
Academic achievement, xii, xiii

    critical thinking, cooperation/creativity and, 42-45

    developmental pathways of, 16

    expectations and, 41

    integrity, intellectual/personal and, 40-42

    readiness to learn and, 37-40

    social-emotional learning/emotional intelligence and, 6-8, 9-10, 25, 49

    test-taking success, 47-49

    See also Child development/learning; Curriculum; Instructional practices

Action Teams, 92

Active learning, 42-45, 58, 59

Anoka School District (Anoka, Minnesota), 215-217

Apple, M. W., 8

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), 5, 30, 55

At-risk children, 9-10, 77-78

Autism, 139-140

Awareness, 4, 7, 288

Beane, J. A., 8

Behavioral problems, 23-24

    readiness to learn and, 38-39

    social-emotional learning (SEL) programs and, 25-26, 27

    war-on-the-problem approach to, 24-25

    See also The Children’s Institute (TCI)

Body-brain integrated system, 7

Brain research, xii, 7, 38, 57-58

    adaptive social behavior, 66

    brain organization/function, 61-62

    educational applications of, 58-59, 62-63, 69

    emotions, mental activity/decision-making and, 65-68

    frontal lobe injury, 64

    learned responses, brain maturation and, 64-65

    progressive educational philosophy and, 59-61

    social-emotional learning and, 63-68

Bruer, J. T., 60

Caine, G., 58, 63

Caine, R. N., 58, 63

Caring School Community, 107

CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), xii, 8, 28-29, 73-74

    goals of, 29-30

    implementation strategy, 181-182

    organizational network, establishment of, 33-34

    program review, 74, 177-178

    social/emotional learning, programming guidelines, 30-32, 178-181

Character education movement, x, 20-21

Child development/learning, 11-12

    adult cooperation towards, 12-13

    character education, 20-21

    educational leadership and, 21-22

    pathways of, 16-17

    public policy and, 18-20

    school planning/management teams and, 13-16

    teacher education and, 17-18

    See also Social-emotional learning (SEL)

Child Development Project (CDP), xiii, 100-101

    adoption of, revised program, 106-107

    class meetings in, 102

    community-building and, 104-106

    components of, 102-104

    cooperative learning and, 102-103

    cross-grade buddies activities, 103-104

    developmental discipline in, 103

    effects study, 105-106

    home-involvement activities, 104

    literature-based reading program, 103

    principles of, 101-102

The Children’s Institute (TCI), xiii, 125-126

    academics, social-emotional development skills and, 138-139

    autism/pervasive developmental delays and, 139-140

    behavior modification and, 126

    crisis/problem-solving support services, 136-137

    curriculum guidelines, structured learning theory and, 132-133

    family component, 138

    feelings fingerprints, self-control strategies and, 131-132

    school clinician in, 137

    schoolwide skill reinforcement, 133-134

    sharing circle, listening skills and, 130, 132

    social development committee meetings, 135-136

    social development coordinator role in, 134-135

    social development curriculum in, 128, 129-132

    social-emotional skills training in, 126-127

    social problem-solving vocabulary, 128, 129

    staff meetings, 135

    staff orientation in, 132-133

Chula Vista Elementary School District (Chula Vista, California), 217-219

Citizenship, 6, 8-9, 26

Civil behavior, 6, 77, 150-151

Clabby, J. F., 129

Climate. See Environmental factors

Coles, R., 149

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). See CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)

    Collaborative teamwork, 15, 21

    Comer School Development Program (SDP). See School Development Program (SDP)

Community. See Learning communities

Conflict resolution. See Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP)

Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (CREIO), 74

Cowen, E. L., 162, 163

Curriculum, 45-46

    emotion, element in, 55

    health education, 47

    language arts, 46

    literature-based reading program, 103

    science/environmental studies, 46

    social development curriculum, 128, 129-132

    social-emotional learning skills and, 201-202

    social studies, 46-47

    thematic instruction, 58-59

    See also Brain research; Instructional practices; Lessons for Life program

Damasio, A. R., 65, 66, 67

Dehaene, S., 65

Democracy, 6, 8-9

Developmental Studies Center, 107

Diversity education. See Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP)

Ecosystem approach. See SHEFI (Psychological and Counseling Service)

Educational leadership, 90-92

    child development/learning and, 21-22

    conflict resolution/diversity education, 80

    faculty meetings, redesign of, 92-93, 97

    norming, staff practices, 93-94, 94 (figure)

    performance, teamwork and, 96-98

    social/behavioral problems and, 23-24

    social/emotional learning programs, 25-26, 28-29, 32-34, 203

    storming issues, straight talk and, 95-96, 95 (figure)

    war-on-the-problem approach, 24-25

    work environment design, 92-97

    See also CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning); Implementation; Instructional practices

Educators. See Teachers

Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR), 79, 81

Elias, M. J., 128, 129, 200

Emotional disorders. See The Children’s Institute (TCI)

Emotional intelligence (EQ), ix, 3-4

    assessment tools, 226-229 (appendix)

    characteristics of, 4-5

    school life applications of, 5-10

    school success, prediction of, 16-17

    See also Social-emotional learning (SEL)

Empathy, 5, 27, 229

Environmental factors, x, xiii

    at-risk children and, 77-78

    character education and, 20-21

    decision-making and, 39-40

    integrity, classroom climate of, 40-42

    school safety/nonviolence and, 21

    social/behavioral problems, 38-39

    support/warmth, 41-42

    See also Academic achievement; Social-emotional learning (SEL)

EQ. See Emotional intelligence (EQ)

Ethical values, 31, 113

Evolutionary psychology, 64-65

Faculty meetings. See Educational leadership

Gazzaniga, M. S., 60, 64, 65, 67

Global preventive measures, 15

Goddard, J. T., 91

Goldstein, A. P., 128

Goleman, D., ix, 3, 8, 27, 29, 77, 197, 200

Gresham, F., 128

Guidance counseling. See SHEFI (Psychological and Counseling Service)

Head Start programs, 86

High-stakes testing. See Standardized tests

Implementation, 181-182

    case studies of, 213-219

    classroom applications, development of, 206-207

    components of, 219-220

    ecological approach to, 207-209

    family involvement in, 209

    future challenges to, 194-198

    innovations/best practices, sharing of, 209-210

    leadership roles and, 203-205, 222-224

    organizational functioning, social-emotional learning programming and, 201-203

    school staff competencies and, 224-225

    schoolwide initiatives, 177-178, 199-201

    teacher training and, 205-206

    time frame for, 221-222

    See also Russian Jack Elementary School

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 128

Information organization, 7

Institutionalization. See Implementation

Instructional practices, ix-x

    budget cuts and, 19-20

    cooperative learning strategies, 43

    debates/dialogues, 44

    journal writing, 43-44

    script-writing/role-playing, 44-45

    social-emotional learning programs, 28

    technology and, 45

    See also Brain research; Curriculum; Lessons for Life program

Integrated Thematic Instruction (ITI), 58-59

Intelligence quotient (IQ), ix, 4, 9-10

Inter/intrapersonal skills, 7, 8-9, 28

Jensen, E., 59

Kovalik, S., 58

Kress, J. S., 203

Lambert, L., 91

Learning, x

    active learning, 42-45, 58, 59

    developmental pathways of, 16-17

    emotional element in, 6-7, 61-62, 65-68

    logic/reason in, 7, 60

    personally meaningful activities and, 68

    project-based learning, 19

    readiness for, 37-40

    structured learning theory, 132-133

    See also Brain research; Child development/learning; Memory; Social-emotional learning (SEL)

Learning communities, xiii, 15-16

    character education and, 20-21

    emotional attachments and, 17

    resource listing, 230-232 (appendix)

    social-emotional learning and, 31-32

    See also Child Development Project (CDP); Implementation; Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP)

Learning First Alliance, 30

Lessons for Life program, 50-51

    emotional intelligence skills, nurturing of, 51-52

    emotion management, learning process and, 54-55

    relationships, foundation for learning, 52-53

Lexington Elementary (Monroe, Louisiana), 214-215

Lions-Quest Skills for Growing, 215-217

Management teams. See School Planning and Management Team (SPMT)

Maslow, A., 50

Mayer, J., 3, 8


    elaborative encoding processes and, 62, 67-68

    emotional context and, 7, 55

    event coded nature of, 6-7

Mental health, 15, 32

Meyers Park High School, 116-118

Motivation, 4, 26, 27, 28, 55, 228

National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP), 83

National Center for Innovation and Education, 52

Neufeld, B., 91

New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards, 9

Noddings, N., 197

Norris, J. A., 203

North Country School, xiii, 142-144

    advisor/advisee relationship, 152-153

    animals/nature, lessons in, 151-152

    background of, 144-145

    communal mealtime, civility and, 150-151

    conduct code, behavioral outcomes and, 145-146

    life-skills learning, 149-150

    social-emotional learning strategies, 146-149

Oxbow Creek Elementary School, 215-216

Palmer, P. J., 196

Parent team, 14, 15, 112

Partners in Learning, 81

Peacock Hill Working Group, 127

Peer mediation, 80

Perry, B. D., 38, 39

Pert, C. B., 68

Pervasive developmental delays (PDD), 139-140

Planning/management. See School Planning and Management Team (SPMT)

Positive youth development, 31, 55

Poverty, 18, 111

Princeton Center for Leadership Training, xii-xiii, 91-92

Problem prevention programming, 31

Project-based learning, 19

Public policy issues, 18

    budget cuts, instructional loss and, 19-20

    School Development Program and, 119-121

    social/economic stressors, 18

    staff pay inequities, 19

    standardized testing, gatekeeper function of, 21

REGS (Relationships, Emotions, Goal Setting) model, 52, 55

Relational skills, 5, 229

    academic learning/performance and, 6, 9, 63

    See also Lessons for Life program

Resilience, 6, 9

Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP), xii, 78-79

    chaos or community, 76-77

    effectiveness of, 83-84

    emotional intelligence, 77-78

    future practice and, 86-87

    human consciousness, paradigm change in, 85-86

    mediation/negotiation in, 82

    nonviolence, culture of, 79, 88

    parent perspective on, 82-83

    peaceable school model, 80-81

    school culture, transformation of, 81-83

    standards shift and, 84-85

    See also Russian Jack Elementary School

Resource listing, 230-232 (appendix)

The Responsive Classroom, 55

Restak, R., 60, 63

Russian Jack Elementary School, 184-185

    commitment, effectiveness and, 191-192

    ownership, creation of, 192-193

    relationship-building and, 190-191

    school culture, change in, 188-190, 193-194

    social/emotional/spiritual growth, school culture and, 186-187

Safe and Sound program review, 32-33

Salovey, P., 3, 8

Samuel Gompers Elementary School, 17

Schacter, D. L., 62

School Development Program (SDP), xi-xii, 12, 16, 110-111

    case example, 116-118

    cognitive development, 114-115

    components of, 112 (figure), 115

    developmental pathways, 111, 113-115

    effects of, 118-121, 122 (figure)

    ethical decision-making and, 113

    linguistic skills and, 111, 113

    physical health, 111

    policy implications of, 119-121

    psychological/emotional health, 113-114

    social interaction, 113

School Leadership Teams, 92, 98

School Planning and Management Team (SPMT), 13-14, 112, 115

    community, creation of, 15-16, 17

    comprehensive school plan and, 14-15

    consensus, no-fault problem solving and, 15

    global preventive measures, 15

    parent teams in, 14

    student/staff support team, 15

    trust and, 14

School psychologists. See SHEFI (Psychological and Counseling Service)


    at-risk students and, 9-10, 77-78

    community development within, 15-16, 17

    special education services in, 127-128

    See also Child development/learning; Learning communities

School staff, x, xiii

    collaborative work of, 12-13

    conflict resolution training, 80

    emotional intelligence, assessment of, 226-227 (appendix)

    See also Staff development; Teachers

Schorr, L., 84

Self-awareness, 4, 27, 51, 228

Self-motivation, 4, 228

Self-regulation, 4, 27, 228

SHEFI (Psychological and Counseling Service), 154-155

    administrative reorganization and, 159-160

    assistance/prevention programs, establishment of, 156-157

    challenges/difficulties of, 171-172

    developmental curriculum, preparation/consolidation of, 162-168, 163 (figure)

    developmental unit/holistic team, 161

    framework, unification of, 157-159

    function/structure/objectives, 155-156

    learning skill improvement unit, 161-162

    life skills program, local district development of, 170

    preventive units, 161

    rapid response unit, 162

    section structure/function, goal implementation and, 160-162

    violence prevention work and, 168-169

    well-being/competence, definition of, 163-164

Site-based management. See School Planning and Management Team (SPMT)

Skills for Growing, 215-217

Social action perspective, 110-111

Social Decision Making/Social Problem Solving Program, xiv, 128, 201, 208

Social-emotional learning (SEL), xi, xii, 26-27

    academic learning/performance and, 6-8

    assessment of, 226-229 (appendix)

    brain-compatible teaching and, 63-68

    character education, 20-21

    competency goals of, 27-29

    democratic citizenship and, 8-9

    native intelligence/IQ and, 9-10

    programming guidelines for, 30-32, 178-181

    school life functioning and, 7-8

    school-wide initiatives, 74-75

    social/behavioral problems and, 25-26

    teacher education and, 17-18

    See also Academic achievement; Child development/learning; Emotional intelligence (EQ); Implementation

Social skills, 5, 27, 229

Sousa, D. A., 58

Special education students. See The Children’s Institute (TCI)

Staff development, 14, 112

    child development/behavior management training, 114-115

    conflict resolution, 80

    social-emotional learning goals and, 203

    teacher education, 17-18, 205-206

    See also CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)

Standardized tests, 18

    gatekeeping function of, 21

    social-emotional learning goals and, 202-203

    test anxieties and, 47-49

Standards, xii, 9, 84-85, 202-203

Stereotyping, 6-7

Structured learning theory, 132-133

Students, x, xiii

    at-risk students, 9-10, 77-78

    emotional intelligence, assessment of, 227-229 (appendix)

    social/behavioral problems of, 23-24

    support programs for, 31-32

    See also Academic achievement; Child development/learning; The Children’s Institute

Student and Staff Support Team (SSST), 15, 112, 115

Subject content. See Curriculum

Sylwester, R., 6, 7, 59


    child development/learning and, 21-22

    educational backgrounds of, 17-18

    integrity, classroom climate of, 40-42

    mental health professionals and, 127

    pay inequities, 19

    social-emotional learning/intelligence quotient and, 9-10

    See also Educational leadership; Instructional practices; Staff development

Teamwork. See School Leadership Teams; School Planning and Management Team (SPMT)

Varner, E., 91

Whole-school approaches. See Learning communities

Wolfe, P., 59

Yale Child Study Center, 12