PART 1 Aesthetics and the Politics of Freedom
Liberty of the Imagination in Revolutionary America
The Writing on the Wall: Revolutionary Aesthetics and Interior Spaces IVY G. WILSON
Stephen Crane’s Refrain MAX CAVITCH
Lyric Citizenship in Post 9/11 Performance: Sekou Sundiata’s the 51st (dream) state JULIE ELLISON
PART 2 Aesthetics and the Representation of Sexuality
Aesthetics Beyond the Actual: The Marble Faun and Romantic Sociality CHRISTOPHER CASTIGLIA
Henry James, Constance Fenimore Woolson, and the Figure in the Carpet DORRI BEAM
Sexuality’s Aesthetic Dimension: Kant and the Autobiography of an Androgyne CHRISTOPHER LOOBY
From Hawthorne to Hairspray: American Anxieties About Beauty WENDY STEINER
PART 3 Aesthetics and the Reading of Form
When Is Now? Poe’s Aesthetics of Temporality CINDY WEINSTEIN
Reading in the Present Tense: Benito Cereno and the Time of Reading TRISH LOUGHRAN
What Maggie Knew: Game Theory, The Golden Bowl, and the Critical Possibilities of Aesthetic Knowledge JONATHAN FREEDMAN WITH AN ADDENDUM BY NAN ZHANG DA
Upon a Peak in Beinecke: The Beauty of the Book in the Poetry of Susan Howe ELISA NEW
PART 4 Aesthetics and the Question of Theory
Warped Conjunctions: Jacques Rancière and African American Twoness NANCY BENTLEY
Aesthetics and the New Ethics: Theorizing the Novel in the Twenty-First Century DOROTHY J. HALE
Postwar Pastoral: The Art of Happiness in Philip Roth MARY ESTEVE
Perfect Is Dead: Karen Carpenter, Theodor Adorno, and the Radio; or, If Hooks Could Kill ERIC LOTT
Network Aesthetics: Juliana Spahr’s The Transformation and Bruno Latour’s Reassembling the Social SIANNE NGAI