The chakras are subtle energy centres that mediate energy between the physical and the subtle bodies (the aura), and the aura and the external environment. Many of the issues that hinder mindfulness can be resolved through the chakras. If the chakras are in balance, you enjoy wellbeing. If they are out of balance, you suffer dis-ease at a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level of being. Placing appropriate crystals on your chakras and lying quietly breathing mindfully into the crystal for 5–15 minutes brings the chakras back into balance. The areas of life associated with the chakra clarify and resolve themselves, leading to less distraction and greater mindfulness.
Traditionally, there are seven major chakras (Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown), although more have evolved – and one of the most important of these is the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet. If you are not fully grounded (that is, connected to the planet) you will not be in your body and cannot be mindful. Equally important is the Higher Heart in the centre of your breastbone, as this regulates your physical and subtle immune systems. Bloodstone soon sorts this chakra out. The Third Eye, Crown and Higher Crown chakras open your spiritual connection.
Function: Security
Position: Below the feet
Qualities: Physical and material connection, grounding, protecting, stabilizing
Balanced: Grounded, practical, operates well in everyday reality
Unbalanced: Ungrounded, no sense of personal power, cannot operate in everyday reality, picks up negativity easily
Crystal referrals: Eye of the Storm (page 44), Smoky Quartz (page 50), Flint (page 86) and Black Tourmaline (page 88)
Function: Energizing
Position: Base of the spine
Qualities: Physical and survival instincts, basic security, sense of one’s own power
Balanced: Active, independent, spontaneous leadership
Unbalanced: Impatient, fearful of annihilation, death wish, oversexed or impotent, vengeful, hyperactive, angry, violent, manipulative
Crystal referrals: Eye of the Storm (page 44), Bloodstone (page 48), Agate (page 58) and Carnelian (page 60)
Function: Creativity
Position: Hands breadth below navel
Qualities: Physical creativity and procreation, connectivity
Balanced: Brave, assertive, confident, joyous in sexuality, sensual pleasure, accepts sexual identity
Imbalanced: Low self-esteem, infertile, cruel, sluggish, pompous, feels inferior, emotional hooks
Crystal referrals: Carnelian (page 60), Citrine (page 74) and Menalite
Function: Emotional regulation
Position: Hand’s breadth above waist
Qualities: Emotional connection and assimilation, nurturing
Balanced: Good energy utilization, empathetic, organized, active intelligence
Imbalanced: Poor energy utilization, lazy, overly emotional or cold, cynical, emotional baggage, energy leaching, takes on feelings and problems
Crystal referrals: Rhodochrosite (page 82), Chrysocolla (page 84), Aquamarine (page 76) and Green Aventurine
Function: Relationship
Position: Base of breastbone
Qualities: Healing emotional distress, unconditional loving
Balanced: Loving, generous, flexible, compassionate, nurturing, self-confident, accepting
Imbalanced: Disconnected, unable to show love, jealous, possessive, insecure, miserly, resistant to change
Crystal referrals: Rose Quartz (page 80) and Green Aventurine
Function: Communication
Position: Over throat
Qualities: Links emotions and intuition to mental communication
Balanced: Able to speak own truth, receptive, idealistic, loyal
Imbalanced: Unable to verbalize thoughts or feelings, stuck, dogmatic, disloyal
Crystal referrals: Turquoise (page 54), Blue Lace Agate (page 66) and Aquamarine (page 76)
Function: Attunement
Position: Centre of forehead, above eyebrows
Qualities: Intuition and mental connection
Balanced: Intuitive, perceptive, visionary, in-the-moment
Imbalanced: Spaced out, fearful, attached to the past, superstitious, bombarded with others’ thoughts
Crystal referrals: Auralite 23 (page 52), Amethyst (page 64), Selenite (page 70), Aquamarine (page 76) and Labradorite (page 78)
Function: Spiritual connection
Position: Top of head and above
Qualities: Spiritually connected, enlightened
Balanced: Mystical, creative, humanitarian, service-orientated
Imbalanced: Overly imaginative, illusory, arrogant, controls others, spaced out
Crystal referrals: Brandenberg Amethyst (page 56) Selenite (page 70), AnandaliteTM (page 72) and Labradorite (page 80)