6.10 What Transformations Affect

Now that you can transform your objects by a myriad of methods, it’s time to look closer at what exactly gets transformed when you do it. As it turns out, Inkscape can optionally affect or not affect some specific parts of objects. This is controlled by the Affect toggle buttons on the right end of the Selector controls bar:

The Selector tool’s controls bar: the Affect buttons

Figure 6-17. The Selector tool’s controls bar: the Affect buttons

There are four Affect toggle buttons, in the following order:

Stroke width


Profiled strokes that the Pen and Pencil tools create (Chapter 14) always scale their width when the object is scaled.

Rounded rectangle corners




In future versions, more Affect buttons may be added—for example, for scaling or not scaling path effects (Chapter 13) or filter effects (Chapter 17).


There’s an annoying but harmless bug: Regardless of the current position of the Affect buttons, interactive transforming of objects by the mouse in the Selector tool always shows stroke, rounded corners, gradients, and patterns as transformed while you’re dragging the mouse. As soon as you release the mouse, however, everything is corrected according to the current state of the Affect buttons.