
Abronychus of Athens 142n

Achaemenes 118, 242

Achaemenid dynasty xxv, 6, 19, 20, 313, 112n, 113, 203

Acragas 107

Acropolis, Athens 3, 74, 168, 187

admirals, Persian 118, 242

Aegina 57, 73, 83, 86, 97, 98, 99, 104, 105, 107

Aeolians/Aeolis 21, 51, 117, 239

Aeschylus 3, 89, 165n

Agesilaus II, King of Sparta 70n, 72n, 128n, 162n, 171, 177, 224

Agesilaus, Caius Iulius 170, 171

Agiad dynasty 67, 94, 174

Agis II, King of Sparta 162

Agis III, King of Sparta 167

agôgê 6970, 206, 227

agora 25, 26, 172, 205

Ahura Mazda 31, 35, 40, 445, 46, 489

Al-Qaeda 129

Aleuad dynasty 102, 121, 139

Alexander I of Macedon 59, 62, 901, 250

Alexander the Great xi, xii, 17n, 19, 901, 93n, 114, 1678

Alpheus 152

Amasis, Pharaoh of Egypt 220

American Revolution 180

Amestris 110, 232

Amompharetus 159

Amphictyonic League 102, 127, 159, 225, 226

Anatolia 21, 51, 114, 117

Anaxandridas II, King of Sparta 67

ancestor worship 126n

Andros 91n

Anopaea path 140, 1467

Antipater, regent of Macedon 167

Antony, Mark 170

Arabians 115, 117, 233, 237

Arabic scholars 198

Aramaic 38, 216

Arcadia 73, 767

Archelaus, King of Macedon 60n

archers, Persian 1101, 142, 149, 150, 233

architecture, Achaemenid 356

Areus I, King of Sparta 174

Argeadae dynasty 5960

Argos 245, 60, 73, 778, 1078, 160

Ariabignes 240

Ariazus 116

Ariomardus 235, 233

Aristagoras of Miletus 52, 667, 76, 171

Aristodamus 1569

Aristophanes 4, 114n, 224

Aristotle 72, 80, 154, 198

Armenians 234


Persian 1423, 321

Spartan 1435


Greek coalition 132, 138

Persian 956, 10917, 2318

Spartan 65, 679, 129

Arnold, Thomas 188


Achaemenid 356

inspired by Sparta/Thermopylae 176, 1803

Artabanus 57, 87, 889, 95, 116, 120, 233, 236

Artabazus 33, 114, 233

Artaphernes 55, 57, 97, 234

Artaxerxes II, King of Persia 229

Artayctes 114, 235

Artayntes 233

Artemisia 11920, 2401

Artemisium, Battle of 7, 9, 136, 148, 152, 166

Artemisium, Greeks’ naval station at 142

Artochmes 234

Ashoka, Emperor 17n

Asia, Greek settlement and colonization in 16, 29n

Assyrians 34, 117, 232, 238

Athenian Revolution 52

Atheno-Peloponnesian War 26, 29, 54, 90, 118, 165n, 166, 189


achievements of 11

at war three years in four 6

Battle of Marathon 57, 91, 97, 98, 199

Battle of Salamis 165166n

Battle of Thermopylae 7, 138, 167

democracy in 11, 28, 523, 75, 86, 195, 206

fleet 978, 104

and Hellenic League 60, 613, 24950

Herodotus calls saviour of Greece 1646

and Ionian Revolt 54, 55, 67n, 96

maritime empire 10, 11, 41n, 165

relations with Persia 29n, 54, 568, 98

self-criticism in 205

Spartan expeditions against 28, 746, 104

Thirty Tyrants 154, 160n, 166, 192

see also Cleisthenes;






Athos, Mt 96

Atossa 31, 34, 87, 232

Auden, W.H. 18990

Augustus, Emperor 170

Azanes 235

Babylon/Babylonia 8, 19, 35, 46, 57, 113, 232

Bacchylides 2245

bachelors, humiliation of 208

Bactria/Bactrians 19, 114, 232, 237

Badres 235

baggage trains, Persian 111, 121

Baghdad 198

Bassaces 235

Berlin Olympics (1936) 191

Bernières, Louis de 2434

Bisitun inscription 19, 446, 48, 113

Blackwood, Adam 181

Boeotia/Boeotians 78, 58, 75, 138, 139, 207, 214

Böll, Heinrich 169

Bormann, Martin 192

Bosporan greeks Hellespontire 117, 241

Bosporus 23, 49, 90

Boulis 93, 128

Bowen, Anthony 179n

British School at Athens xiv, 187

Buchan, John 185

Buchanan, George 177

Burn, Robin 190

Bush, George W. 195

Byron, George Gordon, Lord 175, 1834

Cabelians 235

Caesar, Julius 56, 170

Callidromus, Mt 138, 141

Callisthenes 93n

Calynda 119, 241

Cambyses 6, 23, 31, 46, 49, 220, 245

Cameron, J. Norman 1889

camp-followers, Persian 111

Cappadocians 234

Caria/Carians 24, 34, 51, 117, 118, 239, 240

Carneia festival 126

Carthage 1067

Caryae 132

Caspians 233, 237

Castor and Pollux 93, 222

Cavafy, Constantine 1, 186, 255

cavalry, Persian 117, 237

Celsus 174

Cerameicus cemetery, Athens 160n, 191

Chalcidians/Chalcids 75

chariots 155

Chateaubriand, Fran<;al>cois-Ren<;aa>e de 197

Cherasmis, governor of Sestus 114, 235

Chios 156, 21

Chorasmians 33, 34, 114, 233

Christians, early 1734

Churchill, Winston 190

Cicero 169, 213

Cilicians 117, 118, 235, 2389

Cissians 113, 232, 237

citizenship 56, 206

civil war 54, 118, 130, 248

Clarke, Edward Daniel 179n

Cleisthenes 28, 52, 74

Cleomenes I, King of Sparta 56, 667, 94, 103, 177

campaign against Aegina 834

campaign against Argos 74

campaigns against Athens 28, 736, 104

suicide of 846, 128, 221

Cleomenes III, King of Sparta 172, 177

Clinton, William J. 4

coalition, Greek see Greece/Greeks

Coelho, Paulo 244

coinage, Persian 39, 111n

Colchians 235

Cold War 1956

colonization, Greek 1516, 58, 61

competition, Greek love of 2057

Corinth 28, 73, 75, 104, 105, 106

Corinth, Isthmus of 7, 99, 1025, 138

see also Hellenic League

Cos 116, 242

criminals, Spartan 80

Critias of Athens 15, 154, 160n, 192, 207

Crius 81, 82

Croesus, King of Lydia 212, 24, 25, 26, 28, 68, 213, 219, 2523

Ctesias 229

cuirasses, Spartan 144

cultural misunderstanding 934, 1356, 209

cuneiform script 19n, 33, 44n

Cyberniscus 240

Cynisca, Princess 225

Cyprus/Cypriots 8, 23, 51, 54, 117, 118, 238

Cyrene 173

Cyriac of Ancona 76

Cyrus II the Great, King of Persia

death of 6, 19, 242, 245

expansionism 8, 19, 21, 23, 24, 221

founds Achaemenid Persian Empire 6, 31, 113, 199, 245

Herodotus on 246, 2523

and Sparta 256, 199

Dadicans 233

Daiva-Inscription 31, 49

Damasithymus 240

Darius I, Great King of Persia 17, 31, 345, 469, 83, 118, 251

ascends throne 6

Bisitun inscription 19, 44, 46, 48, 113

coinage 39, 111n

consolidates empire 31, 245

death of 6, 57

and European Thrace 23, 49, 90

expansionism 49, 55, 557, 91

and Mardonius 878, 96

sends heralds to Sparta 209

Darius III, Great King of Persia 167

Dascyleum xiv, 92, 95

Datis 55, 57, 97, 117, 234

David, Jacques-Louis 1812

Davies, Anna 2267

Davis, Thomas 184

de Pauw, Cornelius 180

death, Spartan attitude to 25, 7983, 1302, 149, 15962

see also funerary customs

Degas, Edgar 71n

Delécluze, E. 182

Delian League 10

Delos 101

Delphi 3, 24, 84, 102, 105, 127, 135n, 149, 225, 252

Demaratus, ex-King of Sparta

at Panathenaic Games 155

deposed and exiled 84, 205

Herodotus on 88n, 91, 94, 1324, 1356, 178, 210, 218

rift with Cleomenes 67, 756, 834, 104

democracy, development of 11, 13, 28, 523, 55, 86, 195, 205

Demosthenes 205

Dickens, Charles 186

Dieneces 149, 152

Diodorus 147n, 22930

disgrace, public 1569

Dithyrambus 152

Dorieus 67

Dôrians/Doris 117, 126, 127, 134, 200, 239

Doriscus 109, 121, 123

Dotus 234

dyarchy, Spartan 16, 67, 85, 126

East Gate, Thermopylae 140

East versus West conflict xixii, xv, 15, 89, 1934, 1979

Ecbatana xiv, 21, 34

education, Spartan 6971, 124, 128, 185, 206, 208, 224

Egan, Richard 193

Egypt/Egyptians 23, 35, 46, 57, 96, 108, 117, 118, 238, 240

Ehrenberg, Victor 192

Eirene 4

Elis 5, 61, 1034

Enlightenment, The 17880

Ephesus 22, 43

Ephialtes 1467, 186, 229, 254

ephors 69, 78, 128

Ephorus 147n, 22930

Epidaurians 105

Erchomenians 105

Eretria 55, 96

Esther, Book of 40

Ethiopia/Ethiopians 35, 115, 2334

Euagoras 227

Euainetus 121

Euboea 41, 55, 75, 123

eugenics 71, 7980, 227

Eugenides, Jeffrey 189

eunuchs 41

Eurybiadas 9, 10, 128, 1555, 172

Eurypontid dynasty 67, 70n, 83n, 94, 174

Eurysthenes 174

Eurytus 158

exposure of infants 80, 206, 213

fascism 190, 203

Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe- 182

Ferguson, Adam 178

film, Sparta in 1934

food habits 63

Fortification Tablets 33, 42

freedom xii, 2, 8, 12, 13, 52, 135, 192, 205, 207

French Revolution 180

Funeral Speeches, Athenian 1667, 1889, 205

funerary customs 63, 79, 812, 15962, 2502

Gadatas 47

Gandarans 233

Gaza 199

Gelon of Syracuse 61, 1056

generals, Persian 116, 236

Gergis 116, 236

German Archaeological Institute 191

Gerousia 66, 78, 128

Gibbon, Edward 1, 213

girls, Spartan 702

Glover, Richard 179, 184

Gobryas 88, 96, 116, 118

Gobryes 234

Göring, Hermann 192

gold 111

Golding, William 211

Gorgo 66, 103, 128, 129, 133, 186

Gorgos 103

Gorgus 240

Graeco-Persian Wars 1, 811, 59

cause of 17, 901, 21415, 219

East vs West conflict xixii, 15, 90

mobilization 87122

Spartan memorials to 1002, 164, 1712

see also Artemisium;





Granicus River, Battle of 167

grave goods 79, 81


Battle of Thermopylae 14152

battle position 1412

betrayed by Ephialtes and out-flanked 1467

consider retreat before 139

forces at 1, 7, 132, 138

tactics 1457

colonization 1516, 58, 61

divisions among 67, 589, 107

formation of Hellenic League 7, 60, 63, 100, 1026, 107, 108

Hellenic world before Graeco-Persian Wars 5063

influence on Western civilization xiixiii, 195, 202, 203

pro-Persian xiiixiv, 78, 278, 74, 83, 84, 88, 107, 11415, 118, 121, 132, 1389, 146

in Second World War 1901

strategy against Persians 1212, 1234, 127, 13940

see also Artemisium;


Graeco-Persian Wars;







Greekness 67, 5963, 102, 104, 152, 219, 24950

Griffiths, Benjamin Leonidas Arthur Lumley 185

Grote, George 199

gymnastics 137

Gymnopaediae festival 171

Hahn, Kurt 185


Spartan facial 194n

Spartan long 137, 209

Halicarnassus 119, 240

Halieians 105

Handel, George Frideric 178

harems 41

Harmamithres 237

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich xii

Helen of Troy 222

Hellas/Hellenism 58, 5963, 225, 249250

Hellenic League 7, 60, 63, 100, 1026, 107, 108

Hellenion (Sparta) 100, 164

Hellespont (Dardanelles) 90, 95, 96, 108

helmets, Spartan 1434

Helots 12, 65, 69, 71, 73, 77, 84, 143, 160, 164n, 170, 1923, 2023, 207

at Thermopylae 132, 147

‘helot’, origin of term 2023

Helvétius 178

Heracles 126, 187, 229

heralds, murder of Darius’s 92, 209

Hermionians 105


on Aristodamus 1579

on Athens and Hellenic League 623

on Athens as saviour of Greece 1645

on Battle of Marathon 578

on Battle of Plataea 156, 166n

on Battle of Thermopylae 139, 142, 152

on circle of life 2344, 246, 253

on Cleomenes 667, 767, 845

on coalition forces 1389

on Croesus 22

on Cyrus II the Great 245, 2523

on Demaratus 88n, 94, 123, 1335, 21819

on Greekness 67, 59, 104

on Hellenic League 623, 104

Histories ix, 3, 15, 323, 209

on Ionian Revolt 512, 545

on Mardonius 8890

panhellenism of 219, 248

on Persian Empire 19, 313, 402

on Persian forces 10921, 23141

on Perso-Greek relations 31, 54, 21920

as a source 141, 21524, 223, 22930, 246

on Sparta 24, 256, 657, 74, 76, 789, 83, 84, 1601, 171, 209, 210

strategic sense of 122

theological interpretations of 221, 2467

on Xerxes 578, 87, 889, 108, 142, 218

Hesiod 4

Hieron 106

High Command

Greek 1212

Persian 116, 1189, 236

Himera, Battle of 107, 177n

hippeis 129

Hippias of Athens 28, 29, 74, 76

Hippias of Elis 108

Histiaeus 512, 66, 240

historiography 21330, 246

Hitler, Adolf 191, 192, 203

Homer 214, 223, 227

Iliad 3, 4, 15, 109

Odyssey 149, 214

homosexuality 70, 128n

honour code 130

hoplites 68, 72, 81, 111, 115, 133, 142, 1435, 158, 189

Horace 169

horses, Spartan 225

Housman, A.E. 186

Hume, David 179

Hydarnes, commander of the Immortals 116, 145, 236

Hydarnes, Satrap of Sardis 93, 116

Hyperides 166, 167

Hyrcanians 112, 232

Hystaspes 34, 35, 114, 232

Ibn Khaldun 150n

Ilium 15

Imhotep 35

Immortals 116, 1456, 148, 236

India/Indians 1718, 35, 114, 232, 237

infanticide 80, 206, 213


Greek 1423, 160

Persian 11115, 1423, 2316

see also hoplites

Ionia/Ionians 21, 25, 35, 49, 51, 53, 117, 118, 239, 240

Ionian Revolt 49, 51-2, 53-5, 68, 96, 118n

Iran xi, 20, 110, 111, 114, 242

Iraq, Western intervention in 1945

Irish nationalists 184

Irsama (Arsames) 34, 233

Isagoras 75


contribution of 198

fundamentalism 242

Isocrates 231

Isthmia 7, 99, 102, 1034


claim shared descent with Spartans 174

Cyrus II liberates from Babylon 8, 46n

Judah 40, 46n

kamikaze pilots 131

Keeley, Edmund 183

Khyber Pass 17

Lacedaemon 73, 105

Laconia 2n, 65, 68, 72, 132, 160

‘laconic’, origin of term 202

Lacrines 25

Lade, Battle of 54, 56, 118n

Lagrenée, Louis-Jean-François the Elder 181

Lamia 167

Lampon 151

language 601, 63

legacy of Sparta 2003

Larissa 88, 102, 121, 139

Laureum 97

Lausanne, Treaty of (1923) 11

Leonidaea festival 163, 168, 170

Leonidaion, Sparta 163, 168

Leonidas, King of Sparta 12, 66, 122, 177

accession of 85, 128

alleged Acropolis statue of 1878

at Thermopylae 142, 14552

betrayed by Ephialtes 146

body of 1602

commands coalition force 1, 7, 13, 1279, 132, 1378, 204

contribution of 152

death of 150

and Delphic oracle 1278

heroization of 162, 172, 173, 174, 17685, 189

Leosthenes 167

Leotychidas, King of Sparta 10, 83, 94, 127

Lepreans 105

Lesbos 16, 21, 200

Leuctra, Battle of 72, 82, 132n, 207

Levant 23, 51

Libyans 115, 234, 237

Ligyans 234

literature, Sparta/Thermopylae in 18390, 191, 194

Locris/Locrians 8, 139

Lucian 172, 178, 215n

Lycia/51, 118, 235, 23924, 72, 135n, 211, 227

Lydia/Lydians 21, 34, 92, 95, 115, 234

Lysander 70n, 156, 177

Lysias 1667

Lytton, Edward Bulwer 185

Mably, abbé de 1789

Macedonia/Macedonians 7, 11, 23, 49, 51, 55, 601, 116n, 117, 121, 168, 234

Macrones 114, 235

Magnesia 46

Malis/Gulf of Malis 140, 141, 142n, 146

Manfredi, Valerio Massimo 185

Manning, Olivia 185

Mantinea 77

Marathon, Battle of 1, 6, 57, 85, 91, 97, 98, 108, 117, 126, 195, 199, 224, 245

Mardonius 55n, 91, 96, 116, 236

appointment of 878

Battle of Plataea 87, 100, 117, 166n, 203

conquest of European Thrace 90

and decapitation of Leonidas 151, 162

remains in Greece after Salamis 59, 166n, 249

Mardontes 236

Mariandynians 234

Marians 235

Maron 151

martyrdom, voluntary 1302, 199, 209, 211

Masistes 116, 236

Masistius 236

Massages 234

Matienians 234

Mattên 240

Medes/Medians 35, 367, 11112, 1423, 145, 232, 237, 239

medism see Greece/Greeks, pro-Persian

Megabazus, commander of Persian fleet 240

Megabyzus 116, 236

Megapanus 232

Megara/Megarians 7, 73, 105, 138

Megistias 1489

Mehmet II, Sultan 176

Melos 105

Merbalus 240

Mesopotamia 19

Messenia/Messenians 2n, 65, 68, 76, 160, 170, 207

Middle Gate, Thermopylae 141, 146, 148

Miletus 51, 53, 66

Mill, John Stuart 199

Miller, Frank 194

Miltiades 57

Milyans 235

Minos, King of Crete 220

Mistra 2n, 176

Mistry, Rohinton 2423, 244

monarchy 46, 5960, 177

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de 154, 1778

Moorish Spain 198

More, Thomas 210

Moschians 235

Mossynoecians 114, 235

Mycale, Battle of 10, 177, 236

Mycenaeans 105

Mysians 2345

Napoleon, Emperor 182, 199

Naqsh-i-Rustam 21, 45

nation, sense of 2489


Athenian 979, 103, 152

Persian 109, 11720, 142, 152, 23841

Naxos 55

Nazi Germany 190, 187, 1902, 203

Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon 19

9/11 atrocity 130, 1989

Nisyra 119, 240

nomos 60, 63, 135, 247, 251

Nubians 115

nuclear weapons 242

nudity 137, 208

Octavian 170

Ollier, François 154, 203

Olympia 1012

Olympic Games 5, 61, 1023, 1245, 138, 155, 191, 206, 225

oracles 24, 79, 84, 127, 150, 221, 252

oral tradition 21920

Origen 173

ostracism 86, 99

Otanes 110, 116

Otaspes 232

Othryades 245

Oz, Amos 242

Pactyans 233

Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, Shah of Iran 242

Paine, Thomas 128n

Palestine 117, 238

Pamphylians 239

Pan 2234

Panathenaic Games 155

panhellenic sites 1004, 225

panhellenism 58, 168, 219, 248

Pantites 1567

Paphlagonians 112, 234

Paricanians 233, 237

Parsi religion 243

Parthians 33, 114, 170, 233

patriotism 248

Pausanias, Regent of Sparta 10, 12, 1512, 163, 1634n, 172, 177, 200, 204, 2278, 253

Pausanias the Periegete 99, 159, 1712, 173, 176

Peacock Throne 242

pederasty 70, 129n, 208

Peiraeus 97

Peisistratids 28, 66, 73, 88

Peloponnesian League 767, 967, 103, 105, 140

Peloponnesian War see Atheno-Peloponnesian War

Pericles 58, 83, 98, 189, 205, 254

perioeci 68, 73, 132, 143, 147, 160

Persepolis (Persai) xiii, 20, 33, 34, 35, 36, 42

Persian Empire

art and architecture 31, 357

bureaucracy 312, 423

complexity of 31

conquest of `India’ 1719, 114

ethnic diversity of 32, 345, 359

forces in Graeco-Persian Wars 10920, 23141

growth and extent of 6, 78, 1623

ideal of truth 478, 1334

military obligations 412

nature of xiii, 89, 13, 3149

provinces (satrapies) 402, 95

relations with Greeks 89, 312, 469, 534, 21920

religion in 439

society and political system 445

see also Artemisium;

Cyrus II the Great;

Darius I;

Graeco-Persian Wars;







Persian Stoa, Sparta 99, 164, 172

Perugino 176

Pharandates 235

Pharnaces (Parnaka) 33, 34, 42, 114

Pharnazathres 233

Pharnouches 2378

Pherendates 233

Philip II of Macedon 59n, 60n, 90, 167

Philippides 56, 2234

Philocyôn 159

Phleiasians 105

Phocians/Phocis 8, 59, 139, 140, 141n, 145, 146

Phoenicians 23, 54, 55, 96, 1067, 108, 117, 118, 238, 239

Photius 229

Phrygia/Phrygians 92, 234

Pichat, Michel 182

Pigres 240

Pindar 3, 208, 222

Pisidians 235

Pizzicolli, Ciriaco dei see Cyriac of Ancona

plane tree, Xerxes’s 179

Plataea 8, 57, 91, 139, 199

Plataea, Battle of 910, 33, 68n, 88, 100, 117, 151, 152n, 158, 163n, 165-166n, 177, 195, 200, 225, 227

Plato 77, 80, 154, 197, 204, 207, 249

Pleistarchus 129, 163n

Plutarch 39, 79, 81, 133, 139, 147n, 154, 160, 1723, 216, 226

poetry, inspired by Sparta/Thermopylae 1824, 18890, 191

polis 16, 20, 60, 224, 2445, 248

polyandry 208

Polycrates of Samos 268, 60, 219n, 220

Poseidonius 159

Pressfield, Steven 133, 185, 193

Prexaspes 240

proskunêsis 45, 93

Protagoras 247

public schools, British 185

Rawlinson, Henry 33, 44n

Rebenich, Stefan 191


fundamentalism 2467, 248

in Hellas 623, 219, 247, 251

in Persian Empire 438

in Sparta 79, 812, 923, 124, 1267, 128, 148, 209, 223

Renaissance, the 1756

reproduction, Spartan 71, 7980

retreats, feigned 145

Rhigas, Constantinos 183

Richardson, Ralph 193

River Eurymedon, Battle of the 10

Rollin, Charles 178

Roman Empire 16970, 171

Rosenberg, Alfred 203

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 154, 178, 2034

Royal Road 43, 93, 121

Sacae 113, 232, 239

Sacred Band of Thebes 129n


animal 79, 1489

human 923, 212

Sagartians 117, 237

Saint-Marcellin, France 179

Salamis, Battle of 9, 10, 33, 59, 107, 120, 152n, 155, 1656n, 177, 249

Samos 16, 21, 26, 55, 67, 118n, 219n, 220

Samurai 131, 194

Sarangians 233

Sardis xiv, 21, 25, 35, 43, 66, 92, 95, 108

Saspeirians 235

satrapies 402, 95

Schiller, Friedrich 169

Scythian expedition, Darius’s 23, 246

Scythians 19, 113, 232, 252

Second Sophistic 172, 215n

Second World War 185, 1901

Seleucid dynasty 174

self-criticism 205

Sepeia, Battle of 77

Sepias, Cape 142

Serpent Column, Delphi 105, 2256, 228n

sexual attitudes 63

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 149


Persian 1423, 231

Spartan 132, 1435

shrines, panhellenic 1004, 225

Sicily 61, 73, 1067

Sicyon/Sicyonians 105, 144n

Sidon/Sidonians 120, 2401

silver, Athenian 11, 978

Simonides xi, 3, 135n, 148, 153, 159, 169, 192, 210, 253

as a source 213, 22228

Siromitres 233

Sisamnes 233

Skunkha 19


Athenian 1113, 114n

Persians associated with xii, 58, 108, 134, 135

Spartan 195, 2023, 207

Smerdomenes 116, 236

Smith, Adam 179

Snedeker, Caroline Dale 185

Socrates 154, 197, 199, 248

Sogdiana/Sogdians 19, 34, 233

Solon 22, 51, 213

Sophocles, <I>Antigone<R> 3

sources 21330


in 485 BCE 6586

and Battle of Leuctra 72, 82, 209

and Battle of Marathon 57, 85, 126, 224

and Battle of Plataea 1656n, 200

and Battle of Thermopylae

contribution at xiv, 152, 204

elite taskforce (the 300) x, 3, 7, 124, 126, 12932, 148n, 152, 156, 159, 194, 209

leadership of coalition x, 1046, 1212, 126, 204

relays, fighting in 145

survivors 15760

foreign policy and alliances 73, 757, 834, 86, 967, 103, 204

commitment to defence of central Greece questioned 100, 139

domination of Peloponnese 245, 736

expeditions against Athens 289, 745, 104

Hellenic League 63, 1026 249

Ionian Revolt 535, 68

naval expedition against Samos and Athens 269, 67, 734

reaction to Persian threat 914, 209

relations with Alexander the Great 1678

relations with Argos 245, 73, 778

relations with Croesus of Lydia 24, 25, 68

relations with Macedon 167

relations with Rome 16970

military machine 65, 679, 73, 104, 123, 129, 1345, 204

arms and armour 1435

attitude to war 56, 65

standing army 66

myth-tradition of 2, 1545, 16874, 17695, 200, 2545

claims of kinship with 1734

contribution to ancient Greek

culture 200, 2048

places named after 1801

Spartan legacy 20011

political system 1112, 667, 2005

dyarchy 16, 67, 85, 126

totalitarian state 195, 203

society 1112, 6971, 2078

attitude to death 25, 63, 7983, 1302, 149, 15962

competitiveness 205, 2067

courage state-imposed? 189, 205

education system 6971, 124, 128, 206, 208, 224

honour and shame culture 1569

ideal of freedom xi, 8, 12, 65, 192, 205, 2078

ideal of self-sacrifice xi, 195, 203, 21112, 213

legal system 778, 135, 2056, 212

religiosity 7, 79, 812, 923, 124, 1268, 127, 1489, 20910, 221

treatment of Helots 12, 65, 69, 71, 73, 77, 132, 164n, 1923, 2023, 207

xenophobia 1701

war memorials 100, 164, 171, 211

see also Agesilaus;







Pausanias, Regent;


‘spartan’, origin of term 202

spears, Spartan 145

Sperthias 93, 128

Stalingrad 195

stasis 118, 249

suicide/homicide x, 1302, 199, 204, 20910, 211

survivor-guilt 1569

Susa xiii, 7, 21, 345, 36, 40, 43, 87, 93

swords, Spartan 144, 176

Syennesis 240

Synesius of Cyrene 1734

Synodinou, Anna 193

Syracuse 61, 73, 106

Syrians 11718, 232, 234, 238

task forces, elite 129

Tegea/Tegeans 73, 77, 105, 158

Tempe line 7, 12122, 123, 124, 138

terrorism 130, 243

Tetramnestus 240

The 300 (film) 194

Thebes/Thebans 72, 75, 82, 129n, 170, 207

at Thermopylae 7, 1389, 147, 152n

medism 9

Themistocles 9, 91n, 979, 121, 142n, 155, 165n

Thermopylae, Battle of 14152, 249

battle positions 1412

composition of Greek force 78, 132, 138

Greek morale victory 199, 204

Greek tactics 145

Greeks betrayed and outflanked 1468

Greeks rearguard action 148, 14951

legend of

in antiquity 15474

in modern times 153, 17795, 211

places named after 179, 181n

in Renaissance 1756

memorials to xxi, 1002, 152n, 155, 161, 163, 213, 2256

Persian losses at 149, 150

significance of xixii, 1, 13, 151

topography x, 123, 138, 141

Thermopylae–Artemisium axis 122, 123

Theron 107

Thespiae/Thespians 9, 138, 147, 152, 188, 189

Thessaly 7, 23, 59, 88, 102, 117, 121, 122, 123, 147

Thirty Tyrants 154, 160n, 166, 192

Thrace/Thracians 11, 109, 116, 235

Darius I and European 23, 49, 90

Thucydides 5, 90, 98, 118, 139, 189, 205, 215, 216, 223, 227, 228n, 254

Tibarenians 235

Tigranes 113, 232

Timonax 240

Tirynthians 105

Tithaeus 237

Tod, Marcus Niebuhr 65, 1901

Tomyris, Queen 19

totalitarian regimes 189, 192, 203

Trajan, Emperor 170

Treasury Texts 42

tribute, Persian 8, 19, 31, 367, 43, 114

triremes 99, 238

Tritantaechmes 116, 236

Troezenians 105

Trojan War 15

trousers 111, 231

Troy 108

truth, Persian ideal of 478, 1334

Trypanis, Constantine 191

tyrants, Persian support for 88

Tyrrhastiades 146n

Tyrtaeus 81, 173, 174, 227

uranium conversion 242

Utians 233

utopia 204, 21011

Vannucci, Pietro see Perugino

Vitruvius 132n

Voltaire 179


in Greek culture 26

Herodotus’s view of 248

memorials to 34, 100, 164, 1712, 211

Thucydides on causes of 90

Western view of 131

Warner Brothers 194

weapons of mass destruction 242

West Bank 199

whips, Persian use of 108, 134, 149

wife-sharing 208


in Graeco-Persian Wars 11820, 240

partan 712, 812, 1323, 210, 2245

xenophobia, Spartan 1701

Xenophon 72, 79, 82, 114, 162, 171

Xerxes, Great King of Persia 46, 59, 168, 178, 21819

accession 87

Daiva-Inscription 31, 49

death of 2456

expansionism 31, 58

Graeco-Persian Wars

advances on mainland Greece 1089, 121, 123

assassination, alleged attempt on 1467, 230

Battle of Salamis 165n

Battle of Thermopylae 1, 142, 145, 1467, 149, 1501, 161, 200, 249

decision to invade mainland

Greece 67, 8791, 246

forces 10920, 23141

preparations for invasion 957

returns to Asia after Salamis 59, 1656n, 249

relations with Sparta 89, 934, 209, 210

supposed dialogues with Demaratus 91, 94, 1335, 178, 210, 218, 2334

Xerxes (Handel) 178, 179

Yamada, Yoji 131

Zopyrus 116

Zoroastrianism 43, 243