiment to measure, 59–62

significant, 63–64, 83–84

Helmholtz, Hermann von, 32, 43, 202

Henderson, Ross, 216

Herbers, T., 77

Higuera, P., 114

hindcasting, 91–92

HMS Captain, 202–3, 210

Holland, K. Todd, 120

Holman, Rob, 233–34

Holt, M. W., 92, 93

Holthuijsen, Leo, 77, 134

Hooke, Robert, law of, 21

horizontal oscillation of blobs, 19

Hough, Sydney Samuel, 169

hovercrafts, 215

Hristov, Tihomir, 41–43, 74

hull design, 212–13

hull speed, 210–11

Hurricane Camille, 91–92

Hurricane Katrina, ix, 80–81, 92, 96

hurricanes: Duck, North Carolina, and, 118

forecasting, 91–92

forecasting storm surge from, 94–96

hydraulic fracturing, 219

hydrofoils, 214–15

hydro power, 219

Imai, Jennifer, 134

Indian Ocean, tsunamis in, 113, 142–44, 145

Indonesia, tsunami in, 144, 145

instability: Benjamin-Feir, 57, 139–41, 140

Kelvin-Helmholtz, 32, 32, 43

at surface between two flowing fluids, 30–32, 32, 43, 44

instruments to measure wave energy spectrum, 67

interference of waves, 5, 6, 7, 7, 204

internal waves: described, 158

as focus of research, 233

Kelvin, 167–68, 202, 203

Kelvin compared to Rossby, 166–67

role of in El Niño events, 161, 162, 163–66

Rossby, 168–70, 171, 172, 174–75

satellite confirmation of, 164–66

speed of, 173–74

International Geophysical Year, 65

Ioannou, Petros, 43

James, Richard, 84–85

Janssen, Peter, 41, 94

Japan, tsunamis in, ix, 148–52, 149, 150

JASON-1 and JASON-2, 97–98, 193

Jeffreys, Harold, 32–33, 38, 76, 83

Jensen, R., 92

Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP), 67–70, 69, 87

JONSWAP spectrum and rogue waves, 141

jump rope example of wave, 12–14, 13

KdV (Korteweg-de Vries) waves, 54

Kelvin, Lord: career of, 25, 51

gusty winds and, 43

HMS Captain and, 210

prediction of tides and, 190–91, 191

transverse waves and, 206

water waves and, 25, 26, 30–32, 32, 202–3. See also Kelvin waves

Kelvin waves: described, 167–68

discovery of, 158

role of, 161, 162, 163, 164

Rossby waves compared to, 166–67

in wake of boats, 202, 203

Kepler, Johannes, 179, 180

Kharif, Christian, 136, 139

Kitaigorodskii, S. A., 64, 86

knots, 59

Komen, Gebrand, 89

Korteweg, Diederik, 53–54

Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) waves, 54

Krogstadt, Harald, 134

Kruskal, Martin, 54

Kuroshiru Current, 197

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 22, 53

Lamb, Horace, 29–30

laminar flow, 37

landslides, underwater, and tsunamis, 144–45, 153–54

La Niña events, 159, 160–61

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 189–90

Lehner, Susanne, 128, 129, 131

Le Provost, Christian, 193

Le Verrier, Urban, 24

Lighthill, Michael James, 43

Limpet oscillating water column, 227–28

Lin, M. Y., 44

linear processes in rogue waves, 135, 136–38

Liu, Paul C., 123

Liu, Yeuming, 233

longitudinal waves, 12

longshore currents, 115–16

Longuet-Higgins, M., 137

Mackers, 111

Maine, tidal station in, 229

Marshall Islands, navigation in, 6

Masuda, Yoshio, 220

Matusov, Peter, 79

MAXWAVE project, 127–29, 130–31

Maxwell, James Clerk, 51

Mayfield, Max, 81

McNamara, Garrett, 105, 106

Melville, W. Kendall, 79, 234

mesoscale processes, 233

Michell, John Henry, 212, 214

microscale processes, 234

microwave image, example of, 101, 102

Miles, John W.: forecasting and, 86

resonance model of, 34, 37–40, 38, 41–43, 74

Miller, S. D., 42

Mitsuyasu, Hisashi, 40

modeling: breaking waves, 112–15, 114

internal waves, 161, 162, 163–64

rogue waves, 132–35, 133

monitoring satellites, 97–98

moon: motion of, 181–82, 182

tidal effects of, 183–84

Moskowitz, Lionel, 63, 64, 86

motions of fluids with zero friction, 22

moving patterns of waves: horizontal, 14

swells, 1, 2

Munk, Walter: Antarctic Circumpolar Current and, 197–98

glitter experiment of, 59–61

gyres and, 175

Hasselmann and, 66, 70

significant wave height and, 63

wave forecasting and, 82–84

wave spectra and, 48–50

on wind stress, 234

muscle, artificial, 226

National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board, 233

National Hurricane Center, 91

National Marine Renewable Energy Centers, 223

navigation by wave patterns, 6

Nazaré, Portugal, 105, 106

neap tides, 183–84

Nearshore Canyon Experiment (NCEX), 95, 119–21

nearshore dynamics, 233–34

Neumann, Gerhard, 84–85

New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina, 81, 96

Newton, Isaac, 20, 180–81, 189

New York City, tidal station in, 229

nodding duck, 220, 230–31

Noll, Greg, 104

nonlinear processes in rogue waves, 135–36, 138–41, 140

Normandy landing, 84, 192–93

North Carolina: Cape Hatteras, 116

Duck, 117–18, 119

nuclear power, 219–20, 231

ocean-monitoring satellites, 97–98

Ocean Power Technologies, 228

Ocean Wave model, 89

oil, sources of, 218–19

Olagnon, Michel, 134

Onerato, M., 140–41

Open 60 rule for yachts, 213, 214

orbits. See blobs of water

Osborne, A. R., 140–41

oscillating water columns, 225, 227–28

Oyster pump, 227

Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, 156

Parsons, Mike, 105

particles, as waves, 54–55

Peahi Beach, Hawaii (Jaws), 104, 105

Pelamis wave energy converter, 216–18, 225

Pelinovsky, Efim, 136, 139

pendulums, 19–20

Penguin, 228

period: described, 1

as fundamental property of wave, 24

relationship between frequency and, 68

relationship between wavelength and, 19–20, 23

types of waves by, 8

phase speed, 30–31

Phillips, Owen M.: energy exchange of tall waves and, 56

resonance model of, 34–37, 36, 86

whitecap dissipation function of, 79

phytoplankton, 172

Pierson, Willard: forecasting and, 84–85

fully developed seas, 86

self-similar spectra, 64

Spectral Ocean Wave Model and, 88

spreading wave spectra, 70

Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum, 86, 87

Plant, William J., 40, 75

plasma, solitary waves in, 54

Plate, E. J., 40

plunging waves: described, 4, 110–11

illustrated, 4

modeling, 113, 114

point absorbers, 225

Poisson, Siméon Denis, 23

polar plot of wave spectra, 72–73, 73

power, electric, defined, 220. See also wave power

PowerBuoy, 228

predicting. See forecasting

pressure and waves, 19

pressure differentials, 225

pressure sine waves and wind, 35

propagation of energy, 18

propeller design, 211

prows, shaping to reduce drag, 214

pulses in jump rope, 12, 13

quadruplets and energy exchange, 58

Queen Elizabeth II, 125–26, 130

Queen Mary, ix–124

racing yachts, 213–14

radar altimeters, 71, 98–100, 193

radar in satellites, 98–101, 101, 103

rainbow, as spectrum, 46

Raines, Rod, 226

Ramapo, 125

random waves, 132–35, 133

Rankine, William J. M., 53

rarefaction waves, 11, 11–12

Raubenheimer, Britt, 119, 120

Rayleigh, Lord (John William Strutt), and random wave distribution, 132–34

reflection, 5, 5–6, 7, 7

refraction: described, 3, 7

illustrated, 7

swells becoming breaking waves and, 106–7, 108

renewable energy: fossil fuel burning compared to, 219

Pelamis wave energy converter, 216–18

politics of, 230–31

potential of wave power, 220–21

sources of, 219–20

tidal power, 219–20, 222, 228–30

wave power, 220–28

research, future directions for, 232–34

resistance of ship hulls: clipper ships, 211–12

described, 207–8

design of hulls, 212–13

exotic designs to decrease, 214–15

Froude experiments on, 208–11

racing yachts, 213–14

resonance and wave generation: forecasting from, 86

Miles, model of, 37–40, 38, 41–43

Phillips, model of, 34–37, 36

test of Miles theory of, 74–76

restoring forces, 18–19

Reutov, V. P., 43

Ring of Fire, 145

rip currents, 115

ripples: described, 24–26

period of, 8

wind speed required for, 31

rogue waves: causes of, 132–35, 136–38

defined, 127

famous, 126–27

formation of, 129–31

frequency of, 135–41

illustrated, xi

large ship encounters with, 124–26, 127

MAXWAVE study, 127–29

models, 135–40

predicting, 134, 141

Queen Mary and, ix–124

sailor accounts of, 123–24

Shackleton account of, 122–23

Rosenthal, Wolfgang, 127–28, 129, 131

Ross, Duncan, 76–77

Rossby, Carl-Gustaf, 158, 168

Rossby waves: confirmation of, 165, 166

discovery of, 158, 168–69

generation and propagation of, 169–70, 171

importance of, 172

Kelvin waves compared to, 166–67

role of, 161, 162, 163, 164

western coastal currents and, 174–75

Russell, John Scott, 51, 52, 210

Salter, Stephen, 220, 230–31

sandbars, 118–19

sand transport and longshore currents, 116

SAR (synthetic aperture radar), 98, 100–101, 101, 103

Sargasso Sea, 197

satellite observations: in forecasting, 89–90, 96–101, 101, 102, 103

image from, 101, 102

satellite radar, 98–101, 101, 103

scanning radar altimeters, 98, 99–100

scatterometers, 98, 99

Schlax, Michael, 165

Schrödinger, Erwin, 55

Scotland: Orkney Islands, 217, 224

storm beaches in, 116

tidal power in, 229

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 49, 50, 82, 119

Sea, Lake, and Overland Surge from Hurricanes (SLOSH) model, 95–96

“sea,” 8, 9

seas: choppy, 7, 8

cross-seas, 72–74, 73, 130

fully developed, 63–64, 68, 84, 86

roughness of, and generation of waves by wind, 60–61

statistical description of, 45–48, 48

SEASAT, 97, 98–99, 193

seiches, 185

self-organization of beach cusp patterns, 117

self-similar spectra, 64, 68, 86

semidiurnal tides, 179, 183

Serio, M., 141

Seven Bridges of Konigsburg puzzle, 22

Severn Estuary, Great Britain, 189

Shackleton, Ernest, 122–23

shale gas, 219

shallow-water waves, 23–24, 185–86

sheltering theory, 32–33, 38, 76, 83

Shemer, Lev, 55

shipping, threats to, ix–x. See also rogue waves

ship waves: bow, 200, 201

classical wake, 201, 202

clipper ships and, 211–12

described, 203–6, 205

transverse, 206–7, 207

shoaling, 107, 108, 109, 109

shock waves generated by aircraft, 203, 204

short-wavelength Rossby waves, 174–75

significant wave heights, 63–64, 83–84

sine waves: ocean waves compared to, 14, 15

statistical description of sea and, 45–48

wind speed and, 30–31

sinusoidal waves, power in, 220

Slinky example of waves, 11, 11–12

Slocum, Joshua, 123–24

slope of ocean bottom: breaking waves and, 106–7, 108, 109, 109

modeling breaking waves based on, 112–15, 114

predicting breakers and, 111–12

types of breaking waves and, 110–11

slope of waves: mean slope and wave breaking, 78

measurement of, 60–62

resonance theory and, 75–76

storm waves, 62–63

SLOSH (Sea, Lake, and Overland Surge from Hurricanes) model, 95–96

Slunyaev, A., 136

small waterline area twin hull (SWATH) vessels, 72

Snyder, R. L., 39–40 solitary waves, 51, 53, 54

solitons, 53, 54, 55

sound waves, model of, 11, 11–12

Southern Oscillation, 160–61

South Korea, tidal generator in, 229

Spectral Ocean Wave Model (SOWM), 88

spectrum, wave energy, 45–48, 48

speed: of currents, 196

Froude number for, 208

of groups of swells, 26–27, 27

of internal waves, 173–74

of Rossby waves, 170

of ships, and resistance, 207–11

of waves, computing, 1. See also wind speed

spilling waves, 3, 4, 110

spiral pattern of tides, 169, 186–88, 187

Spooner, John, 61

spreading waves from storms, 70–74

spring tides, 183–84

squalls, 8, 9

standing offshore waves and beach cusps, 117

standing waves, 185

statistical description of seas, 45–48, 48

steep waves and maritime accidents, 130

Stewart, R., 137

Stokes, George Gabriel, 51–53

Stokes drift, 52

Stokes waves, 51–53, 132, 138

Stommel, Henry, 175

storms: estimating distance of, 49

slope of waves in, 62–63

spreading of waves from, 70–74

tall waves in, 131. See also storm surge

storm waves

storm surge: forecasting, 94–96

formation of, 94–95

in Hurricane Katrina, ix, 81

storm waves: beach cycles and, 116

forecasting and monitoring, 80. See also rogue waves

string vibrations, mathematical analysis of, 21

Strutt, John William (Lord Rayleigh), and random wave distribution, 132–34

subduction and tectonic plate movement, 145

submarines, 215

Subramanya, I. A., 113

Subramanya, R., 113

Sullivan, Peter P., 233

Sumatran earthquake and tsunami, ix, 142–44, 146

sun: heat from, and currents, 196–97

tidal effects of, 183–84

sun-synchronous satellite orbits, 98

supersonic aircraft, pattern generated by, 203, 204

surface gravity waves, 18, 234

surface Kelvin waves, 167–68

surface tension and ripples, 25

Surface Wave Dynamics Experiment (SWADE), 71–74

surfers: beliefs of about swells, 26

extreme waves for, 104–5, 106

in Hawaii, ix, x

plunging waves for, 4

types of waves preferred by, 111

surf zones, 3–5

surge converters, 225

surging waves, 5, 111

Svendsen, I. A., 113

Sverdrup, Harald, 50, 63, 82–84, 198

SWADE (Surface Wave Dynamics Experiment), 71–74

SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) model, 95, 115

swash zone, 115

SWATH (small waterline area twin hull) vessels, 72

swells: amphibious invasion of North Africa and, 82

as becoming surfing waves, 106–7, 108, 109, 109

decay of, 49–50

described, 1, 15–17, 16

group speed, 27

illustrated, 2

navigating by interference patterns in, 6

number of waves in group of, 28

origins of, 26–27

period of, 8

in predictions of wind-driven wave heights, 72–74, 73

processes of, 7

spectra of, 48–50

synthetic aperture radar (SAR), 98, 100–101, 101, 103

syzygy, 183

tall waves, 131. See also big waves

Taylor, G. I., 34

Taylor, Paul, 127, 132

tectonic plates, 145

terminators, 225

Thailand, tsunami in, 143–44

thermocline, 158

Thomson, William. See Kelvin, Lord

Kelvin waves

3GWAM prediction code, 72, 89, 91, 92, 96

three sisters effect, 123, 130

tidal bore, 189

tides: described, 177

Galileo and, 178–79

gravity and, 179–82

Kepler and, 179, 180

Newton and, 180–81

origin of, 182–83, 183

period of, 8

power from, 219–20, 222, 228–30

predicting, 189–93, 191

in real world, 184, 184–86

spiral pattern of, 169, 186–88, 187

variability of, 183–84, 188–89

time delay in waves, 13, 13–14

Titov, Vasily, 156

Topex/Poseidon satellite, 164–65, 193

tow-in surfing, 104–5

tracking waves across continental shelf, 117–18

trade winds, 194–95

transverse waves: described, 14, 167

illustrated, 13

in ship wake, 201, 202, 206–7, 207

traveling wave trains, 17

trochoidal waves, 52, 53

troughs, creation of, 16

Tsanis, Iohannis K., 72, 74

tsunamis: described, 5–6

earthquakes and, 142, 144, 145–49

historic deadly, 152–54

illustrated, 5

Indian Ocean, ix, 113, 142–44

in Japan, ix, 148–52, 149, 150

origins of, 144–46

period of, 8

speed of, 24

warning systems, 154–57

wavelengths of, 23

tubes, surfing, 111

Tuck, Ernest, 213

turbulence. See resonance and wave generation

turning wind, waves in, 74

undertow, 115

Ungava Bay, Quebec, 188–89

United Nations, International Geophysical Year, 65

U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, 155, 156

U.S. National Weather Service, 90–91, 96

Vendee Globe races, 213–14

vertical oscillation of blobs, 18–19

viscosity of water, 18

Voith Hydro, 227

volcanoes and tsunamis, 144–45, 153, 154

vorticity: conservation of, 169, 170, 175

defined, 167

Waratah, 137

warning systems for tsunamis, 154–57

wartime, prediction of tides in, 82–84, 192–93

Warwick, R. W., 125–26

water under waves, 3, 15–17, 16. See also blobs of water water

waves. See waves

WaveAtlas project, 131

wave energy farms, 216–18

wave energy spectrum: describing waves, 45–48, 48

forecasting models from, 84–86, 87

measurement of, 66–70, 69

polar plot of, 72–73, 73

self-similar, 64, 68, 86

in turning wind, 74

wave-followers, 75

wave forecasting. See forecasting

wave groups, 26–27

wavelength: described, 1

dominant, 40–41

of gravity waves, 204–5, 205

relationship between period and, 19–20, 23

wavelength dispersion effect, 52

Wave Modeling Group, 89

wave power: challenges of, 221–22

conversion devices for, 224–28, 230–31

conversion efficiency estimates, 223

in Europe, 223–24

politics of, 230–31

potential of, 220–21

realities of in U.S., 222–23

wave resistance, 207–8

waves: construction of, 14–15

gravity and storage of energy in, 18

height of, 1, 59–62, 83–84, 132–34, 133

interference of, 5, 6, 7, 7, 204

jump rope example of, 12–14, 13

particles behaving as, 54–55

processes of, 7

properties of, 26

single domino example of, 10

Slinky example of, 11, 11–12

types of, 8, 9. See also slope of waves

wave power

wave trains

specific types of waves

wave setup, 120

wave towers, 130

wave trains: blobs of water in, 16–17

exchange of energy from collisions of, 56–58, 68–70

rogue waves and, 140

WAVEWATCH I program, 89

WAVEWATCH III program, 90, 93, 96

weak waves, 23–24, 50–51. See also wind, generation of waves by

Weber, Ernst Heinrich, 15, 17, 56

Weber, Wilhelm Eduard, 15, 17, 56

Weggell, J. Richard, 112

Wegner, Alfred, 33

Weller, Robert A., 71

Wello Oy, 228

western intensification of currents, 197

White, Benjamin, 137

whitecaps, 76–79

white walls, 130

wind: Beaufort wind force scale, 59, 60

Coriolis effect, 94

currents and, 198–99

direction of, and spreading waves, 70–71

energy generation from, 219

gusts of, and rogue waves, 136

prevailing, and gyres, 195–96, 196

trade winds, 194–95

turning, waves in, 74. See also wind, generation of waves by

wind, rising

wind speed

wind, generation of waves by: experiments on, 39–41, 42

fetch and, 62–63

gusty winds, 43

importance of knowledge of, 43–44

Jeffreys and, 32–33

Kelvin and, 30–32, 32

overview of, 29–30

resonance and, 34–40, 36, 38

roughness of sea and, 60–61

wind, rising: changes under, 7, 9, 25–26

whitecaps and, 76–78

wind speed: average energy spectrum for, 63–64

self-similar spectra and, 64

wave slope and, 75–76

whitecap dissipation function and, 79

wind stress, 198–99, 234

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 119

World Glory, 124, 125

World War II, amphibious landings during, 82–84, 192–93

Wright, John W., 40

Xi (empirical breaking index), 111–12

yachts, racing, 213–14

Young, Ian, 75

Yue, Dick K. P., 233

Zabusky, Norman, 54

Zakharov, Vladimir E., 55

Zebiac, Stephen, 161

Zhao, Qun J. Richard, 114