Note: Individual units are listed under ‘army units’. Page numbers in bold denote major sections. A page number in italic denotes an entry in the Order of Battle section.
Abalakov, Anatoli 325–6, 359–60
Abdulin, Infmn Mansur 201, 204–5, 236, 344, 366, 367
Achtung – Panzer! (Guderian) 21
air force, German 28, 159, 450
Battle of Prokhorovka 345, 355–7, 367
losses (aircraft) 210, 224, 257, 272, 357, 388
Luftflotte 4 190, 222, 272, 273, 297, 450
Operation Barbarossa 71, 78–9, 84–5, 101–2
5th July 221–4, 228–9, 231–2, 235, 250
6th–8th July 266–7, 273, 283–4, 297–8
9th–11th July 315–17, 322–3, 333–4
air force, Soviet
2nd Air Army 193, 196, 272, 455
16th Air Army 193, 249–50, 453
17th Air Army 193
Battle of Prokhorovka 355–7, 366–7
defence of Kursk salient
preliminaries 175, 193, 194, 196, 210
5th July 221–4, 228–30, 249–50, 257–8
6th–8th July 287–8, 289–90, 297–8, 299–300
German invasion (Operation Barbarossa) 73, 79, 86, 88, 108–9
losses (aircraft) 79, 86, 88, 109, 210, 224, 257, 357, 388
Alanbrooke, Sir Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscount 42
Alexeev, Lt Vladimir 239, 240, 319, 374–5
Alexeyev, Infmn Mikhail 135
Alexsandrovka 255
Andreev, Nicolai 242
Anti-Comintern Pact 56
Antonov, Gen Aleksei 174
army, German
losses (mechanical) 109–10, 124–5, 198, 251, 259, 272, 305, 311, 388
rearmament and development 19–22
tactical superiority 352
tanks see tanks, German
army, Soviet
losses (mechanical) 81–2, 86, 87, 88, 108, 109, 121, 251, 284, 388
numerical advantage 170–71, 194–5
rearmament and development 51–3, 61–2, 147–8, 174–5
tanks see tanks, Soviet
weaknesses 51–2, 73–5, 80–81, 119–20, 195
2nd Panzer Division 290, 297, 449
2nd Panzer Grenadier Regiment 332
II SS Panzer Corps 188, 224, 233, 264–5, 273, 282, 284, 320–21, 378, 449
III Panzer Corps 188, 242, 282, 362–3, 365, 375–6, 378, 380–81, 450
3rd Panzer Division 213, 224, 233, 269–70, 449
6th Infantry Division 249, 297, 300, 449
6th Motorized Infantry Brigade 79
6th Panzer Division 242, 243, 268, 269, 282, 327, 450
Operation Barbarossa 79, 81–2, 102
7th Panzer Corps 297
7th Panzer Division 244–5, 268, 450
9th Panzer Division 290, 293, 297, 300, 449
XI Corps (Corps Raus) 188, 245–6, 268, 450
11th Panzer Division 214, 224, 232, 269–71, 313–14, 449
19th Panzer Division 243–4, 268, 450
20th Panzer Division 249, 251, 290, 297, 298, 302, 449
XXIV Panzer Corps 188, 378, 450
XLI Panzer Corps 186, 249, 252, 256, 296–7, 448–9
XLVI Panzer Corps 186, 249, 448
XLVII Panzer Corps 186, 249, 252, 256, 290, 296–7, 449
XLVIII Panzer Corps 224, 273, 275, 282, 284, 314, 324, 449
Zitadelle preliminaries 187, 213
78th Infantry Division 294
86th Infantry Division 252–3, 294, 297, 449
292nd Infantry Division 252–3, 293, 297, 449
503rd Heavy Tank Battalion 242–3, 282, 327
505th Heavy Tank Battalion 186, 250–51, 290, 297
Army Detachment Kempf 188, 242, 268, 282, 450
Operation Barbarossa 71, 84–6, 101–2, 104, 106, 112–13
Operation Typhoon 119, 123–4, 132, 136
Operation Zitadelle 185
Army Group North 70–71, 86, 102–3, 109–12
Operation Barbarossa 71, 87–8, 103, 108
Operation Zitadelle 185, 187, 382
Eighteenth Panzer Army 102
Eleventh Army 132
First Panzer Army 87, 103, 109, 132
Fourth Panzer Army 86, 102, 449
Operation Typhoon 119, 120, 131
Operation Zitadelle 187, 190, 259, 311, 320–21, 378
Grenadier Regiment 230
Ninth Army 185–6, 198, 247–56, 259, 296–7, 305–6, 448–9
Panzer Grenadier Regiment Deutschland 362
Panzergrenadier Division Grossdeutschland 224–30, 232, 269–71, 275–7, 284–8, 313–15, 331, 449
Battle of Prokhorovka 365–6, 367–8
Zitadelle preliminaries 187, 213–14
Second Army 185
Second Panzer Army
Operation Barbarossa 84, 104, 106, 107– 8, 109
Operation Typhoon 119, 120–21, 124, 131, 135–6
Seventeenth Army 132
Sixth Army 106, 132, 151, 152, 158–9, 160–61
SS Einsatzgruppen 97
SS Panzer Corps 169
SS Panzergrenadier Division Das Reich 233–4, 238–40, 265, 282, 317–18, 325–7, 336, 369, 375, 378–9, 449
SS Panzergrenadier Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH) 233–5, 240–41, 265–6, 282, 317–18, 325–7, 335–6, 449
Battle of Prokhorovka 357, 358–9, 361–2, 368–9
SS Panzergrenadier Division Totenkopf 233–4, 241–2, 282, 317–18, 325–6, 336, 449
Battle of Prokhorovka 359–60, 369
Third Panzer Army 84, 104, 110, 119, 120, 131, 135
army units, Romanian
Fourth Romanian Army 158
Third Romanian Army 157
1st Guards Cavalry Corps 131
1st Guards Tank Army 240
2nd Guards Tank Corps 247, 283, 362, 369
2nd Tank Corps 326–7, 362, 369
3rd Anti-Tank Brigade 304
3rd Mechanized Corps 284, 288, 455
4th Army 192
4th Guards Army 194
5th Guards Army 194, 311, 320, 360, 455–6
5th Guards Tank Army 194, 272, 320, 336, 346, 357, 456
5th Guards Tank Corps 247, 365
5th Tank Army 311
6th Guards Army 193–4, 198, 215, 224, 247, 453
7th Guards Army 193, 194, 215, 247, 268, 282, 453–4
9th Guards Airborne Division 358
10th Guards Mechanized Brigade 360
13th Army 192, 193, 293, 299, 450–51
15th Guards Rifle Division 247, 453
17th Guards Rifle Corps 257, 299, 450–51
17th Guards Rifle Division 289
18th Tank Corps 357
19th Tank Corps 292
24th Guards Tank Brigade 360
26th Tank Brigade 362
27th Army 194
29th Anti-Tank Brigade 288
32nd Tank Brigade 358
47th Army 194
51st Guards Rifle Division 247, 453
53rd Army 194
66th Guards Rifle Division 366, 455
90th Guards Rifle Division 247, 453
93rd Guards Rifle Division 247, 455
110th Tank Brigade 358
136th Guards Rifle Regiment 362
170th Tank Brigade 349
181st Tank Brigade 349
307th Rifle Division 293, 300, 451, 455
316th Rifle Division 131
Central Front 106, 192–3, 450–53
Kalinin Front 135
Southwestern Front 75, 87–8, 108, 138
Volkhov Front 138
Voronezh Front 193–4, 263, 453–5
Western Front 75, 84, 85, 122, 135
Austria 22
Bäke, Maj Dr Franz 364
casualties, German 109, 113, 125, 133
casualties, Soviet 86, 88, 108, 109, 113
causes of German defeat (summary) 384–5
causes of Soviet victory (summary) 385–6
Hitler’s commitment to invasion 29–30, 68–9
Operation Typhoon see Moscow planning, German 69–73, 104–6, 113–14, 384–5
Batkin, Mikhail 48
battles see campaigns, battles and engagements Bauer, Ludwig 199
Bauermann, Oberschütze Rudi 373–4, 381–2
Belov, Nikolai 212
Berezovka 366
Bergström, Christer 357
Beria, Levrentiy 91
Beyer, Wilhelm 161
Bidermann, Infmn Gottlob 83, 88, 97, 103–4, 136, 140–41, 144–6
Blokhin, Capt Vasili 36
Blomberg, Col-Gen Werner von 12
Bock, Gen Fedor von 71, 112–13, 129, 132, 135, 137
Boklov, Pavlik 122
Bolshie Maiachki 282
Borchers, SS-Obergrenadier Günther 215
Borisenko, Dr Olga 348
Braithwaite, Rodric 53
Brandt, Hilda 4
Brauchitsch, Gen Walther von 28, 29, 133, 137
Bräuer, SS-Rottenführer Johannes 343, 344–5
Breith, Gen Hermann 188, 268, 330, 450
Briansk 121
bridge construction (defences) 200
Budenny, Mar Semyon 35, 36, 107
Burdeiny, Maj-Gen A.S. 362
Busse, Gen 329
Butyrki 255
Bykovka 240
campaigns, battles and engagements
for major subjects see Barbarossa; Moscow; Prokhorovka; Stalingrad; Zitadelle
German offensives (after declaration of war) 30–32
German territorial expansion (prior to declaration of war) 22–6, 59
Operation Mars 159
Rostov 132
Soviet invasion of Finland 60–61
Soviet spring offensive (1942) 137–9
Carell, Paul (Paul Schmidt) 26–7, 226–7, 254, 286, 298
Finnish 61
Operation Barbarossa 109, 113, 125, 133
Operation Typhoon 136
Operation Zitadelle 241, 246, 259, 267, 272, 298, 305, 318, 325, 388
Stalingrad 161
Soviet xv, 60, 61, 139, 141, 142, 159
defence of Kursk salient (Operation Zitadelle) 388
German invasion (Operation Barbarossa) 86, 88, 108, 109, 113
Stalingrad 161
Chekhov, Anatoly 154
Chistyakov, Lt-Gen I.M. 193, 232, 233, 237, 453
Chuikov, Lt-Gen Vasily 153, 155, 160
Churchill, Winston 30, 32–3, 58, 82, 181–2, 384, 389
civilian populations 97–8, 206–7
collectivization 48
Communist Party 11, 38, 43–4, 53–4
comradeship 208
Cowles, Virginia 14
Denmark 30
Deutsche Zeitung (newspaper) 5
Dexler, Frederik 310
Dictators, The (Overy) 46
Doerr, Oberst Hans 153
Doerr, Marc 291
Drachevsky, Lev 332
Eastern Front, historical awareness of in West xv–xviii
Ehrenburg, Ilya 162
Enshin, Maj-Gen M.A. 293
Eremenko, Lt-Gen A.I. 121
Fedyuninsky, Col I.I. 87
Ferdinand tank 183, 189–90, 254–5
see also tanks, German field hospitals 261–2
Five Year Plans (Soviet Union) 46–51
flame-throwers 236
Foch, FM Ferdinand 5
Forman, Herbert 292
Four Year Plan (Germany) 17
Francks, Hauptmann Gunar 228
Frederick I Barbarossa 70
Friessner, Gen Johannes 186, 249, 449
Gapeyonok, Nikolay 223
see also Hitler, Adolf
Goebbels, Joseph 13, 14, 27, 31, 76, 80, 168
Golikov, Lt-Gen Filip 76
Gomel 85
Göring, Hermann 17, 18, 27, 28, 159, 171
Graff, Lt Walter 281
Gräser, Gnr Helmut 2
Great Britain 19, 26–7, 32–3, 57–8, 82–3
Greim, Col-Gen Robert Ritter von 190
Gremuchii 241
Greznoye 275
Grossman, Vasily 84–5, 93, 100, 108–9, 121, 122, 129–30, 143, 151, 301
Grossmann, Horst 249
Guderian, Col-Gen Heinz xxi, 21, 32, 136–7, 172–3, 254
Operation Barbarossa 72–3, 85, 97, 99–100, 101, 105–6, 114
Operation Typhoon 124, 125, 129, 131, 133
Operation Zitadelle 176, 183–4, 189–90, 389
Halder, Col-Gen Franz 28, 70, 88, 110, 113, 156
Harmel, Heinz 362
Harpe, Gen Josef 186, 249, 305, 448
Hausser, SS-Obergruppenführer Paul 169, 188–9, 233, 242, 265, 289, 327, 333, 449
Healy, Mark 314
Henry, Harald 129
Hertzog, Karl 96, 98, 129, 142, 198
Hindenburg, FM Paul von 3, 10, 11
Hitler, Adolf
see also Germany
Anti-Comintern Pact 56
assassination attempt on 173
and British and French declaration of war 26–7
control of armed forces 27–9, 31–2, 146–7, 156, 173–4
daily routine 146
declares war on United States 136–7
determination to destroy Soviet Union 29–30, 68–9
military rearmament and development 19–22
non-aggression pact with Soviet Union 24, 58–9
Operation Barbarossa 69–73, 80, 88, 104–6, 111, 113–14, 384–5
Operation Blau 148–9, 150–51, 152, 156, 158
Operation Typhoon 105, 119, 120, 121, 125, 133
Operation Zitadelle 258, 376–8, 382
preliminaries 168–9, 176–9, 183–5, 212, 214
other offensives (after declaration of war) 30–32
territorial expansion (prior to declaration of war) 22–6, 59
trade agreement with Soviet Union 63–4
Hitler Youth 16
Hoch, SS-Ustuf Roger 165–6, 235
Hoepner, Col-Gen Erich 86
Hoernlein, Lt-Gen Walter 228, 229, 275, 276–7
Hoth, Col-Gen Hermann xxii, 187, 188, 268, 271–2, 288–9, 320, 330, 449
House, Jonathan 268
Huber, Hans 236
Huber, SS-Sturmmann Heinrich 325
Hughes-Wilson, John xviii
Hünersdorff, Maj-Gen Walter von 243
intelligence gathering 181–2, 196–7, 210–12
Irving, David 172
Ivanovka 379
Japan 56
Jodl, Alfred 158
Kageneck, Clemens Graf 242–4, 269
Kassnitz, Col 228
Katukov, Lt-Gen M.E. 237, 264, 266, 285, 455
Keitel, FM Wilhelm xxi, 27, 32
Kempf, Gen Werner xxii, 188, 289, 329–30, 450
Keynes, John Maynard 5
Kharkov 132, 138, 140, 141–2, 168, 169, 384
Khrushchev, Nikita 278
Kirponos, Col-Gen M.P. 75, 87, 108, 109
Kleist, Col-Gen Ewald von 87, 106, 150
Kless, Gen Friedrich 298
Kluge, FM Günther von xxi, 137, 198, 305, 376–7, 448
Knobelsdorff, Gen Otto von 187, 229–30, 270, 289, 449
Knöfel, SS-Unterscharführer Erhard 354
Koch, Marianne 162
Kochetovka 318
Komsomolets State Farm 327
Konev, Col-Gen Ivan xxi, 135, 194, 273, 455
Korovino 233
Kortig, Karla 16
Krause, Fw Günther 300
Krebs, Richard 3
Kriachkov, Feodor 50
Kriachkov, Ivan 50
Krivoshein, Gen 284
Kruchenkin, Lt-Gen V. 330, 454
Kruger, SS-Gf Walter 238
Krüger, SS-Ustuf 264
Krylov, Pavel 341–3, 345, 358, 371–2, 381
Kuechler, Col-Gen Georg von 137
Kulik, Pavlo 42
Battle of see Zitadelle, Operation
German occupation 168
Küster, Gerd 225
Kuznetsov, Col-Gen F.I. 74, 86
see also tanks, Soviet
Lang, Maj Frederich 191
Lau, SS-Panzerschütze Walter 214
League of German Maidens 16
Lebedev, Valentin 299
Leeb, Gen Ritter von 70–71, 103, 111, 112, 137
Lehwess-Litzmann, Obstlt Walter 222
Lemelsen, Gen Joachim 186, 249, 305, 449
Lenin, Vladimir 38–40, 41, 43, 44–5
Leningrad 86–7, 102–3, 109–12, 138
Levitan, Yuri 93
Liskow, Spr Alfred 78
Litvin, Nikolai 201, 204, 253–4, 294–6
Lochmann, Franz 269
Lohberg, Fw 317
Lotoshino 98
Lozovsky, Solomon 92
Luchki 267
Ludendorff, Gen Erich 3
Luftwaffe see air force, German
Maisky, Ivan 57
Maloarkhangelsk 249
Manstein, FM Erich von xxi, 141, 158, 449
Operation Zitadelle 288–9, 320, 329, 330, 336, 388
after 12th July 372, 376–8, 382
preliminaries 168–9, 176–7, 178, 187, 188
Mars, Operation 159
Maslovo Pristani 246
Mattenklott, Gen Franz 188, 450
Maykop 155
Mellenthin, Gen Friedrich von 171, 178, 184–5, 199, 275, 368, 377, 387
Meuller, Oberschütze Paul 333–4
Mickl, Maj-Gen 232
Model, Col-Gen Walter xxi, 184, 185–6, 247–8, 256, 296–7, 305–6, 448
Molodin, Alana 98
Molotov cocktails 255
Molotov, Vyacheslav 47, 58, 68, 89
Morell, Dr Theo 173
Briansk 121
failure of 133
Mozhaisk 123
Soviet pre-emptive attacks 128
weather conditions 125, 128–31
Soviet defences 85
Mozhaisk 123
Müller, Johan 221
Mutterlose, SS-Unterscharführer 352–3
Napoleon I, Emperor 120
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
see Nazi Party
see also Hitler, Adolf
Nicolson, Harold 83
Nipe, George Jnr 352
Norway 30
Novorossisk naval base 155
NSDAP see Nazi Party
Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (OKL) 28
Oberkommando der Marine (OKM) 28
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) 27, 384
Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) 27, 28
OKH (Oberkommando des Heeres) 27, 28
OKL (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe) 28
OKM (Oberkommando der Marine) 28
OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) 27, 384
Olkhovatka heights 296–300, 302–5
Out of the Night (Krebs) 3
Pabst, Helmuth 101, 124, 128, 142–3
pacts and agreements 19, 56, 57
Anti-Comintern Pact 56
German–Soviet non-aggression 24, 58–9
Panfilov, Maj-Gen Ivan 131
Panther tank 183–4, 189, 190, 224–5
see also tanks, German
Paulus, FM Friedrich 72, 118, 158–9, 161
Pavlov, Gen D.G. 75, 77–8, 85, 86
Petrik, Anton xxiv–xxv, 390–92
Petrik, Mykhailo xxiv–xxvi, 230, 232–3, 390–92
Petrov, Konstantin Giorgevich 49–50
planning, German
Operation Barbarossa 69–73, 104–6, 113–14, 384–5
Operation Zitadelle 176–9, 183–8, 305–6
planning, Soviet
defence of Kursk salient 179–83, 306
German invasion (Operation Barbarossa) 73–5
Plotnikov, S. 50
Polyzhaev 369
Popiel, Lt-Gen N.K. 285
Pötter, Snr Cpl 281
Pravda (newspaper) 44
Priess, SS-Gf H. 241
Prokhorovka, Battle of 1–2, 341–71
air operations 345, 355–7, 366–7
Belenikhino 370
Berezovka 366
losses (mechanical), German 357
losses (mechanical), Soviet 357
Polyzhaev 369
Soviet preparations 336–9, 341–3
Storozhevoe 362
Storozhevoe collective farm 361–2
Pukhov, Lt-Gen N.P. 193
radio communication 203
Rado, Sándor 182
Ragulin, Malana 111
Raus, Gen Erhard 79, 81, 102, 124, 134, 159–60, 188, 197, 205, 246, 257, 450
Red air Force see air force, Soviet
Red Army see army, Sovie
Reichenau, Gen Walther von 137
Reinke, Hauptmann 309
reservists 96
Reznikova, Rflmn Sasha 264, 285
Rhineland 22
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 24, 26
Ribbentrop, Rudolf von 347–9, 351
Richthofen, Gen Wolfram 159
Rodin, Lt-Gen A.G. 192, 257, 453
Rokossovsky, Gen Konstantin xxi, 54–5, 128, 192, 256–7, 258, 263, 289, 296, 450
Rommel, Erwin 32
Rössler, Rudolf 182
Roth, Lt Bernard 210–11, 213, 216
Rotmistrov, Lt-Gen Pavel 272, 319, 336–8, 456
Battle of Prokhorovka 343–4, 346, 349–50, 355, 360, 371
Rudel, Capt Hans-Ulrich 273–4, 356–7
Rudenko, Lt-Gen Sergey 193, 258, 289, 290, 453
Rüffer, Lt Raimund 219–21, 390–92
Rundstedt, FM Gerd von 71, 103, 132, 137
Rusanova, Lidiya 134
Ruslanova, Yuri 344
see also Soviet Union
Russo-German war, historical awareness of in West xv–xviii
Rzhev 138
SA (Stormabteilungen) 7, 11–12
Sacharov, Aleksandr 208
Samodurovka 302
Samoilov, David 92
Schein, Ludwig 190–91, 192, 213, 315
Schmerov, Ivan 50
Schmidt, Obersturmbannführer Paul (Paul Carell) 26–7, 226–7, 254, 286, 298
Schmükle, Gerd 209
Schörner, Mar Ferdinand 274
Schütz, Obersturmführer 265
Schutzstaffel (SS) 11
Scorched Earth (Carell) 227
Seeckt, Gen Hans von 20
Seidemann, Maj-Gen Hans 231
Service, Robert 40
Shaposhnikov, Mar Boris 53, 106, 107, 134
Shcherbakov, Col-Gen Alexander 126
Shumilov, Lt-Gen M.S. 194, 268, 282, 453
Simm, Ustuf Alexander 333
Sorge, Richard 76
Soviet Union
see also Russian Revolution; Stalin, Joseph
collectivization 48
propagation of Communist ideology 43–4
Spanish Civil War 22
Speer, Albert 22
SS (Schutzstaffel) 11
Stalin, Joseph
see also Soviet Union
counteroffensive (early 1943) 168
defence of Kursk salient 180–81, 183, 209–10, 257–8, 272–3, 306, 370–71
defence of Moscow 123, 127–8, 133
and Five Year Plans 46–7, 48–9, 51
foreign policy and German threat 45–6, 55–8, 67–8, 75–8
German invasion (Operation Barbarossa) 80, 85, 89–91, 93–4, 106–8, 110
German summer offensive (Operation Blau) 149–50, 151
and Lend-Lease scheme 172
non-aggression pact with Germany 24, 58–9
openness to advice 174
purges of Communist Party and military 35–6, 53–5, 91
spring/summer offensives (1942) 137–9, 140
Time magazine’s ‘Person of the Year 1942’ 163
trade agreement with Germany 63–4
Stalin, Yakov 91
casualties 161
Stavropol 155
Steiger, Martin 234
Stormabteilungen (SA) 7, 11–12
Storozhevoe 362
Storozhevoe collective farm 361–2
Strasser, Gregor 7
Stumpp, Karl 277
Sukho-Solotino 318
Sulzer, Infmn Max 199
Svechin, Aleksandr 52
T-34 tank 195
see also tanks, Soviet
T-70 tank 195
see also tanks, Soviet
tank crews, comradeship 208
tanks, German
losses 109, 241, 251, 259, 272, 277–8, 305, 311, 327, 388
Panther 183–4, 189, 190, 224–5
repairs 277
Tiger 183, 189–90, 239–40, 277–8, 346
tanks, Soviet
losses 81–2, 86, 87, 88, 108, 109, 121, 251, 284
T-34 195
T-70 195
Temkin, Gabriel 92
Tiger tank 183, 189–90, 239–40, 277–8, 346
see also tanks, German
Timoshenko, Mar Semyon 61, 67, 77, 78, 85, 86, 109, 138, 140
Tiomkin, Infmn Fedor 144, 153–4
Tiulenev, Maj-Gen I. 75
Tresckow, Maj-Gen Henning von 173
Triandafillov, Vladimir 52
Trufanov, Maj-Gen 380
Tukhachevsky, Mar Mikhail 35–6, 52–3
Tupikov, Maj-Gen V.I. 108
Typhoon, Operation see Moscow
Usov, Stanislav 380
Vasilevsky, Gen Aleksandr 73–4, 174, 181, 212, 337–8, 371, 383
Vassilieva, Boris 322
defence of Kursk salient 193, 263, 268, 272–3, 278, 288, 320–21, 336, 372
and German invasion (Operation Barbarossa) 78, 85, 86–7
Vershvovski, Tanya 206
Vogel, Daniel 40
Voronezh 149
Voroshilov, Mar Kliment 53, 57–8, 60, 61, 62, 90, 103
Warlimont, Gen Alfred 173
Warmbrunn, SS-Sturmmann 373
‘Wehrwolf ’ complex 146
Wendorff, Helmut 214
Werth, Alexander 94, 95, 98, 100, 112, 117–19, 126, 130–31, 198
Wiedemann, Fritz 72
Wietersahm, Hauptmann von 314
Wilhelm II, Kaiser 3
Willmott, H.P. 147
Winter Storm, Operation 158–60
Witte, SS-Mann Stefan 237
Wittmann, SS-Ustuf Michael 1–2, 240–41, 266, 281, 349, 373
Yezhov, Nikolai 36
Zahn, Sgt Ebbert 165
Zeitzler, Col-Gen Kurt xxi, 156, 177, 184, 258
Zeldovich, Artyom 276
Zheleznov, Nikolai 239
Zhukov, Mar Georgi xxi, 54–5, 90
defence of Kursk salient 179–81, 194–5, 196, 215–16, 296, 306, 371, 379–80, 389
defence of Moscow 122–3, 127–8, 133–4
German invasion (Operation Barbarossa) 67, 74, 77, 78, 81, 82, 85, 87, 106–7, 110, 111, 112, 113
spring/summer offensives (1942) 138, 139, 141
Stalingrad 152, 156–7, 160, 161, 167
air operations 210
bridge construction 200
combat training, German 205
German preliminary offensive 213–14
intelligence gathering, German 210–11
intelligence gathering, Soviet 181–2, 196–7, 210, 211–12
local civilian population 206–7
Manstein’s counteroffensive 169
air operations 221–4, 228–30, 231–2, 235, 249–50, 257–8
Alexsandrovka 255
Butovo 232
Butyrki 255
Bykovka 240
German casualties 241, 246, 259
Gertsovka 233
Gremuchii 241
Korovino 233
losses (mechanical), German 224, 251, 257, 259
losses (mechanical), Soviet 224, 251, 257
Maloarkhangelsk 249
Maslovo Pristani 246
preliminary bombardment 221
Soviet defences 226–8, 237, 246–7, 249, 251–7
air operations 266–7, 283–4, 287–8, 289–90, 297–8, 299–300
Bolshie Maiachki 282
German casualties 267, 272, 298, 305
Greznoye 275
losses (mechanical), German 272, 305, 311
losses (mechanical), Soviet 284
Luchki 267
Olkhovatka heights 296–300, 302–5
Samodurovka 302
Soviet counteroffensives 266, 268, 283–4, 286–90, 292–3
Soviet defences 263–4, 265–6, 268–9, 270–71, 272–3, 282, 288, 296–9, 301
advance on Prokhorovka 318–21, 324–39
air operations 315–17, 322–3, 333–4
German losses (mechanical) 327
Kochetovka 318
planning , Soviet 306
Sukho-Solotino 318
12th July see Prokhorovka, Battle of after 12th July 371–82
Belenikhino 379
Ivanovka 379
Soviet counteroffensives 383–4