15.2 Text Object Types

How do you create a new text object? This depends on what type of text you want to create, as we will discuss in the following sections.

To create a regular text object, switch to the Text tool (), click on the canvas (not on an existing text object!) to place a text cursor, and start typing. (If you drag instead of click, you will create a flowed text object, which is different in several important ways, as we will see shortly.)

Once you have typed at least a single character, the new text object is added to the document. At that point, you can switch to any other tool to deal with the newly created object (as long as it remains selected) as you would with any other object—for example, transform it with the Selector tool, paint it by clicking a palette color (this can be done in any tool), or draw a gradient across it with the Gradient tool.

In regular text, there’s no automatic line wrapping; you need to press to go to the next line. If you don’t do that and just keep typing into the same line, it can reach any length.

Flowed text is different from regular text in that it has its own intrinsic width (or, more generally, frame), and it automatically wraps the text to fill this width (or frame). In other words, when typing in flowed text, you don’t have to press to go to the next line (but you press it to start a new paragraph).

A single-line text object in Inkscape can link to a path to use the path not as a frame, but as a guide to bend the text’s baseline. Just select both the text and the path and choose TextPut on Path:

This connection is live: Both the text and the path remain fully editable, and reshaping the path forces the text to bend correspondingly. If the text is longer than the path, its end is hidden (but it is still there; if you delete some text at the beginning, the end will move in and become visible). If the path consists of more than one subpath (12.1.1 Subpaths), the text will continue from one subpath to the next at character boundaries (but not word boundaries).

It makes no difference if the path has any stroke or fill; the only thing that matters for text is its geometric shape. Path direction also matters; if you want to put text on the other side of the path and in the reverse direction, just choose PathReverse on the path:

You can easily hide the guide path by making it fully transparent or removing both its fill and stroke. Moreover, as with flowed text, you can move the text object away from its path or transform it without breaking the link, whereas transforming the path moves or refits the text correspondingly.

More than one text object can be linked to the same path. Use TextRemove from Path to convert text on a path into a regular linear text, cutting its link to the path.