1. Cadbury, Sir Dominic 1
  2. Caird, Edward 1
  3. Campbell, Alastair 1
  4. cancer treatments 1, 2
  5. Capio 1
  6. Carlyle, Thomas 1
  7. Carr, Maxine 1
  8. Carter-Ruck, Peter 1
  9. Case for Marriage, The (Waite and Gallagher) 1
  10. Castle, Barbara 1
  11. Catherine of Aragon 1
  12. Chadwick, Edwin 1, 2
  13. Chain, Ernst 1
  14. Chalmers, Thomas 1, 2
  15. Chapman family 1
  16. charitable hospitals 1
  17. charities
    1. growth in Victorian period 1
    2. and Charity Organisation Society 1
    3. and work of Thomas Chalmers 1
    4. for retired people 1
  18. Charity Organisation Society 1, 2
  19. Charles, John 1
  20. Chaucer, Geoffrey 1
  21. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital 1
  22. Cheshire, Professor 1
  23. Chesterton, G. K. 1
  24. Child Support Agency 1
  25. children
    1. need for good parenting 1
    2. and crime 1, 2
    3. effect of single parenting 1, 2
    4. and step-parents 1
    5. effect of divorce 1
  26. Children in Need 1
  27. Chisholm, John 1
  28. cholera epidemics 1, 2
  29. Churchill, Winston
    1. and National Insurance Act 1, 2
    2. on unemployment 1
    3. recruits William Beveridge 1
    4. and Beveridge Report 1
    5. appoints ‘Rab’ Butler 1
    6. on government expenditure 1
  30. Citizens Advice Bureau 1
  31. Ciulli, Franco 1
  32. Civil Society and David Blunkett (Minogue) 1, 2, 3
  33. Clare, John 1, 2
  34. class
    1. standards of behaviour in 1
    2. rise in working class power 1
    3. and educational achievement 1
    4. and single parents 1
    5. and divorce 1
  35. Cleese, John 1
  36. coalition government
    1. welfare reforms under 1
    2. unemployment under 1
    3. education under 1
    4. National Health Service under 1
    5. crime under 1
    6. standards of behaviour under 1
  37. Cobbett, William 1
  38. Coe, Robert 1
  39. Cole, W. A. 1
  40. Coleman, Alice 1, 2
  41. Connolly, Colin 1
  42. Cookson, Barry 1
  43. Coram, Thomas 1
  44. coronary heart disease treatments 1
  45. council housing 1
  46. council tax benefits 1
  47. Courthorpe, Mr 1
  48. Cowell, Mr 1
  49. Cowperthwaite, John 1
  50. Crafts, Nicholas 1
  51. Crellin, A. 1
  52. crime
    1. under coalition government 1
    2. rise in 1, 2, 3
    3. international comparisons 1
    4. and Damilola Taylor 1
    5. and welfare dependency 1
    6. and unemployment 1
    7. and education 1
  53. Crisp, Nigel 1
  54. Crosland, Tony 1
  55. Crowcroft, Natasha 1
  56. Crowther Commission 1
  57. Cullen, Bill 1
  58. culture
    1. of British people 1