In addition to being a good source of vitamin C, Pears also contain a spectrum of flavonoids. Vitamin C and flavonoids have a synergistic relationship, each helping to improve the antioxidant potential of the other. Vitamin C helps to protect cells from oxygen-related damage due to free-radicals; for example, vitamin C protects LDL (“bad”) cholesterol from oxidation, which is one of the ways in which this vitamin protects against heart disease. The flavonoids contained in Pears—including catechins and quercetin—are antioxidants that have also been linked with cardiovascular disease prevention.
Additionally, Pears are packed with phytosterols. These phytonutrients have been shown to be able to inhibit cholesterol absorption and therefore potentially help to lower cholesterol levels. Yet, Pears’ benefits in relation to cholesterol don’t stop there since they are a good source of dietary fiber, which numerous studies have shown helps reduce cholesterol.
Although their hypoallergenicity is not well-documented in scientific research, Pears are often recommended by healthcare practitioners as a fruit less likely to produce an allergic response than other fruits. Particularly in the introduction of first fruits to infants, Pear is often recommended as a safe way to start.
In addition to the antioxidant vitamin C and flavonoids that Pears contain, they are also a good source of copper. An important trace mineral, copper helps protect the body from free-radical damage via its role as a necessary component of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a copper-dependent enzyme that eliminates superoxide radicals. Superoxide radicals are a type of free-radical generated during normal metabolism as well as when white blood cells attack invading bacteria and viruses. If not eliminated quickly, superoxide radicals damage cell membranes.
Pear’s fiber does a lot more than just help prevent constipation and ensure regularity. Fiber also binds to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon, preventing them from damaging colon cells. This may be one reason why diets high in fiber-rich foods, such as Pears, are associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. Additionally, the fact that low dietary intake of copper seems to also be associated with risk factors for colon cancer serves as yet another reason in support of why this delicious fruit may be very beneficial for digestive health.
The rainbow hues of fruits and vegetables don’t just make these healthy foods attractive to our eyes—they are actually part of the reason that these foods are so healthy in the first place.
That’s because these foods contain nutrients, called phytonutrients, which are unique to plants (phyto = plant) and endow them with their beautiful pigments. Phytonutrients actually provide a lot of benefit to the plant as well as to those whose diets are rich in these plant foods. For example, many of them have powerful antioxidant activity, able to quench free-radicals that could otherwise do harm to our cells and genetic material. Darker colored fruits and vegetables reflect higher concentrations of nutrients and more flavor than those that are pale in color.
Let’s travel through the spectrum of colors to further explore how eating color-rich foods can also mean eating nutrient-rich foods.
Red-colored foods such as tomatoes, watermelon and grapefruits feature a phytonutrient known as lycopene. This member of the carotenoid phytonutrient family has powerful antioxidant activity, more effective actually than its well-known carotenoid cousin, betacarotene. Lycopene is especially effective at thwarting a free-radical called singlet oxygen and as such is important for protecting the lipid-containing parts of cell membranes from the damage usually caused by that free-radical.
Yellow- and orange-colored foods such as papaya, apricots, carrots and sweet potatoes are rich in the carotenoids, alpha-carotene, betacarotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, which lend them their sunshine-colored hues. Not only do these carotenoids fight free-radicals but they are also converted in the body to retinol, the active form of vitamin A.
Green-colored foods such as spinach, kale, asparagus and other leafy green vegetables are rich in phytonutrients such as chlorophyll and lutein. Chlorophyll is structurally similar to the hemoglobin molecule in our bodies that transports oxygen, although instead of containing iron at its center it contains magnesium. Lutein is a carotenoid antioxidant that has been found to be especially beneficial to vision health since it is concentrated in the eyes.
Blue- and purple-colored foods such as grapes, blueberries, eggplant, black beans and purple potatoes get their royal colors from phytonutrients such as anthocyanins. These flavonoid phytonutrients have many important functions in the body; they improve the integrity of support structures in the veins and the entire vascular system, enhance the effects of vitamin C, improve capillary integrity and stabilize the collagen matrix (the ground substance of all body tissues).
Yet, it’s not just different foods that feature different colors. There are certain fruits and vegetables that can be found in an array of colors and therefore offer you an array of nutritional benefits. Green, red or yellow apples? Yellow, white or blue corn? Purple, green or white asparagus? Depending upon which one you choose you will receive different nutritional benefits.
For example, different colored onions contain different levels of nutrients. Of the storage onions, white ones have the least amount overall. Not surprisingly, red and yellow onions contain more quercetin, a flavonoid phytonutrient pigment, than white onions. Red onions also contain more anthocyanin flavonoid phytonutrients than white or yellow ones, which is reflected in their red coloring.
When given the choice I like to eat deeply colored foods. If choosing between two heads of lettuce, I choose the one that has a deeper, richer green color. When choosing between red apples, I usually opt for the one with the more brilliant scarlet color. Not only do deeper, darker colors enrich my sensory experience of a food, but I also feel that they enrich my health as well.
That’s because their deeper colors are often a reflection of their having a greater concentration of phytonutrient pigments. For example, pink grapefruit contains about 27 times more betacarotene than white grapefruit while red bell peppers contain about 18 times more betacarotene than yellow ones and 6 times more than green ones! So, remember that it’s not just color in general that’s important but the intensity of color that can also make a big difference when it comes to the nutritional benefits that you’ll receive from fruits and vegetables.
To benefit most from these wonderful phytonutrients that nature has provided for us, I think it is important to eat a diet that features a range of colors. Create a salad with vegetables from all parts of the rainbow. Make your dinner plate a spectrum of many deeply colored foods. This way you can help ensure that you are receiving the unique benefits that different phytonutrients have to offer.
With the increased wave of interest in foods that provide great nutrition, it is not surprising that the demand for fish and shellfish has doubled within the last ten years. Nutrition experts encourage eating more fish and shellfish because they are excellent sources of protein and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and their consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of many diseases. Many research studies have shown that cultures in which seafood plays a prominent role in the diet not only have more abundant health but live longer. Not surprisingly, seafood are sometimes referred to as the “perfect food.”
Yet, it’s not just their health benefits that can make fish and shellfish such wonderful additions to your “Healthiest Way of Eating.” They can also be delicious and offer a wide range of tastes and textures. Some are light and flaky, while others are sweet and meaty. Some lend just the right depth to make a summer salad a filling meal, while others are a perfect addition to a hearty winter stew. There are fish and shellfish to meet everyone’s individual preferences, and since a little goes a long way, they are certain to not only please your taste buds but your wallet as well.
Recently, attention has been drawn to some concerns about consuming seafood. Because of environmental contamination, some fish are laden with mercury and may pose a problem for certain people. Additionally, practices of indiscriminate fishing are depleting some fish and shellfish species, while processes involved in fish farming are endangering the environment. The bottom line is that when you purchase fish and shellfish, you need to be an educated consumer in order to protect both your health and the health of the environment. Because I believe this is so important, this chapter features a Fish & Shellfish Guide that can help you easily decipher which fish and shellfish are the best options.
When I refer to fish, I am referring to the flesh of aquatic vertebrate animals (usually having scales and fins) that are consumed as food. Examples of fish include salmon, tuna, cod, sardines, tilapia and striped bass. Shellfish refers to the flesh of aquatic invertebrate animals that have a hard shell. Examples of shellfish include shrimp and scallops.
Fish and shellfish can play a very important role in a health-promoting diet. So many important nutrients—protein, selenium, magnesium, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, niacin and omega-3 fatty acids to name just a few—are concentrated in these foods that it is no wonder they are referred to as treasures of the sea. Just 4 ounces (cooked) of most fish and shellfish can supply 50% of your daily value for protein, vitamin B12 and selenium for relatively very few calories. Now that’s what I call nutrient-rich!
The healthfulness of fish and shellfish is a reflection of the compounds which they concentrate, but also the compounds they do not. In addition to the low caloric content of many fish, most also have less saturated fat and cholesterol than their land animal counterparts (an exception would be shrimp, which are noted sources of cholesterol).
Additionally, for those who are focused on attaining or maintaining their ideal body weight, these foods can be instrumental in helping them achieve their goal. For example, a 6-ounce serving of shrimp provides almost 36 grams of protein for a mere 168 calories. Compare this to a 6-ounce serving of beef that contains 48 grams of protein at a caloric cost of 360 calories or a 6-ounce serving of chicken containing 51 grams of protein for 335 calories and you can see how seafood will fill you up without filling out your waistline. Featuring fish and shellfish as the centerpiece of your meals will keep your taste buds satisfied and your appetite satiated, while providing so many of the nutrients vital to optimal physiological functioning. And since all of the benefits of these foods cost you very little in terms of calories, they can also help you attain your ideal weight goals.
Since there are thousands of different types of fish and shellfish, making a seafood selection is sometimes difficult and confusing. I have developed a Fish & Shellfish Guide (The Guide) to help you make informed decisions about which fish and shellfish are best for you and decide which ones to purchase.
There are three things to consider when purchasing fish and shellfish.
1. Which fish have the lowest mercury content?
2. Which fish and shellfish provide the highest concentration of those hard-to-find omega-3 fatty acids?
3. What is the environmental impact of different fishing and farming methods used to catch and raise fish and shellfish? What is their effect on the sustainability of wild stocks of fish and shellfish?
You can select fish and shellfish that are safe to eat by simply following The Guide included in this chapter. Some fish and shellfish contain higher mercury levels than others, but you will be surprised that there are many types of fish and shellfish with low levels of mercury.
Mercury is a heavy metal that has contaminated many of our seas and oceans. Mercury toxicity can cause birth defects, damage to the nervous system, premature aging, vision loss and the onset of certain diseases. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has urged individuals, notably children and women who are pregnant, lactating or of childbearing age, to avoid certain fish because of their high mercury concentrations. These fish include swordfish, tuna, king mackerel (ono or wahoo), shark and tilefish. Most fish that grow slowly and become very large tend to have higher mercury levels. The Guide helps you to select the fish and shellfish lowest in mercury levels. (For more on Mercury in Fish, see page 463.)
The U.S. FDA standard considers fish safe if it contains less than 1 ppm of methyl mercury. Canada’s recommendation is that 0.5 ppm is considered safe.
Most people in the U.S. are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. One of the qualities for which many fish and shellfish have gained such great acclaim is that many of their fats are “good fats,” which includes omega-3 fatty acids in the form of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish and shellfish can directly provide your body with these important essential fatty acids.
Many species of fish and shellfish—including salmon, sardines, trout, halibut and scallops—contain rich concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids while others—such as lobsters, crabs, crayfish, oysters, squid and mahi mahi—are low in omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids have many health benefits, and cultures whose diets feature these important nutrients have been found to have reduced incidence of many different diseases as well as increased longevity. The Guide is designed to help you select the fish that will provide you with all of the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids you need. It includes ratings of high, medium, low and very low concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, which are defined as follows: high (2.0+ g), medium (1.0-2.0 g), low (0.3-1.0 g) and very low (below 0.2). These amounts are based on a 6-ounce serving. (For more on Omega-3 Fatty Acids, see page 770.)
When deciding which fish or shellfish to purchase, it is very important to consider the environmental impact that these decisions may produce if you are concerned with the health and safety of our oceans and waterways. You can help protect fish and shellfish and the sustainability of the oceans, lakes and rivers by making environmentally aware choices.
Due to overfishing and depleted stocks of fish and shellfish, the 1996 Sustainable Fisheries Act was created to address the necessity of better management of both fish and shellfish. Size of the fish caught, overall catch size, seasonal fishing and how fish are harvested are now being more commonly considered in fisheries’ management practices. If you are concerned about conservation, there are many types of fish and shellfish that you can enjoy that are considered sustainable and whose consumption does not greatly impact the environment. The Guide will provide you with information about how you can be an aqua-environmentally responsible citizen.
Fortunately, a growing number of resources, such as Seafood Watch provided by the non-profit Monterey Bay Aquarium (, provide online information about how to support the fisheries and fish farms that maintain practices that are healthier for both the fish and the environment. The Monterey Bay Aquarium provides you with three lists (Best Choices, Good Alternatives and Avoid) to help you select fish and shellfish whose consumption will least impact the environment. I have used their sustainability ratings in The Guide.
At the time of this writing, wild-caught Alaskan salmon and Pacific cod are on the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s list of Best Choices, while monkfish, Atlantic cod, Chilean sea bass and orange roughy are on the list of fish and shellfish to Avoid. Fish like Chilean sea bass and orange roughy mature very slowly, and heavy fishing pressure on slow growing fish results in depletion of their population. However, fish like mahi mahi that grow and reproduce quickly are considered to be less affected by fishing pressures and therefore more ecologically sound. They can grow up to 20 pounds in one year, reproduce at a young age and live only four to five years, so their consumption does not generally pose a problem for sustainability. Salmon also have very a short lifespan ranging from two to five years, depending on the species, after which they return to the rivers where they were hatched to spawn and die.
Most tilapia and striped bass now found in markets are farmraised, using methods that have little environmental impact, and are therefore considered environmentally sustainable. Information regarding sustainability can change; updated information will be posted on the World’s Healthiest Foods website,
The Fish & Shellfish Guide is divided into separate categories: Wild Fish & Shellfish Safe to Eat, Farmraised Fish & Shellfish Safe to Eat, Fish & Shellfish OK to Eat One Meal Per Week and Fish & Shellfish OK to Eat One Meal Per Month. In The Guide you will also find information on Fish & Shellfish to Avoid.
For years we have been told to eat fish a couple of times a week for optimal health, however, a recent research study shows why it is important to eat fish with one meal every day. Researchers in Japan found that daily consumption of omega-3-rich fish results in a significantly greater reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease compared to eating fish just a couple of times a week.
When participants who consumed fish eight times per week were compared with those whose intake was just once per week, it was found that those eating the most fish had a 37% lower risk of developing coronary heart disease and a 56% percent lower risk of heart attack. None of the participants had cardiovascular disease or cancer when the study began.
When the effect of omega-3 fatty acid intake on cardiovascular risk was analyzed, coronary heart disease risk was lowered by 42% among those whose intake was the highest, at 2.1 grams per day or more, compared to those whose intake was the lowest at 300 milligrams (0.3 grams) per day. Those whose intake of Omega-3s was in the top tier received a 65% reduction in the risk of heart attack compared to those whose omega-3 intake was lowest.
The authors theorize that daily fish consumption is highly protective largely due to the resulting daily supply of omega-3 fatty acids, which not only reduce platelet aggregation, but also decrease the production of proinflammatory leukotrienes. Lowering leukotrienes reduces damage to the endothelium (the lining of the blood vessels), a key factor in the development of atherosclerosis.
“Our results suggest that a high fish intake may add a further beneficial effect for the prevention of coronary heart disease among middle-aged persons,” note the study’s authors.
Iso H, Kobayashi M, Ishihara J, etal; JPHC Study Group. Intake of fish and n3 fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease among Japanese: the Japan Public Health Center-Based (JPHC) Study Cohort I. Circulation. 2006 Jan 17;113(2):195-202. Epub 2006 Jan 9.
† Best Choice = Alaskan wild-caught salmon, Good Alternative = California, Oregon and Washington wild-caught salmon, Avoid = Atlantic salmon
If you, your family or friends have caught local freshwater fish and want to know whether they are safe to eat, call the Environmental Protection Agency at 1-888-SEAFOOD.
Many fish and seafood are now farmed. If they are farmed in clean waters using environmentally sound production practices, they do not provide much of an environmental problem. Shellfish such as scallops, clams, mussels and oysters are filter feeders (they filter the surrounding water for the food they eat) and therefore can easily accumulate pollutants if they are farmed in unclean waters. Striped bass, rainbow trout, tilapia and white sturgeon are grown in inland farms and have not been found to present an environmental problem.
Atlantic salmon and shrimp are produced in coastal operations, which have often been found to be environmentally unfriendly. While shrimp farming is well regulated in the United States, operations in foreign countries are not.
Fresh fish is best. Not only does fresh fish supply you with important omega-3 fatty acids but like all whole foods they provide an entire range of protein, vitamins and minerals that work together to promote optimal health. If you decide to purchase fish oil capsules to supplement your diet with omega-3 fatty acids, you’ll want to select a product from a very high-quality manufacturer to make sure that the omega-3 fat content is what it’s supposed to be and that these fragile oils are not rancid.
Some fish oil products go through a refining process that removes contaminants that may be found in the fish itself. To be sure that your supplements are free of such contaminants, such as PCBs and dioxins, purchase a brand that has undergone “molecular distillation,” which removes contaminants; this will be stated on the product label.
Mercury in fish oil capsules does not seem to be a general problem. According to’s 2004 testing of 20 fish oil products currently available in the marketplace, none of the products contained detectable mercury levels. Most mercury has been found to be in the flesh rather than the oil.
The American Heart Association recommends that healthy individuals eat at least 2 servings per week of fish or shellfish. But to get an optimal amount of omega-3 fatty acids, I recommend 3–4 servings per week of fish or shellfish that are low in mercury content, rich in omega-3 fats and considered environmentally sustainable.
This goal should not be too difficult because you can enjoy many varieties of fish that fit these criteria. Salmon, shrimp, cod and scallops are just a few to choose from. And with the numerous recipes that I have included for each of the World’s Healthiest Fish and Shellfish, you’ll have a cornucopia of different preparation options. Because these recipes are so quick and easy to prepare, they will not only help satisfy the needs of your taste buds but of your busy schedule as well.
The American Heart Association’s recommended serving size for seafood is 6 ounces raw or 4 ounces cooked.
Each fish and shellfish chapter is dedicated to one of the World’s Healthiest Fish and Shellfish and contains everything you need to know to enjoy and maximize its flavor and nutritional benefits. Each chapter is organized into two parts:
1. FISH AND SHELLFISH FACTS describes each fish and shellfish, their different varieties and peak season. It also addresses biochemical considerations of each fish and shellfish by describing any unique compounds they contain that may be potentially problematic to individuals with specific health problems. Detailed information of the health benefits of each fish and shellfish can be found at the end of the chapter, as can a complete nutritional profile.
2. THE 4 STEPS TO THE BEST TASTING AND MOST NUTRITIOUS FISH AND SHELLFISH includes information to help you select, store, prepare and cook each one of the World’s Healthiest Fish and Shellfish. This section also features Step-by-Step Recipes and Flavor Tips. While specific information for individual fish and shellfish is given in each of the specific chapters, here are the 4 Steps that can be applied to seafood in general, including those not on the list of the World’s Healthiest Foods.
1. the best way to select fish and shellfish
It is important to buy the freshest fish and shellfish possible as the differences in taste and nutritional value are greatly affected by how long they have been “out of the sea.” By talking to the people that work in the seafood departments of your local markets (often known as fishmongers) and asking them about where and how often their market gets its fish, you can ascertain which stores have the freshest selection. Ask questions about the fish’s origin, whether it is farmraised or wild and whether it contains artificial coloring. Using the Fish & Shellfish Guide, determine whether the fish is on the Best Choice, Good Alternative or Avoid list for sustainability. While each individual chapter will provide you with tips on how to make the best selection for individual fish or shellfish, a general rule of thumb follows:
You can tell a lot by how the fish looks: the older the fish, the duller the appearance. Generally speaking, thicker cuts of fish (1” to 2” thick) work better in most recipes as they are more moist and hold together better when cooked. These cuts come from the part of the fish that is closest to the head.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggests looking for the following qualities to ensure that you are purchasing fresh fish:
“• Be sure that the fish has been refrigerated or properly iced.
• Fresh fish smells fresh and mild, not “fishy” or ammonia-like.
• The flesh should spring back when pressed.
• The flesh should be firm and shiny (whether it is whole or filleted).
• There should be no darkening around the edges of the fish or brown or yellowish discoloration.
• The eyes should be clear and bulge slightly.
• The gills should be bright red and free from slime.
• Don’t purchase frozen seafood if the packages are open, torn or crushed on the edges.
• Don’t purchase cooked seafood, such as shrimp, crab or smoked fish if it is displayed in the same case as raw fish, since cross-contamination can occur.”
2. the best way to store fish and shellfish
Most fish come from cold waters and require colder temperatures than fruits and vegetables to stay fresh. Fish and shellfish are very perishable and, in contrast to fruits and vegetables, normal refrigerator temperatures of 36°–40°F (2°–4°C) do not inhibit the enzymatic activity that causes them to spoil. Fish and shellfish are best when stored at 28°–32°F (-2°–0°C). I have tried the traditional method of packing fish with ice before placing it in the refrigerator to decrease the temperature. What I discovered was that when the ice melts, the fish ends up sitting in a pool of water losing much of its flavor.
I have since refined the method above, and I want to share with you the best way I found to keep your fish and shellfish fresh. This method is the most effective when you have a large amount of fish.
Place your fish in a zip-lock plastic storage bag, place the bag in a bowl and cover with ice. The benefit to this method is that you don’t have to worry about the fish ending up in a pool of water and losing flavor, so there is less concern about remembering to drain the water away from the fish as the ice melts. However, the down side to this method is that the fish will end up sitting in some of its own juices as they collect inside the bag. Fish stored using this method will last an extra day.
You can use ice packs in place of the ice in both methods. Remember to replace the ice packs as necessary. Although the fish will keep for two to three days using these methods, I recommend using it the day of purchase or within one or two days.
It is interesting what proper storage can do. Many times when my fish has a little fishy odor, I cover it for three to four hours with ice, which I have found to remove the odor. This will not work if the fish has already developed a strong odor.
3. the best way to prepare fish and shellfish
Minimal preparation is required for many varieties of fish. You don’t need to start with whole fish because they are usually already filleted or cut into steaks for your convenience when you purchase them at your local market. Yet, some shellfish, like shrimp, scallops and oysters, may require some preparation. In the individual chapters, I will present you with the best ways to prepare specific varieties of fish and shellfish.
4. the healthiest way of cooking fish and shellfish
Although the recipes in the book include the best cooking methods for each individual fish and shellfish, here is some general information on the best ways to cook these foods:
Traditionally, it has been suggested that you cook your fish for approximately 7 minutes for every inch of thickness. Some fish can take a little longer, up to 10 minutes. In the individual chapters, I will provide you with more specific instructions on how to cook your fish. The length of cooking time recommended for each of the recipes is based on the type of fish or shellfish that is to be prepared and the cooking method used for that particular recipe.
Cooking time is also dependent on the desired doneness of the fish or shellfish. For example, tuna is preferably cooked rare to medium-rare while white fish, like striped bass and halibut, can be cooked through and still retain their moistness and flavor. It is very important to pay close attention to the cooking time of fish and shellfish because if it is overcooked, it will be dry and lose much of its flavor.
The variety of tastes and textures of fish and shellfish can be adapted to different cooking techniques, recipes and seasons. With the wide variety of fish and shellfish available, your taste is certain to always be satisfied, while your sense of well-being is enhanced. Unhealthy cooking methods include frying battered fish as well as topping fish with rich sauces. Once you have started with fresh fish and shellfish, it is then important to choose the most appropriate “Healthiest Way of Cooking” methods (listed below) for the type of fish and shellfish you are preparing. Detailed descriptions on these methods are given in each of the individual fish and shellfish chapters.
This is a good cooking method to use when you want to quickly cook a fish fillet or steak and seal in its moisture and flavor. It cooks the fish simultaneously on both sides and is a good way to prepare fish if you want to serve it lightly seasoned or with a sauce that you can prepare on the side. (For more on “Quick Broil,” see page 61.)
Poaching is a great way of cooking fish to retain its moisture. To get the most flavor, I like to poach fish with a simple homemade fish and shellfish broth whose essence infuses itself into the fish during cooking. (For more on Poaching, see page 61.)
Many types of fish take well to steaming. You can steam fillets as well as bite-sized pieces of fish, either by themselves or placed on top of vegetables. (For more on “Healthy Steaming,” see page 58.)
If your recipe calls for fish or shellfish cut in bite-size pieces and cooked with other ingredients (such as vegetables or other fish and shellfish), you may want to use this cooking method. It cooks the fish quickly, requires no fat and makes a simmering sauce that can be served with the fish. (For more on “Healthy Sauté,” see page 57.)
A great cooking method if you want to quickly cook a fillet of fish. Because the skillet is hot, it immediately seals the fish and keeps the moisture from escaping. It is a great way to prepare fish during the warmer weather since it does not require you to turn on the oven or broiler, so your kitchen won’t heat up too much. This method is also good when you want to make a sauce to pour over the fish because you can use the same pan to prepare the sauce. The pan will already be hot, plus it will contain a lot of flavor from the fish that will enhance the flavor of your sauce. Stovetop searing is best for oily fish such as tuna or salmon; this method does not work as well on drier varieties of fish.
Q I heard that shrimp, although high in cholesterol, have been found to have more of the “good” (HDL) than the “bad” (LDL). Is this true?
A HDL and LDL aren’t types of cholesterol. HDL stands for “high-density lipoprotein,” and it’s the form in which cholesterol (and other substances) gets transported in the bloodstream back toward the liver from other locations in the human body. LDL, which stands for “low-density lipoprotein,” is the form in which cholesterol (and other substances) gets transported in the bloodstream out from the liver toward other locations in the body. Since shrimp are arthropods, they don’t have a bloodstream like humans with veins, capillaries and arteries, and their cholesterol does not get transported around in the same way. Therefore, shrimp won’t provide you with HDL or LDL.
Shrimp do contain cholesterol, however. Four ounces of shrimp contain about 220 mg of cholesterol. (By comparison, one whole egg contains about 187 mg). Most public health organizations allow at least 200 mg daily.
Yes, mercury contamination of fish is a definite concern for all individuals, particularly for pregnant women, women considering pregnancy and children. Here is a brief exploration of the causes of mercury contamination, whether the health benefits of fish outweigh the mercury risks and how much mercury exposure is considered safe.
Mercury finds its way into the environment from a variety of sources including industrial practices, the incineration of medical and municipal wastes, coal-fired power plants, and the presence in the landfills of mercury-containing products such as fluorescent light bulbs and thermometers. Once it has found its way into the air or the soil, it can move through naturally occurring ecological channels into lakes, streams, rivers and oceans where it becomes a toxic contaminant for fish.
Globalization of the food supply is another reason all individuals need to be concerned about fish and mercury. In certain parts of the world, like the Mediterranean Sea, naturally occurring ore deposits serve as an ongoing source of mercury contamination. A February 2007 report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has shown that the geographical origin of different fish (i.e., their original habitat) can play a more important role in degree of mercury contamination than many other factors, including the size of the fish or the length of its lifespan. For example, this 2007 EPA report found Atlantic herring (a very small fish) to contain three times the mercury level of Pacific herring, or even many larger fish like cod.
Fish has always been recognized to be an excellent source of protein. In more recent years, cold-water fish have also been recognized as excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Risk of mercury contamination has thrown some of these nutritional benefits into question, and the benefits-versus-risks of fish have become a matter of widespread debate. Do the nutritional benefits of fish, including their rich omega-3 fatty acid content, outweigh the risk of mercury exposure? I believe the answer to this question is “yes”—but a conditional yes, rather than an unconditional one. Yes, the nutritional benefits of fish outweigh the risk of mercury exposure, provided that (1) lower mercury fish are chosen for consumption and (2) total weekly intake of fish stays fairly restricted. Here’s a closer look at the details involved in this risk-benefit analysis.
A study published in the February 17, 2007 issue of The Lancet answers this question with a definite “yes” based on questionnaire data obtained from more than 10,000 women living in Bristol, United Kingdom in the early 1990s. Researchers found that women consuming over 12 ounces (340 grams) of fish per week during their pregnancy had children with higher IQs and better nervous system development than women who consumed less than this amount. While I respect the quality of the research presented in this study, I do not totally agree with the interpretation of its findings, nor do I believe that the findings are necessarily applicable to U.S. women who are trying to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of fish. My reasoning is fairly simple.
In this 1991–1992 study, women who ate more than 12 ounces of fish per week during their pregnancy were also women who smoked less, had greater amounts of income, were better educated, owned homes and sustained marriages and a family environment in the home. Even though these factors were analyzed statistically by the researchers, I believe that they influenced many aspects of the children’s upbringing that were not adequately analyzed by the research team. (There are many reasons I would expect children from these households to do better on IQ tests). In addition, I am concerned about the fact that no daily food records were ever kept by pregnant women in the study, and no food contents—either nutritional or toxicity-related—were ever subjected to laboratory analysis. The fact that all of the women in the study lived in one town in the United Kingdom 15–16 years ago is also of concern, given the increasingly dynamic nature of the global food supply and geographical origins of fish in the U.S. marketplace.
My own conclusion about the risk-benefit profile of fish is much closer to the position taken by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in its March 19, 2004 advisory on mercury and fish. Like the FDA, I believe that a restriction on fish intake is prudent for all individuals. While setting a 12-ounce guideline for maximum weekly intake of all fish, the FDA also recommended that this 12-ounce intake be restricted to fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury. I support this type of approach, and I like the idea of a dividing line between lower mercury and higher mercury fish—especially when it comes to tuna. (For more on where different fish rate in terms of mercury levels, please see page 457.)
According to a February 2007 EPA report, 39% of all mercury exposure from fish in the U.S. comes from tuna. Of this 39%, 18% comes from canned light tuna, 10% from canned albacore or white tuna and 11% from fresh or frozen tuna. (Swordfish, pollack, shrimp and cod account for another 25% of all mercury exposure from fish.) Even though canned light tuna accounts for almost double the total mercury exposure as canned albacore or white tuna, albacore/white tuna are actually much higher in mercury content. (As a nation, we just eat much more canned light tuna because of the lower price). In the EPA update report, both Pacific and Atlantic albacore tuna (all forms, including canned and fresh) contained about triple the mercury content of both Pacific and Atlantic light (yellowfin) tuna (all forms, including canned and fresh). But it should also be noted that Atlantic tuna was always higher in mercury content than Pacific tuna. The average numbers for Atlantic tuna in this 2007 EPA study were: 0.47 milligrams/kilogram for albacore and 0.31 milligrams/kilogram for yellowfin (light). By comparison, Pacific albacore only contained an average of 0.17 milligrams/kilogram of mercury and Pacific yellowfin (light) only 0.06 milligrams per kilogram.
These differences in mercury exposure from canned tuna make it clear that light tuna (especially Pacific light tuna) is a far better choice than albacore tuna (especially Atlantic albacore tuna) when it comes to mercury exposure risk.
Safe levels of mercury exposure (including consumption of mercury-contaminated fish) are controversial because “safe” really depends on who is trying to stay safe and the specific health dangers they are facing. A very unhealthy person, perhaps in the hospital from weakness and poor nourishment, can withstand very little toxic exposure, including exposure from mercury-contaminated fish. An extremely healthy person, full of vitality, with good nutrient reserves and a robust ability to get rid of toxins would be very likely to remain fully healthy while consuming a moderate amount of mercury-contaminated fish. Exactly how much could such a person eat? Here the answer would depend on the person’s age, physical activity level, body size (height and weight) and other factors, including immediate performance goals. An athlete facing endurance training might not want to deplete his or her nutrient supplies at all, and might not want to ask his or her body to engage in any unnecessary detoxification of mercury. In this case, the choice might be to avoid any mercurycontaminated fish. A well-nourished, healthy person just wanting to stay generally healthy, i.e., stay safe from premature aging or premature onset of chronic disease, might choose to eat canned light tuna twice a week and simply stay with the FDA general health guidelines.
Tuna is second only to shrimp in popularity largely due to the demand for canned Tuna. While canned Tuna may be convenient, it does not compare to the wonderful taste treat provided by fresh Tuna. Fresh Tuna has been enjoyed by coastal populations throughout history, while smoked and pickled Tuna have been widely consumed since ancient times. The firm, dense flesh of Tuna gives it one of the meatiest flavors and textures of any fish. Because the moisture content of Tuna can be easily lost through cooking, making it tough and dry, I want to share with you how the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” methods can not only keep Tuna moist, but also bring out its wonderful flavor.
Like other varieties of fish, Tuna is a rich source of protein. Its omega-3 fatty acids are important for cardiovascular health and reducing inflammation, while its selenium, potassium and magnesium also support a healthy heart. Tuna is an ideal food to add to your “Healthiest Way of Eating” because not only is it high in protein but it is also low in fat. (For more on the Health Benefits of Tuna and a complete analysis of its content of over 60 nutrients, see page 468.)
Tuna are found in the warm water areas of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans as well as the Mediterranean Sea. The meat is a reddish color because Tuna are hydrodynamically designed to swim more than other species of fish, resulting in greater oxygenation of their muscle mass. Tuna are not farmraised. Popular varieties include:
Weighing up to 130 pounds, it has pinkish flesh, which turns white when cooked, and a delicate taste. In Hawaii, it is called tombo. Most Albacore Tuna is canned and sold as Albacore, white Tuna or white chunk. Although it is sometimes sold in markets and served in restaurants, it is not as flavorful or as popular as Yellowfin or Ahi.
True to its name, the fins and tail of this variety are a distinctive yellow color. The meat is pale, fatty, firm and dense; it is usually canned as “light” Tuna. It is called Ahi in Hawaii. It is sold fresh as steaks.
It is the largest member of the Tuna family, weighing up to 400 pounds. It is difficult to find, has reddish brown flesh and is fattier than other varieties. Bluefin is very tasty and used for sashimi.
This small (up to 5 pounds) and most frequently caught variety of Tuna has dark red flesh and is usually canned with Yellowfin Tuna and sold as “light” Tuna. The Japanese often use dried bonito for seasoning and garnish.
Canned and fresh Tuna are available throughout the year.
In the spring of 2004, due to concerns about mercury levels in certain fish, the FDA issued recommendations that children, pregnant and nursing women, and women of childbearing age should limit their consumption of canned Albacore Tuna and Tuna steaks to no more than 6 ounces per week and light Tuna to no more than 12 ounces per week. (For more on Mercury in Fish, see page 463.)
Turning Tuna into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:
1. The Best Way to Select
2. The Best Way to Store
3. The Best Way to Prepare
4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking
1. the best way to select tuna
Fresh Tuna such as Yellowfin Tuna (also called Ahi) is the most flavorful and the best type of Tuna to cook. Tuna is sold in many different forms. It is available fresh as steaks, fillets or pieces, but is most popular in its canned form. (See The Guide for mercury content, page 457.)
Just as with any seafood, it is best to purchase fresh Tuna from a store that has a good reputation for having a frequent turnover of their fresh fish. Get to know a fishmonger (the person who sells the fish) at the store, so you have someone from whom you can purchase your fish with confidence.
Fresh whole Tuna should be displayed buried in ice, while fillets and steaks should be placed on top of the ice. The flesh should be firm to the touch. Try to avoid purchasing Tuna that has dry or brown spots.
Smell is a good indicator of freshness. Since a slightly “off” smell cannot be detected through plastic, if you have the option, it is preferable to purchase displayed fish as opposed to pieces that are prepackaged. Once the fishmonger wraps and hands you the fish that you have selected, smell it through the paper wrapping and return it if it has a very strong fishy odor.
If you are going to have a full day of errands after you purchase your Tuna, be sure to keep a cooler in the car to ensure it stays cold and does not spoil.
CANNED TUNA is available either solid or in chunks and is packaged in oil, broth or water. Although the Tuna packed in oil usually has the greatest amount of moisture, it also has the highest fat content, and the oils in which it is packed are high in omega-6 fats. Since omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids compete for the same enzymes that activate them for use in the body, and most Americans already consume too many omega-6 fats in comparison to omega-3s, it is best to purchase Tuna packed in water or broth (for more on Omega-3 Fatty Acids, see page 770). Oftentimes, cans of Tuna do not specify the species of Tuna that was canned except to indicate that it is either light Tuna (Skipjack and/or Yellowfin) or white Tuna (usually Albacore).
LIGHT CANNED TUNA contains less mercury than white or albacore Tuna. You can find canned specialty Tuna, which is pole-caught with no bycatch and therefore ecologically sustainable. The specialty Tunas claim to have higher concentration of omega-3 fatty acids and lower concentrations of mercury and can be found online and in specialty and natural food stores.
Fresh Tuna, like other fish, is very perishable, and normal refrigerator temperatures of 36°–40°F (2°–4°C) do not inhibit the enzymatic activity that causes it to spoil; it is best when stored at 28°–32°F (-2°–0°C). I have tried various methods to find the best way to store Tuna including packing the Tuna with ice before placing it in the refrigerator to decrease the temperature. Although this method kept the Tuna cool, once the ice melted, the Tuna ended up sitting in a pool of water, causing it to lose much of its flavor.
I have refined this method and want to share with you the best way to keep your Tuna fresh. Remove Tuna from store packaging, rinse and place in a plastic storage bag as soon as you bring it home from the market. Place Tuna in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes or ice packs to reduce the temperature of the Tuna. Although fresh Tuna will keep for a few days using this method, I recommend using it within a day or two of purchase. Remember to drain off the melted ice water and replenish the ice or replace the ice packs as necessary.
If you have more Tuna than you can use, freezing will increase its shelf life to 3 –6 months.
3. the best way to prepare tuna
Fresh Tuna is usually bought precut in steaks and requires very little preparation. Make sure it is very fresh. The skin of Tuna is inedible and bitter, so you rarely see Tuna sold with skin on.
Rinse and wipe Tuna dry. Rub with a little fresh lemon juice and season with salt and pepper before cooking. Tuna is excellent if given the chance to marinate for 24 hours before cooking. There are many marinades that are suitable for fresh Tuna.
Canned Tuna requires no preparation and can be used in a variety of different ways.
4. the healthiest way of cooking tuna
Searing Tuna is the best for keeping it moist and tender. Tuna cooks very quickly and can be prepared in 2–3 minutes as it is best cooked rare. If you want your Tuna cooked through, cook for 7–10 minutes for each inch of thickness; this is the general rule for cooking fish. It can be easily overcooked and become dry, so be sure to watch your cooking times. “Quick Broil” is the method I found best to sear Tuna. (Cooking times are based on 1-inch thickness. Fish that is 1/2inch thick will take half the amount of time.)
To prevent overcooking Tuna, I highly recommend using a timer. And since Tuna cooks in only 2–3 minutes, it is important to begin timing as soon as you place it onto the skillet. Remove Tuna from the heat and transfer it to a plate after the allocated time because it will continue to cook if left in the pan. Overcooked Tuna will become dry and tough.
I don’t recommend cooking Tuna in oil because high temperature heat can damage delicate oils and potentially create harmful free radicals. (For more on Why it is Important to Cook without Heated Oils, see page 52.)
Here are questions that I received from readers of the website about Tuna:
Q I often order Tuna in restaurants and wanted to know what the best way is for me to have it prepared (i.e., rare, medium, etc.)? Does it make a difference in terms of its nutritional value?
A There are slight nutritional differences between fish that is cooked medium rare or medium, and in many nutrient categories these differences would not be great enough to rule out either choice as a healthy option. In fact, using Tuna as an example, there are only very slight differences between the vitamin E, vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acid content of raw Tuna in comparison to medium broiled Tuna. The protein content of fish will not change significantly even if the fish is overcooked. However, an overcooked fish is usually dry, more rubbery in texture, non-flaky and lacking in flavor. In terms of nutrition, you’re also going to want to look for restaurants that pay close attention to the overall freshness of the fish (length of time since it was caught). Of course, the more recent the catch, the better the nutritional value.
Q How do you know when fresh Tuna has gone bad?
A Use smell as your guide. Does the Tuna have a funny, fishy, strong, “off” odor? If so, it has probably gone bad. Also, how long has it been stored? Unless the Tuna was caught the day before you purchased it, I wouldn’t recommend storing it in the refrigerator for more than one or two days. Especially with fish and meat, I like to follow the old kitchen adage–when in doubt, throw it out! So if you are unsure of whether it is bad, I would suggest not using it.
Q How does vacuum cooking work?
A Vacuum cooking typically involves the use of a plastic pouch to surround a food and provide a small, enclosed space in which a combination of steam and heated air can cook the food. I’ve usually seen this process applied to meats and fish. These foods are vacuum-sealed together with spices and seasonings, and the flavor of these seasonings can be very effectively retained through the use of vacuum packing. However, I don’t recommend this technique due to the possible risk of plastic migration from the pouch into the food. Such migration of plastic has been clearly demonstrated in research with the use of plastic bags in microwave ovens. So yes, vacuum cooking works, but I do not recommend vacuum cooking due to the toxicity risk I’ve described.
Q I don’t care for any type of seafood, but I still want the benefits that seafood provides. Are there other foods that can provide me the same benefits?
A No food will have the same exact benefits in totality that another food provides. Yet, you can look for other foods that also contain the nutrients concentrated in the original food.
For example, seafood has gained a lot of recent acclaim because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a group of nutrients with anti-inflammatory properties that have shown benefit for overall health. The omega-3 fatty acids that are concentrated in seafood are the longer chain varieties, notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Unfortunately, no other food is as concentrated in these long-chain fatty acids as seafood. Yet, certain foods are rich in the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is the precursor to EPA and DHA. ALA is found in some vegetables and is especially concentrated in flaxseeds and walnuts. About 10% of ALA gets converted to these longer-chain fatty acids, yet most of it seems to be converted to EPA, with less being converted to DHA. Many vegetarians concerned about their omega-3 intake often include nuts and seeds in their diet and then may take an algae supplement rich in DHA to make sure that they get adequate amounts of this important nutrient. For more information about omega-3 fatty acids, see page 770.
Tuna is a good source of the omega-3 fatty acids, notably EPA and DHA, which provide a broad array of cardiovascular benefits. Omega-3s benefit the cardiovascular system by helping to prevent erratic heart rhythms, making blood less likely to clot inside arteries (which is the ultimate cause of most heart attacks) and reducing triglyceride levels. Because inflammation is a key component in converting cholesterol into artery-clogging plaques, the ability of omega-3s to reduce inflammation helps prevent atherosclerosis; therefore, it further reduces the risk of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids may be partially responsible for a recent study’s finding that eating fish lowers the risk of certain types of strokes. Tuna is also a concentrated source of other heart-health-promoting nutrients including selenium, vitamin B6, potassium and magnesium.
Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as Tuna, may help to reduce stress. A recent study found a relationship between consuming fish rich in omega-3 fats and a lower hostility rate in young adults. Other studies have suggested that DHA supplementation can reduce levels of aggression and enhance the stress response. In addition, plasma levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been found to be reduced in people who express more aggressive behavior.
Eating fish may protect against age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), a currently untreatable disease that causes fuzziness, shadows or other distortions in the center of vision. In a recently published study, investigators found that those who ate the greatest amount of fat overall increased their risk of ARMD, while those who ate fish reduced their risk of developing the eye disease. One of the reasons that fish like Tuna may benefit eye health is that they provide DHA, which is actually concentrated in the retina of the eye and may help protect and promote healthy retinal function.
Tuna is rich in selenium, a necessary component of one of the body’s most important antioxidants, glutathione peroxidase, which is critical for the liver to detoxify and clear potentially harmful compounds such as pesticides, drugs and heavy metals from the body. Selenium also helps prevent cancer and heart disease.
Tuna is also a concentrated source of many nutrients providing additional health benefits. These nutrients include muscle-building protein, energy-producing vitamin B1 and phosphorus, and sleep-promoting tryptophan.
STEP-BY-STEP The Healthiest Way of Cooking Tuna
Shrimp may be small in size, but they are huge in nutritional value and taste appeal. Close relatives to lobster and crayfish, Shrimp’s delicious taste and ease of preparation make them the most popular seafood in the United States; they are consumed more than salmon or tuna. The English name for Shrimp is prawns. Shrimp prepared with garlic is called scampi in Italy. Shrimp can be served hot or cold and offer a great alternative to meat protein. I want to share with you how using the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” Shrimp can enhance their flavor in just a matter of minutes!
Shrimp are an excellent source of protein and a good source of those hard-to-find, health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids, which are not only important for heart health, but also for reducing inflammation. They are a rich source of minerals, including copper, selenium and zinc, which provide powerful antioxidant protection against the oxidative damage to cellular structures caused by free radicals. Shrimp are an ideal food to add to your “Healthiest Way of Eating” not only because they are high in nutrients and low in fat, but also because they are low in calories making them a good choice for healthy weight control: 4 ounces of Shrimp contain only 112 calories! (For more on the Health Benefits of Shrimp and a complete analysis of their content of over 60 nutrients, see page 474.)
Although farmraised Shrimp are now sold in the United States, most Shrimp are still caught in the wild. Over 300 different species of Shrimp are harvested worldwide, and within these 300 species are thousands of different varieties. Shrimp freeze well, and most Shrimp in the market have been frozen.
Saltwater Shrimp are classified as either warm-water or cold-water Shrimp. Warm-water shrimp are caught off the coast of North Carolina, Texas, California and Mexico; they include White, Brown, Rock and Pink Shrimp. Pink Shrimp are three to four inches in length, reddish-pink in color and the most popular variety in the United States. Cold-water Shrimp are caught in the north Atlantic and north Pacific; they have firmer meat than warm-water varieties and a sweeter flavor. Some common varieties of Shrimp include:
The most popular variety is northern Pink Shrimp or Maine Shrimp.
Also known as Alaskan prawns, these are caught in the Pacific Ocean off the West Coast of the United States.
These large Shrimp measure six to twelve inches in length.
They are raised both domestically or can be imported. The farm raising of Shrimp in the U.S. is well regulated, and farmers must adhere to laws limiting environmental impact. Imported Shrimp production is not well regulated.
Fresh and frozen Shrimp are available throughout the year.
Shrimp may be considered a high cholesterol food for individuals watching their cholesterol intake (221 mg in a 4-ounce serving). Shrimp also contain purines, which may be problematic for certain individuals. (For more on Purines, see page 727.)
Turning Shrimp into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:
1. The Best Way to Select
2. The Best Way to Store
3. The Best Way to Prepare
4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking
1. the best way to select shrimp
Pink Shrimp from Oregon and spotted Shrimp from British Columbia are the best Shrimp to purchase. However, they may be difficult to find, so U.S. farmed or trawl-caught Shrimp or wild Shrimp from the Canadian Atlantic are your next best alternatives. Avoid other imported Shrimp whenever possible. (For more on Sustainability, see page 473.)
The first step in selecting the best Shrimp is to find a store with a good reputation for having a fresh supply of fish and shellfish. Get to know a fishmonger (person who sells the seafood) at the store so you can have a trusted person from whom you can purchase your Shrimp.
Fresh Shrimp should have firm bodies that are still attached to their shells, which should be free of black spots since this indicates that the flesh has begun to break down. In addition, the shells should not appear yellow or gritty as this may reflect the use of sodium bisulfate or another chemical to bleach the shells. Whenever possible, purchase displayed Shrimp rather than prepackaged Shrimp. Smell is a good indicator of freshness, and it is difficult to detect smells through the plastic of prepackaged seafood. I have found that fresh Shrimp never smells fishy but more like seawater. Once the fishmonger wraps and hands you the Shrimp, smell it through the paper wrapping and return it if it does not smell right.
Since Shrimp freeze well, it is best to buy Shrimp while still frozen. This will ensure you are getting the freshest Shrimp possible because they are usually frozen as soon as they are caught. One pound of frozen Shrimp with shells on will yield about a half pound of cooked shelled Shrimp. Frozen Shrimp have the longest shelf life and can be kept for several weeks, whereas fresh Shrimp will only keep for a day or two.
The number of Shrimp you get per pound will depend on their size:
• Small Shrimp: 40-50 per pound
• Medium Shrimp: 31-40 per pound
• Large Shrimp: 26-30 per pound
• Extra Large Shrimp: 21-25 per pound
• Jumbo Shrimp: 16-20 per pound
Shrimp that come over 40 per pound are usually precooked and used for salads and Shrimp cocktail.
If you are going to have a full day of errands after you purchase your Shrimp, be sure to keep a cooler in the car to ensure they stay cold and do not spoil.
2. the best way to store shrimp
Like most seafood, Shrimp are very perishable and normal refrigerator temperatures of 36°– 40°F (2°–4°C) do not inhibit the enzymatic activity that causes them to spoil; they are best when stored at 28°–32°F (-2°–0°C). I have tried various methods to find the best way to store Shrimp, including packing the Shrimp with ice before placing it in the refrigerator to decrease the temperature. Although this method kept the Shrimp cool, once the ice melted, the Shrimp ended up sitting in a pool of water, causing them to lose much of their flavor.
I have refined this method and want to share with you the best way to keep Shrimp fresh. Remove Shrimp from store packaging, rinse and place in a plastic zip-lock bag as soon as you bring them home from the market. Place in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes or ice packs to reduce the temperature of the Shrimp. Although fresh Shrimp will keep for a few days using this method, I recommend using your Shrimp within a day or two of purchase. Remember to drain off the melted ice water and replenish the ice or replace the ice packs as necessary. Frozen Shrimp can be kept for several weeks. Cooked shrimp should be consumed within 24 hours.
3. the best way to prepare shrimp
Properly preparing Shrimp helps to ensure that the Shrimp you serve will have the best flavor and retain the greatest number of nutrients.
Defrost frozen Shrimp in the refrigerator. Do not thaw Shrimp at room temperature or in a microwave.
Remove the shell by pulling it away from the Shrimp meat starting at the legs on the underside of the Shrimp. The tail can be removed, if desired. With a sharp paring knife, make a slit down the back of the Shrimp about ⅛ inch deep. You may see a dark string (the intestines of the shrimp) that runs the length of the Shrimp. Rinse under cold water to remove.
If you are not going to remove the shells, rinse Shrimp under cold running water and pat dry before cooking.
4. the healthiest way of cooking shrimp
The best way to cook Shrimp is by using methods that will keep them moist and tender. Shrimp can be easily overcooked and become dry, so be sure to watch your cooking times. Shrimp are delicate, and I have found that they can be best prepared by using the “Healthy Sauté” method. (For more on “Healthy Sauté,” see page 57.)
While grilled Shrimp tastes great, make sure that they do not burn. It is best to grill Shrimp on an area without a direct flame as the temperatures directly above or below the flame can reach as high as 500°F to 1000°F (260°C to 578°C). Extra care should be taken when grilling as burning can damage nutrients and create free radicals that can be harmful to your health. (For more on Grilling, see page 61.)
Shrimp cook quickly and are easily overcooked. To prevent overcooking Shrimp, I highly recommend using a timer. And since Shrimp cook in only 3–4 minutes, it is important to begin timing as soon as you place them into the skillet. Shrimp will become tough and lose their flavor when overcooked.
I don’t recommend cooking Shrimp in oil because high temperature heat can damage delicate oils and potentially create harmful free radicals. (For more on Why it is Important to Cook without Heated Oils, see page 52.)
Here is a question that I received from a reader of the website about Shrimp:
Q Should I devein my Shrimp, and what is the “vein” that gets removed?
A Some people prefer to devein their Shrimp while others don’t (I actually prefer shrimp deveined). The reason is not just from an appearance perspective, but because the “vein” is actually the intestines of the Shrimp and any material that may be in it.
Many people are confused about the fat and cholesterol content of Shrimp. Shrimp is very low in total fat, yet it has a high cholesterol content (about 220 mg in 4 ounces, or 13 large boiled Shrimp), which has caused some people to avoid eating it. However, based on research involving Shrimp and blood cholesterol levels, avoidance of Shrimp for this reason may not be justified.
In a peer-reviewed scientific study, researchers reviewed the effect of a diet containing Shrimp or eggs on the cholesterol levels of subjects with normal lipid levels. The results of this randomized crossover trial showed that while LDL levels (“bad” cholesterol) increased by 7% in those eating the Shrimp diet, HDL levels (“good” cholesterol) increased by 12%. In contrast, subjects eating the egg diet had a 10% increase in LDL levels and only a 7% increase in HDL levels. The results indicated that the Shrimp diet produced significantly lower ratios of total to HDL cholesterol and lower ratios of LDL to HDL cholesterol than the egg diet. In addition, subjects who ate the Shrimp diet lowered their levels of triglycerides by 13%.
Shrimp are a very good source of vitamin B12, an important nutrient for a healthy heart since this B vitamin is necessary for keeping levels of homocysteine low. Homocysteine is a molecule that can directly damage blood vessel walls and is considered a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Shrimp is also a good source of cardioprotective omega-3 fatty acids, noted for their anti-inflammatory effects and suggested ability to prevent the formation of blood clots. They are also a concentrated source of other heart-healthy nutrients including niacin and magnesium.
Shrimp are a concentrated source of many antioxidants, including selenium, copper and zinc. Selenium is a co-factor of glutathione peroxidase, which is used by the liver to detoxify a wide range of potentially harmful molecules. Accumulated evidence from prospective studies, intervention trials and studies on animal models of cancer has suggested a strong inverse correlation between selenium intake and cancer incidence. Copper is a component of superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant enzyme that scavenges free radicals in the lungs and the red blood cells. Zinc is necessary for keeping the immune system functioning properly.
Shrimp are also a concentrated source of many other nutrients providing additional health benefits. These nutrients include muscle-building protein, energy-producing iron, bone-building vitamin D and phosphorus, and sleep-promoting tryptophan.
STEP-BY-STEP The Healthiest Ways of Cooking Shrimp
Salmon is an incredible food providing exceptional flavor and nutrition. The story of Salmon before it reaches your table is just as remarkable. As a family of fish, Salmon have an amazing life cycle. Born in fresh water, they travel to saltwater oceans, returning not only to fresh water, but to the very place where they were spawned! As with other types of fish, it is important to cook Salmon properly to enhance its flavor and maintain its moisture. I want to share with you how to prepare Salmon using the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” methods for a dish that only takes minutes to prepare but one you will want to share with your favorite guests.
Low in calories and saturated fats and high in protein, wild-caught Salmon is one of the best sources of those hard-to-find, health-promoting fats known as the omega-3 fatty acids, specifically eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids play an important role as anti-inflammatory agents and are also sorely deficient in the American diet. Add the benefit of Salmon’s EPA and DHA to its being a rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals, many of which act as powerful antioxidants, and you have some of the many reasons why Salmon is included among the World’s Healthiest Foods and is a valuable addition to your “Healthiest Way of Eating.” (For more on the Health Benefits of Salmon and a complete analysis of its content of over 60 nutrients, see page 480.)
The life cycles of the different species of Salmon range from two to five years, and the diet they consume during that time accounts for their wide variation in color (from pink to red to orange) and the differences in their fat content and flavor. Salmon can be either caught wild or are farmraised. They are sold as fillets, steaks and whole fish.
All of the wild-caught Salmon we find in the market are from the Pacific coast and are labeled as “Wild Salmon.” They have a deeper, more complex and fuller flavor than farmraised Salmon. Given the concerns that have been raised about farmraised fish (see Farmraised Salmon Section), I recommend choosing wild-caught Salmon whenever possible.
The largest of all of the Pacific Salmon, they remain out to sea for 4 to 5 years before they spawn and die. The flesh of Chinook or King Salmon can range from deep red to almost white. It is higher in fat content and has a better flavor than other species of Salmon. One 4-ounce serving contains 2.1 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. King Salmon comes fresh, frozen and smoked.
It has deep red-colored flesh and is considered the finest of the canned Salmon. It is also sold fresh in season and has the second highest fat content with a 4-ounce serving containing 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. Sockeye Salmon are out to sea for three to four years before they spawn and die.
One 4-ounce serving of Humpback Salmon contains 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. It has soft, pale-pink flesh and bland flavor and is usually canned. Pink Salmon are out to sea for two years before they spawn and die.
This species ranges in size from 5 to 15 pounds, has red colored flesh and a lower fat content than Chinook or Sockeye; a 4-ounce serving contains 1.3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. It is sold fresh. Coho Salmon are out to sea for three to four years before they spawn and die.
Lower in omega-3 fatty acids with only 1.0 grams per 4-ounce serving, this species of Salmon has firm, coarse flesh that is pale in color. It is oftentimes used for smoked Salmon. Chum Salmon are out to sea for three to four years before they spawn and die.
Salmon raised in pens and fed fish pellets for nourishment results in an omega-3 fatty acid to omega-6 fatty acid ratio that is different than found in wild Salmon; farmed Salmon have far more omega-6 fatty acids in relation to omega-3 fatty acids. Because the pellets do not give them their natural pink color, their feed must include an artificial coloring for their flesh to have a pink hue.
In addition, a number of concerns have been noted about Salmon farming. Crowded pens result in a large amount of waste discharge in the water that disrupts the ecological balance of the environment where the pens are located. Because these feed lot rearing conditions are also very conducive to the development of disease, farmed Salmon are protected with the use of antibiotics. As noted above, they are fed artificial coloring to achieve the peach-colored flesh naturally present in wild Salmon (a result of their consumption of carotenoid-rich krill). farmraised Salmon may also cause problems in the wild since some do escape from their pens and end up competing with wild stocks for resources or interbreeding with wild stocks and changing their genetic make-up.
Farmed Salmon are lower in protein (because they do not swim long distances) and fattier and higher in saturated fats than their wild counterparts. While they contain omega-3 fatty acids, they also contain significantly higher amounts of proinflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, making the ratio between these two types of fats less desirable than those found in wild stocks of Salmon.
FDA statistics on the nutritional content (protein and fat ratios) of farmed versus wild-caught Salmon detail many findings. They show that the fat content of farmed Salmon is excessively high (30–35% by weight) and that wild Salmon have a 20% higher protein content. And while wild Salmon have a 20% lower overall fat content than farmraised Salmon, they have 33% more omega-3 fatty acids.
When you purchase Atlantic Salmon, you are purchasing farmraised Salmon. farmraised Salmon comes from Norway, Chili and New Zealand as well as the United States. One thing to remember that is not well-known is that not only Atlantic but Norwegian Salmon are now almost always generic terms for farmraised Salmon.
New labeling regulations now specify that farmraised Salmon must be labeled as “Farmraised” and indicate that artificial colorings were used in processing. Wild-caught Salmon must be labeled as “Wild Salmon.” These new labeling regulations make distinguishing farmraised from wild Salmon at the market easy and clear.
(For more on wild-caught versus farmraised Salmon see “What are the Nutritional Differences between Wild-Caught and Farmraised Fish?” page 495.)
Canned Salmon used to always be wild-caught, but not anymore. Some companies have started to can farmed Salmon, so be sure to read the label. Remember that when the label on the can reads Atlantic or Norwegian Salmon, the Salmon was farmraised.
It’s always best to enjoy any fish during its peak season. These are the months when its concentration of nutrients and flavor are highest, and its cost is at its lowest. The different species of wild Salmon are available during different times of the year with the peak of their respective seasons running between February and November. Although farmraised Salmon is available year-round, I recommend eating wild Salmon whenever possible.
Salmon contains purines, which may be problematic for some individuals. Recent studies have shown that farmraised Salmon have high levels of PCBs and dioxins. Synthetic dyes are also used to give them a pink coloration. It is recommend that farmraised Salmon not be eaten more than once a month. (For more on Purines, see page 727.)
Turning Salmon into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:
1. The Best Way to Select
2. The Best Way to Store
3. The Best Way to Prepare
4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking
1. the best way to select salmon
All species of wild-caught Salmon from Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California are sustainable choices. King Salmon, Sockeye and Coho Salmon are the best for flavor.
The first step in selecting the best Salmon, like all other fish, is to find a store with a good reputation for having a fresh supply of seafood and get to know a fishmonger (person who sells the seafood) at the store, so you can have a trusted person from whom you can purchase your fish.
Fresh whole Salmon should be displayed buried in ice, while fillets should be placed on top of the ice. Whenever possible, purchase displayed fish rather than prepackaged fish. Smell is a good indicator of freshness, and it is difficult to detect smells through the plastic of prepackaged fish. I have found that fresh fish never smells fishy; instead, it smells like seawater. Once the fishmonger wraps and hands you the fish, smell it through the paper wrapping and return it if it does not smell right.
If you are going to have a full day of errands after you purchase your Salmon, be sure to keep a cooler in the car to ensure it stays cold and does not spoil.
2. the best way to store salmon
Like most fish, Salmon is very perishable, and normal refrigerator temperatures of 36º–40ºF (2°–4°C) do not inhibit the enzymatic activity that causes it to spoil; it is best when stored at 28º–32ºF (-2°–0°C). I have tried various methods to find the best way to store Salmon including packing the Salmon with ice before placing it in the refrigerator to decrease the temperature. Although this method kept the Salmon cool, once the ice melted the Salmon ended up sitting in a pool of water, causing it to lose much of its flavor.
I have refined this method and want to share with you the best way to keep your Salmon fresh. Remove Salmon from store packaging, rinse and place in a plastic storage bag as soon as you bring it home from the market. Place in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes or ice packs to reduce the temperature of the fish. Although fresh Salmon will keep for a few days using this method, I recommend using your Salmon as soon as possible, within a day or two. Remember to drain off the melted water and replenish the ice water or ice packs as necessary.
Remember that fish not only starts to smell but will dry out or become slimy if it is not stored correctly.
3. the best way to prepare salmon
Salmon comes in the form of steaks, fillets or whole fish. Rinse under cold running water and pat dry before cooking.
4. the healthiest way of cooking salmon
The best way to cook Salmon is by using methods that will keep it moist and tender. Salmon can be easily overcooked and become dry, so be sure to watch your cooking times.
Salmon is a delicate fish, and I have found that it can be most easily prepared by using the “Quick Broil” method. You do not have to skin Salmon before cooking. As a general rule, each inch of thickness requires 7–10 minutes of cooking; fish that is 1/2inch thick will take half the amount of time. (For more on “Quick Broil,” see page 60.)
While grilled Salmon tastes great, make sure it does not burn. It is best to grill Salmon on an area without a direct flame as the temperatures directly above or below the flame can reach as high as 500ºF to 1000ºF (260°C to 538°C). Extra care should be taken when grilling, as burning can damage nutrients and create free radicals that can be harmful to your health. (For more on Grilling, see page 61.)
Salmon cooks quickly and is easily overcooked. To prevent overcooking Salmon, I highly recommend using a timer. And since Salmon cooks in only 7–10 minutes, it is important to begin timing as soon as you place it into the skillet. Salmon cooks quickly and will become tough and lose its flavor when overcooked. You can also use a thermometer to determine doneness; remove from the heat when the internal temperature reads 135°F (57°C) to prevent overcooking. The internal temperature will continue to rise to 140º–145ºF (60°–63°C) once the fish is removed from the heat. You will know when Salmon is done when it flakes easily with a fork. Cooking times are based on Salmon that is less than 1-inch thick. Never cook longer than 10 minutes per inch of thickness as the fish will become tough. Previously frozen Salmon fillets cook 25% more quickly than fresh Salmon, so adjust your cooking time appropriately. It is best to follow the recipe directions.
I usually like to remove the skin from fish, such as Salmon, after it is cooked because the skin is a source of potential contaminants. For example, I’ve seen one study on Salmon harvested from the Great Lakes that showed 50% fewer pesticide residues (including DDT residues) in skinned versus unskinned salmon. In fish obtained from uncontaminated waters, I would consider the skin to be a nutrient-rich portion of the fish (containing important concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids). While the skin of Salmon and other fish is definitely considered edible, and even considered a valued food in some cuisines and some restaurants, it is the risk of potential toxins that I am trying to avoid when I remove the skin.
I don’t recommend cooking Salmon in oil because high temperature heat can damage delicate oils and potentially create harmful free radicals. (For more on Why it is Important to Cook Without Heated Oils, see page 52.)
Salmon is well known as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, notably EPA and DHA. Cold-water fatty fish like Salmon have often been thought of as a “brain food” because of their high concentration of these omega-3 fats.
The human brain is more than 60% structural fat and for brain cells to function properly, this structural fat needs to be primarily omega-3 fats such as the EPA and DHA found in Salmon. There has been a lot of research into the relationship between “brain health” and omega-3 fatty acids. Epidemiological studies in various countries including the U.S. suggest a connection between increased rates of depression and decreased omega-3 consumption. A recent study showed that kids deficient in omega-3 essential fatty acids are significantly more likely to be hyperactive, have learning disorders and display behavioral problems. And if preventing these problems weren’t enough benefits, here are two more—one recent study found eating omega-3-rich fish several times each week reduced the risk of developing impaired cognitive function, while another one found that those who consumed fish at least once per week had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
The benefits upon cardiovascular health of the omega-3 fatty acids found in Salmon have been well documented in the scientific literature. They have been found to reduce hypertension (high blood pressure), protect against coronary heart disease, improve blood flow, prevent against erratic heart rhythm and lower triglyceride levels. In addition, a recent meta-analysis review of eight studies suggests that eating fish, such as Salmon, as little as one to three times per month may protect against the occurrence of ischemic stroke. Salmon’s heart-health benefits are not limited to its omega-3 fats; it is also an excellent source of selenium, a very good source of vitamin B12 and niacin, and a good source of vitamin B6 and magnesium, all of which are intricately tied to cardiovascular health.
Salmon is a very good source of protein. Not only does protein provide us with long-lasting energy to help us feel our very best, but so many of our body’s functions are dependent upon this important nutrient. Dietary protein provides us with the amino acids from which our body makes our muscles, tissues, enzymes, health-protective antibodies and nutrientcarrying proteins.
Salmon is a concentrated source of many other nutrients providing numerous health benefits. These nutrients include energy-producing phosphorus and sleep-promoting tryptophan.
STEP-BY-STEP The Healthiest Ways of Cooking Salmon
In the wild, Salmon absorb carotenoids from eating pink krill. On the aquafarm, their rich pink hue is supplied by canthaxanthin, a synthetic pigment. Fish farmers can choose just what shade of pink their fish will display from a pharmaceutical company’s trademarked SalmoFan™, a color swatch similar to those you’d find in a paint store. Without help from synthetic pigments, the flesh of farmed Salmon would be a pale gray. To date, no government has banned canthaxanthin from animal feed. Canthaxanthin was linked to retinal damage in people when taken as a sunless tanning pill, leading the British to ban its use as a tanning agent. (In the U.S., it’s still available.) Consumed in high amounts, canthaxanthin can produce an accumulation of pigments in the retina of the eye and adversely affect sight.
Disease and parasites, which would normally exist in relatively low levels in fish scattered around the oceans, can run rampant in densely packed oceanic feedlots. To survive, farmed fish are vaccinated when they are small. Later, they are given antibiotics or pesticides to ward off infection.
Sea lice, in particular, are a problem. In a recent L.A. Times story, Alexandra Morton, an independent biologist and critic of Salmon farms, is quoted as beginning to see sea lice in 2001 when a fisherman brought her two baby pink Salmon covered with them. Examining more than 700 baby pink Salmon around farms, she found that 78% were covered with a fatal load of sea lice while juvenile Salmon she netted farther from the farms were largely lice-free.
While Salmon farmers have discounted Morton’s concerns, saying that sea lice are also found in the wild, at the first sign of an outbreak, they add the pesticide emamectin benzoate to the feed. According to officials, the use of pesticides should pose no problem for consumers.
Scientists in the U.S. are far more concerned about two preliminary studies—one in British Columbia and one in Great Britain—both of which showed farmed Salmon accumulate more cancer-causing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and toxic dioxins than wild-caught Salmon. The reason for this pesticide concentration is the Salmon feed. Pesticides, including those now outlawed in the United States, have circulated into the ocean where they are absorbed by marine life and accumulate in their fat, which is distilled into the concentrated fish oil that is a major ingredient in Salmon feed. Salmon feed contains higher concentrations of fish oil—extracted from sardines, anchovies and other ground-up fish—than wild-caught Salmon normally consume. Scientists in the U.S. are currently trying to determine the extent of the pesticide contamination in farmed Salmon and what levels are safe for human consumption.
Research on this issue published July 30, 2003, by the Environmental Working Group, indicates that levels of carcinogenic chemicals called PCBs found in farmed Salmon purchased from U.S. grocery stores are so much higher than levels of PCBs found in wild-caught Salmon that they pose an increased risk for cancer. PCBs have been banned in the U.S. for use in all but completely closed areas since 1979, but they persist in the environment and end up in animal fat. When farmed Salmon from U.S. grocery stores was tested, the farmed Salmon, which contains up to twice the fat of wild-caught Salmon, was found to contain 16 times the PCBs found in wild-caught Salmon, 4 times the levels in beef and 3.4 times the levels found in other seafood. Other studies done in Canada, Ireland and Britain have produced similar findings.
Flame-retardant additives used widely in electronics and furniture are also appearing in increasing amounts in fish, and farmed Salmon contain significantly higher levels of these polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) compounds than wild-caught Salmon, according to research published in the August 11, 2004, issue of Environmental Science and Technology.
Since September 2004, U.S. supermarkets have been required to label Salmon as farmed or wild-caught. Ask for line-caught Alaskan fish first. The healthiest populations and habitats exist in Alaska.
People have been enjoying Cod as a subsistence food since time immemorial. Cod has historically been enjoyed not only fresh but salted, smoked and dried. The Massachusetts town of Cape Cod derived its name from the Cod that was once abundant in the coastal waters of this seaside town and along the eastern seaboard of the United States and Canada. Cod has a wonderfully mild flavor, and its versatility makes it easily adaptable to different types of recipes. I want to share with you how using the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” methods helps retain Cod’s moisture, bring out its best flavor and maximize its nutritional benefits in a matter of minutes.
Cod is a great low-fat source of protein and contains hard-to-find, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. Cod is an ideal food to add to your “Healthiest Way of Eating” because it is not only rich in nutrients but low in calories so it is a great choice for healthy weight control: 4 ounces of Pacific Cod contains only 119 calories! (For more on the Health Benefits of Cod and a complete analysis of its content of over 60 nutrients, see page 486.)
All Cod in the market is wild-caught. There are some varieties of fish known as Cod, such as rock Cod and ling Cod, which do not actually belong to the Cod family. The different types of Cod fall under two classifications:
There are many varieties of Pacific Cod that are still considered abundant. These include Alaskan pollack, Pacific whiting, hake, grenadier and opah (known more commonly as monkfish).
This is the most well-known variety of Cod. It has a light color and a rich taste. Once very abundant, Atlantic Cod is, unfortunately, now rarely available at the market.
Cod is available year-round.
Turning Cod into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:
1. The Best Way to Select
2. The Best Way to Store
3. The Best Way to Prepare
4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking
The first step in selecting the best Cod, and all varieties of fish, is to find a store with a good reputation for having a fresh supply of seafood. Get to know a fishmonger (person who sells the fish) at the store, so you can have a trusted person from whom you can purchase your fish.
The flesh of the Cod fillets should glisten white with no signs of browning or gaping. Fresh whole Cod should be displayed buried in ice, while fillets should be placed on top of the ice. Whenever possible, purchase displayed fish rather than prepackaged fish. Smell is a good indicator of freshness, and it is difficult to detect smells through the plastic of prepackaged fish. I have found that fresh fish never smells fishy but more like seawater. Once the fishmonger wraps and hands you the Cod, smell it through the paper wrapping and return it if it does not smell right.
If you are going to have a full day of errands after you purchase your fish, be sure to keep a cooler in the car to ensure it stays cold and does not spoil.
2. the best way to store cod
Like most fish, Cod is very perishable, and normal refrigerator temperatures of 36º–40ºF (2°–4°C) do not inhibit the enzymatic activity that causes it to spoil; it is best when stored at 28º–32ºF (-2°–0°C). I have tried various methods to find the best way to store Cod including packing the Cod with ice before placing it in the refrigerator to decrease the temperature. Although this method kept the Cod cool, once the ice melted, the Cod ended up sitting in a pool of water causing it to lose much of its flavor.
I have refined this method and want to share with you the way I have found that keeps Cod fresh. Remove Cod from store packaging, rinse it, and place it in a plastic storage bag as soon as you bring it home from the market. Place in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes or ice packs to reduce the temperature of the fish. Although fresh Cod will keep for a few days using this method, I recommend using your Cod within a day or two of purchase. Remember to drain off the melted water and replenish the ice or replace the ice packs as necessary.
3. the best way to prepare cod
Cod is usually purchased as fillets. It is best to rinse the fillets and pat dry before cooking.
4. the healthiest way of cooking cod
The best way to cook Cod is by using methods that will keep it moist and tender. Cod can be easily overcooked and become dry, so be sure to watch your cooking times.
Cod is a delicate fish, and I have found that it can be best prepared by using the “Quick Broil” method. Most Cod fillets do not come with skin on, but if the skin has not been removed, you can cook it with skin on. As a general rule, each inch of thickness requires 7–10 minutes of cooking; fish that is 1/2inch thick will take half the amount of time. (For more on “Quick Broil,” see page 60.)
Cod cooks quickly and is easily overcooked. To prevent overcooking Cod, I highly recommend using a timer. And since Cod cooks in only 7–10 minutes, it is important to begin timing as soon as you place it into the skillet. Cod cooks quickly and will become tough and lose its flavor when overcooked. You can also use a thermometer to determine doneness; remove Cod from the heat when the internal temperature reads 135°F (57°C) to prevent overcooking. The internal temperature will continue to rise to 140°–145°F (60°–63°C) once the fish is removed from the heat. You will know when Cod is done when it flakes easily with a fork. The recommended cooking time is based on Cod that is less than 1-inch thick. Never cook longer than 10 minutes per inch of thickness as the fish will become tough. Previously frozen Cod fillets cook 25% more quickly than fresh Cod, so adjust your cooking time appropriately. It is best to follow the recipe directions.
I don’t recommend grilling Cod because it is so delicate and is easily burned.
I also don’t recommend cooking Cod in oil because high temperature heat can damage delicate fats and potentially create harmful free radicals. (For more on Why it is Important to Cook Without Heated Oils, see page 52.)
health benefits of cod
Fish, particularly cold-water fish like Cod, have been shown to be a protein-rich food very beneficial for people looking to support cardiovascular health. Studies show that people who eat fish regularly have a much lower risk of heart disease and heart attack than people who don’t consume fish. Additionally, a recent meta-analysis (study that compiles data from many studies) suggests that eating fish, such as Cod, as little as one to three times per month may protect against ischemic stroke. Risk was reduced by as much as 31% in those who ate fish 5 times a week.
Cod, specifically, promotes cardiovascular health because it is not only a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have beneficial effects on blood lipid levels and reduce platelet aggregation, but is also a good source of vitamin B12 and a very good source of vitamin B6; both are needed to keep homocysteine levels low. This is important because homocysteine is a dangerous molecule that is directly damaging to blood vessel walls, and high homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Cod is also a good source of both niacin and potassium, two other nutrients noted to be important for heart health.
The selenium, vitamin D and omega-3 fats found in Cod have anti-inflammatory actions that reduce the inflammation that may lead to asthma attacks, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and even migraines. Studies have shown that children who eat fish several times a week are at a much lower risk of developing asthma than children who don’t eat fish. In societies where fish is eaten regularly, the rate of rheumatoid arthritis is much lower than in areas where fish is not commonly eaten.
Fish consumption is correlated with a reduced incidence of colon cancer—the more fish people eat, the less likely they are to develop this condition. The selenium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D concentrated in Cod have all been shown to reduce the risk of the development of colon cancer by protecting colon cells from the damage caused by toxic substances found in certain foods and cancer-causing chemicals produced by certain intestinal bacteria.
Cod is also a concentrated source of other nutrients providing additional health benefits. These nutrients include energy-producing phosphorus and sleep-promoting tryptophan.
STEP-BY-STEP The Healthiest Ways of Cooking Cod
Q Is there such a thing as organic fish and shellfish?
A The labeling of fish and shellfish as “organic” is controversial since the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has not yet allowed for its organic seal to be used on seafood. As of early 2007, it has not even come up with a standard that could be used as a basis for certification of seafood as organic. Precisely because there is no USDA organics standard for seafood, it is also impossible for the USDA to regulate organic labeling claims on seafood imported into the U.S. from other countries.
At present, all seafood purchased in the U.S. that is labeled as organic is imported from other countries. In other countries, organic standards may be significantly different than U.S. standards. For example, fish labeled organic in other countries may carry residues of compounds and drugs that are prohibited in existing U.S. standards for other (non-seafood) foods.
Salmon farmed in open pen nets are now the source of 50% of the world’s salmon. (Hatchery fish account for about 30%, and wild-caught fish provide the remaining 20%.) Flooding the market with fish—farm salmon has resulted in a drop in the fisherman’s asking price for wild-caught salmon—a price decrease that has forced many small fishing boats off the water.
Aquafarms, called “floating pig farms,” by Daniel Pauly, professor of fisheries at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, put a significant strain upon their surrounding environment. According to Pauly, “They consume a tremendous amount of highly concentrated protein pellets and they make a terrific mess.” Uneaten feed and fish waste blankets the sea floor beneath these farms, a breeding ground for bacteria that consume oxygen vital to shellfish and other bottom-dwelling sea creatures. A good sized salmon farm produces an amount of excrement equivalent to the sewage of a city of 10,000 people.
Sulfa drugs and tetracycline used to prevent infectious disease epidemics in the dense aquafarm populations are added to food pellet mixes along with, in farmraised salmon, the orange dye canthaxanthin, to color their otherwise grey flesh. These food additives drift to the ocean bottom below the open net pens where they are invariably recycled into our food chain.
Pesticides fed to the fish and toxic copper sulfate used to keep nets free of algae are building up in seafloor sediments. Antibiotic use has resulted in the development of resistant strains that can infect not only farmraised but wild fish as they swim past. Sea lice that infest captive fish beset wild salmon as they swim past on their migration to the ocean.
Perhaps the most serious concern is a problem fish farms were meant to alleviate: the depletion of marine life from overfishing. Salmon aquafarming increases the depletion because captive salmon, unlike vegetarian catfish which thrive on grains, are carnivores and must be fed fish during the two to four year period when they are raised to a marketable size. To produce one pound of farmed salmon, approximately two to four pounds of wild sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring and other fish must be ground up to render the oil and meal that is compressed into pellets of salmon chow.
Similar to the raising of cattle, farming fish creates a problematic redistribution of protein in the food system. Removing such immense amounts of small prey fish from an ecosystem can significantly upset its balance. According to Rosamond L. Naylor, an agricultural economist at Stanford’s Center for Environmental Science and Policy, “We are not taking strain off wild fisheries. We are adding to it. This cannot be sustained forever.”
Other reported environmental impacts from salmon aquaculture include seabirds ensnared in protective netting and sea lions shot for preying on penned fish. Penned salmon also directly threaten their wild counterparts, preying on migrating smolts (immature wild salmon) as they journey to the sea and competing for the krill and herring that nourish wild fish before their final journey home to their spawning grounds. Escapees of farm fish also create problems by competing with wild fish for habitat, spawning grounds and food sources. (About 1 million Atlantic salmon have escaped through holes in nets from storm-wracked farms in the Pacific Northwest’s Puget Sound.)
The interbreeding of wild and farm stocks also poses a threat of dilution to the wild salmon gene pool. Biologists fear these invaders will outcompete Pacific salmon and trout for food and territory, hastening the demise of the native fish. An Atlantic salmon takeover could knock nature’s balance out of whack and turn a healthy, diverse marine habitat into one dominated by a single invasive species.
Recently, Aqua Bounty Farms Inc., of Waltham, Mass., has begun seeking U.S. and Canadian approval to alter genes to produce a growth hormone that could shave a year off the usual two and one-half to three years it takes to raise a market-size fish. The prospect of genetically modified salmon that can grow six times faster than normal fish has heightened anxiety that these “Frankenfish” will escape and pose an even greater danger to native species than do the Atlantic salmon.
Rearing fish in such high densities presents problems. Infectious disease outbreaks pose financial threats to operators, so vaccines and antibiotics are often used to prevent potential epidemics. Sulfa drugs and tetracycline are often added to food pellet mixes as well as canthaxanthin (a synthetic dye) to impart a rich pink color to an otherwise pale gray flesh. Antibiotics are also given to speed growth and increase profits.
In some of the more progressive salmon-rearing operations, fish farmers are raising their Chinook and other species in closed, floating pens so that antibiotics and other wastes can be filtered from the water before it’s released back into the environment.
In the majority of aquafarms, however, these drugs and additives, which quickly build up in the sediment, will invariably find their way into our food stream. In a paper published in 2002, Bent Halling-Sørensen and his colleagues at the Royal Danish School of Pharmacy noted that one such growth-promoting antibiotic—oxytetracycline—has been found in the sediment of fish-farming sites at concentrations of up to 4.9 milligrams per kilogram. These scientists are concerned that “Antibiotic resistance in sediment bacteria is often found in locations with fish farms”—and may play a growing role in the development of antibiotic-resistant germs. Should their fears be true, aquafarming may be eroding the efficacy of life-saving drugs, argues Stuart Levy, the director of the Center for Adaptation Genetics and Drug Resistance at the Tufts Medical School in Boston.
Sardines are named after Sardinia, the Italian island where large schools of these fish were once found. While Sardines are delightful enjoyed fresh, they are most commonly found canned, since they are so perishable. Sardines date back to time immemorial, but it was the emperor Napoleon Bonaparte who helped to popularize these little fish by initiating the canning of Sardines, the first fish to ever be canned, in order to feed his people. Extremely popular in the United States in the beginning of the 20th century, Sardines are now making a comeback as people realize that they are an incredibly rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. With concern over the health of the seas, people are also turning to Sardines since they are at the bottom of the aquatic food chain, feeding solely on plankton, and therefore do not concentrate heavy metals, such as mercury, and contaminants as do some other fish. Although they are small, Sardines will make a large contribution to your “Healthiest Way of Eating.” The information in this chapter is mostly about canned Sardines, as fresh Sardines are not readily available in most parts of the country.
The adage “big things come in small packages” could not be truer than for Sardines. These little fish, which can grow to up to 14 inches but generally range from 6–8 inches in length, are packed with health-promoting nutrients. They are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and bone-building calcium and vitamin D. They are the second most concentrated source of vitamin B12 of all of the World’s Healthiest Foods. (For more on the Health Benefits of Sardines and a complete analysis of their content of over 60 nutrients, see page 494.)
Sardines are classified in a group known as cold-water fish, which also includes mackerel, herring, smelt, salmon and halibut, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
While there are six different species of Sardines belonging to the Clupeidae family, more than 20 varieties of fish are sold as Sardines throughout the world. What these fish share is that they are all small, saltwater, oil-rich, silvery fish that are soft-boned. In the United States, Sardine actually refers to a small herring, and adult Sardines are known as “pilchards,” a name that is commonly used in other parts of the world. Sardines are abundant in the seas of the Atlantic, Pacific and Mediterranean with Spain, Portugal, France and Norway being the leading producers of canned sardines.
Since they are very perishable, fresh Sardines are more difficult to find in many fish markets. If you can find them they are a treat and are delicious grilled or broiled.
Canned Sardines are widely available. Before canning, their heads are removed and they are gutted and steamed. They are not deboned, as their bones become soft and edible after steaming. To retain their moisture, Sardines are canned in liquid mediums including oil, water, tomato sauce and mustard sauce. Smoked Sardines are also available canned.
Fresh Sardines are in season during the summer months. Canned Sardines are available throughout the year.
Sardines contain purines, which might be of concern to certain individuals. (For more on Purines, see page 727.)
Turning Sardines into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:
1. The Best Way to Select
2. The Best Way to Store
3. The Best Way to Prepare
4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking
1. the best way to select sardines
Canned Sardines packed in olive oil are preferable to those in soybean oil. Those concerned about their intake of fat may want to choose Sardines packed in water. Look at the expiration date stamped on the package to ensure that they are still fresh.
Fresh Sardines are not often available, but if you are purchasing fresh Sardines, look for ones that smell fresh, are firm to the touch, and have bright eyes and shiny skin.
2. the best way to store sardines
Canned Sardines can be stored in the kitchen cupboard, ideally one that is cool and not exposed to excess heat. They have a long storage life; check the package for the expiration date, so you know by when you should use it. Turn the can every now and then to ensure that all parts of the Sardines are exposed to the oil or liquid in which they are packed; this will keep them well-moistened. Unused portions of opened canned Sardines should be refrigerated.
Fresh Sardines are very perishable, and normal refrigerator temperatures of 36°–40°F (2°–4°C) do not inhibit the enzymatic activity that causes them to spoil; they are best when stored at 28°–32°F (-2°–0°/C). I have tried various methods to find the best way to store Sardines including packing the Sardines with ice before placing them in the refrigerator to decrease the temperature. Although this method kept the Sardines cool, once the ice melted, the Sardines ended up sitting in a pool of water causing them to lose much of their flavor.
I have refined this method and want to share with you the best way to keep your Sardines fresh. Remove Sardines from store packaging, rinse and place in a plastic storage bag as soon as you bring them home from the market. Place in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes or ice packs to reduce the temperature of the fish. Although fresh Sardines will keep for a few days using this method, I recommend using your Sardines as soon as possible, within a day or two. Remember to drain off the melted water and replenish the ice or ice packs as necessary. Remember that fish not only starts to smell but will dry out or become slimy if it is not stored correctly.
3. the best way to prepare sardines
Canned Sardines require minimal preparation. For canned Sardines packed in oil, gently rinse them under water to remove excess oil before eating.
Fresh Sardines need to be gutted and rinsed under cold running water.
4. the healthiest way of cooking sardines
Canned Sardines require no cooking.
Fresh Sardines can be grilled or broiled. Sardines cook quickly and are easily overcooked. To prevent overcooking Sardines, I highly recommend using a timer. And since Sardines cook in only 7–10 minutes (3 to 5 minutes on each side), it is important to begin timing as soon as you place them in the broiler. Sardines cook quickly and will become tough and lose flavor when overcooked. You will know when Sardines are done when they flake easily with a fork. Cooking times are based on Sardines that are about 6–7 inches in length.
Q What are your thoughts on canned Sardines and tuna as I eat these foods as way of getting my fish oils?
A Canned fish can be a great addition to a “Healthiest Way of Eating.” Sardines are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids (as well as other nutrients such as vitamin D). They are very delicate and seasonal, so canned Sardines are the best way to really enjoy this great fish throughout the year. If you eat a lot of canned tuna and you are concerned about mercury, you may want to consume light tuna versus albacore tuna. The FDA recently advised women who are pregnant, lactating or of childbearing age as well as young children to limit the amount of canned tuna they consume; since albacore tuna is more prone to mercury contamination, they advised that these groups limit their consumption to 6 ounces per week of albacore tuna and to no more than 12 ounces per week of light tuna. If possible, I think that it is best to purchase canned fish that is packaged in water as opposed to packaged in oil to avoid excess calories.
Q Is a metallic taste in the mouth a sign of mercury toxicity?
A There are many symptoms of chronic mercury over-exposure with a metallic taste in the mouth being one of them. Other potential symptoms include shakiness, slurred speech, impaired memory, joint pain and headaches. But, because these symptoms—including the metallic taste—have a wide variety of possible causes, they aren’t particularly helpful in singling out mercury as the main culprit. There are blood tests and hair tests available for measuring mercury toxicity. If you are considering mercury testing, we recommend that you do so in consultation with your healthcare provider.
Q I’m in charge of facilitating group process at the company where I work. Are there any foods that we can serve at our meetings to help decision making and affect our mood?
A Although food can affect our mood, the connection between eating and behaving in a particular way is much less direct than you ask about. All of our organ systems need nutrients to function properly, including our brain and nervous systems. When we are poorly nourished, we may start to think less clearly. All of us have experienced that phenomenon where we are very tired, have gotten too little sleep and are much quicker to become irritated or impatient. Sometimes one good night’s sleep will fix our mood—sometimes not. But food seldom works that quickly. We become nourished over time, over days and weeks and months of eating well. The food eaten at a meeting isn’t even absorbed until hours after that meeting has already ended. In addition, it isn’t food that decides how we treat our fellow human beings. That takes place in our heart and in our conscience, and even when we are poorly nourished, we can usually be decent people if we want to be. I believe that the World’s Healthiest Foods are the best long-term way of maintaining optimal health, including healthy organ systems that aid good listening skills and decision making.
The Healthiest Ways to Prepare Sardines
Sardines are rich in numerous nutrients that have been found to support cardiovascular health. They are one of the most concentrated sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have been found to lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels; one serving of Sardines actually contains over 50% of the daily value for these important nutrients. Sardines are also an excellent source of vitamin B12, second only to calf’s liver as the World’s Healthiest Food most concentrated in this nutrient. Vitamin B12 promotes cardiovascular well-being since it is intricately tied to keeping levels of homocysteine in balance; homocysteine can damage artery walls, with elevated levels being a risk factor for atherosclerosis.
If you don’t think of fish as being a bone-building food, Sardines will make you think again. Not only are Sardines a good source of calcium, but they are also incredibly rich in vitamin D, a nutrient not so readily available in the diet and one that is most often associated with fortified dairy products. Vitamin D plays an essential role in bone health since it helps to increase the absorption of calcium. Sardines are also a very good source of phosphorus, a mineral that is important to strengthening the bone matrix. Additionally, as high levels of homocysteine are also related to osteoporosis, Sardines’ vitamin B12 rounds out their repertoire of nutrients that support bone health.
For many years, researchers have known that vitamin D, in the form of calcitriol, participates in the regulation of cell activity. Because cell cycles play such a key role in the development of cancer, optimal vitamin D intake may turn out to play an important role in the prevention of various cancers. Selenium, of which Sardines are also a very good source, is a mineral with powerful antioxidant activity, whose dietary intake has been associated with reduced risk of cancer.
Sardines are rich in protein, which provides us with amino acids. Our bodies use amino acids to create new proteins, which serve as the basis for most of the body’s cells and structures. Proteins form the basis of muscles and connective tissues, antibodies that keep our immune system strong and transport proteins that deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
Sardines are also a concentrated source of other nutrients providing additional health benefits. These nutrients include energy-producing niacin and sleep-promoting tryptophan.
farmraised Fish are Fattier
The fat content of farmed salmon is excessively high—30–35% by weight. Wild salmon have a 20% higher protein content and a 20% lower fat content than farmraised salmon. According to a USDA study, farmraised catfish, rainbow trout and coho salmon were fattier compared to wild stocks of the same species. This is not surprising since farmraised fish do not spend their lives vigorously swimming through cold ocean waters or leaping up rocky streams. Marine couch potatoes, they circle lazily in crowded pens fattening up on pellets of fish chow.
In each of the species evaluated by the USDA, the farmraised fish were found to contain more total fat than their wild counterparts. For rainbow trout, the difference in total fat (4.6 g/100 g in wild trout vs. 5.4 g/100 g in cultivated trout) was the smallest, while cultivated catfish had nearly five times as much fat as wild catfish (11.3 g/100 g in cultivated vs. 2.3 g/100 g in wild). farmraised coho salmon had approximately 2.7 times the total fat as wild samples.
farmraised Fish Provide Less Usable Omega-3 Fats
Although the farmraised catfish, rainbow trout and coho salmon contained similar amounts of omega-3 fatty acids as their wild equivalents, in proportion to the amount of omega-6 fats they also contained, they actually provided less usable omega-3s.
The reason for this apparent discrepancy is that both omega-3 and omega-6 fats use the same enzymes for conversion into the forms in which they are active in the body. The same elongase and desaturase enzymes that convert omega-3 fats into their beneficial anti-inflammatory forms (the series-3 prostaglandins and the less inflammatory thromboxanes and leukotrienes) also convert omega-6 fats into their proinflammatory forms (the series-2 prostaglandins and the proinflammatory thromboxanes and leukotrienes). So, when a food is eaten that contains high amounts of omega-6s in proportion to its content of omega-3s, the omega-6 fats use up the available conversion enzymes to produce proinflammatory compounds while preventing the manufacture of anti-inflammatory substances from omega-3s, even when these beneficial fats are present.
farmraised Fish Contain More proinflammatory Omega-6 Fats
In all three types of fish, the amount of omega-6 fats was substantially higher in farmraised compared to wild fish. Cultivated trout, in particular, had much higher levels of one type of omega-6 fat called linoleic acid than wild trout (14% in farmraised compared to 5% in wild samples). The total of all types of omega-6 fats found in cultivated fish was twice the level found in the wild samples (14% vs 7%, respectively).
Wild Fish Provide More Omega-3 Fats
In all three species evaluated, the wild fish were found to have a higher proportion of omega-3 fats in comparison to omega-6 fats than the cultivated fish. The wild coho were not only much lower in overall fat content but also were found to have 33% more omega-3 fatty acids than their farmraised counterparts. Omega-3s accounted for 29% of the fats in wild coho versus 19% of the fats in cultivated coho. Rainbow trout showed similar proportions in fatty acid content; wild trout contained approximately 33% more omega-3s than cultivated trout; however, both cultivated and wild trout did have much lower amounts of omega-6 fats than the other types of fish.
Q I typically eat 1/4 cup of walnuts a day, 4–5 times a week. I am considering adding an omega-3 supplement (cold-water fish oil capsules), but I’m having trouble evaluating whether the supplement offers me anything additional over the walnut omega-3 source?
A In general, it makes no sense to compare a food to a supplement. Whenever you can obtain nutrients from food rather than supplements, you should do so. Unless you need a therapeutic dose of a nutrient, are unable to obtain foods that contain the nutrients you need or are unable to consume certain foods for allergy or other physical reasons, you should always be sticking with foods versus supplements. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Walnuts have ALA, but they do not have EPA or DHA. The amount of EPA and DHA contained in one fish oil capsule is approximately the same as you could find in one ounce of salmon. Our bodies, when healthy, make EPA and DHA from ALA. For this reason, only ALA is considered an essential omega-3 fatty acid. The only reason you would want to turn to a processed supplemental oil is if you needed larger doses of EPA and DHA for some personal health reason, if you suspected your body could not make enough EPA and DHA from ALA, of if you were having trouble incorporating enough ALA-containing foods into your meal plan.
People have been enjoying Scallops as a food since antiquity, ever since this beautiful mollusk appeared in the Earth’s waters. The soft, fleshy texture and delicious mild flavor of Scallops make them a seafood favorite even among those who are not particularly fond of other types of fish or shellfish. The great Scallop gained prestige during medieval times when pilgrims visiting the shrine of St. James in Spain began to use empty Scallop shells for both eating and begging. Scallops are quick and easy to prepare. They are almost always shucked and trimmed when you purchase them, and they take only minutes to cook. I would like to share with you how using the “Healthiest Way of Cooking” methods can help enhance the flavor and texture of your Scallops.
Scallops are exceptionally rich in vitamin B12, an important vitamin for cardiovascular health, as well as those hard-to-find omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation in the body. Scallops are an ideal food to add to your “Healthiest Way of Eating” not only because they are high in nutrients, but also because they are low in calories: 4 ounces of Scallops contain only 152 calories! (For more on the Health Benefits of Scallops and a complete analysis of their content of over 60 nutrients, see page 500.)
There are several hundred species of Scallops found in shallow saltwater areas throughout the world. In the United States, the most widely available types of Scallops include the Atlantic Sea Scallop and the Bay Scallop. Scallops can be either wild-caught or farmraised.
These are large Scallops from the North Atlantic that can be up to two inches in diameter. Their flesh is ivory-colored and translucent. They have a chewier texture and a less delicate flavor than Bay Scallops. Most Sea Scallops are wild-caught; only small quantities are farmraised.
Sweet and delicate in flavor, the Bay Scallop is tiny, averaging only about one-half of an inch in diameter. Wild Bay Scallops are harvested from protected bays and shallow waters from New England to North Carolina. Bay Scallop stocks in the U.S. are largely depleted with most of the Bay Scallops currently farmed. Most farmed Bay Scallops found in the U.S. market are imported from China; small quantities are still farmed in New England and Nova Scotia.
Small Sea Scallops from the coast of Florida, they are often sold as Bay Scallops. These are the least expensive of the Scallops and often considered inferior by Scallop lovers. They are partially cooked by the time they reach the consumer because they must be steamed to open the shells.
The most popular type of Scallop consumed in Europe, they are more commonly known as Coquille St. Jacques.
The peak season for fresh Sea Scallops and Bay Scallops is from October through March, although Sea Scallops are available year-round; fresh Calico Scallops are available from December through May. It is during the peak of their respective seasons that they are the most flavorful and least expensive. Frozen Scallops are available throughout the year.
Scallops contain purines, which might be of concern to certain individuals. (For more on Purines, see page 727.)
Turning Scallops into a flavorful dish with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 4 easy steps:
1. The Best Way to Select
2. The Best Way to Store
3. The Best Way to Prepare
4. The Healthiest Way of Cooking
1. the best way to select scallops
Wild-caught Sea Scallops from the North Atlantic and wild-caught Bay Scallops are your best choices for Scallops. These methods of production are environmentally sound, and the Scallops are typically not chemically treated. Avoid Scallops which have been “soaked” with sodium triphosphate to increase their shelf life and water absorption. They will have a “soapy” feel to them and not have the rich, sweet taste of untreated Scallops.
The first step in selecting the best Scallops is to find a store with a good reputation for having a fresh supply of seafood. Get to know a fishmonger (person who sells the fish) at the store, so you can have a trusted person from whom you can purchase your fish.
Since Scallops are extremely perishable, they are usually shelled, washed and frozen, or packed in ice, as soon as they are caught. Fresh Scallops should be white, firm and show no evidence of browning. I have found that frozen Scallops are best when they are solid and shiny and the inside of their packaging is free of frost. If you are planning on freezing the Scallops, make sure to ask the fishmonger whether they are fresh or defrosted (if it is not clearly marked) since you will need to cook previously frozen Scallops before refreezing.
It is best to purchase displayed Scallops, whenever possible, rather than those that are already prepackaged. Smell is a good indicator of freshness, and it is difficult to detect smells through the plastic of prepackaged seafood. Once the fishmonger wraps and hands you the Scallops, smell them through the paper wrapping and return them if they do not smell right.
The number of Scallops you get per pound will depend on their size:
Sea Scallops: 20–30 per pound
Bay Scallops: 60–100 per pound
If you are going to have a full day of errands after you purchase your Scallops, be sure to keep a cooler in the car to ensure they stay cold and do not spoil.
2. the best way to store scallops
Like most shellfish, Scallops are very perishable and normal refrigerator temperatures of 36°–40°F (2°– 4°C) do not inhibit the enzymatic activity that causes them to spoil; they are best when stored at 28°–32°F (-2°–0°C). I have tried various methods to find the best way to store Scallops, including packing the Scallops with ice before placing them in the refrigerator to decrease the temperature. Although this method kept the Scallops cool, once the ice melted the Scallops ended up sitting in a pool of water, causing them to lose much of their flavor.
I have refined this method and want to share with you the best way to keep your Scallops fresh. Remove Scallops from store packaging, rinse and place in a plastic storage bag as soon as you bring them home from the market. Place in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes or ice packs to reduce the temperature of the fish. Although fresh Scallops will keep for a few days using this method, I recommend using your Scallops within a day or two of purchase. Remember to drain off the melted ice water and replenish the ice or replace the ice packs as necessary.
3. the best way to prepare scallops
There is little preparation necessary before cooking Scallops. Just rinse the Scallops under cold running water and pat dry. Do not excessively rinse them or some of the flavor will also rinse away.
4. the healthiest way of cooking scallops
The best way to cook Scallops is by using methods that will keep them moist and tender. Scallops can be easily overcooked and become dry, so be sure to watch your cooking times. Scallops are a delicate shellfish, and I have found that they can be best prepared by using the “Healthy Sauté” method. (For more on “Healthy Sauté,” see page 57.)
Scallops cook quickly and are easily overcooked. To prevent overcooking Scallops, I highly recommend using a timer. And since Scallops cook in only 3 to 5 minutes (depending on size), it is important to begin timing as soon as you place them into the skillet. Scallops cook quickly and will become tough and lose their flavor when overcooked.
I don’t recommend grilling Scallops because they are so delicate and will burn easily.
I don’t recommend cooking Scallops in oil because high temperature heat can damage delicate oils and potentially create harmful free radicals. (For more on Why it is Important to Cook Without Heated Oils, see page 52.)
The Healthiest Ways of Cooking Scallops
Scallops are a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids, providing us with concentrated amounts of EPA and DHA. These fatty acids have emerged as nutrition stars over the last few years as researchers discover their extensive health benefits, including the promotion of cardiovascular health. Omega-3 fatty acids keep your blood flowing smoothly by preventing the formation of blood clots and by lowering triglyceride levels.
Additionally, Scallops are a very good source of vitamin B12, another very important nutrient for cardiovascular health. Vitamin B12 is needed by the body to convert homocysteine, a chemical that can directly damage blood vessel walls, into other benign chemicals. Since high levels of homocysteine are associated with an increased risk for atherosclerosis, diabetic heart disease, heart attack and stroke, it’s a good idea to be sure that your diet contains plenty of vitamin B12 to help keep homocysteine levels low. Homocysteine is also associated with osteoporosis, and a recent study found that osteoporosis occurred more frequently among women whose vitamin B12 status was deficient or marginal compared with those who had normal B12 status.
In addition to their omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 concentrations, Scallops are a good source of magnesium and potassium, two other nutrients that provide significant benefits for the cardiovascular system. Magnesium helps out by causing blood vessels to relax, thus helping to lower blood pressure while improving blood flow. Potassium helps to maintain normal blood pressure levels.
Scallops are a very good source of low-calorie, high-quality protein, with about 60% of their calories derived from this very important macronutrient. It is vital that our diets provide us with ample amounts of protein since we rely upon it to supply us with amino acids, which our bodies use for a variety of different functions. Our muscles and tissues are made from amino acids as are enzymes and some important immune-system compounds.
A high intake of vitamin B12 has also been shown to be protective against colon cancer. Vitamin B12 helps protect the cells of the colon from mutations as a result of exposure to cancer-causing chemicals—another good reason to eat plenty of vitamin B12-rich foods. So, add Scallops, a very good source of protein and vitamin B12, to your list of healthy seafood and enjoy.
Scallops are a concentrated source of other nutrients providing additional health benefits. These nutrients include energy-producing phosphorus and sleep-promoting tryptophan.
The numbers beside each food indicate their Total Nutrient-Richness. (For more details, see page 805.)
When it comes to the “Healthiest Way of Eating,” remember that nuts and seeds may be small in size, but they are big when it comes to nutrition! Not only are they rich sources of many vitamins and minerals and serve as a good plant-based protein source, but many of them contain monounsaturated fats, essential omega-3 fatty acids and phytosterol phytonutrients that do wonders for promoting overall health.
Throughout history, people have thrived on nuts and seeds. Abundant in the wild and not requiring any preparation (they are best eaten raw), nuts and seeds even made a significant contribution to the diets of the early hunter-gatherers. And their popularity continues today in numerous cultures around the world. That is not surprising when you recognize that they are not only delicious and nutritious, but also highly portable, providing good nutrition to those on-the-go, whether that be a tribal nomad or a soccer mom. Used in breakfast cereals, salads, grain dishes, desserts and “Healthy Sautéed” vegetables, the complex tastes and unique textures of nuts and seeds complement many dishes.
Nuts are actually fruits that have a hard outer shell that encloses a kernel; the kernel is the meaty part we call the “nut.”
Seeds are structures contained in fruits that can produce a new plant if returned back to the earth. If you think about how they are the essence of creating new life, it becomes more apparent why they are such a vitally concentrated source of nutrients.
In March of 2004, three of the World’s Healthiest Nuts—walnuts, peanuts and almonds—were awarded a qualified health claim (QHC) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The quality health claim permits labels on packages of walnuts, peanuts and almonds (as well as other approved nuts) to state that eating 1.5 ounces of these nuts every day may reduce the risk of heart disease. This claim is qualified with the statement that the scientific evidence of their protective effect is supportive but not conclusive and a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol without increased overall calorie intake is necessary in order for these nuts to benefit health.
Nuts and seeds are incredibly rich in nutrients. Many are a concentrated source of “good fats” such as the omega-3 essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), as well as heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, such as oleic acid.
Nuts and seeds are also filled with vitamins and minerals. Looking for vitamin E, copper, manganese, magnesium and zinc? Nuts and seeds should be one of the first foods to consider adding to your menu. Additionally, some of these foods can be a concentrated source of lignans, which have been found to have heart-health benefits; these include secoisolariciresinol diglycoside in flaxseeds, and sesamin and sesamolin in sesame seeds. They also contain other phytonutrients; for example, walnuts are a rich source of ellagic acid.
Nuts and seeds have a high satiety factor, which means that they are great for satisfying your appetite. Whether you eat them as a snack, sprinkle a few on a salad or cereal or add nut butter or seed butter to a smoothie, these foods can really fill you up. They also provide long lasting energy that can carry you through the day while maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Although nuts and seeds have a reputation for being high in calories, a small amount will go a long way in satisfying your hunger. Therefore you may actually end up consuming fewer calories than when you eat other foods that may have less calories but will not sustain you for as long a period of time.
Many people are concerned about eating nuts and seeds because they view them as high-fat foods. Yet, for optimal health, you need fat. In fact, about 25–30% of your daily calories should come from fat. Nuts and seeds are good examples of looking at our diets in a more modern, discriminating way; they serve to remind us that not all fats are bad. A good proportion of fats in these foods is actually comprised of health-promoting “good fats,” such as omega-3 essential fatty acids and monounsaturated fats.
Many nuts and seeds are a concentrated source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the omega-3 fatty acid whose intake has been linked to a reduction of inflammatory markers, and therefore a healthy heart. ALA is also the precursor to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the forms of omega-3 fatty acids that are found in cold-water fish and which have been found to be highly beneficial in supporting heart health, brain health and respiratory health. Flaxseeds and walnuts are good examples of nuts and seeds rich in ALA. Based on a decade of evidence supporting the health benefits of walnuts, researchers have found that eating 11/2 ounces per day as part of a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The standard American diet does not regularly provide adequate amounts of these important fats, so adding nuts and seeds to your diet can do wonders for your health.
In addition to their omega-3 fatty acid content, the fat content of many nuts and seeds is also composed of a large percentage of monounsaturated fats such as oleic acid. Studies show that these fats promote good cardiovascular health, even in individuals with diabetes.
Leading health organizations recommend we eat 5 servings of nuts and seeds each week. To derive the optimal health benefits from nuts and seeds, I recommend including 1 to 1½ ounces of nuts or seeds per day in your “Healthiest Way of Eating.”
Some of my favorite ways to include nuts and seeds in my diet are adding them to breakfast cereals and to blended smoothie drinks or sprinkling them on top of vegetables, fruit salads, fish and seafood dishes.
Here are some easy ways to incorporate nuts and seeds into your meals:
Each chapter is dedicated to one of the World’s Healthiest Nuts and Seeds and contains everything you need to know to enjoy and maximize its flavor and nutritional benefits. Each chapter is organized into two parts:
1. NUTS AND SEEDS FACTS describes each of the nuts and seeds, its different varieties and its peak season. It also addresses the biochemical considerations of each nut and seed by describing any of its unique compounds that may be potentially problematic to individuals with specific health problems. Detailed information about the health benefits of each of the nuts and seeds can be found at the end of each chapter, as can a complete nutritional profile.
2. THE 3 STEPS TO THE BEST TASTING AND MOST NUTRITIOUS NUTS AND SEEDS includes information about how to best select, store and prepare each one of the World’s Healthiest Nuts and Seeds. This section also features recipes and quick serving ideas. While specific information for individual nuts and seeds is given in each of the specific chapters, here are the 3 Steps that can be applied to nuts and seeds in general, including those not on the list of the World’s Healthiest Foods.
1. the best way to select nuts and seeds
Selection is the first step in adding the freshest and most nutritious nuts and seeds to your “Healthiest Way of Eating.” Here are some tips that apply to nuts and seeds:
Heat, air and light damage the fragile omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts and seeds. As rancidity sets in long before you can taste or smell the “off” flavor, it’s important to buy nuts and seeds that are as fresh as possible. Buy them in their shell if you can, as the shell protects them from these environmental “hazards.” If that is not possible, purchase them in vacuum-sealed opaque packaging that protects them from air and light.
If you buy nuts and seeds in bulk, go to a busy store that has a high turnover rate so the nuts and seeds you bring home will not have been sitting in the bins and exposed to room temperature, air and light for too long. Some natural food stores keep their nuts and seeds in a refrigerated section, which is an ideal way to protect their omega-3 fatty acids.
Avoid nuts and seeds that are overly salted or have been roasted using oil. They go rancid more quickly than whole, raw nuts and seeds. The damaged fats and high sodium content of these processed nuts may harm, not help, your heart.
I also highly recommend selecting organically grown nuts and seeds whenever possible.
2. the best way to store nuts and seeds
Proper storage maximizes the shelf life and retains the nutritional value of your nuts and seeds. After purchasing, do not let these foods sit in a hot car. When you get home, store nuts and seeds in airtight containers in the refrigerator or freezer.
3. the best way to prepare nuts and seeds
One way that I have found to add versatility to nuts and seeds is to finely grind them and put a couple of tablespoons on top of vegetables or add them to sauces, soups or salad dressings. Finely ground nuts can also be used in place of flour as a flavorful thickening agent. For added convenience, you can grind a small amount and store it in your freezer. For certain seeds, notably flaxseeds, grinding not only changes their texture but can also increase the bioavailability of their nutrients. Grinding flaxseeds cracks open their hard outer shell, which allows greater absorption of their essential fatty acids.
Roasting brings out the flavor of nuts and seeds, and develops their sweetness. It is safe to roast nuts and seeds if done at low temperatures—no higher than 170°F (77°C). Research has shown that roasting at high temperatures damages the delicate fats that they contain. Certain systems of healthcare, like Ayurveda, recommend always soaking nuts to help increase their digestibility; yet, while there may be certain advantages to doing so, I have not seen these advantages substantiated in any peer-reviewed, published research.
While there is universal agreement about the need for increased omega-3 fatty acids in our food, there is almost equally universal confusion about where these omega-3s should come from. Should we focus more on animal foods or plant foods? Are nuts better than seeds? Is there really enough total omega-3 fat in any diet, or do we absolutely need supplements to make ends meet?
Two Key Starting Points: LA and ALA
Fatty acids are relatively easy to understand in terms of their chemical relationship. There are basic “starting point” fatty acids from which all other fatty acids are made. Even more important, there are only two key “starting point” fatty acids. One is called linoleic acid, or LA. This fatty acid is the starting point for all omega-6 fatty acids. In other words, every omega-6 fatty acid found in the body must either be directly obtained from food or produced in the body from LA. The other key starting point is alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. ALA is the starting point for all omega-3s. Again, to repeat this most important relationship, every omega-3 fat found in the body must either be consumed directly from food or be manufactured in the body from ALA.
Except for ALA, All Omega-3s are Complicated
It’s not particularly easy for the body to turn ALA into other omega-3s. In fact, it’s pretty demanding in terms of nutrition. It’s demanding because the enzymes that process ALA require a long list of nutrients in order to function. For example, the first enzyme required for processing ALA is called delta-6 desaturase. In order to function properly, this enzyme requires the presence of vitamins B3, B6 and C and the minerals, zinc and magnesium. A person who is deficient in any of these vitamins or minerals might not be able to start processing ALA and might become deficient in all other omega-3 fats (if they rely upon it as their only dietary source of omega-3s), since all of them are made from ALA.
Multiple processing steps are involved in turning ALA into the best-researched omega-3s in terms of disease prevention: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Both of these omega-3 fats are critical for prevention of virtually all major chronic diseases, and they can only be made in the body from ALA if a person is reasonably well-nourished because their production is demanding in terms of nutrient metabolism.
Plants Do Not Naturally Produce EPA or DHA
In general, there is virtually no preformed EPA or DHA in plants. We know that genetic engineering is being done on some plants like thale cress to encourage production of EPA and DHA in the leaves, and we know that some non-engineered, hybridized plants, like the rapeseed used to produce canola oil, can result in very small percentages of EPA or DHA (less than 3%) becoming present in the oil. But as a rule, you simply cannot get the EPA or DHA you need from plant foods. To get your EPA and DHA, you will need to either (1) consume animal foods (or supplements) that contain preformed EPA and DHA or (2) depend on your body to make EPA and DHA from the ALA found in plant foods.
Should I Depend on My Body To Make EPA and DHA from Plant Foods?
While I would love to give a single “yes” or “no” answer to this question, it just doesn’t have a “yes” or “no” answer. But I can give you three categories and let you decide into which one you fit. The three categories are:
(1) If you know you are generally malnourished, you should not depend on your body to make EPA and DHA from plant foods. If you fit into this category, it is simply too likely that you won’t have the nutritional support needed to convert ALA into EPA and DHA. You’ll need to either (a) consume animal foods that contain preformed EPA and DHA or (b) take dietary supplements containing these omega-3s.
(2) If, at the other end of the spectrum, you are well-nourished and enjoy what you would describe as excellent health, you are very likely to make the EPA and DHA you need from plant foods. In fact, many alternative health practitioners like the idea of relying on a healthy body to make EPA and DHA from ALA, rather than supplementing with preformed EPA or DHA. The reason is simple. Our body, when healthy, is in the best position to decide on the omega-3 balance we need. (Our body, when healthy, is in the best position to decide on all nutritional balances, for that matter.) Our body will decide when to keep ALA and use it directly for health purposes or when to convert ALA into the more complicated EPA and DHA omega-3s.
(3) If you find yourself somewhere in the middle—not well-nourished and in excellent health, but not malnourished either—you will need to take a much closer look at the details of your health to decide about your optimal food choices. Why are you not well-nourished, and what is below excellent when it comes to your health? Is fat quality a problem in your diet overall? Is fat intake related to the health risks you face? These kinds of questions are important to answer if you fall into this middle category. Often, a licensed healthcare practitioner is needed to help you sort through all of the health details.
If I Do Turn to Animal Foods, Which Ones are Best for EPA and DHA?
Virtually all fish, both finfish and shellfish, contain some amount of both EPA and DHA. Salmon, cod, mackerel and herring would be standouts here. Unfortunately, the pollution of our environment has made the benefits of eating these fish contingent on their being free of common toxins like dioxins and mercury. Across the board, the research shows that you are safer consuming wild-caught fish than farmed fish. In addition, the research shows that you are safer eating wild-caught salmon and tuna than wild-caught mackerel in terms of mercury risk. The unusually high EPA and DHA content of these “cold water” fish is also the reason that cod liver oil is one of the most concentrated sources of EPA and DHA in the dietary supplement world.
How Are Omega-3s Related to Inflammation?
Our immune system uses a family of molecules called eicosanoids to increase or decrease our body’s inflammatory response. Eicosanoids that increase the inflammatory response are called “proinflammatory.” Eicosanoids that decrease the response are called “anti-inflammatory.” In general, many eicosanoids that have potential anti-inflammatory effects (including thromboxane A3, prostaglandin I3 and leukotriene E5) are made from EPA. Similarly, many eicosanoids that have potential proinflammatory effects (including thromboxanes A2 and B2, as well as prostaglandin E2) are made not from any omega-3 fatty acid, but from an omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid. It’s therefore correct to think about omega-3 fat as the kind of fat that is potentially anti-inflammatory.
Since many anti-inflammatory molecules are made from EPA, it’s reasonable to ask whether plant foods containing ALA are as helpful in preventing inflammation as animal foods containing preformed EPA. Some websites and supplement manufacturers have suggested that you cannot “fight” inflammation with ALA and plant food sources of omega-3 unless you consume 10 or 15 times as much ALA as EPA. Since a healthy body constantly decides on a second-by-second basis how much ALA to leave “as is,” and how much to convert into EPA and DHA, there is no single amount of ALA that gets converted into EPA. Even more important, ALA itself is needed by the body and has established anti-inflammatory properties, and there are many other omega-3 fatty acids that may have anti-inflammatory properties as well. Just because EPA and DHA are currently the best studied and best represented fatty acids in the marketplace does not mean that they tell the whole story about the role of omega-3 fat and inflammation. And fortunately, we do not have to master all the biochemistry in order to make good food choices when it comes to omega-3s. Most of us would be well served to include more omega-3-rich foods of all kinds—both plant and animal—in our meal plan. And we would also be well served to focus on the overall quality of the food as well (for example, whether it was organically produced) and not get too sidetracked on one of the piece parts. It’s the whole, natural context of our food that is going to keep us on target as we pursue a “Healthiest Way of Eating” geared towards vitality and health.
Looking for a health-promoting snack? A handful of mild, nutty-tasting Sunflower Seeds will take the edge off your hunger while providing you with a wealth of health-promoting nutrients to add to your “Healthiest Way of Eating.” Sunflowers are thought to have originated in Mexico and Peru and are one of the first plants to ever be cultivated in the United States. They have been used for more than 5,000 years by Native Americans, who not only used the seeds as a food and a source of oil, but also used the flowers, roots and stems for various purposes including dye pigment.
Sunflower Seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, a nutrient essential for cardiovascular health because it provides antioxidant protection from the oxidative damage to cells caused by free radicals. Sunflower Seeds are so rich in nutrients that they have the highest Total Nutrient-Richness of any of the World’s Healthiest Nuts or Seeds. (For more on the Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds and a complete analysis of their content of over 60 nutrients, see page 510.)
The sunflower’s Latin scientific name, Helianthus annuus, reflects its solar appearance since helios is the Greek word for sun, and anthos is the Greek word for flower. The sunflower produces grayish-green or black seeds encased in teardrop-shaped gray or black shells that oftentimes feature black and white stripes. Sunflower Seeds’ very high oil content makes them one of the primary sources of polyunsaturated oil. Their taste is oftentimes compared with the Jerusalem artichoke (not to be confused with the bulb artichoke), another member of the Helianthus family. Sunflower Seeds used for consumption are called “confectionary seeds” and are a different variety from those used to make oil. They come in several forms:
The kernels can be raw, roasted, dry roasted or oil roasted and are often salted.
Whole seeds that do not have the outer hull removed, so more nutrients are still intact. They are dried on the flower and brined (put in saltwater) once they are harvested.
the peak season available year-round.
Enjoying the best tasting Sunflower Seeds with the most nutrients is simple if you just follow my 3 easy steps:
1. The Best Way to Select
2. The Best Way to Store
3. The Best Way to Prepare
1. the best way to select sunflower seeds
Sunflower Seeds are generally available in prepackaged containers as well as bulk bins. It is best to check and make sure that the store where you buy Sunflower Seeds in bulk has a quick turnover of inventory and that the bulk containers are well sealed in order to ensure maximum freshness. The Sunflower Seeds should be uniform in color and not shriveled. They should also smell sweet and nutty; be sure they do not smell rancid or musty. When purchasing unshelled seeds, I make sure that the shells are firm, not broken, dirty or limp. Avoid shelled seeds that appear yellowish in color as they have most likely gone rancid. As with all seeds, I recommend selecting organically grown Sunflower Seeds whenever possible. (For more on Organic Foods, see page 113.)
If you want Sunflower Seeds with a roasted flavor and texture, choose ones that have been “dry roasted” as they are not cooked in oil. The commercial roasting process of nuts is often a form of deep-frying, usually in saturated fat, such as coconut or palm kernel oil. Consumption of deep-fried foods has been linked to high levels of LDL (the “bad” form of cholesterol) and to thickening of larger artery walls. Even “dry roasted” Sunflower Seeds may be cooked at high temperatures that damage their natural oils. It is also important to read the label to be sure that no additional ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup or preservatives have been added. For the highest quality, least expensive “dry roasted” Sunflower Seeds, it’s best to just roast them yourself using “The Healthiest Way to Dry Roast Sunflower Seeds” (see page 508).
2. the best way to store sunflower seeds
Since Sunflower Seeds have a high fat content and are prone to rancidity, it is best to store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They can also be stored in the freezer since the cold temperature will not greatly affect their texture or flavor. They will keep for 3 months in the refrigerator and 6 months in the freezer.
3. the best way to prepare sunflower seeds
The best way to prepare Sunflower Seeds is to dry roast them. For details, see page 508.
Q Is it harmful to eat the shells of Sunflower Seeds?
A The shells of Sunflower Seeds contain approximately 40% digestible and 60% nondigestible components. Of the nondigestible components, the majority are types of fiber. While it isn’t necessarily bad to consume nondigestible parts of food, including non-digestible fibers, it isn’t clear why a person would want to do so. I haven’t seen research showing intestinal problems following consumption of the hulls and shells of seeds and nuts, but I can imagine a person’s digestive tract having trouble processing these components under certain circumstances. Because the pieces of the shells could have sharp ends, it would obviously be important to chew them extremely well. The hulls of conventionally grown Sunflower Seeds would contain a higher level of certain pesticides in comparison to the seeds since they are at higher risk of exposure. It would be important to select organically grown Sunflower Seeds for this reason.
Nutrient-Rich Foods and the Immune System
Your ability to interact with the world around you and remain healthy is dependent to a large extent on the healthy functioning of your immune system. Your immune system is responsible for fighting foreign invaders to your body, like pathogenic bacteria and viruses responsible for colds and flu, and also for destroying cells within your body when they become cancerous. Poor nutrition has been shown to result in increased infections, to slow healing from injury and infections and to increase susceptibility to symptoms and complications from immune system dysfunction. Science has shown that immune function often decreases as we age, and recent research suggests this decrease is also related to nutrition and may be slowed or even stopped by maintaining healthy nutrition.
Medical science has established that one of the most important factors in supporting a healthy, balanced immune system is good nutrition. Research studies show that healthy eating can help in keeping your immune system ready and capable of functioning properly when necessary. The World’s Healthiest Foods provide the kind of nutrition that supports your immune functions to its fullest, while minimizing the agents that may induce or activate your immune response when it should not be active.
The role of the World’s Healthiest Foods in supporting your immune system is so vital that it is one of the reasons that I emphasized this benefit in the “Healthiest Way of Eating” Plan on page 34. While all nutrient-rich foods play a role in helping to keep an immune system running strong, let’s take a look at some of the World’s Healthiest Foods most well-known for their ability to support optimal immune function. As you will see, enhancing your immune system may be as simple as enjoying a delicious meal filled with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and other World’s Healthiest Foods.
Organically Grown Fruits and Vegetables
From vitamin A to zinc, fruits and vegetables contain a virtual A-Z of vitamins and minerals that can support healthy immune system functioning. They are incredibly rich sources of the powerful antioxidants, vitamin C and pro-vitamin A carotenoids. One of the important roles that these nutrients fulfill is supporting the integrity of our body’s tissues, bolstering their defenses so that they can serve as a fortress to protect against the invasion of bacteria and other microbes. Vitamin C is also concentrated in immune system cells; when these cells are under stress, their vitamin C levels decrease.
Fruits and vegetables are also rich in nutrients such as vitamin B6, folic acid, iron and zinc, whose deficiency has been linked to a reduction in cell-mediated immune response. They also contain abundant amounts of flavonoid phytonutrients (plant nutrients), antioxidants that can protect cells of the body, including those of the immune system, from the havoc caused by too many free radicals.
Garlic, onions and leeks are members of the Allium family; in addition to their vast array of vitamins and minerals, Allium family vegetables are especially renowned as being a source of sulfur-containing phytonutrients that have shown promise when it comes to supporting the immune system. For example, the sulfur-containing compound allicin is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent that joins forces with vitamin C to help kill harmful microbes (garlic and onions are very good sources of vitamin C while leeks are a good source). Allicin has been shown to be effective not only against common infections like colds and flu but a host of other pathogenic microbes. In addition, quercetin and other flavonoids concentrated in onions work with vitamin C to help kill harmful bacteria, making onions an especially good addition to soups and stews during cold and flu season.
Long a staple in Asian diets, shiitake mushrooms are making their way to markets and restaurants in the U.S., a wonderful thing for people interested not only in a great tasting food, but foods that can offer great support to the immune system. While their ability to promote vibrant health is a result of their concentration of numerous nutrients, a lot of the research has focused on their unique polysaccharides, including lentinan. These phytonutrients have been found to power up the immune system, enhancing its ability to fight infection and disease.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are rich in many minerals important for immune system support, including selenium and zinc. Selenium is a component of one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant enzymes, glutathione peroxidase, which is used in the liver to detoxify a wide range of potentially harmful molecules, reducing their impact on our immune system. Many types of immune cells appear to depend upon zinc for optimal function with its deficiency shown to compromise the number of white blood cells and immune response.
Dietary Factors That Can Compromise the Immune System
To best support your immune system, it’s not just what you eat, but what you don’t eat, that’s important. That’s because while nutrients can help strengthen the immune system, other dietary factors may cause it stress, reducing its ability to perform at its optimal level.
Food Intolerances
Your immune system is not just involved in fighting invaders like bacteria but also becomes activated when you eat foods to which you are intolerant or allergic. Food sensitivity reactions are an important consideration when planning a “Healthiest Way of Eating” that best supports your immune system. For more details on this subject, see Food Sensitivity, page 719.
Chemical Additives
Processed foods and foods produced with pesticides or not grown organically may also be problematic for your immune function. Toxic metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury are immunosuppressive. Some pesticides and preservatives can negatively affect the gastrointestinal lining. Food additives can also have untoward effects on the nutrient content of the food. For example, sulfites destroy thiamin (vitamin B1) in foods to which they have been added.
Other Dietary Factors
Cooking oils that are exposed to high heat can produce substances that are damaging to the immune system. The “Healthiest Way of Cooking” methods give you great alternatives to cooking with heated oils, such as “Healthy Sauté” (page 57).
Excessive consumption of calories and fat can weaken your immune system strength. The “Healthiest Way of Eating” emphasizes delicious, satiating foods that deliver a concentration of nutrients and do not contain excess fat or calories; this will help you to enjoy a diet that meets your caloric and fat intake goals for optimal health and weight management.
The “Healthiest Way of Eating” further supports your immune system since it avoids refined grain products, refined sugar and processed foods that deplete the body of vitamins and minerals necessary for promoting immunity. Specifically, sugar reduces the responsiveness of your immune cells and lowers your immune defenses; some studies have found that the infection-protective ability of white blood cells may be reduced by as much as 50% after ingestion of only four ounces of sugar-containing substances!