Jdg 6:25 Tear down your father’s altar to B

1Ki 16:32 set up an altar for B in the temple

18:25 Elijah said to the prophets of B,

19:18 knees have not bowed down to B

2Ki 10:28 So Jehu destroyed B worship

Jer 19:5 in the fire as offerings to B

Ro 11:4 have not bowed the knee to B.”


King of Israel (1Ki 15:1616:7; 2Ch 16:1–6).


Ac 17:18 “What is this b trying to say?”


Mt 6:7 do not keep on b like pagans,


Ge 25:22 The b jostled each other within

Ex 2:6 “This is one of the Hebrew b,”

Lk 18:15 bringing b to Jesus for him to place

Ac 7:19 their newborn b so that they would

1Pe 2:2 Like newborn b, crave pure


Ex 1:16 you see that the b is a boy, kill him;

Ex 2:6 She opened it and saw the b.

2:7 women to nurse the b for you?”

2:9 “Take this b and nurse him for me,

2:9 the woman took the b and nursed

1Ki 3:17 I had a b while she was there

3:18 was born, this woman also had a b.

3:26 my lord, give her the living b!

3:27 “Give the living b to the first

Isa 49:15 “Can a mother forget the b at her

Lk 1:41 greeting, the b leaped in her womb,

1:44 the b in my womb leaped for joy.

1:57 time for Elizabeth to have her b,

2:6 the time came for the b to be born,

2:12 You will find a b wrapped in cloths

2:16 and the b, who was lying

Jn 16:21 b is born she forgets the anguish


Ex 2:8 the girl went and got the b mother.


Ps 137:1 By the rivers of B we sat and wept

Jer 29:10 seventy years are completed for B,

51:37 B will be a heap of ruins, a haunt

Rev 14:8 Fallen is B the Great,’ which made

17:5 on her forehead was a mystery: B


2Pe 2:21 their b on the sacred command


Jer 2:19 your b will rebuke you.

3:22 I will cure you of b.”

15:6 “You keep on b. So I will reach

Eze 37:23 save them from all their sinful b,


Jer 5:6 rebellion is great and their b many.


Prophet who attempted to curse Israel (Nu 22–24; Dt 23:4–5; 2Pe 2:15; Jude 11). Killed in Israel’s vengeance on Midianites (Nu 31:8; Jos 13:22).


Moabite king who hired Balaam to curse Israel (Nu 22–24; Jos 24:9).


Jer 8:22 Is there no b in Gilead? Is there no


Jer 25:10 will b from them the sounds of joy


Dt 30:4 have been b to the most distant


Ex 17:15 and called it The LORD is my B.

SS 2:4 hall, and let his b over me be love.

Isa 11:10 of Jesse will stand as a b


SS 2:4 Let him lead me to the b hall,

Lk 14:13 But when you give a b,


Mt 21:25 John’s b—where did it come from?

Mk 1:4 preaching a b of repentance

10:38 with the b I am baptized with?”

10:39 with the b I am baptized with,

11:30 John’s b—was it from heaven,

Lk 3:3 preaching a b of repentance

12:50 But I have a b to undergo, and

20:4 John’s b—was it from heaven,

Ac 1:22 beginning from John’s b to the

10:37 after the b that John preached—

13:24 and b to all the people of Israel.

18:25 though he knew only the b of John.

19:3 “Then what b did you receive?”

19:3 “John’s b,” they replied.

19:4 “John’s b was a b of repentance.

Ro 6:4 with him through b into death

Eph 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one b;

Col 2:12 having been buried with him in b,

1Pe 3:21 this water symbolizes b that now


Mt 3:11 “I b you with water for repentance.

3:11 He will b you with the Holy Spirit

Mk 1:8 I b you with water, but he will b you with the Holy Spirit

Lk 3:16 them all, “I b you with water.

3:16 He will b you with the Holy Spirit

Jn 1:25 you b if you are not the Messiah,

1:26 “I b with water,” John replied,

1:33 one who sent me to b with water

1:33 remain is the one who will b

1Co 1:14 that I did not b any of you except

1:17 For Christ did not send me to b,


Mt 3:6 they were b by him in the Jordan

3:13 to the Jordan to be b by John.

3:14 “I need to be b by you, and do you

3:16 As soon as Jesus was b, he went

Mk 1:5 they were b by him in the Jordan

1:9 and was b by John in the Jordan.

10:38 or be b with the baptism I am b with?”

10:39 be b with the baptism I am b with,

16:16 believes and is b will be saved,

Lk 3:7 crowds coming out to be b by him,

3:12 Even tax collectors came to be b.

3:21 When all the people were being b, Jesus was b too.

7:29 because they had been b by John.

7:30 because they had not been b

Jn 3:22 spent some time with them, and b.

3:23 people were coming and being b.

4:2 in fact it was not Jesus who b,

Ac 1:5 For John b with water, but in a few days you will be b

2:38 “Repent and be b, every one

2:41 who accepted his message were b,

8:12 they were b, both men and women.

8:13 Simon himself believed and was b.

8:16 had simply been b in the name

8:36 stand in the way of my being b?”

8:38 into the water and Philip b him.

9:18 He got up and was b,

10:47 the way of their being b with water.

10:48 ordered that they be b in the name

11:16 ‘John b with water, but you will be b with the Holy Spirit.’

16:15 members of her household were b,

16:33 he and all his household were b.

18:8 heard Paul believed and were b.

19:5 were b in the name of the Lord

22:16 up, be b and wash your sins away,

Ro 6:3 us who were b into Christ Jesus were b into his death?

1Co 1:13 Were you b in the name of Paul?

1:15 say that you were b in my name.

1:16 also b the household of Stephanas;

1:16 don’t remember if I b anyone else.)

10:2 They were all b into Moses

12:13 we were all b by one Spirit so as

15:29 those do who are b for the dead?

15:29 at all, why are people b for them?

Gal 3:27 of you who were b into Christ have


Mt 3:7 coming to where he was b, he said

28:19 b them in the name of the Father

Jn 1:28 of the Jordan, where John was b.

1:31 the reason I came b with water was

3:23 also was b at Aenon near Salim,

3:26 he is b, and everyone is going

4:1 and b more disciples than John—

10:40 the place where John had been b


Ac 13:6 and false prophet named B,


Mt 27:26 Then he released B to them.


Judge who fought with Deborah against Canaanites (Jdg 4–5; 1Sa 12:11; Heb 11:32).


Col 3:11 circumcised or uncircumcised, b,


Nu 33:55 remain will become b in your eyes


Hos 2:3 make her as b as on the day she

Heb 4:13 and laid b before the eyes of him


Disciple, originally Joseph (Ac 4:36), prophet (Ac 13:1), apostle (Ac 14:14). Brought Paul to apostles (Ac 9:27), Antioch (Ac 11:22–30; Gal 2:1–13), on the first missionary journey (Ac 13–14). Together at Jerusalem Council, they separated over John Mark (Ac 15). Later co-workers (1Co 9:6; Col 4:10).


Isa 54:1 “Sing, b woman, you who never

Gal 4:27 “Be glad, b woman, you who never


Apostle (Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 6:14; Ac 1:13). Possibly also known as Nathanael (Jn 1:45–49; 21:2).


Jeremiah’s secretary (Jer 32:12–16; 36; 43:1–6; 45:1–2).


1. Gileadite who aided David during Absalom’s revolt (2Sa 17:27; 19:31–39).

2. Son-in-law of 1. (Ezr 2:61; Ne 7:63).


Jos 22:7 Moses had given land in B,

Ps 22:12 strong bulls of B encircle me.


Ex 30:18 “Make a bronze b, with its bronze


Ex 2:3 she got a papyrus b for him

Ac 9:25 him in a b through an opening

2Co 11:33 was lowered in a b from a window


Ro 11:16 is holy, then the whole b is holy;

1Co 5:6 a little yeast leavens the whole b

5:7 you may be a new unleavened b

Gal 5:9 yeast works through the whole b


Jn 13:10 “Those who have had a b need


2Sa 11:2 From the roof he saw a woman b.


Wife of Uriah who committed adultery with and became wife of David (2Sa 11), mother of Solomon (2Sa 12:24; 1Ki 1–2; 1Ch 3:5; Ps 51:T).


1Sa 17:47 for the b is the LORD’s, and he

2Ch 20:15 For the b is not yours, but God’s.

Ps 24:8 mighty, the LORD mighty in b.

Ecc 9:11 to the swift or the b to the strong,

Isa 31:4 come down to do b on Mount Zion

Eze 13:5 will stand firm in the b on the day

Rev 16:14 them for the b on the great day

20:8 and to gather them for b.


1Sa 8:20 go out before us and fight our b.”

18:17 and fight the b of the LORD.”

25:28 because you fight the LORD’s b,

2Ch 32:8 God to help us and to fight our b.”


Ge 4:13 punishment is more than I can b.

Ps 38:4 me like a burden too heavy to b.

Isa 11:7 The cow will feed with the b,

53:11 many, and he will b their iniquities.

Da 7:5 beast, which looked like a b.

Mt 7:18 A good tree cannot b bad fruit,

7:18 and a bad tree cannot b good fruit.

Lk 21:13 And so you will b testimony to me.

Jn 15:2 branch that does b fruit he prunes

15:8 that you b much fruit,

15:16 so that you might go and b fruit—

Ro 7:4 that we might b fruit for God.

15:1 We who are strong ought to b

1Co 10:13 tempted beyond what you can b.

Col 3:13 B with each other and forgive one


Lev 19:27 head or clip off the edges of your b.

Isa 50:6 to those who pulled out my b;


Eph 4:2 patient, b with one another in love.

Col 1:10 b fruit in every good work,

Heb 13:13 the camp, b the disgrace he bore.


1Ki 8:43 house I have built b your Name.

Ps 68:19 Savior, who daily b our burdens.


Rev 13:18 calculate the number of the b, for it

16:2 people who had the mark of the b

19:20 had received the mark of the b


Da 7:3 Four great b, each different

1Co 15:32 If I fought wild b in Ephesus


Isa 2:4 They will b their swords

Joel 3:10 B your plowshares into swords

Mic 4:3 They will b their swords


Lk 12:47 do what the master wants will be b

12:48 deserving punishment will be b

2Co 11:25 Three times I was b with rods,


1Co 9:26 I do not fight like a boxer b the air.

1Pe 2:20 if you receive a b for doing wrong


Pr 19:29 and b for the backs of fools.


Ge 6:2 the daughters of humans were b,

12:11 “I know what a b woman you are.

12:14 saw that Sarai was a very b woman.

24:16 The woman was very b, a virgin;

26:7 of Rebekah, because she is b.”

29:17 had a lovely figure and was b.

49:21 is a doe set free that bears b fawns.

Nu 24:5 “How b are your tents, Jacob,

Dt 21:11 among the captives a b woman

Jos 7:21 I saw in the plunder a b robe

1Sa 25:3 was an intelligent and b woman,

2Sa 11:2 The woman was very b,

13:1 the b sister of Absalom son

14:27 Tamar, and she became a b woman

1Ki 1:3 Israel for a b young woman

1:4 The woman was very b;

Est 2:2 search be made for b young virgins

2:3 bring all these b young women

2:7 had a lovely figure and was b.

Job 42:15 there found women as b as Job’s

Ps 48:2 B in its loftiness, the joy

Pr 11:22 snout is a b woman who shows no

24:4 are filled with rare and b treasures.

Ecc 3:11 He has made everything b in its

SS 1:8 do not know, most b of women,

1:10 Your cheeks are b with earrings,

1:15 How b you are, my darling!

1:15 Oh, how b! Your eyes are doves.

2:10 my darling, my b one,

2:13 my b one, come with me.”

4:1 How b you are, my darling!

4:1 Oh, how b! Your eyes behind your

4:7 You are altogether b, my darling;

5:9 than others, most b of women?

6:1 beloved gone, most b of women?

6:4 You are as b as Tirzah, my darling,

7:1 How b your sandaled feet,

7:6 How b you are and how pleasing,

Isa 4:2 the Branch of the LORD will be b

28:5 a b wreath for the remnant of his

52:7 How b on the mountains are the

Jer 3:19 land, the most b inheritance of any

6:2 Daughter Zion, so b and delicate.

11:16 olive tree with fruit b in form.

46:20 “Egypt is a b heifer, but a gadfly is

Eze 7:20 They took pride in their b jewelry

16:12 ears and a b crown on your head.

16:13 You became very b and rose to be

20:6 and honey, the most b of all lands.

20:15 honey, the most b of all lands—

23:42 sister and b crowns on their heads.

27:24 they traded with you b garments,

31:3 with b branches overshadowing

31:9 made it b with abundant branches,

33:32 who sings love songs with a b voice

Da 4:12 Its leaves were b, its fruit abundant,

4:21 with b leaves and abundant fruit,

8:9 to the east and toward the B Land.

11:16 will establish himself in the B Land

Da 11:41 He will also invade the B Land.

11:45 the seas at the b holy mountain.

Zec 9:17 How attractive and b they will be!

Mt 23:27 which look b on the outside

26:10 She has done a b thing to me.

Mk 14:6 She has done a b thing to me.

Lk 21:5 temple was adorned with b stones

Ac 3:2 carried to the temple gate called B,

3:10 begging at the temple gate called B,

Ro 10:15 “How b are the feet of those who


Est 1:11 order to display her b to the people

2:3 let b treatments be given to them.

2:9 provided her with her b treatments

Est 2:12 months of b treatments prescribed

Ps 27:4 to gaze on the b of the LORD

45:11 the king be enthralled by your b;

50:2 Zion, perfect in b, God shines

Pr 6:25 not lust in your heart after her b

31:30 is deceptive, and b is fleeting;

Isa 3:24 instead of b, branding.

28:1 his glorious b, set on the head

28:4 his glorious b, set on the head

33:17 Your eyes will see the king in his b

53:2 He had no b or majesty to attract

61:3 them a crown of b instead of ashes,

La 2:15 that was called the perfection of b,

Eze 16:14 the nations on account of your b,

16:14 given you made your b perfect,

16:15 you trusted in your b and used

16:15 passed by and your b became his.

16:16 to him, and he possessed your b.

16:25 lofty shrines and degraded your b,

27:3 say, Tyre, “I am perfect in b.”

27:4 your builders brought your b

27:11 they brought your b to perfection.

28:7 draw their swords against your b

28:12 full of wisdom and perfect in b.

28:17 proud on account of your b,

31:7 It was majestic in b, with its

31:8 garden of God could match its b.

Jas 1:11 blossom falls and its b is destroyed.

1Pe 3:3 Your b should not come

3:4 unfading b of a gentle and quiet


Isa 28:20 The b is too short to stretch out on,

Lk 11:7 and my children and I are in b.

17:34 night two people will be in one b;

Heb 13:4 and the marriage b kept pure,


Mt 10:25 of the house has been called B,

12:24 said, “It is only by B, the prince

12:27 And if I drive out demons by B,

Mk 3:22 said, “He is possessed by B!

Lk 11:15 said, “By B, the prince of demons,

11:18 claim that I drive out demons by B.

11:19 Now if I drive out demons by B,


Pr 20:1 Wine is a mocker and b a brawler;


Ge 21:14 and wandered in the Desert of B.

Jdg 20:1 all Israel from Dan to B

1Sa 3:20 Dan to B recognized that Samuel

2Sa 3:10 Israel and Judah from Dan to B.”

17:11 Let all Israel, from Dan to B

24:2 the tribes of Israel from Dan to B

24:15 of the people from Dan to B died.

1Ki 4:25 from Dan to B, lived in safety,

1Ch 21:2 count the Israelites from B to Dan.

2Ch 30:5 throughout Israel, from B to Dan,


Ps 37:25 forsaken or their children b bread.

Ac 16:9 of Macedonia standing and b him,


Ge 1:1 In the b God created the heavens

Ps 102:25 In the b you laid the foundations

111:10 of the LORD is the b of wisdom;

Pr 1:7 the LORD is the b of knowledge,

4:7 The b of wisdom is this:

9:10 of the LORD is the b of wisdom,

Ecc 3:11 fathom what God has done from b

Isa 40:21 it not been told you from the b?

46:10 I make known the end from the b,

Mt 24:8 All these are the b of birth pains.

Lk 1:3 investigated everything from the b,

Jn 1:1 In the b was the Word,

1Jn 1:1 That which was from the b,

Rev 21:6 and the Omega, the B and the End.

22:13 and the Last, the B and the End.


Ro 13:13 us b decently, as in the daytime,


Pr 1:3 receiving instruction in prudent b,

1Pe 3:1 words by the b of their wives,

3:16 maliciously against your good b


Job 40:15 “Look at B, which I made along


Ex 4:1 “What if they do not b me or listen

1Ki 10:7 I did not b these things until I

2Ch 9:6 But I did not b what they said until

Ps 78:32 of his wonders, they did not b.

Pr 14:15 The simple b anything,

Hab 1:5 in your days that you would not b,

Mt 18:6 those who b in me—

21:22 If you b, you will receive whatever

27:42 the cross, and we will b in him.

Mk 1:15 Repent and b the good news!”

5:36 told him, “Don’t be afraid; just b.”

9:24 the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do b;

9:42 those who b in me—

11:24 prayer, b that you have received it,

15:32 the cross, that we may see and b.”

16:16 does not b will be condemned.

16:17 will accompany those who b:

Lk 8:12 that they may not b and be saved.

8:13 They b for a while, but in the time

8:50 just b, and she will be healed.”

22:67 “If I tell you, you will not b me,

24:25 how slow to b all that the prophets

Jn 1:7 so that through him all might b.

3:18 does not b stands condemned

4:42 “We no longer b just because

5:38 for you do not b the one he sent.

5:46 you would b me, for he wrote

6:29 to b in the one he has sent.”

6:69 We have come to b and to know

7:5 even his own brothers did not b

8:24 if you do not b that I am he,

9:35 “Do you b in the Son of Man?”

9:36 “Tell me so that I may b in him.”

9:38 “Lord, I b,” and he worshiped him.

10:26 you do not b because you are not

10:37 Do not b me unless I do the works

10:38 even though you do not b me,

11:27 “I b that you are the Messiah,

11:40 “Did I not tell you that if you b,

12:36 B in the light while you have the

12:37 they still would not b in him.

12:39 For this reason they could not b,

12:44 in me does not b in me only,

13:19 it does happen you will b that I am

14:1 You b in God; b also in me.

14:10 Don’t you b that I am in the Father,

14:11 B me when I say that I am

14:11 or at least b on the evidence

16:30 This makes us b that you came

16:31 “Do you now b?” Jesus replied.

17:21 the world may b that you have sent

19:35 he testifies so that you also may b.

20:27 into my side. Stop doubting and b.”

20:31 may b that Jesus is the Messiah,

Ac 16:31 They replied, “B in the Lord Jesus,

19:4 He told the people to b in the one

24:14 I b everything that is in accordance

26:27 Agrippa, do you b the prophets?

Ro 3:22 faith in Jesus Christ to all who b.

4:11 he is the father of all who b

10:9 b in your heart that God raised

10:10 For it is with your heart that you b

10:14 how can they b in the one of whom

1Co 1:21 was preached to save those who b.

Gal 3:22 might be given to those who b.

Php 1:29 of Christ not only to b in him,

1Th 4:14 For we b that Jesus died and rose

2Th 2:11 delusion so that they will b the lie

1Ti 4:10 and especially of those who b.

Titus 1:6 a man whose children b and are

Heb 11:6 comes to him must b that he exists

Jas 1:6 you ask, you must b and not doubt,

2:19 You b that there is one God. Good! Even the demons b that—

1Pe 2:7 Now to you who b, this stone is

1Jn 3:23 to b in the name of his Son,

4:1 Dear friends, do not b every spirit,

5:13 things to you who b in the name


Ge 15:6 Abram b the LORD, and he

Ex 4:31 and they b. And when they heard

Isa 53:1 Who has b our message

Jnh 3:5 The Ninevites b God. A fast was

Lk 1:45 Blessed is she who has b

Jn 1:12 those who b in his name, he gave

2:11 and his disciples b in him.

2:22 Then they b the scripture

3:18 already because they have not b

5:46 If you b Moses, you would believe

7:31 Still, many in the crowd b in him.

7:39 whom those who b in him were

8:30 Even as he spoke, many b in him.

11:45 had seen what Jesus did, b in him.

12:38 who has b our message

20:8 also went inside. He saw and b.

20:29 you have seen me, you have b;

20:29 who have not seen and yet have b.”

Ac 13:48 were appointed for eternal life b.

19:2 the Holy Spirit when you b?”

Ro 4:3 “Abraham b God, and it was

10:14 call on the one they have not b in?

10:16 “Lord, who has b our message?”

1Co 15:2 Otherwise, you have b in vain.

Gal 3:6 So also Abraham “b God, and it

2Th 2:12 who have not b the truth

1Ti 3:16 the nations, was b on in the world,

2Ti 1:12 because I know whom I have b,

Jas 2:23 that says, “Abraham b God, and it


1Ki 18:3 (Obadiah was a devout b

Ac 16:1 a b but whose father was a Greek.

16:15 you consider me a b in the Lord,”

1Co 7:12 brother has a wife who is not a b

7:13 has a husband who is not a b and

7:17 each person should live as a b in

2Co 6:15 what does a b have in common

2Th 3:15 warn them as you would a fellow b.

1Ti 5:16 any woman who is a b has widows

2Th 3:6 keep away from every b who is idle


Jn 4:41 of his words many more became b.

Ac 1:15 up among the b (a group numbering

2:44 All the b were together and had

4:32 All the b were one in heart

5:12 all the b used to meet together

9:41 Then he called for the b,

10:45 The circumcised b who had come

11:2 the circumcised b criticized him

15:2 along with some other b, to go

15:5 some of the b who belonged

15:23 To the Gentile b in Antioch,

15:32 to encourage and strengthen the b.

21:25 As for the Gentile b, we have

1Co 6:5 to judge a dispute between b?

14:22 a sign, not for b but for unbelievers;

14:22 is not for unbelievers but for b.

2Co 11:26 and in danger from false b.

Gal 2:4 because some false b had infiltrated

6:10 those who belong to the family of b.

1Th 1:7 a model to all the b in Macedonia

1Ti 4:12 set an example for the b in speech,

6:2 masters are dear to them as fellow b

Jas 2:1 b in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ

1Pe 2:17 love the family of b, fear God,

3Jn 10 he even refuses to welcome other b.


Mk 9:23 is possible for one who b.”

11:23 b that what they say will happen,

16:16 Whoever b and is baptized

Jn 3:15 everyone who b may have eternal

3:16 whoever b in him shall not perish

Jn 3:18 Whoever b in him is not

3:36 Whoever b in the Son has eternal

5:24 b him who sent me has eternal life

6:35 and whoever b in me will never be

6:40 and b in him shall have eternal life,

6:47 you, the one who b has eternal life.

7:38 Whoever b in me, as Scripture has

11:25 The one who b in me will live,

12:44 “Whoever b in me does not believe

12:46 that no one who b in me should stay

14:12 whoever b in me will do the works I

Ac 10:43 that everyone who b in him receives

13:39 him everyone who b is set free

Ro 1:16 brings salvation to everyone who b:

9:33 the one who b in him will never be

10:4 righteousness for everyone who b.

10:11 “Anyone who b in him will never

1Jn 5:1 Everyone who b that Jesus is

5:5 Only the one who b that Jesus is

5:10 Whoever b in the Son of God


Jn 11:26 whoever lives by b in me will never

12:11 going over to Jesus and b in him.

20:31 by b you may have life in his name.

Ac 9:26 not b that he really was a disciple.

1Co 7:14 sanctified through her b husband.

9:5 have the right to take a b wife along

Gal 3:2 of the law, or by b what you heard?

3:5 law, or by your b what you heard?

1Ti 6:2 Those who have b masters should


Ge 3:14 You will crawl on your b and you

Da 2:32 of silver, its b and thighs of bronze,

Mt 12:40 three nights in the b of a huge fish,


Ge 40:8 “Do not interpretations b to God?

Lev 25:55 for the Israelites b to me as servants.

Dt 10:14 LORD your God b the heavens,

29:29 The secret things b to the LORD

29:29 but the things revealed b to us

Job 12:13 “To God b wisdom and power;

12:16 To him b strength and insight;

25:2 “Dominion and awe b to God;

Ps 47:9 for the kings of the earth b to God;

95:4 and the mountain peaks b to him.

115:16 The highest heavens b

Jer 5:10 for these people do not b

Jn 8:44 You b to your father, the devil,

15:19 As it is, you do not b to the world,

Ro 1:6 those Gentiles who are called to b

7:4 that you might b to another, to him

8:9 of Christ, they do not b to Christ.

14:8 we live or die, we b to the Lord.

1Co 7:39 wishes, but he must b to the Lord.

15:23 when he comes, those who b to him.

Gal 3:29 If you b to Christ, then you are

5:24 Those who b to Christ Jesus have

1Th 5:5 We do not b to the night

5:8 But since we b to the day, let us be

1Jn 3:19 how we know that we b to the truth


Lev 27:30 from the trees, b to the LORD;

Dt 1:17 of anyone, for judgment b to God.

Job 41:11 Everything under heaven b to me.

Ps 22:28 for dominion b to the LORD

89:18 Indeed, our shield b to the LORD,

111:10 To him b eternal praise.

Eze 18:4 For everyone b to me, the parent as

Jn 8:47 Whoever b to God hears what God

Ro 12:5 and each member b to all the others.

Rev 7:10 “Salvation b to our God, who sits


Dt 33:12 “Let the b of the LORD rest

SS 1:13 My b is to me a sachet of myrrh

1:14 My b is to me a cluster of henna

1:16 How handsome you are, my b!

2:3 the forest is my b among the young

2:8 Listen! My b! Look!

2:9 My b is like a gazelle or a young

2:10 My b spoke and said to me, “Arise,

2:16 My b is mine and I am his;

2:17 my b, and be like a gazelle or like

4:16 Let my b come into his garden

5:2 My b is knocking: “Open to me,

SS 5:4 My b thrust his hand through

5:5 I arose to open for my b, and my

5:6 I opened for my b, but my b had

5:8 if you find my b, what will you tell

5:9 How is your b better than others,

5:9 How is your b better than others,

5:10 My b is radiant and ruddy,

5:16 This is my b, this is my friend,

6:1 Where has your b gone,

6:1 Which way did your b turn,

6:2 My b has gone down to his garden,

6:3 am my beloved’s and my b is mine;

7:9 May the wine go straight to my b,

7:10 I belong to my b, and his desire is

7:11 my b, let us go to the countryside,

7:13 that I have stored up for you, my b.

8:5 the wilderness leaning on her b?

8:14 my b, and be like a gazelle or like

Jer 11:15 “What is my b doing in my temple


SS 6:3 I am my b and my beloved is mine;


King of Babylon in days of Daniel (Da 5).


Ex 12:11 with your cloak tucked into your b,

1Ki 18:46 tucking his cloak into his b, he ran

2Ki 4:29 “Tuck your cloak into your b,

9:1 “Tuck your cloak into your b,

Isa 11:5 Righteousness will be his b

Eph 6:14 the b of truth buckled around your


1Co 6:12 but not everything is b.

10:23 but not everything is b.


Job 22:2 “Can a man be of b to God?

22:2 Can even a wise person b him?

Isa 38:17 my b that I suffered such anguish.

Ro 6:22 the b you reap leads to holiness,

2Co 4:15 All this is for your b,


Ps 103:2 my soul, and forget not all his b

Jn 4:38 and you have reaped the b of their


Twelfth son of Jacob by Rachel (Ge 35:16–24; 46:19–21; 1Ch 2:2). Jacob refused to send him to Egypt, but relented (Ge 42–45). Tribe of blessed (Ge 49:27; Dt 33:12), numbered (Nu 1:37; 26:41), allotted land (Jos 18:11–28; Eze 48:23), failed to fully possess (Jdg 1:21), nearly obliterated (Jdg 20–21), sided with Ish-Bosheth (2Sa 2), but turned to David (1Ch 12:2, 29). 12,000 from (Rev 7:8).


Ac 17:11 Now the B Jews were of more noble


Ps 84:11 the LORD b favor and honor;


Mk 11:1 and B at the Mount of Olives,


Ge 28:19 He called that place B,


Ru 1:19 went on until they came to B.

1Sa 16:1 I am sending you to Jesse of B.

2Sa 23:15 from the well near the gate of B!”

Mic 5:2 “But you, B Ephrathah, though you

Mt 2:1 After Jesus was born in B in Judea,

2:6 “ ‘But you, B, in the land


Mt 21:1 came to B on the Mount of Olives,


Jn 12:21 Philip, who was from B in Galilee,


Ps 89:33 nor will I ever b my faithfulness.

Pr 25:9 do not b another’s confidence,

Mt 10:21 “Brother will b brother to death,

26:21 I tell you, one of you will b me.”


Mt 27:4 said, “for I have b innocent blood.”


Pr 11:13 A gossip b a confidence,

20:19 A gossip b a confidence;


Isa 62:4 called Hephzibah, and your land B;


Gal 3:1 Who has b you? Before your very


Judahite craftsman in charge of building the tabernacle (Ex 31:1–11; 35:3039:31).


Ps 103:20 you mighty ones who do his b,

148:8 clouds, stormy winds that do his b,


One of Job’s friends (Job 8; 18; 25).


Servant of Rachel, mother of Jacob’s sons Dan and Naphtali (Ge 30:1–7; 35:25; 46:23–25).


Dt 6:8 and b them on your foreheads.

Pr 3:3 b them around your neck,

6:21 B them always on your heart;

7:3 B them on your fingers;

Isa 61:1 He has sent me to b

Mt 16:19 whatever you b on earth will be


Ps 147:3 and b up their wounds.

Isa 30:26 when the LORD b up the bruises

Ro 7:2 from the law that b her to him.


Pr 27:8 Like a b that flees its nest is anyone

Ecc 10:20 a b on the wing may report what


Mt 8:20 “Foxes have dens and b have nests,

Lk 9:58 “Foxes have dens and b have nests,


Dt 32:18 forgot the God who gave you b.

Ps 51:5 Surely I was sinful at b,

58:3 Even from b the wicked go astray;

Isa 26:18 in labor, but we gave b to wind.

Mt 1:18 This is how the b of Jesus

24:8 these are the beginning of b pains.

Jn 3:6 Flesh gives b to flesh, but the Spirit gives b to spirit.

1Pe 1:3 great mercy he has given us new b


Ge 25:34 and left. So Esau despised his b.


Nu 21:8 anyone who is b can look at it


Ex 12:8 along with b herbs, and bread

Pr 27:7 hungry even what is b tastes sweet.


Pr 14:10 Each heart knows its own b,

17:25 and b to the mother who bore him.

Ro 3:14 mouths are full of cursing and b.”

Eph 4:31 Get rid of all b, rage and anger,


Zec 6:6 the b horses is going toward

Rev 6:5 and there before me was a b horse!


Ge 6:9 b among the people of his time,

17:1 walk before me faithfully and be b.

Dt 18:13 You must be b before the LORD

2Sa 22:24 I have been b before him and have

22:26 to the b you show yourself b,

Job 1:1 This man was b and upright;

1:8 is b and upright, a man who fears

2:3 is b and upright, a man who fears

4:6 and your b ways your hope?

8:20 God does not reject one who is b

9:20 if I were b, it would pronounce me

9:21 “Although I am b, I have no

9:22 say, ‘He destroys both the b

12:4 though righteous and b!

22:3 would he gain if your ways were b?

31:6 and he will know that I am b

Ps 15:2 The one whose walk is b, who does

18:23 I have been b before him and have

18:25 to the b you show yourself b,

19:13 Then I will be b, innocent of great

26:1 me, LORD, for I have led a b life;

26:11 I lead a b life; deliver me and be

37:18 The b spend their days under

Ps 37:37 Consider the b, observe the

50:23 to the b I will show my salvation.”

84:11 from those whose walk is b.

101:2 I will be careful to lead a b life—

101:2 affairs of my house with a b heart.

101:6 one whose walk is b will minister

119:1 are those whose ways are b,

Pr 2:7 is a shield to those whose walk is b,

2:21 land, and the b will remain in it;

10:29 of the LORD is a refuge for the b,

11:5 of the b makes their paths straight,

11:20 delights in those whose ways are b.

19:1 the poor whose walk is b than

20:7 The righteous lead b lives;

28:6 poor whose walk is b than the rich

28:10 trap, but the b will receive a good

28:18 one whose walk is b is kept safe,

Eze 28:15 You were b in your ways

1Co 1:8 so that you will be b on the day

Eph 1:4 world to be holy and b in his sight.

5:27 any other blemish, but holy and b.

Php 1:10 be pure and b for the day of Christ,

2:15 that you may become b and pure,

1Th 2:10 and b we were among you who

3:13 your hearts so that you will be b

5:23 body be kept b at the coming of

Titus 1:6 An elder must be b, faithful to his

1:7 God’s household, he must be b

Heb 7:26 one who is holy, b, pure, set apart

2Pe 3:14 spotless, b and at peace with him.

Rev 14:5 found in their mouths; they are b.


Lk 1:6 Lord’s commands and decrees b.


Ex 22:28 “Do not b God or curse the ruler

Lev 24:16 when they b the Name they are

Ac 26:11 and I tried to force them to b.

1Ti 1:20 over to Satan to be taught not to b.

2Pe 2:12 these people b in matters they do

Rev 13:6 It opened its mouth to b God,


Lev 24:11 of the Israelite woman b the Name

1Sa 3:13 his sons b God, and he failed

2Ki 19:6 of the king of Assyria have b me.

19:22 is it you have ridiculed and b?

Isa 37:6 of the king of Assyria have b me.

37:23 is it you have ridiculed and b?

52:5 day long my name is constantly b.

Eze 20:27 also your ancestors b me by being

Ac 19:37 robbed temples nor b our goddess.

Ro 2:24 “God’s name is b among


Lev 24:14 “Take the b outside the camp.

24:23 they took the b outside the camp

1Ti 1:13 Even though I was once a b


Lev 24:16 anyone who b the name

Nu 15:30 b the LORD and must be cut off

Mk 3:29 whoever b against the Holy Spirit

Lk 12:10 but anyone who b against the Holy


Ne 9:18 or when they committed awful b.

9:26 they committed awful b.

Rev 13:5 mouth to utter proud words and b


Mt 9:3 to themselves, “This fellow is b!”

Mk 2:7 He’s b! Who can forgive sins

Jas 2:7 the ones who are b the noble name


Ac 6:11 Stephen speak b words against

Rev 13:1 horns, and on each head a b name.

17:3 that was covered with b names


Mt 12:31 but b against the Spirit will not be

12:31 but b against the Spirit will not be

26:65 clothes and said, “He has spoken b!

26:65 Look, now you have heard the b.

Mk 14:64 “You have heard the b.

Lk 5:21 “Who is this fellow who speaks b?

Jn 10:33 replied, “but for b, because you,

10:36 you accuse me of b because I said,


Ex 15:8 By the b of your nostrils the waters

19:13 sounds a long b may they approach

19:16 and a very loud trumpet b.

Nu 10:5 When a trumpet b is sounded,

10:6 At the sounding of a second b,

10:6 The b will be the signal for setting

10:9 you, sound a b on the trumpets.

Jos 6:5 you hear them sound a long b

6:16 the priests sounded the trumpet b,

2Sa 22:16 at the b of breath from his nostrils.

Job 4:9 At the b of his anger they are no

39:25 At the b of the trumpet it snorts,

Ps 18:15 the b of breath from your nostrils.

98:6 and the b of the ram’s horn—

147:17 Who can withstand his icy b?

Isa 27:8 with his fierce b he drives her out,

Eze 22:20 furnace to be melted with a fiery b,

Am 2:2 war cries and the b of the trumpet.

Heb 12:19 to a trumpet b or to such a voice


1Sa 15:14 then is this b of sheep in my ears?


Lev 22:21 it must be without defect or b to be

Nu 19:2 you a red heifer without defect or b

2Sa 14:25 of his foot there was no b in him.

Eph 5:27 stain or wrinkle or any other b,

Col 1:22 in his sight, without b and free

1Pe 1:19 Christ, a lamb without b or defect.


2Pe 2:13 They are blots and b,

Jude 12 These people are b at your love


Ge 12:3 I will b those who b you,

32:26 not let you go unless you b me.”

Dt 7:13 He will love you and b you

33:11 B all his skills, LORD, and be

Ps 72:15 pray for him and b him all day

Ro 12:14 B those who persecute you;


Ge 1:22 God b them and said, “Be fruitful

2:3 Then God b the seventh day

22:18 all nations on earth will be b,

Nu 24:9 “May those who bless you be b

1Ch 17:27 LORD, have b it, and it will be b

Ps 1:1 B is the one who does not walk

2:12 B are all who take refuge in him.

32:2 B is the one whose sin the LORD

33:12 B is the nation whose God is

40:4 B is the one who trusts

41:1 B are those who have regard

84:5 B are those whose strength is

89:15 B are those who have learned

94:12 B is the one you discipline, LORD,

106:3 B are those who act justly,

112:1 B are those who fear the LORD,

118:26 B is he who comes in the name

119:1 B are those whose ways are

119:2 B are those who keep his statutes

127:5 B is the man whose quiver is full

Pr 3:13 B are those who find wisdom,

8:34 B are those who listen to me,

28:20 A faithful person will be richly b,

29:18 b is the one who heeds wisdom’s

31:28 Her children arise and call her b;

Isa 30:18 B are all who wait for him!

Mal 3:12 all the nations will call you b,

3:15 But now we call the arrogant b.

Mt 5:3B are the poor in spirit, for theirs

5:4 B are those who mourn, for they

5:5 B are the meek, for they will

5:6 B are those who hunger and thirst

5:7 B are the merciful, for they will be

5:8 B are the pure in heart, for they

5:9 B are the peacemakers, for they

5:10 B are those who are persecuted

5:11B are you when people insult you,

Lk 1:48 on all generations will call me b,

Jn 12:13B is he who comes in the name

12:13B is the king of Israel!”

Ac 20:35 ‘It is more b to give than

Titus 2:13 while we wait for the b hope—

Jas 1:12 B is the one who perseveres under

Rev 1:3 B is the one who reads aloud

1:3 b are those who hear it and take

22:7 B is the one who keeps the words

22:14B are those who wash their robes,


Ps 29:11 the LORD b his people with peace.

Ro 10:12 all and richly b all who call on him,


Ge 27:4 I may give you my b before I die.”

Dt 23:5 turned the curse into a b for you,

33:1 This is the b that Moses the man

Pr 10:22 The b of the LORD brings wealth,

Eze 34:26 there will be showers of b.

Gal 4:15 Where, then, is your b of me now?


Dt 11:29 proclaim on Mount Gerizim the b,

Jos 8:34 of the law—the b and the curses—

Pr 10:6 B crown the head of the righteous,

Ro 15:27 have shared in the Jews’ spiritual b,

15:27 share with them their material b.


Mt 15:14 Leave them; they are b guides.

15:14 If the b lead the b, both will fall

23:16 “Woe to you, b guides! You say,

Mk 10:46 were leaving the city, a b man,

Lk 6:39 “Can the b lead the b?

Jn 9:25 I do know. I was b but now I see!”


Jn 12:40 “He has b their eyes and hardened

2Co 4:4 god of this age has b the minds


Ge 4:10 Your brother’s b cries out to me

9:6 “Whoever sheds human b, by humans shall their b be shed;

Ex 12:13 when I see the b, I will pass over

24:8 “This is the b of the covenant

Lev 16:15 and take its b behind the curtain

17:11 the life of a creature is in the b,

17:11 it is the b that makes atonement

Dt 12:23 be sure you do not eat the b, because the b is the life,

Ps 59:2 me from those who are after my b.

72:14 for precious is their b in his sight.

Pr 6:17 hands that shed innocent b,

Isa 1:11 I have no pleasure in the b of bulls

Mt 26:28 This is my b of the covenant,

27:24 “I am innocent of this man’s b,”

Mk 14:24 “This is my b of the covenant,

Lk 22:44 his sweat was like drops of b falling

Jn 6:53 of the Son of Man and drink his b,

Ac 15:20 of strangled animals and from b.

20:26 that I am innocent of the b of any

Ro 3:25 through the shedding of his b

5:9 have now been justified by his b,

1Co 11:25 cup is the new covenant in my b;

Eph 1:7 we have redemption through his b,

2:13 brought near by the b of Christ.

Col 1:20 by making peace through his b,

Heb 9:7 a year, and never without b,

9:12 Place once for all by his own b,

9:20 said, “This is the b of the covenant,

9:22 everything be cleansed with b,

12:24 speaks a better word than the b

1Pe 1:19 but with the precious b of Christ,

1Jn 1:7 and the b of Jesus, his Son,

Rev 1:5 has freed us from our sins by his b,

5:9 with your b you purchased for God

7:14 them white in the b of the Lamb.

12:11 over him by the b of the Lamb

19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in b,


Jer 48:10 who keeps their sword from b!

Eze 35:6 I will give you over to b and it

Hab 2:12 to him who builds a city with b


Ps 5:6 The b and deceitful you, LORD,

26:9 my life with those who are b,

55:23 the b and deceitful will not live

139:19 Away from me, you who are b!

Pr 29:10 The b hate a person of integrity


Isa 35:1 the wilderness will rejoice and b.


Ex 32:32 b me out of the book you have

Ps 51:1 to your great compassion b out my

Rev 3:5 I will never b out the name


Isa 43:25 “I, even I, am he who b out your

2Pe 2:13 They are b and blemishes, reveling


Eph 4:14 and b here and there by every wind

Jas 1:6 the sea, b and tossed by the wind.

Jude 12 without rain, b along by the wind;


Jer 6:15 they do not even know how to b.


1Ki 20:11 his armor should not b like one

Ps 44:8 In God we make our b all day long,

Pr 27:1 Do not b about tomorrow, for you

Isa 45:25 and will make their b in him.

Jer 9:23 or the strong b of their strength

9:24 let the one who boasts b about this:

Ro 2:17 if you rely on the law and b in God;

2:23 You who b in the law, do you

5:2 And we b in the hope of the glory

1Co 1:31 “Let the one who boasts b

2Co 10:17 “Let the one who boasts b

11:30 If I must b, I will b of the things

Gal 6:14 May I never b except in the cross

Eph 2:9 not by works, so that no one can b.

Php 3:3 by his Spirit, who b in Christ Jesus,

Jas 4:16 is, you b in your arrogant schemes.


Php 1:26 you again your b in Christ Jesus


Wealthy Bethlehemite who showed favor to Ruth (Ru 2), married her (Ru 4). Ancestor of David (Ru 4:18–22; 1Ch 2:12–15), Jesus (Mt 1:5–16; Lk 3:23–32).


Isa 26:19 will live, LORD; their b will rise—

Ro 12:1 to offer your b as a living sacrifice,

1Co 6:15 not know that your b are members

6:19 not know that your b are temples

6:20 Therefore honor God with your b.

Eph 5:28 to love their wives as their own b.


Col 2:9 of the Deity lives in b form,


Zec 13:6 are these wounds on your b?’

Mt 10:28 be afraid of those who kill the b

10:28 can destroy both soul and b in hell.

26:26 “Take and eat; this is my b.”

Mk 14:22 saying, “Take it; this is my b.”

Lk 22:19 “This is my b given for you;

Jn 13:10 their whole b is clean.

Ro 12:4 us has one b with many members,

1Co 11:24 “This is my b, which is for you;

12:12 but all its many parts form one b,

12:13 by one Spirit so as to form one b

12:24 But God has put the b together,

15:44 it is sown a natural b, it is raised a spiritual b.

Eph 1:23 which is his b, the fullness of him

4:25 for we are all members of one b.

5:30 for we are members of his b.

Php 1:20 Christ will be exalted in my b,

Col 1:24 for the sake of his b, which is


Pr 21:29 The wicked put up a b front,

28:1 but the righteous are as b as a lion.


Ac 4:29 to speak your word with great b.

28:31 with all b and without hindrance!


Ezr 9:9 God has not forsaken us in our b.


Ge 2:23 “This is now bone of my b

Ps 22:14 water, and all my b are out of joint.

22:17 All my b are on display;

Eze 37:1 middle of a valley; it was full of b.

Jn 19:36 “Not one of his b will be broken,”


Ex 32:33 against me I will blot out of my b.

Jos 1:8 Keep this B of the Law always

2Ki 22:8 “I have found the B of the Law

2Ch 34:15 “I have found the B of the Law

Ne 8:8 They read from the B of the Law

Ps 69:28 they be blotted out of the b of life

Da 12:1 name is found written in the b

Jn 20:30 which are not recorded in this b.

Php 4:3 whose names are in the b of life.

Rev 3:5 of that person from the b of life,

20:12 Another b was opened, which is the b of life.

20:15 written in the b of life was thrown

21:27 are written in the Lamb’s b of life.


Ecc 12:12 Of making many b there is no end,

Da 7:10 was seated, and the b were opened.

Jn 21:25 for the b that would be written.

Rev 20:12 the throne, and b were opened.

20:12 they had done as recorded in the b.


Isa 53:4 up our pain and b our suffering,

53:12 For he b the sin of many, and made

Mt 8:17 our infirmities and b our diseases.”

1Pe 2:24 “He himself b our sins” in his body


Ecc 3:2 a time to be b and a time to die,

Isa 9:6 For to us a child is b, to us a son is

66:8 Can a country be b in a day

Lk 2:11 a Savior has been b to you;

Jn 3:3 of God unless they are b again.”

3:4 into their mother’s womb to be b!”

3:5 of God unless they are b of water

3:7 my saying, ‘You must be b again.’

3:8 it is with everyone b of the Spirit.”

1Pe 1:23 For you have been b again,

1Jn 3:9 because they have been b of God.

4:7 Everyone who loves has been b

5:1 that Jesus is the Christ is b of God,

5:4 everyone b of God overcomes

5:18 anyone b of God does not continue

5:18 the One who was b of God keeps


Pr 22:7 and the b is slave to the lender.


Lk 11:7 one inside answers, ‘Don’t b me.


Lk 18:5 yet because this widow keeps b me,


Ac 20:28 which he b with his own blood.

1Co 6:20 you were b at a price.

7:23 You were b at a price;

2Pe 2:1 the sovereign Lord who b them—


Isa 56:3 Let no foreigner who is b

Mt 16:19 bind on earth will be b in heaven,

18:18 bind on earth will be b in heaven,

Ro 7:2 by law a married woman is b to her

1Co 7:39 A woman is b to her husband as

Jude 6 b with everlasting chains

Rev 20:2 and b him for a thousand years.


Nu 34:3 Your southern b will start in the

Pr 23:10 Do not move an ancient b stone

Hos 5:10 are like those who move b stones.


Eph 3:8 the Gentiles the b riches of Christ,


2Co 7:4 all our troubles my joy knows no b.


Ge 49:26 than the b of the age-old hills.

Dt 28:12 storehouse of his b, to send rain

1Ki 10:13 he had given her out of his royal b.

Ps 65:11 You crown the year with your b,

68:10 settled in it, and from your b, God,

Jer 31:12 will rejoice in the b of the LORD

31:14 people will be filled with my b,”


Dt 5:9 You shall not b down to them

1Ki 22:34 But someone drew his b at random

Ps 5:7 in reverence I b down toward your

44:6 I put no trust in my b, my sword

95:6 Come, let us b down in worship,

138:2 I will b down toward your holy

Isa 44:19 Shall I b down to a block

45:23 Before me every knee will b;

Ro 14:11 Lord, ‘every knee will b before me;

Php 2:10 name of Jesus every knee should b,


Ps 145:14 fall and lifts up all who are b down.

146:8 lifts up those who are b down,


Isa 44:15 he makes an idol and b down to it.

44:17 he b down to it and worships.


Ge 21:17 God heard the b crying,

22:12 “Do not lay a hand on the b,”

Jdg 13:5 by a razor because the b is to be

1Sa 2:11 the b ministered before the LORD

3:8 that the LORD was calling the b.

Isa 7:16 for before the b knows enough

Mt 17:18 it came out of the b, and he was

Lk 2:43 home, the b Jesus stayed behind


1Ki 17:22 and the b life returned to him,

2Ki 4:34 on him, the b body grew warm.


Ge 25:24 there were twin b in her womb.

Ex 1:18 Why have you let the b live?”


Job 38:3 B yourself like a man; I will

40:7B yourself like a man; I will

Na 2:1 watch the road, b yourselves,


Am 4:5 b about your freewill offerings—


Isa 4:2 that day the B of the LORD will be

Jer 23:5 raise up for David a righteous B,

33:15 I will make a righteous B sprout

Zec 3:8 going to bring my servant, the B.

6:12 is the man whose name is the B,

Jn 15:2 cuts off every b in me that bears


Jn 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the b.

Ro 11:21 if God did not spare the natural b,


2Sa 2:7 then, be strong and b, for Saul your

13:28 you this order? Be strong and b.”


Ps 106:23 stood in the b before him to keep


Pr 17:14 Starting a quarrel is like b a dam;


Ex 12:8 herbs, and b made without yeast.

23:15 the Festival of Unleavened B;

25:30 Put the b of the Presence on this

Dt 8:3 that man does not live on b alone

Ps 78:25 Human beings ate the b of angels;

Pr 30:8 riches, but give me only my daily b.

Isa 55:2 spend money on what is not b,

Mt 4:3 God, tell these stones to become b.”

4:4 ‘Man shall not live on b alone,

6:11 Give us today our daily b.

26:26 Jesus took b, and when he had

Mk 14:22 Jesus took b, and when he had

Lk 4:3 God, tell this stone to become b.”

4:4 ‘Man shall not live on b alone.’ ”

9:13 “We have only five loaves of b

11:3 Give us each day our daily b.

22:19 And he took b, gave thanks

Jn 6:33 the b of God is the b that comes

6:35 Jesus declared, “I am the b of life.

6:41 “I am the b that came down

6:48 I am the b of life.

6:51 I am the living b that came down

6:51 Whoever eats this b will live

6:51 This b is my flesh, which I will

21:13 took the b and gave it to them,

1Co 10:16 And is not the b that we break

11:23 the night he was betrayed, took b,

11:26 For whenever you eat this b


Nu 30:2 must not b his word but must do

Jdg 2:1 ‘I will never b my covenant

Ps 2:9 You will b them with a rod of iron;

Pr 25:15 and a gentle tongue can b a bone.

Isa 42:3 A bruised reed he will not b,

Mt 12:20 A bruised reed he will not b,

Ac 20:7 week we came together to b bread.

1Co 10:16 the bread that we b a participation

Rev 5:2 “Who is worthy to b the seals


Ps 42:7 waves and b have swept over me.

93:4 mightier than the b of the sea—

Jnh 2:3 your waves and b swept over me.


Jos 9:20 fall on us for b the oath we swore

Eze 16:59 my oath by b the covenant.

17:18 the oath by b the covenant.

Ac 2:42 to the b of bread and to prayer.

Jas 2:10 just one point is guilty of b all of it.


Jer 23:29 “and like a hammer that b a rock

1Jn 3:4 Everyone who sins b the law;


Ex 28:15 a b for making decisions—


2Ch 18:33 hit the king of Israel between the b

Isa 59:17 He put on righteousness as his b,

Eph 6:14 the b of righteousness in place,

1Th 5:8 putting on faith and love as a b,


La 4:3 Even jackals offer their b to nurse


Ge 2:7 into his nostrils the b of life,


Ge 2:7 b into his nostrils the breath of life,

Mk 15:37 With a loud cry, Jesus b his last.

Jn 20:22 with that he b on them and said,


Ex 23:8 “Do not accept a b, for a b blinds

Dt 16:19 Do not accept a b, for a b blinds

27:25 “Cursed is anyone who accepts a b

Pr 6:35 he will refuse a b, however great it


Isa 62:5 as a bridegroom rejoices over his b,

Rev 19:7 and his b has made herself ready.

21:2 prepared as a b beautifully dressed

21:9 I will show you the b, the wife

22:17 The Spirit and the b say, “Come!”


Ps 19:5 It is like a b coming out of his

Mt 25:1 lamps and went out to meet the b.

25:5 The b was a long time in coming,


Pr 16:15 When a king’s face b, it means life;

Ecc 8:1 A person’s wisdom b their face


Pr 4:18 shining ever b till the full light


2Sa 22:13 Out of the b of his presence bolts

23:4 the b after rain that brings grass

Ps 18:12 Out of the b of his presence clouds

Isa 59:9 for b, but we walk in deep

60:3 and kings to the b of your dawn.

60:19 nor will the b of the moon shine

Da 12:3 who are wise will shine like the b

Am 5:20 pitch-dark, without a ray of b?


Ac 22:11 because the b of the light had

Rev 1:16 was like the sun shining in all its b.

21:11 b was like that of a very precious


Ecc 9:11 or wealth to the b or favor

Eze 1:4 and surrounded by b light.

1:27 and b light surrounded him.


Da 2:42 will be partly strong and partly b.


Mt 7:13 gate and b is the road that leads


Mt 26:26 he b it and gave it to his disciples,

Mk 14:22 he b it and gave it to his disciples,

Ac 2:46 They b bread in their homes and

20:11 he went upstairs again and b bread

1Co 11:24 had given thanks, he b it and said,


1Sa 2:10 who oppose the LORD will be b.

Ps 34:20 bones, not one of them will be b.

51:17 My sacrifice, O God, is a b spirit;

Ecc 4:12 of three strands is not quickly b.

Lk 20:18 on that stone will be b to pieces;

Jn 7:23 that the law of Moses may not be b,

19:36 “Not one of his bones will be b,”

Ro 11:20 they were b off because of unbelief,


Ps 34:18 The LORD is close to the b

109:16 the poor and the needy and the b.

147:3 He heals the b and binds up their

Isa 61:1 He has sent me to bind up the b,


Isa 65:14 of heart and wail in b of spirit.


Ex 27:2 piece, and overlay the altar with b.

30:18 “Make a b basin, with its b stand,

Nu 21:9 Moses made a b snake and put it

Da 2:32 of silver, its belly and thighs of b,

10:6 legs like the gleam of burnished b,

Rev 1:15 His feet were like b glowing

2:18 whose feet are like burnished b.


Pr 17:17 a b is born for a time of adversity.

18:24 a friend who sticks closer than a b.

Mt 18:15 “If your b or sister sins,

Mk 3:35 Whoever does God’s will is my b

Lk 17:3 “If your b or sister sins against you,

Ro 14:13 obstacle in the way of a b or sister.

14:15 If your b or sister is distressed

14:21 anything else that will cause your b

1Co 7:15 The b or the sister is not bound

8:13 if what I eat causes my b or sister

Phm 16 but better than a slave, as a dear b.

Jas 2:15 Suppose a b or a sister is without

4:11 Anyone who speaks against a b

1Jn 2:9 but hates a b or sister is still

2:10 who loves their b and sister lives

3:10 does not love their b and sister.

3:15 hates a b or sister is a murderer,

3:17 sees a b or sister in need but has

4:20 claims to love God yet hates a b

4:20 For whoever does not love their b

5:16 If you see any b or sister commit


Ge 4:9 “Am I my b keeper?”


Mt 12:49 “Here are my mother and my b.

19:29 everyone who has left houses or b

25:40 did for one of the least of these b

Mk 3:33 “Who are my mother and my b?”

10:29 “no one who has left home or b

Lk 21:16 even by parents, b and sisters,

22:32 turned back, strengthen your b.”

Jn 7:5 For even his own b did not believe

1Th 4:10 urge you, b and sisters, to do so

2Th 3:6 we command you, b and sisters,

Heb 2:11 Jesus is not ashamed to call them b

13:1 Keep on loving one another as b

Rev 12:10 the accuser of our b and sisters,


Ge 3:19 your b you will eat your food until


Isa 42:3 A b reed he will not break,

Mt 12:20 A b reed he will not break,


Pr 23:29 Who has needless b? Who has

Isa 30:26 LORD binds up the b of his people


2Ti 3:3 without self-control, b, not lovers


Ps 73:22 I was a b beast before you.

Pr 30:2 Surely I am only a b, not a man;


Isa 35:7 pool, the thirsty ground b springs.


Isa 40:15 the nations are like a drop in a b;


Eph 6:14 belt of truth b around your waist,


Isa 27:6 Israel will b and blossom and fill


Heb 9:4 Aaron’s staff that had b,


2Sa 7:5 Are you the one to b me a house

1Ki 6:1 he began to b the temple

Ecc 3:3 time to tear down and a time to b,

Mt 16:18 on this rock I will b my church,

Ac 20:32 which can b you up and give you

Ro 15:2 for their good, to b them up.

1Co 3:10 But each one should b with care.

14:12 excel in those that b up the church.

1Th 5:11 one another and b each other up,


Isa 62:5 so will your B marry you;

1Co 3:10 I laid a foundation as a wise b,

Heb 3:3 just as the b of a house has greater

3:4 but God is the b of everything.

11:10 whose architect and b is God.


Ps 118:22 The stone the b rejected has

Mt 21:42 “ ‘The stone the b rejected has

Mk 12:10 “ ‘The stone the b rejected has

Lk 20:17 “ ‘The stone the b rejected has

Ac 4:11 is “ ‘the stone you b rejected,

1Pe 2:7 “The stone the b rejected has


Ezr 3:8 to supervise the b of the house

Ne 4:17 who were b the wall.

Ro 15:20 I would not be b on someone else’s

1Co 3:9 you are God’s field, God’s b.

2Co 5:1 destroyed, we have a b from God,

10:8 authority the Lord gave us for b

13:10 the Lord gave me for b you up,

Eph 2:21 him the whole b is joined together

4:29 only what is helpful for b others

Jude 20 by b yourselves up in your most


Ps 127:1 Unless the LORD b the house,

Pr 14:1 The wise woman b her house,

1Co 3:12 If anyone b on this foundation

8:1 puffs up while love b up.

Eph 4:16 grows and b itself up in love,


1Ki 6:14 So Solomon b the temple

Mt 7:24 is like a wise man who b his house

Lk 6:49 is like a man who b a house

Ac 17:24 live in temples b by human hands.

1Co 3:14 If what has been b survives,

14:26 so that the church may be b up.

2Co 5:1 in heaven, not b by human hands.

Eph 2:20 b on the foundation of the apostles

4:12 that the body of Christ may be b

Col 2:7 rooted and b up in him,

1Pe 2:5 are being b into a spiritual house


Lev 4:3 LORD a young b without defect as


1Ki 7:25 The Sea stood on twelve b,

Heb 10:4 It is impossible for the blood of b


Ps 38:4 overwhelmed me like a b too heavy

Ecc 1:13 What a heavy b God has laid

Mt 11:30 my yoke is easy and my b is light.”

Ac 15:28 to us not to b you with anything

2Co 11:9 kept myself from being a b to you

12:14 and I will not be a b to you,

1Th 2:9 be a b to anyone while we preached

2Th 3:8 so that we would not be a b to any

Heb 13:17 joy, not a b, for that would be of no


Isa 43:23 I have not b you with grain

43:24 But you have b me with your sins

Mic 6:3 How have I b you? Answer me.

Mt 11:28 all you who are weary and b, and I

2Co 5:4 we groan and are b, because we do

Gal 5:1 do not let yourselves be b again

1Ti 5:16 not let the church be b with them,


Ps 68:19 our Savior, who daily bears our b.

Lk 11:46 down with b they can hardly carry,

Gal 6:2 Carry each other’s b, and in this


1Jn 5:3 And his commands are not b,


Ru 1:17 die I will die, and there I will be b.

Ro 6:4 We were therefore b with him

1Co 15:4 that he was b, that he was raised

Col 2:12 been b with him in baptism,


Dt 7:5 poles and b their idols in the fire.

Ps 79:5 long will your jealousy b like fire?

1Co 7:9 to marry than to b with passion.


Ex 27:20 so that the lamps may be kept b.

Lev 6:9 the fire must be kept b on the altar.

Ps 18:28 You, LORD, keep my lamp b;

Pr 25:22 you will heap b coals on his head,

Ro 12:20 you will heap b coals on his head.”

Rev 19:20 alive into the fiery lake of b sulfur.


1Ki 7:45 of the LORD were of b bronze.

Eze 1:7 of a calf and gleamed like b bronze.

Da 10:6 and legs like the gleam of b bronze,

Rev 2:18 and whose feet are like b bronze.


Ge 8:20 he sacrificed b offerings on it.

22:2 Sacrifice him there as a b offering

Ex 10:25 b offerings to present to the LORD

18:12 brought a b offering and other

40:6 “Place the altar of b offering

Lev 1:3 the offering is a b offering

Jos 8:31 offered to the LORD b offerings

Jdg 6:26 the second bull as a b offering.”

13:16 But if you prepare a b offering,

1Ki 3:4 offered a thousand b offerings

9:25 year Solomon sacrificed b offerings

10:5 and the b offerings he made

Ezr 3:2 Israel to sacrifice b offerings on it,

Eze 43:18 for sacrificing b offerings


Ps 98:4 b into jubilant song with music;

Isa 44:23 B into song, you mountains,

49:13 b into song, you mountains!

52:9 B into songs of joy together,

54:1 b into song, shout for joy, you who

55:12 hills will b into song before you,


Mt 8:22 and let the dead b their own dead.”

Lk 9:60 “Let the dead b their own dead,


Ex 3:2 in flames of fire from within a b.

3:2 though the b was on fire it did not

Mk 12:26 in the account of the burning b,

Lk 20:37 in the account of the burning b,

Ac 7:35 who appeared to him in the b.


Ecc 4:8 too is meaningless—a miserable b!

Da 8:27 got up and went about the king’s b.

1Co 5:12 What b is it of mine to judge those

1Th 4:11 You should mind your own b

Jas 1:11 even while they go about their b.


1Ki 18:27 deep in thought, or b, or traveling.

20:40 While your servant was b here

Hag 1:9 of you is b with your own house.

2Th 3:11 are not b; they are busybodies.

Titus 2:5 pure, to be b at home, to be kind,


2Th 3:11 They are not busy; they are b.

1Ti 5:13 but also b who talk nonsense,


Pr 23:23 B the truth and do not sell it—

Isa 55:1 have no money, come, b and eat!

Rev 13:17 so that they could not b or sell


Pr 31:16 She considers a field and b it;


1Ki 9:7 a b and an object of ridicule

Ps 44:14 made us a b among the nations;

Joel 2:17 of scorn, a b among the nations.