Abenakis tribe, 52, 85, 274, 305(n), 307(n)
Abigail, 71
Abnaki Confederacy, 26
Adams, Hannah, xix
Adams, Samuel, 351(n)
Adler Stream, 145
Ainslie, Thomas, 239, 341(n), 343(n), 346(n), 350(n); contempt for Americans, 223–224; contempt for Arnold, 224; ineffective rebel artillery, 229; another surrender demand, 230; plunging temperature, 234; smallpox, 235–236; use of scaling ladders, 241–242; describes attack, 248; flower of the rebel army, 262; Quebec’s defense, 334(n); Morgan’s surrender, 348(n)
Albany, New York, xvii, 13, 16, 18, 21
Allen, Col. Ethan, 7, 215, 321(n); Edward Mott, 9; Green Mountain Boys, 10; Arnold’s opinion of, 11–12; St. John expedition, 13; bumbling incompetent, 15; writes Congress about Arnold, 15; loathed by Schuyler, 16; amateur military windbag, 18; enemy of Arnold, 160; as prisoner, 183; propaganda machine, 183; insubordinate glory seeker, 213; prisoner in England, 322(n)
Allen, Herman, 7
American Military Units, 1st Company Governor’s Foot Guard, 281(n); 1st New York, 214, 232, 242–243, 252, 263, 334(n), 341(n); 11th Virginia, 270; 2nd Continental Artillery, 336(n); 2nd Continental Regiment, 269; 5th Pennsylvania, 348(n); 9th Pennsylvania, 351(n)
American Revolution, xv, 4, 6, 8, 24, 26, 34–35, 37, 44–46, 51, 58, 60, 84, 90–91, 93, 97, 185, 220, 321(n)
An Essay on the Art of War, 91
Antill III, Edward, 225, 242, 335(n)
Appalachian Trail, 274
Arnold Expedition of 1775, xi, xix, 33, 35–37, 42–43, 57, 65, 73, 91, 141, 146, 205, 213, 216, 265, 285(n), 287(n), 293(n) – 294(n), 299(n), 300(n), 314(n), 320(n), 337(n), 341(n), 344(n), 350(n)-351(n), 353(n); the official start of, 38–40; transportation issues, 40, 62, 99; recruiting for, 41; officers, 44; Morison’s journal, 47; rifle companies, 49; uniforms, 49–50; weapons, 50–51; camp followers, 52; novel Arundel, 52, 292(n); members of, 53; depart Cambridge, 55–56; travels light, 58; arrives in Newburyport, 59; Grand Union flag, 61; music, 61; first British reference of, 63; Dr. Church’s betrayal, 64; Thompson’s betrayal, 64; a spy in the ranks, 67; Washington notifies Congress, 69; bateaux, 76, 82, 83, 136–137; Conviction Arnold Expedition was a smart move, 86; departs Fort Western, 87, 92; not a conventional campaign, 90; John Pierce, 93–94; Indians accompanying, 97–98; arrives at Fort Halifax, 102–103; Five Mile Ripples, 103–104; portage, 103; Skowhegan Falls, 104–105; Norridgewock Falls, 107–109; Great Carry, 110, 118; slaves, 112; Carritunk Falls, 113; en-route to Quebec, 87–114, 117, 123; no relief at Great Carry, 115; improving Indian path, 121; lost and starving in Maine, 125, 131, 133, 135–136, 149; Dead River, 137, 139–140; Oct. 21 location, 141; Terrible Carrying Place, 155–156, 162, 164; Coburn Gore, 156; location of his army, 157; Jacquin, river guide, 165; food shortages, 169; Samuel Ward, 171; Steele returns, 174; arrives at Sartigan, 175–176; John Hall, spy, 179; Nov. 5 British meeting about, 182; arrives at Pointe de Lévy, 191; manufacture scaling ladders, 191; arrive on the St. Lawrence, 192; morale boost, 202; St. Johns surrender, 202; arrives at Quebec, 208; raw determination, 210; withdraws from Quebec, 211; ceases to exist as independent command, 213; strength returns, 214, 342(n)-343(n); depart Point-Aux-Trembles, 217; en route back to Quebec, 217; men’s enlistment due to expire, 222; smallpox, 235; clothing, 240; Dec. 25 meeting, 240–241; inspiring letter en-route to Arnold, 241; enlistments expire, 244; attack on lower town, 247; the attack begins, 248; the attack falters, 256; fights on despite losses, 257; British counter-attack, 258; few survive or are not captured, 263–264; as prisoners, 266; planned mass escape, 266–267; paroled survivors, 269; siege lifted, 269; aftermath of the battle, 270; fails its mission, 271; trace route of, 273–275; British attempt to destroy, 296(n), 298(n); artillery, 302(n); distance traveled, 302(n); pioneers, 310(n); Chain of Ponds, 313(n); discovered by the British, 319(n)
Arnold River, 274
Arnold, Benedict (elder), 1
Arnold, Col. Benedict, 4, 19, 31, 48, 75, 80, 105, 118, 133, 135–136, 180, 185, 194, 218, 284(n), 299(n), 310(n), 319(n), 339(n), 348(n), 351(n), 353(n); first hero of the American Revolution, xv; ordered to capture Quebec, xv; Schuyler’s quote, xv; from New Haven, xviii; requests command of West Point, xviii; called a young soldier of fortune, xix; called unprincipled traitor, xix; circumstances for treason, xix, xx; David Ramsay, xix; Hannah Adams, xix; love of money, xix; truculent personality, xix; birth of, 1; childhood, xx, 1–2; Lossing’s comment, 1; apprenticeship, 2; Yale College, 2; Adam Babcock, 3; businessman, 3–4; children, 3, 281(n); marries Margaret Mansfield, 3; joins militia company, 5–6; en route to Boston, 7; Fort Ticonderoga, 8–9; Footguards Company, 8; recruiting men, 9; problems with Easton, 10; opinion of Ethan Allen, 11–12; estrangement from Connecticut officers, 11; joint command with Allen, 11; ordered to seize Fort Ticonderoga, 11; capture of St. Johns and sloop George III, 12–13; St. John expedition, 12–13; commander of the Lake Champlain region, 13–14; tosses Easton out of camp, 13; packs up and goes home, 15; refused to yield to Hinman, 15; resigns commission, 15; civilian, 16; has Schuyler’s support, 17–18, 42, 55; death of wife, 17; meets Washington, 18–19, 21, 29–30; commissioned a colonel, 31; routes across Maine, 33–34; funds for Arnold’s Expedition, 37; personal credit, 37; sought by Burr, 41; light infantry, 44; rifle companies, 46; uniforms, 51; courage and leadership, 53; deserves credit, 55; arrives in Newburyport, 58–59; George Whitefield, 62; departs Newburyport, 63, 66, 68, 71; signals, 67; arrives in Gardinerston, 76; bateaux, 77–79, 125, 162, 301(n); map of expedition’s route, 80–81; arrives at Fort Western, 82; supplies, 84; departs Fort Western, 85, 89–90, 92, 307(n); launches invasion of Canada, 87; John Mercier, 89; military textbooks, 92; organizing the Arnold expedition, 95–96; Indians accompanying, 98; Lake Magentic rendezvous point, 98; Sept 25 report to Washington, 99, 305(n); supervised departure, 99; orders for Enos, 101; pirogue, 101; arrives at Fort Halifax, 102–103; optimism along the river, 102; Skowhegan Falls, 104–105, 107; servants, 111–112; inspires his men, 115; Oct. 4 message from Washington, 118–120; arrives at Great Carry, 120; improving Indian path, 121; Christian Febiger, 122; food shortages, 123–124, 138, 140; sickness in the camps, 123; Oct. 13 letter to Washington, 125, 131; Schulyer’s sad condition, 133; Dead River encampment, 139, 141–143, 145; Oct. 24 memo to Farnsworth, 144; Greene’s search for, 146; Enos’ defection, 151; arrives at Chain of Ponds, 153–154; scouts, 155, 160; Terrible Carrying Place, 155, 157–158, 166, 173; location of his army, 157; Jacquin, river guide, 159–162; arrives at Lake Magentic, 160; made enemies of Allen, Brown, Easton and Hanchett, 160; leader, not a follower, 162; friendly Canadians, 165; Chaudiére River, 172; Devil’s Rapids, 172; Steele returns, 173; seeking news about the war, 176–177; lost element of surprise, 177, 250; arrives at Sartigan, 177; letter to Mercier, 178–179; the Lizard arrives, 180–181; British store ships, 181; Ethan Allen as prisoner, 183; French-Canadian proclamations, 184–185; at Sartigan, 184; American propaganda, 185–186; departs Sartigan, 186–187; Sartigan a temporary stopping place, 186; Montgomery’s letter of Oct. 29, 187–188; plans to cross the St. Lawrence, 189, 202; Nov. 8 letter to Washington, 189; responds to Montgomery, 189; assertive, tough officer, 190; prudent to abandon attack on Quebec, 190; Washington’s Sept. 14 letter, 190; Pointe de Lévy, 191; John Halstead, 192, 323(n); planning attack on Quebec, 196, 199–200, 218, 226; first British prisoner, 196; Nov. 12 council of war, 201–202; has 600 men, 201; crosses the St. Lawrence, 204–205, 214; summons Quebec to surrender, 205–206; white flag fired upon, 206; courageous, tenacious, 210; duped by Morgan at Fort Western, 210; slim military experience, 210; Nov. 18 returns, 211; withdraws from Quebec, 211; Montgomery’s perception, 213; praises Montgomery, 214; Brown as enemy, 215; derided as a “horse jockey,” 220; arrives at Quebec, 221; starve Quebec into surrendering, 222; plans a surprise attack, 223; Ainslie’s contempt for, 224; another surrender demand, 230, 231; anticipating assault, 233; officers revolt, 236, 237, 238; smallpox epidemic, 236; assertive individual, 237; inspiring letter en-route to Arnold, 241; Dec. 25 meeting, 242; leads main assault, 243, 250; pressure Carleton into surrendering, 243; few options to maneuver, 246; the attack begins, 248, 250; wounded, 250–251, 254, 259; forlorn hope, 250; the attack begins, 251; men of Arnold Expedition all lost, 260, 262; determined to continue the siege, 263, 265–266; last meeting with Meigs, 263; reports the news of the defeat, 264; planned mass escape, 267–268; ordered to defend Montreal, 268; aftermath of the battle, 270; future treason, 271; vital training ground, 271; circumstances for treason, 279(n)-280(n), 306(n) need for money, 280(n); orders to capture Quebec, 282(n), 286(n); strength returns, 283(n), 294(n); picks his officers, 289(n); Oswald wrote his journal, 295(n); angry with Colburn, 300(n); was the deep attack, 303(n); Penobscot Indians, 306(n); possessions confiscated, 306(n); Oct. 13 letter to Greene, 312(n); Enos’ court martial verdict, 315(n); the spy Hall, 320(n); Montgomery’s arrival, 331(n); Benjamin Hinman, 332(n); raid on St. Johns, 333(n)
Arnold, Benedict VI, 3
Arnold, Henry, 3
Arnold, Richard, 3
Arnold’s Expedition to Quebec, xi
Arundel, 52
Augusta, Maine, 273
Augustus, Lord George, 322(n)
Ayles, John, 26
Babcock, Adam, 3
Bangor, Maine, 97
Barnsfare, Capt. (–), 252–253, 343(n), 346(n)
bateaux, 33–34, 39, 72, 75–79, 82–85, 98–99, 101–111, 113, 118, 123, 125, 136–138, 140, 142, 144–147, 149, 153–158, 160, 163, 166–167, 171–172, 190, 237, 300(n)-301(n)
Bennington, Vermont, 10
Bergen-op-Zoom, Battle of, 207
Berry, Samuel, 79–80, 84, 92, 98, 121, 166, 323(n)
Beverly, Massachusetts, 57, 181–182
Bigelow Mountain, 136
Bigelow Mountain Range, 136–137, 274, 313(n)
Bigelow, Maj. Timothy, 42, 44, 93, 136, 138, 145, 147–148, 163, 216, 268, 314(n), 343(n), 349(n); food shortages, 139–140; friendly Canadians, 165–166; Nov. 13 council of war, 202; critical of Montgomery, 238; the attack begins, 250; the attack falters, 256; British counter-attack, 258; surrenders, 262; aftermath of the battle, 270
Bingham, Maine, 273
Black Arnold stream, 161
Black Prince, 26
Bland, Humphrey, 91
Bombazee Rips, 107
Boston, Massachusetts, 23–24, 63; British forces occupy, xv–xvi, 6–8, 34; tea party, 4; siege of, 14, 27, 35, 42, 119, 277(n), 321(n)
Boston Committee of Correspondence, 9
Botta, Charles, 240
Bouchet, Capt. (–), 331(n)
Boundary Line Portage, 85, 155
Braddock, Gen. William, 32
Brewer, Col. Jonathan, 23
Britannia, 68
British Military Units; 3rd Independent Company of New York, 207; 7th Regiment of Foot, 85, 208, 225, 255, 277(n), 312(n), 326(n), 331(n); 10th Regiment, 277(n); 26th Regiment, 85; 26th Regiment, 277(n); 52nd Regiment, 277(n); 60th (Royal American) Regiment, 207; 61st Regiment of Foot, 347(n); English Fuziliers, 326(n); French-Canadian militia, 225; Royal American Regiment, 344(n); Royal Artillery, 85, 225; Royal Highland Emigrants, 201, 206, 208–209, 225, 232, 247, 250, 255, 257, 265, 325(n), 326(n), 336(n), 347(n); Royal Highland Volunteers, 207; Royal Regiment of English Fusiliers, 326(n); Scots Fuziliers, 326(n); Welsh Fuziliers, 326(n)
British Union Jack, 60
Broughton, Nicholson, 182
Brown, Capt. Jacob, 243
Brown, Maj. John, 9–10, 14, 214, 236, 243, 247–248, 263, 313(n); writes Congress about Arnold, 15; enemy of Arnold, 160, 215, 237; doesn’t want to serve under Arnold, 236–237
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 18, 23, 29, 40, 42, 61, 73, 74, 122, 146, 303(n)
Burget, Charles, 112
Burgoyne, Gen. John, 94, 347(n)
Burr, Aaron, 52, 74–75, 162, 206, 211, 216, 240, 251, 269, 299(n), 306(n)-307(n), 327(n), 344(n), 351(n), 353(n); seeks commission, 41; assigned to Greene, 96–97; bateaux, 107; capacity for enduring fatigue, 175; training with scaling ladders, 240–241; forlorn hope, 241; attack on the blockhouse, 252; Montgomery’s attack on the blockhouse, 252; Montgomery’s body, 253; survives the attack, 263
Butcher, Benjamin, 59
Caldwell, Maj. Henry, 194, 205, 218, 224–225, 242, 247, 255–256, 267, 327(n), 330(n), 347(n)
Cambridge, Massachusetts, xvi, 8–9, 22–23, 26–27, 29, 32, 38–42, 45, 47–48, 52, 55–57, 60–61, 63, 69–71, 89, 97, 105, 114, 122, 125, 133–134, 147, 149–150, 181–182, 189
Campbell, Col. Donald, 253, 264, 343(n)-344(n)
Campbell, Capt. Lauchlin, 344(n)
Canada, xv; British colony, xvi, 4; French occupation of, xvi; Schuyler’s planned invasion of, 21–22; loyalty, 185–186; population, 185–186; government house, 199
Canadian volunteers, 215
Cape Breton, 277(n)
Cape Diamond (Quebec), 196, 199, 204, 227, 233, 243, 246, 248, 251, 255, 337(n)
Cape Elizabeth, 81
Carleton, Governor Guy, xvi, 30, 70, 80, 85, 87, 120, 135, 183, 200, 230, 233, 312(n), 322(n), 326(n), 334(n), 336(n), 341(n), 345(n), 348(n)-349(n), 352(n)-353(n); letter regarding troops in Canada, 13; St. Johns, 86; declares martial law, 178; the Lizard arrives, 181; orders Halstead out, 192; at Montreal, 208; abandons Montreal, 211–212; arrives in Quebec, 211, 328(n), 331(n); rumor of Russians coming, 218; calls Arnold a “horse jockey,” 220; calls Montgomery a “horse jockey,” 220; jokes about escape at Sorel, 220; artillery advantage, 221; preparing for a surprise attack, 223; Nov. 22 proclamation, 224–225; orders those unwilling to defend to leave, 224–225; strength returns, 225, 335(n); jittery civilians, 226; declines to surrender, 227; Montgomery calls for his surrender, 227; another surrender demand, 230–231; anticipates assault, 232–234; encourages American desertions, 236; attempts to confuse, 242; pressure into surrendering, 243; American perception of, 244; defenses, 245; in high alert, 247; fortified blockhouse, 251; reacting to the assault, 254; determine focus of main attack, 255; British counterattack, 259; aftermath of the battle, 261; remains in Quebec, 265; planned mass escape, 267; Arnold’s men withdraw, 268; siege lifted, 269; military units in Canada, 277(n)
Carritunk Falls (Solon Falls), 110, 113
Carrying Place Stream, 114, 117–118
Catlin, Benjamin, 262
Cerberus, 66
Chabot, Capt. (–), 252
Chain of Ponds, 28, 85, 141–142, 148–149, 153–155, 157, 163–164, 274, 302(n), 313(n), 315(n)
Chambly, Canada, 134, 240, 326(n), 352(n)
Chambly, Jacques de, 301(n) Charlotte, 325(n)
Charlottetown, St. John Island, 182 Charming Sally, 3
Chateau St. Louis, 199
Chatham, Connecticut, 56
Chatlin, Benjamin, 41
Chaudiére River, 23–24, 28, 65, 80–81, 85, 125, 133, 143, 157, 162, 167–171, 173–175, 185–187, 190–191, 194, 202, 218, 274, 298(n), 311(n)
Chaudiére-Kennebec route, 23–24, 26, 80–82
Cheesman, Capt. Jacob, 247, 251–252
Church Jr., Dr. Benjamin, 19, 92–93, 99, 120, 124, 154; British spy, 282(n), Carrying Place Stream, 121, Dead River encampment, 141–142, Dr. Benjamin, 64, scouts, 157–159, 162
Clermont, 284(n)
Coburn Gore, 156
Coffin, John, 252–253, 343(n), 346(n)
Colburn, Ruben, 25–27, 33–34, 37, 39, 96–98, 286(n), 288(n), 301(n); bateaux, 76–80, 107, 300(n); map of expedition’s route, 80–82; scouts, 92, 121; departs Fort Western, 99; defects on Oct. 25, 148; preserved home, 273
Colburn’s company, 101, 108, 148
College of New Jersey (Princeton University), 42, 74–75
College of Rhode Island (Brown University), 96
Committee of Safety, 58
Concord, Massachusetts, Battle of, 6, 61
Connecticut General Assembly, 5–7, 43
Connecticut State Military Units, 5, 9, 43, 51, 118
Continental Army, xv, 14, 16, 18, 27–29, 31, 34–35, 37, 40, 42, 45, 51–52, 55, 68, 81, 90–91, 133, 143, 160, 215, 269, 271, 283(n), 288(n)-289(n), 295(n), 303(n)
Continental Congress, First, 18, 290(n)
Continental Congress, Second, 14–17, 21–22, 29, 31–32, 35–37, 41–43, 45, 69, 96, 151, 181, 184, 222, 240, 244, 264–265, 278(n), 284(n), 290(n), 299(n), 318(n), 344(n), 352(n)
Continental flag, 60
Conway, 71
Cooke, Governor Nicholas, 90, 312(n)
Cooper, Lt. Samuel, 262, 349(n)
Corps of Light Infantry, 143
Cramahé, Hector T., 178–180, 183–184, 205–206, 209, 225–226, 319(n), 322(n), 328(n), 330(n), 334(n)
Cresap, Michael, 291(n)
The Crisis Extraordinary, xix
Culloden, Battle of, 207
Curry, Abigail, 47
Dalton, Tristram, 57
Danford, Jacob, 335(n), 343(n)
Davenport Sr., William, 57
Dead Arnold Stream, 161, 167, 184
Dead River, 27, 80, 84–85, 93, 99, 102, 113–115, 120–122, 124–125, 133, 135–141, 143, 145, 150, 187, 189–190, 210, 215, 274–275, 302(n), 313(n), 323(n), 327(n)
Dead River flood, 141–143, 154
Deane, Silas, 15, 19, 29, 49, 283(n)-284(n), 295(n), 304(n)
Dearborn, Capt. Henry, 40, 44, 74, 96, 167, 216, 310(n), 324(n), 340(n), 350(n); able commander, 43; commands light infantry, 44; signals, 67; Maine, 75; departs Fort Western, 99; Five Mile Ripples, 104; Norridgewock Falls, 109; servants, 111–112; Charles Burget, 112; Great Carry, 124, 309(n); Natanis, 139; Enos’ defection, 148; food shortages, 169; arrives at Sartigan, 174–175; pneumonia, 190; arrives at Pointe de Lévy, 192; Nov. 13 council of war, 202; Dec. 25 meeting, 238, 241; the attack falters, 254; fights on despite losses, 258; surrenders, 262; planned mass escape, 268; aftermath of the battle, 270; Matthew Irvine, 311(n)
Dearborn’s Company, 163–166, 250, 257
Declaration of Independence, 284(n)
Des Barres, Joseph F. W., 198
Desmarais, (–), 251–252, 344(n)
Devil’s Rapids, 172
Dollard, John, 324(n)
Duer, William, 318(n)
Duncan, Capt. Matthew, 52, 216, 260, 348(n)-349(n)
Dyer, Col. Eliphalet, 284(n)
Eagle, 75
Earl of Bute, 26
East Carry Pond, 121, 123, 311(n)
Easton, James, 10–11, 13, 15, 19, 160
Eliza, 181
Enos, Lt. Col. Roger, 44, 98, 117, 123, 145, 215, 311(n), 315(n), 330(n); commands 2nd battalion, 43; commands 4th division, 96; departs Fort Western, 99, 101, 305(n); Oct. 24 memo from Arnold, 144; Greene’s search for, 146; defects on Oct. 25, 148, 161, 164, 189, 210, 270; court martialed by Washington, 149–151; court martial verdict, 315(n)
Enos’ division, 108, 135, 137–143, 147
Essex and Middlesex militia, 122
Faden, William, 197
Falmouth (Portland) Maine, 24, 65
False Arnold stream, 161
Farnsworth, Col. Joseph, 39, 101, 123, 138, 143–144, 288(n), 311(n)
Febiger, Christian, 40–41, 121–122, 216, 262, 270
Federalist Papers, 278(n)
Fell, 208, 211–212, 325(n)-326(n), 328(n)-329(n), 331(n), 343(n)
Fenn, Elizabeth, 234
Ferling, John, 279(n)
Flagg, Lewis, 299(n)
Flagstaff Lake, 274
flintlock musket, 44
Forbes, Gen. John, 32
Forest of Sartigan, 187
forlorn hope, 241, 250, 340(n)
Fort Carillon (see Fort Ticonderoga)
Fort Chambly, xviii, 86, 215, 312(n)-313(n)
Fort Edward, xvii
Fort George, 16
Fort Halifax, 24–25, 99, 102, 273, 298(n)
Fort Mercer, 144
Fort Niagara, 207
Fort Richmond, 75
Fort St. Louis, 199
Fort Ticonderoga, xvii, 7–16, 22, 29, 55, 85–87, 97, 133–134, 188–189, 207, 215, 270, 283(n), 332(n)
Fort Washington, 349(n)
Fort Western, 27, 33, 62, 71–72, 75–76, 80–84, 87, 89, 92, 95–99, 101–102, 112, 114, 117–119, 121–123, 125, 141, 143, 149, 157, 159, 176, 184, 187, 210, 214, 257, 273, 302(n), 304(n)-305(n), 307(n), 309(n)-310(n), 318(n), 320(n), 327(n)
Fort William Henry, xvii
Fortune, 3
Fraser, Capt. Malcolm, 209, 247
Frederick County, Virginia, 47–48
French and Indian War, xvii, 4, 14, 16–17, 22–24, 32, 34, 43, 46, 58, 82, 97, 204, 207–208, 254–255, 273, 285(n), 301(n), 322(n), 327(n), 344(n), 347(n)
French, Allen, 283(n)
French/Canadian proclamations, 184
Fulton, John, 26
Fulton, Robert, 284(n)
Gage, Gen. Thomas, xv—xvi, 13, 24, 63–65, 87, 119, 208, 277(n), 292(n), 297(n)
Gamble, Capt. Thomas, 117
Gardiner, Dr. Silvester, 72–73, 75, 300(n)
Gardinerston, Maine, 39, 75–76, 82, 109, 286(n)
Gardner, Col., 282(n)
Gates, Gen. Horatio, 286(n), 288(n)-289(n), 293(n)
Geodaesia: Or The Art of Surveying and Measuring Land made Easy, 93
George III, 12
George Washington, 171
Georgetown, Maine, 73
Germaine, Lord, 352(n)
Gerrish, Col. Samuel, 122
Getchell, Dennis, 79–80, 84, 92, 98, 102, 323(n)
Getchell, John, 24
Getchell, Nehemiah, 80, 154, 157–158, 166
Goodrich, Capt. William, 44, 236–237
Goodrich’s company, 163–164, 166–167, 169–170, 173, 250, 262
Goodwin, Samuel, 80–81, 84, 301(n)
Grand Army (Washington’s), 22
Graves, Adm. Samuel, 63–64, 66–67, 298(n)
Great Carry, 23, 27, 80, 84–85, 101, 110–111, 113–115, 117–118, 120, 122–125, 135, 137, 139–140, 144, 154, 177, 273–274, 309(n)-310(n), 320(n)
Great Carrying Place, 155, 319(n)
Great Wagon Road, 46
Green Mountain Boys, 7, 9–12, 16, 183
Greene, John, 42
Greene, Lt. Col. Christopher, 44, 52, 57, 99, 137, 139, 148, 151, 163, 215, 265, 296(n), 312(n), 315(n), 343(n); 1st battalion commander, 42; commands 2nd division, 96; food shortages, 138; Fort Mercer, New Jersey, 144; Oct. 24 memo from Arnold, 144; looking for Arnold, 145; Oct. 25 war council, 147; friendly Canadians, 165–166; Nov. 13 council of war, 202; the attack begins, 248, 251; the attack falters, 256; British counter-attack, 258; surrenders, 259, 262; planned mass escape, 268; aftermath of the battle, 270
Greene, Gen. Nathanael, 30, 42, 125
Greene’s division, 108–109, 140–143, 147, 150, 164
Greenman, (–), 110, 238, 296(n), 310(n)
Gregory, Capt. William, 131
Grier, Sgt. Joseph, 52, 167, 337(n)
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 65, 298(n)
Hall, John, 133, 140, 177, 179, 258, 267, 320(n)
Halstead, John, 191–192, 194, 201, 323(n)
Hamilton, Capt. John, 257, 324(n), 330(n), 348(n); commands Lizard, 182; places ships’ cannon on shore, 183; confidential report to London, 200; expected Quebec to fall, 200; number of defenders in Quebec, 201; Carleton’s escape, 212; British counter-attack, 258
Hampshire Grants (Vermont), 7, 10
Hanchett, Capt. Oliver, 44, 118, 145–146, 154, 216;
Dead River encampment, 143–144; scouts, 155–160; doesn’t want to serve under Arnold, 160, 215, 236–237; bateaux, 162; Nov. 13 council of war, 202
Hanchett’s company, 136, 161, 163, 166, 168, 174, 262, 294(n)
Hancock, John, xv, 4, 52, 151, 181, 271
Hartford, Connecticut, 7, 281(n)
Hartwell, Capt., 66
Haskell, Caleb, 232, 235, 302(n)
Hazen, Capt., 333(n)
Hazen, Col. Moses, 335(n)
Height of Land, xiii, 141, 149, 156–158, 160, 163–164, 237, 274
Heitman, Francis, 351(n)
Hendricks, Capt. William, 47–48, 99, 142, 257, 262, 349(n)
Hendrick’s company, 48, 166, 174, 250, 163, 345(n)
Henhawk Ledge, 117
Henry, John Joseph, 59, 122, 166–167, 174, 204, 231, 239, 291(n), 339(n)-341(n), 345(n); Dead River encampment, 141; food shortages, 170; Aaron Burr, 175; Point-aux-Trembles (Neuville), 211; plunging temperature, 234; the attack falters, 256; Capt. Smith’s “cabin fever,” 263; planned mass escape, 267; paroled survivors, 269
Heth, Lt. William, 347(n), 349(n)
Hewes, Congressman Joseph, 32, 264
Higginbotham, Don, 318(n)
Hinman, Col. Benjamin, 15, 55, 332(n)
Hobby, Remington, 24
Holt, Elizabeth, 9
Holt, John, 9
Hopkins, Capt. David, 52, 216, 263
Houghton, 75
Howe, Gen. William, 65, 183, 321(n)-322(n), 335(n)-336(n), 352(n)
Hubbard, Capt. Jonas, 44, 59, 75, 236–237, 250, 262, 350(n)-351(n)
Hubbard’s company, 163, 166, 250
Hull, Lt. Isaac, 161, 165, 168–169, 263
Humphrey, Lt. William, 104, 110, 112, 145–146, 164, 168, 175, 213, 257, 262, 295(n), 349(n)
HMS Hunter, 180, 182, 194, 196, 200, 225, 320(n), 325(n), 329(n)
Hunter, Adam, 26
Hurricane Falls, 137
Hyde, David, 146
Industry, 26
Instructions for Officers Detached in the Field, 93
Intendant’s Palace, 229
Iroquois tribe, 301(n)
Jay, John, 278(n)
Jefferson, Thomas, 43, 284(n), 299(n)
Katherine, renamed Liberty, 12
Kennebec Land Purchase Company, 72–73
Kennebec River, 23–27, 31, 34, 37, 39–40, 62–63, 65, 67–68, 70–72, 74–75, 78–82, 84–85, 87, 98–99, 101–104, 106–110, 113–115, 117–118, 123, 133, 136–137, 143, 145, 190, 207, 211–212, 273, 275, 298(n), 301(n)
Kennebec Valley, 72
Kentish Guards, 42
Kentucky rifle, 45
King George II, 97
King, Absalom, 1
King, Hannah Waterman, 1
Kings College (Columbia University), 225
Knox, Henry, 30 Knox, John, 295(n)
La Chute River, xvii
Lake Champlain, xvii, 7, 10, 12, 21, 33, 86, 133, 135, 181, 214, 283(n)
Lake Flagstaff, 302(n)
Lake Magentic, 28, 80–81, 85, 92, 98, 102, 113, 123–124, 131, 143, 157–162, 165–169, 175, 232, 237, 274, 310(n), 320(n)
Lamb, Capt. John, 214, 229–230, 257, 341(n), 347(n), 350(n)
Lamb’s Independent Artillery Co., 214, 228, 231–232, 243, 248, 250, 254, 336(n), 350(n)
Lathrop, Daniel and Joshua, 2
Le Rouge, George-Louis, 324(n)
Leake, Isaac Q., 347(n)
Lee, Arthur, 32
Lee, Gen. Charles, 149, 184, 295(n)
Lee, Gen. Henry, 342(n)
Legge, Governor Francis, 65
Lexington, Massachusetts, Battle of, 6
Liberty, 12
Lisote, Capt., 331(n)
Litchfield, Connecticut, 48
Little Carry Pond, 121
Livingston Jr., Robert R., 17
Livingston, Col. (–), 243, 247, 255, 263, 333(n)
Livingston, James, 215, 313(n)
Livingston, Janet, 17
Livingston, Robert R., 134, 284(n)
Lizard, 180–182, 191, 196, 200, 205–206, 209, 214, 225–226, 257, 320(n), 325(n), 348(n)
Londonderry, New Hampshire, 42
Long Reach (Bath) Maine, 25–26
long rifles, 45
Lossing, Benson, 1
Louise Mountain, 156
Louisiana Purchase, 284(n)
Love, John, 93
Lyman, Lt., 75
Lynch, Thomas, 299(n)
Lynn, Massachusetts, 56
Macartney, Capt (–), 66
Mackenzie, Capt. Thomas, 180, 182, 194
Maclean, Col. Allan, 225
Maclean, Allan, 247, 253, 265–266, 326(n), 328(n), 334(n), 336(n); fires on Arnold’s white flag, 206–207; biography, 207–208; takes control, 209, 213; military experience, 210; arrives with more troops, 214; determines focus of main attack, 255; reacting to the assault, 255; planned mass escape, 267; arrives in Quebec, 329(n), 330(n); siege of St. Johns, 331(n)
Macpherson, Capt. John, 230–231, 247, 251–252, 263
Maine, 62–63, 66, 69, 71–72, 75, 81, 85, 97, 113, 115, 125, 135, 139, 175, 184, 241
Malden, Massachusetts, 56
Manoeuvres, or Practical Observations on the Art of War, 91
Mansfield, Margaret (Peggy), 3, 16
Mansfield, Samuel, 3
Marblehead, Massachusetts, 38
Massachusetts Committee of Safety, 9–10, 282(n)
Massachusetts General Assembly, 351(n)
Massachusetts Provincial Congress, xvi, 8, 10–11, 18–19, 23
Maynard, John, 131
McClellan, Lt. John, 174
McCobb, Capt. Samuel, 40, 44, 73–74, 146, 150
McCobb’s company, 299(n)
McGuire, Capt. John, 52, 216, 235
McLeod, Capt., 250
Medford, Massachusetts, 56
Meigs, Maj. Return Jonathan, 43–44, 56–58, 73, 99, 146, 148, 163, 190, 216, 268, 290(n), 339(n), 343(n), 349(n); signals, 67; departs Newburyport, 68; commands 3rd division, 96; Skowhegan Falls, 104; food shortages, 124; Dead River encampment, 142, 144; arrives at Sartigan, 175; Nov. 13 council of war, 202; crosses the St. Lawrence, 205; the attack begins, 250; the attack falters, 256; British counter-attack, 258; men of Arnold Expedition all lost, 260; aftermath of the battle, 261–262, 270; last meeting with Arnold, 263; pioneers, 310(n)
Meigs’s division, 108–109, 137, 139, 141–142, 164, 294(n); arrives at Sartigan, 174; crosses the St. Lawrence, 205; Dead River, 140; Dead River encampment, 143; food shortages, 165; Terrible Carrying Place, 166
Melvin, Pvt., 338(n) Mercier, John, 89, 131, 133, 177–179, 196, 318(n)-319(n)
Merry Meeting, 26
Middle Carry Pond, 123, 125, 274, 311(n)
Middletown, Connecticut, 43
Mifflin, Thomas, 344(n)
Military Instructions for Officers Detached in the Field, 91–92
Mississippi River, xvii
Moffat, Dr. Thomas, 42
Mohawk tribe, 80
Montgomery, Janet, 17
Montgomery, Gen. Richard, 18, 86, 151, 160, 208–209, 222, 237, 244, 247, 255, 257, 269, 275, 303(n), 323(n), 326(n), 334(n), 336(n), 339(n)-340(n), 343(n)-344(n), 346(n)-347(n), 351(n)- 352(n); attends Trinity College, 17; French and Indian War, 17; prior military service, 18; Schuyler turns army over to, 134; advance into Canada, 135; letter of Oct. 29, 187–188; requests a reply to his letter, 189; St. Johns surrender, 202, 206, 208; captures Montreal, 211–212; arrives at Quebec, 212–213, 217, 331(n)- 333(n); assumes command of the Arnold Expedition, 213; perception of Arnold, 213; Canadian volunteers, 215; leaves Point-aux-Trembles, 215; strength returns, 215; Burr as aide-decamp, 216; planning attack on Quebec, 218, 223, 226, 242; derided as a “horse jockey,” 220; artillery, 221; wishes Carleton would attack him, 221; Carleton’s proclamation, 225; jittery civilians, 226; calls for Carlton’s surrender, 227; uses mortars, 228–229; another surrender demand, 230–231; ice battery, 230; decides to storm Quebec, 232–234; plunging temperature, 234; Dec 23 staff meeting, 236; smallpox epidemic, 236; Dec. 25 meeting, 238, 240–242; plan to scale walls, 238; transportation issues, 239; attempts to confuse Carlton, 242; pressure Carleton into surrendering, 243; has to launch attack, 244; few options to maneuver, 246; the attack begins, 248, 251; attack on the blockhouse, 251–252; killed, 252–253, 259, 263–265, 345(n); death affects Congress, 270–271; Fort Chambly, 313(n); assault on Quebec, 342(n)
Montreal, xvii–xviii, 7, 9, 21, 87, 133, 178, 182–183, 189, 200–202, 217, 240; British forces in, xvi; Schuyler’s planned assault of, 22; planned attack on, 30, 32; Schuyler moves on, 119; liberal merchants and tradesmen, 185; captured by Montgomery, 211–212; capture of, 218; artillery, 221
Montresor, James, 285(n), 301(n)
Montresor, John, 24–28, 34, 102, 138 285(n);
map of expedition’s route, 81, 84–85, 98, 113, 142, 154–156, 160–161, 165
Moon, 26
Moosehead Lake, 113
Moosehorn Pond, 155–157, 162, 169, 313(n)
Morgan, Capt. Daniel, 45, 48, 117, 146, 148, 216, 238, 291(n), 342(n)-343(n), 346(n); commands rifle companies, 46; early life, 46; French and Indian War, 46; Abigail Curry, 47; offered command, 47; commands 1st division, 95–96; departs Fort Western, 99; servants, 111–112; Dead River encampment, 142; Nov. 13 council of war, 202; dupes Arnold at Fort Western, 210; the attack begins, 251; attack on lower town, 253; the attack falters, 254, 256; declines summon to surrender, 256; renews assault, 257; British counter-attack, 258; surrenders, 258–259, 262, 348(n); paroled survivors, 269; aftermath of the battle, 270; conduct, 304(n)
Morgan’s company, 52, 114, 118, 139, 163, 166, 168, 173, 223, 229, 232, 248, 257, 262, 291(n), 327(n), 347(n); chosen for Arnold’s Expedition, 48; departs Fort Western, 87; Great Carry, 110; Dead River encampment, 141; Terrible Carrying Place, 163, 167; arrives at Sartigan, 174; occupy Palais, 217–218; the attack begins, 250
Morgan’s division, 98, 102, 108, 137–138, 140, 163, 240
Morison, George, 47–48, 117, 213; departs Fort Western, 87; river hazards, 101; portage, 103; Skowhegan Falls, 104–105; bateaux, 118; Great Carry, 118; Dead River encampment, 144; Moosehorn Pond, 162; Terrible Carrying Place, 163; Steele returns, 174; arrives at Sartigan, 175; arrives on the St. Lawrence, 192; Dec. 25 meeting, 241; Chain of Ponds, 315(n); George, 318(n)
Mott, Capt. Edward, 7, 9–11, 15, 18
Moylan, Stephen, 301(n)
Moyne d’Iberville, Pierre Le, 23
Murray, Gen. James, 24, 319(n), 327(n)
Nairne, John, 255
Napier, Commodore, 329(n)
Natanis, (Norridgewock Indian), 80, 92, 137, 139, 184, 250, 258, 327(n), 348(n)
Nepiss Lake (Spider Lake), 161, 169
New England Army of Observation, 292(n)
New Hampshire, 73
New Haven, Connecticut, 2–6, 9
New Orleans, Louisiana, xvii
New York Provincial Congress, 17
Newburyport, Massachusetts, 37–38, 56–63, 67–68, 71, 149, 171, 289(n), 320(n)
Newfoundland, 330(n)
Nichols, Lt. Francis, 345(n)
Nichols, Samuel, 168
Nixon, Col. John, 73
Norridgewock Falls, 107–109, 144–145, 148, 273
Norridgewock tribe, 80
North American Station, 67
North River, 284(n)
Northern Department (Schuyler’s), 21
Norwich, Connecticut, 1
Nunn, Lt. Joseph, 191
Odgen, Mathias, 41, 52, 147–148, 206, 209–210, 212, 216, 226, 263
Olive Branch Petition, 32
Oswald, Eleazer, 9, 12, 31, 37, 41, 52, 57, 154, 184, 307(n); arrives in Newburyport, 58; Indians accompanying, 98; departs Fort Western, 101; scouts, 162; surrenders, 262; aftermath of the battle, 270; wrote part of Arnold’s journal, 294(n)-295(n)
Otis Sr., James, 286(n)
Palace Gate, 199, 228, 231, 257, 259, 266
Palais (Quebec), 199, 217–218, 243–245, 248
Palfrey, William, 184
Palmer, Col., 282(n)
Parliament, 244
Parsons, Col. Samuel Holden, 7–8
Paterson, Col. John, 146
Patten, John, 26
Paxton Boys, 291(n)
Penobscot River, 97
Penobscot tribe, 97, 133, 179, 306(n)
Penobscot, Maine, 81
Peters, Lt. (–), 146
Philbrick, Jonathan, 26
Picard, Lt. Alexander, 252
Pierce, John, 110, 120, 124, 154–157, 172, 176, 234, 237, 263, 338(n), 341(n); surveyor, 93–95; servants, 111; Dead River encampment, 141; harassment and skirmishing, 232
Piscataway, New Jersey, 225
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, xvii
Pittston, Maine, 273
Plains of Abraham, 202, 204, 217–218, 220, 226, 234, 236, 240, 246–248
Plains of Abraham, Battle of, 207, 221, 324(n)
Point-aux-Trembles (Neuville), 210–212, 215, 330(n), 332(n), 343(n)
Pointe de Lévy, 187, 189, 192, 202, 326(n)
Port St. Jean, 199
portage, 108, 115, 117, 124, 155, 157, 311(n)
Porterfield, Capt. Charles, 52, 216, 250
Pownall, Governor, 23
The Practical Surveyor, 93
Pres de Ville, 246, 251, 261, 343(n), 346(n)
Prescott Gate, 245
Prescott, Gen. Richard, 321(n)
Preston, Maj. Charles, 208
Price, James, 242
Price, Thomas, 291(n)
Providence, 325(n)
Provincial Army of Observation, xvi, 8–9
Putnam, Gen. Israel, 43, 292(n)
Quebec City, xvii, xi, 9, 24, 26–28, 30, 33, 62, 72, 76, 78–79, 82, 84–85, 89–92, 96–97, 99, 119, 131, 135, 157–158, 176, 179, 182, 186–187, 190, 193, 200, 211–212, 237, 274, 293(n), 302(n); capital of Canada, xv; British forces in, xvi; location, xviii; assault on, xx, 243–250; secret plan to capture, 19; Schuyler’s planned assault of, 22–23; planning assault on, 28, 30, 32, 34, 38; transportation to, 35–37; march to, 57, 95; British attempt reinforcement of, 66; distance from Ft. Western, 101; Dead River encampment, 141; rumors, 180; the Lizard arrives, 181; morale boost, 183; not enough men to defend, 183; preparing defenses, 184; liberal merchants and tradesmen, 185; prudent to abandon attack, 190; loyalists, 192; defenses, 196, 199–200, 204, 209, 214, 220, 226, 228, 230–231; number of defenders, 201; Arnold’s summons to surrender, 205; low morale, 205; Maclean takes control, 207–208, 210; Montgomery and Arnold decide to push on, 214; trek from Fort Western, 214; siege of, 216, 306(n); expedition returns, 217; cut off from reinforcements by sea, 218; artillery, 221; starve into surrendering, 222; preparing for a surprise attack, 223; Carlton orders those unwilling to defend to leave, 224–225; Ainslie’s diary, 224; jittery civilians, 226–228; strength returns, 226; mortars fire on, 228–229; Montgomery decides to storm, 232, 239; harassment and skirmishing, 232; plunging temperature, 234; smallpox, 235–236; capture of would lead to peace, 241; attack on lower town, 243–250; determine focus of main attack, 255; aftermath of the battle, 261, 263, 265–266, 268, 270–376 Benedict Arnold’s Army 271; news of defeat, 264; siege lifted, 269
Quincy, Dorothy, 52
Ramsay, David, xix
Reed, Col. James, 119–120, 134, 151, 176, 181–182, 184, 269, 286(n), 310(n)-311(n)
Rhinebeck, New York, 17
Rhode Island State Military Unit, 1st Regiment, 171
Rhode Island Continental Line, 42
Richelieu River, xvii–xviii, 185, 312(n)
Richelieu (Sorel) River, 12, 21, 33, 86
Rising Sun, 26
Ritzema, Lt. Col. Rudolphus, 334(n)
Roper, Dr. Lewis, 294(n)
Ross, Capt. (–), 48
Rowley, Massachusetts, 57
Royal Military Academy, 93
Royal Navy, 27, 34, 62–63, 66–68, 71, 183, 190, 196, 298(n), 320(n)-321(n), 330(n)
Royal Savage, 86
Rue Petit Champlain, 245
Rush River, 161
Sandy River, 107
Saratoga, Battle of, 94
Saratoga, New York, 16
Sartigan, 143, 159–161, 165, 168, 170, 173–179, 184, 186, 190–191, 237
Sartigan, Maine, 80
Sault-au-Matelot, 245, 250, 257–258, 262, 275, 350(n)
Sayer, Robert, 193
Schuyler, Gen. Philip, xv, 66, 70, 85, 89–90, 97, 114, 135, 179, 187, 189, 216, 237, 278(n), 283(n), 285(n), 287(n), 299(n), 318(n), 326(n), 332(n), 352(n); loathed Ethan Allen, 16; promoted to general, 16; requests Arnold write report, 16; impressed with Arnold, 17–18; plans to invade Canada, 21; recruiting men, 22; Washington’s letter, 29; Washington seeks approval for Arnold, 30–31; Sept. 8 letter from Washington, 32; builds bateaux, 33; supports Arnold, 55; Fort Chambly, 86; to reduce St. Johns, 87; update on his army, 119–120; location of his army, 131, 133, 176–178; illness, 133–134, 188; sad condition of his army, 133; Enos’ defection, 151; captures St. John, 159; Carleton’s concern, 181; French/Canadian proclamations, 184; status of, 187; return to Fort Ticonderoga, 188; admiration for expedition’s accomplishments, 192; Carleton’s escape, 212; perception of Arnold, 213; letter from Arnold, 214; Carleton’s proclamation, 225; Montgomery’s decision to attack, 233; Gamble’s letter, 310(n); Sept. 20 letter to Washington, 311(n); Great Carry, 319(n); Ethan Allen, 321(n); Montgomery arrives in Quebec, 333(n)
Scott, Capt. (–), 44, 146, 148
Sebasticook River, 102
Senter, Dr. Isaac, 42, 56–58, 146, 169, 173, 216, 232, 243, 259, 263, 318(n), 348(n); departs Newburyport, 68; arrives at Fort Western, 82–83; Norridgewock Falls, 109; Great Carry, 110; food shortages, 124, 170; Oct. 25 war council, 147; Steele returns, 173; arrives at Pointe de Lévy, 191; smallpox, 234–235, 264; admires Arnold, 238; weather during the attack, 246; Arnold’s wounding, 251, 254
Seven Mile Stream (Carrabassett River), 109, 156–161, 165–167
Sheepscot River, 71
Sheffield, Connecticut, 118
Simsbury, Connecticut, 43
Six Nations of the Iroquois, 277(n)
Skene, Phillip, 12
smallpox, 234–236, 240, 264, 290(n), 338(n), 339(n), 351(n)
Smith, Justin, 105, 319(n), 331(n)
Smith, Capt. Matthew, 49, 99, 142, 262, 291(n)
Smith, Richard, 299(n)
Smith’s company, 92, 122, 142, 163, 262–263 265; chosen for Arnold’s Expedition, 49; food shortages, 165; Terrible Carrying Place, 166–167; arrives at Sartigan, 174; departs Sartigan, 186; the attack begins, 250
Solon Falls, 110
Sorel River, xvii
Sorel, Quebec, 212, 214, 217, 331(n), 352(n)
Speedwell, 181
Spring, Capt. Samuel, 42, 61, 216, 251, 289(n)
St. Charles River, 196, 199, 218, 235, 244, 250
St. Diamond, 242
St. Henri, Canada, 187, 190, 208
St. Johns (current St. Jean), 16, 70, 85, 87, 119–120, 187–189, 217, 228, 240, 248, 269, 312(n)-313(n), 326(n), 333(n), 352(n); Arnold’s capture of, 12–13; siege of, 131, 133–135, 159, 238; surrenders to Montgomery, 202, 206, 208
St. John’s Gate (Port St. Jean), 199, 204, 210, 217–218, 227, 229, 232, 243, 247–248, 255–267
St. John’s Island (Prince Edward Island), 182, 208, 277(n), 321(n), 329(n)
St. Lawrence River, xvi–xviii, 28, 66–67, 78, 81, 85, 90, 106, 156, 168, 180–182, 185, 187, 189–192, 196, 199–202, 204–205, 208–209, 211–214, 217–218, 235, 243, 246, 251, 285(n), 301(n), 326(n)
St. Louis Gate (Porte St. Louis), 199, 206, 217, 255
St. Louis, Missouri, xvii
St. Marie, Canada, 186
St. Roch (Quebec), 199, 217–218, 228–229, 231, 235–236, 238, 243–244, 247–248, 250–251, 254, 259, 266, 337(n), 341(n)
Starke, Lt. John, 329(n)
Ste. Foye (Quebec), 205, 330(n)
Ste. Marie, Canada, 187
Stedman, Charles, 280(n)
Steele, Lt. Archibald, 92, 99, 124, 137, 154, 162, 320(n), 327(n); advance scouting party, 121–122; Great Carry, 125; food shortages, 139; Dead River encampment, 141; scouts, 142, 155, 157–159; returns with food, 173; meets Natanis, 184; departs Sartigan, 186; wounded, 257; surrenders, 262
Stephenson, Hugh, 291(n)
Stiles, Ezra, 47
Stocking, Abner, 56–57, 135–136, 241, 341(n); Newburyport, 61; servants, 111–112; Enos’ defection, 150; Terrible Carrying Place, 168; food shortages, 169–170; crosses the St. Lawrence, 204; sensed a fight is imminent, 233; sentiment, 244; planned mass escape, 267; journal copied from others, 294(n)
Stopford, Maj. Joseph, 312(n)-313(n)
Stratton, Maine, 274
Sullivan, Gen. (–), 151
supplies, 84
surveyors, 93
Susquehanna River, 277(n)
Swanton, William, 26
Swashan, Abnaki chief, 26–27, 97
Taschereau, Gabriel E., 186
Taylor, Lt. John, 186
Terrible Carrying Place, 155–156, 162–167, 173, 216
Thayer, Capt. Simeon, 44, 147–148, 170, 190, 202, 216
Thayer’s company, 163, 166, 174, 241, 250, 262
The Partisan: or, The Art of Making War in Detachment, 91
Thomas, Gen. John, 55, 65, 265, 268, 352(n)
Thompson, Maj. Benjamin, 64, 292(n)
Thompson, James, 233
Thompson’s Battalion, 353(n)
Three Brothers, 3
Ticonic Falls, 103
Topham, Capt. John, 44, 147, 190, 202, 216
Topham’s company, 163, 166, 168, 174, 250, 262
Tracy, Nathaniel, 37–38, 57, 62, 68, 288(n)
transportation issues, 37–38, 40, 62
Treatise of Military Discipline: In Which is Laid down and Explained The Duty of the Officer and Soldier, 91
Trois Riveres, Quebec, 208
Trumbull, Governor (–), 14, 31, 62
United States Senate, 79
van Rensselaer, Catherine, 16
Varnum, Gen. James, 42
War of 1812, 79
Ward, Gen. Artemas, 292(n), 350(n)
Ward Jr., Capt. Samuel, 14, 42, 44, 96, 147, 171, 202, 216, 262, 264–265, 270, 289(n)-290(n)
Ward’s company, 163–167, 174, 250, 296(n), 310(n)
Warner, Pvt. James, 52
Warren, Mrs. Mercy Otis, xix, 280(n) Washington, Gen. George, xv, 14, 55–56, 81, 97, 205, 293(n), 299(n), 344(n); Arnold requests command of West Point, xviii; meets Arnold, 18–19, 21, 29; in Cambridge, 21, 24, 29, 32; Grand Army, 22; John Montresor, 25; plans to invade Canada, 27–28, 30, 32; letter to Schuyler, 29, 187; decision to appoint Arnold, 30; seeks Schuyler’s approval, 30–31; Sept. 8 letter to Schuyler, 32; Arnold requests information about routes, 33; routes across Maine, 34; at Cambridge, 35, 38; funds for Arnold’s Expedition, 35–36; businessman, 38; request for supplies, 39; Nathanael Greene, 42; light infantry, 44–45; believed in discipline, 48; uniforms, 59; Grand Union flag, 60; weapons, 60; British subterfuge, 64; instructions to Tracy, 68–69; notifies Congress, 69–70; Fort Western, 76, 82; planning has gone well, 76; Arnold’s unpaid bill, 79; Washington conviction Arnold Expedition was a smart move, 86; willing to take risks, 90; Bland’s Treatise of Military Discipline, 91; military textbooks, 92; role of surveyors, 93; Arnold’s rendezvous point, 98; report from Arnold, 99; Arnolds letter to, 101; decision to use bateaux, 106; unaware of Arnold’s position, 114; Dolphin letters, 117; Oct. 4 message to Arnold, 118–120; Oct. 13 letter from Arnold, 131; Penobscot Indians, 306(n); Oct. 13 letter from Arnold, 125; Schuyler moves on, 133; quality of New England troops, 134–135; court-martials Enos, 149–150; Enos’ defection, 151; Arnold arrives at Lake Magentic, 160; master of deception, 177; British store ships, 181; Nicholson Broughton, 182; French-Canadian proclamations, 184; American propaganda, 185–186; Nov. 8 letter from Arnold, 189; admiration for expedition’s accomplishments, 192; Schuyler’s letter about capture of Montreal, 212; had to raise a new army each year, 222; inspiring letter en route to Arnold, 241; news of defeat, 264; aftermath of the battle, 270; demand for a professional army, 270–271; Benjamin Church Jr., 282(n); election of, 283(n)-284(n); staff, 288(n); funds to pay warrants, 294(n); Silas Deane, 295(n), 304(n); recommended reading list, 303(n); Morgan’s conduct, 304(n); Sept. 25 memo from Arnold, 305(n); Gamble’s letter, 310(n); Sept. 20 letter from Schuyler, 311(n); Enos’ court martial verdict, 315(n); Ethan Allen, 321(n)-322(n); letter to Howe regarding Allen, 321(n)-322(n)
Washington, John A., 89
Watertown, Connecticut, 29
Webb, Samuel B., 284(n)
Weems, Mason Locke, 280(n)
Wendham, Massachusetts, 57
West Point, xviii, 279(n)-280(n)
Wethersfield, Connecticut, 41
Whitefield, George, 62
Wilkinson, Gen. James, 269, 298(n)-299(n), 353(n)
Williams, Capt. Thomas, 44, 146, 148
Willis, William, 327(n)
Winborn, Joanna, 290(n)
Winslow, Maine, 273
Wolfe, Gen. James, 202, 204, 221, 319(n), 327(n)
Wolfe, Joshua, 242
Wood Creek, xvii
Woodford, Col. William, 303(n)
Wool, Lt. Isaiah, 228–229, 243, 248, 259, 336(n)
Wooster, Gen. (–), 232–233, 259, 264, 343(n), 349(n)
Worcester, Massachusetts, 93
Wright, Robert E., 37
Wyld, Samuel, 93
Yadkin River, 46
Yorktown, Battle of, 94