Mormon War. Return to West Point. The Plains in 1858. The Signal System. Fort Steilacoom, 1860. Leaving Steilacoom. At San Francisco. Interview with McPherson. Resign from U. S. Army. New York to Georgia. Captain of Engineers, C.S.A. Impressions of Travel. The First Blow. Instructions to Maj. Anderson. Anderson’s Second Excuse. Third Excuse. Buchanan’s Excuse
At Richmond. Gen. Robert S. Garnett. Orders Received. At Manassas. Installing Signal Stations. Strategic Opportunities. Beauregard’s Suggestions. McDowell’s Moves. Orders sent Johnston. Johnston Marches. Patterson remains Ignorant. The Odds against Us. Masked Batteries, etc. Blackburn’s Ford. An Infantry Skirmish. An Artillery Duel. New Plan Needed. Plan Adopted. McDowell Overpersuaded. In the Confederate Lines. McDowell’s New Plan. Beauregard’s Plan. How it Failed. Tyler at Stone Bridge. At the Signal Station. Beauregard Informed. A Pause. The Dust Cloud. The Action Begun. Bee and Bartow come in. The Generals go to the Left. Watching the Battle. Johnston and Beauregard Arrive. Reinforcement sent for. McDowell’s Four Idle Brigades. Two Hours’ Fighting. The Henry House Hill. Cummings’s Brilliant Coup. The Federal Collapse. Leaving Signal Station. Stragglers in the Rear. Davis and Jackson. Lost Opportunities. Order checking Kershaw. Order stopping Pursuit. Affairs on the Right. Jones and Longstreet. Bonham takes the Lead. Bonham Halts. Overcaution in New Commanders. The Final Scene. Return from the Field. Hill’s Report. Inaction of Council
Ordnance Service. Breech-loading Small-Arms. Confederate Armaments. Richmond Ordnance Bureau. Secret Service. McClellan’s Secret Service. Military Situation. A Council of War. Ball’s Bluff. Occoquan Battery. Winter. Army Organization. Federal Organization. Lines of Advance on Richmond. Retreat from Manassas. The Valley. Kernstown
McClellan at Fortress Monroe. Johnston goes to Yorktown. Reorganization. Dam No. 1. Yorktown Evacuated. Retreat from Yorktown. Battle of Williamsburg. Early’s Attack. Hancock’s Report. Casualties. Eltham’s Landing
Drury’s Bluff. The Situation. Attack Planned. Johnston’s Plan Changed. Johnston’s Problem. Battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks. A Misunderstanding. Longstreet’s Mistake. Huger Delayed. Huger unjustly Blamed. Signal Given. Hill’s Battle in Brief. Losses. Reinforcements. Reports. Wilcox’s Report. Couch’s Position. Johnston’s Battle. Whiting’s Advance. A Second Attack. Johnston Wounded. G. W. Smith in Command. Smith’s Battle, June. The Confederates Withdraw. Lee placed in Command. Résumé. Staff and Organization. Artillery Service. Davis and Johnston
The Valley. Jackson’s Plan. Battle of McDowell. Shields joins McDowell. Jackson attacks Front Royal. Banks Retreats. Winchester Captured. Cavalry not at Hand. Steuart’s Faux Pas. Jackson’s Report. McDowell’s Delay. Lincoln keeps Sunday. Panic in Washington. Jackson keeps Sunday. Jackson’s Retreat, Race down the Valley. Death of Ashby. Port Republic, June 8. Cross Keys, June 8. Port Republic, June 9. Winder Repulsed. Taylor’s Charge. After Effects
Lee in Command. Ives predicts Lee’s Audacity. Lee’s Plan. McClellan’s Delay. Lee’s Opportunity. Lee’s Order. Stuart’s Raid. Intimations to the Enemy. Conference of Officers. Jackson’s First Failure. Jackson’s March. Stuart and Trimble. Branch Moves. A P. Hill Moves. Battle of Mechanicsville. Porter’s Retreat. A. P. Hill’s Advance. Gaines Mill Position. The Chances. Jackson at Cold Harbor. Porter’s Account. Hill’s Account. Lee’s Account. Jackson ordered in. General Advance. Enemy’s Escape. Casualties. Remarks
June 28. June 29. Magruder’s Report. Jackson’s Report. Lee’s Report. Lee to Magruder. Savage Station. June 30. Waiting in vain for the Signal. Holmes’s Division. Huger’s Division. Wright meets Jackson. Huger’s Report. Jackson, June 29. Lee to Magruder. Jackson, June SO. White Oak Swamp. Franklin’s Report. Jackson’s Account. The Cannonade. Munford’s Letter. Hampton’s Crossing. Franklin’s Comments. D. H. Hill’s Explanation. Battle of Frazier Farm. Bayonet Fighting. A Successful Ruse. Lee’s Report
Enemy’s New Position. Line Formed. Pendleton’s Artillery. Artillery Combats. Whiting’s Report. Sumner seeks Cover. Lee’s reconnoissance. Lee Misled. Attack Begun. Wright’s Report. Semmes and Kershaw. D. H. Hill’s Report. Toombs’s Report. Casualties. Lee’s Report. Stuart shells a Camp. McClellan Writes. Stuart’s Report. Attack Abandoned. Casualties. An Artillery Raid. The South Side. Our Balloon
Recuperation. Gen. Pope Arrives. Gen. Halleck Arrives. McClellan Recalled. Lee Moves. Jackson Moves. Cedar Mountain. The Night Action. Jackson’s Ruse. Casualties
The Situation, Aug. 15. Lee’s Plan. How it Failed. A Federal Scouting Party. Pope Escapes. Stuart’s Raid. Storm frustrates Efforts. Lee plans his Move. Ropes’s Criticism. Jackson’s March. Aug. 26. Manassas Captured. Destruction of Stores. Pope’s Move. Lee and Longstreet’s March. Pope Blunders. Jackson’s Move. Orders Captured. Johnson’s Skirmish. Pope at a Loss. Ewell attacks King. Hard Fighting. Losses. Thoroughfare Gap. Flanking the Gap. The Opposing Forces. Sigel’s Attack. Reno’s and Kearny’s Attack. Hooker’s and Reno’s Attack. Grover’s Brigade. Porter’s Corps. Pope versus Porter. Kearny and Reno Attack. Longstreet takes Position. Longstreet meets King. Pope is Misled. Lee awaits Attack. The Forces. The Lines. A Surprise. Longstreet comes in. The Henry House Hill. Night and Rain. No Pursuit. Centreville Turned. Affair at Ox Hill. Stevens and Kearny. Casualties. The Ammunition Supply
Choice of Moves. Interior Lines. Policy of Invasion. Across the Potomac. Affairs in Washington. McClellan succeeds Pope. Lee’s Proclamation. Organizations and Strength. Harper’s Ferry Garrison. Orders No. 191. The Army Scatters. The Lost Order. Lee Warned. Battle of Boonsboro or South Mountain. Longstreet Arrives. The Retreat. Crampton’s Gap. Franklin Attacks. Jackson before Harper’s Ferry. Preparations for Assault. Bombardment and Surrender. Borrowed Wagons. Paroles and Colors. Casualties
McLaws and Jackson Recalled. The Ordnance Train. The Question of giving Battle. Confederate Straggling. Ropes’s Comments. McClellan’s Pursuit. Lee’s Line of Battle. Battle of Hooker’s Corps. Hood’s Counter-stroke. On Jackson’s Left. Battle of Mansfield’s Corps. Battle of Sumner’s Corps. Sedgwick Ambuscaded. The Artillery Fighting. Fourth Attack Prepared. French’s Advance. Swinton’s Account. The Bloody Lane. Franklin is Halted. Both Sides Exhausted. Pleasanton and Porter. Burnside Advances. Toombs’s Good Defense. The Bridge Carried. The Advance upon Sharpsburg. A. P. Hill’s Counter-stroke. Lee in Council. Sept. 18. Faulty Position of Federal Cavalry. The Pursuit. The Counter-stroke. Captured Ordnance Stores. Casualties
Political Situation. Lincoln orders Advance. A Confederate Raid. Lincoln Dissatisfied. Condition of Confederates. Reorganization. Lee moves to Culpeper. McClellan succeeded by Burnside. Plan of Campaign Changed. Burnside’s Strength. Lee’s Strength. Sumner at Falmouth. Non-arrival of Pontoons. Surrender Demanded. Earthworks Erected. Jackson Arrives. Burnside’s Plan. Marye’s Hill. Building the Bridges. The Bombardment. The Crossing Made. Dec. 12. The Plan Changed. Jackson’s Line. Franklin Advances. Gibbon supports Meade. Meade strikes Gregg. The Counter-stroke. Jackson’s Proposed Attack. Casualties. On the Federal Right. The Formations. French and Hancock Charge. Howard Charges. Sturgis Charges. Sunken Road Reinforced. Griffin’s Charge. Humphreys’s First Charge. Humphreys’s Second Charge. Humphreys’s Report. Tyler’s Report. Getty’s Charge. Hawkins’s Account. A Federal Conference. Dec. 14, Sharpshooting. Dec. 15, Burnside Retreats. Flag of Truce. Casualties. New Plans. The Mud March. Burnside Relieved
Winter Quarters. Rations Reduced. Hays’s Louisiana Brigade. Officers’ Servants. Hooker’s Reorganization. Confederate Organization. Hooker’s Plan of Attack. Lee’s Proposed Aggressive. Hooker Crosses. Hooker’s Fatal Mistake. Lee’s Prompt Action. The Wilderness. Hooker Advances. Lee’s Advance. Hooker Retreats. Hooker Intrenches. Lee Reconnoitres. Lee’s Plan of Attack. Jackson’s March. The Movement Discovered. Sickles Advances. Jackson Deploys. Jackson Attacks. Colquitt’s Blunder. Dowdall’s Tavern. Casualties. At Hooker’s Headquarters. Defensive Measures. Jackson Pauses. A Cannonade. Wounding of Jackson. Stuart in Command. Formation for Attack. Sickles’s Midnight Attack. Hooker’s Interior Line. Hooker abandons Hazel Grove. Stuart Attacks. Assaults Repulsed. Hazel Grove Guns. Federals Withdraw. Lee and Stuart Meet. Sedgwick’s Advance. Wilcox on Taylor’s Hill. Assaults Renewed. Early falls Back. Salem Church. Casualties. Early’s Division. Lee organizes an Attack. Sedgwick driven Across
High Tide. Opportunity Open. Suggestion Made. Invasion. Special Feature. Feature Impossible. Reorganization. Armament. Lee Moves. Brandy Station. Ewell in Valley. Captured Property. Hooker Moves. Lincoln Suggests. Lee in Valley. Stuart proposes Raid. Conditional Consent. Stuart’s Raid. Carlisle. Results of Raid. Across the Potomac. Hooker Relieved. Chambersburg. Return of Scout. Orders. Chance Encounter. Hill to Gettysburg. Meade’s Movement. Reynolds to Gettysburg. Battle Opens. Archer Captured. Rodes Arrives. Early Arrives. Lee Orders Pursuit. Ewell stops Pursuit. Lee Confers. The Enemy’s Line. Best Point of Attack. Longstreet’s Arrival. Federal Arrivals
The Situation. Lee decides to Attack. The Attack to be on our Right. Longstreet’s Flank March. Sickles’s Advance. Meade foresees Sickles’s Defeat. Progressive Type of Battle. Hood proposes Flank Movement. Formation and Opening. Hood’s Front Line. Fight on Little Round Top. Hood’s Second Line. McLaws badly Needed. Kershaw and Semmes. Artillery Fighting. Barksdale and Wofford. Anderson’s Division. Wilcox’s Brigade. Wilcox asks Help. Why No Help was Given. Lang’s Brigade. Wright’s Brigade. Wright carries the Stone Wall. Wright’s Retreat. Reinforcements for Sickles. Ayres’s Division. Confederate Situation. The Artillery Engaged. Ten More Brigades in Sight. Crawford’s Advance. Ewell’s Cooperation. The Afternoon Cannonade. Johnson’s Assault. Early’s Attack. Federal Account. Rodes’s Failure to Advance. Rodes’s New Position. Rodes’s Summary, Second Day
The Plan of the Day. Johnson Reinforced. Johnson’s Battle. Lee joins Longstreet. A Discussion. The Decision. The Neglected Opportunity. Posting the Guns. Artillery of Other Corps. Infantry Formation. Hill’s Cannonade. The Nine Howitzers. Note from Longstreet. Talk with Wright. Cannonade Opens. Pickett called For. Pickett and Longstreet. Pickett Appears. The Repulse. Lee on the Field. The Afternoon. Nelson’s Enfilade. Advances from Peach Orchard
Position of the Confederacy after Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Reinforcements of Bragg. The Armies before the Battle of Chickamauga. The Order of Battle. Engagement of the 19th. Battle of the 20th. Rosecrans’s Order to Wood. Longstreet’s Advance. The Casualties. Thomas at Chattanooga. The Battle of Wauhatchie. Bragg’s Position. Battle of Chattanooga or Missionary Ridge. Positions of the Armies. The Attack on the Ridge. Bragg’s Retreat. The Knoxville Campaign. Longstreet’s Expedition. Fort Sanders and its Garrison. Storming the Fort. The Retreat. Casualties of the Campaign
Review. Lee’s Force. Situation. Longstreet’s Position. Longstreet’s March. Ewell’s Advance. Ewell’s Fight
The Crisis of the War. High Price of Gold. Difficulty of Recruiting in the North. Grant crosses the James and moves on Petersburg. Hancock’s Corps Delayed. Movements of Lee. Beauregard’s Defense. Fighting of June 16 and 18. Success of Grant’s Strategy
The Petersburg Trenches. Wilson and Kautz’s Cavalry Raid. Their Rout on the 29th. Early’s Demonstration toward Washington. The Mine at the Elliott Salient. Extent of the Tunnel and Galleries. Its Ventilation. Countermines. Plans for a Federal Charge to follow the Explosion. Movements of Hancock. The Explosion on the 30th. The Crater. Failure of the Federal Assault
The Situation in August. Hood appointed to succeed Johnston. Evacuation of Atlanta. Capture of Mobile. Reelection of Lincoln. Battle of Franklin. Sherman’s March. Fort Fisher. Conference at Fortress Monroe. Fort Stedman. Movements of Grant. Five Forks. Fort Whitworth and Fort Gregg. Evacuation of Petersburg. Appomattox. Correspondence between Lee and Grant. Conversations with Lee. The Meeting at Appomattox. The Surrender. Visit to Washington. Conversations with Mr. Washburne. Return Home. Record of the Army of Northern Virginia
from a photograph taken in 1866