Adam, General Ronald, commands III Corps, (i)
organises Dunkirk Perimeter, (i)
Abrail, Admiral, (i)
tensions with the British at Dunkirk, (i)
Advanced Air Striking Force, (i)
Hawker Hurricane, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix)
Me (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)
Stuka, (i)
Supermarine Spitfire, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix)
Air Ministry, overestimates size of German Air Force, (i)
Alexander, A.V., and Norway debate, (i)
mission to Bordeaux, (i)
Alexander, General Harold, (i)
in charge at Dunkirk, (i)
Altmeyer, General, refuses assistance to Franklyn at Arras, (i)
American Viscose, sale of, (i)
Amery, Leo, critical of Simon’s budget, (i)
assumes leadership of Eden group, (i)
and Norway debate, (i)
quotation from Cromwell, (i)
critical of Churchill’s Cabinet, (i)
supports Churchill in refusing to seek terms, (i)
Anglo-French Union, proposed by Attlee, Vansitart, Desmond Morton and others, (i)
declaration of union, (i)
transmitted to the French, (i)
rejected by Reynaud’s Cabinet, (i)
Arras, headquarters of BEF, (i)
counter-attack at, (i)
evacuation of (i)
Astor, Lord, member of Salisbury’s ‘watching committee’, (i)
Atlantic, Battle of, and American aid, (i), (ii), (iii)
Attlee, Clement, attitude to appeasement, (i)
and Norway debate, (i)
meeting with Chamberlain after Norway debate, (i)
doubts security of Britain with France out of the war, (i), (ii)
opposes approaching Mussolini, (i), (ii)
Australian forces, in Britain, (i)
Baltic, Churchill’s plan to attack, (i)
Barker, General Michael, (i)
Bastianini, Giuseppe, approached by Halifax concerning peace, (i), (ii)
Beaverbrook, Lord, advice to Churchill after Norway debate, (i)
Belfast, and the Blitz, (i)
Belgium, War Cabinet attitude to German invasion, September 1939, (i)
army forced back by Germans, (i)
King of, at Ypres meeting, 22 May, (i)
Bellinger, Captain, and Norway debate, (i)
Bergues, (i)
German attacks, (i), (ii), (iii)
Bergues-Furnes Canal, (i)
Bevin, Ernest, Churchill invokes friendship of, (i)
Biggin Hill Airfield (i)
Billotte, General, conference with the British, 16 May, (i)
orders general retreat 16 May, (i)
in state of collapse, 20 May, (i)
at Ypres meeting 22 May, (i)
Blockade of Germany, British policy, (i)
weakness of, (i)
Bock, General Fedor von, commander of Army Group B, ordered to recast plans, (i)
Boothby, Robert, member of the Churchill group, (i)
forms ‘Vigilantes’ group, (i)
Boulogne, (i)
Bower, Commander, and Norway debate, (i)
Bowman, Winifred, and the Blitz, (i)
Bracken, Brenden, member of the Churchill group, (i)
advice to Churrchill after Norway debate, (i)
Brand, Air Vice Marshall, commands 10 Group, (i)
Brauchitsch, Field Marshall, Walther von, opposes Panzer halt, (i)
Breda Variation, (i)
Breton Redoubt, (i)
Briare, Supreme War Council meeting at, (i)
British Army, increase in strength, 1939–40, (i)
state after Dunkirk, (i)
British Expeditionary Force, crosses to France, (i)
size of in inter-war period, (i)
ultimate size, (i)
size of May 1940, (i)
in the French command structure, (i)
dangers of Dyle plan, (i)
advances into Belgium, (i)
digs in along the River Dyle, (i)
retreat to Escaut Line, (i)
on the Escaut Line, (i)
fear for lines of communication, (i)
Canal Line, (i)
lines of communication cut, (i)
losses in campaign, (i)
British Expeditionary Force, units of
I Corps, (i)
in action north of Ypres, (i)
in Dunkirk perimeter, (i)
II Corps, (i)
retreats to Escaut Line, (i)
in Dunkirk perimeter, (i)
III Corps, in Dunkirk perimeter, (i)
1 Division, (i)
2 Division, (i)
on Canal line, (i)
forced from Canal Line, (i)
disintegration of, (i)
3 Division, (i)
retreats to Escaut, (i)
side-step to the north, (i)
attacked at Dunkirk, (i)
4 Division, (i)
sent to Nieuport, (i)
attacked at Nieuport, (i)
embarkation at Dunkirk, (i)
5 Division, in GHQ reserve, (i)
in Arras counter-attack, (i)
12 Division, (i)
23 Division, (i)
42 Division, attacked at Dunkirk, (i)
44 Division, defends Canal line, (i)
fighting at Mont des Cats, (i)
disintegration of, (i)
46 Division, (i)
48 Division, (i)
retreat to Escaut Line, (i)
on Canal Line, (i)
artillery placed north of Ypres, (i)
attacked at Dunkirk, (i)
50 Division, retreat of, (i)
secures Vimy Ridge, (i)
51 Division, fate of, (i)
20 Guards Brigade, reinforces Boulogne, (i)
12 Brigade, ordered to Nieuport, (i)
17 Brigade, evacuates Arras, (i)
30 Brigade, reinforces Calais, (i)
127 Brigade, (i)
150 Brigade, attacks north of Ypres, (i)
15/19 Hussars, (i)
caught by German advance, (i)
12 Lancers, (i)
holds off German advance, (i)
destroys German artillery at Arras, (i)
actions around Nieuport, (i)
6 Durham Light Infantry, in Arras counter-attack, (i)
8 Durham Light Infantry, in Arras counter-attack, (i)
2 Gloucesters, defence of Cassel, (i), (ii)
Macforce, created by Gort, (i)
on Canal line, (i)
Petreforce, defence of Arras, (i)
Polforce, on Canal Line, (i)
Usherforce, on Canal Line, (i)
in Dunkirk perimeter, (i), (ii)
Woodforce, on Canal line, (i)
British Public opinion, (i)
British War Economy, Chamberlain fails to mobilise, (i)
expenditure on 1939–40, (i)
purchases from America, (i)
shortage of dollars, (i)
Brooke, General Alan, commands II Corps, (i)
ordered to close Menin gap, (i)
places Franklyn’s force north of Ypres, (i)
orders 3 Division to the north, (i)
demands evacuation from western France, (i)
as C-in-C Home Army, (i)
Bruce, Stanley Melbourne, defeatism of, (i)
Burgin, Leslie, as Minister of Supply, (i)
Butler, R.A.B., meets Halifax after Norway debate, (i)
opposition to Churchill as Prime Minister, (i)
peace feelers with Swedish Ambassador, (i)
Canada, aid to Britain, (i)
Canadian forces, in Britain, (i)
Cassel, defence of (i)
Cazalet, Victor, Chairman of ‘Armed Forces’ group, (i)
Chamberlain, Neville, War Cabinet, (i)
opposes bombing of Germany, (i)
attitude to war, (i)
speech on outbreak of war, (i)
predicts short war, (i)
expects Hitler to collapse, (i)
expects German collapse, (i)
and peace feelers from Germany, (i)
response to Hitler’s peace offer, (i)
misreads Nazism, (i)
and Norway debate, (i)
attacks Morrison for dividing the House, (i)
appeals to his friends, (i)
effect of Norway debate on, (i)
meets Halifax after Norway debate, (i), (ii)
rejected as PM by Labour, (i)
resigns, (i)
Lord President of the Council, (i)
ruthlessness of, (i)
asked by Churchill if Britain can continue the war without France, (i)
in favour of approaching Mussolini, (i)
suggests French approach Mussolini, (i)
suggests realistic terms might be on offer, (i)
and public opinion, (i)
Chandler, Raymond, and the Blitz, (i)
Channon, Henry (Chips), and Chamberlain’s performance in Norway debate, (i)
and Churchill and Norway debate, (i)
on Chamberlain after Norway debate, (i)
hankers after Chamberlain as Prime Minister, (i)
Chatfield, Lord, Minister for the Coordination of Defence, (i)
Chautemps, Camille, Vice-President of the French Council, wants unofficial approach to Germany, (i)
opposes Anglo-French union, (i)
Chelsea, and the Blitz, (i)
Chiefs of Staff, British, paper on ‘British Strategy in a certain Eventuality’, (i)
given new terms of reference by Churchill, (i)
revised paper, (i)
propose additional fighter assistance for France, (i)
prepared to leave French fleet intact, (i)
warn of German invasion, (i)
Churchill, Winston, appointed First Lord of the Admiralty, (i)
seeks action to help Poland, (i)
urges bombing of Germany, (i), (ii)
sceptical of peace feelers, (i)
views on Nazism, (i)
role in Norwegian campaign, (i)
leads dissident group in the House of Commons, (i)
given greater powers by Chamberlain, (i)
and Norway debate, (i)
invokes friendship with Ernest Bevin, (i)
meets Chamberlain after Norway debate, (i)
meets Eden after Norway debate, (i)
meets Halifax and Chamberlain after Norway debate, (i)
becomes Prime Minister (i)
attempts to form War Cabinet, (i)
composition of War Cabinet, (i)
composition of Outer Cabinet, (i)
attitude to Chamberlain, (i)
attitude to Halifax, (i)
‘blood, toil, tears and sweat’ speech, (i), (ii)
overture to Mussolini, (i)
considers continuing the war without France, (i)
on approaches to Italy concerning peace terms, (i)
on Chiefs of Staff paper, (i)
gives Chiefs new guidelines, (i)
gloomy about French prospects against Germany, (i)
rejects approaching Mussolini, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
meets Reynaud, (i)
conveys Reynaud’s views to War Cabinet, (i)
stresses determination to fight on alone, (i)
invites Sinclair to War Cabinet meetings, (i)
defers discussion of COS reports, (i)
conciliatory in face of Halifax threatened resignation, (i)
refuses to ask for terms, (i)
addresses outer Cabinet on peace terms, (i)
outer Cabinet support of, (i)
indignant at thought of evacuation of BEF, (i)
high hopes for Weygand plan, (i)
instructs Gort to carry out Weygand plan, (i)
queries evacuation of Boulogne, (i)
alerts Admiralty to need for large-scale evacuation, (i)
agrees to equal evacuation of French troops at Dunkirk, (i)
mission to France 16 May, (i)
asks for additional fighters for France, (i)
visits the French 31 May, (i)
promises additional fighters to France, (i)
asks Roosevelt to support France, (i), (ii)
Roosevelt offers material support, (i)
visits the French, 11 June, (i)
at Supreme War Council, Briare, (i)
summoned to Tours by the French, (i)
impressed by Roosevelt’s message, (i)
asks for Roosevelt message to be made public, (i)
Roosevelt refuses, (i)
Churchill’s reaction to Roosevelt, (i)
and the French Fleet, (i), (ii)
reprimands Butler to Halifax over peace discussions, (i)
and invasion planning, (i)
and use of gas, (i)
public approval of, (i)
and the Blitz, (i)
asks for American destroyers, (i), (ii)
warns Roosevelt that Britain might fall, (i)
thinks American aid derisory, (i)
withholds British secrets from America, (i)
pleads for American help, (i), (ii), (iii)
critical of Americans, (i), (ii)
places Britain’s economic position before Roosevelt, (i)
deplores being stripped of assets, (i)
objects to American collection of gold, (i)
seeks Roosevelt’s aid on convoys, (i)
importance of, (i)
and the West, (i)
Clydebank, and the Blitz, (i)
Colville, John, attitude to Churchill May 1940, (i)
Conscription in Britain, (i)
Conservative Party, (i)
Cooper, Alfred Duff, member of the Eden/Amery group, (i)
and Norway debate, (i)
as Minister of Information, (i)
Couthorpe, Sir George, and Norway debate, (i)
Coventry, and the Blitz, (i)
Cranbourne, Lord, member of the Eden/Amery group, (i)
warns Halifax about consequences of failure in Norway, (i)
Cripps, Sir Stafford, and Norway debate, (i)
Cunningham, Admiral, at Alexandria, (i)
neutralises French ships at Alexandria, (i)
Dahlerus, Berger, peace missions to Britain, (i)
Dakar Expedition, failure of, (i)
Dalton, Hugh, demands capital levy, (i)
liaises with Conservative rebels, (i)
supports Churchill in refusing to seek terms, (i)
Darlan, Admiral, Minister for the Navy, (i)
assurances to British on fate of the fleet, (i)
Davidson, Lord, on Churchill’s first appearance as prime minister, (i)
Davies, Clement, critical of mobilisation of economy, (i)
and aftermath of Norway debate, (i)
De Gaulle, General Charles, and Anglo-French union, (i), (ii)
Dill, General John, commands I Corps, (i)
becomes Vice CIGS, (i)
visits Weygand, 21 May, (i)
confers with Gort 24 May, (i)
becomes CIGS, (i)
Dover, attacked by German Air Force, (i)
Dowding, Air Chief Marshal, strategy at Dunkirk, (i)
opposes additional fighter help for the French, (i)
fighter defence system, (i)
personality, (i)
and size of German Air Force, (i)
and dispositions of Fighter Command, (i)
his assessment of the crisis in the Battle of Britain, (i)
his tactics discussed, (i)
Dunkirk, as evacuation port, (i), (ii), (iii)
perimeter line, (i)
state of 29 May, (i)
operations, 27 May, (i)
28 May, (i)
30 May, (i)
31 May, (i)
use of Mole, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Dutch army, overwhelmed by German attack, (i)
surrenders, (i)
Eastwood, Major-General T.R., attends meeting with Billotte, 16 May, (i)
asks for retreat of BEF to be delayed, (i)
Eden, Anthony, leads dissenting group in Parliament, (i)
Ellwood, Commander, at the Mole, 30 May, (i)
Emrys-Evans, Paul, member of the Eden/Amery group, (i)
Evacuations from British cities, (i)
Fagalde, General, tensions with the British at Dunkirk, (i)
Fighter Command, Groups, (i)
Sectors, (i)
German awareness of, (i)
maintenance organisation, (i)
dispositions on eve of battle, (i)
convoy escorts, (i)
lack of sea rescue service, (i)
casualties in first phase of Battle of Britain, (i)
formation flying, (i)
airfields attacked, (i)
on 7 September, (i)
on 15 September, (i)
losses in September, (i)
pilot situation, (i)
Finland, British aid to, (i)
Forbes, Admiral, and Norwegian campaign, (i)
use of heavy ships in invasion, (i)
Franklyn, General H.E., (i)
commands Arras counter-attack, (i)
orders evacuation of Arras, (i)
French Air force, state of, (i)
French Armies, First, retreats in good order, (i)
operations around Lille, (i)
Second, forced back from the Meuse, (i)
Seventh in Dyle plan, (i)
Ninth, forced back by German attack, (i)
French Corps, III Corps, (i)
French Divisions
12, (i)
32, (i)
French Fleet, fate of should France collapse, (i)
provision for in Armistice with Germany, (i)
at Dakar, Alexandria and Mers-el-Kebir, (i)
attacked by the British (i)
British public reaction to sinking of, (i)
Furnes, (i)
German attacks, (i)
Gamelin, General, plans on outbreak of war, (i)
opposes bombing the Ruhr, (i)
and French command structure, (i)
develops Dyle Plan, (i)
asks for additional fighter support, (i)
sacked by Reynaud, (i)
Gensoul, Admiral, at Mers-el-Kabir, (i)
George VI, asks Churchill to form government, (i)
Georges, General, commander of north-eastern French armies, (i)
German Air Force, tactics at Dunkirk, (i)
absence from invasion planning, (i)
experience in Spain, (i)
size of, (i)
sea rescue service, (i)
tactics of, (i)
casualties in first phase of Battle of Britain, (i)
intelligence failures during Battle of Britain, (i), (ii),
attack on radar chain, (i)
Eagle Day, (i)
attack on fighter airfields, (i)
attack from Norway, (i)
decision to attack London, (i)
attrition of, (i)
aircraft production, (i)
tip and run sweeps, (i)
bombs Supermarine works, (i)
defeated in Battle of Britain, (i)
early bombing policy, (i)
raid on London 7 September, (i)
nature of bombing force, (i)
lack of destructive power, (i)
deficiencies of planning, (i)
German Army, and Manstein plan, (i)
breaks French front along Meuse, (i)
threatens Arras, (i)
Panzer halt order, (i)
halt order lifted, (i)
confusion at Dunkirk, (i), (ii), (iii)
German Army, units of
Army Group A, in the Manstein Plan, (i)
reaction to Arras counter-attack, (i)
retains Panzer divisions, (i)
reports British evacuation from Dunkirk, (i)
urges attack at Dunkirk, (i), (ii)
Army Group B, in Manstein Plan, (i)
pressures BEF on Escaut line, (i)
comment on Army Group A at Dunkirk, (i)
laments failure at Dunkirk, (i)
Fourth Army, state of 23 May, (i)
reluctance to attack Dunkirk, (i)
Sixth Army, at Dunkirk, (i), (ii)
Eighteenth Army, at Dunkirk, (i)
X Corps, at Dunkirk, (i), (ii)
XIX Corps, at Boulogne, (i)
XXXIX Corps, at Arras, (i)
north of Arras, (i)
lack of progress at Canal line, (i)
XXXXI Corps, at Canal Line, (i)
report British evacuation from Dunkirk, (i)
discounts armoured attack at Dunkirk, (i)
1 Panzer Division, near Canal line, (i)
at Calais, (i)
2 Panzer Division, at Abbeville, 21 May, (i)
attacks Boulogne, (i)
4 Panzer Division, at Avesnes, (i)
5 Panzer Division, north of Arras, (i)
force British back to Lys, (i)
6 Panzer Division, at Arras, (i)
halted after Arras counter-attack, (i)
crosses Canal line, (i)
7 Panzer Division, at Arras, (i)
north of Arras, (i)
force British back to Lys, (i)
8 Panzer Division, halted after Arras counter-attack, (i)
crosses Canal line, (i)
heavy losses, (i)
10 Panzer Division, at Calais, (i)
SS Adolf Hitler Division, attacks Dunkirk perimeter, (i)
SS Totenkopf Division, at Arras, (i), (ii)
SS Verfüngs Division, on Canal line, (i)
report difficulty of fighting near Dunkirk, (i)
20 Motorised Division, at Arras, (i)
refused request to attack Canal line, (i)
attacks Dunkirk perimeter, (i)
German Navy, in Norwegian campaign, (i)
invasion planning, (i)
Germany, oil shortage, (i)
attacks in the West, (i)
Goering, Hermann, alleged moderation of, (i)
and Dahlerus, (i)
deficiencies, (i)
early strategy to defeat Fighter Command, (i)
conference on tactics, (i)
change of tactics, (i)
gives no strategic guidance to air force, (i)
attempts to launch Eagle Day, (i)
Gort, Lord (C-in-C of BEF), qualities, (i)
headquarters disorganised, (i)
absences from headquarters, (i)
creates improvised forces, (i)
sums up strategic situation 19 May, (i)
and meeting with Ironside and Billotte, (i)
decision to attack south, (i)
orders Arras counter-attack, (i), (ii)
reluctantly accepts Weygand plan, (i)
decides Weygand plan impractical, (i)
orders retreat to frontier defences, (i)
prepares to defend Canal Line (i)
abandons Weygand plan, (i)
views on evacuating French troops at Dunkirk, (i)
Greenwood, Arthur, and Norway debate, (i)
meets with Attlee and Chamberlain after Norway debate, (i)
no objection to Halifax approach to Mussolini, (i)
opposes approaching Mussolini, (i), (ii)
Gretton, Sir John, member of the ‘Old Tory’ group, (i)
Guderian, General Heinz, at Calais, (i)
reports British evacuation from Dunkirk, (i)
declares ground near Dunkirk unsuitable for armoured attack, (i)
Halder, General Franz, opposes Panzer halt 24 May, (i)
and naval invasion plan, (i)
Halifax, Lord, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, (i)
opposes bombing of Ruhr, (i)
expects German collapse, (i)
expects German army revolt, (i)
receives Dahlerus, (i)
attitude to Premiership after Norway debate, (i)
seeks meeting with Italy over contraband, (i)
reports on meeting with Italians to War Cabinet, (i)
informs War Cabinet that the French would welcome an approach by Roosevelt to Mussolini over peace terms, (i)
suggests Italians be approached to mediate peace terms, (i)
urges War Cabinet to seek peace terms via Mussolini, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
and Chiefs of Staff paper on a ‘certain eventuality, (i)
challenges Churchill’s position on peace terms, (i)
threatens resignation, (i)
considers Britain’s independence not at stake, (i)
out-manoeuvred by Churchill, (i), (ii)
folly of his position, (i)
re-introduces prospect of Italian mediation, (i)
discusses peace terms with Butler and Swedish Ambassador, (i)
reprimanded by Churchill, (i)
and public opinion, (i)
as Ambassador to the United States, (i)
Hankey, Lord, appointed Minister without Portfolio, (i)
on alleged chaos in Churchill’s government, (i)
Hitler, Adolph, peace offer, (i)
supports Panzer halt 24 May, (i)
attitude to invasion of Britain, (i)
and need for heavy batteries on Channel coast, (i)
and difficulties of invasion, (i)
Führer Directive No 16 on invasion, (i)
discusses operation with Raeder, (i)
orders planning to continue, (i)
favours broad front landing, (i)
and final plan, (i)
and seriousness about invasion, (i)
demands change of plan in Battle of Britain, (i)
Hoare, Sir Samuel, Lord Privy Seal, (i)
and Norway debate, (i)
Hodgson, Vere, and the Blitz, (i)
Holland, Captain, negotiations with the French at Mers-el-Kebir, (i)
Hore-Belisha, Leslie, Minister for War, (i)
Ickes, Harold, urges Roosevelt to assist Britain, (i)
detects malaise in Roosevelt, (i)
unimpressed by declaration of emergency, (i)
Invasion of Britain, prospects for, (i)
Ironside, General (CIGS), mission to France 4 September 1939, (i)
despatched to France, 20 May, (i)
meets Gort, (i)
confronts Billotte, 20 May, (i)
becomes C-in-C Home Army, (i)
anti-invasion plan, (i)
replaced by Brooke, (i)
Isle of Dogs, bombing of, (i)
Isle of Man, (i)
January First 1940, events of, (i)
Jodl, Colonel-General Alfred, compromise invasion plan, (i)
concern over Goering’s bombing policy, (i)
Jones, Lewis, and Norway debate, (i)
Keitel, General Wilhelm, discusses Arras counter-attack with Rundstedt, (i)
Kesselring, General Field Marshall Albert, commands Luftflotte (i), (ii)
proposes bombing London, (i)
Keyes, Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Roger, and Norway debate, (i)
at Belgian HQ, (i)
Keynes, John Maynard, critical of war budgets, (i)
arranges American loan, (i)
Kleist, General, reports tank casualties, (i)
requests removal of Panzer divisions from Dunkirk, (i)
resists attacking Dunkirk, (i), (ii)
Kluge, General Gunther von, asked to assess Arras counter-attack, (i)
wants British at Dunkirk attacked, (i)
Knox, Frank, suggests Britain leases bases in return for aid, (i)
Lambert, George, and Norway debate, (i)
La Panne, improvised pier at, (i), (ii)
Law, Richard, member of the Eden/Amery group, (i)
Lawson, Brigadier, assists Adam in Dunkirk perimeter, (i)
Leaflets, dropped on Germany, (i)
Leigh Mallory, Air Vice Marshal, commands 12 Group, (i)
Lend-Lease, devised by Roosevelt, (i)
passes Congress, (i)
has little immediate effect, (i)
Lille, 2, French First Army at, (i)
Lindemann, Professor Frederick, estimates size of German Air Force, (i)
Liverpool, and the Blitz, (i)
Lloyd George, David, and Norway debate, (i)
London, German decision to bomb, (i)
7 September raid, (i)
other September raids, (i)
size of, 248, destruction in, (i)
deep shelter controversy, (i)
minor damage to key installations, (i)
May 1941 raids, (i)
‘Lop’, defined, (i)
Lothian, Lord, urged by Churchill to intervene with Roosevelt, (i)
urges realism regarding America, (i)
‘Britain is broke’ speech, (i)
Louvain, (i)
Macfarlane, Brigadier Mason, heads Macforce, (i)
Macmillan, Harold, member of the Eden/Amery group, (i)
Malan, Adolph (Sailor), (i), (ii)
Margesson, Captain, and Norway debate, (i)
Mass Observation, (i)
and Coventry, (i)
Matilda tank, at Arras, (i)
Ministry of Information, (i)
Montgomery, General Bernard, (i)
orders 12 Lancers to destroy bridges, (i)
Morale, British, in 1940, (i)
in the Blitz, (i)
Morgenthau, Henry, alarmed at British economic position, (i), (ii)
Morrison, Herbert, and Norway debate, (i)
and the Blitz, (i)
Mussolini, Benito, rebuffs Churchill’s overture, (i)
Naish, Ida, and the Blitz, (i)
Narvik, (i)
National Government, (i)
Nazi-Soviet Pact, (i)
Newall, Sir Cyril (CAS), mission to France 4 September 1939, (i)
urges bombing of Germany, (i)
prepares new paper on British prospects for Churchill, (i)
New Zealand forces, in Britain, (i)
Nicolson, Brigadier, ordered to defend Calais, (i)
Nicolson, Harold, member of the Eden/Amery group, (i)
view of Attlee in Norway debate, (i)
on Keyes in Norway debate, (i)
on Churchill and Norway debate, (i)
on Churchill’s first appearance as Prime Minister, (i)
Norway debate, 22–39, voting in, (i)
Norwegian Campaign, (i)
Oakman, Jo, and the Blitz, (i)
‘Old Tory’ group, (i)
Overstraten, van, Belgian COS, at Ypres meeting 22 May, (i)
fears about Belgian Army, (i)
Page Croft, Henry, member of ‘Old Tory’ group, (i)
and Norway debate, (i)
Park, Air-Vice Marshal, operations at Dunkirk, (i)
commands 11 Group, (i)
personality of, 186, tactics, (i), (ii), (iii)
and the crisis of the battle, (i)
on German attack on London, 7 September, (i)
Petain, Marshal, at Supreme War Council 11 June, (i)
rejects Anglo-French union, (i)
becomes Premier, (i)
Petre, General R.L., (i)
commands Petreforce, (i)
Phillips, Sir Frederick, and Lend-lease, (i)
Plymouth, and the Blitz, (i)
Poland, invasion of, (i)
Pound, Admiral Dudley, First Sea Lord, mission to Bordeaux, (i)
Pownall, General (COS to Gort), (i)
alerts War Office of possible evacuation via Dunkirk, (i)
furious with Churchill over Weygand plan, (i)
Prioux, General, assistance to British at Arras, (i)
his 3 DLM gains ground at Arras, (i)
Prytz, Bjorn, Swedish Ambassador, discusses peace terms with Butler and Halifax, (i)
Radar Chain, 4, and Battle of Britain, (i)
Raeder, Admiral, early invasion plans, (i)
stresses difficulties of operation, (i)
rejects army invasion plan, (i), (ii)
Ramsay, Admiral Bertram, in charge of Dunkirk evacuation, (i)
withdraws modern destroyers, (i)
Reynaud, Paul, visit to London, (i), (ii)
meets Churchill, (i)
reconstitutes government, 20 May, (i)
sacks Gamelin and appoints Weygand, (i), (ii)
tells Churchill battle is lost, 15 May, (i)
requests additional British help, (i)
opposes unofficial approach to Germany, (i)
outvoted, (i)
proposes Anglo-French union to colleagues, (i)
resigns, (i)
Richardson, Commander, improvises pier at Bray, (i)
Romania, oil supplies, (i)
Rommel, General Erwin, at Arras, (i)
witnesses panic and confusion, (i)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, anti-bombing appeal, September 1939, (i)
asked to support French, (i)
agrees to increase material support, (i)
refuses to allow message of support for France to be publicised, (i)
rejects Churchill’s plea for destroyers, (i)
condemns Italian attack on France, (i)
signals additional aid to Britain and France (i)
wins Presidential election 1940, (i)
fails to mobilise American economy, (i)
devises Lend-Lease, (i)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (cont.)
despatches destroyer to collect British gold, (i), (ii)
and convoy, (i)
transfers coastal craft to Britain, (i)
and American public opinion, (i)
extension of war zone, (i)
declares state of emergency, (i)
occupies Iceland at British request, (i)
reaction to sinking of American ships, (i)
Royal Air Force, fighter strength, (i)
bomber strength, (i)
defects of bombers, (i)
leaflet raids, (i)
increase in strength, 1939–40, (i)
losses at Dunkirk, (i)
and invasion planning, (i)
Royal Navy, strength on the outbreak of war, (i)
and blockade of Germany, (i)
increase in strength, 1939–40, (i)
limitations of in Norwegian campaign, (i)
operations at Dunkirk, (i)
routes to Dunkirk from England, (i)
ships sunk and damaged at Dunkirk, (i)
losses at Dunkirk, (i)
Force H at Gibraltar, (i)
in action at Mers, (i)
state of after Dunkirk, (i)
anti-invasion planning, (i)
disabling of ports, (i)
strength of August–-September, (i)
dispositions for invasion, (i)
and invasion scare September, (i)
bargaining chip if Britain falls, (i), (ii)
Royal Oak, torpedoed, (i)
Rundstedt, General Gerd von, effect on of Arras counter-attack, (i)
decides to halt Panzers, 23 May, (i)
Salisbury, Lord, forms ‘watching committee’, (i)
warns Chamberlain (i)
meets Halifax after Norway debate, (i)
Sandys, Duncan, member of the Churchill group, (i)
Saul, Air Vice Marshal, commands 13 Group, (i)
Schmid, Major Josef (Beppo), head of Luftwaffe Intelligence, (i)
Shepperd, Ann, and the Blitz, (i)
Simon, Sir John, Chancellor of the Exchequer, (i)
measures to mobilise economy, (i)
increases income tax, (i)
attempts to cap cost of war, (i)
Sinclair, Archibald, and Norway debate, (i)
invited by Churchill to War Cabinet meetings, (i)
Sodenstern, Colonel, and Dunkirk, (i)
Somerville, Admiral, commander of Force H, (i)
instructions regarding French Fleet, (i)
his alternative strategy rejected by War Cabinet, (i)
Southby, Commander, and Norway debate, (i)
Spears, General Edward, member of Eden/Amery group, (i)
on Norway debate, (i)
Spens, Sir Patrick, member of Salisbury’s ‘Watching Committee’, (i)
Sperrle, General Field Marshall, Hugo, commands Luftflotte (i), (ii)
Stalin, Joseph, supplies Germany with war material, (i)
Stamp Committee, (i)
Stanley, Oliver, and Norway debate, (i)
Stumpff, Generaloberst Hans-Jurgen, commands Luftflotte (i)
Supply, British Ministry of, feebleness, (i)
Taxation (British), on income, (i)
on goods, (i)
on excess profits, (i)
Tennant, Captain, Senior Naval Officer Dunkirk, (i)
description of scene, (i)
use of the Mole, (i)
Thomas G., and the Blitz, (i)
Thomas, J.P.C., member of the Eden/Amery group, (i)
Tilea, Viorel, reports on German morale, (i)
Tree, Ronald, member of the Eden/Amery group, (i)
Vansitart, Sir Robert, approached by Italian Embassy on peace terms, (i)
Vuillemin, General, insists on additional fighter support from Britain, (i)
Wake-Walker, Rear Admiral, sent to Dunkirk by Ramsay, (i)
views on evacuation 31 May, (i)
War Cabinet under Churchill, meetings
16 May, (i)
17 May, (i)
19 May, (i)
24 May, (i)
25 May, (i)
27 May, (i)
28 May, (i)
and the fate of the French fleet, (i)
Warner Phyllis, and the Blitz, (i), (ii)
Wedgewood, Colonel, and Norway debate, (i)
Weygand, General, appointed French C-in-C, (i)
develops the Weygand plan, (i)
attempts to rally Billotte, (i)
meeting at Ypres, 22 May, (i)
insists decisive moment of the war has arrived, 11 June, (i)
Whitfield, Colonel, evacuates ‘useless mouths’ from Dunkirk, (i)
Wilson, Arnold, and Norway debate, (i)
Winterton, Lord, and Norway debate, (i)
Willkie, Wendell, supports Britain, (i)
Wissler, Pilot Officer, in the Battle of Britain, (i)
Wood, Sir Kingsley, Secretary of State for Air, (i)
advice to Churchill after Norway debate, (i)
popularity of, (i)
Ybarnegaray, prefers Nazism to Anglo-French Union, (i)