
Abdominal measurements, 74

Abdominal pain, 252

Abdominal-skin changes, 327

Accutane, 220

Acesulfame K, 175

Acetaminophen, 45, 52, 81, 84, 152, 158, 223(B), 285, 350, 358

Acid-reflux disease, 156

Acupuncture, 296

Advil, 221

Aerobics, 201

After baby’s birth. See Birth, after

Afterpains, 315

Age of mother-to-be, effect of on pregnancy, 135–136, 141, 143–144

AIDS, 46, 48

Air embolus, 85

Air travel, 20–21, 20(B)

Airborne, 222

Alcohol, use, 56–57, 95, 221, 270–271, 356

Aleve, 221

Allergies, 33, 36, 336

Allergy medication, 33, 218

Alpha-fetoprotein test, 102, 109–110, 111, 114

Alupent, 36

American Academy of Pediatrics, 351, 358

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 115, 144, 205, 294, 311

Amniocentesis, 107–109

criteria for, 108

disadvantages, 109

disorders tested for, 2, 50, 52, 107, 108, 120

in multiple pregnancy, 109(B)

process of, 92

risk factor, 135

Amnioreduction, 128

Amniotic fluid, 91–92, 105, 106, 126–128, 195

Amniotic sac, 91–92, 122, 127

Amnisure, 265

Amphetamines, 58

Ampicillin, 40, 177

Analgesia, 299

Anemia, 34–35

blood loss, 132, 266

blood screen for, 314

causes, 49, 96

Cooley’s, 50

drug use, 58

Fanconi (Group C), 116

iron-deficiency, 34–35

medications, 221

megaloblastic, 189

during multiple pregnancy, 125

pregnancy anemia, 34

prevention, 224

restriction of fetal growth, 96

Rh-incompatibility, 113, 266

sickle-cell disease, 49, 96

thalassemia, 50

in TTTS, 128, 129

vitamin B deficiency, 190

Anencephaly, 107, 110

Anesthesia, 80, 81, 273, 274, 283, 299–302, 308, 318

Angel dust, 58

Angiomas, 77

Animal hair, cleaning up, 34

Anorexia, 194–195

Antacids, 155, 222, 223(B)

Anti-itch creams, 78, 223(B)

Antibiotics, 40, 44, 45, 50, 51, 72, 80, 85, 154, 177, 217, 274, 323, 358, 359, 364

Anticoagulants, 43, 220, 221, 254

Antidepressants, 54, 57, 61, 174, 196, 218–219, 222, 331

Antihistamines, 79, 160, 218

Antinausea medication, 160

Antiseizure medications, 39

Antiviral treatment, 42

Apgar score, 314

Apnea, 367

Appendicitis, 272–273

ARA (arachidonic acid), 351, 366

Artificial sweeteners, 175

Ashkenazi Jewish disorders, 51–52, 116–117, 117(B), 138

Aspartame, 175, 178

Aspirin, 154, 221

Assisted reproductive technology (ART), 5

Association of Labor Assistants and Childbirth Educators, 70

Asthma, 35–36, 226, 354

Asthma medications, 36, 221

Azathioprine, 43

AZT, 47

Babies, more than one

breastfeeding, 132–133

help with babies, 133(B)

postpartum doulas, 133–134

See also Multiple pregnancy


after-birth evaluation, 310–313

bonding with, 62, 234, 320–321, 350, 354

changing position of during labor, 303–304

determination of sex, 89

feeding, 326–327

introduction to siblings, 325–326

low-birthweight, 34, 37, 42, 54, 56, 95–97, 125, 193, 195, 218, 239

necessities for hospital, 280

premature, 365–368

reflex assessment, 314

size, 89–90

tests, 314–315

See also Fetus

Baby blues, 329, 331

Back pain and backaches, 136, 147–148

Balance ball, 204(B)

Beclomethasone, 36

Bed rest, 125, 129, 237, 256, 262, 264, 267, 268, 274–276

Biophysical profile, 103, 290, 291, 292, 304

Biopsy, 118

Biotinidase, 314

Birth, after

abdominal-skin changes, 327

appearance, 329(B)

bleeding, 316, 323

bonding with baby, 62, 234, 320–321, 350, 354

bowel movements, 317

breast changes, 317, 327–328

changes in uterus, 315

constipation, 323

contraception, 324–325

counseling, 139–140

emotions, 320

evaluation of baby, 310–313

exercise, 322

headaches, 317–318

hospital stay, 313, 315

hyperemesis gravidarum, 318

perineal pain, 318–319

postpartum checkup, 332

postpartum distress syndrome, 328–332

recovery, 322–324

Rh-negative, 323

sexual relations, 324

staying home, 342

vaginal discharge, 319

warning signs, 319

weight changes, 328

working, 333–342

Birth control. See Contraception

Birth defects, 96(B), 125, 137, 141, 197

Birth presentations, abnormal, 303

Birth Works Childbirth Education, 69

Birthing from Within, 69

Birthing room, 278

Bishop score, 302

Bladder infections, 41, 51, 85

Bleeding after delivery, 316, 323

Bleeding during pregnancy, 84, 143(B), 252, 253, 262

Bloating, 183

Blood cell count, 128, 272

Blood clots, 253–254

Blood-glucose, 259, 314

Blood pressure, 41–42, 89, 96, 103, 255–256, 263, 264, 274, 297, 300, 302, 304, 315, 354, 355

Blood screen, 314

Blood-sugar problems, 255

Blood tests, 102, 113

Blood thinners, 43, 220, 221

Blood transfusion, fetal, 98, 113

Blood type, 102, 265, 345

Bloom syndrome, 116

Boarding in, 278

Body temperature, 79, 79(B), 181

Bonding with baby, 62, 234, 320–321, 350, 354

Bone tumors, 228–229

Bones, broken, 273

Books, recommended

Your Baby’s First Year Week by Week (Curtis and Schuler), 233, 315, 349, 355, 365

Your Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be (Curtis and Schuler), 231, 232(B)

Bottlefeeding, 349–353

advantages, 349–350

cost, 352(B)

equipment, 352

formulas, 349, 351

mother’s nutrition, 350–351

pointers for, 352–353

Bowel movements. See Constipation; Diarrhea

Braces, dental, 81

Bradley childbirth method, 68–69

Braxton-Hicks contractions, 84, 280–281

Brazelton neonatal behavioral assessment scale, 314

Breast cancer, 227–228

Breast changes, 86–87, 317, 327–328

Breast engorgement, 358–359

Breast infections, 359–360

Breast lumps, 256

Breastfeeding, 353–364

advantages, 353–355

breast enlargement or reduction surgery, 357

contraception, 356

counselors and lactation consultants, 353(B)

effects on mother, 355–356

log, use for, 359(B)

medication use during, 358(B), 364

microwaving breast milk, danger of, 360(B)

milk banking, 361

milk caloric content and baby’s gender, 357(B)

milk sharing, 361–362

milk supply and drinking beer, 364(B)

more than one baby, 132–133, 360–361

mother’s nutrition, 362–363

problems, 358–360

pumping, 132–133, 338, 341, 357, 361, 364, 366

sufficient milk, indications of, 356–357

tips for, 363

vitamin D for baby, 363(B)

at work, 341–342

Breasts, after birth, 317

Breath training, 214(B)

Breech presentation, 131, 303

Broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, 367

Bulimia, 195

Bus travel, 21

Caffeine, 173–174, 221, 261

Calcium, 167, 185, 187–189, 188(B), 224, 355, 363

Caloric intake, 192

Caloric needs, 166–167

Canada, cost of having a baby in, 72

Canavan’s disease, 117(B)

Cancer, during pregnancy, 226–229

Car travel, 21

Caregivers, hiring, 336–337

Carpal tunnel syndrome, 18

CAT scans, 120

Category-C medications, 222(B)

Celiac disease, 36–37

Cellex-C, 76

Cerclage, 260

Cervical cancer, 228

Cervical cultures, 102

Cervix, dilation of (diagram), 286

Cesarean delivery, 306–310

after open fetal surgery, 99

anesthesia, 299–300, 302, 318

body mass index and, 308

breech presentation, 131, 303

domestic violence and, 239

exercise, 211, 322

exhaustion and, 298(B)

hospital stay, 313, 315

incision infection, 323–324

induced labor, 305(B)

of infants with IUGR, 95

lochia, 319, 324

multiple pregnancy, 125, 128, 131–132

obesity, 197

older women, 4, 136, 277

ovarian cyst, 273

placenta previa, 270

placental abruption, 270

postpartum depression, 307(B)

premature birth, 268

procedure, 308

reasons for, 306

recovery, 308–309, 323–324

sleep problems, 163

statistics on, 307

timing of, 307

tumors and, 228–229, 258

vaginal birth after (VBAC), 309–310

vasa previa, 267

weight gain and, 197

Ceviche, 180

Chantix, 54(B)

Chemotherapy, 227

Chicken pox, 37

Child care

caregivers, 336–337

centers, 335

cost, 238, 337

house security, 339(B)

in-home, 334

options, 333–335

public funding for, 337

for sick child, 336

tax responsibility, 335

Childbearing, modern trends in, 343–344

Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association, 70

Childbirth-education classes, 67–68, 70

Childbirth philosophies, 68–70

Children, older

encouraging independence, 12, 12(B)

need for reassurance, 13

partner involvement with, 326

at prenatal visits, 31–32

preparing for new baby, 10–12

Chills, 252, 319

Chlamydia, 46, 257

Chloasma, 76

Chlorine, 182

Cholecystitis, 271

Cholestasis of pregnancy, 78

Cholesterol, 172(B)

Choline, 354, 356

Chorioamnionitis, 305

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 2, 50, 52, 111, 115, 119, 139, 144, 266

Chromosomal abnormalities, 2, 137, 139, 140–142

Chromosome analysis, 119, 140

Citalopram, 61, 219

Claritin, 218

Cleft lip and cleft palate, 96(B), 139, 197, 349

Clomiphene challenge, 5

Closet-space, increasing, 107(B)

Clubfoot, 96, 96(B)

CMV (cytomegalovirus), 37, 96, 142, 362

Cocaine, 59, 271

Codeine, 58, 217(B), 285, 359, 364

Cold remedies, 57, 222

Colostrum, 86, 354

Colposcopy, 118

Complete blood count, 102

Computerized tomographic (CAT) scans, 120

Condoms, 325, 326

Condyloma acuminatum, 46

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 314

Congenital infections, 142

Conjoined twins, 114, 123

Consanguinity, 138–139

Constipation, 84, 151–152, 167, 169, 182–183, 187, 201, 221, 317, 323


after birth, 324–325

methods, 325

tubal ligation, 321–322

while breastfeeding, 356

Contraction stress test, 103, 291–292, 304


Braxton-Hicks, 84

timing, 291(B)

true or false labor, 282(B)

Cooking boil overs, avoiding, 103(B)

Coombs test, 314

Copper, 224

Cord-blood banking, 91

Cordocentesis, 98, 112, 266

Corticosteroid injections, 98

Cortisone cream, 78, 79

Cost of having a baby, 72

Cough medicines, 223(B)

Coumadin, 220–221, 254

Counseling, after baby’s birth, 139–140

Counselors, breastfeeding, 353(B)

Counterpressure massage, 299

Couvade, 231

Crack cocaine, 59, 271

Cramping, 262

Credé, 316

Cromolyn sodium, 36

Cyclophosphamide, 43

Cyclosporin, 43

Cystic fibrosis, 107, 115–116, 314

Cystic Fibrosis Complete Test, 115

Cystinuria, 107

Cystitis, 85

Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 37, 96, 142, 362

Dairy products, 167–168

D&C (dilatation and curettage), 262

Decongestants, 34, 218, 223(B)

Deep-vein thrombosis, 254

Dehydration, 152, 181, 182, 205(B)


analgesia, 299

anesthesia, 283, 290, 295, 299–302, 308, 318

baby’s birth presentation, 131, 302–304

birthing facility, choosing, 277–278

Cesarean, 306–309

episiotomy, 284–285, 306, 319

packing for hospital, 278–280

preparation for, 280–281

vaginal, 305–306

Demerol, 58, 301

Dental care, 80–81

Dental emergencies, 273–274

Dental X-rays, 80, 81, 274

Depo-Provera, 325


before pregnancy, 60–61

during pregnancy, 61, 62–63

after pregnancy, 328–330

DES (diethylstilbestrol), 60

Detrol LA, 219

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), 351, 354, 366

Diabetes, 37–38

baby size, 89–90

gestational, 9, 89, 120, 194, 197, 199, 252, 258–260, 304

risk of for older woman, 143

tests, 37–38, 113

Diaphragms, 325

Diarrhea, 36, 38, 153, 221–222, 223(B), 267, 280

Diarrhea medications, 221–222, 223(B)

Diastasis recti, 73

Dicloxacillin, 44

Diet pills, 221

Digestive problems, 35, 154, 221(B), 318

Dilantin, 39

Dilatation and curettage (D&C), 262

Dioxin, 180

Ditropan, 219

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 351, 354, 366

Domestic violence, 238–240

Domestic violence, hotline phone

number, 239

Donor insemination, 140

Doppler, 111(B)

Douching, 85

Doulas, 133–134, 243

Doulas of North America, 243

Down syndrome, 141–146

cause, 141

children, special qualities of, 144–146, 145(B)

incidence of, 96(B)

statistical risk of, 144

symptoms, 143

tests for, 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 144

Doxycycline, 45

Doxylamine, 160

Dramamine, 21

Driving, 23–24

Drugs, mind-altering, 53, 57, 58–59

Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 107

Due date, 66–67, 74, 105, 197

Dysplasia, 118

Eating disorders, 194–196

Eating out, 176

Eclampsia, 263

Ectopic pregnancy, 60, 102, 105, 256–257, 266

Effleurage, 298–299

Electric blankets, 79(B)

Embryo, defined, 88

Embryonic development, 88

Emetrol, 160

Emotional changes during pregnancy, 81–82, 172, 242, 312, 320, 328

Enablex, 219

Enbrel, 45

Endometriosis, 3

Enemas, 283–284

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 179

Epidural block, 283, 301–302, 308, 318

Epifoam, 285

Epilepsy, 38–39

Episiotomy, 284–285, 306, 316

Equal, 175

Erythroblastosis fetalis, 107

Escitalopram, 61, 219

Esophageal blockage, 110


abdominal support during, 207(B)

after Cesarean delivery, 322, 324

after pregnancy, 322

after-pregnancy workout, 211–213

beginning during pregnancy, 202

benefits, 3, 201

changes in, 200

effects of, 203

exercises for home or work, 17, 207–209

exercises for stress relief, 18(B)

feeling lethargic, 206(B)

guidelines, 205–206

multiple pregnancy, 130

nutritional needs, 206–207

pregnancy workout, 209–211

problems, 206

recommended activities, 204

risks, 202–203

sports activities to avoid, 203(B)

stretching, 208(B)

varicose veins, 164

in water, 204–205, 205(B)

when to avoid, 199


pregnancy workout, 209–211

after-pregnancy workout, 211–213

for home or work, 17, 207–209

stress relief, 18(B)

External cephalic version, 303

Facial hair, 86

Factor-XI deficiency, 116

Falls, 257

Familial dysautonomia, 116

Familial Mediterranean fever, 117(B)

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 26–27

Family medical history, 138

Family practitioner, 32

Fanconi anemia (Group C), 116

Fasting blood-sugar test, 113

Father-to-be. See Partner

Fatigue, 3, 10, 149, 318

Fats, 170

Feeling baby move, 82–83, 252

Fertility, 4–5, 123

Fertilization age of fetus, 67

Fetal-alcohol exposure, 57

Fetal-alcohol syndrome, 57

Fetal blood sampling, 290, 293

Fetal fibronectin test, 112

Fetal MRI, 114

Fetoscopy, 112, 139, 343

Fetus, 88–99

blood transfusion, 98, 113

development, 88–90, 94(B)

effect of medication on, 215

fetal blood sampling, 290, 293

fetoscopy, 112, 139, 343

hearing inside womb, 92–93

heartbeat, listening to, 111(B)

induced labor, 268, 304–305, 305(B)

lung maturity, 98, 107, 120, 294, 307

monitoring during labor, 292–293

movement of, 6(B), 82–83, 252

MRI, 114

surgery on, 98–99, 139

tests during labor, 290–292

treatment of in utero, 98–99

See also Multiple pregnancy

Fever, 37, 45, 52(B), 181, 252, 261, 317, 324, 359

Fever reducers, 45, 52

Fiber intake, 152, 157, 167, 169, 169(B), 182–183, 260, 317

Fibroid tumors, 258

Fifth disease (parvovirus 19), 39–40, 142

Fish, 179, 180, 180(B)

Flagyl, 364

Flatulence (gas), 183

Flu (influenza), 36, 42–43, 225–226, 356

Flu vaccine, 42, 225–226

Fluid, loss of from vagina, 252

Fluid intake, 181–182

Fluoride, 191, 350

Fluoxetine, 61, 219

Folate, 189, 190, 355

Folic acid, 36, 38, 39, 50, 55, 61, 124, 167, 169, 189–190, 189(B), 223, 224

Food, junk, 171

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 179, 216, 217

Food aversions, 172–173, 318

Food cravings, 172, 173(B)

Forceps, use, 285, 290, 305

Founder effect, 116

Fragile-X syndrome, 142

Fruitarian diet, 185

Fruits, 169

Full-term baby, 89

Galactosemia, 315

Gallbladder issues, 271–272, 318

Gamete intrafallopian transfer, 5

Gas, intestinal, 183

Gastrocolic reflex, 352

Gaucher disease, 117

GBS (group-B streptococcus), 40–41

Gender-prediction kits, 101–102

Genetic counseling, 2, 5, 136–137

Genetic disease, incidence of, 140–141

Genetic disorders, 48–50, 51–52, 111, 116–117

Genetic drift, 116

Genetics, basics of, 140

Genital herpes, 46, 305

GERD, 156, 318

German measles. See Rubella

Gestational age, 66–67, 94, 110, 127, 269

Gestational diabetes, 9, 89, 120, 194, 197, 199, 252, 258–260, 304

Gestational hypertension, 199, 252, 255–256, 304, 305

Gingivitis, 80

Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD), 117

Glucose-tolerance test, 38, 113

Glyburide, 260

Glycogen storage disease, type III, 117

Glycolic acid, 76

Gonorrhea, 46

Grain products, 169–170

Grantley Dick-Read method, 69

Group-B streptococcus (GBS), 40–41

Guardian, naming, 244

Gum disease, 80

Hair, changes in, 86

Hair, freshening, 93(B)

Hallucinogens, 58–59

Haminophylline, 36

Hashish, 58

HCG test, 101, 102, 111, 114, 257

Headache, spinal, 318

Headaches, 3, 152–154, 220, 221(B), 317–318

Health insurance, 24–25

Healthcare providers, 32–33, 70–71

Heart defects, congenital, 96(B)

Heart disease, 141, 143, 349, 355

Heart-rhythm disturbance, 98

Heartbeat, fetal, 111(B), 124, 292, 300, 302

Heartburn, 35, 154, 156

Hemoglobinopathies, 314

Hemophilia, 107

Hemorrhoids, 136, 152, 156–157, 164, 223(B)

Heparin, 43, 220, 254

Hepatitis, 41, 102

Hepatitis B vaccine, 226

Herbal teas, 174–175

Herbal use, 174

Heroin, 58


detection of, 107

genital, 46, 305

gestationis (PG), 79

simplex, 142

zoster, 37

HGC (human chorionic gonadotropin), 101, 102, 111, 114

Hips, dislocated, 96(B)

HIV, 46–47, 315, 349, 362

Hodgkin’s disease, 229

Home birth, 311(B)

Homocystinuria, 315

Hormone-replacement therapy, 219

Hot tubs, 79(B)

House security, 339(B)

HPV, 46

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), 101, 102, 111, 114

Human Milk Banking Association of North America, 361

Hydrocephalus, 97

Hydrocortisone, 36, 75, 157

Hydrotherapy, 295

Hydroxyurea, 49

Hyperemesis gravidarum, 161–162, 318

Hypertension, 41–43

chronic, 42

dangers of, 41

effect on fetus, 89, 96

gestational, 199, 252, 255–256, 304, 305

older pregnant women and, 143

pregnancy-induced, 178, 199

Hypnobirthing, 69, 295

Hypnosis, 162, 295

Hypotension (low blood pressure), 255

Hypothyroidism, 314

Ibuprofen, 221, 350

Ice-cube trays, small object storage in, 245(B)

Ice packs, homemade, 157(B)

Illness during pregnancy, 33–52

Immune system, changes in, 84(B)

Immunizations during pregnancy, 224–225

Imodium, 222

Implantable contraceptives, 325

In-home child care, 334

In-vitro fertilization, 5, 123

Incompetent cervix, 260

Incontinence, 136, 219–220, 284

Indigestion, 154, 176, 186, 221(B)

Inducing labor, 268, 304–305, 305(B)

Infant care, 335

Influenza, 36, 42–43, 225–226, 356

Inhalers, 54, 221

Inhibin-A, 111

Instant risk assessment, 114, 144

Insulin, 260

Internal Revenue Service, 335

International Childbirth Education Association, 70

International Lactation Consultant Association, 353(B)

Internet, using, 244(B)

Intestinal blockage, 110

Intracranial hemorrhage, 367

Intrathecal anesthesia, 301

Intrauterine-growth restriction. See IUGR.

Intravenous drip (I.V.), 283

Iodine, 222, 224

Iron absorption, 187

Iron chelator, 50

Iron deficiency, 35, 172, 186

Iron-deficiency anemia, 34–35

Iron-fortified formula, 349, 351

Iron supplementation, 130, 186–187, 224, 332

Isoimmunization, 109, 113, 265, 304

Itching, 77–79, 285

IUGR (intrauterine-growth restriction), 34, 37, 42, 54, 56, 94–97, 125, 193, 218, 239, 304

Jaundice, 367

Jewish genetic disorders, 51–52, 116–117, 117(B), 138

Junk food, 171

Karyotype, 140

Kegel exercises, 148, 207, 208–209, 308, 322

Kick counts, 118

Kidney disease, 96, 110, 263, 349

Kidney stones, 51, 148

Klinefelter’s syndrome, 142

L-S ratio, 294

La Leche League, 353(B), 358


back labor, 290

breathing, 294(B)

cervix, dilation of (diagram), 286

contractions, timing, 291(B)

eating and drinking guidelines, 289–290

enemas, 283–284

inducing, 268, 304–305, 305(B)

intravenous drip (I.V.), 283

labor coach, 68, 243, 289, 296, 299

laboring positions, 296–297

lightening, 87, 281

older women and, 4, 136

pain, 285–286, 285(B)

pain relief, 280, 285, 294–295, 299–302

partner’s involvement, 289

premature labor, 120, 267–268

signs of impending labor, 280, 286

stages, 287–289

tests during, 290–292

true or false, 282(B)

unavailable healthcare provider, 284

water, breaking of, 281, 305

when to go to hospital, 278, 282–283

Labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum (LDRP) facility, 278

Labor-and-delivery suite, 278

Lactation consultants, 353(B), 360

Lactose intolerance, 187, 349

Lamaze technique, 68

Lamotrigine therapy, 39

Laser treatment, 128

Laxatives, 38, 152, 222, 317, 323

Lead exposure, 52–53

Leg cramps, 158–159

Leukemia, 54, 229, 354

Leukorrhea, 85

Lexapro, 61, 219

Librium, 58

Light treatments, 61, 78

Lightening, 87, 281

Linea nigra, 76

Listeriosis, 177–178, 261

Liver disease, 110

Local anesthesia, 300

Lochia, 319, 324

Low-birthweight baby, 34, 37, 42, 54, 56, 95–97, 125, 193, 195, 218, 239, 304

Low blood pressure, 255

Low-fat foods, 167(B)

Lower-back pain, relief from, 148–149

LSD, 58

Lupus, 3, 43

Lyme disease, 43–44

Macrobiotic diet, 185

Mammograms, 30, 120, 256

Maple-syrup-urine disease, 107, 315

Marijuana, 58

Mask of pregnancy, 76

Massage, 61, 161, 162, 280, 297–299

Maternity leave, 18(B), 26–27

McDonald’s suture, 260

Measles vaccine, 226

Meat, marinated, 67(B)

Meconium, 92

Medical history, 59–60

Medical history chart, 64–65(B)


category-C, 222(B)

effect of on fetal development, 215

risk classification, 217(B)

safety guidelines, 216–217

taking correctly, 224(B)


allergy, 33, 218

anemia, 221

antacids, 155, 222, 223(B)

anti-itch creams, 78, 223(B)

antibiotics, 40, 44, 45, 50, 51, 72, 80, 85, 154, 177, 217, 274, 323, 358, 359, 364

anticancer, 227

anticoagulants, 43, 220, 221, 254

antidepressants, 54, 57, 61, 174, 196, 218–219, 222, 331

antidiarrheal, 221–222, 223(B)

antihistamines, 79, 160, 218

antinausea, 160

antiseizure, 39

aspirin, 154, 221

asthma, 36, 221

blood pressure, 42

category-C, 222(B)

cold remedies, 57, 222

cortisone creams, 78, 79

cough medicines, 223(B)

decongestants, 34, 218, 223(B)

diet pills, 221

epilepsy, 39

fever reducers, 45, 52

flu (influenza), 36, 42–43, 225–226

hemorrhoid, 223(B)

HIV, 47

hormone-replacement therapy, 219

ibuprofen, 221, 350

incontinence, 219–220

inhalers, 54, 221

nasal sprays, 34, 36, 54

NSAIDs, 45, 154

pain relief, 45, 52, 80, 81, 84, 152, 158, 221, 285, 301, 302, 350

seasickness patch, 21

skin-care, 220

steroid creams, 75, 220

steroids, 36, 43, 79

thyroid, 220

See also specific medications

Megaloblastic anemia, 189

Melanoma, 229

Meningomyelocele, 97

Mental retardation, 57, 137, 141, 142, 143, 178

Mercury exposure, 52–53, 179

Mescaline, 58

Metformin, 260

Methicillin, 44

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 44–45

Methotrexate, 45

Methylprednisolone, 36, 43

Metronidazole, 364

Migraine headaches, 3, 153–154, 220

Military policies on pregnancy, 22–23

Milk banking, 361

Milk ducts, plugged, 359

Milk letdown, 357

Milk of magnesia, 77

Milk sharing, 361–362

Miscarriage, 260–262

caffeine and, 173, 261

causes, 140, 142, 261

morning sickness, 159

older women, 136

risk of, 52

types, 261–262

warning signs, 262

Moles, on skin, 77(B)

Monilial vulvovaginitis, 46

Morning sickness, 19, 27, 39, 81, 154(B), 159–162, 159(B), 160(B), 193, 318

Morphine, 58

Motrin, 221

MRI, 120

MRI, fetal, 114

MRSA, 44–45

Mucolipidosis IV, 117

Mucus plug, 235, 286

Multiple pregnancy, 121–134

causes, 122–123

childbirth-education classes, 132

complications, 131

delivery, 130–132

diagnosis of, 124

disappearance of fetus, 127(B)

discomfort, 129

exercise, 130

increased risks, 125–126

morning sickness, 159

nutrition, 130

older women, 122

pregnancy weight, losing, 129

preparing siblings for, 13

rest, 126, 129

statistics, 121

tests for, 119–120

weight gain, 125–126, 198

working during pregnancy, 132

See also Babies, more than one; Twins

Muscle aches, 136

Muscle tumors, 136

Muscle weakness, 318

Nafcillin, 44

Nails, changes in, 86

Narcotics, 58

Nasal congestion, 34, 174

Nasal sprays, 34, 36, 54

Nasalcrom, 36

National Domestic Violence Hotline, phone number for, 239

Nausea, 27, 39, 41, 100, 124, 153, 154(B), 159–162, 174, 201, 221, 236, 272, 299, 318

Nausea and vomiting, later in pregnancy, 154(B)

Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), 365

Neonatal maturity assessment, 314

Neural-tube defects, 96(B), 107, 110, 137, 189–190

Nicoderm Gum/Patch, 54(B)

Niemann-Pick disease (Type A), 117

Nipples, inverted, 86–87

Nipples, sore, 359

Noise levels, for fetus, 93

Nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia, 117

Nonstress test, 103, 118, 264, 290–292, 304

Nonsyndromic hearing loss, 117

NSAIDs, 45, 154

Nuchal translucency screening, 113–114, 144

Nurse-midwife, 32

Nurse practitioner, 32

Nutrasweet, 175

Nutrition, 130, 166–170, 206–207


birth defects and, 197

Cesarean delivery, 308

risks, 196–197, 259, 261, 263, 290

weight gain guidelines, 126, 191–192, 193(B), 196, 198

Obstetrician, defined, 32

Omega-3 fatty acids, 61, 77, 178–179, 179(B), 185(B)

Omphalocele, 97, 139

Once-a-month birth control injection, 325

Oral contraceptives, 325, 356

Orudis, 221

Osteogenesis imperfecta, 107, 110

Ovarian cysts, 271, 273

Over-the-counter medications (OTC), 34, 36, 38, 45, 52, 54, 57, 58, 78, 79, 81, 84, 152, 154, 155, 156, 158, 160, 218, 221, 222, 223(B), 317, 323, 350

Overdue baby, 89, 103, 197, 290, 292, 304–305

Overweight, before pregnancy, 126, 191–193, 193(B), 196–198, 263, 308

Ovulation, 4, 66

Ovulation-predictor kits, 5

Ovulatory age of fetus, 67

Oxacillin, 44

Oxytocin, 132, 285, 321, 354

Pacifier, weaning toddler from, 9(B)

Pain medications, 45, 52, 80, 81, 84, 152, 158, 285, 301, 302, 350, 364

Pain relief, without medication

acupuncture, 296

continuous labor support, 295–296

counterpressure massage, 299

effleurage, 298–299

for headaches, 152–153

hydrotherapy, 295

hypnobirthing, 69, 295

hypnosis, 162, 295

laboring positions, 296–297

for lower-back pain, 148–149

massage, 280, 297–298

music, 295

water immersion, 295

Palmar erythema, 77

Pap smear, 102, 117–118, 228

Parental leave, state laws on, 27

Partner, 230–240

age of, 2, 5

alcohol use, 57

bed rest, effect on, 237–238

bonding with baby, 234

effect of baby blues on, 332

fears about pregnancy, 238(B)

health, 344(B)

help from, 232

involvement with older children, 326

as labor coach, 289

packing for hospital, 279–280

reassurance for, 233

smoking, 54

Parvovirus 19 (fifth disease), 39–40, 142

Patent ductus arteriosus, 367

Paxil, 61, 219

PCB exposure, 52, 53, 180

PCP, 58

Pediatrician, questions for, 71–72

Pelvic exam, 31, 83, 118–119, 270, 332

Pemphigoid gestationis (PG), 79

Penicillin G, 40

Pepcid AC, 156

Percutaneous umbilical-cord blood sampling. See PUBS.

Perinatologist, 32

Perineal pain, 318–319

Perspiration, heavy, 86

Pesticide exposure, 53

Peyote, 58

PG (pemphigoid gestationis), 79

Phenacetin, 221

Phencyclidine, 58

Phenobarbital, 39, 217

Phenylketonuria, 139, 178, 315

Phlebitis, 220, 254

Phosphatidyl glycerol tests, 294

Pica cravings, 172

PIH (pregnancy-induced hypertension), 199, 252, 255–256, 304, 305

Pike, 180

Pilates, 201, 202, 204, 205

Pitocin, 132

Placenta, 90, 122, 123, 126, 269

Placenta, retained, 269, 271

Placenta, substances crossing, 43, 52, 53, 55, 58, 173, 179, 215, 221, 254, 256, 353

Placenta accreta, 307

Placenta previa, 125, 237, 253, 269–270, 305, 306, 307

Placental abruption, 125, 258, 269, 270–271

Plaques of pregnancy, 78–79

Plastic bags, organizing, 275(B)

Pneumococcal vaccine, 226

Pneumonia, 40, 84, 92

Pneumonitis, 92

Polio vaccine, 226

Postpartum checkup, 332

Postpartum depression, 61, 196, 307(B), 328, 329, 330, 331

Postpartum distress syndrome, 328–332

Postpartum hemorrhage, 316

Postpartum psychosis, 329–330

Postterm baby. See Overdue baby

PPROM (preterm premature rupture of membranes), 264–265

Pre-eclampsia, 58, 96, 103, 120, 128, 130, 153, 178, 181, 194, 198, 199, 255, 263–264, 274, 304, 306, 318

Prednisolone, 43

Prednisone, 43, 45, 221

Preemie. See Premature baby

Pregnancy-associated plasma A, 114

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, 25–26

Pregnancy gingivitis, 80

Pregnancy-induced hypertension. See PIH

Pregnancy leave, 26

Pregnancy tests, 100–101, 102, 105, 257, 262

Pregnancy tumor, 80

Pregnancy weight, distribution of, 195(B)

Premature baby, 365–368

Premature birth, 89, 93–94, 125, 268–269, 268(B), 283(B)

See also Appendix C

Premature labor, 120, 267–268

Premature rupture of membranes (PROM), 264–265

Prenatal care, first visit, 30–31

Prenatal testing, 49, 117(B), 139

Prenatal vitamins, 35, 60, 130, 151, 187, 189, 191, 223–224, 268(B)

Preterm birth. See Premature birth

Primatene Mist, 36, 221

Prolactin, 321

PROM (premature rupture of membranes), 264–265, 305

Protein, 168, 263

Proventil, 221

Prozac, 61, 219

Pruritis gravidarum, 78

PUBS, 112–113

Pudendal block, 300

Pumping breast milk, 132–133, 338, 341, 357, 361, 364, 366

PUPP (pruritic urticaria pappules), 78–79

PureVia, 176

Pyelonephritis, 51, 154(B)

Pyloric stenosis, 96(B)

Pyogenic granuloma, 80

Quad-screen test, 110–111, 144

Quadruplets, 123

Radiation exposure, 120, 141, 227, 261

Recovery, after birth, 322–324

Reflex assessment of baby, 314

Reflexology, 61

Regional anesthesia, 300

Relenza, 43

ReliefBand, 160(B)

Renova, 76

Reproductive history, 138

Respiratory distress syndrome, 98, 367

Respiratory syncytial virus, 367

Retin-A, 76, 220

Retinol, 190

Retinopathy of prematurity, 367

Rh incompatibility, 112–113, 265–266, 304

Rh-negative, 102, 107, 109, 111, 112–113, 262, 265–266, 304, 323

Rheumatoid arthritis, 3, 45

RhoGAM, 109, 111, 113, 262, 266, 323

Riley-Day syndrome, 116

Rooming in, 278

Round-ligament pain, 84

Rubella, 45, 93, 96, 102, 107, 142, 225, 226

Rufen, 221

Saccharin, 175, 176

Sacroiliac-joint pain, 163

Salad greens, ready-to-use, 169(B)

Salmonella, 169, 176–177

Sanctura, 219

Saunas, 79(B)

Sciatic-nerve pain, 163

Scoliosis, 302

Seasickness patch, 21

Seat belt use, 23–24

Secondary infertility, 344

Sephardi Jewish disorders. See Jewish genetic disorders

Sex-chromosome abnormalities, 137, 142

Sex during pregnancy, 235–237

Sex of baby, determination of, 89

Sexual relations after birth, 324

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 46

Shellfish, 180(B)

Shingles, 48


encouraging independence, 12

need for reassurance, 13

at prenatal visits, 31–32

preparing for new baby, 10–12

Sick-child day care, 336

Sickle-cell disease, 48–49, 96(B), 107, 138, 314

SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), 58, 59, 173, 354, 367

Single mothers, 241–251

birth certificate, 249

child-care cost, 248

emergency fund, 247

emotional support, sources of, 242, 242(B)

financial situation, 243

finding help, 243

going home from hospital, preparation for, 249–250

insurance, 245–246

labor coach, 243, 249

legal questions, 250–251

making a will, 244–245

savings account for child, 247–248

sharing living quarters, 243(B)

statistics on, 241

Skin, healthy, 137

Skin-care medications, 220

Skin changes during pregnancy, 74–79

Sleep, tips for, 149, 164(B)

Sleep problems, 163

Sleeping on side, importance of, 149


aids to quitting, 54(B)

effects, 53–55, 95, 270–271

indigestion, 154

low-birthweight baby, 95–96

second and third-hand smoke, 55–56

Snacks, 176

Sodium, 183–184

Spas, 79(B)

Special-needs care, 335–336

Spider veins, 164

Spina bifida, 60, 97, 107, 109, 110, 137, 189

Spinal block, 300–301, 318

Splenda, 175

Stain removal, 233(B)

STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), 46

Steam rooms, 79(B)

Steroid creams, 75, 220

Steroids, 36, 43, 79

Steroids, natural, 3(B)

Stevia, 175, 176

Stillbirth, 97, 136, 177, 218, 260, 262–263

Stool softeners, 157, 317, 323

Stress, 4, 8, 10, 17, 100, 150–151, (B18)

Stretch marks, 74–76

Substance abuse, 53–59

Sucralose, 175

Sudden-infant-death syndrome (SIDS), 58, 59, 173, 354, 367

Support stockings, 165, 254

Surgery, fetal, 98–99, 139

Surgery during pregnancy, 271–274

Sushi, 180

Sweeteners, 175

Sweets, 170

Swelling, 17, 18, 20, 128, 149, 157, 162–163, 162(B), 184, 204, 228, 252, 263, 264, 273, 318, 319

Syphilis, 46, 102, 142, 261, 362

Tagamet, 156

Tamiflu, 42–43

Tattoos, epidural block and, 302

Tax responsibility, caregiver, 335

Tay-Sachs disease, 51–52, 116, 117(B), 138

Tdap vaccine, 225

Teas, herbal, 174–175

Telangiectasis, 77

Teratogens, 138, 141, 215

Terbutaline, 36

Terminating pregnancy, 139, 144, 146, 227

Testicles, undescended, 367

Tests, 100–120

alpha-fetoprotein, 102, 109–110, 111, 114

amniocentesis, 2, 50, 52, 92, 107–109, 109(B), 120, 135

Amnisure, 265

anemia, 314

biophysical profile, 103, 290, 291, 292, 304

blood, 109, 111, 120

blood cell count, 128, 272

blood-glucose, 314

blood pressure, 103

blood screen, 314

blood type, 102

Brazelton neonatal behavioral assessment scale, 314

cervical cultures, 102

chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 2, 50, 111, 115, 119, 139, 144, 266

chromosome, 119, 140

complete blood count, 102

computerized tomographic (CAT) scans, 120

congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 314

contraction stress test, 103, 291–292, 304

Coombs, 314

cordocentesis, 98, 112, 266

cystic fibrosis, 107, 115–116, 314

Cystic Fibrosis Complete Test, 115

diabetes, 37–38, 113


esophageal blockage, 110

false positivenegative results, 110, 111

fasting blood-sugar, 113

ferning, 281

fetal blood sampling, 290, 293

fetal fibronectin, 112

fetal lung maturity, 107, 120, 294

fetal monitoring, 83, 292–294

fetal MRI, 114

fetoscopy, 112, 139, 343

GBS, 40–41

gender-prediction kits, 101–102

genetic abnormalities, 49, 50, 111, 117, 117(B)

glucose-tolerance, 38, 113

HCG, 101, 102, 111, 114, 257

hemoglobinopathies, 314

hepatitis B, 41, 102

HIV, 46–47, 315, 362

hypothyroidism, 314

instant risk assessment, 114, 144

intestinal blockage, 110

IUGR, 95

Jewish genetic disorders, 116–117

kick counts, 118

kidney disease, 110

liver disease, 110

mammogram, 30, 120, 256

maple-syrup-urine disease, 107, 315

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 120

for multiples, 119–120

neonatal maturity assessment, 314

neural-tube defects, 107, 110

nonstress, 103, 118, 264, 290–292, 304

nuchal translucency screening, 113–114, 144

Pap smear, 102, 117–118, 228

percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS), 112–113

phosphatidyl glycerol tests, 294

pre-eclampsia, 120

pregnancy, 100–101, 102, 105, 257, 262

prenatal, 49, 117(B), 139

prenatal genetic, 117(B)

PUBS, 112–113

quad-screen, 110–111, 144

reflex assessment, 314

Rh-factor, 102

Rh incompatibility, 112

rubella, 45, 102, 107, 225

sickle-cell disease, 107, 314

sickle-cell trait, 49

STDs, 46

syphilis, 46, 102, 362

thalassemia, 50

third trimester, 47, 103, 105

thyoid, 314

triple-screen, 110–111, 144

ultrasound, 42, 51, 92, 95, 102, 103, 104–109, 113, 114, 124(B), 127(B), 128, 139, 144, 254, 256, 257, 267, 270, 272, 273, 292

urinalysis, 51, 102, 103

urinary-tract infection, 51

uterine monitoring, home, 118

weight check, 31, 103, 332

Western Blot, 47

Tetracycline, 220

Thalassemia, 50

Theophylline, 36

Third trimester tests, 47, 103, 105

Thyroid, 220, 222, 314

Tilapia, 179

Title EE, 248, 337


Topicort, 75

Torsion dystonia, 117

Toxoplasmosis, 50–51, 142

Tranquilizers, 58

Travel during pregnancy, 20–21, 20(B)

Trichomonal vaginitis, 46

Trimesters, 67, 88–89

Triple-screen test, 110–111, 144

Triplets, 123, 126

Trisomy 13 (Patau’s syndrome), 142

Trisomy 18 (Edwards’ syndrome), 141–142

Truvia, 176

TTTS (twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome), 123–124, 126–129

Tubal ligation, 321–322

Tubal pregnancy, 256–257

Tumors, 136, 228–229, 258

Tuna, 179

Turner’s syndrome, 107, 142


causes, 122–123

conjoined, 114, 123

delivery, 131–132

diagnosis of, 124

dizygotic (fraternal), 122

monozygotic (identical), 122–124

occurrence of, 121–123

risks, 125–126

twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), 123–124, 126–129

Ultrasound, 104–109

3-dimensional, 107

amniotic fluid, evaluation of, 92

biophysical profile, 103, 290, 291, 292, 304

changing baby’s position, 303

cost, 106

diagnosis of multiple pregnancy by, 124, 124(B), 127(B)

disorders detected by, 42, 51, 95, 102, 113, 114, 128, 139, 144, 254, 256, 257, 267, 270, 272, 273

at the mall, 120(B)

procedure, 104

purpose, 103, 105–106, 110, 111

vaginal, 106–107

Umbilical cord, 90–91, 98, 112–113, 125, 127, 131, 267, 270, 305, 306, 310, 312, 314

Umbilical-cord blood banking, 345–347

Unconjugated estriol, 111

Underweight, before pregnancy, 191–196, 193(B)

Urinalysis, 51, 102, 103

Urinary obstruction, 98, 99, 110

Urinary-tract infections (UTIs), 40, 44, 51, 83, 85

Urination, frequent, 51, 85(B), 100, 259

Urination, painful, 51, 253, 319

USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) website, 171

Uterine fibroids, 136

Uterine monitoring, home, 118

Uterine tightening, 84

UTIs (urinary tract infections), 44, 51, 83, 85

Vaccinations during pregnancy, 224–226

Vaccines, 41, 42, 45, 102, 224–226, 313

Vacuum extractor, 67, 285, 290, 301, 305–306

Vaginal birth after Cesarean delivery (VBAC), 309–310

Vaginal bleeding, 84, 252, 253, 262, 316, 323

Vaginal discharge, 85–86, 237, 261, 280, 319, 324

Vaginal infection, 40, 85

Valium, 58

Vanceril, 36

Vancomycin, 45

Varicella (chicken pox), 37

Varicose veins, 136, 163–165

Vasa previa, 267, 305

Vascular problems, 136

Vascular spiders, 77

Vegetables, 169

Vegetarian diet, 184–186, 187, 191

Velocardiofacial syndrome, 142–143

Venereal warts, 46

Ventolin, 36

Vision, blurred, 253, 259

Vision changes, 165, 264

Vitamin A, 190, 224

Vitamin B, 61, 224

Vitamin B2, 185, 224

Vitamin B3, 224

Vitamin B6, 190, 224

Vitamin B9, 189, 190

Vitamin B12, 185, 190, 224

Vitamin C, 224, 260

Vitamin D, 61, 185, 187, 224, 354, 355, 363(B)

Vitamin E, 190–191, 224, 355

Vitamins, prenatal. See Prenatal vitamins

Vomiting, 39, 62, 81, 100, 124, 153, 154(B), 159, 160, 161, 252, 272, 318

Walleye, 180

Warfarin, 43, 220, 221, 254

Warning signs during pregnancy, 252–253

Water, recommended intake, 181–182

Water, tap vs. bottled, 182

Water aerobics, 201

Water immersion birth, 295

Weight changes, after birth, 328, 332, 351

Weight check, 31, 103, 332

Weight gain, recommended, 73, 96, 125–126, 130, 165, 191–194, 193(B), 196, 198, 349

Wellbutrin and Wellbutrin SR, 54

Western Blot, 47

Working, after birth

breastfeeding, 341–342

child care options, 333–335

hiring caregivers, 336–337

modifying work situation, 340–341

returning to work, 337–340

sick child, caring for, 336

Working, during pregnancy

at a computer, 16

exercises, 17

Family and Medical Leave Act (1993), 26–27

parental leave laws, 27

part time, 18(B)

precautions, 15

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, 25–26

preparation to leave, 28–29

safety issues, 15–16

stress relief, 18

X-rays, 80, 81, 120, 141, 256, 273, 274

Yoga, 153, 201, 202, 204, 205

Your Baby’s First Year Week by Week (Curtis and Schuler), 233, 315, 349, 355, 365

Your Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be (Curtis and Schuler), 231, 232(B)

Zinc, 191, 224, 355

Zyban, 54(B)

Zyrtec, 218