
Note: page references in italic indicate illustrations. Footnote numbers in brackets are used to indicate the whereabouts on the page of authors/works who/which are quoted, but not named, in the text.

Addison, Joseph 226

Adulteration Acts 286

advertising 328–9, 329

advice texts 243, 247, 333

    child care 317–20

    medical 198–9, 238, 334

    NHS Direct 334–5

airbathing 262, 303, 304, 324–5, 326

Alcott, Bronson 271–3

Alcott, William 271

Alexandrian Library, Egypt 117

allo-grooming 18, 19–22

Al-Razi (Rhazes) 161

Ambrose, St 138–9

American Holistic Medicine Association 333

American League for Physical Culture 325

American School of Naturopathy 304

American Sunbathing Association 325

American Vegetarian Society 269

Amos (Hebrew prophet) 130

Anatomy of Melancholy, The (Burton) 238

animal welfare movement 302

Anthony, St 133, 138

Antibarbari (Erasmus) 186

antibiotics 309, 349

antisepsis 248, 287

anti-vivisection movement 298–9, 302

Aphrodite 60

Apollo 77, 81

apothecaries 164, 167, 191, 242

Appius Claudius 103

aqueducts 103–5, 122–3, 152

Arbuthnot, John 238

Arcana Coelestia (Swedenborg) 269

architecture, domestic 232–3

Aristotle 226, 359 n. 38

Aristotle’s Secrets 153

Armstrong, John 239

Arnobius 129

Arnold, Thomas 278

Ars Amatoria (Ovid) 112–14, 115–16

Art of Preserving Health, The (Armstrong) 239

Art of Swimming, The (Thevenot) 219

asceticism 126–43

    Christian 129–32, 134, 136–7, 184

    Eurasian 127–9

    Judaism and 130

    Neoplatonism and 132–5

    and virginity 127, 135–8

    and washing/bathing 137–41

    weeping in 136–7

Asclepiades of Bithynia 117–18

Asclepius 81–3

asepsis 300

Association for Promoting Cleanliness among the People 281

Association for the Establishment of Public Baths and Washhouses 282

asthenia 249, 262

asthma 348–9

Athanasius, St 133, 134, 139–40

Augustine, St 133, 134, 138, 142

Austen, Jane 240, 245–6

auto-immune diseases 348–9

autointoxication 297

Avenzoar (Ibn Zuhr) 161

Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 153, 161

ayurveda 94

baby care 339

Babylon 46, 56, 61, 73

Bacon, Francis 185, 207, 397 n. 49

bacteriology 297–8, 301

bagnios 183, 205–6

Balnea, The (Carey) 245

balneology 76–81, 109, 118, 204

baptism 129–30, 208

Bar Kochba Revolt 107

barbers 57, 116, 191

    medieval 163, 164, 166–7, 182–3

Barnett, Revd S. A. 305 (n. 65)

Barter, Dr Richard 294

bathing, see baths

bathing-dresses 234

bathroom furniture 230

bathrooms 79, 194, 288, 289, 312, 313

baths 45, 92, 168–9, 261

    air bathing 262, 303, 304, 324–5, 326

    closure of 179

    cold 43, 58, 219–20, 222, 239, 241–2, 243–4

    courtly 150, 151

    dew 303

    domestic 262–3, 288–9

    earth 302

    hip 77, 79

    hot 64, 205, 206–7

    outdoor 79–80, 242, 262

    river bathing 205, 242

    royal 188–90

    sea bathing 243–6

    sun bathing 302–4, 324–5

    sweat 40, 42, 80, 92

    Turkish 235, 243, 294

    warm 233–4, 257, 260, 262

Baths for the Working Classes movement 282–3

bathtubs 156–7

Bazalgette, Joseph 286

beauty 55–6, 58–9

bedbugs 19, 160, 300

Beddoes, Dr Thomas 263

beds 157, 218, 220

Behn, Aphra 215

Benedict, St 134

benevolent despotism 256

Bible Christians 269–70

bidets 230, 233

biodeterminism 95

biopsychosocial medicine 336

Bircher-Benner, Dr Max 323

Bladud, king of England 174

Blomfield, Dr Charles, bishop of London 281

bloodletting 97, 118, 273

body-art 35–8, 47, 67

body-building 92

Boniface, edict of 168

Book of Children, The (Phayre) 198

Book of the Courtier, The (Castiglione) 188

Book of the Natures and Properties as well as of the Bathes in England as of Other Bathes in Germanye and Italye, A (Turner) 204–5

books of hours 154, 176

Boorde, Andrew 198

Booth, Charles 310

Boyle, Robert 7

Bramah, Joseph 234

Braudel, Fernand 5–6

BrethrenofCommonLife 389 n.2

British Holistic Medicine Association 333

British Raj 235

Bronze Age

    Eurasian 38–9, 45–6

    secondary products revolution 38–9

Brookes, Dr W. P. 296

brothels 178–9, 205

Brotherton, Joseph 270

Broussais, F. J. V. 273

Brown, Samuel 268

Bruderhof (Hutterian Brotherhood) 327, 428 n. 33

Buchan, William 231–2, 241–2 (n.37), 252–5

Buddha (Sakyamuni) 127

Buddhism 31, 127–8

Bullein, William 209

Burton, Richard 238

Byron, Lord George 252

Cadogan, William 252

Callahan, Gerald 352

Calvinism 210

cameralism 256

Canon of Medicine (Ibn Sina) 153

Caracalla Baths 109

Carcopino, Jerome 116–17

Carey, George 245

Caroline, queen of England 234

Carson, Rachel 331

Carthage 40, 46

Castel of Helth (Elyot) 189–90, 200, 201

Castiglione, Baldesar 188

Cathartic Law, Cyrene 86

Catholic Church 143, 147–8, 184

Caxton, William 198

celibacy 133, 134, 135

Celsus, Aulus Cornelius 117, 119, 200, 378 n. 13

Celts 50, 66

censuses 256, 265

cesspits 156, 297

Chadwick, Edwin 274, 279, 281

Chamberlen, Dr Peter 206

Champneys, Hertfordshire 322

Chandra, Moti 66 (n. 37)

Chanel, Coco 317

Charlemagne 145–7, 174

Charles II, king of England 216

Charlotte, queen of Savoy 175–6

chastity 34, 132, 133

Chauliac, Guy de 166

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th earl 227, 228, 231

Cheyne, George 238

child care 43, 262, 348–9

    advice books 317–20

    18th-century 241–2, 250–2

    20th-century 317–18

childbirth 22, 190–1

China and Chinese 26, 46, 50, 51, 94, 96, 127

Chirurgia Magna (Chauliac) 166

chivalry 149

cholera 273

Christian Church 136, 175, 281

    and asceticism 128, 129–32, 134

    baptism 129–30, 208

    healing mission 141–3

    and medieval bathing 168–9

    and public baths 123–4

    washing practices 140, 141

Christine de Pizan 157–8, 173

Civil War Parliamentary Committee 106

Clean Air legislation 314, 346

Clean Party 281–2

cleaning products 329

cleanliness 2–3

    ‘clean’, definitions 8, 27, 359 n. 34

    development of 24–9

    domestic 284–5, 299–300

Cleanliness Institute 310

Cleanness (Middle English poem) 149

cleansing, psychology of 11–12

Cleese, John 425 n. 17

Cleopatra, queen of Egypt 72

cloacae 104

cloth 38, 149, 232

    linen 68, 157–8, 193–4

clothing 36, 68, 69, 116, 191, 192

    18th-century 235–6

    and health reforms 291, 295, 300

    medieval 144, 145–6, 173–4

    Protestant Reformation 207–8, 222

    Reformed 303

    20th-century 315–17

Clouet, François 189

coal 314–15

Coffin, Dr Isaiah 270

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 244, 252

Combe, Andrew 274, 276

Combe, George 276–7

Comenius (Jan Amos Komenský) 207–8, 210

comfort (la luxe anglaise) 287–8

Common Aids (Asclepiades) 117

Commonwealth Revolution 196

communism 308–9

Compendious Regiment or a Dyetary of Helth (Boorde) 198

Compleat Swimmer, The (Pearcy) 219

complementary medicine 332, 333, 336

Congress of Nudity and Education 325

Constitution of Man (G. Combe) 276

consumerism 191, 224–5

Cook, Captain James 248

cookery 99

Cornaro, Luigi 201

cosmeceuticals 339

‘cosmetic’: change in definition 98–9

cosmetic literature 114–15, 161, 164–5

cosmetic surgery 165–6, 340

cosmetics 45, 210, 229, 290, 329–30, 397 n. 49

    16th century 191

    18th-century England 231

    20th-century 315, 338

    cosmeceuticals 339

    Egyptians and 49

    eye paints 67

    Greek 98–101

    and health care 51–2

    male beauty products 340–1, 341

    medieval 165–6

    at Mohenjo-Daro 56

    niche markets 339–40

    Romans and 52, 112, 114–15, 117

    tools 38–9

    trade in 48–51

Coubertin, Baron Pierre de 296

courtesans 71, 72

courtesie (courtesy) 146–7

courtly poetry 149–50

Cowper, William 231

Crab, Roger 213–14

Crapper, Thomas 289

cricket 236, 237, 370 n. 26

Critique of Pure Reason (Kant) 257

Crito 52–3

Cry of Nature, The (Oswald) 252

cutlery 147

De Arte Natande (Digby) 201

De Balneis Omnia (Junta) 204

De Medicina (Celsus) 119

De Sanitate Tuenda (Galen) 120–2, 200

Deacon Who Washed Too Much, The (Notker the Stammerer) 147–8

death 24, 32

Defoe, Daniel 197

Degas, Edgar 290

Dent, Arthur 210

dental hygiene 67, 230–1, 318, 357 n. 23

    tooth art 37

deodorants 52, 338, 340–1

depilation 66–7, 164–5, 229, 338, 344

dermatology 260

detox regimes 336

Devotio Moderna 389 n. 2

Diane de Poitiers 189

Dickson, Adam 224

diet 92, 93

    pure foods 212–16

dietetics 95–6, 121, 154, 199, 200, 238

Digby, Everard 201

digestive system 11

Diocletian Baths 109–10

Diodorus Siculus 66 (n. 38)

Dioscorides 162

dirt 8–9

    acquired response to 15–17

    COBS and 17–24

    inner cleansing and 9–11

    sensual response to 11–14

Dirty Party 282

Discorsi della Vita Sobria (Cornaro) 201

diseases 163, 164, 217–18, 273, 279–80

    plague 97–8, 197–8, 199–200, 217, 247, 255–6

    smallpox 217, 229

    syphilis 180–4, 229, 293

disgust response 12, 356 n. 10

divine kingship 53

Dolnií Věstonice, Czech Republic 38

domestic appliances 313–15

Domestic Medicine (Buchan) 252–5

Dominicetti, Bartolomeo 243

Douglas, Mary 4, 16, 30

    on purity rules 31–2, 35, 360 n. 41

Downman, Hugh 251 (n.53)

Drinker, Elizabeth 243, 262–3

drop-latrines 28, 156

drug therapy 273–4

du Chaillu, Paul 170–1

Dunfermline, Lord 283

Dürer, Albrecht 170, 171

Early Hours Movement 295–6

Eclectic Movement 302

ecology 331

Edelstein, Count von 177

education 265, 278, 295, 318–19

Edward I, king of England 164

Edward III, king of England 150, 156

Edward IV, king of England 158

Egypt 26, 46, 56, 68

    and cosmetics trade 49–50

    grooming routines 64, 65, 66–7

    purity rules 57–8

Einhard 146

electricity industry 314

Elias, Norbert 4, 5, 16–17

elimination system 11; see also evacuations

elite classes 45–6, 47

Elizabeth I, queen of England 188–90

Ellis, Havelock 311

ellu 45, 55, 233

Elyot, Sir Thomas 189–90, 200, 201

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 271

Émile, ou, L’Éducation (Rousseau) 250–1

Emily, Duchess of Leinster 409 n. 54

English Gymnosophist Society 325

English Royal Wardrobe bath accounts 150

English Vegetarian Society 270

Enquiry into the Right Use and Abuse of Hot, Cold, and Temperate Baths in England, An (Floyer) 219

environmental hygiene 285–7

environmental physiology 25

epidemic diseases 47–8, 97–8, 301

Erasmus, Desiderius 179, 186, 207

Eros, cult of 90

Eshnunna, palace at 61

Essay concerning Human Understanding (Locke) 221

Essay concerning the Effects of Air on Human Bodies, An (Arbuthnot) 238

Essay concerning the Nature of Ailments, An (Arbuthnot) 238

Essay on Health and Long Life (Cheyne) 238

Essay upon Nursing, and the Management of Children (Cadogan) 252

Essenes (Jewish sect) 131–2

etiquette 62, 226

eugenics 256–7, 310–11, 327–8

Eugenics Education Society 310

Eugenics Review 310

Eurasian asceticism 127–9

Eurasian Bronze Age 38–9, 45–6

evacuations 9, 97, 200, 202–4, 205

    cleaning practices 28, 116, 141

evacuees 312

exercise 94, 277, 295

    England 200–1, 236–8

    gymnastics 277–8

Fabian Society 327

Factor, Max 315

Family Oracle of Health, The 275–6

fashion, see clothing

fasting 91, 214, 336

fevers 217–18

flies 300

flowers 49, 69

Floyer, Sir John 212 (n. 55), 219, 220, 239

Folly’s Praise of Folly (Erasmus) 186

Force de Vie Privat-Klinik 323

Forsyth, J. S. 288

fountains 77–8, 78, 105

Fourier, Charles 271

France 179, 226, 228–30, 255

Francis I, king of France 188

Frank, Johann-Peter 256

Frederico da Montefeltro, Duke 188

Freikorperkultur (free body culture) 324–5

Friends of the Rising Light 325

Fry, Elizabeth 249

Fuller, Francis 238–9

Gaia philosophy 331, 337

Gale, John 319–20

Galen 119–22, 200

Gall, Franz Joseph 276–7

ganikas 71–2

gas supplies 314–15

Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire 236–8

germ theory 297–302

Gibbon, Edward 378 n. 17

global warming 345–6

GM crops 347–8

Gouernayle of Helthe, The 198

Government of Health, The (Bullein) 209

Graham, James 236 (n. 27), 250

Graham, Sylvester 271

grave goods 38–9, 50

Great Exhibition, Crystal Palace 287, 291

Greaves, James Pierrepont (Apostle Greaves) 271, 272

Greece 74–101

    balneology 76–81

    cosmetics 98–101

    demographics 75–6, 93

    gymnasiums 89–93

    life expectancy 76, 93

    Olympic Games 87–9, 124

    personal hygiene 95–6

    public bathhouses 80–1

    public parks 89–90

    purity laws 88, 94

    scientific hygiene 93–9

    superstition 85–7

    swimming pools 80

green movement 331

Gregory I the Great, pope 141

Grmek, Mirko 93

grooming practices 63–9

    16th century 191

    18th-century 228–30

    20th-century 342–4

    animal 13–14, 17–18, 36

    COBS (care of the body surfaces) 17–24, 93

    Egyptian 64, 65, 66–7

    Indian 66, 67

    Irish 311, 366 n. 36

    medieval 154–7

    primates 21, 22–4

    Puritan 207–12

    and social elites 47

    and social politics 22–4

    vocal 18, 20

Grunpeck, Josephus 182

guest honour 62–3

guild system 166

Gully, James Manby 294

gymnasiums 79, 89–93, 100–1, 106, 123–4

gymnastics (callisthenics) 277–8

Hadrian 106, 107

Hahnemann, Samuel 270

hair powder 236

hairstyles 66, 117, 210, 229, 291

Hall, Thomas 196–7 (n. 24)

Haller, Albrecht von 249

Ham Common Concordium 271, 273

Hampton Court Palace 188

Han dynasty 94

Hancocke, John 219

Hans von Waldheim 176

harems 70–1

Harington, Sir John 190

Hassall, Dr Arthur Hill 285–6

Haygarth, Dr John 249

head lice 19–20, 158–9, 160, 229–30

Health and Cleanliness Council 310

Health and Morals of Apprentices Act 265

Health Education Council 334

health food movement 331–2

Health for All 322

Health of Towns Association 279

Health of Towns Commission 279

health reforms

    America 271

    in Britain 265, 279–83

    magazines and 275–6

Henry VIII, king of England 179, 188

herbalists 52, 268, 269, 270, 414 n. 14

Herbert, George 209

Hercules 77

Here’s Health 322

Herod the Great, king of Judea 106–7

Herodicus 91

Herodotus 42–3, 48, 57–8

Hesiod 100

Hetepheres, queen 66

Hill, Christopher 211–12

Himmler, Heinrich 328

Hinduism 32

hip baths 77, 79

Hippias 110–11

Hippocrates 94

Hippocratic Writings 96–7

History of Cold Bathing, The (Floyer) 220

Hitler, Adolf 328

Hoffman, Friedrich 256

holism 3, 332, 335–6

Holmes, Dr Oliver Wendell 278

Holocaust 350–1

homeopathy 270

homeostasis 9–14

Homer 58–9, 63

Hortatus Sanitatis 160

hospitals 142, 243, 249, 332

hot springs (thermae) 40–2, 41, 107–9, 173–4, 175


    19th-century 299–300

    20th-century 315

housing, suburban 313–15

Howard, John 249

Hufeland, Christian Wilhelm 258–9, 262

Human Development Index, World Health

    Organization 75–6

Humanitarian League 302

humoralism 93–8, 337

Hunter, John 231

Hutterian Brotherhood (Bruderhof) 327, 428 n. 33

hydraulic engineering 40, 61

hydropathy 293–5

hydrotherapy 322–3

hydros 291–5

Hygeia: A City of Health (Ward Richardson) 298

Hygëia: or, Essays Moral and Medical (Bleddoes) 263

Hygiasticon: or, The Right Cause of Preserving Life and Health unto Extream Old Age 201–2

Hygieia 81, 82

hygieia 94–5

hygiene 3, 28, 74–5, 225

    environmental 285–7

    French Revolution and 255

    Galen and 120–2

    personal 64, 262, 338, 341–3

    scientific 93–9

    sexual 163

hygienic behaviouralism 4

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) 153, 161

Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) 161

immunology 301

Improvement Commissioners 224

Inanna-Ishtar 58

India 69, 127, 235, 343

    caste system 15, 30, 33, 47

    grooming routines 66, 67

    healers 94

Instauratio Magna (Bacon) 185

insurance 256, 309–10

invalidism 240

Isaiah (Hebrew prophet) 131

Islamic culture 124, 148–9, 167

    medieval centres of learning 152–3

    washing practices 140–1

Italy 41, 151–2

Jaeger, Gustav 303

Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig 277

James, William 296

Japan 40–2, 46

Jerome, St 132, 139

Johannitius 121

John Cassian, St 134

John Chrysostom, St 135–6, 142

John of Burgundy’s Regimen 155

Joy of Light naturism 324, 327

Judaism 32, 56, 106, 130–1

Julius Caesar 107, 108, 168

Jungborn retreat 302, 322

Junta, Thomas 204

Just, Adolf 302, 303

Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis) 221

Kama Sutra (Vatsyayana) 55, 67 (n.39), 71–2

Kant, Immanuel 257

Kellogg, Dr Harvey 304–5

King, John 242

King, Dr Truby 317

Klein, Calvin 14

Kneipp, Father Sebastian 303

Kneipp Hydrotherapy Centre 323

Kneippism 304

Knossos 40, 46, 61–2

Koch, Robert 298

Komenský, Jan Amos (Comenius) 207–8, 210

Kraut, Georg 160

Lamartine, Alphonse de 251–2

Lancet, The 274, 285–6

latrines 28, 104–5, 156, 188, 279

laundry 40, 329, 343

    in Middle Ages 158

    18th-century 232

    19th-century 281, 299

    20th-century 330

League of Nations: Health Organization Committee 308

leech books 52, 153

levée 228

Leverhulme, Lord 304–5

Leviticus (Old Testament book) 31–2, 130, 131

lice 19–20, 158–9, 160, 163–4, 229–30, 300

lidos 320, 321

Lief, Stanley 322, 421 n. 58

life insurance 256

Lind, Dr James 248

Lindlahr, Henry 322

Ling, Per Henrik 277

Lister, Joseph 287

Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine 299

Liverpool Infirmary 243

Lloyd, Humphrey 198–9

Lloyd George, David 309

Locke, John 220–3, 250

Lollards 196

London 183, 192, 194–6, 311–12

    17th-century bagnios 205–6

    public baths 206–7

    Roman baths 106, 123

    Southwark stews 178–9

longevity-knowledge 94–5

Louis XIV, king of France 194

Lovelock, James 331

Lucian 88 (n. 16), 110–11 (n. 16)

Lust, Benedict 304

Lydgate’s Dietary 155

McCourt, Frank 356 n. 19

Macfadden, Bernarr 322, 325

Maimonides, Moses ben Maimon 130–1

Makrobiotik (Hufeland) 258–9

Marcus Aurelius 128

marriage celebrations 34, 42, 172–3

Mary, Queen of Scots 190

massage 91, 92, 118, 121–2, 268–9, 336

Mead, Richard 219, 220, 223

measles 363 n. 4

medical advice books 198–9, 238

medical insurance 309–10

medical materialism 24

‘Medicamina Faciei Feminae’ (‘Cosmetic for Ladies’, Ovid) 114–15

Medicina Gymnastica (Fuller) 238–9

Medicina Statica (Sanctorius) 202, 203

medicine 91, 166, 336, 348–9

    antibiotics 309, 349

    barbers and 57, 116, 163, 164, 166–7, 182–3, 191

    complementary 332, 333, 336

    holistic 3, 332, 335–6

    hospitals 142, 243, 249, 332

    humoral 93–8, 337

    medieval 152–4, 161–2, 163, 167

    Methodism 117–18, 202

    preventive 287, 309–10, 311

    quacks 163, 197–8, 249

    Roman 117–18

    self-help groups 333–4

Meditations (Marcus Aurelius) 128

Menagier’s Wife, The 159–60

menopause 253–4

menstruation 34, 97, 116, 231–2, 253, 317

Mesopotamia 32, 46, 49, 53

Metamorphoses (Ovid) 112

Metcalfe, William 269

Methodism (religion) 227, 269

Methodism (therapeutic system) 117–18, 202

miasma theory 98, 216–17, 297

middens 28, 156

Minoans 6, 68, 69, 73

‘Mirrors of Princes’ 153–4

Mohenjo-Daro 40, 46, 56

monasteries and monks 147–8, 152, 156

Mondeville, Henri de 166

Mongolian gers/yurts 28–9

Montague, Elizabeth 234

Montaigne, Michel de 182

Montessori, Maria 318

More, Henry 214

Morris, William 5

Moulton, Thomas 198

MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) 349

Muhammad 140–1

Mullet, Charles 239

multiculturalism 330–2

Myrrour or Glasse of Helth, The (Moulton) 198

Nacktkultur 324–5

naiads 90, 113

nakedness 44; see also nudity

narcissism 344

national health systems 256

National Vaccine Establishment 265

natural birth movement 333

Natural History (Pliny) 109

Natural History of the Human Teeth, The (Hunter) 231

Nature Cure Annual 304

naturism 211, 302–5, 321–8

Naturopath and Herald of Health magazine 304

Naturopathic Society of America 304

naturopathy 256–7, 323

Naturphilosophie 256–8

Nefertari, queen of Egypt 65

Nefertiti, queen of Egypt 68

Neolithic/Late Stone Age 22, 25–8, 36–8

Neoplatonism and Neoplatonists 132–5, 214

New Age and Concordium Gazette 271

New Age culture 335–6

New Lanark 267

New Public Health 309

New View of Society, A (Owen) 267

Newton, Isaac 238

Newton, John Frank 252

NHS Direct 334–5

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 304

Nightingale, Florence 285, 298–9

Nineveh 46, 73

nits, see head lice

non-naturals (six) 95–6, 121, 154, 199, 200, 238

Notker the Stammerer 147–8

Nude Airbathing Association of Berlin 325

nudity 90, 134, 168–9, 205, 211

    cult of (Nacktkultur) 324–5

nursing/medical care 22, 254–5

nutritional science 323

Obelkevich, Jim 330

obesity 277

Observations on the Diseases of the Army (Pringle) 248

Odyssey (Homer) 63

Office International d’Hygiène Publique 308

Oliver, Jamie 348

Olympic Games 87–9, 124, 296

On Civility in Children (Erasmus) 207

Order of the Bath 150

organic farming 348

Ornement des Dames 161

Orphism 85–6

Orsippus 90

Orwell, George 424 n. 10

Oswald, John 252

Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) 112–17

Owen, Robert 267

Pachomius, St 133, 134

Panacea 81

Pan-American Sanitary Bureau 308

Paracelsus 204

parasites 19–20, 47, 160, 163–4, 229–30, 300

Parsival (medieval German poem) 150

Pasteur, Louis 297–8

Paul, St 133

Paynell, Thomas 198

Pearcy, William 219

People, The (magazine) 267–8

Pepys, Elizabeth 206

perfume 64–6, 117, 229, 291

personal hygiene 64, 262, 338, 341–3

Phayre, Thomas 198

pheromones 14

Philip the Good 175

Philippe de Bourgogne 175

phrenology 276–7

physical fitness training 92, 295–6

physiology 25, 247, 249, 275–8, 280

Place, Francis 395 n. 40

plague 97–8, 197–8, 199–200, 217, 247, 255–6

Plato 26, 91, 99, 100–1

Platonism 214

Platter, Thomas 158–9

Pliny the Elder 103–4, 108, 109

Plotinus 132, 133

plumbing 234–5

poetry, medieval courtly 149–50

pollution 29–35, 301, 331, 345

Polybius 103

population growth 224, 264

pottery 40, 77, 78, 79

poverty 279–80, 305–6, 310

Preissnitz, Vincenz 293

preventive medicine 287, 309–10, 311

primates 20–4, 21

Primitive Physic (Wesley) 241

Principles of Physiology Applied to the Preservation of Health, The (A. Combe) 276

Pringle, Sir John 248, 254

Progressive League 327

prostitution 178–9, 183

Protestant health regimens

    cold water 219–20

    cool air 216–18

    pure foods 212–16

Protestantism 184, 196–7

    sects 211–12

public baths 80–1, 105–11, 123–4, 172–9, 262, 266, 280–1

    bagnios 205–6

    and brothels 178–9

    closure of 179–80

    diplomatic baths 174–6

    etchings of 170, 171, 176, 179

    in London 206–7

    lying-in baths 173

    marriage baths 42, 172–3

    medieval 168–72

    naked bathing in 168–9, 205, 244

    Roman 104, 105–7, 109–11, 122–3

    Saturday baths 171–2

    spring baths 33, 176–8

    stews 178–9

    sweat huts 170

    unprofitability of 312

public fountains (conduits) 77–9, 78, 187–8

Public Health Act (1875) 286

public health policies 225

public health reform 264–7

public parks 89–90

public toilets, closure of 413 n. 3

Public Works (Manufacturing Districts) Act (1863) 286


    advice books 198–9, 238, 243, 247, 317–20, 333

    magazines 269, 275–6, 325

    manuals 207, 252–3

    medieval 147, 152, 153, 155, 167

purdah 34

purification ceremonies 30–1, 42–3, 57

    Greek 83, 85–7, 88

    Ur 54–5

Puritanism and Puritans 3, 196–7, 207–12, 350

    Physical 267–9, 270

purity rules 31–2, 35, 135, 360 n. 41

    Egyptian 57–8

    Greek 88, 94

    in palaces 60–1

Pythagoras 86, 127

Pythagoras his Mystick Philosophy Reviv’d (Tryon) 215

Pythagoreanism 86, 100–1, 214, 359 n. 38

quacks 163, 197–8, 249

Quacks Charter 183

Quakerism 211, 269

quarantine 247

Querini, Pietro 43

Rational Recreation movement 278, 281, 296

Regimen Sanitatis Salerni 198

Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum (Salerno Regimen) 152, 154–5

regimens 152, 154–5

    cold water therapy 240–2

    six non-naturals 95–6, 121, 154, 199, 200, 238

religion 25, 55–6, 75, 81–3, 140–1, 350

    deities 33, 58–9

    and eroticism 59–60

    purification 53–5

    purity 29–30 see also individual religions

Remarks on the Necessity and Means of Suppressing Contagious Fever (Stanger) 266

Renée (fashion model) 316

Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration 310

Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Classes (Chadwick) 279, 281

Rhazes (Al-Razi) 161

rickets 279–80

Rikli, Arnold 302–3

Ritson, Joseph 252

ritual purification 32, 35

Roger I, Norman king 148

Roger II, Norman king 148–9


    aqueducts 103–5, 122–3, 152

    latrines 104–5

    public baths 104, 105–7, 109–11

    spas 107–9

Rome 40, 46, 109–11

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 250–1

Royal Academy of Medicine, France 256

Royal Society 216

Rudeck, Wilhelm 169, 180

Ruskin, John 298

Sakyamuni (Buddha) 127

Salerno 151–5, 160–8

Salerno Regimen (Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum) 152, 154–5, 198

Salop Infirmary 242–3

Sanctorius Sanctorius 202–4, 203, 217

Sartre, Jean-Paul 15–16

SBCICP (Society for Bettering the Condition and Improving the Comforts of the Poor) 265, 266, 412 n. 2

scapegoats/scapegoating 32–3, 130

Schelling, Friedrich 257

School of Fontainebleau 188, 189

School of Infancy (Comenius) 207–8


    17th-century 216–17

    18th-century 246–50

Scipio Africanus 111

seaside resorts 291–2, 293

Seasonal Regimen of Ancestor Peng (China) 96

‘Second Letter to Virgins’ (Athanasius) 139–40

seduction 70–2

Semmelweis, Dr Ignaz 287

Seneca 108, 111

senses 11–14, 15

sewage systems 104, 297

sexual diseases 131, 163, 180–4, 229, 293

sexual freedom 324

Shang dynasty 46

Shanks, John 289

shaving 66–7

Shaw, George Bernard 304, 421 n. 59

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 252

Shiva 60

Short Discourse concerning Pestilential Contagion, A (Mead) 220

showering 78, 243, 330

Sicily 148, 151

Sigerist, Henry 421 n. 58

Silent Spring (Carson) 331

Simeon Stylites, St 134

Simon, Sir John 286

Simpson, James 283

Sinclair, Sir John 225

Siricius, pope 135

Skara Brae settlement 26, 28

skin care 192, 339, 340

skinceuticals 340

smallpox 217, 229

Smedley, John 294

smell 12, 14, 15

Smith, Dr Southwood 285 (n. 35)

Smith, Sydney 412 n. 2

Snow, John 273

soap 56, 192–3, 194, 290–1

Sober Diet 201–2

Social Darwinism 310–11

social stratification 46–8

Society for Bettering the Condition and Improving the Comforts of the Poor (SBCICP) 265, 266, 412 n. 2

Society for the Reformation of Manners 265

Society of Clean and Innocent Livers 215

sociology 309

Some Thoughts concerning Education (Locke) 220, 221

spartanism 406 n. 35

spas 107–9, 293

    Roman 107–9

    medieval 151–2

    16th century 204–5

    20th-century 322

Spectator magazine 226

speech, development of 20

Spencer, Herbert 310–11

sport 325–7


    cold 77, 174–5

    hot 40–2, 41, 77, 107–9, 174, 175, 176

    mineral 204, 205

Spurlock, Morgan 348

Spurzheim, J. C. 276–7

Stanger, Dr Christopher 266–7

steam baths 168, 183

Stephen, king of Hungary 174

stews 178–9, 183

Stoic philosophy 128

stoving 42–3

string revolution 27, 38

strip washing 79–80, 235, 243, 288, 290

Stubbes, Philip 208–9

sulpha drugs 309

Sumeria and Sumerians 26, 46, 54–5

sunbathing 302–4, 324–5

Sunbathing Society 325

Sunday School movement 265

Sunghir’, Russia 38

Super Size Me (film) 348

superstitions 85–7

Suren, Major Hans 325

Susruta 67, 366 n. 37

Sussmilch, Peter 256

sweat-baths 42, 92, 170

Swedenborg, Emanuel 269

swimming 222, 320, 321, 325–7

swimming pools 80, 92, 103, 219–20

Swiss League of Light 324

Sydenham, Thomas 216, 217, 219

syphilis 180–4, 229, 293

System of Transcendental Idealism (Schelling) 257

Tacitus 158

tacuinums 154

tai chi 127

tapestries 150, 151

tattooing 37–8

Taylor, Martha 214

temperance 199, 213–15, 270, 277

    Greek doctrine of 96–7

Temperance Leagues 269

temple baths 79, 81–3, 84

Theophrastus 85–6

Thermae of Mercury 107, 108

thermal cities 108–9

Thevenot, Melchisedech 219

Thompson, James L. 421 n. 58

Thomson, Samuel 270

Tiberius 108

time 5–6

Times, The 285

Tittle-Tattle 395 n. 39

Titus, Baths of 109


    drop-latrines 28, 156

    Ireland 311

    electronic 337

    flush 234–5, 279, 289

    latrines 28, 104–5, 156, 188, 279

    public, closure of 413 n. 3

    ‘smart’ 337

    water closets 190, 234, 395 n. 40

toilet-training 16–17

Topsell, Edward 208

touch 13–14

Trajan 271

Treasure of the City of Ladies, the (Christine de Pizan) 157–8

Treasuri of Helth contayning Many Profitable Medicines, The (Lloyd) 198–9

Treatise of Cleanness in Meats and Drinks, A (Tryon) 218

trepanning 22

Trotula corpus 152, 160–8

Tryon, Thomas 214–16, 218, 220

tuberculosis 301

Tucker, Henry 243

Turkish baths 235, 243, 294

Turkmenistan 343–4

Turner, Dr William 204–5

Twyford, Thomas 289

Ulrich von Hutten 169

underlinen 144, 145, 158, 193–4

underwear 232

universities 152–3, 214

Ur 40, 46, 54–5

valetudinarianism 91

Vatsyayana 55, 67, 71–2

Vedas 51–2, 55, 56–7, 127–8

vegetarianism 112, 213–15, 251–2, 269, 271, 302, 323

Veldes sanatorium 302–3

venereology 163

venesection 97, 118, 273

Vigarello, Georges 193

Vigée Le Brun, Elizabeth Louise 230

virginity 127, 135–8, 142; see also celibacy; chastity

Virgo aqueduct 123

vitalism 257, 258–63, 273

Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio) 79

vocal grooming 18, 20

voluntarism 265

Wakely, Thomas 274

Walpole, Horace 240–1

Wandervogel 320–1, 325

Ward Richardson, Sir Benjamin 298

wash basins 79–80, 156

wash-houses 266, 281

washermen 57

washing 134, 137–41, 208–9, 210; see also baths

washing machines 330

water closets 190, 234, 395 n. 40

water supplies 39, 76–81, 103–5, 187–8, 254

Webb, Captain Matthew 327

Webb, Sidney and Beatrice 306

Wedding of Youth and Cleanness, The (broadsheet) 181

well-being industries 338–9

wells 33, 174–5

Wentworth, Anne 214

Wesley, John 226–7, 241

‘wet-wrap’ therapy (hydropathy) 293–4

Whigs 265–6

white goods 328

Wiesbaden 174, 177–8

Wight, Sarah 214

Wilberforce, Archdeacon Samuel 281

Williams, Neville 404 n. 21

Willich, A. F. M. 258 (n.62), 259–60, 262

Wilson, James 294

Winstanley, G. 211

Woman in a Tub (Degas) 290

Women’s Bathhouse (Dürer) 171

women’s liberation 333

work–life balance 336

World Health Organization 75–6, 308

Wright, Lawrence 5

writing 75

Wyclif, John 196

Xian cult 127

YHA (Youth Hostels Association) 320–1

Young, Thomas 252

Zimmerman, Werner 324

Zoroastrianism 140, 360 n. 40

Zurich Medical Society 323