
Page numbers for entries occurring in figures are followed by an f, those for entries in notes, by an n, and those for entries in tables, by a t.

Abelshauser, Werner, 160

Acao Integralista Brasileira, 15152, 152n15

achievements, personal: in the good life, 284, 285; in modern experience of work, 59

adaptations, vs. innovations, 3132

Adler, Mortimer, 296

adolescent culture, 24950

adoption: in definition of innovation, 20; vs. development, 20, 20n1; end-users’ role in, 29, 29n6; population density and, 1056; selection mechanisms in, 24, 26

Africa: capitalism in, 266; repression of competition in, 26

after-tax (net) wage, 227n6, 26061

Agassiz, Louis, 48n8

Agenda 2010 (Germany), 161

aggregate demand, claimed deficiency of, 312

agriculture: migration to wage labor from subsistence, 5051; output of farm workers in, 34, 3n3; wages for manual labor in, 46

airline industry, 245

airports, U.S., 83

Albelshauser, Werner, 149

alcoholism, in Soviet Union, 123

Alda, Alan, 281n15

Allen, Robert C., 45n3

altruism, 99n13, 2089, 208n16

American Civil War, 53n15

Amherst College, 296

ancient world: concepts of the good life in, xi; innovation in, 1, 1n1. See also Babylonia; Greece; Finley, M. I.; Rome

angel investors, 3536, 322

animals: mental stimulation and, 61; reason and, 273, 273n3

Anne (queen of England), 253

anti-Semitism, German, 141n5, 147

antiseptics, 50

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 78n2

Argentina: agrarian economy of, 39, 39n16; corporatism in, 152; natural resources of, 79

Aristotle: on eudaimonia, 272, 273, 284, 288; on the good life, 27175, 277, 284, 288; lack of innovation after, 1; Nicomachean Ethics, 271, 271n2, 284; Organon, 10

Arkwright, Richard, 12

Arnhem, battle of, 164n27

Arnold, Matthew, 268, 28283

arts: copyright protection for, 25354; in corporatism, 142; experience of modern life depicted in, 6876. See also literature; music

Asia, corporatism in, 152. See also specific countries

assembly lines, 276n7

associations: employer, 145, 149, 150, 160; professional, 322, 323

attainments, in modern experience of work, 5960

Austen, Jane, 6566; Mansfield Park, 67; Sense and Sensibility, 66

Australia: corporatism in, measurement of, 181; economic performance of, recent, 17173; hours spent on household chores in, 299

Austria: corporatism in, interwar, 151; corporatism in, measurement of, 18082; corporatism in, performance of, 18285; economic performance of, recent, 17173, 18285; infectious diseases in, decline of, 49; job satisfaction in, 207, 214; mercantile capitalism in, 5; in World War I, 144

Austrian Empire, 149

Austrian school of economics, 30, 121, 12930

authoritarianism, loss of freedom under, 133

autocracy, vs. democracy, in formation of modern economies, 9395

automobile industry, 3233, 156, 160

Babbage, Charles, 27

baby boomers, 227, 259, 311

Babylonia: credit institutions in, 91; private property in, 84

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 13, 286

Bacon, Francis, Novo Organum, 10

Bairoch, Paul, 6n8, 45n3

Balanchine, George, 75

Balla, Giacomo, 71

Balleisen, Edward J., 91n10

ballet, 75

Balzac, Honoré de, 67

bank(s): concentration of industry, 256; government debt held by, 25152; government relationship with, 25152; Italian, bailouts of, 144; local and regional, decline of, 3034; merchant, 9192, 322; origins and rise of, 9192; as partnerships vs. corporations, 244; reform of, for recovery of dynamism, 32122; structural faults of, as source of post-1960s economic decline, 24446; U.S. reform of, 154, 245, 32122

bankruptcy, origins of, 91

Bankruptcy Acts (U.S.), 91

Baring family, 91

Baroque music, 72

Barre, Raymond, 157

Barres, Maurice, 151

Barzun, Jacques: From Dawn to Decadence, 98, 217; humanities courses taught by, 296; on James (William), 281n14; on modern era, 98, 203; on organic generation of innovation, 318; on vitalism, 99n13, 279

Becker, Gary, 208n16

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 7273

Belgian Revolution, 96

Belgium: corporatism in, measurement of, 17982; corporatism in, performance of, 18286; democracy in, development of, 9596; economic knowledge in, 11; economic performance of, recent, 174, 18286; mercantile capitalism in, 5; output per worker in, 5, 6; population growth in, 1078; real wages per worker in, 44; urbanization in, 108

Benedict, Ruth, 194

Bentham, Jeremy, 290, 291

Bentolila, Samuel, 201n6

Bergson, Henri, 318; Creative Evolution, 282, 282n17

Berle, Adolf, The Modern Corporation and Private Property, 243

Berlin (Germany), March Revolution in, 117

Berners-Lee, Tim, 27

Bernstein, Leonard, 276

Bertola, Giuseppe, 201n6

Beveridge, William, 132n15

Bhidé, Amar, 29n6, 244; The Venturesome Economy, 319

Bill of Rights (1689, England), 86, 287

biofuels, 13031

Birth of the Modern (Johnson), 98

Bismarck, Otto von, 149, 157, 170

black activism, in 1960s, 291

Black Death, 3, 4

Blake, William, 51, 67

Blanchflower, David, 196, 231, 231n10

Bloom, Harold, 99n13, 279; Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, 280

Blowup (film), 78n2

blue collar workers. See working class

Bodenhorn, Howard, 92, 92n11

Boeing, 323

Boer War, 53n15

Bojilov, Raicho, 212

Bolshevik revolution, 134

booms: construction, 234, 261;, 201, 226; housing, 226, 245, 25253, 310, 312; internet, 219, 261, 303, 311, 315; in mercantile capitalism, 115

borrowing, short-term, by banks, 24445, 322

bossnapping, 16263, 323

Boulton, Matthew, 12, 13, 89

bourgeoisie: in mercantile economies, 97; in modern economies, 97, 114

Bourguignon, Philippe, 209, 210

Bradley, Harold, 32

Bradley, Owen, 32

Bradshaw, David J., 66

Brass, Dick, 242, 242n5

Braudel, Fernand, 1, 44, 44n2

Brazil, corporatism in, 15152

bribery, in corporatism, 178

Britain: art depicting modern life in, 6970; bankruptcy in, 91; commerce in, rise of, 9697; common law in, 84, 85, 87n8; competition in, 195; corporatism in, interwar, 152, 15556; corporatism in, measurement of, 179, 17982; corporatism in, postwar, 16364, 165; democracy in, development of, 95; economic culture of, 195; economic knowledge in, sources of, 11, 12; economic performance of, interwar, 155, 156; economic performance of, recent, 17176; financial panics in, 115; formation of modern economy in, 79, 84, 95, 102; infectious diseases in, decline of, 49; intellectual property rights in, 85; inventions of First Industrial Revolution in, 12, 13, 14; job satisfaction in, 199, 233; joint-stock companies of, 8990; literature on modern life in, 6367; mercantile capitalism in, 2, 5, 115; output per worker in, 56, 7n9, 43; population growth in, 1078; post-1960s economic decline in, 222, 233; poverty in, decline of, 48; productivity growth in, 19th-century, 58; property rights in, 85; public opinion in establishment of capitalism in, 113; real wages per worker in, 5, 6, 6n8, 44, 45, 4647; rule of law in, 8687; socialism in, 120, 132n15, 163; unemployment in, 50, 51, 222; urbanization in, 61, 108; wage-productivity ratio in, 44, 47; wars of, 53n15; working class wages in, 4648. See also England; Ireland; Scotland

British Parliament. See Parliament, British

Brontë, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 66

Brontë, Emily, Wuthering Heights, 64, 64n6

Brooks, David, 239, 280

bubbles, in mercantile capitalism, 115. See also booms

bubonic plague, 3, 4

Buddenbrooks (Mann), 67

Buffett, Warren, 287

Burckhardt, Jacob, 111

bureaucratic red tape, as measure of corporatism, 162, 162n26, 164, 180

Bush, George H. W., 226, 252

Bush, George W.: compassionate conservatism of, 311, 317; expansion of Medicare under, 25960; policy response to stagnation, 313; tax cuts of, 226, 247, 263, 311, 312, 318

business knowledge: growth in, 34; in recovery of dynamism, 31819

business sector. See companies; corporations

Butler, Nicholas Murray, 296

Byron, Lord, 63n5

Calmfors, Lars, 202n8

Calvin, John, 100, 286

Calvinism, and economic culture, 78

Cameron, David, 205

Canada: corporatism in, measurement of, 17982, 180n6; economic performance of, recent, 17174, 18286; job satisfaction in, 198, 201, 214; modernization of economy of, 4142

Candide (Voltaire), 1012, 27576

Cantillon, Richard, 106

capital: definition of, 7; of entrepreneurs, 25; vs. labor, in innovative activity, 2324; 19th-century growth of, 78; physical, in value of companies, 187; population growth in returns on, 108n23; socialist approach to allocation of, 120

capital access index, and job satisfaction, 204

capital goods, vs. consumer goods, in post-1960s economic decline, 224, 224n4, 225n5, 228n7

capitalism: antipathy for, 301; competition in, repression of, 26; corporatism’s critique of, 150; definition of, 41n1; introduction of innovation into, 26; mercantile (See mercantile capitalism); modern (See modern capitalism); mutual gain from exchange of services in, 28990; origins of, 2, 108; scholarship on rise of, 7778, 1089; socialism’s critique of, 11720; use of term, 41n1, 266. See also specific countries

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (Schumpeter), 10, 10n12, 27n4, 207

careers. See employment; job(s); work

caregiving, fulfillment through, 298

Carlyle, Thomas, 67, 117n2

cartels, in corporatism, 143, 148, 151

Casanova, Giacomo, 286

Cassel, Gustav, 9n11

Casson, Mark, 28

Catherine the Great, 297

Catholic Church, on corporatism, 139, 151

Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni), 137

CBI. See Confederation of British Industry

Cellini, Benvenuto, Autobiography, 100, 27980

Celsus, Publius Iuventius, 289

Census Bureau, U.S., 229, 234n13

centralization, in socialism, 11920

CEOs, salaries of, 32021

Cervantes, Miguel, Don Quixote, 63, 100, 280

Cézanne, Paul, 71

challenges, in the good life, 28082, 28384

Chandler, Alfred, The Visible Hand, 241, 241n4

change, continual, in modern experience of work, 57

Chaplin, Charlie, 52

charitable foundations, 306

Charles Albert (king of Sardinia), 144n7

chartered joint-stock companies, 89

Chicago, jazz in, 75

child mortality, effects of modern economies on, 4849, 48n9, 55

China: dynamism of, 22; economic culture of, 195; economic reformation of 1978 in, 195; education of leaders of, 319; manufacturing in, 52, 23435; population density of, and rise of innovation, 1056; productivity growth in, 43; recession of 2008–2009 in, 175; socialism in, 130; wealth accumulation in, 286, 287

choice, in the good life, 278

Christian socialism, 118

Christian Social Party, 141n5

Churchill, Winston, 147

cities: art depicting life in, 7071; creativity in, 1067, 107n21; diversity of, 1067, 116; formation of, 106, 108; population density of, in formation of modern economies, 1048. See also urbanization

Civilian Conservation Corps, 153

Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud), 139

Clark, Gregory, 3, 3n3, 4, 6n8, 46

classical economics: dominance of, 10; on economic knowledge, 9, 10; on freedom, 59

classical music, 7273

classic corporatism, 166

ClearType, 242

Cleminson, James, 164, 164n27

Clinton, Bill, 226, 252

Coase, Ronald, 85n6

codetermination, 138, 141, 166

Coke, Edward, 87n7

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 162

Coleridge, Samuel, 6667

collective bargaining, 202, 202n8, 207

colonialism, in mercantile capitalism, 2

Columbia College, 296

Columbia University, Center on Capitalism and Society at, 21011

commercial banks, 92, 154, 245

commercial economies: culture of, 98; rise and spread of, 2, 9697. See also mercantile capitalism; traditional economies

Common Core State Standards, 324

common law: development of, 84, 85, 87n8; vs. Roman law, 85, 202

Common Sense (Paine), 136

communism, vs. other types of socialism, 118, 120

Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 41n1, 109, 117, 119

communitarianism, in cities, 116

companies: creation of ideas in, 3031; culture of, 208; development of forms of, 8890; joint-stock, 8990, 105; measurement of value of, 18788; right to ownership of, 83; short termism in management of, 24344, 314, 32021; structural faults of, as source of post-1960s economic decline, 24146. See also corporations

Company, The (Mickelthwait and Wooldridge), 90n8

company law: in modern capitalism, 2056; in recovery of dynamism, 321

compassionate conservatism, 311, 317

competition: in capitalism, 26; in corporatism, 24, 26, 14243, 168, 180; in economic culture, 195; of ideas, 24; measurement of, 180; and postwar economic growth, 15859, 159n23; in relationship between innovation and employment, 222; repression of, 26; ruinous, 24546; in socialism, 24, 12425

“Competition as a Discovery Procedure” (Hayek), 34n9, 37n14, 319

Conard, Nicholas, 1n1

concentration, of banking industry, 256

Condorcet, Nicolas de, 101

Confederation of British Industry (CBI), 164

Confederation of Industry (Italy), 14546

Confindustria (Italy), 146

conformism, rise of, 250

Congress, U.S.: banking reform by, 154, 245; business knowledge in, lack of, 31819; on copyright, 254; democracy in, 95; on mortgages, 252; reaction to post-1960s economic decline in, 226, 22829

consensual corporatism, in Germany, 14950

conservatism, compassionate, 311

Constable, John, 69n14, 71

constitution(s): German, 157; Italian, 15657; lack of, in Europe, 144; in measurement of corporatism, 18182; Polish-Lithuanian, 93; U.S., 87, 89

constitutional democracy, moral hazards in, 178

constitutional government, origins of, 8687

construction boom, 234, 261

consumer goods, vs. capital goods, in post-1960s economic decline, 224, 224n4, 225n5, 228n7

contracts: enforcement of, 81; limitations of, 206; social, 140, 166, 166n29, 291; U.S. Constitution on, 87, 89

Coolidge, Calvin, 136

Cooper, John, 284

copyrights: origins of, 85, 253; problems caused by, 25354

corporate welfare, 254, 267

corporations: concentration of sector in large, 256; culture of, 208; governance of, flaws in, 243; origins and development of, 8990, 105; vs. partnerships, banks as, 244; short termism in, 24344, 314, 32021; structural faults of, as source of post-1960s economic decline, 24146; U.S. Supreme Court on rights of, 89, 266

corporatism, 13569; agenda of, 14143, 166; classic, 166; competition in, 24, 26, 14243, 168, 180; critique of modern economy in, 13543, 150; current status of, 314; dark side of, 16869; definition of, 26, 143n6; economic justice in, 186, 301, 302, 3067; future of, 3089, 320; the good life in, 269, 270; innovation in, lack of, 16768, 18692, 314; job satisfaction in (See job satisfaction); measurement of, approaches to, 159, 17982, 180n6; modern elements in, suppression of, 3067; moral hazards of, 17879; new version of, 16668, 26566; origins of, 13741; in post-1960s economic decline, 25158, 26566; postwar evolution of, 150, 15765; as third way, 150; between world wars, 14357. See also specific countries

corporatism, performance of: assumptions in scholarship on, 2013; claims vs. evidence on, 17886, 26869; interwar, 15557; in new version, 26566

corporazioni (ancient guilds), 14546

corruption, as sign of corporatism, 181

Cort, Henry, 12

Cortés, Hernán, 280

Cotis, Jean-Philippe, 180n6

Counter-Revolution of Science, The (Hayek), 34n10

courage, in creation of ideas, 28

Craft, Robert, 30

crashes, in mercantile capitalism, 115

Creative Evolution (Bergson), 282, 282n17

creativity: in cities, 1067, 107n21; drivers of, 2636; in dynamism, 28, 35; in the good life, 28283; imagination in, recognition of role of, 101

credit institutions, origins of, 91

Crimean War, 53n15

crises. See financial crises

critical mass, populations at, 108

Cubism, 71

culturalism, in corporatism, 142

culture(s): company, 208; in economics, lack of consideration of, 19495; vs. institutions, 195n1; political, 194; significance of international differences among, 194

culture, economic, 96104; definition of, 96, 194, 2078; in economic performance, 1034, 21011; in formation of modern economies, 96104, 109; international differences in, 1034, 20911; in job satisfaction, 194, 20715, 213f, 214f; of mercantile capitalism, 97; modern values in, 98104; in post-1960s economic decline, 24650; Protestantism and, 78; in recovery of dynamism, 32324; of socialism, 120; traditional vs. modern, corporatism on, 13739. See also values; specific countries

curiosity, in creation of ideas, 28, 29

currency speculation, 144, 244

Dartmouth College, 89

Darwin, Charles, 38

Daumier, Honoré, 45

Dawn of Innovation, The (Morris), 319

Debtors Act of 1869 (Britain), 91

debtors’ prisons, 91

Declaration of Independence, U.S., 93, 136

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 79n3

Decline of the West, The (Spengler), 79n3

Decree of July 1926 (Italy), 146

deficits. See government deficits

Defoe, Daniel: Moll Flanders, 63; on need for copyrights, 253; Robinson Crusoe, 37, 39, 63, 279n13

democracy: and corporatism, coexistence of, 157; European, development of, 9596; in formation of modern economies, 9396, 105, 109; grassroots, 309; modern values in origins of, x; moral hazards in, 178; scholarship on rise of, 77; U.S., development of, 9495

Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 79n3

Democratic Party (U.S.): on social welfare, 260; traditional values in, 260, 317

Demsetz, Harold, 8485, 85n6

Deng Xiaoping, 52, 195, 286

Denmark: corporatism in, measurement of, 18082; corporatism in, performance of, 18284; economic performance of, recent, 17173, 176, 18284; job satisfaction in, 198, 199, 21314; mercantile capitalism in, 5

depressions, economic: of 1893–1898, 116; in Germany, 148; modern history of, 116. See also Great Depression

derivatives, 266, 267

desires, hierarchy of, 275

determinism: creativity and, 282; historical, 9, 10, 37

Dewey, John, 58n3, 24647, 276, 276n7

Diamond, Jared, 77, 79; Guns, Germs and Steel, 78n1

Dickens, Charles: David Copperfield, 6566; on debtors’ prisons, 91; Hard Times, 6465; on modern experience of work, 6466, 66n10; Oliver Twist, 45, 64; Sketches by Boz, 65, 65n9; Speeches, Letters and Sayings, 65n9; The Uncommercial Traveller, 65n9

diet, effects of modern economies on, 49, 49n13

difference, making a, 285

dignity, 52, 81, 118

diminishing returns, 3, 7

directedness, in corporatism, 138, 166

discoveries, in modern experience of work, 59, 62

Discovery, Age of, 100

discovery procedure, 34, 34n9. See also Hayek, Friedrich

disease: effects of modern economies on, 4850; population density in spread of, 106

distributive justice, 29195, 299300, 3056. See also Rawls, John

diversity: of cities, 1067, 116; in dynamism, 38; of human nature, 29798; and wage inequality, 186

division of labor, in innovation, 23

Doctors without Borders, 286

Doctrine of Fascism, The (Mussolini), 145

Dolfuss, Engelbert, 151

D1/D5 ratio, 186n12

Don Quixote (Cervantes), 63, 100, 280

Dornbusch, Rudi, 174 boom, 201, 226

Douthat, Ross, 238

Draghi, Mario, 174

due process, development of, 8687, 87n8

Dupont, 241n4

Durkeim, Émile, 147

Duyckinck, Evert, 68n12

dynamism, 1940; definition of, ix, 20, 194; in definition of modern economies, ix, 19; diversity in, role of, 38; drivers of creation of ideas in, 2636; economic culture in, 194, 32324; economic freedoms in, x, 29, 308; emergence of first economies with, 1415, 307; growth in relation to, 1922; human resources needed for, 28, 29, 31, 35; measurement of, approaches to, 2122; pecuniary and nonpecuniary motives in, 25, 25n3, 29; recognition of role of, in modern capitalism, 317; recovery of, approaches to, 31624; recovery of, prospects for, 3089, 31617; rise of (See modern economies, formation of); selection mechanisms for ideas in, 2426; social system in, 3640; understanding of mechanisms of, need for, 31719

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), 177n3, 206, 22829

East India Company, 89

eBay, 205

economic growth: in corporatism, 14445, 15859, 161, 178; dynamism in relation to, 1922; in financial crises, origins of, 311; first economies with sustained, 615; postwar comparison of, 15859, 159n23, 161. See also performance

“Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren” (Keynes), 274

Economic Reform of 1948 (Germany), 158

economics, Keynes on study of, 319

“Economics and Knowledge” (Hayek), 31n7

economies. See specific countries and types of economies

economies of scale, in 19th-century productivity growth, 78

Economy and Society (Weber), 78n2

Edison, Thomas, 33

education: in economic justice, 29596, 296n4; government role in, 255, 295, 296n4; humanities courses in, 29697; of legislators and regulators, 31819; modern values in, 324; in socialist economies, 177

efficiency: economic freedoms and, 81; in economic justice, 291, 300; government role in, 316; in socialism, 121, 123, 12930, 13233

Einaudi, Luigi, 157

Einstein, Albert, 113

Eisenhower, Dwight, 251

EITC. See Earned Income Tax Credit

Eliot, Charles, 296

Elmeskov, Jørgen, 201n6

employee engagement, 58, 62, 304

employers’ associations: in German corporatism, 149, 150, 160; in Italian corporatism, 145

employment protection, in corporatism, 180, 19091, 190f, 191f, 201

employment protection legislation (EPL), 180, 191, 201, 201n6

employment rates: in corporatist economies, 18891; entitlements’ impact on, 26063; growth as synonym for high, 222; innovation rate and, 18891, 22223; market-cap-to-output ratio as predictor of, 18889, 189f; of men, decline in, 310; productivity growth rate and, 190n14. See also job(s); unemployment

enclosure movement, 108

end-users: adoption of innovation by, 29, 29n6; diversity among, 38; uncertainty about, 37

energy production, capital in, 24

engagement: employee, 58, 62, 304; in the good life, 284; political, 309

Engels, Friedrich, 117n2; The Communist Manifesto, 41n1, 109, 117, 119

England: Bill of Rights in, 86, 287; copyrights in, 253; economic knowledge in, 35; mercantile capitalism in, 2, 35; poverty in, decline of, 48

Enlightenment: definition of, 10; the good life in, 280, 287; headline inventions of, 12; origins of modernism in, 100101; scientific advances in, 1011

Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, An (Hume), 28n5, 101

entitlement, culture of, 249

entitlements: employment affected by, 26063; expansion of, 22930, 25860

entrepreneur(s): angel investors and, 3536; definition of, 25; diversity among, 38; early recognition of value of, 100101, 276; economic freedoms needed by, 29, 82; initiative taking by, 5859, 98, 98n12; vs. innovators, 28; pecuniary vs. nonpecuniary returns for, 25, 25n3; pre-modern vs. modern, 28; scientific advances used by, ix, 910, 28; in selection process for ideas, 25; social, 25, 286; uncertainty of, 37

“entrepreneurial spirit,” coining of term, 78n2

EPL. See employment protection legislation

equilibrium: in market economies, 9; punctuated, 2223

equity, and wages in free market, 290. See also justice

Erasmus, Desiderius, 99100

Erhard, Ludwig, Prosperity through Competition, 158

Ericson, Leif, 59, 297

Erskine, John, 296

ESOPs, 12829

Espejo, Eugenio, 11

Essais (Montaigne), 100

ethics: Aristotelian, 28688; modern, 211; vs. morality, 208; socialist, 11820, 123; work, 123. See also values

ethnic diversity, and wage inequality, 186

ethnicity, in corporatism, 141n5

eudaimonia, 272, 273, 284, 288

Eurasia, specialization of labor in, 77

Europe: constitutions in, lack of, 144; debate over alternatives to capitalism in, 110; democracy in, development of, 9596; distribution of modern economies in, 7778; economic culture of, vs. U.S., 209; financial crises in, origins of, 31011; financial panics in, 115; job satisfaction in, 23233; music depicting modern life in, 7274; political engagement in, 309; post-1960s economic decline in, 22122, 23233, 314; recovery of dynamism in, approaches to, 31624; recovery of dynamism in, prospects for, 3089, 317; revolutions of 1848 in, 116, 117; social welfare in, 25859. See also specific countries

European Economic Commission, 158

European Union, establishment of, 158

Evans, Harold: “Eureka,” 3233; They Made America, 33, 319

Evans, Oliver, 33

evolution, theory of, 38

evolutionary socialism, 118

Expressionism, 55, 7071

Fabian socialism, 118, 120

Facebook, 243, 249

factories: Dickens on, 64, 65; rise of, 5152. See also manufacturing

“factory councils” movement, 146

failures, social value of, 38

family satisfaction, 19798

family values, 250, 315

Fannie Mae, 25253, 254

Farm Credit System, 322

farm workers, output of, 34, 3n3

Fascist Manifesto of 1919, 144

Fascist Party (Italy), 144, 146

February Revolution (1848), 117

Federal Register of Regulations, 164

Federal Reserve, U.S., 175

Ferguson, Adam, Essay on the History of Civil Society, 2n2

Ferraro, Geraldine, 317

feudal system: decline of, 80, 108; wealth accumulation in, 104

Feynman, Richard, 113

Field Notes from Elsewhere (Taylor), 71

50-10 ratio, 186n12, 227

financial crises: of 2007–2008, 185, 186, 31112, 322; origins of, 31011

financial institutions: in job satisfaction, 2045; reform of, in recovery of dynamism, 32122; rise of, 9192. See also bank(s)

financial panics, 115

financiers: angel investors as, 3536; pluralism of views among, 38

Finland: corporatism in, 180, 185; economic performance of, recent, 17173, 176; job satisfaction in, 21314

Finley, M. I., The Ancient Economy, 1

Fiscal Neutrality toward Economic Growth (Phelps), 263

Fitch, John, 12

Five-Year Plans, of France, 151

Fleming, Alexander, 33

Flexicurity, 198

Flourish (Seligman), 285

flourishing. See mass flourishing; personal flourishing

Fogel, Robert, 14

food production, labor vs. capital in, 2324

Ford, Henry, 3233

Ford Motor Company, 156

foreign trade. See trade

Forster, E. M., 136

Foster, John, 256

Four Speeches on the Corporate State (Mussolini), 145, 145n8, 146

Four-Year Plans, of Italy and Germany, 151

framework conditions, 81. See also institutions, economic

France: art depicting modern life in, 69; corporatism in (See French corporatism); democracy in, development of, 95; dynamism of, loss of, 41; economic culture of, 20910, 246; economic knowledge in, 11; economic performance of, recent, 17176, 18287, 192; emigration from, 185; entrepreneurs in, recognition of value of, 100101, 276; February Revolution in, 117; intellectual property rights in, 85; job satisfaction in, 199, 201, 214, 233; joint-stock companies of, 90; labor force participation in, 51; labor unions in, 16263, 32223; literature on modern life in, 67; mercantile capitalism in, 5, 115; music depicting modern life in, 7475; output per worker in, 56; population growth in, 107; post-1960s economic decline in, 222, 233; productivity growth in, 19th-century, 58; property rights in, 85; real wages per worker in, 5, 6, 44, 45; socialism in, 134, 151; social welfare in, 259; tax code of, 165; unemployment in, 222; unemployment insurance in, 50; urbanization in, 61, 108; wage-productivity ratio in, 4445, 47; wars of, 53n15

Franco, Francisco, 151

Frankenstein (film), 64

Frankenstein (Shelley), 6364

Fraser Institute, 204, 204n14

Freddie Mac, 25253, 254

freedom(s): in dynamism, x, 29, 308; in economic success, 308; in formation of modern economies, 8185, 105; in the good life, 272, 273; international differences in, 104; in justice, 292; in modern experience of work, 59; in socialism, 133

free market, wages in, 290

French corporatism: measurement of, 17982, 180n6; origins of, 151, 162; performance of, 18287; postwar, 16263

French Revolution of 1789–1799, 45, 85, 93, 95

French Revolution of 1830, 95

French Revolution of 1848, 95

Freud, Sigmund, 138, 138n3, 287; Civilization and Its Discontents, 139

Fromm, Erich, 194

frontier, U.S., economic role of, 102, 108n23

Fuggers, 91

future: in historicism, 9; unknowability of, 3738

Futurist art, 71

Gainsborough, Thomas, 68

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 34, 129n12, 267

Gallup, 231, 233

Gandhi, Mahatma, 292n2

Gates, Bill, 193, 242, 286, 290

Gaulle, Charles de, 151

GDP: government outlays as percentage of, 162, 162n25, 164, 17980; per employee, international comparison of, 18283, 183f; per hour worked, international comparison of, 18384, 184f; state-owned enterprises in, 171, 177

gender: barriers based on, effects of modern economies on, 74; and housework, 299; and human fulfillment, 298; and job satisfaction, 231, 231n10; and wage inequality, 227. See also men; women

General Motors, 241n4, 323

General Social Surveys, 62, 231, 232n11, 233

General Theory (Keynes), 37n14

Gentile, Giovanni, 145

Georgics (Virgil), 275

Géricault, Théodore, 69, 69n13

German corporatism: interwar, 141n5, 14750, 15557, 170; measurement of, 17982, 180n6; origins of, 137; performance of, 18287; postwar, 15763, 162n25

German Historical School of Economics, 910, 9n11, 27

German Workers Party, 147. See also Nazi Germany

Germany: anti-Semitism in, 141n5, 147; art depicting modern life in, 7071; constitution of, 157; corporatism in (See German corporatism); democracy in, development of, 96; dynamism of, loss of, 41; economic culture of, 20910; economic growth in, postwar, 15859, 161; economic knowledge in, 11; economic performance of, interwar, 15557; economic performance of, recent, 17176, 18287, 192; job satisfaction in, 199, 201, 214, 233; joint-stock companies of, 90; literature on modern life in, 67; March Revolution in, 117; mercantile capitalism in, 5; music depicting modern life in, 7274; Nazi (See Nazi Germany); output per worker in, 56; population growth in, 107; post-1960s economic decline in, 222, 233; productivity growth in, 19th-century, 58; real wages per worker in, 5, 6, 44, 45; socialism in, 118, 119n5, 134, 147; social welfare in, 258; unemployment in, 222; unification of (1871), 149; urbanization in, 60; wage-productivity ratio in, 45, 47; wars of, 53n15; women in labor force of, 195; World War I reparations by, 148

Gibbon, Edward, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 79n3

Giersch, Herbert, 157

Giffen, Robert, 47, 47n7, 48

Giffen good, 47n7

Gilbert, W. S., 283

Gladstone, William Ewart, 46

Glass, Philip, 75

Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933 (U.S.), 154, 245

global economy: dynamism in rise of, 22; in “golden age” narratives, 238; internationalization of innovation in, 20; measurement of dynamism in, 21; money culture in, 247

Glorious Revolution of 1688, 86

Godwin, William, 63n5

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 67

Gogh, Vincent van, 70

“golden age” narratives, 23740

golden parachute payments, 321

gold standard, 175

Goldwyn, Samuel, 64n7

Gombrich, E. H., 69, 69n14

good, the, Aristotle on, 271, 272

good economy: Democrats’ conception of, 317; dynamism in restoration of, 317; the good life in proper definition of, 26970, 288; as modern economy, 293, 309; Republicans’ conception of, 317

good life, the, 26888; ancient concepts of, xi; Aristotle on, 27175, 277, 284, 288; in corporatism, 269, 270; definition of, 271, 272; economic justice and, 293; humanism on, 27073; in modern capitalism, 301; in modern economies, xixii, 3078; pragmatists on, 27479, 281, 28384; in socialism, 270; universality of goal of, 296; vitalists on, 27988; work-life balance and, 304

Gordon, Robert J., 220n1

Gotha Program, 119n5

government: constitutional, origins of, 8687; expansion of powers of, 86; joint-stock companies chartered by, 89

government debt. See sovereign debt

government deficits: in financial crises, 311; lack of understanding of, 318; need for understanding of, 319; tax rates and, 226, 227n6, 311, 318

government institutions. See institutions

government outlays: and job satisfaction, 2067, 207n15; as measure of corporatism, 16162, 162n25, 163, 164, 17980

government regulations: business knowledge underlying, lack of, 31819; effects on innovation, 8283; harm vs. benefits of, 8283, 206; and job satisfaction, 206, 207; in new corporatism, 167; rise in number of, 253, 253n10

government (state) role: in efficiency, 316; in modernism, 13637; in post-1960s economic decline, 25164, 26667; in recovery of dynamism, 31624

grassroots democracy, 309

Great Books programs, 296

Great Depression: corporatism and, 150, 152, 153, 155; productivity growth in, 8, 222; recovery from, 235; Second, 175

Great Divergence, 11

Great Moderation, 116n1

Great Recession of 2008–2009, 235, 236

Great Transformation of 1820–1930, 26465

Greece, ancient: infrequent innovation in, 1; rule of law in, 87

Greece, modern, bailout of, 252

Groom, Brian, 16364

gross domestic product. See GDP

Grosz, George, 71

growth, as synonym for high employment, 222. See also specific types

guilds, 26, 140, 149

guild socialism, 118

Gutenberg, Johannes, 77

Hamburg (city-state), commercial economy of, 2

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 100, 280

Hammurabi, Code of, 84

happiness: Aristotle on, 284; in the good life, 27778, 284; income in relation to, 5253; literature on, 7172; neoclassical economics on, 27778; productivity growth and, 274n4; pursuit of, in U.S., 101, 280, 284

Hard Times (Dickens), 6465

Hargreaves, James, 12

Harris Interactive, 231n9

Hart, Lorenz, 153n16

Harvey, William, 10, 100

“having it all,” 3045

Haydn, Joseph, 72

Hayek, Friedrich, ix; on adaptations, 31; in Austrian school, 30, 121; counter-revolution of science, 34n10; “Dependence Effect,” 34n9, 129n12; on discovery procedure, 34, 34n9, 37n14, 319; “Economics and Knowledge,” 31n7; on efficiency, 316; on feasibility of socialism, 12532, 133; on German corporatism, 149, 156n21; Individualism and Economic Order, 31n7; on laissez-faire, 132n15; Mises as teacher of, 121; on personal knowledge in innovation, 3031, 31n7, 101; in recognition of indigenous innovation, 128, 129, 129n12; The Road to Serfdom, 129n12, 13132, 132n15, 133, 149, 156n21; Schumpeter influenced by, 10n12; on social change, 310; on unknowns in innovation, 34; use of knowledge in society, 31n7

healthcare industry: government role in, 255, 258; improvements in, with rise of modern economies, 50; in U.S. vs. Europe, 258

Hecht, Ben, 64n7

Heckman, James, 295

hedge funds, 24344, 321n1

Henley, William Ernest, Invictus, 280

Henry V (Shakespeare), 278

“heroic spirit,” 2, 2n2, 15

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, 299

Hicks, John, 7n10

historicism, 9, 10, 26, 37

Hitchcock, Alfred, 78n2, 224n4, 248

Hitler, Adolf, corporatism under, 147, 148, 155, 155n18, 156, 156n21, 170

Hobbes, Thomas, 37

Hockney, David, vii

holding companies, 88

Holland. See Netherlands

Hollande, François, 322

Holocaust, 141n5

home: balance between work and, 304; in the good life, 304; management of, 298, 299; working from, innovation impeded by, 39, 250, 304

home mortgages, government role in, 25253, 311

Homer: Iliad, 279; Odyssey, 279

Hoon, Hian Teck, 222

Hoover, Herbert, 155, 175

Hopper, Edward, 248

hospital practice, improvements in, with rise of modern economies, 50

housework, 298, 299

housing, in recession of 2008–2009, 236, 311

housing boom, 226, 245, 25253, 310, 312

Howard, Philip K., 165

“How Medical Know-How Progresses” (Nelson), 319

Hubble, Edwin, 248

Hudson’s Bay Company, 89

Hugo, Victor, Les Misérables, 45

human fulfillment, 29798

humanism: in economic culture of modern economies, 98; on the good life, 27073; vs. socialism, 132, 133

humanities, in core curriculum, 29697

human nature: economic justice and, 296300; as universal vs. diverse, 29798

Hume, David: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, 28n5, 101; on the good life, 280; on imagination, 28, 28n5; on mercantile capitalism, 97; Treatise on Human Nature, 97

“hundred years’ peace,” 53n15

Hungary: job satisfaction vs. security in, 233; market socialism in, 125

Hutchens, Robert, 296

hygiene, effects of modern economies on, 49

Ibert, Jacques, 7475

Ibsen, Henrik, 282

Iceland: corporatism in, measurement of, 181; job satisfaction in, 214; population density of, 105; vitalism in, 286

ICT. See information and communications technologies

ideas: competition of, 24; drivers of creation of, 2636; failed, value of, 38; in modern economies, 2327; population density in spread of, 106; science as source of, 2627; selection mechanisms for, 2426; society’s role in, 3640

ideas sector, 23

imaginarium, modern economy as, 2728

imagination: in creativity, recognition of role of, 101; in dynamism, 28, 29, 32; in the good life, 280

IMF. See International Monetary Fund

imitation, vs. innovation, 20; in corporatist economies, 187; in global economy, 20, 21

immigration: economic performance and, 18586; job satisfaction and, 201

importance of job, in job satisfaction, 199201, 200t

incentives: in joint-stock companies, 90; short-term, at corporations, 24344, 314, 32021; in socialism, 12226, 123n7

inclusion, economic: definition of, 173, 227; international decline of, 176; in modern capitalism, 307; in nineteenth-century London, 64n6; in post-1960s economic decline, 22730; as social benefit of wage growth, 47; in socialism, 173, 176; subsidies for, 240, 292

income: control of, in corporatism, 159; extraordinary, 293; vs. flourishing, vii; and the good life, 27172, 27374; growth of, in expansion of social welfare, 260; happiness in relation to, 5253; justice in distribution of, 29195, 299300, 3056. See also wage(s)

income inequality. See wage inequality

income tax. See tax(es)

Index of Social Infrastructure, 181n8

India, employment subsidies in, 292n2

indigenous innovation: capacity for (See dynamism); in corporatism, evidence on lack of, 18792; definition of, ix, 9; emergence of economies based on, 1415; Hayek’s role in recognition of, 128, 129, 129n12; as source of economic knowledge, 1415

individualism: in corporatism, 147, 151, 166, 168; in modernism, 99100, 13536; origins and development of, 99100; in socialism, 13233

Individualism and Economic Order (Hayek), 31n7

industrialization: Dickens’s views on, 65; as stage of modernization, 1089

Industrial Revolution, First: dates of, 12, 13n13; headline inventions of, 1214

Industrial Revolution, Second, 13n13

infectious diseases, effects of modern economies on, 4850

informal sector, in socialist economies, 174

information and communications technologies (ICT), 180n6, 225n5, 228, 228n7

Inglehardt, Ronald, 285

initiative, taking, in modern vs. traditional economies, 5859, 98, 98n12

innovation(s): vs. adaptation, 3132; in ancient world, 1, 1n1; current status of, 31316; definition of, vii, 1, 20, 20n1; development vs. adoption of, 20, 20n1; division of labor in, 23; employment in relation to, 18891, 22223; end-users’ role in, 29, 29n6; indigenous (See indigenous innovation); international differences in distribution of, 7778, 105; vs. invention, 20n1; mass, in modern economies, 5354, 308; need for, to reverse stagnation, 313; in post-1960s economic decline, 225, 228, 26364; public recognition of role of, viiviii; during recessions, 235, 235n14; regulations’ effects on, 8283; Schumpeter’s account of, ix, xi, 10, 10n12; vs. scientific discoveries, 11, 1213; scientific discoveries as cause of, ix, xi, 912, 2627; selection mechanisms for, 2426; short termism and, 314; in socialist economies, lack of, 12729, 130; as source of economic knowledge, 1214; stages in process of, 23; understanding of mechanisms of, need for, 31719; use of term, 20n1; variations in volume of, 2021

innovation system, national economy as, 20

input. See productivity

insiders, in corporatism, 17879

insight, in dynamism, 28, 29, 32

institutions: vs. culture, 195n1; financial (See financial institutions); German Historical School on role of, 9n11; political, 9396, 14243; in rise of innovation, vii, 7980

institutions, economic: of capitalism, 2047; in economic performance, 104; financial institutions as, 9192; in formation of modern economies, 8192, 314; freedoms as, 8185; international differences in, 104; in job satisfaction, 2017; private property as, 8386, 204; in representative democracies, 9394; of socialism, 120

insurance: social, 2067, 258; unemployment, 50, 2012

intellectual property rights: in formation of modern economies, 8586; origins of protections for, 8586, 253; problems caused by, 25354

interactivity: in dynamism, 3839; in modern experience of work, 58, 6061

interchange, in modern experience of work, 58, 6061

interest rates, expansion of entitlements and, 261

international differences: in economic culture, 1034, 20911; in economic knowledge, 1112; in innovation, rise of, 7778, 105; in job satisfaction (See job satisfaction); in modern values, 1034, 28586

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 303

International Social Survey Programme, 199

international trade. See trade

internet boom, 219, 261, 303, 311, 315

internet revolution, 188, 226

internships, for regulators and legislators, 318

inventions: accidental innovations, 33; characteristics of inventors, 1213; headline, of First Industrial Revolution, 1214; vs. innovation, 20n1; as source of scientific knowledge, 1213

investment banks: and commercial banks, separation of, 154, 245; origins of, 92; as partnerships, 88; structural faults of, as source of post-1960s economic decline, 24446

Ireland: corporatism in, interwar, 151; corporatism in, measurement of, 18082; corporatism in, performance of, 18286; economic performance of, recent, 18286; job satisfaction in, 196, 198, 201, 214; pauperism in, 48

Irving, Washington: “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” 68; The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., 68

isolation, innovation impeded by, 39

Israel, modernization of economy of, 42

Italian corporatism: interwar, 14142, 14347, 15556; measurement of, 17982, 180n6; performance of, 18287; postwar, 16063

Italy: art depicting modern life in, 71; authoritarianism in, 133; bribery in, 178; capitalism in, rejection of, 14445; constitution of, 15657; corporatism in (See Italian corporatism); dynamism in, 21; economic knowledge in, 12; economic performance of, interwar, 15556; economic performance of, recent, 17177, 18287, 192; job satisfaction in, 199, 201, 214, 233; mercantile capitalism in, 5, 144; music depicting modern life in, 74; 19th-century productivity in, 8, 21; post-1960s economic decline in, 233; scientism in, 142; socialism in, 134, 144; in World War I, 144

Jacobs, Jane, 1067, 107n21

James, William, 58n3, 28081, 281n14, 282

James I (king of England), 253

Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë), 66

Janicek, Joseph, 77

Japan: corporatism in, 152, 181; dynamism of, 22

jazz, 7475

Jefferson, Thomas, 101, 136, 248, 280, 284

Jellicoe, Samuel, 12

Jewish law, 84, 87

Jews: anti-Semitism against, 141n5, 147; corporatism on, 141n5

Jhunjhunwala, Bharat, 292n2

job(s): access to, socialism on, 118; employee engagement in, 58, 62, 304; importance of, in job satisfaction, 199201, 200t. See also employment rates; unemployment

job creation, decline in, 234, 256, 257f

job destruction, decline of, 234, 256, 257f

jobless recovery: of 2010–2011, 222; definition of, 234

Jobs, Steve, 28, 228, 268

job satisfaction, 193215; cultural cause of differences in, 194, 20715, 213f, 214f; institutional cause of differences in, 2017; international differences in, 195201, 196f, 197f, 198f, 200t; vs. job security, 233; in post-1960s economic decline, 23033, 231n9, 232f; in socialist economies, 120; value of measuring, 19697; among working class, 62. See also work, experience of; specific countries

job security: and discontent with modern economies, 11516, 116n1; in post-1960s economic decline, 23334, 234n12; in socialist economies, 17475

John (king of England), 86

Johnson, Paul, 1, 1213; Birth of the Modern, 98

Johnson, Samuel, 107

joint-stock companies, origins of, 8990, 105. See also corporations

Joint Stock Companies Act of 1844 (Britain), 89

Joint Stock Companies Act of 1856 (Britain), 8990

Jonna, Jamil, 256

Judah, Anna, 33

Judah, Theodore, 33

judgment, in creation of ideas, 28

justice, economic, xii, 289309; distributive, 29195, 299300, 3056; flawed conception of in corporatism, 186, 301, 302, 3067; in good economy, 288; human nature and, 296300; in modern capitalism, 293, 300307; in modern economies, xii, 29296; for nonparticipants in economy, 298300, 3056; political systems and, 309; Rawls on, 228, 29096, 299300; in socialism, 301, 302, 3067; wage inequality in, 290, 29192, 302

Kasparov, Garry, 310

Keats, John, 280

Kellaway, Lucy, 197n3

Kennedy, John F., 21920, 226

Kennedy, Maev, 50

Keynes, John Maynard, ix; on creation of ideas, 37, 37n14; “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren,” 274; General Theory, 37n14; on Hayek, 132n15; on importance of ideas, 267; on Italian corporatism, 147; as Marshall’s student, 56n1; neoclassical welfarism of, xi; at Spiethoff’s retirement, 9n11; on study of economics, 319; A Treatise on Probability, 37n13; on uncertainty, 37, 318

kickbacks, 178

Kierkegaard, Søren, 101, 282

Kilby, Jack, 27

king, rights against the, 8687

King, Larry, 33

King Lear (Shakespeare), 100

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 71

Klein, Felix, 19

Kling, Arnold, 255

Knight, Frank, ix, 3637; Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, 37n13

knowledge, business: growth in, 34; in recovery of dynamism, 31819

knowledge, economic, 115; in ancient world, 1; definition of, 1; German Historical School on, 910; indigenous innovation as source of, 1415; international differences in, 1112; inventions as source of, 1214; measurement of, approaches to, 34; in mercantile era, 25; 19th-century explosion of, 58; in productivity growth, 3, 8; in Renaissance, 1; scientific advances as source of, 912; in socialist economies, 12527

knowledge, personal: in creation of ideas, 3031, 31n7, 101; in the good life, 27377, 284

knowledge economy, 31, 109, 12829

Koestler, Arthur: The Act of Creation, 283; The Sleepwalkers, 283

Kokoschka, Oskar, 71

Kroc, Ray, 287

Kronman, Anthony, 29697

Krueger, Jonathan, 36n12

Kruger, Franz, 7071

Krugman, Paul, Geography and Trade, 7n10

Kuczynski, Jürgen, 6, 6n8, 7; Labour Conditions in Western Europe, 6n8; A Short History of Labour Conditions, 6n8

Kuznets, Simon, 106n20