Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.
2D design
downloadable files for this book, 29
vector graphic files for laser, 24
3D design
3D embellished t-shirt, 34–35
CAD software drawings in, 24
downloadable files for projects, 28
printing. See 3D printing
using Tinkercad, 26–27
3D embellished t-shirt
3D print on fabric, 37–40
assemble, 40–42
create 3D design, 34–35
cut out shirt pieces, 34
export and slice model, 35–37
materials needed, 32–33
no-sew and low-sew options, 42–43
what you will learn, files and tools, 31
3D printing
3D design for, 26
3D embellished T-shirt, 35–37
battery and LED holder, 55
Circuit Playground Express cover, 63
as easy and affordable, 3–4
lipo battery case, 138
overview of, 25–26
properties of fabric and, 32
slicing 3D models with Cura for, 28
fiber-optic holder, 113–114
using Tinkercad, 26–27
acrylic, as laser cutting supply, 24
acrylic box, LED matrix purse
acrylic cement and, 143
assembling, 150–154
laser-cutting, 145
Circuit Playground Express, 59, 61–63, 70
as electronics source, 13
Flora NeoPixel addressable LEDs, 129, 132–136, 139
Micro Lipo Charger, 131
microcontroller boards, 16, 22
NeoPixel Library, 121–122
adapter cable
solar backpack preparation, 77
starlight skirt electronics, 119–120
addressable LEDs
NeoPixel. See Flora NeoPixel addressable LEDs
overview of, 14
sewable, 129
starlight skirt electronics, 119–120, 123–124
Adobe Illustrator
design for laser with, 24
fiber-optic fabric scarf, 48
LED matrix purse, 145
anode, LEDs, 14
Arduino Desktop IDE
downloading, 121
programming Gemma M0 for cuff, 134
starlight skirt, 122–123
starlight skirt project, 102
Arduino Leonardo board, 123
Arduino microcontroller board
addressable LEDs and, 14
as electronic supply, 16–17
overview of, 22
AutoCAD, design for laser, 24
awl, as sewing supply, 9
hand-sewing with conductive thread, 20–21
case for programmable sewn circuit cuff, 138
holder with lit LED for fiber-optic scarf, 55, 56–57
types used in this book, 15
Bluetooth, LED matrix purse and, 143, 155
CAD (computer-aided design)
3D design for printing, 26
design for laser, 24
fiber-optic fabric scarf, 48
capacitive touch sensors, 136–137
capacitor, soldering solar charger to, 75–76
carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, 22
CAT clutch, LED matrix purse, 155
cathode, LEDs, 14
Circuit Playground Express microcontroller
decorative cover for hip pack, 63, 70
overview of, 59
program for hip pack, 61–63
CircuitPython firmware, 22, 134–136
CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser, 22
coin-cell battery
3D fiber-optic fabric scarf, 46–47
3D printing of, 55
attach light source to, 56
used in this book, 15
addressable LEDs and, 14
laser engrave files and differentiated, 131
of polylactic acid filament for 3D printing, 26
computer-aided design. See CAD (computer-aided design)
computer, as electronic supply, 17
conductive thread
as electronic supply, 15
prepare leather for, 130
sew electronics for programmable cuff, 133–134
sewing with, 20–21
JST-PH connectors, solar backpack, 78–80
JST-SM plug connector, starlight skirt, 119–120
solar panel for solar backpack, 77–78
solder USB for solar backpack, 78
splice for solar backpack, 78–80
starlight skirt electronics, 119–120
CorelDraw, design for laser, 24
cuff. See programmable sewn circuit cuff
3D embellished t-shirt, 34–37, 39
slicing with, 28
starlight skirt, 113–114
data connections, programmable cuff, 133
driver, Circuit Playground Express, 62
dye, leather, 130
electrical tape, as electronic supply, 15
LED matrix purse, 147–150
overview of, 13
programmable circuit cuff, 132–134
starlight skirt, 119–120
supplies and tools, 13–17
techniques, 17–19
end-glow fiber optics, 16
Evil Genius series (McGraw-Hill), 18
exporting, 3D design for printing, 28
fabric scissors, 7
fabrics, laser cutting supplies, 24
festival hip pack. See fun festival hip pack
fiber-optic fabric scarf
3D print battery and LED holder, 55
attach light source, 55–57
laser cut fabric for scarf, 48
materials needed, 46
no-laser option, 46–48
split fiber-optic panel, 48–51
sew fabric and attach to fiber-optic panel, 52–54
what you will learn, files and tools needed, 45
fiber-optic panel/fabric. See fiber-optic fabric scarf
fiber optics
as electronic supply, 16
starlight skirt lit up with. See starlight skirt
file extensions
2D vector design for laser, 24
3D design, 28
laser cutter, 28
Flora NeoPixel addressable LEDs
laying out and sewing electronics, 132–134
overview of, 129
troubleshoot programmable circuit cuff, 139
fun festival hip pack
3D print decorative cover, 63
bring it all together, 70–71
materials needed, 60–61
overview of, 59
program Circuit Playground Express, 61–63
sew pack, 63–69
what you will learn, files and tools needed, 59–60
fused-filament fabrication, 3D printing, 25
Gamer Girl dresses, 1–2
Gemma M0 microcontroller
lay out and sew electronics for cuff, 132–134
overview of, 129
program, 134–136
troubleshoot, 139
use capacitive touch sensor, 136–137
ground connections, electronics for programmable cuff, 133
hand-sewing stitches
3D fiber-optic scarf, 49
with conductive thread, 20
overview of, 10–11
helping hands stand, for electronics, 16
hip pack. See fun festival hip pack
IDE (Integrated Development Environment). See Arduino Desktop IDE
Inkscape, design for laser, 24
introduction, to wearable technology, 1–4
iron, as sewing supply, 9
JST-PH connectors, solar backpack, 78–80
JST-SM plug connector, starlight skirt, 119–120
Kapton tape, 75–76
laser cutter
3D fiber-optic fabric scarf, 48
as cutting supply, 24
design for, 24
downloadable files for, 29
making cuff, 131
overview of, 22–23
working with leather, 130–131
circuit cuff. See programmable sewn circuit cuff
as supply for laser cutting, 24
working with, 130–131
LED diffusers, starlight skirt
3D print, 113–114
finished project, 125
learning how to work with, 101
program StitchKit MakeFashion board, 121–124
put fiber-optics together, 114–120
LED matrix purse
assemble case, 150–154
attach electronics to mounting panel, 147–150
laser cut purse case/mounting panel, 145
materials for, 142–144
prepare PowerBoost 1000, 146–147
LED matrix purse (continued)
update firmware, 145
use it! 155
what you will learn, files and tools needed, 141
LED RGB matrix, 143
LEDs (light-emitting diodes). See also addressable LEDs
3D fiber-optic fabric scarf, 46–47
attach light source, 55–57
battery holder, 55
connect with smartphone app, 1–2
as electronic supply, 14
program Circuit Playground Express, 63
solar backpack, 80–81
video games on clothing with, 1–2
Library Manager, install NeoPixel from, 121–122
LiPo (lithium polymer) battery
LED matrix purse, 143, 147–149
programmable sewn circuit cuff, 131–132
in wearable projects, 15
low-sew option
3D embellished T-shirt, 42–43
overview of, 5
starlight skirt project, 102
fun festival hip pack and, 59
tutorials in, 59
using with Circuit Playground Express, 61–63
visual block programming with, 22
Make: magazine, 3D printer reviews, 26
MakeFashion Board, Stitchkit, 103, 120, 121–125
manufactured fabric, as laser cutting supply, 24
3D embellished t-shirt, 32–33
fiber-optic fabric scarf, 46
fun festival hip pack, 60–61
programmable sewn circuit cuff, 128–129
solar backpack, 74
starlight skirt, 102–103
measuring tape, as sewing supply, 9
micro:bit microcontroller board, 22
microcontroller boards
Circuit Playground Express, 59, 61–63, 70
as electronic supply, 16–17
Gemma M0 microcontroller, 129–137
MakeFashion Board, Stitchkit, 103, 120, 121–125
overview of, 22
MicroPython programming language, 22
Mirror tool, Cura, 39–40
mounting panel, LED matrix purse, 145, 147–150
naming conventions, Tinkercad, 27
natural fabric, as laser cutting supply, 24
3D embellished t-shirt, 32
basic sewing, 8
sewing machine, 9
NeoPixel Library, Adafruit, 121–124
NeoPixels. See Flora NeoPixel addressable LEDs
no-sew option
3D embellished T-shirt, 42–43
fun festival hip pack, 60
overview of, 5
3D embellished t-shirt, 30, 32
cutting out paper, 12
downloadable for projects in this book, 28
fiber-optic fabric scarf, 44
fun festival hip pack, 59
programmable sewn circuit cuff, 127, 132
solar backpack, 73
Pause button, 3D printing, 35–36
photopolymerization, resin 3D printers, 25
photovoltaics. See solar backpack
pins, as sewing supply, 7
PIXEL maker board, LED matrix purse
attach electronics to mounting panel, 147–150
connect to Bluetooth, 143
creating own art for, 155
update firmware, 143
PLA (polylactic acid) filament
3D embellished t-shirt, 32
festival hip pack, 60
starlight skirt, 102
use for projects in this book, 26
polyimide tape, 75–76
Ponoko laser cutting, 23
Post Processing Plugin, Cura, 37
Power Boost 500, solar backpack, 78, 80–81
PowerBoost 1000, LED matrix purse, 143, 146–147, 149
program files
3D embellished t-shirt, 31
downloading for projects in this book, 28
fiber-optic fabric scarf, 45, 55
fun festival hip pack, 60, 61, 63
LED matrix purse, 141
programmable sewn circuit cuff, 127, 134–136
solar backpack, 73
starlight skirt, 101, 113, 122
programmable sewn circuit cuff
3D print battery case, 138
charge battery, 131–132
going further, 138
lay out and sew electronics, 132–134
make cuff, 131
materials needed, 128–129
program Gemma, 134–136
use capacitive touch sensor, 136–137
what you will learn, files and tools needed, 127–128
working with leather, 130
resin printers, 3D printing, 25
resources, downloadable files for this book, 28
Rotate tool, Cura, 39
ruler, as sewing supply, 9
running stitch
creating, 10
sewing 3D fiber-optic fabric scarf, 48–54
sewing conductive thread on cuff, 133
safety glasses, for soldering, 16
Scaled Vector Graphics (SVG) file, 34
scissors, fabric, 7
seam allowance, use standard 1/2,” 11
seam ripper, as sewing supply, 8
sensor, as electronic supply, 16–17
3D embellished T-shirt, 40–43
basic supplies for, 8–10
with conductive thread. See conductive thread
fiber-optic fabric scarf, 48–54
fun festival hip pack, 63–70
hand-sewing stitches, 10–11
programmable circuit cuff, 132–134
solar backpack, 82–96
starlight skirt, 103–112
sewing machine
as needed supply, 9
stitches, 11
sewn circuit cuff. See programmable sewn circuit cuff
side-glow fiber optics, 16
silicone-covered wire, wearable projects, 15
3D embellished T-shirt design, 35–37
3Dprint fiber-optic holders/LED diffusers, 113–114
with Cura for 3D printing, 28
smartphone app, connecting LEDs, 1–2
social media, wearable technology interacting with, 1–2
solar backpack
attach solar panel to backpack, 97–98
hooking everything up, 80–81
make backpack, 82–96
materials needed, 74
prepare solar charger, 75–76
prepare solar panel, 77–78
solder USB connector on Power Boost 500, 78
splice two JST-PH connectors, 78–80
use it outside, 99
what you will learn, files and tools needed, 73
solar charger
avoid leaving in very hot places, 74
hooking up for solar backpack, 80–81
preparing for solar backpack, 75–76
solar panel
attaching to backpack, 97–98
direct sunlight best for, 74
hooking up for solar backpack, 80–81
preparing for solar backpack, 77–78
capacitor to solar charger, 75–76
helping hands stand for, 16
power switch to PowerBoost 1000, 146–147
safety glasses, 16
splicing two JST-PH connectors, 79–80
through-hole, 18–19
types of solder in this book, 15
USB connector on Power Boost 500, 78
wires together, 18–19
soldering iron, 15
solid-core wire, 15
starlight skirt
3Dprint fiber-optic holders/LED diffusers, 113–114
connect electronics, 119–120
finished product, 125
hand-sewn, 10
machine-sewn, 11
materials needed, 102–103
program StitchKit’s MakeFashion board, 121–124
put fiber optics together, 114–119
sew skirt, 103–112
what you will learn, files and tools needed, 98
StitchKit Fashion Technology Kit, 102
StitchKit MakeFashion board, 102
STL file, exporting from Tinkercad, 35
straight stitch, with sewing machine, 9, 11
stranded wire, 15
sunlight, solar backpack and, 98
supplies/techniques/fabrication machines
3D design for printing, 26
3D printing, 25–26
design for, 24
downloadable files for this book, 29
electronic supplies and tools, 13–17
electronic techniques, 17–19
electronics, 13
hand-sewing stitches, 10
laser cutters, 22–23
laser cutting supplies, 24
machine sewing technique, 11
machine sewn stitches, 11
microcontroller boards, 22
patterns, 12
sewing supplies, 7–9
sewing with conductive thread, 20–21
slicing with Cura, 28–29
using Tinkercad, 26–27
SVG (Scaled Vector Graphics) file, 34
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics (McGraw-Hill), 18
3D embellished T-shirt design, 34–35
thread, as sewing supply, 8
through-hole soldering, 15, 18–19
creating 3D design, 26–27
creating 3D embellished T-shirt design, 34–35
exporting 3D design for slicing, 28, 35–37
LED matrix purse, 145
USB cable, Circuit Playground Express, 62
USB connector, soldering on Power Boost 500, 78
Velcro, festival hip pack, 64–65
wearable technology
introduction, 1–3
projects overview, 4–5
whipstitch, 10
wire cutter, as electronic supply, 16
wire stripper, as electronic supply, 16
attaching solar panel to backpack, 97–98
soldering together, 18–19
through-hole soldering, 18–19
used in this book, 15
work-plane dimensions, 3D design with Tinkercad, 27