Calas, Jean, 171
Calcar, Jan van, 132
Caligula, 68
Calixtus III, Pope, 91
Calvin, John, 155
Calvinism, 177
Cambodia, 325–26, 331
Cambridge, University of, 143, 263
Camilla (in Aeneid), 33
Can You Forgive Her? (Trollope), 292
Candide, or Optimism (Voltaire), 166–67, 179
Canterbury Cathedral, 61
Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 124
Canticle for Leibowitz, A (Miller), 336–37
Carlile, Jane, 185
Carlile, Mary Ann, 185
Carlile, Richard, 184–85
Carnie, Ethel, 243
Carolingian minuscule script, 59, 80
Carpenter, Edward, 215–16, 216
Cārvāka school, 9, 11, 344
Cassirer, Ernst, 317, 318, 319
Castel Sant’Angelo (Rome), 99, 117, 336
Castiglione, Baldassare, 77–78, 80, 82, 117, 145
and Comte, 273, 275
and Erasmus, 155–56
and French Enlightenment, 177–78
and French Revolution, 271
and humanist morality, 175–76
and Italian Fascism, 309
and Miller, 336
and Protestant–Catholic division, 149, 155
and sack of Rome (1527), 117
and Spinoza’s writings, 173
and Stephen’s worldview, 259
and Voltaire’s deism, 171–72
Celtis, Conrad, 136–37, 144
censorship, 175, 178–79, 185
Center for Inquiry, 350–51
Cereta, Laura, 73
Cesariano, Cesare, 110
Cestius (Gaius Cestius Gallus), 67
Chang, P. C., 334
Charlemagne, 58–59, 66
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 116
Chartres Cathedral, 21, 60–61, 271, 322, 337–38
Chase, Thomas, 163
Châtelet, Émilie du, 196
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 124, 165
Chauliac, Guy de, 43
Chaumette, Pierre-Gaspard, 182
Chekhov, Anton, 356–57, 359
chiasmus, 213
Childhood’s End (Clarke), 365–67
“Choir Invisible, The” (G. Eliot), 274
and Academicians, 97–101
and anatomy research, 127
and anti-humanism, 18–19
and apocalypticism, 364
and Black Death, 45
and blasphemy laws, 348–49
and Boccaccio’s friendship with Petrarch, 38–39
and Ciceronians, 94–97
and conflicts over papacy, 25–26
and conquest of Constantinople, 84
Creation story, 17, 57, 97, 105, 197, 248, 264
and Darwin, 256–57
and The Decameron, 37
destruction of pre-Christian works, 54, 56–57
and Douglass, 212
and enemies of humanism, 357
and Erasmus, 141, 147–48
humanist elements in, 197–98
and humanist religion, 272, 275
and Hume, 187
and Inquisitions, 90–93
and J. S. Mill, 292
and key principles of modern humanism, 14
and M. Arnold, 239
and Montaigne, 156
orthodoxy, 172
and Platonic Theology, 104
and promotion of humanism, 354
in Robert Elsmere, 266–68
and secular religion, 268–77
Trinity concept, 90
and Voltaire, 172
See also Catholicism; Church of England; Protestantism
Christine de Pizan, 72–74, 208
Chrysoloras, Manuel, 63
Church of England, 262, 264, 351
on benefits of human studies, 32, 74
on citizenship rights, 32, 244
and Douglass’s oratory, 211, 213
and Ingersoll’s education, 287
and Italian book collections, 26, 27, 31–34, 48–50
and key principles of modern humanism, 16
and Montaigne, 157
and Pico della Mirandola’s writings, 105
and Renaissance scholars and writers, 61, 65, 73–75, 77
and Rhetorica ad Herennium, 94
Ciceronians and Cicerolatry, 94–98, 153
Cinzio (Cincius), 70
City College of New York, 300–301
City of God (Augustine), 197–98
city planning, 358–59
civil disobedience, 297, 339
Civil War, U.S., 286
civility, 150–51
Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, The (Burckhardt), 222
Clapham Junction (railway station), 207
Clarke, Arthur C., 365–67
Clement V, Pope, 25
Clement VI, Pope, 43
Clement VII, Pope, 117
Cleopatra, 146
climate change, 363–64
Cluny Abbey, 64–65
Cobbett, William, 184
Codro (Antonio Urceo), 78–79
Cola di Rienzo, 98
Cold War, 324
Colet, John, 144
Colombo, Realdo, 133–34
colonialism, 196, 330, 350
Colonna, Francesco, 81
Colonna, Giovanni, 47, 67
Colonna, Prospero, 71
Colonna, Vittoria, 74–75, 78, 117
Colosseum (Rome), 66
Columbian Orator, The (Bingham), 212–13
comets, 176, 176–77
“Coming Victory of Democracy, The” (T. Mann), 316
communism, 20, 112, 344
Como, Lake, 118
compassion, 174, 347, 371. See also empathy; sympathy
Complaint of Peace, The (Erasmus), 150
Comte, Auguste, 273, 276, 345
Condorcet, Nicolas de, 169–70, 174, 182, 196, 199
Confessions (Augustine), 33
Confucian philosophy, 14, 18, 325, 334
Confucius. See Kongzi (Confucius)
Congregationalists, 286
Congreve, Richard, 274, 275
consolatory genre, 48–49
Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, 86, 88, 92. See also Donation of Constantine
Constantinople, 39–40, 84
Convent of San Marco (Florence), 30, 63, 111–12, 115
copying of manuscripts, 59, 60, 145, 185
Corradi, Sofia, 152
Corti, Matteo, 130
Cosimo I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 118
cosmology, 39
Cosmos (A. von Humboldt), 223
Cotton Factory Times (newspaper), 243
Council of Constance, 64
Courtauld, Samuel, 320
Courtauld Institute, 320
courtiers, 77–79
COVID-19 pandemic, 255
Creation stories, 17, 57, 97, 105, 197, 248, 264
Creed of a Modern Agnostic, The (Bithell), 257
Cristofano dell’Altissimo, 118
critical thinking, 199, 207–8
Croce, Benedetto, 307–9, 308, 331–32
Cult of the Supreme Being, 272
cults of personality, 20
cultural revival, 335–36
Cultural Revolution, 324, 325
Culture and Anarchy (M. Arnold), 238–39, 241–42, 262
Curia (papal court), 91, 99
Curtius, Ernst Robert, 83
Cyriac of Ancona, 67