Title Page
Chapter 1: Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine
1.1 The Pedagogical Mask
1.2 Kid-Shaped Capital
1.3 Risky Child-Rearing
1.4 Helicopter Parents, Vigilante Moms, and Zero Tolerance
1.5 Xtremely Sad Teens
1.6 I Guess This Is Growing Up
Chapter 2: Go to College
2.1 The Average Student
2.2 Anyone Can Afford a Brand-New Diploma
2.3 Why Is College So Expensive?
2.4 Failing Reform School
2.5 When Is a Default Not a Default?
2.6 The Student Debt Time Machine
Chapter 3: Work (Sucks)
3.1 The Changing Character of Work
3.2 Getting Paid
3.3 Polarization
3.4 The Feminization of Labor
3.5 Precarity
3.6 Nice Work If You Can Get It
3.7 Deunionization
3.8 Just Get an Intern
3.9 Owners and Profiteers
Chapter 4: The Feds
4.1 Not-So-Entitled Millennials
4.2 The Juvenilization of Poverty
4.3 Left Behind in the Race to the Top
4.4 Cops
4.5 Pens
4.6 Murderers
Chapter 5: Everybody Is a Star
5.1 Post-Soviet Training
5.2 Trophies and Moneyball
5.3 Big Workers on Campus
5.4 Toddlers in Tiaras
5.5 The Birth of Tweens
5.6 YouTube and Fruity Loops
Chapter 6: Behavior Modification
6.1 Bad Brains
6.2 Pills
6.3 Social Media
6.4 Good Habits
6.5 Porn
Seven Signs of the Bad Future
1. Human Capital Contracts
2. Professionalization of Childhood
3. Climate Privilege
4. Discrimination by Algorithm
5. The Malfunctioning
6. Misogynist Backlash
7. Fully Tracked
Bop It Solutions
Buy It!
Vote It!
Give It!
Protest It!
Put It Down!
Final Word
About the Author
Graph Credits
Begin Reading
Table of Contents