13. Kapitel: Feuer frei für freie Bürger: Der amerikanische Waffenkult und die Radikalisierung des rechten Rands


Aaron Karp, Estimating Global Civilian-Held Firearms Numbers. Small Arms Survery. Genf 2018; Pew Research Center, America’s Complex Relationship with Guns. Washington, D. C., 2017; vgl. auch Nicolas Kristof, How to Reduce Shootings, in: New York Times, 6. 11. 2017, online.


Pew Research Center, What the Data Say About Gun Deaths in the US. Washington, D. C., 2023; Gun violence in US and what the statistics tell us, in: BBC News, 17. 02. 2023, online.


Scott Melzer, Gun Crusaders: The NRA’s Culture Wars. New York 2012; Matthew J. Lacombe, Firepower: How the NRA turned Gun Owners into a Political Force. Princeton, NJ, 2021.


Carol Anderson, The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America. New York 2021, S. 1–39; zum historischen Kontext vgl. Michael Lenz, »Arms are necessary«: Gun Culture in Eighteenth-Century American Politics and Society. Köln 2010, bes. S. 163–165, 203–213; Saul Cornell, A Well-Regulated Militia: The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun Control in America. New York 2006, bes. S. 1–7, 211–218; Jefferson zit. in Berg, Lynchjustiz in den USA, S. 46, vgl. ebd., S. 19–23, passim, meine Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang von demokratischer Selbstermächtigung und Gewaltmonopol des Staates.


Jack N. Rakove (Hrsg.), Declaring Rights: A Brief History with Documents. Boston 1998, S. 192; Lenz, »Arms are necessary«, S. 210–213; vgl. auch den Überblick bei Lawrence D. Cress, The Right to Bear Arms, in: Kermit L. Hall (Hrsg.), By and for the People. Constitutional Rights in American History. Arlington Heights, IL, 1991, S. 63–77; in United States v. Miller 307 U. S. 174 (1939) ging es um ein Bundesgesetz, das den Handel mit Waffen erschweren sollte, die bevorzugt von Gangsterbanden benutzt wurden, etwa Schrotflinten mit kurzem Lauf; District of Columbia v. Heller 554 U. S. 570 (2008), 635; McDonald v. Chicago 561 U. S. 742 (2010); New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen 597 U. S. 1 (2022).


Berg, Lynchjustiz in den USA, S. 255–256; zum historischen Hintergrund vgl. Richard Maxwell Brown, No Duty to Retreat: Violence and Values in American History and Society. New York 1991; Pew Research Center, America’s Complex Relationship with Guns; Anderson, The Second, S. 8, 146–152.


Ebd., S. 7–9; Pew Research Center, America’s Complex Relationship with Guns; Pew Research Center, Amid a Series of Mass Shootings in the U. S., Gun Policy Remains Deeply Divisive, Washington, D. C., 2021.


Vgl. die Websites der Pink Pistols und von Black Guns Matter, online; Ben Smith, Obama on small-town Pa.: Clinging to religion, guns, xenophobia, in: Politico, 11. 4. 2008, online; Frank Miniter, The Gun Industry Says It Has Grown 158 % Since Obama Took Office, in: Forbes, 12. 4. 2016, online.


David B. Kopel, Gun Control Act of 1968, in: Gregg Lee Carter (Hrsg.), Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law. 2 Bde., Santa Barbara, CA, 2002, Bd. 1, S. 27–243; Patterson, Restless Giant, S. 172–173.


Lacombe, Firepower, S. 157–172; Melzer, Gun Crusaders.


Allgemein zu gun control vgl. Robert J. Spitzer, The Politics of Gun Control. New York 2021; Glenn H. Utter, Gun Control, in: Carter, Guns in American Society, Bd. 1, S. 232–237.


Obama admits US gun laws are his »biggest frustration«, in: BBC, 24. 7. 2015, online; Kristin Wilson u. a., These are the 14 House Republicans who voted to pass federal gun safety legislation, in: CNN, 24. 6. 2022, online.


Kritisch zur jüngsten Rechtsprechung Robert J. Spitzer, The Gun Dilemma: How History is Against Expanded Gun Rights. New York 2023, vor allem Kap. 1; Gun violence in US and what the statistics tell us, in: BBC News; NPR, NRA: »Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun«, 21. 12. 2012, online.


Harry Wilson, Concealed Weapons Laws, in: Carter, Guns in American Society, Bd. 1, S. 136–137; Arming teachers – an effective security measure or a false sense of security? in: The Conversation, 28. 5. 2022, online; Nicolas Kristof, How to Reduce Shootings.


Gun violence in US and what the statistics tell us, in: BBC News; The Violence Project, Methodology und Database, online; vgl. auch Jillian Peterson/James Densley, The Violence Project: How to Stop Mass Shootings. New York 2021.


Max Fisher/Josh Keller, Why Does the U. S. Have So Many Mass Shootings? Research Is Clear: Guns, in: New York Times, 7. 11. 2017, online; Lankford, Are America’s Public Mass Shooters Unique? S. 172.


The Violence Project, Key Findings; vgl. auch Michael Rocque/Grant Duwe, Rampage Shootings: An Historical, Empirical, and Theoretical Overview, in: Current Opinion in Psychology 19 (2018), S. 28–33, 31; LVMPD Preliminary Investigative Report, 1 October/Mass Casualty Shooting, 1–18–2018, bes. S. 3–4, 52–53, online.


Carol Oyster/David B. Kopel, Columbine High School Tragedy, in: Carter, Guns in American Society, Bd. 1, S. 129–135.


Ebd., S. 132; The Violence Project, Database; Rocque/Duwe, Rampage Shootings, S. 29.


Ruth DeFoster, Terrorizing the Masses: Identity, Mass Shootings, and the Media Construction of ›Terror‹. New York 2017, S. 6; Lankford, Are America’s Public Mass Shooters Unique?, S. 172; Harriet Fraad/Richard D. Wolff, American hyper-capitalism breeds the lonely, alienated men who become mass killers, in: The Salon, 8. 11. 2017, online.


The Violence Project, Database.


Randolph Roth, American Homicide. Cambridge, MA, 2009, S. 17–20, 452–463, 469–474, passim; Lankford, Are America’s Public Mass Shooters Unique? S. 172.


Mason Adams, Dylann Roof’s Rebel Yell; The Editorial Board, The Buffalo Shooting Was Not a Random Act of Violence, in: New York Times, 16. 5. 2022, online; Dan Berry u. a., »Always Agitated. Always Mad«: Omar Mateen, According to Those Who Knew Him, in: New York Times, 18. 6. 2016, online; Julie Turkewitz/Kevin Roose, Who Is Robert Bowers, the Suspect in the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting? in: New York Times, 27. 10. 2018, online; The Violence Project, Database.


Pew Research Center, Amid a Series of Mass Shootings in the U. S., Gun Policy Remains Deeply Divisive; Michelle Goldberg, America May Be Broken Beyond Repair, in: New York Times, 27. 5. 2022, online.


Ben Collins/Brandy Zadrozny, Proud Boys Celebrate After Trump’s Debate Callout, in: NBC News, 30. 9. 2020, online; Lankford, Are America’s Public Mass Shooters Unique? S. 172; Rachel Kleinfeld, The Rise of Political Violence in the United States, in: Journal of Democracy 32/4 (2021), S. 160–176; Goldberg, America May Be Broken Beyond Repair (Zitate).


Zu den Geschichtsnarrativen der Milizbewegung vgl. Darren J. Mulloy, American Extremism: History, Politics and the Militia Movement. New York 2004; Robert H. Churchill, To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant’s Face: Libertarian Political Violence and the Origins of the Militia Movement. Ann Arbor, MI, 2009; Berg, Lynchjustiz in den USA, S. 110–125.


Zum Vigilantismus vgl. das klassische Werk von Richard Maxwell Brown, Strain of Violence: Historical Studies of American Violence and Vigilantism. New York 1975; Berg, Lynchjustiz in den USA, bes. S. 9–24, 231–236. Vgl. Kap. 4 u. 5!


Kathleen Belew, Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America. Cambridge, MA, 2018, S. IX, 1–10, passim; vgl. auch Kap. 3!; Michael Barkun, Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement. Chapel Hill 2008; zum Posse Comitatus vgl. Daniel Levitas, The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right. New York 2002, S. 1–10.


Ebd., S. 4; Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style, S. XII.


Belew, Bring the War Home, S. 4, 103–134.


Ebd., S. 4.


Ebd., S. 187–201, 199–200.


Ebd., S. 205–208; vgl. auch John C. Danforth, Interim Report to the Deputy Attorney General Concerning the 1993 Confrontation at the Mt. Carmel Complex, Waco, Texas. Washington, D. C., 8. 11. 2000, S. 4–12, online.


Belew, Bring the War Home, S. 209–229; Darren J. Mulloy, Enemies of the State: The Radical Right in America from FDR to Trump. Lanham, MD, 2018, S. 130–137.


Ebd., S. 130–137, 134; Levitas, The Terrorist Next Door, S. 315.


Belew, Bring the War Home, S. 209–234.


Levitas, The Terrorist Next Door, S. 317–334, 319.


Belew, Bring the War Home, S. 233; Mulloy, Enemies of the State, S. 147.


Leo R. Chavez, Spectacle in the Desert, S. 25–46.


Stella Cooper u. a., Tracking the Oath Keepers Who Attacked the Capitol, in: New York Times, 29. 1. 2021, online; Natalie Reneau u. a., Proud Boys Led Major Breaches of Capitol on Jan. 6, Video Investigation Finds, in: New York Times, 17. 6. 2022, online; Final Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, 117th Congress, House Report, 22. 12. 2022, S. 117–663, bes.499–540, online; K. K. Ottensen, They Are Preparing for War.