1. St Bartholomew’s Hospital 1, 2
  2. St Goran’s Hospital 1
  3. Salisbury, Lord 1
  4. Sanai, Leyla 1
  5. Sandon, Lord 1
  6. Santayana, George 1
  7. savings 1
    1. and state pensions 1, 2, 3
    2. culture of discouraged 1
  8. Seaton, Nick 1, 2
  9. Self-Help (Smiles) 1
  10. Semmelweis, Ignaz 1
  11. sexual abuse 1
  12. Shaftesbury, Lord 1
  13. Shakespeare, William 1
  14. Shirley Valentine 1
  15. Sikora, Karol 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  16. Singapore
    1. education in 1
  17. single parents see also parents
    1. rise in numbers 1, 2, 3
    2. and Royal Commission on the Poor Laws 1
    3. reasons for 1
    4. historical context 1
    5. and Beveridge Report 1
    6. support for 1, 2
    7. and class 1
    8. attitude towards 1
    9. international comparisons 1
    10. happiness of 1
    11. poverty among 1
    12. violence towards 1
    13. effect on children 1, 2
    14. and step-parents 1
  18. Skeet, Mavis 1, 2
  19. Slevin, Maurice 1
  20. Smiles, Samuel 1
  21. Smithers, Alan 1, 2
  22. Snow, John 1
  23. Social History of Housing, A (Burnett) 1
  24. South Korea
    1. education in 1
  25. Speenhamland system 1
  26. Spender, Harold 1, 2
  27. Spriggs, Rodney 1
  28. Stafford Hospital 1
  29. Stent, Frank 1, 2
  30. step-parents
    1. behaviour of 1
  31. Stevens, Robert 1, 2
  32. Stewart, Rod 1
  33. Stewart, Sean 1
  34. Sugar, Alan 1
  35. Sunday schools 1
  36. Sunday Telegraph 1
  37. Sweden
    1. unemployment benefit in 1
    2. health reforms in 1
    3. effects of divorce in 1
    4. economic growth in 1
  38. Switzerland
    1. education in 1
    2. democracy in 1