Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Aaron Davis Hall (New York, New York), 94
Abbott, Edwin, 305–6
Actor-network theory (Latour), 28, 367–72, 377–82, 384–85, 387–88, 391n29
Adams, John Quincy, 49
Addison, Joseph, 42–43, 48, 54n17
Adorno, Theodor, 19, 28, 73, 242, 318, 349–54, 358, 363, 403n1
Adorno in America (Jenemann), 352
“Aesthetic Ante, The” (Lott), 28, 353
Aesthetic Dimension, The (Marcuse), 1, 4, 30n6
Aesthetic Papers (ed. Peabody), 4–5, 31n7
Aesthetic judgment, 9, 11, 28, 36n52, 42–43, 45, 49–51, 76, 129, 160–62, 168, 179, 296, 298, 300, 302, 347n21, 368, 380
Aesthetic reception, 9, 22–23, 220–21, 227, 230, 233–35, 353
Aesthetic theory, 19, 25–28, 33n24, 41–42, 44, 46–47, 51, 60, 120–21, 126–29, 135n1, 336, 396–97, 401, 403n1
Aesthetic value, 11–12, 17, 25, 27, 77, 167–68, 178–79, 187–88, 191–92, 314–15, 318, 323–24, 329–30, 335–38, 342–44, 353, 391n29
Aesthetic Theory (Adorno), 19
Aesthetics: anxieties about, 74–75, 178, 188–89; aversion to, 7; of civic engagement, 92, 98; critique of, 8, 10–11, 118, 297; definitions of, 4–5, 8, 393, 395; embodiment and, 5–6, 43–44, 172–73, 358, 362; interactive, 178, 180, 185–87, 191–92; politics of, 10, 19–20, 25–26, 29–30, 30n6, 51, 395; queer, 120; resistance to, 6; return to, 1, 6–7, 21–22, 26, 120, 178, 291–92, 313; revolutionary, 20, 56–65, 70; of temporality, 22, 198, 211, 213; Western, 5, 293, 298–99, 400; see also Experience, aesthetic; Network aesthetic; Properties, aesthetic
Aesthetics of Cultural Studies, The (ed. Berubé), 7
Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age (ed. Elliott et al.), 7
Affect, 4–6, 9, 27, 64, 79, 105, 118–19, 124, 128, 242, 315–16, 322–23, 329–31, 335–38, 342–44, 347n21, 377–78, 385–87, 399
Affective labor, 385–87
African American art, 26, 60, 91, 293
African American literature, 3, 11, 17, 20, 26, 42, 56–70, 292–93
African Americans, 11, 17, 20, 41, 51, 55n24, 56–59, 96, 309–10; intellectuals and artists, 66, 92, 101–2, 105, 107, 293–310
Agamben, Giorgio, 222, 313, 318
Agency, 20, 49–51, 92, 95, 105, 126, 187, 280, 307, 321, 323, 342, 373–75, 382, 389n18
Aldington, Richard, 167
Alison, Archibald, 46
All About My Mother (dir. Pedro Almodóvar), 190
“All You Get from Love Is a Love Song” (Carpenters), 359
Alpert, Herb, 351
Alterity, 22, 27, 128–30, aesthetics of, 316, 318–24, 396, 404
Althusser, Louis, 9, 28, 337, 354
Altieri, Charles, 28–29, 336, 347n21
Ambassadors, The (Henry James), 317–18, 321
America Project, The (Sundiata), 94, 96–100, 108n2
“America, the Beautiful,” 104–5
America the Scrivener (Jay), 35n41
American Graffiti (dir. George Lucas), 359
American Literature, 7
American Moral and Sentimental Magazine, 43
American Novel and Its Tradition, The (Chase), 30n1
American Puritan Imagination, The (ed. Bercovitch), 6
American Renaissance (Matthiessen), 30n1
American Revolution, 40–41, 58, 62–63, 65, 70
Anachronism, 24, 225, 244, 294, 300
Anatomy Lesson, The (Roth), 181
Anorexia nervosa, Karen Carpenter’s, 350, 361–63
Anti-formalism, 10
Arab American National Museum (Dearborn, Michigan), 94
Arac, Jonathan, 34n29
Archeology of Knowledge, The (Foucault), 13
Arendt, Hannah, 346n11
Armstrong, Nancy, 315
Art as Experience (Dewey), 31n14
“Art of Fiction, The” (Henry James), 243
Art Students League (New York), 87, 134
Association, of ideas, 42, 44–48, 50
Attridge, Derek, 318
Auerbach, Jonathan, 145–47
Autobiography of an Androgyne (Lind), 156–62, 164, 174n5
Avila, Eric, 355–56
Babe’s Bed, The (Wescott), 171
Babes in Toyland, 355
Badiou, Alain, 313
Bailyn, Bernard, 52n3
Baker, Houston A., Jr., 303
Baldwin, James, 61
Baraka, Amiri, 109n9
Barthes, Roland, 30, 135n1, 209, 314, 318, 352
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” (Melville), 146, 149, 236, 304
Baudelaire, Charles, 178
Baumgarten, Alexander, 5–6, 32n19
Beam, Dorri, 21–22, 176n26, 399
“Beast in the Closet, The” (Sedgwick), 138
Beatles, The, 351
Beattie, James, 43
Beauty, 4, 9, 13, 21–22, 45, 87, 127–28, 133, 156–57, 159–62, 178–92, 265–66, 269, 275, 278, 283–85, 293, 296–98, 300–1
Beaver, Harold, 163
Becker, Gary, 255
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 396
Beinecke Library (Yale University), 264, 268
Benito Cereno (Melville), 22–24, 65, 211, 219–38
Bentley, Nancy, 6, 20, 25–26, 394–95, 398
Bercovitch, Sacvan, 2, 6–7, 10, 32n19
Bernstein, Charles, 280
Bernstein, Michael André, 318
Bertram Cope’s Year (Fuller), 171
Best, Stephen, 7–8
Better Angel (Meeker), 172
Beyond Sexuality (Dean), 173
Bhabha, Homi, 231
“Billy in the Darbies” (Melville), 87
Birth-Mark, The (Howe), 276
“Birthmark, The” (Hawthorne), 22, 178, 180–87, 191
Black Arts Movement, 71n3
“Black Cat, The” (Poe), 199
Black Elk Narratives, 11
Black Riders and Other Lines, The (Crane), 74–75, 81–82, 89n12
Blackstone, William, 332
Blair, John, 90n25
Blessing the Boats (Sundiata), 103
Blindness and Insight (de Man), 12
Bloch, Ernst, 242
Bloom, Harold, 291
Boal, Augusto, 106
Boltanski, Luc, 367–68, 378, 381–82, 384, 387
Boston Magazine, 42
Boston Massacre, 40
Boyd, Anne E., 139–40
Bridge, The (Hart Crane), 103–4
Bridgman, Richard, 30n1
Brill, Abraham A., 172
Brown, Charles Brockden, 44–46
Brown, Gillian, 14, 35n41, 363
Brown, Henry “Box,” 57
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 363
Bryant, William Cullen, 61
Buck-Morss, Susan, 5
Bush, George W., 70, 222, 224–26, 236
Butler, Judith, 20–21, 118, 129, 135n2, 140, 151, 190, 219, 308–9, 314, 318–24, 403n1, 404n3
Cahill, Edward, 19–20, 26, 397–98
Cameron, Sharon, 97
Camp, 140, 143, 147, 172, 178, 180; see also Drag
Canon, literary, 2–3, 8, 10–13, 18, 35n41, 58, 101, 152, 268
Capitalism, 15, 87, 245, 298, 367–68; Fordist, 350; late, 315, 382; post-Fordist, 367, 381, 387
Carey, Matthew, 42
Carpenter, Edward, 172
Carpenter, Karen, 28, 350, 352, 356, 358–63
Carpenter, Richard, 28, 351, 356, 358–61
Carpenter family, 350, 355–57, 360–62
Carpenters, the, 3, 28, 349–63
Carter, Stephen, 186
Case Against Perfection, The (Sandel), 185–87
Castiglia, Christopher, 7, 21–22, 394, 398, 400–1
Castronovo, Russ, 7, 32n17, 134n1
Cather, Willa, 81–82
Cato, A Tragedy (Addison), 48
Cato’s Tears (Julie Ellison), 55n26
Caton, Louis Freitas, 7
Cavell, Stanley, 345n5
Cellini, Benvenuto, 172
Charlotte Temple (Rowson), 11
Chase, Richard, 30n1
Chauncey, George, 166
Chiapello, Eve, 367–68, 378, 381–82, 384, 387
Christgau, Robert, 352
Chronometer, 197–98, 201–2, 214n3
“Cinderella,” 188
Citizenship, 20, 42, 91–108, 344
Class, 8, 10, 68, 233–34, 244, 329–32, 338, 342, 345n4, 355–56, 375
“Close to You” (The Carpenters), 349, 351, 357
Coalition Against Slavery in Mauritania and Sudan, 95
Cole, Thomas, 61
Coleman, Ray, 355
Colescott, Robert, 58
Colloquial Style in America, The (Bridgman), 30n1
Columbian Magazine, 42
Come Back to Sorrento (Powell), 171
Community Arts Network, 93
Connexionism, 367–69, 373, 376–78, 382, 384–85, 387–88
Coquette, The (Foster), 11–12
Corrothers, James D., 26, 302, 307
Cotton, Samuel, 95
Cowen, Tyler, 258
Crane, Hart, 103–4
Crane, Stephen, 3, 19–20, 73–88
Creation of the American Republic, The (Wood), 52n3
Creeley, Robert, 280
“Crisis of Verse” (Mallarmé), 76
Critique of Cynical Reason, A (Sloterdijk), 291
Crumbley, Paul, 140
Crying Game, The (dir. Neil Jordan), 190
Cubism, 170
“Cultural Criticism and Society” (Adorno), 354
Cultural studies, 2, 4, 6–7, 26, 29, 180, 291–92
Culture industry, 28, 350–54, 358–59, 361–63
Cultures of Letters (Brodhead), 9
Curtis, George W., 219, 228–29, 232
Daisy Miller (Henry James), 243
David, Jacques-Louis, 301
David Copperfield (Dickens), 317
Davidson, Cathy N., 11–12, 34n33
Dean, Tim, 173
“Decay of Lying, The” (Wilde), 118
Declaration of Independence, 97, 331
Declaring Independence (Fliegelman), 54nn14, 20
Deconstruction, 8, 10, 12–14, 16, 20, 34n29
Decoration of Houses, The (Wharton), 63
Degeneration (Nordau), 88n9
Democracy, 15, 67, 91–93, 96–97, 99, 108, 133, 188–89, 292, 300, 353
Democracy Matters (West), 105
Dennie, Joseph, 45
Depersonalization, 74, 76–79, 86
Derrida, Jacques, 12–13, 35n41, 313, 318, 403n2
di Leonardo, Micaela, 387
diacritics, 313
Dialectic of Enlightenment (Horkheimer and Adorno), 350, 353–54, 358
Dickens, Charles, 234, 246, 317–18, 321
Dickinson, Emily, 97, 263, 280
Didion, Joan, 357
Disenchantment, 5–6, 26, 291–93, 297, 394–95
Disinterestedness, 23, 46, 49–50, 159–61, 167, 172, 175n28, 336, 342, 369, 398, 403n1
Disneyland, 355–56
Dodger Stadium, 355–56
Domestic Allegories of Political Desire (Tate), 17
Domestic Individualism (Gillian Brown), 14, 35n41
Douglass, Frederick, 56–57, 64, 71n14
Dracula (Bram Stoker), 370
Dreams from My Father (Obama), 105–7
Du Bois, W. E. B., 26, 89n13, 104, 107, 113n41, 293, 302–6, 309
Dubner, Stephen J., 257
Durand Asher B., 61
Eagleton, Terry, 5, 118, 135n1, 353
Edwards, Jonathan, 25, 268, 277, 281, 283
Eighteenth Brumaire of Napoleon Bonaparte (Marx), 135n1
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 355
Elements of Criticism (Kames), 39, 41
Elias, Norbert, 244
Ellerman, Annie Winifred, 167
Elliott, Emory, 7
Ellis, Havelock, 158, 165, 172
Ellison, Julie, 20, 55n26, 394–95, 398
Elmer, Jonathan, 226–27, 235–36
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 77, 119, 138, 277, 332
Empire, 15, 101; see also Imperialism
Empire for Liberty (Dimock), 15–16
Enquiry Into the Human Mind (Reid), 41, 45
Epistemology, 323; Western, 297–98
Epistemology of the Closet (Sedgwick), 153n5
Equality, 51, 59, 179–80, 188–89, 191, 292–93, 300, 302, 309
Equiano, Olaudah, 95
“Essay on Criticism, A” (Pope), 179
Essay on Taste (Gerard), 41
Essay on the Use and Advantages of the Fine Arts (Trumbull), 39–41, 51
Ethics, 22, 120, 122, 131, 180–81, 226, 332, 334, 368; return to, 26–27, 313–14, 319–20, 322–23
Experience, aesthetic, 4–5, 26–27, 29, 31n14, 33n24, 39–40, 42–44, 48, 106, 119, 127–28, 156, 162, 170, 172–73, 178–79, 293, 295–98, 300, 302–3, 305, 330, 336, 349–50, 389n18, 393–401, 403n3
Faas, Ekbert, 5
Fabian, Johannes, 22, 197–98, 214
Fantasy, 4, 30n3, 118, 120–24, 129–30, 133, 135n2
Father of Frankenstein (Bram), 22, 179–80
Feeling, see Affect
Female-Impersonators, The (Lind), 160, 162, 174nn3, 4, 175nn8, 12, 16, 176n20
51st (dream) state, the (Sundiata), 20, 91–105
“Figure in the Carpet, The” (Henry James), 21, 137–41, 143–48, 150–52
“First Writing Since” (Hammad), 97
Fisher, Philip, 242, 244, 341–42
Flatland (Abbott), 305–6
Flaubert, Gustave, 304
Fleissner, Jennifer, 370, 372, 391n29
Fleming, George (Julia Fletcher), 143, 164
Fletcher, Julia, see George Fleming
Fliegelman, Jay, 29, 49, 54n14, 54n20
Flowers, language of, 170, 176n26
Foner, Eric, 52n3
For the Pleasure of His Company (Stoddard), 164, 167, 171
Ford, Andrew, 75
Ford Charles Henri, 171–72
Forel, Auguste-Henri, 165
Form, literary, 1–4, 9, 20, 22–28; see also New formalism
Formalism, 8, 10, 25, 30, 221, 232, 235, 243; social formalism, 324–25
Foucault, Michel, 12–14, 16, 21, 120, 122, 173, 313–16, 318, 322, 403n1
Foster, Hannah Webster, 11–12
“Fragment of the Wedding Dress of Sarah Pierpont Edwards” (Howe), 282
Freakonomics (Levitt and Dubner), 257
Free Minds Program (Austin, Texas), 94
Free verse, 73–74, 76–78, 89n12
Freedman, Jonathan, 22–25, 330, 346, 401–3
Freedom Dreams (Kelley), 105
Friedman, Drew, 69
Friendship, 21, 120, 122, 132, 137–38, 164–67, 171, 387; see also Same-sex friendship
Fromm, Erich, 334
Fuller, Henry Blake, 171–72
“Fun, Fun, Fun” (The Beach Boys), 357
Gainsborough, Thomas, 294, 302
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 344
Gallagher, Catherine, 33n28, 242, 244
Galloway, Alexander, 378, 383, 390nn2, 20, 26
Game theory, 24, 244–45, 247, 250, 256, 401–2; Game tree, 247
Games, 23–24, 172, 187, 244–56
Ganz, Marshall, 99–100, 112n28
Gardner, Jared, 212–13
Garies and Their Friends, The (Webb), 67–68
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 11
Gay Science, The (Nietzsche), 85
Geertz, Clifford, 12–13
Gender, 8, 20–22, 137–38, 142–45, 151–52, 153n5, 172, 180, 184, 190, 283, 373, 386–87; gender binary, 301, 308–9; gender essentialism, 190–91; gender inversion, 141; queer gender, 162–64; gender transition, 386
Genet, Jean, 163
Genette, Gerard, 18, 198, 200–1, 204, 209
Genius, 2, 39–40, 42–43, 45–47, 125, 138–39, 142–43, 145, 148, 181, 276
George, Robert P., 185–86
George Washington Carver Crossing the Delaware (Colescott), 58
Gibson, Andrew, 314
Gilmore, Michael T., 315
Goddu, Teresa, 212–13
Godey’s Lady’s Book, 229
Godzich, Wlad, 12
Gold Standard and the Logic of Naturalism, The (Michaels), 14–16
Golden Bowl, The (Henry James), 23–24, 242–60, 401–3
Goodbye, Columbus (Roth), 27, 330, 337–44, 347n24
“Goodbye to Love” (The Carpenters), 350–51
Graham, Martha, 396
“Grain of the Voice, The” (Barthes), 352
Grasso, Linda, 140
Greenblatt, Stephen, 33n28
Gregg, Frances Josepha, 167
Grey Gardens (Maysles), 133–34
Griggs, Sutton E., 26, 302, 306–7
Guinier, Lani, 105–6
Guyer, Paul, 52n6
Haitian Revolution, 57, 65, 67, 301
Hale, Dorothy J., 20, 25–27, 396, 404n3
Halperin, David, 163
Hals, Franz, 297
Hammad, Suheir, 97
Happiness, 27, 31n6, 166, 174n3, 328–45, 345n5, 346nn8, 11
Happy Days, 359
Harman, Graham, 371–72, 377, 384
Harper and Brothers, 199, 205–8
Harpers Ferry, 236
Harpham, Geoffrey Galt, 314, 318
Harris, Craig, 95–96
Hartman, Geoffrey, 13
Hartman, Saidiya, 105–7
Harvard University, 49, 258, 264, 268, 276–77, 280–81, 287n14, 305, 334
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 2, 7, 21–22, 34n29, 117, 120–34, 135n7, 178, 180–87, 228, 286n9, 400–1
Haynes, Todd, 355
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), 21, 167–72
Hegel, G. W. F., 32n19, 352, 371, 397
Heine, Heinrich, 82
Henry, Patrick, 64
“Heroic Slave, The” (Douglass), 64, 71n14
Herzog, Alfred W., 158
Heteronormativity, 144, 148–50, 157, 159, 164, 190
Heterosexism, 149
Hill, Lena, 57
Hinton, C. H., 305–6
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 165
Historicism, 1, 23, 31n14, 219, 225, 236–37, 292, 394; see also New historicism
Hobbes, Thomas, 52n5
Hoberek, Andrew, 346n5
Hollander, John, 80
Hollywood, 133, 172, 178–79, 190, 355–56, 361–62
Holmes, Mary Jane, 3
Homos (Bersani), 173
Homoeroticism, 72n17, 147, 168, 170, 174n2, 175n14
Homosexual panic, 137–38, 147, 150
Homosexuality, 120, 153n5, 156–73, 175nn8, 12, 179; see also Homoeroticism, Same-sex friendship
Hopkins, Pauline, 26, 302, 307–9
Horton, John, 316
Houghton Library (Harvard University), 264, 267–68
“House I Live In, The” (Earl Robinson), 105
Howells, William Dean, 75, 77, 333, 340
Hughes, Rupert, 82
Hume, David, 40, 44, 46, 392n29
“Hurting Each Other” (Carpenters), 350, 360
Hutcheson, Francis, 41, 46, 127
Hutchinson, Gladstone, 94
Iconography, 19, 57–58, 61–62, 64–69, 294
Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, The (Bailyn), 52n3
Ideological state apparatus (Althusser), 9, 374
Ideology and Classic American Literature (ed. Bercovitch and Jehlen), 2, 6, 10
Ideology, 2–4, 6–7, 9–11, 26, 28–29, 212–13, 292, 297, 315–18, 323, 332–33, 368, 388
Ideology critique, 2–3, 6, 10, 26, 28, 98, 117, 163, 291–92, 294
If I Were a Carpenter, 355
Imagination, 4, 9, 21, 39–40, 42–51, 54n17, 55n24, 91–92, 95–96, 105–8, 118–19, 127–29, 398, 403n1; see also Imaginative labor
Imaginative labor, 394, 398–99
Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life, 93
Imperialism, 10, 15, 214, 314, 373, 376
Imperium in Imperio (Griggs), 306–7
Imre: A Memorandum (Prime-Stevenson), 171
In the American Grain (Williams), 269
“In the desert” (Crane), 75, 77–78
Individualism, 15, 49, 268, 271, 315
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique, 294
Inquiry Into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, An (Hutcheson), 41
Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano, The (Equiano), 95
Interiority, psychological, 57–58, 64–65, 103, 120, 125–28, 316, 322; spatial, 56–57, 61, 63–64, 68–69
International Coalition of Historic Sites of Conscience, 93
Intimacy, 21, 120, 122–25, 127–28, 130–34, 138, 147, 150–51, 170–71, 247, 338–39, 342–43, 357, 400–1
Invisible Man (Ellison), 56–57
Irving, Washington, 20, 57–58, 62–63, 67, 70, 234
Jacobs, Harriet, 57
James, C. L. R., 223–24, 227, 237
James, Henry, 3, 21, 23–24, 27, 121, 137–52, 242–60, 281, 314–15, 317–21, 323–24, 399, 401–3
James, William, 6, 81–82, 281, 332
Jameson, Fredric, 3, 29, 30n5, 33n24, 118, 135n1, 315, 355, 390n18
Jay, Gregory, 35n41
Jefferson, Thomas, 51, 55n24, 307
Jenemann, David, 352
Jim Crow, 306
John Paul II, Pope, 180
Johnson, James Weldon, 70n3
Jones, Howard Mumford, 27, 331–33, 339, 346n11, 347n18
Jordan, June, 104
Jouhandeau, Marcel, 163
Judgment, see Aesthetic judgment
Jung, Carl, 172
Jurca, Catherine, 333
Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 39, 41–45
Kammen, Michael, 52n3
Kant, Immanuel, 26, 117, 127, 159–61, 167, 172, 175n9, 175n14, 179, 181, 293, 296–97, 300, 311n15, 331, 336, 343, 347n21, 371, 397–98, 403n1; as asexual, 175n8; post-Kantian aesthetics, 77, 397
Kass, Leon R., 185–86
Kaufman, Robert, 345n5
Kelley, Robin, 105–6
Kidnapped (Howe), 268, 275, 281
Kindred Spirits (Durand), 61
King Philip’s war, 269
Kismet (Fleming), 164
Koppelman, Susan, 148
Koren, Leonard, 31n8
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 158
Lacey, Suzanne, 93–94
Lafayette College, 94
Landis, Joseph, 347n22
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets, 268, 280
Latitude and longitude, 198, 200, 203, 209–12, 215n3
Latour, Bruno, 25, 28, 291, 367–72, 377–82, 384–85, 387–88
Lawrence, Jacob, 293
“Lay Lady Lay” (Dylan), 179
Lazarsfeld, Paul, 350–52
“Leave-Taking, A” (Swinburne), 278
“Lecture on the Haytien Revolutions” (Smith), 66–67
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (Blair), 41–43, 45
Lesbian, 141, 143, 148, 162, 170
Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man (Schiller), 128, 181
Letting Go (Roth), 328–30, 335–37, 346n8
Leutze, Emmanuel Gottlieb, 58
Leviathan (Hobbes), 52n5
Leviathan (Schmitt), 222
Levitt, Steven D., 257
Lewis, Edmonia, 293
Liberation, 73–74, 189–90, 296
Liberty, of the imagination, 19–20, 40, 42–51, 55n24
Liberty, political, 40–42, 45, 47, 50–51, 52n3, 307
Libraries, 24–25, 27, 97, 119, 149, 245, 264, 267–68, 286n5, 337, 339–42, 344
“Lift Every Voice and Sing” (James Johnson), 97
Linn, John Blair, 45
Literary Culture and U.S. Imperialism (Rowe), 10–11
Literary Magazine, and American Register, 45
Literary Tablet, 44
“Little Deuce Coupe” (The Beach Boys), 357
Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, 93
Locke, John, 332
Loggins, Vernon, 71n3
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 277
Longinus, 40
Longitude, see Latitude and longitude
Looby, Christopher, 21–22, 271
Lookism, 189
Los Angeles, 349, 352, 354–356
Lose Your Mother (Saidiya Hartman), 105, 107
L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 20, 57–58, 65–68, 301
Love’s Knowledge (Nussbaum), 314, 316–317
Lowe, Donald, 297
Lupton, Julia, 80
Lyric citizenship, 92, 97–100, 103, 108
McCain, Cindy, 69
McCain, John, 69
McCloskey, Deirdre, 257
McCullers, Carson, 172
McMahon, Darrin, 329
McWilliams, Carey, 356
Made in America (Carpenters), 363
Maisel, David, 74
“Man Adrift, A” (Crane), 84–87
“Man They Didn’t Know, A” (Corrothers), 307
Manifest Destiny, 15
Mann, Horace, 15
Mantovani, Annunzio Paolo, 27, 330
Many-Headed Hydra, The (Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker), 231
Marble Faun, The (Hawthorne), 21, 117, 121–22, 124–34, 400–1
Marcus, Sharon, 7–8
Marcuse, Herbert, 1, 29, 30n6, 242
Mariners, Renegades, and Castaways (C. L. R. James), 223
Márquez, Gabriel García, 106
Marvel, Ik (Donald Grant Mitchell), 233
Marxism, 6, 242, 322, 332; neo-Marxism, 387; post-Marxism, 315
Mason-Dixon Line, 210–11
Materiality, 4, 24, 57, 129, 131, 133, 244, 263–64, 267, 284–85, 286n1, 317
Mather, Cotton, 277
Matthiessen, F. O., 11, 18, 30n1
May, William F., 185
Maysles, Albert and David, 133
Medico-Legal Journal, The, 158, 174n4
Meeker, Richard, 172
Melville, Herman, 3, 15–16, 21–24, 57–58, 64–65, 72n17, 87, 120, 123–24, 133, 146, 149, 219–38, 304
Member of the Wedding, The (McCullers), 172
Memoirs of My Nervous Illness (Daniel Paul Schreber), 370
“Mending Wall” (Frost), 97
Meredith, George, 278
Michaels, Walter Benn, 14–16
Michelangelo, 172
Mignolo, Walter, 298
Mill, John Stuart, 97
Miller, J. Hillis, 318
Mills, C. Wright, 27, 332, 339, 347
Miner’s Canary, The (Guinier and Torres), 105
Minima Moralia (Adorno), 349, 363
“Miss Grief” (Woolson), 21, 137–52
Missouri Compromise, 210–11
Moby-Dick (Melville), 15, 64–65, 123–24, 228
Modernism, 20, 178, 180, 311n15, 330
Mondrian, Piet, 396
Moorhead, Scipio, 58–61
Morgenstern, Oscar, 245, 250, 261n9
Morrison, Toni, 213
Mosses from an Old Manse (Hawthorne), 123
Mullainathan, Sunil, 256–57
Multiculturalism, 56, 91, 98, 108, 221, 317
“My Country, ‘Tis of Thee,” 104
My Emily Dickinson (Howe), 280
Mythologies (Barthes), 30
Napoleon Bonaparte, 66–67, 301
Napoleon Leading the Army Over the Alps (Wiley), 301–2
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The (Poe), 22–23, 197–214
Narrative Discourse (Genette), 200–1
Nation, 143
Native Americans, 3, 11, 15, 41
Nature (Emerson), 277
Nelson, Dana D., 212
Network aesthetic, 368
New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century, The (Miller), 280
New England Quarterly, 44
New formalism, 6–7
New historicism, 2, 9, 12–14, 16, 23, 33n28, 117–18, 221, 230
New Spirit of Capitalism, The (Boltanski and Chiapello), 367
New WORLD Theater (Amherst, Massachusetts), 93, 109n10
New York Edition (Henry James), 243
New York Review, 200
New York Times, 235
Newton, Sir Isaac, 49
Ngai, Sianne, 20, 25, 28, 36n52
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 280
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 5, 78, 85
9/11 (September 11, 2001), 94, 96–98, 101, 103, 224–25, 373
Nixon, Richard, 351
Nordau, Max, 88n9
Norris, Frank, 16
Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 51, 55n24
Novel, 246, 304–5, 313–25, 381–82, 393, 400–3; queer history of, 176n18
Nussbaum, Martha, 27, 314–22, 404n3
Obama, Barack, 20, 69–70, 72n23, 99–100, 105–7, 112n28, 236, 395
Obama, Michelle, 69–70
O’Brien, Fitz-James, 228
Obsession, 370–73, 375, 378–79, 381–82, 384–85, 390n22
Of Grammatology (Derrida), 12
Of One Blood (Hopkins), 26, 307–9
Office of “The Scarlet Letter,” The (Bercovitch), 7
“On Being Brought from Africa to America” (Wheatley), 59
“118 Westerly Terrace” (Howe), 281–84
“On first looking into Chapman’s Homer” (Keats), 268
“On Imagination” (Wheatley), 47, 49–51
“On Recollection” (Wheatley), 47
“On the Fetish-Character in Music and the Regression of Listening” (Adorno), 349
On the Sublime (Longinus), 40
“Open Boat, The” (Crane), 85
Order of Things, The (Foucault), 13
Ovid, 184
Ozick, Cynthia, 318
Paine, Thomas, 62
Paint It Today (H.D.), 167–71
Parkman, Francis, 15
Partial Portraits (Henry James), 138
Passing/Posing (Female Prophet Anne, Who Observes the Presentation of Jesus on the Temple) (Wiley), 301, 303
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 4–5, 31n7
Pease, Donald, 11
Peirce, Charles Sanders, 25, 277–79
Pells, Richard, 344
Pennsylvania Magazine: or American Monthly Museum, 62
Perception, 3, 5, 21, 32n19, 42, 44, 48–49, 127, 293, 297–98, 301, 303, 305–6
Phaedrus (Plato), 172
Philadelphia Minerva, 44
Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (Burke), 41
“Philosophy of Composition, The” (Poe), 80
“Philosophy of Furniture, The” (Poe), 69
Piazza Tales, The (Melville), 229, 234–36, 239n17, 240nn18, 26
Pierce-Arrow (Howe), 25, 268, 275–80
Pierre (Melville), 220–21, 228
Play It as It Lays (Didion), 357
Pleasure, 4, 9, 18, 20–21, 39, 42–46, 49, 51, 119, 127, 157–60, 162, 171–72
Poe, Edgar Allan, 22–23, 69, 80, 104, 120, 197–214
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (Wheatley), 60–61
Poetic Justice (Nussbaum), 314, 321
Poirier, Richard, 2, 30n3, 32n14
Political Unconscious, The (Jameson), 30n5, 33n24, 315
Pollin, Burton R., 199, 214n3, 216n13
Poovey, Mary, 242–44
Pope, Alexander, 179
Popular culture, 2–3, 8, 17–18, 28, 164, 170, 180, 188, 308, 330, 352–57
Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight (Avila), 355
Port-Folio, The, 45
Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth), 330, 335, 345n4
Portrait of a Lady, The (Henry James), 138, 243, 247, 317
Portraiture, literary, 56, 58, 62–63, 65, 67; oratorical, 58, 65–67; visual, 294–96, 298–99
Posnock, Ross, 330
“Postcards from the Volcano” (Stevens), 284
Poststructuralism, 140, 221, 314, 318, 322–23, 404
Pound, Ezra, 167
Powell, Dawn, 171–72
“Powers of Genius, The” (Linn), 45
Practicing New Historicism (Gallagher and Greenblatt), 33n28
Presentism, 23, 221–25, 227, 377
President’s Council on Bioethics, 180, 185, 193n13
Price, Richard, 40
Prime-Stevenson, Edward, 171–72
Princeton Radio Research Project, 350–52
Print and publication history, 199, 201, 206–8, 219–20, 228–38
Prisoner’s Dilemma, 247, 251–54, 258–60
Project, distinguished from piece by Sundiata, 92–96
Project Row Houses (Houston, Texas), 93
Properties, aesthetic, 393–97, 403n1
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber), 372
Proust, Marcel, 13
“Psalm of Life” (Longfellow), 277
Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing), 158
Puritan Origins of the American Self, The (Bercovitch), 6, 32n16
Putnam’s Monthly Magazine, 24, 228–30, 234–35
Pygmalion myth, 184–85, 187, 193n17
Pynchon, Thomas, 188
Queer Beauty (Davis), 161, 175n14
Queers, 11, 153n5, 159, 163, 168, 172, 386; queer reading, 148–49; queer style, 120; queering of literary and social conventions, 148–52, 164; see also Homoeroticism; Homosexuality; Lesbian; Same-sex friendship
Race, 8, 51, 64, 98, 103, 105, 209–14
Radio, 100, 350–53, 358–60, 362
“Rainy Days and Mondays” (Carpenters), 350, 357
Rancière, Jacques, 25–26, 172, 177n39, 291–93, 295–96, 298–301, 303–4, 309, 403n1
RAND Corporation, 245
“Raven, The” (Poe), 80
Reading the Romance (Radway), 11, 17–18
Reagan, Ronald, 356–57
Reassembling the Social (Latour), 28, 367–88, 391n29, 392n30
Reception, see Aesthetic reception
Refrain, poetic, 74, 79–80, 82, 85–88
Renewal of Literature, The (Poirier), 32n14
Renza, Louis A., 35n41
Repetition, 20, 75, 78–80, 82, 350, 354, 357–59
Representations, 7
Return of Elijah, The (Sundiata), 95–96
Revolution and the Word (Davidson), 11, 34n33
Reynolds, Joshua, 294
Ricoeur, Paul, 5
Riesman, David, 27, 333–36, 338–39, 341
“Rip Van Winkle” (Irving), 62–63, 70
Rhyne, Jeffrey, 7
Robbins, Bruce, 389n18
“Rocket 88” (Ike Turner), 357
Rockwell, Norman, 27, 330, 335, 339, 345n4
Rodgers, Bernard, 346n5
Rogers, Thomas, 346n8
Romanticism, 21, 58, 103, 118–22, 128, 130–31, 134, 181, 298
Roth, Philip, 27, 180–81, 184, 328–45
Rothko, Mark, 396
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 13
Rowlandson, Mary, 280
Rowson, Susanna, 11
Royal American Magazine, 43
Rubin, Gayle, 387
Same-sex friendship, 21, 121–22, 124–25, 132, 169
Sanchez, George, 108n1
Sancho, Ignatius, 55n24
Sandel, Michael J., 22, 185–88, 191
Sanders, Mark, 313–14, 318, 322
Sandler, Stephanie, 275
Santayana, George, 160
Saussurean linguistics, 13
Savoy, Eric, 147
Schiller, Friedrich von, 21, 128–30, 133, 177n39, 181, 186, 401, 403n1
Scobey, David, 100
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 137–38, 151, 153n5, 291
Sensibility, 2–3, 46, 50, 122, 128, 131, 160, 187
Sensory experience, 5, 8, 21, 26, 32n19, 64, 79, 127, 157–58, 160, 170–73, 292–93, 295, 297–98, 300–3, 305, 309; see also Perception
Sensuality, 5–6, 43, 86, 128–29, 156–60, 166, 172
Serialization, 228–30, 232–33, 235, 239n17, 240n18
Sexual Inversion (Ellis), 158
Sexuality, 20–21, 138, 142, 151, 153n5, 156–73, 386; see also Homosexuality; Lesbian; Queer
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d Earl of, 40, 126–27
Shakespeare, William, 40, 79, 87, 104, 172
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 172
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 82
Shiller, Robert A., 257
Show Boat (dir. Whale), 179–80
Showalter, Elaine, 143
Shusterman, Richard, 5–6
Silent Terror, The (Cotton), 95–96
Silverman, Kenneth, 48
Sinatra, Frank, 105
“Sing” (The Carpenters), 352
Singh, Nikhil, 107
Singles 1969–1973 (Carpenters), 351–52
Singularities (Howe), 268–75
Slavery, 20, 50–51, 65, 67, 70n3, 95–96, 107, 212–13, 222, 224–26, 231–33, 236, 295, 297
“Sleepers, The” (Whitman), 86–87, 103
Sloterdijk, Peter, 291
Slouching Towards Bethlehem (Didion), 357
Smith, Adam, 367
Smith, James McCune, 58, 66–67
Sobel, Dava, 201–2
Somaesthetics (Shusterman), 5–6
Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois), 303–304
Souls of the Labadie Tract (Howe), 268, 281–85
Southern Literary Messenger, 199, 201, 206–7
Southworth, E. D. E. N., 3
Spahr, Juliana, 3, 28, 367–68, 373–80, 382–88
Spears, Britney, 236
Spectator, The, 42
Spheres of Liberty (Kammen), 52n3
Spivak, Gayatri, 318
Stanford University, 96
Steele, Thomas J., 71n9
Steiner, Wendy, 22
Sterling Library (Yale University), 264
Stevens, Wallace, 25, 266, 268, 281–84
Stewart, Susan, 311n15
Stiglitz, Joseph E., 257
Stoddard, Charles Warren, 21, 164, 167, 171–72, 176n21
Story of American Freedom, The (Foner), 52n3
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 2–3, 19, 57–58, 63–65, 67, 69, 228
Strange Brother (Niles), 165–67, 171
“Street of the Hyacinth, The” (Woolson), 141, 145
Strong, Tracy, 222
Structuralism, 10
Style, 1, 9, 119–20, 165–67, 169–70, 199, 267, 280, 294, 298, 300, 311n15, 368, 378
Sundiata, Sekou, 19–20, 91–108
Sundquist, Eric J., 230
“Superstar” (The Carpenters), 350–51, 355, 357–59
Superstar (dir. Todd Haynes), 355
Surface reading (Marcus and Best), 7–8
Suspicion, hermeneutics of, 5, 9, 291, 297
Swift, Jonathan, 40
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 278
Symposium (Plato), 172
Symptomatic reading, 7
Taste, 4, 9, 42–43, 45–46, 50, 166, 168, 173, 293, 334–35, 353
Tate, Claudia, 17
Terranova, Tiziana, 378
Thaler, Richard, 256–57
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (von Neumann and Morgenstern), 245, 250, 261n9
Thomson, David, 103
Thoreau, Henry David, 269, 271–72
“Ticket to Ride” (Beatles, covered by Carpenters), 351
Titian, 294
“To the maiden” (Crane), 85
“To the Right Honourable Earl of Dartmouth” (Wheatley), 48, 54n21
“To S.M. a young African Painter” (Wheatley), 59–62
“To the University of Cambridge in New England” (Wheatley), 49
Tompkins, Jane, 2–3, 8–9, 11–12, 15, 18–19
“Top of the World” (Carpenters), 352, 357, 362
Torre, Jerry, 134
Torres, Gerald, 105–6
“Toussaint L’Ouverture” (Phillips), 65–66
Transformation, The (Spahr), 28, 367–68, 373–80, 382–88
Translatio studii, 40
Traylor, Eleanor, 95
Treatise of Human Nature (Hume), 44
Trilling, Diana, 334
Trilling, Lionel, 27, 314–15, 321, 333, 340
“Triumph of Life, The” (Swinburne), 278
Troubled Heart and How It Was Comforted At Last, A (Stoddard), 176n21
Trouillot, Michel-Rolph, 298, 301
Tumin, Melvin, 27, 332, 335, 339
“Tunic (Song for Karen)” (Sonic Youth), 355, 362
Turner, Ike, 357
Twain, Mark, 2
Tyler, Parker, 171–72
Udu (Sundiata), 95–96
Ugly Betty, 188
“Ugly Duckling, The,” 188
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich, 165
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 2–3, 18, 63–65, 68–69, 235–36
Universalism, 128, 298, 300–2, 306
“Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaall, The” (Poe), 202
Utrillo, Maurice, 27
V. (Pynchon), 188
“Vacation Unique, A” (Du Bois), 305, 312n23
Values of Beauty (Guyer), 52n6
Veblen, Thorstein, 276
Vehement Passions, The (Fisher), 242, 244
Velázquez, Diego, 302
Vendler, Helen, 280
Venus in Exile (Steiner), 178
Verlaine, Paul, 168
Village of the Arts and Humanities (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 93
Virgil, 40
Von Neumann, John, 245, 247, 250, 261n9
Von Schlegell, David, 278–79
Wagner, Richard, 304
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 94
War Is Kind (Crane), 81–83
Warhol, Andy, 178
Warner, Susan, 11
Washington, George, 20, 57–58, 61–66, 68–70, 118–19
Washington Crossing the Delaware (Leutze), 58
Washington Square (Henry James), 318–24
Watergate, 117–18
Watts, George, 107
We Have Never Been Modern (Latour), 372
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 367
Webb, Frank J., 19, 57–58, 67–69
Wedekind, Frank, 172
Weems, Mason Locke, 119
Weiss, Allen, 358
Werther, Ralph, see Lind, Earl
Wescott, Glenway, 171–72
“We’ve Only Just Begun” (Carpenters), 350, 352, 360–61
Whale, James, 179–80
Whalen, Terence, 210–11
Wharton, Edith, 63
What Do Gay Men Want? (Halperin), 163
“What Is the Fourth Dimension?” (Hinton), 305–6
Wheatley, Phillis, 3, 19, 47–51, 57–62, 70n3, 293
Which “Aesthetics” Do You Mean? (Koren), 31n8
White Album, The (Didion), 357
Whitman, Walt, 73–74, 82, 86–87, 103–4, 169, 271, 274, 284
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 57
“Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam?” (Latour), 6, 291
Wide, Wide World, The (Warner), 11, 18
Wilde, Oscar, 117–20, 124, 128, 134, 157–58, 168, 173n2, 178
Wiley, Kehinde, 26, 293–303, 309, 311n15
Williams, William Carlos, 268–69, 282
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 398
Women, 11, 17, 41, 112n42, 138–39, 141–42, 145, 148, 151–52, 188–91, 308, 403
Wood, Gordon, 52n3
Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 3, 21, 137–52, 399
World Elsewhere, A (Poirier), 30n3
Wright, Jeremiah, 107
Yaeger, Patricia, 104
Yale school, 12
Yale University, 186, 257, 264, 277, 280–81
“Yesterday Once More” (Carpenters), 359
Young and Evil, The (Parker and Tyler), 171
Zeiterion Theater (New Bedford, Massachusetts), 94