Chapter 1



Fluids, materials that deform continuously under an applied shear stress, are omnipresent in the world around us, and beyond. Fluid mechanics is the branch of science concerned with moving and stationary fluids. Here fluids are treated as being continuous even though their substance is discrete at the molecular level. At the macroscopic level, the molecular character of fluids is manifested as diffusive transport of species, heat, and momentum. With the continuum approximation, the dependent field variables of velocity, pressure, density, temperature, etc. are considered to be well defined at every point in space and classical thermodynamics is applied even when the fluid is not perfectly in equilibrium. In static situations, gravity and thermodynamic gradients in the fluid determine whether or not the situation is stable to small perturbations. When fluids move, they obey Newton’s second law but there is no restriction of the system of units used to describe the relevant forces and accelerations. This fact and the requirement for dimensional homogeneity in physically meaningful equations allows potentially useful scaling laws to be developed from considerations of the dimensions of relevant parameters, fluid properties, and fundamental constants.


Definition of a fluid; Continuum hypothesis; Fluid particle; Molecular transport; Fluid statics; Thermodynamics; Stratified fluids; Static stability; Dimensional analysis
Chapter Objectives

1.1. Fluid Mechanics

Fluid mechanics is the branch of science concerned with moving and stationary fluids. Given that the vast majority of the observable mass in the universe exists in a fluid state, that life as we know it is not possible without fluids, and that the atmosphere and oceans covering this planet are fluids, fluid mechanics has unquestioned scientific and practical importance. Its allure crosses disciplinary boundaries, in part because it is described by a nonlinear field theory and also because fluid phenomena are readily observed. Mathematicians, physicists, biologists, geologists, oceanographers, atmospheric scientists, engineers of many types, and even artists have been drawn to study, harness, and exploit fluid mechanics to develop and test formal and computational techniques, to better understand the natural world, and to attempt to improve the human condition. The importance of fluid mechanics cannot be overstated for applications involving transportation, power generation and conversion, materials processing and manufacturing, food production, and civil infrastructure. For example, in the twentieth century, life expectancy in the United States approximately doubled. About half of this increase can be traced to advances in medical practice, particularly antibiotic therapies. The other half largely resulted from a steep decline in childhood mortality from water-borne diseases, a decline that occurred because of widespread delivery of clean water to nearly the entire population – a fluids-engineering and public-works achievement. Yet, the pursuits of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers are interconnected: engineers need to understand natural phenomena to be successful, scientists strive to provide this understanding, and mathematicians pursue the formal and computational tools that support these efforts.
As in other scientific fields, mankind’s mathematical abilities are often too limited to tackle the full complexity of real fluid flows. Therefore, whether we are primarily interested in understanding flow physics or in developing fluid-flow applications, we often must depend on observations, computer simulations, or experimental measurements to test hypotheses and analyses, and to develop insights into the phenomena under study. This book is an introduction to fluid mechanics that should appeal to anyone pursuing fluid mechanical inquiry. Its emphasis is on fully presenting fundamental concepts and illustrating them with examples drawn from various scientific and engineering fields. Given its finite size, this book provides – at best – an incomplete description of the subject. However, the purpose of this book will have been fulfilled if the reader becomes more curious and interested in fluid mechanics as a result of its perusal.