
100% stacked bar charts, 203204


actionable goals, 20

Affinity Map, 2

ages of survey responders, 182185

Aggregate Measures option (Analysis menu), 80

alerting colors, 121

Alteryx, 165


audience, 6163

explanatory, 5658

exploratory, 5658

Analysis menu commands

Aggregate Measures, 80

Create Calculated Field, 194

analytic academic program dataset, 97

Analytics tab (Data window), 47

Andrews, RJ, 230

Anscombe, Francis, 21

Anscombe’s Quartet, 2122

anxiety about public speaking, overcoming, 64

audience analysis, 6163

auditory cortex, 18

autumn, data visualization of, 2729


background maps, 105

bar charts

100% stacked bar charts, 203204

bar-in-bar charts, 199201

creating, 6870

divergent stacked bar charts

creating, 205206

Gantt Percent Line field, 211215

Gantt Start field, 209211

Negative Sentiment field, 206207

Percent of Gantt Sizing field, 210

Total Negative Sentiment field, 207208

Total Sentiment Scores field, 209

features of, 6668

bar-in-bar charts, 199201

Beran, Bora, 230

blogs, 229230

Data Revelations, 156, 229, 230

Eager Eyes, 230

Flowing Data, 230

Information is Beautiful, 230

book recommendations, 230

Bora Beran “On Anything Data” blog, 230


formatting, 131134

mark borders, 119

brain response to storytelling, 1618

Broca’s area of the brain, 16

bubble charts

creating, 8385

features of, 83

Burning Glass, 35

business analytics programs, 1012

Business Intelligence Congress 3, 8


calculated fields

divergent stacked bar chart

creating, 205206

Gantt Start field, 209211

Negative Sentiment field, 206207

Percent of Gantt Sizing field, 211215

Total Negative Sentiment field, 207208

Total Sentiment Scores field, 209

timeline charts, 194195

cards, 47

Color Marks, 100

100% stacked bar charts, 203204

bar-in-bar charts, 199201

color legends, 124

default color, 110111

divergent stacked bar charts, 213214

diverging color, 112114

mark borders, 119

mark halos, 120121

opacity, 118119

proportional symbol maps, 100

red/green color palettes, 121123

reversed color, 115117

sequential color, 111112

stepped color, 114115

word clouds, 223

Detail Marks, 99

proportional symbol maps, 9899

timeline charts, 196199


bar charts, 6869

choropleth maps, 101103

geodata, 92

heat maps, 8990

line charts, 72

lollipop charts, 218

pie and donut charts, 7478

scatter plots, 81

treemaps, 88

Shape Marks, 139140

Show Me, 47, 7475

expanding, 57

packed bubble charts, 8385

pie and donut charts, 7478

treemaps, 8687

Size Marks, 99

bar-in-bar charts, 199201

divergent stacked bar charts, 214

lollipop charts, 219

proportional symbol maps, 99

shapes, 139

word clouds, 221

Text Marks

borders, 133

divergent stacked bar charts, 205206

word clouds, 221

Carlson, Chelsea, 2325

categorical color, 115117

Center for Disease Control, Lyme disease dataset, 93

cerebellum, 18

change over time, 59

charts, 6566, 191192. See also graphs; maps; visual design

100% stacked bar charts, 203204

bar charts

creating, 6870

features of, 6668

bar-in-bar charts, 199201

dessert charts, 10

creating, 7478

features of, 7374

divergent stacked bar charts

creating, 205206

Gantt Percent Line field, 211215

Gantt Start field, 209211

Negative Sentiment field, 206207

Percent of Gantt Sizing field, 210

Total Negative Sentiment field, 207208

Total Sentiment Scores field, 209

donut charts

creating, 7478

features of, 7374

field labels, 136138

headers, 136138

Likert scales, 202203

100% stacked bar charts, 203204

divergent stacked bar charts, 205215

line charts

creating, 7274

features of, 7072

lollipop charts

creating, 215219

labeling, 219220

packed bubble charts

creating, 8385

features of, 83

pie charts

creating, 7478

features of, 7374

scatter plots

creating, 7982

features of, 7879

timeline charts, 192199

calculated fields, 194195

continuous dates, 193

formatting, 196

reference lines, 197199

timeframes, 197

word clouds, 221224

choropleth maps, 100103

cleaning Excel survey data

with Alteryx, 165

with Data Interpreter

cautions, 149

goals of, 148150

meta helper file, creating, 153155

numeric copies, creating, 151153

pivoting from wide to tall, 155

surface cleaning, 150151

with Maestro, 145

with Tableau 10, 156

data sources, joining, 160164

extracts, creating, 156160

climax (narrative structure), 178

closure, storytelling and, 19

cognitive effects of storytelling, 1618

collecting data, 226


alerting, 121

categorical, 115117

chart/map types and

100% stacked bar charts, 204

bar charts, 6768

choropleth maps, 102103

heat maps, 8990

line charts, 72

packed bubble charts, 8384

pie and donut charts, 7476

proportional symbol maps, 100

scatter plots, 81

treemaps, 8588

color cues, 2627

color legends, 124

color-coded pills, 49

diverging, 112114

highlight, 120

mark borders, 119

mark halos, 120121

opacity, 118119

red/green color palettes, 121123

reversed, 115117

sequential, 111112

stepped, 114115

color cues, 2627

Color Marks card, 100

100% stacked bar charts, 203204

bar-in-bar charts, 199201

color legends, 124

default color, 110111

divergent stacked bar charts, 213214

diverging color, 112114

mark borders, 119

mark halos, 120121

opacity, 118119

proportional symbol maps, 100

red/green color palettes, 121123

reversed color, 115117

sequential color, 111112

stepped color, 114115

word clouds, 223

color vision deficiency (CVD), 121123

color-coded pills, 49

columns, editing, 40

Columns shelf, 47

Communicating Data with Tableau (Jones), 34, 230

communication medium

narrated storytelling, 63

non-narrated storytelling, 63

communication skills, importance of, 810

Connect to Data screen, 3839

connections, data. See data connections

content, importance of, 52


audience, 6163

cautions, 53

data, 5355

explanatory analysis, 5658

exploratory analysis, 5658

Harry Potter series example, 5355

importance of, 5152

presentation tips, 6364

relevance of, 5556

structure, 58

story genre, 60

story plot, 5960

continuous dates, 193

continuous measures, 48

contrast, 60

counting, color and, 27

Coxcomb plot, 108

Create Calculated Field command (Analysis menu), 194

Create Hierarchy command (Hierarchy menu), 9597

Crimea border, visualizing, 105

curating visuals. See visual design

custom shapes, 140142

CVD (color vision deficiency), 121123


Darwin, Charles, 19

dashboards, 45, 169172

data collection, 226

data connections

Connect to Data screen, 3839

Data Connections screen, 3941

Extract connections, 41

geographic data, 9293


configuring, 42

errors in, 44

inner, 43

left, 43

outer, 43

right, 43

Live connections, 41

null fields, 4344

tables, 3941

Data Connections screen, 3941

Data Interpreter, 143145

data limits, 147

Excel survey data, cleaning

cautions, 149

goals of, 148150

meta helper file, creating, 153155

numeric copies, creating, 151153

pivoting from wide to tall, 155

surface cleaning, 150151

null values, handling, 147148

running, 145146

Data Interpreter, preparing data with, 4445

data normalization, 56

Data Points (Yau), 230

data preparation, 143144

with Alteryx, 165

with Data Interpreter, 4445, 143145

data limits, 147

example of, 145146

Excel survey data, 148155

null values, 147148

with Maestro, 145

with Tableau 10, 156

data sources, joining, 160164

extracts, creating, 156160

Data Revelations blog, 156, 229, 230

data science education, 1012

data sources, joining, 160164

data storytelling. See storytelling

Data tab (Data window), 47

data visualization. See also storytelling

Affinity Map, 2

charts, 6566

bar charts, 6670

dessert charts, 10, 7378

donut charts, 7378

field labels, 136138

headers, 136138

line charts, 7073

packed bubble charts, 8385

pie charts, 7378

scatter plots, 7882


alerting, 121

categorical, 115117

color legends, 124

default color, 110111

diverging, 112114

highlight, 120

mark borders, 119

mark halos, 120121

opacity, 118119

red/green color palettes, 121123

reversed, 115117

sequential, 111112

stepped, 114115

data science education, 1012

defined, 4

evolution to visual data storytelling, 67

feedback for, 228229


heat maps, 8890

treemaps, 8588


borders, 131134

drop lines, 128130

Format pane, 124128

grid lines, 128130

shading, 134139

zero lines, 128130

maps, 9192

background maps, 105

choropleth maps, 100103

geographic data connections, 9293

geographic hierarchies, 9597

geographic role assignment, 9395

map layers, 103105

neutrality in, 105106

proportional symbol maps, 97100

supported geodata, 92

null fields, 4344

perceptual pop-out, 2627

power of stories

Anscombe’s Quartet, 2122

classic visualization example, 2022

color cues, 2627

Napoleon’s march visualization, 2931

Netflix data visualization, 2325

Nigel Holmes’ “Monstrous Costs,” 31–32

seasonal cycle visualization, 2729

shapes, 139

custom shapes, 140142

Shape Marks card, 139140

transparent backgrounds, 141

steps to visual data storytelling, 226228

Trendalyzer, 2

user testing, 228229

visual revolution in, 26

Data Visualization Competency Center (DVCC), 228229

Data window, 47

dates, timeline charts for, 192199

calculated fields, 194195

continuous dates, 193

formatting, 196

reference lines, 197199

timeframes, 197

default color, 110111

Degree dimension, 100

demographic data

age, 182185

gender, 181182

number of responses, 180181

Descartes, René, 108

design. See visual design

dessert charts, 10

creating, 7478

features of, 7374

Detail Marks card, 99

proportional symbol maps, 9899

timeline charts, 196199

deuteranope color deficiency, 122123

diagrams, plot, 5960

dimensions, 48

discrete dimensions, 48

divergent stacked bar charts

creating, 205206

Gantt Percent Line field, 211215

Gantt Start field, 209211

Negative Sentiment field, 206207

Percent of Gantt Sizing field, 210

Total Negative Sentiment field, 207208

Total Sentiment Scores field, 209

diverging color, 112114

donut charts

creating, 7478

features of, 7374

drilling down, 59

drop lines, 128130

dual-axis charts

line charts, 7173

lollipop charts

creating, 215219

labeling, 219220

DVCC (Data Visualization Competency Center), 228229


Eager Eyes blog, 230

Edit Colors dialog box, 8990, 112

Edit Shape dialog box, 139140

education, data science, 1012

effects (color)

mark borders, 119

mark halos, 120121

opacity, 118119

entropy, 31, 228

errors, join, 44

Excel survey data, cleaning

with Alteryx, 165

with Data Interpreter

cautions, 149

goals of, 148150

meta helper file, creating, 153155

numeric copies, creating, 151153

pivoting from wide to tall, 155

surface cleaning, 150151

with Maestro, 145

with Tableau 10, 156

data sources, joining, 160164

extracts, creating, 156160

excluding null fields, 4344

explanatory analysis, 5658

exploratory analysis, 5658

exposition (narrative structure), 177

external resources

blogs, 229230

books, 230

companion materials, 231

Tableau resources, 231

Extract connections, 41

Extract dialog, 158

extracts, creating, 156160


Facebook, National Geographic on, 16

factors, 60

false reveals, 227

fear of public speaking, 64

feedback, importance of, 228229

field labels, removing, 136138

fields, null, 4344


Global Superstore Excel, 39

spatial files, 92

filters, 58

Filters shelf, 47

finding data, 226

fitness, storytelling and, 19

Flowing Data blog, 230

Format Borders pane, 127

Format pane

banding, 134139

borders, 131134

drop lines, 128130

grid lines, 128130

shading, 134139

zero lines, 128130



borders, 131134

drop lines, 128130

Format pane, 124128

grid lines, 128130

shading, 134139

zero lines, 128130

shapes, 139

custom shapes, 140142

Shape Marks card, 139140

transparent backgrounds, 141

The Functional Art (Cairo), 230


IFNULL, 147148

IIF, 147148

ISNULL, 147148

ZN, 147148


Gantt Percent Line field (divergent stacked bar chart), 211215

Gantt Start field (divergent stacked bar chart), 209211

Gapminder Foundation, 2

Gartner, 8

Gates, Bill, 52

gender of survey responders, 181182

genre, 60

geodata, support for, 92

geographic data connections, 9293

geographic hierarchies, 9597

geographic maps, 9192

choropleth maps, 100103

geographic data connections, 9293

geographic hierarchies, 9597

geographic role assignment, 9395

map layers, 103105

neutrality in, 105106

proportional symbol maps, 97100

supported geodata, 92

geographic role assignment, 9395

geoJSON files, 92

Global Superstore Excel training file, 39

goals of storytelling, 26

Goldberg, Susan, 16

graphs. See also charts; maps

heat maps

creating, 8990

features of, 88


creating, 8688

features of, 8586

green/red color palettes, 121123

grid lines, 128130

groups, creating, 183185


halos (mark), 120121

Hannibal’s journey visualization, 31

Harry Potter Conference, 178

Harry Potter series visualizations

context in, 5355

custom shapes, 141

dataset, cleaning, 148150

meta helper file, creating, 153155

numeric copy, creating, 151153

surface cleaning, 150151

divergent stacked bar chart, 205206

creating, 205206

Gantt Percent Line field, 211215

Gantt Start field, 209211

Negative Sentiment field, 206207

Percent of Gantt Sizing field, 210

Total Negative Sentiment field, 207208

Total Sentiment Scores field, 209

Harry Potter Conference, 178

heat map, 88

Likert visualization, 202

story plot, 59

storyboarding, 185190

character aggression, questioning, 187188

demographic dashboard and key question, 185186

reveal, 188190

headers, removing, 136138

heat maps

creating, 8990

features of, 88

hierarchies, geographic, 9597

Hierarchy menu, Create Hierarchy command, 9697

highlight colors, 120

Holmes, Nigel, 3132


IFNULL function, 147148

IIF function, 147148

Info We Trust, 230

Information is Beautiful blog, 230

information layering, 227

inner joins, 43

intersections, 60

interval measures, 48

ISNULL function, 147148


joining data sources, 160164


configuring, 42

errors in, 44

inner, 43

left, 43

outer, 43

right, 43

Jones, Ben, 34, 230


A Kid’s Guide to Delicious Data Stories (Pi), 85

Knaflic, Cole Nussbaumer, 230

Kosara, Robert, 230



field labels, removing, 136138

lollipop charts, 219220

Labor Insight, 35, 36

latitude coordinates, 98


layering information, 227

map layers, 103105

learning, ongoing, 229

left joins, 43

legends, 4748, 124

Likert scales, 202203

100% stacked bar charts, 203204

divergent stacked bar charts

creating, 205206

Gantt Percent Line field, 211215

Gantt Start field, 209211

Negative Sentiment field, 206207

Percent of Gantt Sizing field, 210

Total Negative Sentiment field, 207208

Total Sentiment Scores field, 209

line charts

creating, 7274

features of, 7072


borders, 131134

drop lines, 128130

Format pane, 124128

grid lines, 128130

shading, 134139

zero lines, 128130

Live connections, 41

live presentations, 64

narrated, 63

non-narrated, 63

logo button, 46

lollipop charts

creating, 215219

labeling, 219220

longitude coordinates, 98

Lyme disease dataset, 93

Lyme disease visualization

choropleth maps, 100103

dataset, 93

geographic hierarchies, 9597

geographic role assignment, 9395

Lyme disease dataset, 93

proportional symbol maps, 97100


Maestro, 145

Map Layers box, 104

Map Layers command (Map menu), 104

Map menu commands, Map Layers, 104

maps, 9192. See also charts; graphs

background maps, 105

geographic data connections, 9293

geographic hierarchies, 9597

geographic role assignment, 9395

heat maps

creating, 8990

features of, 88

supported geodata, 92


creating, 8688

features of, 8586

mark borders, 119

mark halos, 120121

Marks card. See also charts; maps

bar charts, 6869

choropleth maps, 101103

geodata, 92

heat maps, 8990

line charts, 72

lollipop charts, 218

pie and donut charts, 7478

scatter plots, 81

treemaps, 88

matrix scatter pots, 7982

McCandless, David, 230

McKinsey Global Institute, 11


defined, 48

types of, 48

Medina, John, 109

menus, 4647

meta helper file, creating, 153155

Minard, Charles Joseph

Hannibal’s journey visualization, 31

Napoleon’s march visualization, 2931

“Monstrous Costs” (Holmes), 3132

motor cortex, 18

multiple tables


configuring, 42

errors in, 44

inner, 43

left, 43

outer, 43

right, 43

Murray, Daniel, 230

My Tableau Repository, adding custom shapes to, 140142


Napoleon’s march visualization, 2931

narrated storytelling, 63

narrative structures, 177178

National Geographic, 16

natural selection, theory of, 19

navigating user interface, 4546

Negative Sentiment field (divergent stacked bar chart), 206207

“The Nerdist” podcast, 168

Netflix data visualization, 2325

neutrality in maps, 105106

Nightingale, Florence, 108

nominal measures, 48

non-narrated storytelling, 63

normalizing data, 56

null values, handling, 4344, 147148

Number of Records Dimension, 99

numbers, discrete versus continuous, 48

numeric copies of worksheets, creating, 151153

numerosity, 27


olfactory cortex, 18

opacity, 118119

ordinal measures, 48

outer joins, 43

outliers, 60


pace of storytelling, 228

packed bubble charts

creating, 8385

features of, 83

Pages shelf, 47

Percent of Gantt Sizing field (divergent stacked bar chart), 210

perceptual pop-out, 2627

personal Netflix data visualization, 2325

Pi, Wake, 85

picture superiority effect, 109

pie charts

creating, 7478

features of, 7374

pills, color-coded, 49

pivoting data from wide to tall, 155

planning story purpose, 176177

Playfair, William, 10, 108

plot, 5960

Polygraph, 230

power of stories, 20

Anscombe’s Quartet, 21

classic visualization example, 2022

color cues, 2627

Napoleon’s march visualization, 2931

Netflix data visualization, 2325

Nigel Holmes’ “Monstrous Costs,” 31–32

seasonal cycle visualization, 2729

pre-attentive features, perceptual pop-out, 2627

preparing data. See data preparation


narrated, 63

non-narrated, 63

tips for, 64

pricing models for Tableau, 37

proportional symbol maps, 97100

psychology of storytelling, 1819

closure, 19

fitness, 19

Ptolemy, Claudius, 108

The Pudding, 230

purpose of stories, 176177


QuestionID, 205206

Radiant Advisors, DVCC (Data Visualization Competency Center), 228229

ratio measures, 48

red/green color palettes, 121123

reference lines, adding to timeline charts, 197199

relevant context, 5556


field labels, 136138

headers, 136138

renaming columns, 40


blogs, 229230

books, 230

companion materials, 231

Tableau resources, 231


designing to, 227

false reveals, 227

reversed color, 115117

right joins, 43

rising action (narrative structure), 177178

Roddenberry, Gene, 2

roles, geographic, 9395

Rosling, Hans, 2

Rowling, JK, 53. See also Harry Potter series visualizations

Rows shelf, 47

Ryan, Lindy, 230


Salesforce, 34

Save button, 46

scatter plots

creating, 7982

features of, 7879

science of storytelling, 16

cognitive effects, 1618

power of stories, 20

storytelling psychology, 1819

closure, 19

fitness, 19

seasonal cycle visualization, 2729

Seinfeld, Jerry, 64

sensory cortex, 18

sequential color, 111112

setup (narrative structure), 177

shading lines, 134139

Shape Marks card, 139140

shapefiles, 92

shapes, 139

custom shapes, 140142

Shape Marks card, 139140

transparent backgrounds, 141

sheets, 40, 45, 169

shelves, 47

Show Me card, 47, 7475

expanding, 57

packed bubble charts, 8385

pie and donut charts, 7478

treemaps, 8687

SIG DSS (Special Interest Group on Decision Support, Knowledge, and Data Management Systems), 8

Significant Volcanic Eruptions dataset, 144

simple scatter plots, 7982

Size Marks card, 99

bar-in-bar charts, 199201

divergent stacked bar charts, 214

lollipop charts, 219

proportional symbol maps, 99

shapes, 139

word clouds, 221

sketching stories, 78

Snapchat, National Geographic on, 16

Snow, John, 108

spatial files, 92

Special Interest Group on Decision Support, Knowledge, and Data Management Systems (SIG DSS), 8

speed of storytelling, 228

spread, 60

spring, data visualization of, 2729

stacked bar charts

100% stacked bar charts, 203204

divergent stacked bar charts

creating, 205206

Gantt Percent Line field, 211215

Gantt Start field, 209211

Negative Sentiment field, 206207

Percent of Gantt Sizing field, 210

Total Negative Sentiment field, 207208

Total Sentiment Scores field, 209

Star Trek, 2

Statistical Breviary (Playfair), 10

stepped color, 114115

steps to visual data storytelling, 226228

sticky notes, storyboarding with, 178

stories. See also storyboarding; storytelling


dashboards, 169172

sheets, 167168, 169

Story Points, 172175

defined, 45

genre, 60

plot, 5960

power of

Anscombe’s Quartet, 2122

classic visualization example, 2022

color cues, 2627

Napoleon’s march visualization, 2931

Netflix data visualization, 2325

Nigel Holmes’ “Monstrous Costs,” 31–32

seasonal cycle visualization, 2729

purpose, 176177

sketching, 78

storyline, 5960

structure of, 58

genre, 60

plot, 5960

Story Points, 172175

storyboarding, 167168

demographic data

age, 182185

gender, 181182

number of responses, 180181

Harry Potter example, 185190

character aggression, questioning, 187188

demographic dashboard and key question, 185186

reveal, 188190

Meta worksheets, 179

narrative structures, 177178

sticky note approach, 178

story building, 178

dashboards, 169172

sheets, 167168, 169

Story Points, 172175

story purpose, planning, 176177

survey demographics

age, 182185

gender, 181182

story-building mechanisms

dashboards, 169172

sheets, 167168, 169

Story Points, 172175

storyline, 5960

storytelling. See also data visualization

audience analysis for, 6163

checklist for, 175

collecting data for, 226

communication skills in, 810


audience analysis, 6163

cautions, 53

data, 5355

explanatory analysis, 5658

exploratory analysis, 5658

Harry Potter series example, 5355

importance of, 5152

presentation tips, 6364

relevance of, 5556

role of story structure in, 5860

entropy in, 31, 228

evolution from data visualization to, 67

external resources

blogs, 229230

books, 230

companion materials, 231

Tableau resources, 231

feedback for, 228229

goals, 26

information layering, 227

narrated, 63

non-narrated, 63

ongoing learning for, 229

pace of, 228

power of stories

Anscombe’s Quartet, 2122

classic visualization example, 2022

color cues, 2627

Napoleon’s march visualization, 29–31

Netflix data visualization, 2325

Nigel Holmes’ “Monstrous Costs,” 31–32

seasonal cycle visualization, 2729

presentation tips, 64


designing to, 227

false reveals, 227

science of, 16

cognitive effects, 1618

storytelling psychology, 1819

sketching stories, 78

steps to visual data storytelling, 226228

story structure, 58

genre, 60

plot, 5960

storyboarding, 167168

demographic data, 179185

Harry Potter example, 185190

Meta worksheets, 179

narrative structures, 177178

sticky note approach, 178

story building, 178

story purpose, planning, 176177

story-building mechanisms

dashboards, 169172

sheets, 167168

Story Points, 172175

visual revolution in, 26

Storytelling with Data (Knaflic), 230

streaming visualizations, 2

surface cleaning (survey data), 150151

survey data, cleaning

with Alteryx, 165

with Data Interpreter

cautions, 149

goals of, 148150

meta helper file, creating, 153155

numeric copies, creating, 151153

pivoting from wide to tall, 155

surface cleaning, 150151

with Maestro, 145

with Tableau 10, 156

data sources, joining, 160164

extracts, creating, 156160

survey demographics

age, 182185

gender, 181182

number of responses, 180181

survival of the fittest, 19

Swanstrom, Ryan, 12

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2


Tableau 10, shaping survey data with, 156

data sources, joining, 160164

extracts, creating, 156160

Tableau product portfolio

advantages of, 3436

mission of, 34

pricing model, 37

Tableau Desktop, 37

Tableau Online, 37

Tableau Public, 37

Tableau Server, 37

Tableau resources, 231

Tableau Your Data (Murray), 230


connecting to, 3941

joins, 42

configuring, 42

errors in, 44

inner, 43

left, 43

outer, 43

right, 43

null fields, 4344

Teradata University Network (TUN), 8

testing, user, 228229

Text Marks card

borders, 133

divergent stacked bar charts, 205206

word clouds, 221

Text Value dimensions, 205206

theory of natural selection, 19

timeframes, adding to timeline charts, 197

timeline charts, 192199

calculated fields, 194195

continuous dates, 193

formatting, 196

reference lines, 197199

timeframes, 197

toolbar, 4647

Total Negative Sentiment field (divergent stacked bar chart), 207208

Total Sentiment Scores field (divergent stacked bar chart), 209

transparent backgrounds, 141


creating, 8688

features of, 8586

trend lines, 66

Trendalyzer, 2

Tukey, John, 108

TUN (Teradata University Network), 8

Tyson, Neil DeGrasse, 168, 226


Undo button, 46

university data science programs, 1012

user interface, 169172. See also cards

cards, 47

dashboards, 45, 169172

Data window, 47

dimensions, 48

legends, 4748


defined, 48

types of, 48

menus, 4647

navigating, 4546

shelves, 47

toolbar, 4647

user testing, 228229


visual cortex, 18

visual design, 110


100% stacked bar charts, 204

alerting, 121

categorical, 115117

color legends, 124

default color, 110111

diverging, 112114

highlight, 120

mark borders, 119

mark halos, 120121

opacity, 118119

red/green color palettes, 121123

reversed, 115117

sequential, 111112

stepped, 114115

designing to reveal, 227


borders, 131134

drop lines, 128130

Format pane, 124128

grid lines, 128130

shading, 134139

zero lines, 128130

picture superiority effect, 109

power of, 107109

shapes, 139

custom shapes, 140142

Shape Marks card, 139140

transparent backgrounds, 141

The Visual Imperative (Ryan), 56, 109, 230

visual revolution, 26

visualization. See data visualization

visualization types. See also visual design

charts, 6566, 191192

100% stacked bar charts, 203204

bar charts, 6670

bar-in-bar charts, 199201

divergent stacked bar charts, 205215

donut charts, 7378

field labels, 136138

headers, 136138

Likert scales, 202203

line charts, 7073

lollipop charts, 215220

packed bubble charts, 8385

pie charts, 7378

scatter plots, 7882

timeline charts, 192199


heat maps, 8890

treemaps, 8588

maps, 9192

background maps, 105

choropleth maps, 100103

geographic data connections, 9293

geographic hierarchies, 9597

geographic role assignment, 9395

map layers, 103105

neutrality in, 105106

proportional symbol maps, 97100

supported geodata, 92

word clouds, 221224

VizQL, 36

Vonnegut, Kurt, 7


waning summer, data visualization of, 2729

waxing summer, data visualization of, 2729

Wernicke’s area of the brain, 16

Wexler, Steve, 156, 229, 230

Which Chart or Graph (white paper), 91

word clouds, 221224

workbooks, 45

worksheet survey data, cleaning. See Excel survey data, cleaning


Yau, Nathan, 230

Zeigarnik, Bluma, 19

Zeigarnik effect, 19

zero lines, 128130

ZN function, 147148

zooming out, 59