
Page numbers in italics refer to figures.

10-K report (US) 16, 50, 331

80/20 rule (Pareto principle) 115116

2008 financial crisis

asset valuations 5657, 83, 101102

debt/equity ratios post crisis 199

executive remuneration 230

securitised mortgage loans 98

subsequent changes to financial presentation 104


accountability 13

accounting 10

accounting policies 3738, 132133

accounting standards 8, 2631

Framework concepts 3137

see also reporting standards

Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF) 29

accounts (financial statements)

building blocks 2526

Framework characteristics 3237

requirement for 11

accounts receivable see receivables

accrual accounting 24

accruals 108, 251252

acquisitions 111, 325, 326

cash flow 161162

impact on financial accounts 9294, 235236

see also consolidated accounts; goodwill

ADC (average daily costs) 262263

adjusted figures 52

ADS (average daily sales) 262263

Altman, Edward 335

amortisation 88

see also depreciation

analysis, guidelines for 2, 169181, 333334

analysts, investment 183184, 319

annual general meeting (AGM) 13, 49, 311, 316, 321

annual reports

appearance 7, 312315

contents 810

cost of production 17, 37

dangers of taking at face value 203204

objectives 1617

publication timing 10, 13, 18

reporting period 111, 171

requirement for 11

underlying assumptions 2325

users 1822, 34

year end 170171

see also accounts (financial statements); balance sheet; cash flow statement; income statement

Argenti, John 336

Arthur Andersen 3940

asset gearing ratio 275, 287288

asset turn 206209, 234

assets 74102

averaging for ratios 191192

current 57, 5860, 9799, 248250

definition 54, 74

efficiency measures 233243

foreign-exchange considerations 7981

impairment testing 99100

intangible 8591, 99

liquid 145, 254255

net operating 193194

non-current 57, 7478, 228229

ownership (leased) ratio 240

per employee 228229

quick 254

replacement rate 239, 294

revaluation 7172, 79

types 61

valuation 25, 5657

working life 238

see also depreciation

associates 9597, 112

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) 43

audit committee 48, 316317

audit fees 42

auditing standards 3940

auditors 3845, 121

auditor’s report 38, 4143, 45

average daily costs (ADC) 262263

average daily sales (ADS) 262263

averages 171172


bad or doubtful debts 9798, 251

balance sheet 10, 5356

assets 5658, 7475

building blocks 5758

capitalised expenses 76

cash balance 145, 247248, 269

equity and reserves 6272

government grants 75

horizontal presentation 59

IAS1 format 61

intangible assets 8691

liabilities 5758, 7273

presentation 5862

share options 232

share values 65, 289

tax 73

vertical presentation 60

working capital 147

bank borrowings 73, 145, 253, 254, 295

see also loans

bankruptcies 40

Bannerman disclaimer 4445

bear market 290

Beaver, William 334

Belgium 12

benchmarks 171, 210, 341345

Beneish, Messod 337

betas (shares) 290291

Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) option-pricing model 127

board of directors 4748, 232233, 316318, 321323

books, sets of 135

brand names 8688

bull market 290

business failure 331, 334338

business model 328

business review (BR) see strategic report

business segments 117


Cadbury Committee 46, 122, 124, 315

Cal Micro 326

capital asset pricing model (CAPM) 291, 307

capital expenditure turnover ratios 239240

capital investment 160162, 293295

capital maintenance 129130, 141, 184185

capital provision in different countries 280

capital reserves 68, 71

capital turn 206207

capitalisation, market 302303

capitalisation of expenses 76

cash flow 155

interest payments 138139

R&D 135137

cash 99

desirable levels 269273

importance of 144146

requirement for 252253

surpluses 163

see also cash flow; cash flow statement

cash cycle 263, 266269

cash equivalents 99, 145, 146, 253

cash flow 153156, 257258

assessment guidelines 277278

and profit 109, 153155, 273274

ratios and indicators 275277

see also cash flow statement

cash flow rate of return on assets (CFROA) 271

cash flow rate of return on investment (CFROI) 271

cash flow statement 157164

financial management insights 275277

use in company analysis 164165

see also funds flow statement

chairman’s statement 4849, 317318

charities 11

charts, use of 173


accounting standards 26

SEC listings for Chinese companies 94

shareholders 58

stock exchanges 15

CI (comprehensive income) 56, 64, 104106

Citigroup 128

city relationships 318319

Co-operative Bank 230

common costs 117118

common size presentation 174176

common stock (US) 66

Companies Act (2006) 123

Companies House, Free Accounts Data Product 18, 311

company history 170

company types 12

company value 301306

general assessment guidelines 308309

comparability 3536

comparative figures 114

competitors 183

compliance statement 15, 37

compound growth rates 178179

comprehensive income (CI) 56, 64, 104106

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, The 17

consolidated accounts 1314, 81, 9297

see also foreign exchange

contingent liabilities 70

controlling shareholders 20

convertible securities 68, 72, 82, 197, 280, 282

copyrights 87

corporate communications 7, 311315

company websites 18, 173, 221

relationships with the City 318319

corporate governance 4548, 125, 315323

Corporate Governance Code, UK 4649, 123124

corporate persona 12

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 313, 329

cost of capital 306307

cost of sales 118121, 186

Court Line 140

Cox, Ross and Rubinstein binomial option-pricing model 127

creative accounting 332

inventory 263

profit smoothing 202204

sales revenue 114115, 250, 325

credit-rating agencies 20

credit rating 333334

credit sales 109110

Credit Suisse 98

creditors see trade payables

cross-country comparisons 174176, 180, 219, 228, 242

cumulative preference shares 67

current assets 57, 5860, 9799, 248249

see also inventory; receivables

current liabilities 57, 59, 7273, 253254

see also trade payables

current liquidity ratio 257260

current purchasing power (CPP) accounting 78

current ratio 255, 258259

customers 22, 183


Daimler-Benz 15

Daimler-Chrysler merger 94

data comparability and consistency 169173

databases 180181

debt 280, 282

debt/equity ratio 274275, 281282, 308

debt ratio 274275, 281282, 284, 308

debtors see receivables

deep discount bonds 83

defensive interval 263, 272273

deferred revenue 203

deferred tax 134135

defined benefit pensions 123

defined contribution pensions 122

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 7, 39

depreciation 7677, 129133, 184185

funds flow statement 151

policy 238

tax allowable 134

derivatives 82, 8485

Diageo 88

diluted EPS 197198

diminishing balance depreciation 131132


assessment of 319

costs 122

remuneration 4748, 124, 128, 223, 229233, 320321

service contracts 123124

turnover 321

see also board of directors

directors’ report 49, 124

discontinued operations 112

cash flow 161162

diversification 325, 326

dividend cover 200205, 276277, 299

dividend per share (DPS) 298

dividend yield 300301

dividends 141, 297301

company valuation 304305

policy 200, 204205

statement of cash flows 155156, 162

dotcom businesses 293

double entry book-keeping 1011, 53

DPS (dividend per share) 298

Du Pont pyramid of ratios 205206, 235

duality see double entry book-keeping


e-businesses 325

earnings per share (EPS) 107, 196200, 220

earnings yield 300

EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation) 52

economic value added (EVA) 213214

Edgar database 18, 311


guidelines for analysis 244246

ratios and measures 189195, 224229, 233237

employee stock options (ESO) see share options


annual reporting details 122

efficiency measures 224229

numbers and costs 221224

profit perspective 183

use of annual reports 21

Enron 21, 3940, 96, 312, 323, 332

enterprise management incentives

(EMI) see share options

environmental reporting 23, 313, 329

EPS (earnings per share) 107, 196200, 220

equity 61, 6263, 195196, 279280, 282

see also retained earnings; share capital

equity method of accounting 97

equity multiplier see asset gearing ratio

equity, statement of changes in (SOCE) 6364, 6667

Ernst & Young 39

ethical reporting 313

European Union (EU)

accounting standards 29

Directives 13, 15

EVA (economic value added) 213214

exceptional items 164

exchange rates see foreign exchange

executive remuneration see directors, remuneration

expenses, capitalisation of 76

cash flow 155

interest payments 138139

R&D 135137

extraordinary items 164


F-scores 336

factoring 98

fair value 5657, 7879, 99

faithful representation 3335

FCF (free cash flow) 218

finance directors 323

finance leases 139140, 162

finance sources 58, 279

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 3

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) 15

financial instruments 8285

financial management

cash flow 162163

useful indicators 274275

Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 8

financial resource management 243244

Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) 40

financial statements (accounts)

building blocks 2526

Framework characteristics 3237

requirement for 11

finished goods 249

first in first out (FIFO) 120

fixed assets see non-current assets

Forbes magazine 326327

foreign exchange 7981, 164, 243244

foreign operations 115118


company names 12

corporate governance 320

gearing 280

fraud 3940, 4344, 263, 332

Free Accounts Data Product 18

free cash flow (FCF) 218

FTSE 100 (Footsie) 290

funds flow analysis 147149

funds flow statement 149152


gearing 175, 274, 280289

general assessment guidelines 308309

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) 26

geographical segments 117


company names 12

company tax liability 22

corporate governance 319

gearing 280

going concern principle 24, 45

goodwill 8891, 99


grants 75

treasury notes 127

use of annual reports 2122

Gowex 338

graphs, use of 173

Greenbury Code 123

gross profit 121

gross (profit) margin 186187

group accounts see consolidated accounts

growth 324326


Hampel Committee 46, 123

hedge accounting 83

hedging activities 8185

hindsight 52

HR management, efficiency measures 224229


human-asset accounting 23


impairment testing (asset values) 99100

incentive stock options (ISO) see share options

income statement 24

administrative expenses 121

cost of sales 118121, 186

employee costs 122

presentation 103107

profit 121, 129, 186188, 247

sales revenue 112115

segmental reporting 115118

share options 232

inconsistencies (in ratios) 172

index numbers 177

inflation 7778

information sources

annual reports (additional information) 236, 312315

commercial databases 180181

company financial statistics 170

company websites 18, 173, 221, 311312

first-hand experience 243


media 224, 237238, 326327

share prices and indices 303, 304

XBRL data 310311

see also strategic report

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) 26

institutional investors 1920, 204, 233, 318

intangible assets 23, 8591, 99, 137

integrated reporting 314, 329330

intellectual property rights (IPRS) 86

interest cover 138, 244, 274, 276277, 284285

interest payments 138139

statement of cash flows 162

interim reports 142143

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 3, 28

International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) 28

International Accounting Standards (IAS) 8, 30

International Financial Reporting Issues Committee (IFRIC) 29

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 8, 2831

International Integrated Reporting Council (IRRC) 314

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) 21

internet businesses 113, 293

intra-group trading 14

inventory 97, 118121, 202, 249250, 264


cash flow 160162

liquid 99

investor relations 18, 48, 311312

investors see shareholders

IPRS (intellectual property rights) 86

Italy 12, 280


Jenkins Report 51

joint ventures 9597, 112, 283


key performance indicators (KPIs) 50, 125, 328

KPMG 39, 229


last in first out (LIFO) 120

league tables 210

leases 139140, 162

lenders 2021, 183

leverage (gearing) 175, 274, 280289

general assessment guidelines 308309


contingent 70

current and non-current 57, 59, 7273, 253254

definition 5455

fair value 56

types 61

limited liability 1112

limited recourse debt 83

liquid assets 145

liquid ratio 255256, 258259

liquid resources 99

liquidity 145, 247249, 331

assessment guidelines 277278

ratios and measures 254260

listed companies 1213

listing requirements 1516, 142143

loans 138139

see also bank borrowings

loss 103


M-scores 337

management commentary (MC) see strategic report

management discussion and analysis (MD&A) 9, 314

see also strategic report

manufacturing sector 211, 268

market share 238, 324

market to book ratio 292293

market value added (MVA) 213

Marks & Spencer 42, 47, 50, 323, 330

Mars 13

matching 108

materiality 3233

MD&A (management discussion and analysis) 9, 314

see also strategic report

media reports 312

merger accounting 94

mergers see acquisitions

minimum lease payments (MLP) 140

minority interest see non-controlling interest (NCI)

money quantification 23


NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) 180

narrative reporting 314315

net asset value (NAV) per share 292

net operating assets (NOA) 193194

net operating capital employed (NOCE) 194

net worth 12, 62

Netherlands 12, 319

nomination committee 317

non-controlling interests (NCI) 14, 93, 103

non-current assets 57, 7478, 228229

non-current liabilities 57, 72

non-executive directors 319320

non-listed companies 8

normalised figures 52

Northern Rock 323

Norwalk Agreement 29


off-balance-sheet items 282283

operating and financial review (OFR)

see strategic report

operating cash flow 158159, 275

operating leases 139140

operating profit 129

operating profit margin 187188

option contracts 85

ordinary shares 66

other comprehensive income (OCI) 104105

overdrafts 73, 145, 253, 254

overtrading 73, 109110, 248, 276


P/E ratio 295297, 309

Pareti principle 115116

Parmalat 40, 44, 52

participating preference shares 67

payout ratio (dividend) 299300

peak borrowings 295

Penn Central 334

pension funds 122123

percentages 173174, 242

Piotroski, Joseph 336

pooling of interest 94

pre-tax profit margin 187188

preference shares 67

preliminary announcements 143

prepayments 24, 203, 251

present value accounting 100102, 127

price/earnings ratio (P/E) 295297, 309

price to book ratio 213, 292293

PricewaterhouseCoopers 39, 42

pro-forma figures 52, 141142

product financing arrangements 121


absence in value-added statement 216

cash relationship 109, 153155, 273274

definitions 103, 107108, 134, 182

figure to use for ratios 190191

gross 121

measuring 185

operating 129

per employee 225226

retained 65

smoothing 202204

stakeholder perspectives 182184

profit and loss account see income statement

profit margin ratios 186189

profitability analysis

guidelines 218220, 331

ratios and measures 186195, 205210

property, plant and equipment (PPE) 74

provisions 6870

prudence see faithful representation

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) 40

public (limited) companies (plc) 1213

pyramid of ratios 205206, 235


qualified report, auditor’s 4243

quick assets see liquid assets

quoted companies 1213


R&D expenses 135137, 240243


benchmarks 341345

for credit assessment 333334

usage guidelines 169181

see also individual ratios

raw materials 249

receivables 9798, 109, 250251, 265

ratio to payables 261262

recognition (timing) 2425

redeemable preference shares 67

relevance (of financial information) 3233


average per employee 222224

directors 4748, 124, 128, 223, 229233, 320321

see also share options

remuneration committee 124, 317, 320

reporting period 111

reporting standards 8, 910

see also accounting standards

reserves 68

restatements 113

retailing sector 211212, 236, 268

retained cash flow per share 201

retained earnings 63, 65, 68, 71, 141, 298299

retained earnings per share 201, 298299

return on assets (ROA) 189192, 207208

return on capital employed (ROCE) 189192

return on equity (ROE) 286288

return on net assets (RONA) 220

return on net operating assets (RONOA) 193195

return on operating assets (ROOA) 193195

return on total assets (ROTA) 192193, 208, 219, 220

return on total tangible assets (ROTTA) 193

revaluation reserves 7172, 79

revenue reserves 68

reverse takeovers 94

rights issues 199


information in balance sheet 84

payback 293

rate of return 305306

shareholders 66

strategic report 330331

see also hedging activities

risk-free interest rate 127

risk premium 291, 305306

Rite Aid 40

ROA (return on assets) 189192, 207208

ROCE (return on capital employed) 189192

ROE (return on equity) 286288

Rolls-Royce 334

RONA (return on net assets) 220

RONOA (return on net operating assets) 193195

ROOA (return on operating assets) 193195

ROTA (return on total assets) 192193, 208, 219, 220

ROTTA (return on total tangible assets) 193

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) 7


Sainsbury’s 322323

sales revenue 112114

creative accounting warnings 114115, 250, 325

credit sales 109110

employee ratios 224228

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) (US) 3940, 142, 315, 316

securitisation 98

segmental reporting 115118

service industry 90

share capital 62, 6568

share issues, effect on cash flow 162163

share options 126129, 198, 231232

share premium account 7071

share price and value 289301

share (stock) incentive plans (SIPs) see share options

shareholder value analysis (SVA) 217218


governance role 46

institutional investors 1920, 204, 233, 318

investment return 195205, 301

liability of 1112

profit perspective 183

value added 216218

see also investor relations

SIC (standard industrial classification) 180

significant interest 20

SOCE (statement of changes in equity) 6364, 6667

SOCI (statement of comprehensive income) 104, 133

software businesses 113

software for data analysis 173

solvency 247, 255

see also liquidity

source and application statement see funds flow statement

Spain 12

special purpose entity (SPE) 92

staff see employees

statement of accounting policies 3738

statement of assets and liabilities see statement of financial position (balance sheet)

statement of cash flows 157164

financial management insights 275277

use in company analysis 164165

see also funds flow statement

statement of changes in equity (SOCE) 6364, 6667

statement of changes in financial position see funds flow statement

statement of compliance 15, 37

statement of comprehensive income (SOCI) 104, 133

statement of earnings/operations see income statement

statement of financial position (balance sheet) 10, 5356

assets 5658, 7475

building blocks 5758

capitalised expenses 76

cash balance 145, 247248, 269

equity and reserves 6272

government grants 75

horizontal presentation 59

IAS1 format 61

intangible assets 8691

liabilities 5758, 7273

presentation 5862

share options 232

share values 65, 289

tax 73

vertical presentation 60

working capital 147

statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income see income statement

stewardship 13

Stewardship Code, UK 47, 318

stock see inventory

stock exchanges

indices 290

listing requirements 1516

straight-line depreciation 131

strategic report 910, 4952, 293, 314, 327331

strategy, corporate 324331

subordinated debt 83

subprime mortgages 98

subsidiaries 14, 164

see also acquisitions; consolidated accounts

succession planning 317318

sustainability 329


takeovers see acquisitions

tangible assets 74


accounts submission 11

assessment of 22, 133

cash flow 155156

deferred 134135

depreciation 134

financial statement entries 73, 133

gross dividend calculation 300

sales taxes 112

technology investment 307

time value of money 127

total shareholders’ return (TSR) 301

trade payables 73, 109, 266, 268269

trade receivables 9798, 109, 250251, 265

transport sector 237

treasury function 163, 243244

treasury notes (government) 127

treasury stock/shares 6667

trends 177178

true and fair view see faithful representation

turnover see sales revenue



accounting standards 2728

auditing standards 40, 41

balance sheet peculiarities 55, 58, 61, 91

company names 12

corporate governance 4649, 123124, 315, 320323

directors’ remuneration 230231

directors’ report 124

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) 15

gearing 280

interim reports 142

listing requirements 15, 24, 45

narrative reporting requirements 314315

reporting standards 910

XBRL filing of information 311

UK Corporate Governance Code 4649, 123124

UK Stewardship Code 47, 318

underlying figures 52

unit of production depreciation 132

unlisted companies 306


accounting standards 8, 2627, 29

auditing standards 3940

company names 12

gearing 280

interim reports 142

listing requirements 15

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) 40, 316

reporting standards 9

Sarbanes-Oxley Act 3940, 142, 315, 316

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 15

XBRL filing of information 311



companies 301306

fair value 5657

financial instruments 83

future cash flows 99102

goodwill 88

impairment testing 99100

intangible assets 8788

inventory 97, 119121

liabilities 56

revaluation 7172, 79

tangible assets 7475

value-added measures 213214, 226228

value-added statement 214217

value-based management (VBM) 217

variable interest entity (VIE) 92

variations (in ratios) 172

verifiability 36


Walmart 329

warranties (product) 69

warrants 72, 198

websites, company 18, 173, 221

weighted average cost method (inventory) 120

work in progress 249

working capital 146147, 156, 248249, 260262

WorldCom 40, 137


XBRL 310311

Xerox 312

XL Leisure Group 43


Z-scores 335336

zero-coupon bonds 83