
Acheron 52, 54, 182183

Achilles 15, 17, 20, 54, 101, 104, 109110, 112114, 142, 178, 180

Aeacus 5, 5253

Aeneas 142, 173, 178180, 183187

Aeschines 161, 169n55, 169n56

Aeschylus 11, 17, 23, 155156, 158, 162163, 165166, 169n50

Africa 83

Agamemnon 17, 102, 109, 156, 162164, 187

Alcestis 85

ancestors 24

angelos 113114

angelus 85

anger 11, 110, 155, 158159, 163164, 167n15

animals 4, 23, 72, 106, 119, 161; animal blood 16, 53, 184; animal skin 59; see also blood; sacrifice

animus/anima 8889, 91, 93n3, 179180, 185186

anthropology 2, 69, 75, 78, 108, 147n14, 165

Antigone 17

Aphrodite 4, 53, 60

Apollo 119, 123124, 130n8

Apollonius Rhodius 156, 158160, 162163, 166, 168n49

Apuleius 139, 144145

Aristophanes 16, 5254

Aristophanes of Byzantium 157162, 164166, 167n16, 168n42, 170n69

Aristotle 168n38

army see war

Artemis 64n10

atheism 2, 11n1

Athena 38, 60, 73, 104, 106107, 110111, 113114

Athens 10, 15, 19, 23, 52, 72, 121, 161, 168n36, 169n55

Augustus 8, 122, 130n12, 139140, 177

Avernus 178179, 183, 185

Bacchus see Dionysus

Bacchic rites see Dionysus: mysteries of battle 168n36; battlefield 177; see also war

Beard, M. 76, 125

belief 12, 4, 710, 24, 53, 73, 84, 86, 90, 102, 113, 133, 136138, 142, 145146, 146n3, 183; in an afterlife 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29, 71, 74, 8489, 93, 102, 125, 134, 142, 163; as a concept in ancient religion 12, 11n1, 134; in ghosts 7, 29, 133134, 136138, 142, 145

bereavement 7; see also grief; mourning

binding: of corpse 160, 164165, 170n69; spells 164, 169n61

blood 156, 160, 163, 184

body see corpse

Bremmer, J. N. 74, 161, 173

burial 2, 5, 15, 1820, 2223, 40, 75, 83, 86, 122, 129, 144, 186; importance of 1518, 144; see also restless dead

Burkert, W. 2, 77

caduceus 5556, 64n5, 6972, 74, 186

Caesar, Julius 8, 117118, 122, 124125, 127, 129, 130n5, 130n12

Caligula 144

catacomb 72, 74, 8384, 8889, 92

Cerberus 5, 16, 52, 70, 72, 141, 180

Ceres see Demeter

Charon 5, 20, 52, 63n2, 72, 187

child/children 2, 60, 63n2, 71, 109, 146n5, 157, 165, 169n58; child loss 34; souls of children 180181

childbirth, death in 120

Christian 12, 7677, 84, 8892, 134, 174, 183

Christianity see Christian

Cicero 79, 117118, 120122, 125129, 130n9, 130n11, 143, 168n36

Circe 54, 73, 106, 110, 114, 185

Clytemnestra 156, 163

Cocytus 52, 54, 182

Corinth 24

corpse 12, 5, 7, 15, 1720, 2224, 26, 28, 37, 3940, 4344, 7071, 74, 102, 107, 118, 144, 147n10, 184186; mutilation of 11, 144, 157, 159162, 164166, 169n58, 170n69; preparation of 3, 15, 1819, 144; see also burial: importance of

crossroads 64n10

cultural imagination see imagination

cultural memory see memory: cultural

Cupid see Eros

curse tablets 29; see also tablets, gold/Orphic

Cynthia 139140, 143144, 146n6, 147n17

Darius 23, 169n58

darkness 10, 1516, 20, 5253, 64n10, 101108, 114115, 185186

Deiphobus 178179, 187

deity 2, 8, 56, 62, 64n11, 6970, 7273, 7778, 130n8; chthonic 60, 62, 64n10, 7374, 85

Delphi 16, 169n63

Demeter 52, 107, 123; see also mysteries, Eleusinian

demons 90, 135136, 146n5, 155, 163164, 169n50; Etruscan 10, 51, 5457, 5960, 6263, 63n2, 63n4, 64n7, 64n8, 64n9

Dickie, M. 75

Dio Cassius 8

Diodorus Siculus 16, 168n38, 169n58, 183

Dionysus 5253, 56, 123, 130n6; mysteries of 6, 119, 124, 126, 129, 130n6; see also tablets, gold/Orphic

Dis Pater 73, 85

divination 7, 73, 75; see also oracles

dreams and dreaming 78, 10, 73, 101, 105107, 138, 140142, 144145, 146n5, 146n7, 147n10, 147n12, 147n13; see also Gates of Dreams; Gates of Helios

Dundes, A. 143, 147n14

Edmonds, R. G. 74

education 173175

Egypt 3, 108, 176177

eidōlon 17, 20, 22, 26, 2829, 103, 106107, 143

Electra 17, 23

Elpenor 1516, 178, 183184

Elysian fields see Elysium

Elysium 55, 8490, 93, 141, 180182, 187

Endymion 4

Ennius 119, 128129, 130n11

Epic of Gilgamesh see Gilgamesh, Epic of

peitaph 3, 56, 35, 83, 88, 117, 119123, 128, 130n7, 134, 142; see also catacomb; grave; memorial; monument; sarcophagus

Erebus 103

Erinyes 160, 163164

Eros (god) 4, 71

Euripides 16, 24, 52, 156158

Eustathius 147n9, 168n41

Fates, the 85, 119

Felton, D. 144, 146n7, 147n15

folklore 910, 112, 133136, 138, 141, 143145, 146n3, 147n14, 147n16, 147n17

Frazer, J. G. 108

funeral 4, 15, 1820, 22, 24, 26, 121122, 139140, 144

Gallic see Gaul

Gates of Dreams 105, 107, 140142, 144, 147n10, 147n12, 147n13

Gates of Helios 101, 104105, 107, 141

Gates of Horn and Ivory see Gates of Dreams

Gaul 85

Gilgamesh, Epic of 108

ghost 7, 10, 16, 22, 24, 26, 103, 106107, 133138, 140145, 146n5, 146n7, 147n15, 187; see also animus/anima; eidōlon; manes; phantom; psychē; shade; soul; spirit

gods 3, 68, 34, 36, 43, 52, 60, 74, 76, 78, 90, 101, 104, 110, 113, 118, 124125, 127, 158, 161162, 178, 186187; chthonic see deity: chthonic

Graf, F. 142

graffiti 88, 175

grave 15, 1820, 2224, 2629, 3334, 46n5, 54, 63n2, 74, 8384, 88, 9091, 121123, 142144, 155, 158159, 169n62; goods 2, 5, 83; marker 2223, 2628, 3436, 3942, 4546, 46n10, 46n11, 8384; offerings at 1920, 22, 24, 2627; see also catacomb; epitaph; memorial; monument; sarcophagus; sēma

grief 89, 2223, 147n12, 181182; see also bereavement; mourning

guide 53, 73, 113114; see also Hermes; psychopomp

Hades (god) 4, 39, 52, 56, 7274 107, 142; house of 102, 105106, 110, 114115

Hades (realm) 5, 1516, 20, 22, 33, 5354, 5657, 59, 6263, 101106, 142143; see also Elysium; Erebus; Tartarus; underworld

haunting 7, 16, 143144, 146n5

heaven 8, 103104, 110, 126, 128, 142

Heaven (Christian) 88

Hecate 59, 64n10, 72, 78, 79n1

Hector 17, 29, 4041, 46n11

Helen 111

Helios 72, 101, 103105, 107, 114, 141; see also Gates of Helios

Hera 69, 109

Heracles 16, 5253, 59, 70, 72, 106, 169n58, 173, 178

Hercules see Heracles

Hermes 10, 20, 5556, 64n5, 6975, 7778, 79n1, 85, 102, 106107, 110111, 113115, 141, 147n10, 187; see also caduceus; guide; psychopomp

Herodotus 24, 44, 73, 144, 165, 168n37, 169n58

Hesiod 15, 104105, 142

Homer 10, 17, 20, 28, 35, 46n18, 54, 73, 101110, 113, 115, 128, 141144, 147n9, 147n13, 156, 162, 173, 176, 178180, 185186

Horace 144

Horsfall, N. 147n11, 173, 175, 181, 186

Hypnos (god) 20

imagination 26, 110, 133, 142, 155; cultural 910, 124, 136

immortality 6, 10, 101, 106, 108, 125126, 128; of gods 125, 127; of the soul 2, 7, 74, 77

internet, folklore on 135, 145

Iris 113114

Jesus of Nazareth 91; see also Christian

Jews see Judaism

Johnston, S. I. 16, 18, 2223, 2829, 142143, 147n15, 148n18, 169n51, 169n60, 173, 177

Judaism 76, 91, 108, 134, 173

judgement 7374, 85, 87, 128, 180

Juno see Hera

Jupiter see Zeus

katabasis 1516, 101, 104, 114, 141142

killing/killers 24, 41, 109, 136, 140, 143, 156, 158163, 169n50, 169n58, 180, 184; see also murder; restless dead; sacrifice; suicide

korē 3439, 43, 46n8

Korē see Persephone

Kübler-Ross, E. 9

lake, underworld 52; see also rivers, underworld

larva 143

law 24, 107, 140, 162, 183

legend 145, 146n3, 183

lemures 143

Lenin, body of 5

Lethe 141, 187

Lévi-Strauss, C. 108, 143, 147n14

libation 16, 23, 54, 83, 8890, 93, 114, 130n8; see also offering

Lucian 86, 142, 147n13

magic 3, 7375, 7778, 79n2, 90, 155, 164165, 177, 179; see also curse tablets; necromancy; sciomancy

manes 6, 90, 93, 126, 142143, 146

marriage 140; death before 4, 34, 3740

Melissa (wife of Periander) 24, 144

memorial 5, 44, 83, 120, 129; Vietnam Wall Memorial 5; see also epitaph; grave; monument; tomb

memory 1, 3, 5, 10, 18, 23, 26, 28, 36, 44, 46, 46n5, 7576, 8384, 88, 93, 106, 110111, 118, 120121, 124, 129, 130n3, 178; cultural 5, 119

Menelaus 111112

Mercury see Hermes

Minerva see Athena

Mithras 90

monument 5, 10, 22, 3346, 46n5, 46n15, 46n16, 59, 69, 7778, 83, 91, 117118, 120124, 128129; see also catacomb; epitaph; grave; memorial; sarcophagus

monumentum see monument

mourning 20, 118, 144; see also bereavement; grief

mummification 5

murder 7, 11, 1718, 136, 140, 143144, 155160, 163164, 167n15; see also killing/killers; restless dead; sacrifice; suicide

mutilation of the living 161162, 166, 168n37, 168n38; see also corpse: mutilation of

mysteries see mystery cults

mysteries, Eleusinian 16, 52

mystery cults 6, 10, 16, 52, 63, 75, 84, 142; see also Dionysus: mysteries of; mysteries, Eleusinian; Orphism; Pythagoreanism; tablets, gold/Orphic

myth see mythology

mythology 34, 17, 20, 27, 54, 64n8, 8485, 112113, 134, 139, 141, 146n3, 164, 173174, 177, 185; of the underworld 34, 16, 105, 142, 182

necromancy 23, 177, 184185; see also magic; sciomancy

Nestor 110112

netherworld see underworld

North Africa see Africa

North, J. A. 76, 125

Oceanus 16, 103, 107108, 127, 185

Octavian see Augustus

Odysseus 1516, 20, 54, 73, 101102, 104115, 141, 178, 184185

offering 2, 20, 2324, 2728, 35, 3839, 8990, 9293, 124, 130n8, 156158, 162; see also libation

Ogden, D. 79n2, 143144, 146n7, 147n15, 168n33, 168n48, 169n60, 177, 183

oracles: of Amphiaraus 147n13; of the dead 177, 183; Sibyl 142, 179; see also Avernus; divination

Orpheus 16, 173; see also Orphism; tablets, gold/Orphic

Orphic see Orphism

Orphism 10, 7375, 7778, 173; see also Orpheus; tablets, gold/Orphic

Ovid 86, 130n12

Palinurus 185186

Patroclus 15, 17, 20, 54, 142

Paul, St 91, 93n3

Pausanias 16, 73, 144, 157, 185

Penelope 106109, 141

Periander (tyrant of Corinth) 24, 144, 168n38

Persephone 4, 3536, 3839, 52, 7274, 85, 107

Peter, St 8889, 91, 92

Petronius 122

phantom 101, 103, 106108, 110; see also ghost

philosophy 9, 117, 126, 173, 176177, 188

Phrasikleia 10, 3346, 46n15, 46n16, 109

Plato 16, 125126, 147n10, 161, 169n50, 173, 176

Pliny the Elder 2, 7, 144

Pliny the Younger 7, 134

Plutarch 68, 86, 144, 168n36

Pluto see Hades (god)

pollution, religious 156, 163

Polydorus 157

Polyxena 54

Poseidon 102, 104

power: of the dead 159160, 163, 169n56, 186; over the dead 74; of the gods 73, 104, 107, 114, 187; of images 90; metaphorical 4, 40, 42, 121, 145146; of names 108109, 112; political 5, 8, 72; powerlessness of the dead 28, 40

Priam 104, 114

Price, S. R. F. 1, 76, 124125

Prometheus 17

Propertius 10, 88, 130n12, 133, 135, 138146, 146n6, 147n8, 147n17

Proserpine see Persephone

psychē 17, 20, 26

Psyche 4

psychopomp 20, 22, 5556, 63, 64n9, 7275, 78, 107, 111, 113114; see also caduceus; guide; Hermes

psychopompos/psychopompus see psychopomp

Pyriphlegethon 54

Pythagoreanism 73

Quintilian 144, 146n7

reincarnation 73, 179

restless dead 16, 143; see also burial: importance of; murder; suicide; violence: violent death; youth/young

revenant 155, 163

revenge 143144, 159, 163165, 169n56

ritual 2, 5, 10, 22, 26, 38, 74, 76, 79, 93, 117, 123124, 129, 143, 155, 157162, 166, 168n45, 177, 183185

rivers, underworld 16, 54, 180, 182183, 186187; see also Acheron; Cocytus; Lethe; Pyriphlegethon; Styx

Rohde, E. 164, 168n41, 168n49, 169n55

Rome 72, 78, 84, 8687, 89, 91, 118120, 127, 129, 134, 142, 173175

sacrifice 9, 16, 53, 90, 92, 158, 160162, 164, 168n49; human 54, 168n44;

see also killing/killers; murder

sarcophagus 4, 5455, 5960, 62, 63n1, 7072, 7475, 83, 86, 88, 91; see also catacomb; epitaph; grave; memorial; monument

sciomancy 184185; see also magic; necromancy

Scipio Africanus 125128

Selene 4, 64n10

sēma 22, 3436, 3945, 46n10, 46n16

Servius 11, 125, 147n9, 173188

Servius Sulpicius Rufus 9

shade 15, 17, 22, 54, 73, 88, 106, 141143, 147n12, 178, 180, 184, 186187; see also animus/anima; eidōlon; ghost; manes; phantom; psychē; soul; spirit

Shades see manes

shadow see darkness; shade

shrine 2, 64n6, 185; at Avernus 183, 185; for Cicero’s daughter Tullia 8, 120122, 129

Sibyl see oracles

Sicily 89

Sisyphus 1617

Sophocles 11, 17, 24, 155159, 162, 166, 166n1, 168n32, 169n56

soul 12, 4, 68, 10, 1518, 20, 2224, 2629, 60, 69, 7274, 7778, 8593, 101103, 105110, 113115, 141142, 177, 179182, 185188; transmigration of 73, 179; see also animus/anima; ghost; manes; phantom; psychē; shade; spirit

Sparta 111

spirit 5, 2324, 107, 113, 115, 142144, 147n7, 163, 186; see also animus/anima; ghost; manes; phantom; pyschê; shade; soul

stars 103, 118, 121, 123124

stillbirth see child/children: child loss

Stoic see Stoicism

Stoicism 125126

Strabo 165

Styx 16, 20, 52, 180182, 186

Suetonius 8, 122, 144

suicide 161, 164, 179, 181; see also killing/killers; restless dead

tablets, gold/Orphic 7475, 86, 142; see also curse tablets

Tantalus 17

Tartarus 186

Tertullian 75, 88

Thanatos (god) 20

Thompson. S. 143, 147n16

tomb see grave

tragedy, Greek 23, 27, 159, 162163, 166

transmigration of souls see reincarnation

Troy 109110, 115

Tullia, daughter of Cicero 89, 118, 120, 122, 125129

tumulus 121, 123

Turms 5556, 73

umbra 122, 179, 185186

unbelief see belief

underworld 34, 1518, 20, 2223, 33, 39, 5152, 55, 6263, 64n4, 64n10, 7274, 77, 86, 93, 102, 106107, 110, 125, 142144, 173, 177179, 186187; geography of 1516, 5155, 57, 5960, 101, 105, 141142, 177183; journey to 18, 22, 55, 57, 62, 63n2, 7374, 85, 101, 103, 107, 114, 179, 185, 187; see also Elysium; Erebus; Hades (realm); katabasis; Tartarus

universe 63, 108, 123, 126, 129, 188

vampire 135136, 155

vengeance see revenge

Venus see Aphrodite

Veyne, P. 8, 11n1, 134, 139140, 146n6, 147n8

Vibia 7274, 8485, 8788, 93

violence 136, 163164; violent death 17, 130n5, 143, 163; see also restless dead

Virgil 1011, 73, 86, 117119, 122124, 126129, 130n2, 130n12, 141142, 144, 147n12, 173183, 185188

war 10, 19, 158159, 161, 187; see also battle

warrior 2829 46n11

werewolf 135136

witch 135136, 140

wrath see anger

youth/young 4, 8, 10, 18, 20, 28, 3334, 3638, 40, 5556, 5960, 70, 9192, 106, 114, 118, 130n3, 165, 175; see also restless dead

Zeus 38, 52, 69, 103104, 109, 113