bold = chart
Alexander, Kathryn, 124
Andean ply, 88–89
angora, 42
goat, 36–38
rabbit, 35–36
attenuating fiber, 56, 61–63, 107, 112
bamboo fibers, 39
batts, 44–45
why prep matters, 95
working with striped colors, 111–15
bison, 36–38
Bluefaced Leicester (BFL), 31–33, 94, 120, 142
characteristics, 35
project with, 199
braided top (worsted preparation), 42
fiber preparations from braids, 40, 95
maintaining color sequence, 98
mixing up the colors, 101–6
one braid spun five ways, 17
packaged and unbraided, 60
Bump in the Night, 178–81
stitch chart, 180
project with, 159
Camelids, 36
llama, 36
carding machines, 43–44
casein fibers, 39
cashgora, 38
finishing, 119
centripetal force, 118–19, 121, 123
chain plying
for color consistency, 99
how-to, 86–87
chunking from striped batts, 114–15
color. See also variegated yarn
blending two different colors while drafting, 107
chain plying for consistency, 99
core spinning to match colors, 101
effect of drafting, 95
effect of number of plies, 97
effect of yarn size, 96
how dyers dye, 91
maintaining braid color sequence, 98
marling, how to avoid, 100
plying to match colors, 100–101
why prep matters, 95
working with striped batts, 111–15
color mixing in braids
chunk removal, 105
combining and drafting together, 105–6
create confetti, 105
doing a flip, 102
fractal fun, 102–3
pure progression, 103–4
color wheel, 93
Columbia wool, 35
commercially processed fiber, 15–16, 32, 49
controlling yarn size while drafting, 59
options when spinning, 16–19
spinning from the fold, 57, 59
worsted drafting, 50
control card, 77, 98–99, 131, 144
core spinning to match colors, 101
Cormo, 143
Corriedale, 35, 92, 94, 120, 142
project with, 211
staple lengths, 56
double-drive system, 64–67
drafting. See also predrafting
consistency, 68
controlling yarn size, 59
effect of drafting on color, 91
fiber blends, 56
spinning from the fold, 57
triangle, 50
against type, 55
woolen style, 53
worsted style, 50–51
drive systems, 64–67
Dye Goddess Pullover, 216–21
schematic, 221
dyeing. See also handdyed fibers and yarn
how dyers dye, 91
silk, 92
why prep matters, 95
elasticity, 32
spinning from the fold to add elasticity, 57
estimating fiber needs, 129–30
Falkland wool, 35
Farwell-Clay, Julia, 128, 183, 185
creating from striped batts, 114–15
centripetal force, 118–19, 121
knitted samples from different finishes, 122–23
weight, why not to use, 124–25
homemade twist-angle, 134
wpi, 131
cashgora, 38
cashmere, 36–38, 42, 45, 56, 119
altering, 143
the gist of grist, 141
how to adjust and correct, 143
how to measure, 139–40
keeping track, 26
what influences grist, 142
handdyed fibers and yarn, 15
color and handspun yarn, 128
how dyers dye, 91
questions to ask, 19
handspun yarn
combining with mill-spun, 128–29
gauge, 133
vs. mill-spun, 128
why to knit with, 16–17
HansenCrafts, 66
Hill, Rosemary (Romi), 167, 233
Hive Mind, 210–15
stitch charts, 214–15
how much fiber do you need?, 129–30
Irish tension, 64–67
Jillian Shawl, 166–71
stitch chart, 171
woolen-style, 54
worsted-style, 52
keeping track
when you knit, 144
of your spinning, 26
how ply affects knitting, 81
how twist affects knitting, 79–80, 146
Knox, Carol, 160, 174, 196, 233
La Cuerda, 194–97
leaders, 50
Lendrum spinning wheel, 66
Lina Toe-Up Socks, 172–77
llama, 36
Louet spinning wheel, 66
combining variegated colors, 109–10
how to avoid, 100
plying yarn, 99
spinning variegated yarn, 83
Maya Cardigan, 158–65
schematic, 165
measuring handspun yarn, 130, 130–32
how to check grist, 137–40
how to figure length of mystery or partial skein, 137
how to measure length, 136–37
how to weight, 137
projects with, 151, 195, 199, 217
staple lengths, 56
superwash, 97
mill-spun yarns, 16, 28, 127–29
MiniSpinner, 66
motivation, 27–28
musk ox, 36–37
Parkes, Clara, 6, 13, 16, 222, 233
finishing methods, 119
singles, 81
woolen-style drafting, 53
worsted-style drafting, 50
planning knitting projects, 145–46
ply and plying. See also singles
Andean ply, 88–89
chain ply how-to, 86–87
equipment needed, 76–77
how ply affects knitting, 81
how to ply, 77–79
mistakes, how to fix, 87–89
sampling 2-ply yarns, 82–83
sampling 3-ply yarns, 84–84
spit splice, 87
templates, 77
what it is and what it does, 71–74
ply-back sample, 99
how to make one, 69
ply-back to check for twist, 135–36
project with, 179
predrafting, 60–63
attenuating, 62–63
fluffing, 61
stripping, 62
batts, 44
cloud, 45
commercial vs. hand-prepared, 41
fauxlags, 45
fiber preparations from braids, 40, 95
puni, 45
rolags, 45
roving, 44
silk, 47
sliver, 43
wool locks, 46–47
woolen vs. worsted, 41–42
worsted top, 42–43
qiviut, 37–38
project with, 203
ratios, 63–64
Rigby Cardigan, 202–209
project with, 183
sample yarn and index cards, 131
control cards, 98–99
for drafting consistency, 68
sampling 2-ply yarns, 82–83
sampling 3-ply yarns, 84–84
sampling singles, 81
sampling twist in plied yarns, 80
scale for weighing yarn, 137, 139
Schacht spinning wheel, 66
schematic example, 23
Scotch tension, 64–67
semi-worsted or semi-woolen, 68
dyeing, 92
preparations, 47
preserving shine, 57
projects with, 151, 159, 167, 199, 217
for knitting, 98
resting and rewinding, 79
singles to stay singles, 75
sliver, 43–44
Smith, Beth, 16, 183, 185, 222, 233, 240
soy fibers, 39
spinner’s control card, 131
spinning from the fold, 57, 59
silk, 39
spit splice, 87
stacking colors from a bat, 112–13, 115
stash, digging into your, 98–99
Sweet Omega Möbius, 150–57
stitch chart, 154
Targhee, 33
Tetris Pullover, 182–89
schematic, 189
treadling speed, 54, 59, 63, 66–67
projects with, 151
twist, 49
controlling thickness, 59
direction, 26
how twist affects knitting, 79–80, 146–47
ratios and whorls, 63–64
sampling twist in plied yarns, 80
tension, 67
woolen-style drafting, 53–54
worsted-style drafting, 51
Tyvek wristbands, 26
variegated yarn
chain-plying, 86–87
combining variegated colors, 109–10
how dyers dye, 91
how ply affects knitting, 81, 83, 85
how yarn size affects color, 96
maintaining color sequence, 98–99
plied samples, 73
stripping to control color, 62
working with striped batts, 111–15
vocabulary, 26
Wenny Shawl, 190–93
stitch chart, 192
project with, 191
double-drive system, 64–67
evaluating your wheel, 27
Irish tension, 64–67
MiniSpinner, 66
Scotch tension, 64–67
working together, 60
why spin?, 25
Winter Library Shawl, 198–201
wool. See also wools by breed name
backbone of spinning, 31–32
characteristics of fiber, 32
longwools, 35
medium wools, 35
woolen preparations
batts, 44
fauxlags, 45
puni, 45
rolags, 45
sliver, 44
wool locks, 46–47
vs. worsted, 41–42
woolen style
drafting, 53
joining, 54
drafting, 50
joining, 50
preparations, 42–43
vs. woolen, 41–42
wraps per inch (wpi), 26–27, 128–32
A Cautionary Tale, 132
gauges, 131
how to measure, 130–31
project with, 195
staple length, 56
yards per pound (ypp). See grist
yarn balance, 139–40