health benefits of cauliflower

Promotes Optimal Health

Epidemiological studies have long suggested a connection between Brassica vegetables, like Cauliflower, and resistance to cancer. However, only in the past decade have we begun to understand how the Brassica vegetables exert their protective effects.



Cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and kale, contain compounds that may help prevent cancer. These compounds—including both glucosinolates and thiocyanates (such as sulforaphane)—appear to stop enzymes from activating cancer-causing agents in the body, and they increase the activity of liver enzymes that disable and eliminate carcinogens.

If potentially toxic molecules are not properly and rapidly detoxified in the liver, they can damage cell membranes and molecules, such as DNA within the cell nucleus. Such damage can start a chain reaction that may eventually lead to carcinogenesis—cell deregulation and uncontrolled growth.

Many enzymes found in Cauliflower also help with the detoxifying process. These enzymes include glutathione transferase, glucuronosyl transferase and quinone reductase. Plus, both animal and human studies show increased detoxification enzyme levels from diets providing high levels of the glucosinolates found in Cauliflower.

Promotes Heart Health

Cauliflower is a great food to add to your “Healthiest Way of Eating” if you are looking to support your heart. It is an excellent source of folic acid and a very good source of vitamin B6, two nutrients necessary for properly metabolizing homocysteine and therefore preventing levels of this dangerous compound from rising in the bloodstream; homocysteine can damage arterial walls and high blood levels are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Cauliflower can also make a great contribution to your daily dietary fiber goals since it is an excellent source of this important nutrient. Fiber has numerous benefits, including its ability to keep cholesterol levels in check. Cauliflower is also a very good source of the omega-3 essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid, a nutrient that has been found to help reduce biomarkers of cardiovascular disease. Dietary intake of alpha-linolenic acid has also been associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Cauliflower is a low-calorie source of other heart-friendly nutrients as well, including vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and niacin.

Additional Health-Promoting Benefits of Cauliflower

Cauliflower is also a concentrated source of many other nutrients providing additional health-promoting benefits. These nutrients include energy-producing vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B5 and phosphorus; free-radical-scavenging manganese; muscle-building protein; and sleep-promoting tryptophan. Since steamed Cauliflower contains only 29 calories per one cup serving, it is an ideal food for healthy weight control.

The Healthiest Way of Cooking Cauliflower







Celery has a long and prestigious history of use, first as a medicine and later as a food. The initial mention of the medicinal properties of Celery leaves appeared in The Odyssey, the famous epic by the Greek poet, Homer, which dates back to the 9th century BC Celery’s use as a food began with the ancient Romans, who used it as a seasoning because of its distinct aromatic flavor. This tradition has been carried on to this day as we continue to enjoy Celery as a flavor enhancer in soups and stews. Today, raw Celery is also very popular. It adds crunch to a favorite salad and is great served as crudités with a favorite dip or as a convenient low-calorie snack for those watching their weight. When cooking Celery, it is important to prepare it properly to obtain the best flavor and maximize its nutritional value; that is why I want to share with you the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” Celery for a tasty 5-minute dish that will complement almost any meal.

why celery should be part of your healthiest way of eating

Today, science is discovering why Celery has long been considered such a health-promoting vegetable. Calorie for calorie, Celery provides a surprising number of nutrients. Its low-calorie count (19 calories per cup) combined with its high-fiber content, which helps provide a feeling of satiation, make Celery an excellent food for promoting weight control. Celery also contains antioxidant compounds known as coumarins, which support the immune system’s ability to eliminate potentially harmful cells, and pthalides, which may help reduce blood pressure. It also contains flavonoids, such as apigenin, luteolin and quercetin, which promote optimal health. (For more on the Health Benefits of Celery and a complete analysis of its content of over 60 nutrients, see page 206.)

varieties of celery

Celery (Apium graveolens) is thought to have its origins in the Mediterranean regions of northern Africa and southern Europe. It is also native to areas extending east to the Himalayas. Unlike the Celery we are familiar with today, the original wild Celery had fewer stalks and more leaves.

Celery is a biennial vegetable that belongs to the Umbelliferae family, which also includes fennel, parsley and dill. Celery grows to a height of 12 to 16 inches and is composed of leaf-topped stalks that are arranged in a conical shape and joined at a common base. The stalks have a crunchy texture and a delicate, but mildly salty, taste. The stalks in the center are called the heart and are the most tender portion of the Celery. Varieties of Celery include:


This is the well-known green variety found in most supermarkets and the one featured in the photographs in this chapter.


In addition to green Celery, Europeans enjoy a variety that is white in color. Similar to white asparagus, white Celery is grown in an environment shaded from direct sunlight. This inhibits the production of the chlorophyll that would otherwise make it green.


Typically found in Asian markets, this variety looks like a cross between parsley and Celery and is very flavorful.


This variety, also known as Celery root, is eaten raw or cooked and puréed.

the peak season

Although Celery from California and Florida is available year-round, locally grown Celery is harvested during the summer months. The months when Celery is in season are the months when its concentration of nutrients and flavor are highest, and its cost is at its lowest.

biochemical considerations

Celery is a concentrated source of oxalates, which might be of concern to certain individuals. It is one of the 12 foods on which pesticide residues have been most frequently found and is one of the foods most commonly associated with allergic reactions in individuals with latex allergies. (For more on Oxalates, see page 725; Pesticide Residues, see page 726; and Latex Food Allergies, see page 722.)

4 steps for the best tasting and most nutritious celery

Turning Celery into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:

1. The Best Way to Select

2. The Best Way to Store

3. The Best Way to Prepare

4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking

1. the best way to select celery

You can select the best tasting Celery by looking for ones with stalks that are relatively tight, compact and do not splay out. The stalks should be crisp and look like they would snap easily when pulled apart; the leaves should be green in color. By selecting the best tasting Celery, you will also enjoy Celery with the highest nutritional value. As with all vegetables, I recommend selecting organically grown varieties whenever possible. (For more on Organic Foods, see page 113.)

Avoid Celery with stalks that have yellow or brown patches. Dry stalks become stringy. I have found Celery with seedstems are often more bitter in flavor (seedstems are a round stem in the place of the smaller tender stalks usually found in the center of the Celery). It is also good to separate the stalks and check for brown or black discoloration, which may indicate a condition caused by insects called “blackheart.” Avoid bruised or damaged Celery or Celery that has any evidence of rot.

Q Celery has a reputation among some persons as being a high-sodium vegetable, vegetable, so how much impact does it have on sodium intake and raising blood pressure?

A There are approximately 100 mg of sodium in a full cup of chopped celery—that’s about 2 stalk’s worth. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Daily Value for sodium intake is 2,400 mg—the equivalent of about 24 cups, or 48 stalks of celery. Since two stalks of celery only provide about 4% of the sodium DV, most individuals would be able to include two or even more stalks of celery in a day’s diet while keeping their total sodium intake below the DV by sticking with other low-sodium foods. The phthalides in celery have actually been found to have blood pressure lowering effects in test animals, however the exact amount of celery needed to achieve these effects cannot be determined until clinical trials are conducted on humans using the food instead of celery extracts.

2. the best way to store celery

Celery is a sturdy vegetable, but it will become yellow and lose its crispness if not stored properly. Be sure to store Celery properly as it can quickly lose up to 30% of some of its vitamins as well as much of its flavor.

Celery continues to respire even after it has been harvested; its respiration rate at room temperature (68°F/20°C) is 71 mg/kg/hr. Slowing down the respiration rate with proper storage is the key to extending its flavor and nutritional benefits. (For a Comparison of Respiration Rates for different vegetables, see page 91.)

Celery Will Remain Fresh for Up to 2 Weeks When Properly Stored

1. Store Celery in the refrigerator. The colder temperature will slow the respiration rate, helping to preserve vitamins and keeping Celery fresh for a longer period of time.

2. Place Celery in a plastic storage bag before refrigerating. I have found that it is best to wrap the bag tightly around the Celery, squeezing out as much of the air from the bag as possible.

3. Do not wash Celery before refrigeration because exposure to water will encourage Celery to spoil.

3. the best way to prepare celery

Whether you are going to enjoy Celery raw or cooked, I want to share with you the best way to prepare Celery. Properly cleaning and cutting Celery helps to ensure that the Celery you serve will have the best flavor and retain the greatest number of nutrients.

Cleaning Celery

To clean Celery, cut off the base and leaves, and wash the stalks under cold running water. To preserve nutrients, do not soak Celery or the water-soluble nutrients will leach into the water. (For more on Washing Vegetables, see page 92.)

How to Remove Celery’s Strings

Remove any strings in Celery before eating. Pull the strings down along the length of the stalk. You can use a knife or vegetable peeler to peel and remove strings from the outer surface of Celery. Young Celery is not as stringy as old Celery.

Cutting Celery

Cut off bottom 1-inch portion of the Celery stalks and discard. Cut off tips and leaves; tips are bitter and usually dry. Diagonally cut Celery into 1-inch pieces.

4. the healthiest way of cooking celery

Since research has shown that important nutrients can be lost or destroyed by the way a food is cooked, the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” Celery is focused on bringing out its best flavor while maximizing its vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants.

The Healthiest Way of Cooking Celery: “Healthy Sautéing” for just 5 Minutes

In my search to find the healthiest way to cook Celery, I tested every possible cooking method looking for the ways to bring out its best flavor and preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and discovered that “Healthy Sautéeing” Celery for just 5 minutes delivered the best results. “Healthy Sautéed” Celery has a mild flavor and retains the maximum number of nutrients. The Step-by-Step Recipe will show you how easy it is to “Healthy Sauté” Celery.

How to Avoid Overcooking Celery: Cook it Al Denté

One of the primary reasons people do not enjoy cooked Celery is because it is often overcooked. For the best flavor, I recommend that you cook Celery al denté. Celery cooked al denté is tender and is cooked just long enough to soften its cellulose and hemicellulose fiber; this makes it easier to digest and allows its health-promoting nutrients to become more readily available for absorption.

Although Celery is a hearty vegetable, it is very important not to overcook it. Celery cooked for as little as a couple of minutes longer than al denté will begin to lose not only its texture and flavor but also its nutrients. Overcooking Celery will significantly decrease its nutritional value: as much as 50% of some nutrients can be lost. (For more on Al Denté, see page 92.)

Celery in Soups and Stews

Celery is also a popular flavor enhancer in soups and stews. When making soups and stews, you want to transfer the flavors into the liquid, and the way to do this is to start cooking your Celery in cold water. Cold water that is heated up gradually allows the pores of Celery to remain open and most of its nutrients and flavor to leach into the water. That is why Celery cooked this way has little flavor and is usually discarded once the flavor has been extracted.

Cooking Methods Not Recommended for Celery

I do not recommend boiling or steaming Celery because these methods increase its water absorption, causing the Celery to become soggy and mushy. Celery then loses much of its flavor along with many of its nutrients including minerals, water-soluble vitamins (such as C and the B-complex vitamins) and health-promoting phytonutrients. Broiling or grilling Celery also results in a loss of much of Celery’s flavor. I don’t recommend cooking Celery in oil because high temperature heat can damage delicate oils and potentially create harmful free radicals.

Here are questions I received from readers of the website about Celery:

Q What are Celery seeds?

A Celery seeds are the dried fruit of a plant known as Apium graviolens. While the Celery that we eat is also known botanically by the same name, they are not the same plant, but rather relatives. Celery seeds are small in size and green-brown in color and, not surprisingly, have a Celery-like flavor. Celery seeds are often used in tomato dishes, curries, breads and pickling blends. Preliminary research suggest that they may have health-promoting properties, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.

Q Is juicing Celery as healthy as eating it raw?

A In general, juicing Celery (or other vegetables) is not nearly as healthy as eating it raw. That’s because juicers usually separate the juice from the solids in the leaves or stems or stalks (which some people call the pulp), all of which are then discarded. Unfortunately, these portions of the vegetable often contain a majority—and even a large majority—of the total nutrients, including fiber, and many phytonutrients including certain carotenoids and flavonoids.

health benefits of celery

Promotes Heart Health

Celery’s ability to reduce blood pressure has long been recognized by Chinese medicine practitioners. Celery contains compounds called phthalides, which relax the muscles of the arteries that regulate blood pressure and allow the vessels to dilate. When researchers injected phthalides into test animals, they found that the animals’ blood pressure dropped 12 to 14 percent. In addition, Celery is a very good source of potassium, a mineral that is necessary for maintaining healthy blood pressure. Celery is also a very good source of folate and vitamin B6, which can reduce cardiovascular disease risk through their role in guarding against elevated levels of homocysteine. Diets high in fiber-rich foods, like Celery, have been associated with reduced levels of heart disease.

Celery’s suggested ability to lower cholesterol has been demonstrated in animals bred to have high cholesterol levels. Water-based solutions of Celery (such as Celery juice) fed to these animals for eight weeks significantly lowered their total cholesterol by increasing the secretion of bile acid, which helps to remove cholesterol from the body.

Celery is an excellent source of vitamin C, a nutrient that may help to protect against chronic disease. In one large-scale study, researchers found that men with the highest vitamin C levels in their blood (a reflection of dietary intake) had a 71% reduced risk of dying from heart disease, while women with the highest levels had a 59% reduced risk.

Promotes Optimal Health

Celery also contains antioxidant compounds called coumarins, which enhance the activity of certain white blood cells, immune defenders that target and eliminate potentially harmful cells, including cancer cells. In addition, compounds in Celery called acetylenics have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells.

Diuretic Activity

Traditionally, the seeds of wild Celery, which first grew around the Mediterranean, were widely used as a diuretic. Today, we understand how the potassium and sodium found in Celery help regulate fluid balance, stimulate urine production and rid the body of excess fluid.

Additional Health-Promoting Benefits of Celery

Celery is also a concentrated source of many other nutrients providing additional health-promoting benefits. These nutrients include bone-building calcium and magnesium; sulfite-detoxifying molybdenum; free-radical-scavenging vitamin A and manganese; energy-producing vitamin B1, vitamin B2, phosphorus and iron; and sleep-promoting tryptophan. Since Celery contains only 19 calories per one cup serving, it is an ideal food for healthy weight control.

(See Page 208 for Nutritional Analysis Chart)



Here is a question I received from a reader of the website about Celery:

Q Does Chinese Celery also contain phthalides?

A Your question is a very good one—and one for which, unfortunately, I do not have a full answer. I tried to find measurements of the phthalides in the Celery that we are familiar with in the West as well as Chinese Celery and could not find any resources that had this information. Yet, that being said, I am pretty confident that Chinese Celery would have these phytonutrients since Celery for hypertension has a long and revered place in traditional Chinese medicine, and I assume they were using the Chinese version.

the Healthiest Way of Cooking Celery

Q Can you please tell me about broth? What can I use as a substitute? Can I use hot water with a small amount of yeast extract added?

A “Healthy Sauté” is a cooking method that does not use heated fats or oils. I have discovered that you can have the wonderful flavor of sautéed foods by cooking with chicken or vegetable broth.

By testing recipes many times using many different cooking methods I have found that chicken broth is an excellent substitute for fats and oils. Good chicken broth has a nice flavor and aroma and enhances the flavor of your food. Here are some tips to help select the best chicken broth:

• Look for low-sodium versions without MSG.

• Aseptically packaged cartons of chicken broth are preferable to cans of broth. Canned products are traditionally heated for 1 hour for sterilization. Aseptic packaging uses a flash heating method that better preserves both flavor and nutrients. After opening, aseptic packages of broth will last for up to 2 weeks; canned broth will last for 5-6 days.

• Chicken flavored bouillon cubes are very salty and most contain MSG.

• Read labels for undesirable ingredients especially in dried forms of broth.

• Homemade chicken broth is the best. You can freeze it and use it as required. Ice cube trays are a good way to store broth; one cube contains about 1-2 tablespoon.

Vegetable broth is good if you want to make a vegetarian dish. You can find vegetable broth in cartons, cans and in the form of bouillon cubes; once again, I prefer the aseptically packaged cartons. Vegetable broth is sweet, cloudy and thin and has a tendency to be very salty so I prefer to buy the low-or no-sodium variety. For selecting vegetable broth, use the same tips listed above for chicken broth.

If you do not have either of these on hand, a little hot water with a small amount of yeast extract or 1 teaspoon of miso paste would be a great substitute. Plain hot water also works but, of course, the broth adds a little extra flavor.






During medieval times, Fennel meant “flattery.” Some believe it earned that name because monks in the Middle Ages cooked with Fennel, and it won their dishes great praise. Fennel seeds are actually the fruits of the Fennel plant. They are available year-round and can be stored the same way as celery seeds.

Fennel is a member of the Umbellifereae family of plants, which also includes celery, parsley, dill and coriander. Fennel is also a relative of anise (licorice), with which it is often confused because of its similarity in appearance and aroma.

why fennel should be part of your healthiest way of eating

Science has discovered that Fennel contains many health-promoting antioxidant phytonutrients, such as quercetin, kaempferol and rutin, which protect cells from oxidative damage. One of Fennel’s unique phytonutrients, anethole, is the primary component of its volatile oil and functions not only as an antioxidant, but also as an anti-inflammatory compound. The vitamin C found in Fennel bulb has antimicrobial properties and is also needed for the proper function of the immune system.

how to enjoy fresh fennel without cooking

• Sliced raw Fennel is a great addition to green salads.

• Cut Fennel bulb into thin strips and add to citrus salads.

• Thinly sliced Fennel bulb is a wonderful addition to sandwiches, such as tuna, or avocado, lettuce and tomato.

• In the Mediterranean region, Fennel is served in salads with anchovy fillets and olives.

BEET FENNEL SALAD: Combine Fennel with steamed beets. Toss with dressing made with equal parts fresh lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil, complemented with sea salt and black pepper to taste.

APPLE FENNEL SALAD: Combine 1 tsp fresh lemon juice, 1 TBS of honey, 1 TBS Dijon mustard, 1 tsp Fennel seeds, 3 TBS extra virgin olive oil and sea salt and pepper to taste in a large mixing bowl. Add 1 very thinly sliced medium-size apple and thinly sliced Fennel bulb, including the fine leaves. Toss until well coated.

The Healthiest Way of Cooking Fennel

green peas
garden, snow and sugar snap peas






Peas date as far back as Biblical times. Archeologists have found them in Egyptian tombs, and they are known to have been prized by the ancient Greeks and Romans. But it was not until tender varieties were developed in the 16th century that Green Peas were popularized by the French King Louis XIV. Today, you too can enjoy Green Peas fit for a king by using the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” Green Peas al denté. Cooking Green Peas al denté will not only help maximize their nutritional value but will bring out their best flavor and vibrant green color for a great tasting dish that only takes 3 minutes to prepare!

why green peas should be part of your healthiest way of eating

Green Peas are an especially rich source of B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B6 and folate, which are essential for the proper metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. They are also rich in health-protective carotenoid phytonutrients, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which provide antioxidant protection against the oxidative damage to cellular structures that can be caused by free radicals. (For more on the Health Benefits of Green Peas and a complete profile of their content of over 60 nutrients, see page 216.)

varieties of green peas

Peas (Pisum Sativum) are a member of the legume family of plants. Legumes bear fruit in the form of pods enclosing the fleshy seeds we know as beans. Peas are one of the few legumes that are sold and cooked as fresh vegetables. All varieties of Green Peas are available as fresh or frozen. Frozen Peas are often sweeter than fresh Peas because they are frozen at the peak of their freshness.

There are two types of Green Peas: fresh shelled Garden Peas and Peas with edible pods such as Snow Peas and Snap Peas.


Garden Peas need to be shelled before eating. Fresh Garden Peas have rounded pods that are usually slightly curved in shape with a smooth texture and vibrant green color. This is the variety of Green Peas featured in the photographs in this chapter. Inside Garden Peas are green rounded Pea seeds that are sweet and starchy in taste and can be eaten raw or cooked. Garden Peas have more nutrients and more calories than Snow Peas or Sugar Snap Peas. However, they require more work to prepare because they must be shelled before eating. As most people do not want to spend the extra time to shell their Peas, the demand for fresh Garden Peas is very low, and they can be more difficult to find than other varieties of Peas. Garden Peas are sweet and succulent for three to four days after they are picked but tend to become mealy and starchy very quickly if they are not cooked soon after harvesting.

Ninety-five percent of Garden Peas are sold either frozen or canned. Frozen Garden Peas are a good substitute for fresh Garden Peas. They are already shelled, and because they are blanched before freezing, they take no time to prepare—just heat and serve. They also retain their flavor and nutritional value because they are frozen soon after they are picked. Frozen Peas are more flavorful, contain less sodium and have more nutritional value than canned Peas.


Sometimes called Chinese Pea Pods, this variety is usually used in stir-fries. Snow Peas are flat with edible pods through which you can usually see the shadows of the flat Pea seeds inside; they are never shelled. Overall, they are not as nutritious as Garden Peas, but they do have a higher concentration of vitamin C and fewer calories. Fresh and frozen Snow Peas are available.


A cross between the Garden and Snow Pea, they have plump edible pods with a crisp, snappy texture; they are not shelled. Both Snow Peas and Snap Peas feature a slightly sweeter and cooler taste than the Garden Pea. Like Snow Peas, Snap Peas have fewer nutrients and calories than Garden Peas. Fresh and frozen Sugar Snap Peas are available.

the peak season

Fresh Garden Peas are generally available from spring through the beginning of winter. Fresh Snow Peas can usually be found throughout the year in Asian markets and from spring through the beginning of winter in supermarkets. Fresh Sugar Snap Peas are generally only available from late spring through early summer. The times when they are in season are when their concentration of nutrients and flavor are highest, and their cost is at its lowest.

biochemical considerations

Green peas are a concentrated source of purines, which might be of concern to certain individuals. (For more on Purines, see page 727.)

4 steps for the best tasting and most nutritious green peas

Turning Green Peas into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:

1. The Best Way to Select

2. The Best Way to Store

3. The Best Way to Prepare

4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking

1. the best way to select green peas

Garden Peas

You can select the best tasting fresh Garden Peas in the shell by looking for ones that are firm, velvety and smooth with a lively medium-green color. It is best if they have been stored in the refrigerated section of your market because warm temperatures hasten the conversion of their sugars to starch, which reduces their flavor.

Avoid Garden Peas that have shells that are exceptionally light or dark green in color or that are yellow, whitish or speckled with gray. They should not be puffy, water-soaked or have mildew residue. I have also found that pods that make a slight rattling sound when shaken are more likely to contain fewer Pea seeds inside.

Snow Peas

Unlike the rounded pods of Garden Peas, the pods of Snow Peas are flat. If you can see the shape of the Peas through the non-opaque shiny pod and the pods snap when you bend them in half, you will be selecting the freshest Snow Peas with the best flavor. I also find that smaller Snow Peas tend to be sweeter.

Sugar Snap Peas

The best tasting Sugar Snap Peas are fresh, bright green, firm and plump. To test for freshness of Snap Peas, snap one open to see whether it is crisp.

By selecting the best tasting, sweetest, fresh Green Peas you will also be enjoying Peas with the highest nutritional value. Like all vegetables, I recommend selecting organically grown varieties whenever possible. (For more on Organic Foods, see page 113.)

2. the best way to store green peas

Green Peas lose their freshness quickly if not stored properly, which can result in their losing their flavor and up to 30% of some of their vitamins.

Green Peas continue to respire even after they have been harvested; their respiration rate at room temperature (68°F/20°C) is 313 mg/kg/hr. Slowing down the respiration rate with proper storage is the key to extending their flavor and nutritional benefits. (For a Comparison of Respiration Rates for different vegetables, see page 91.)

Frozen Peas can be kept in the freezer for about 1 year.

Green Peas Will Remain Fresh for Up to 10 Days When Properly Stored

1. Store fresh Green Peas in the refrigerator. The colder temperature will slow the respiration rate, helping to preserve vitamins and keeping Green Peas fresh for a longer period of time.

2. Place Green Peas in a plastic storage bag before refrigerating. I have found that it is best to wrap the bag tightly around the Green Peas, squeezing out as much of the air from the bag as possible.

3. Do not wash Green Peas before refrigeration because exposure to water will encourage your Green Peas to spoil.

3. the best way to prepare green peas

Whether you are going to enjoy Green Peas raw or cooked, in a salad, as a side dish or part of a main dish, I want to share with you the best way to prepare Green Peas. Properly preparing Green Peas helps ensure that they will have the best flavor and retain the greatest number of nutrients.

Cleaning and Shelling Green Peas

It is best to rinse Garden Peas, Snow Peas and Sugar Snap Peas under cold running water before cooking. To preserve nutrients, do not soak Green Peas or their water-soluble nutrients will leach into the water. (See Washing Vegetables, page 92.)


Rinse Garden Peas briefly under running water before removing them from their pods. To shell them easily, snap off the top and bottom of the pod, and then gently pull off the “thread” that lines the seam of most pods. For those that do not have “threads,” carefully cut through the seam, making sure not to cut into the Pea seeds. Gently open the pods to remove the seeds; the seeds do not need to be washed since they have been encased in the pod.

The Pea pods are edible. They can be steamed and enjoyed as part of the vegetable, or you can save them to make soup stock.


Most Snow Peas do not have strings, but if you find yours do, it is best to remove them before cooking. Sugar Snap Peas do not have strings.

4. the healthiest way of cooking green peas

Since research has shown that important nutrients can be lost or destroyed by the way a food is cooked, the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” Green Peas is focused on bringing out their best flavor while maximizing their vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants.

The Healthiest Way of Cooking Green Peas: “Healthy Sauté” for just 3 Minutes

In my search to find the healthiest way to cook Green Peas, I tested every possible cooking method and discovered that “Healthy Sautéing” all varieties of Green Peas (Garden Peas, Snow Peas and Sugar Snap Peas) for just 3 minutes delivered the best result. “Healthy Sautéed” Green Peas are tender, have sweet flavor and have retained the maximum number of nutrients. The Step-by-Step Recipe will show you how easy it is to “Healthy Sauté” Green Peas. (For more on “Healthy Sauté,” see page 57.)

How to Avoid Overcooking Green Peas: Cook Them Al Denté

One of the primary reasons Green Peas lose their flavor is because they are overcooked. For the best flavor, I recommend that you cook Green Peas al denté. Green Peas cooked al denté are tender and cooked just long enough to soften their cellulose and hemicellulose fiber; this makes them easier to digest and allows their health-promoting nutrients to become more readily available for absorption. Remember that testing Green Peas with a fork is not an effective way to determine whether they are done.

Green Peas are a delicate vegetable, so it is very important not to overcook them. Green Peas cooked for as little as a couple of minutes longer than al denté will begin to lose not only their texture and flavor, but also their nutrients. Overcooking Green Peas will significantly decrease their nutritional value: as much as 50% of some nutrients can be lost. (For more on Al Denté, see page 92.)

Cooking Methods Not Recommended for Green Peas

I don’t recommend boiling or steaming Green Peas because these methods increase water absorption, causing them to become soggy and mushy. They then lose much of their flavor along with many of their nutrients including minerals, water-soluble vitamins (such as C and the B-complex vitamins) and health-promoting phytonutrients. I don’t recommend cooking Green Peas in oil because high temperature heat can damage delicate oils and potentially create harmful free radicals.

Healthy Cooking Tips for Green Peas

• If you are using frozen Peas for your recipe, a 10 ounce package of Peas will equal 1½ pounds of fresh shelling Peas in the pod.

• Pea pods are edible and can be steamed for 2–5 minutes or used for soup stock.

Here is a question I received from a reader of the website about Green Peas:

Q I prepare Peas by microwaving frozen ones with a little water. Is this an OK way to prepare them from a nutritional perspective?

A Cooking, no matter what the method, can alter the nutrient profile of vegetables including Green Peas. The actual change depends upon the nutrient itself, how long the food is cooked, and how much water is used. The fact that microwaving takes less time than boiling, for example, doesn’t necessarily mean that microwaved Peas would contain an enhanced nutrient content. Research seems to indicate that microwaving decreases the phytonutrient content of vegetables, and using excessive amounts of water when microwaving results in a large loss of vitamins and minerals. At this point, I have not seen adequate comparative information to tell you for certain the quantitative differences by nutrient for microwaving compared to boiling or steaming Peas. A good clue to nutrient retention is to enjoy Peas that maintain a vibrant green color and al denté texture; In other words, be sure they are not overcooked.

health benefits of green peas

Promote Bone Health

Green Peas provide nutrients that are important for maintaining bone health. They are a very good source of vitamin K1, which activates osteocalcin, the major non-collagen protein in bone. When osteocalcin levels are inadequate, bone mineralization is impaired. Green Peas also serve as a very good source of folate and a good source of vitamin B6. These two nutrients help to reduce the buildup of a metabolic by-product called homocysteine, a dangerous molecule that can obstruct collagen cross-linking, resulting in poor bone matrix and osteoporosis.

Promote Heart Health

In addition to affecting bone health, homocysteine contributes to atherosclerosis through its ability to damage the blood vessels, keeping them in a constant state of injury. Therefore, the folic acid and vitamin B6 in Green Peas are supportive of cardiovascular health as well as helpful in maintaining bone health. Yet, the contributions of Green Peas to heart health do not stop there; the vitamin K featured in Green Peas is instrumental to the body’s healthy blood clotting ability, while their potassium and magnesium help regulate blood pressure, and their dietary fiber helps to keep cholesterol levels in check.

Promote Vision Health

Green Peas can be an important part of a diet aimed at promoting eye health. They are a good source of vitamin A through their concentration of betacarotene. Additionally, they are rich in the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidant phytonutrients that promote eye cell health by protecting against oxidative damage. Studies have found that those who consume lutein- and zeaxanthin-rich diets have less risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Promote Energy Production

Green Peas provide nutrients that help support the energy-producing cells and systems of the body. Green Peas are a very good source of vitamin B1, and a good source of vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and niacin, nutrients that are necessary for carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. They are also a good source of iron, a mineral necessary for normal blood cell formation and function, whose deficiency results in anemia, fatigue, decreased immune function and learning problems.

Additional Health-Promoting Benefits of Green Peas

Green Peas are also a concentrated source of many other nutrients providing additional health-promoting benefits. These nutrients include free-radical-scavenging vitamin C, manganese and copper, energy-promoting phosphorus, muscle-building protein, immune-supportive zinc, and sleep-promoting tryptophan.

The Healthiest Way of Cooking Garden Peas



Here are questions I received from readers of the website about Green Peas:

Q Are Green Peas considered a starch, vegetable or protein?

A Green Peas are considered a vegetable, although one with a good amount of protein. One cup of boiled Green Peas supplies 17% of the daily value (DV) for protein. It also provides 9% of the DV for carbohydrates.

Q I usually see dried Peas listed as a purine-containing food. What about fresh Peas?

A From my understanding, both fresh garden Peas and dried Peas contain purines. Many individuals with gout are counseled to limit their intake of purines.

Q How does freezing affect the nutritional quality of foods, such as Green Peas?

A While you do lose some flavor when food is frozen, freezing can be a very good way to preserve the nutritional value, texture and flavor of many foods. The initial quality of the food and the length of time between harvest and freezing are important factors. As long as the food was grown in a high-quality way (for example, organically grown) and was fairly fresh at the time of freezing, the overall nutrient retention in a frozen food can be quite high. In other words, many of the vitamins and minerals will keep fairly well in frozen foods.

While some of the phytonutrients found in food may also keep fairly well, one of the main concerns for nutrient loss associated with freezing seems to be related to the blanching process that oftentimes occurs prior to freezing. About 25% of the vitamin C and a greater percentage of folate are lost during the blanching process that occurs before foods are frozen. About 10% of thiamin (vitamin B1) is also lost during blanching. It’s important to remember that these percentages of nutrient loss are very general and can be different with different foods.

Since we have seen some research that suggests that thawing degrades part of the vitamin C content, you may want to avoid this step when cooking frozen vegetables. Storing frozen foods properly for no more than 6 months will also help maintain the nutritional value of frozen foods.

To keep your family’s food safe to eat, you need to wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Even if there is no visible soil clinging to your produce, bacteria can be present. Once ingested, that bacteria could cause illness. It’s a good idea to always wash your hands and produce before preparing any meal or snack.

Washing Technique

The good news is, you do not need to spend money on a special rinse to make your produce safe to eat—but you do need to use proper techniques. The goal of washing is to remove any potentially harmful organisms such as bacteria, soil and spray residue. Washing does not remove toxins that may have been absorbed by the plant while growing.

There are several options for washing lettuce and leafy green vegetables:

1. You can gently rub each leaf while holding it under a strong stream of water, washing both sides.

2. You can put the separated leaves in a sink full of water (make sure the sink has been cleaned and rinsed thoroughly first). Swish the greens around, lift out of the sink and rinse. Do not let the water drain out of the sink with the greens still in the water, as they will fall to the bottom and pick up sand and dirt that may be left as the water drains away.

3. Using a salad spinner is a great way to clean greens. Remove the inner basket from the spinner. Tear or cut greens into pieces, placing them in the inner basket and rinse them with water for a minute or so, then replace the inner basket and spin dry.

You can get rid of bacteria on fruits and vegetables other than leafy greens by holding them under a strong stream of water and using the appropriate scrub brush. Don’t skimp here, trickling water does not have enough force to help dislodge and wash away offending bacteria. Scrub produce while holding it under the water and then give it a final rinse. Use a soft brush for tender items, such as summer squash, so you don’t damage the skin. Use a firm brush for tougher items, such as apples and melons.

It is also very important to wash produce with thick skins, such as citrus fruit, melons and winter squashes, with their skin or rind still intact. Bacteria from the soil, fieldworkers’ hands and other shopper’s hands can accumulate on the skin.

If you peel an orange and eat it without washing it or your hands after peeling, you run the risk of ingesting bacteria. If you slice into a melon, the knife blade can carry potentially harmful bacteria into the center of the melon, which makes a perfect growing medium for bacteria, especially if left at room temperature. So always wash produce, even the fruits and vegetables you plan to peel.

Very fragile items, such as berries, should be washed in a colander or strainer, using a moderate flow of water while gently tossing the fruits. To avoid rapid spoilage, wait to rinse berries until right before using and do not rinse beforehand.

If you use a mild detergent to wash conventionally grown produce, don’t use too much. Detergent residue, consumed in large enough quantities, can cause gastrointestinal upset or diarrhea.

Many conventionally grown produce items have a thin layer of wax applied to prevent them from drying out—check out the list of waxed produce at your grocery store; it is often posted near the door to the back room of the produce department. Although washing will not remove wax or any bacteria trapped beneath it, waxed produce is washed before the wax is applied. The most effective way to remove the wax is to peel the produce. If you choose to do this, use a peeler that takes only a thin layer of skin, as many healthy vitamins and minerals lie right below the skin.


Even organic fruits and vegetables need a good washing, as described above, so it is a good idea to get in the habit of washing your fruits and vegetables under a strong stream of running water. All soil contains bacteria. In addition, the natural fertilizers used in organic agricultural may also contain bacteria. Properly aged manure no longer harbors harmful bacteria, but why take the chance that some of the natural fertilizers coming into contact with your produce may not have been aged long enough?

Although organically grown salad mixes in bags often are prewashed, they still need to be rinsed. It’s always a good idea to rinse all produce, even “prewashed” greens, under a strong stream of running water, then toss or spin dry. The process only takes a minute, and you’ll be certain your greens have been properly cleaned. To ensure the produce you eat delivers only the building blocks of good health into your body even your organic fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly.






Native to the Mediterranean region of Europe, Cabbage has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. Chinese scrolls dating as far back as 1,000 BC mentioned the health benefits of Cabbage. Today, one of the most popular vegetables in the world, Cabbage is considered the national food of Russia where they eat seven times more Cabbage than the average North American. Many Chinese could not imagine a stir-fry without Cabbage, and in Germany, people eat so much sauerkraut that they have often been referred to as “Krauts.” If Green Cabbage is not your favorite, try Red Cabbage, which you will find to have more flavor. Proper preparation of Cabbage is the key to bringing out its best flavor and maximizing its nutritional benefits. That is why I want to share with you the secret of the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” Cabbage al denté. In just 5 minutes, you will be able to transform Cabbage into a flavorful vegetable while maximizing its nutritional value.

why cabbage should be a part of your healthiest way of eating

Long before scientists discovered vitamin C, sauerkraut (a dish made from fermented Cabbage) was prized by Dutch sailors, who consumed it during extended exploration voyages as they knew it would prevent scurvy and save many lives. Scientific studies now show that cruciferous vegetables, like Cabbage, are included among the vegetables that contain the largest concentrations of health-promoting sulfur compounds, such as sulforaphane and isothiocyanates (see page 153), which increase the liver’s ability to produce enzymes that neutralize potentially toxic substances. (For more on the Health Benefits of Cabbage and a complete analysis of its content of over 60 nutrients, see page 228.)

Cabbage is an ideal food to add to your “Healthiest Way of Eating” not only because it is high in nutrients, but also because it is low in calories making it great for weight control: one cup of cooked Cabbage contains only 33 calories.

varieties of cabbage

The cruciferous (Brassica) family of vegetables, which includes Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens and Brussels sprouts, originated from the wild cabbage and is well-known for its many health-promoting properties. Unlike the varieties we are familiar with today, wild Cabbage looked more like collard greens or kale having leaves that did not form a head. The name Cabbage comes from caboche, the French word for head.

Although there are hundreds of varieties of Cabbage, the five most popular are listed below:


Red Cabbage contains almost twice the vitamin C as Green Cabbage and is rich in anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that are responsible for its vibrant reddish-purple color. It has 23 mg of anthocyanins per 100 grams while Green Cabbage has virtually none. One hundred grams also contains 190 mg polyphenous versus the 45 mg found in Green Cabbage. Red Cabbage has a deep hearty flavor that I highly recommend.


This is the most popular cruciferous vegetable and ranges in color from pale to dark green. It has smooth textured leaves. Since the inner leaves are protected from sunlight, they are often lighter in color. Green Cabbage is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants that help protect against harmful free radicals.


Distinguished by its frilly ruffled leaves that are yellow-green in color, Savoy Cabbage contains more betacarotene than either Red or Green Cabbage and has a more delicate texture and superior flavor. Unfortunately, Savoy Cabbage is not as readily available as Red or Green Cabbage.


Napa Cabbage is my favorite choice for salads. Oblong in shape with pale green ruffled leaves, Napa Cabbage stalks join in a milky white base. Not only is it slightly softer in texture than other varieties, but it has a really wonderful, delicate flavor. It is a great choice for those who prefer a milder tasting variety of Cabbage. Napa also boasts the highest concentration of the B vitamin, folate, and incredible amounts of zinc; one cup of cooked Napa cabbage contains over 4 grams (27% DV) for this important mineral.


This variety is characterized by a loose, bulbous cluster of dark green leaves with firm stems. Bok Choy has a very mild flavor and a higher concentration of betacarotene and vitamin A than any other variety of Cabbage. Baby Bok Choy has a lower concentration of nutrients because it is harvested when it is still immature.

the peak season

Red, Green and Napa Cabbage, as well as Bok Choy, are available throughout the year. Savoy Cabbage is less common and is most widely available from September through December. The flavor of Cabbage is at its peak during the cold months when the frost helps to develop a sweet flavor and crisp texture. In hotter months, Cabbage is less tender and will require an additional minute of cooking time.

biochemical considerations

Cabbage is a concentrated source of goitrogens, which might be of concern to certain individuals. (For more on Goitrogens, see page 721.)

4 steps for the best tasting and most nutritious cabbage

Turning Cabbage into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:

1. The Best Way to Select

2. The Best Way to Store

3. The Best Way to Prepare

4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking

1. the best way to select cabbage

You can select the best tasting Cabbage by choosing heads that have a vibrant, bright color and are firm, heavy and dense. Only a few of the outer leaves should be loose, and they should still be attached to the stem; leaves that are detached from the stem usually have undesirable texture and taste. By selecting the best tasting Cabbage, you will also enjoy the highest nutritional value. As with all vegetables, I recommend selecting organically grown Cabbage whenever possible. (For more on Organic Foods, see page 113.) Avoid purchasing Cabbage that is cracked, bruised or blemished. Severe damage to the outer leaves often indicates damage from worms or decay that may also infest the inner core. I don’t recommend purchasing precut halves or shredded Cabbage because Cabbage begins to lose its valuable vitamin content as soon as it is cut.