Chapter 10. The Singleton Pattern

In this chapter, we take a look at the (in-)famous Singleton pattern. I know, you may already be acquainted with Singleton, and you may already have a strong opinion about it. It is even possible that you consider Singleton an antipattern and thus ask yourself how I mustered the courage to include it in this book. Well, I am aware that Singleton is not particularly popular and in many circles has a rather bad reputation, in particular because of the global nature of Singletons. From that perspective, however, it might be very surprising to learn that there are a couple of “Singleton”-like instances in the C++ Standard Library. Seriously! And, honestly, they work fantastically! Therefore, we should seriously talk about what a Singleton is, when Singleton works, and how to deal with Singleton properly.

In “Guideline 37: Treat Singleton as an Implementation Pattern, Not a Design Pattern”, I will explain the Singleton pattern and demonstrate how it works by a very commonly used implementation, the so-called Meyers’ Singleton. I will, however, also make a strong argument to not treat Singleton as a design pattern but as an implementation pattern.

In “Guideline 38: Design Singletons for Change and Testability, we accept the fact that sometimes we need a solution to represent the few global aspects in our code. This is what the Singleton pattern is often used for. This also means that we are confronted by the usual problems of Singletons: global state; many strong, artificial dependencies; and an impeded changeability and testability. While these sound like excellent reasons to avoid Singleton after all, I will show you that by proper software design, you can combine the Singleton benefits with excellent changeability and testability.

Guideline 37: Treat Singleton as an Implementation Pattern, Not a Design Pattern

Let me start by addressing the elephant in the room:

Singleton is not a design pattern.

If you haven’t heard about Singleton before, then this might not make any sense at all, but bear with me. I promise to explain Singleton shortly. If you have heard about Singleton before, then I assume you’re either nodding in agreement with a sympathizing “I know” look on your face, or you are utterly stunned and initially don’t know what to say. “But why not?” you eventually dare to ask. “Isn’t it one of the original design patterns from the Gang of Four book?” Yes, you’re correct: Singleton is one of the 23 original patterns documented in the GoF book. At the time of writing, Wikipedia calls it a design pattern, and it is even listed as a design pattern in Steve McConnell’s bestseller Code Complete.1 Nevertheless, it still isn’t a design pattern, because it doesn’t have the properties of a design pattern. Let me explain.

The Singleton Pattern Explained

Sometimes you may want to guarantee that there is only one, and exactly one, instance of a particular class. In other words, you have a Highlander situation: “There can be only one.”2 This might make sense for the system-wide database, the one and only logger, the system clock, the system configuration, or, in short, any class that should not be instantiated multiple times, since it represents something that exists only once. That is the intent of the Singleton pattern.

The Singleton Pattern

Intent: “Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.”3

This intent is visualized by the Gang of Four with the UML diagram in Figure 10-1, which introduces the instance() function as the global point of access to the unique instance.

The UML representation of the _Singleton_ pattern.
Figure 10-1. The UML representation of the Singleton pattern

There are multiple ways to restrict the number of instantiations to exactly one. Definitely one of the most useful and therefore most commonly used forms of Singleton is the Meyers’ Singleton.4 The following Database class is implemented as a Meyers’ Singleton:

//---- <Database.h> ----------------

class Database final
   static Database& instance()  1
      static Database db;  // The one, unique instance
      return db;

   bool write( /*some arguments*/ );
   bool read( /*some arguments*/ ) const;
   // ... More database-specific functionality

   // ... Potentially access to data members

   Database() {}  2
   Database( Database const& ) = delete;
   Database& operator=( Database const& ) = delete;
   Database( Database&& ) = delete;
   Database& operator=( Database&& ) = delete;

   // ... Potentially some data members

The Meyers’ Singleton evolves around the fact that it’s possible to access the single instance of the Database class onlhy via the public, static instance() function (1):

#include <Database.h>
#include <cstdlib>

int main()
   // First access, database object is created
   Database& db1 = Database::instance();
   // ...

   // Second access, returns a reference to the same object
   Database& db2 = Database::instance();
   assert( &db1 == &db2 );

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Indeed, this function is the only way to get a Database: all functionality that could possibly be used to create, copy, or move an instance is either declared in the private section or is explicitly deleted.5 Although this appears to be pretty straightforward, one implementation detail is of special interest: note that the default constructor is explicitly defined and not defaulted (2). The reason is if it were defaulted, up to C++17, it would be possible to create a Database with an empty set of braces, i.e., via value initialization:

#include <cstdlib>

class Database
   // ... As before

   Database() = default;  // Compiler generated default constructor

   // ... As before

int main()
   Database db;    // Does not compile: Default initialization
   Database db{};  // Works, since value initialization results in aggregate
                   //   initialization, because Database is an aggregate type

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Up to C++17, the Database class counts as an aggregate type, which means that value initialization would be performed via aggregate initialization. Aggregate initialization, in turn, ignores the default constructor, including the fact that it is private, and simply performs a zero initialization of the object. Thus, value initialization enables you to still create an instance. If, however, you provide the default constructor, then the class does not count as an aggregate type, which prevents aggregate initialization.6

The instance() function is implemented in terms of a static local variable. This means that the first time control passes through the declaration, the variable is initialized in a thread-safe way, and on all further calls the initialization is skipped.7 On every call, the first and all subsequent calls, the function returns a reference to the static local variable.

The rest of the Database class is pretty much what you would expect from a class representing a database: there are some public, database-related functions (e.g., write() and read()) and there could be some data members, including access functions. In other words, except for the instance() member function and the special members, Database is just a normal class.

Singleton Does Not Manage or Reduce Dependencies

Now, with one possible implementation of a Singleton in mind, let’s go back to my claim that Singleton is not a design pattern. First, let’s remind ourselves of the properties of a design pattern, which I defined in “Guideline 11: Understand the Purpose of Design Patterns”:

A design pattern:

  • Has a name

  • Carries an intent

  • Introduces an abstraction

  • Has been proven

The Singleton pattern definitely has a name, and it definitely has an intent. No question there. I would also claim that it has been proven over the years (although there may be skeptical voices that point out that Singleton is rather infamous). However, there is no kind of abstraction: no base class, no template parameters, nothing. Singleton does not represent an abstraction itself, and it does not introduce an abstraction. In fact, it isn’t concerned with the structure of code or with the interaction and interdependencies of entities, and hence it isn’t aiming at managing or reducing dependencies.8 This, though, is what I defined to be an integral part of software design. Instead, Singleton is focused on restricting the number of instantiations to exactly one. Thus, Singleton is not a design pattern but merely an implementation pattern.

“Then why is it listed as a design pattern in so many important sources?” you ask. This is a fair and good question. There may be three answers to that. First, in other programming languages, in particular languages where every class can automatically represent an abstraction, the situation may be different. While I acknowledge this, I still believe that the intent of the Singleton pattern is primarily targeted for implementation details and not for dependencies and decoupling.

Second, Singleton is very commonly used (although often also misused), so it is definitely a pattern. Since there are Singletons in many different programming languages, it does not appear to be just an idiom of the C++ programming language. As a consequence, it appears reasonable to call it a design pattern. This chain of arguments may sound plausible to you, but I feel it falls short of distinguishing between software design and implementation details. This is why in “Guideline 11: Understand the Purpose of Design Patterns”, I introduced the term implementation pattern to distinguish between different kinds of language-agnostic patterns such as Singleton.9

And third, I believe that we are still in the process of understanding software design and design patterns. There is no common definition of software design. For that reason, I came up with one in “Guideline 1: Understand the Importance of Software Design. There is no common definition of design patterns, either. This is why I came up with one in “Guideline 11: Understand the Purpose of Design Patterns”. I strongly believe that we must talk more about software design and more about patterns to come to a common understanding of the necessary terminology, especially in C++.

In summary, you do not use a Singleton to decouple software entities. So despite the fact that it is described in the famous GoF book, or in Code Complete, or even listed as a design pattern on Wikipedia, it does not serve the purpose of a design pattern. Singleton is merely dealing with implementation details, and as such you should treat it as an implementation pattern.

Guideline 38: Design Singletons for Change and Testability

Singleton is indeed a rather infamous pattern: there are many voices out there that describe Singleton as a general problem in code, as an antipattern, as dangerous, or even as evil. Therefore, there is a lot of advice out there to avoid the pattern, among others, Core Guideline I.3:10

Avoid singletons.

One of the primary reasons why people dislike Singleton is that it often causes artificial dependencies and obstructs testability. As such, it runs contrary to two of the most important and most general guidelines in this book: “Guideline 2: Design for Change” and “Guideline 4: Design for Testability”. From that perspective, Singleton indeed appears to be a problem in code and should be avoided. However, despite all the good-intentioned warnings, the pattern is persistently used by many developers. The reasons for that are manifold but probably mainly related to two facts: first, sometimes (and let’s agree on sometimes) it is desirable to express the fact that something exists only once and should be available for many entities in the code. Second, sometimes Singleton appears to be the proper solution, as there are global aspects to represent.

So, let’s do the following: instead of arguing that Singleton is always bad and evil, let’s focus on those few situations where we need to represent a global aspect in our program and discuss how to represent this aspect properly, but still design for change and testability.

Singletons Represent Global State

Singletons are mostly used to represent entities in a program that logically and/or physically exist only once and that should be used by many other classes and functions.11 Common examples are the system-wide database, logger, clock, or configuration. These examples, including the term system-wide, give an indication of the nature of these entities: they commonly represent globally available functionality or data, i.e., global state. From that perspective, the Singleton pattern appears to make sense: by preventing everyone from creating new instances, and by forcing everyone to use the one instance, you can guarantee uniform and consistent access to this global state across all using entities.

This representation and introduction of global state, however, explains why Singleton is commonly considered a problem. As Michael Feathers expressed it:12

The singleton pattern is one of the mechanisms people use to make global variables. In general, global variables are a bad idea for a couple of reasons. One of them is opacity.

Global variables are indeed a bad idea, particularly for one important reason: the term variable suggests that we are talking about mutable global state. And that kind of state can indeed cause a lot of headaches. To be explicit, mutable global state is frowned upon (in general, but especially in a multithreaded environment), as it is difficult, costly, and likely both to control access and guarantee correctness. Furthermore, global (mutable) state is very hard to reason about, as read and write access to this state usually happens invisibly within some function, which, based on its interface, does not reveal the fact that it uses the global state. And last but not least, if you have several globals, whose lifetimes depend on one another and that are distributed over several compilation units, you might be facing the static initialization order fiasco (SIOF).13 Obviously, it is beneficial to avoid global state as much as possible.14

The problem of global state, however, is a problem that we can’t resolve by avoiding Singletons. It’s a general problem, unrelated to any particular pattern. The same problem, for instance, also exists for the Monostate pattern, which enforces a single, global state but allows for any number of instantiations.15 So on the contrary, Singleton can help deal with the global state by constraining access to it. For instance, as Miško Hevery explains in his 2008 article, Singletons that provide a unidirectional data flow to or from some global state are acceptable:16 a Singleton implementing a logger would only allow you to write data but not read it. A Singleton representing a system-wide configuration or clock would only allow you to read the data but not write it, thus representing a global constant. The restriction to unidirectional data flow helps avoid many of the usual problems with global state. Or in the words of Miško Hevery (the emphasis being mine):17

Appropriate use of “Global” or semi-Global states can greatly simplify the design of applications […].

Singletons Impede Changeability and Testability

Global state is an intrinsic problem of Singletons. However, even if we feel comfortable with representing global state with a Singleton, there are serious consequences: functions that use Singletons depend on the represented global data and thus become harder to change and harder to test. To better understand this, let’s revive the Database Singleton from “Guideline 37: Treat Singleton as an Implementation Pattern, Not a Design Pattern”, which is now actively used by a couple of arbitrary classes, namely Widget and Gadget:

//---- <Widget.h> ----------------

#include <Database.h>

class Widget
   void doSomething( /*some arguments*/ )
      // ...
      Database::instance().read( /*some arguments*/ );
      // ...

//---- <Gadget.h> ----------------

#include <Database.h>

class Gadget
   void doSomething( /*some arguments*/ )
      // ...
      Database::instance().write( /*some arguments*/ );
      // ...

Widget and Gadget both require access to the system-wide Database. For that reason, they call the Database::instance() function and subsequently the read() and write() functions.

Since they use the Database and thus depend on it, we would like them to reside in architecture levels below the level of the Database Singleton. That is because, as you remember from “Guideline 2: Design for Change”, we can call it a proper architecture only if all dependency arrows run toward the high levels (see Figure 10-2).

The _desired_ dependency graph for a +Database+ implemented as _Singleton_.
Figure 10-2. The desired dependency graph for a Database implemented as a Singleton

Although this dependency structure may be desirable, unfortunately it is only an illusion: the Database class is not an abstraction but a concrete implementation, representing the dependency on a very specific database! Therefore, the real dependency structure is inverted and looks something like Figure 10-3.

The actual dependency structure utterly fails the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) (see “Guideline 9: Pay Attention to the Ownership of Abstractions”): all dependency arrows point toward the lower level. In other words, right now there is no software architecture!

The _real_ dependency graph for a +Database+ implemented as _Singleton_.
Figure 10-3. The actual dependency graph for a Database implemented as a Singleton

Since the Database is a concrete class and not an abstraction, there are strong and unfortunately even invisible dependencies from all over the code to the specific implementation details and design choices of the Database class. This may—in the worst case—include a dependency on vendor-specific details that become visible throughout the code, manifest in many different places, and later make changes excruciatingly hard or even impossible. Due to that, the code becomes much more difficult to change.

Also consider how badly tests are affected by this dependency. All tests that use one of the functions depending on the Database Singleton become themselves dependent on the Singleton. This means, for instance, that for every test using the Widget::do​Something() function, you would always have to provide the one and only Database class. The unfortunate, but also simple, reason is that none of these functions provide you with a way to substitute the Database with something else: any kind of stub, mock, or fake.18 They all treat the Database Singleton as their shiny, precious secret. Testability is therefore severely impeded, and writing tests becomes so much harder that you might be tempted to not write them at all.19

This example indeed demonstrates the usual problems with Singletons and the unfortunate artificial dependencies they introduce. These dependencies make the system more inflexible and more rigid, and thus harder to change and test. That, of course, should not be. On the contrary, it should be easy to replace a database implementation with another one, and it should be easy to test functionality that uses a database. For these exact reasons, we must make sure that the Database becomes a true implementation detail on the low level of a proper architecture.20

“But wait a second, you just said that if the Database is an implementation detail, there is no architecture, right?” Yes, I said that. And there is nothing we can do as it is: the Database Singleton does not represent any abstraction and does not enable us to deal with dependencies at all. Singleton is just not a design pattern. So in order to remove the dependencies on the Database class and make the architecture work, we will have to design for change and testability by introducing an abstraction and using a real design pattern. To achieve that, let’s take a look at an example with a good way to deal with global aspects, using Singletons from the C++ Standard Library.

Inverting the Dependencies on a Singleton

I’m returning to a true El Dorado of design patterns, which I have used several times to demonstrate different design patterns: the C++17 polymorphic memory resources:

#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory_resource>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// ...

int main()
   std::array<std::byte,1000> raw;  // Note: not initialized!

      buffer{, raw.size(), std::pmr::null_memory_resource() };  1

   std::pmr::vector<std::pmr::string> strings{ &buffer };

   // ...

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

In this example, we configure the std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource, called buffer, to work only with the static memory contained in the given std::array raw (1). If this memory is depleted, buffer will try to acquire new memory via its upstream allocator, which we specify to be std::pmr::null​_memory_resource(). Allocating via this allocator will never return any memory but will always fail with the std::bad_alloc() exception. Thus, buffer is restricted to the 1,000 bytes provided by raw.

While you should immediately remember and recognize this as an example of the Decorator design pattern, this also serves as an example of the Singleton pattern: the std::pmr::null_memory_resource() function returns a pointer to the same allocator every time the function is called and thus acts as a single point of access to the one and only instance of std::pmr::null_memory_resource. Thus, the returned allocator acts as a Singleton. Although this Singleton does not provide a unidirectional flow of data (after all, we can both allocate memory and give it back), Singleton still feels like a reasonable choice, as it represents one kind of global state: memory.

It is particularly interesting and important to note that this Singleton does not make you depend on the specific implementation details of the allocator. Quite the opposite: the std::pmr::null_memory_resource() function returns a pointer to std::pmr::memory_resource. This class represents a base class for all kinds of allocators (at least in the realm of C++17), and thus serves as an abstraction. Still, std::pmr::null_memory_resource() represents a specific allocator, a specific choice, which we now depend on. As this functionality is in the Standard Library, we tend to not recognize it as a dependency, but generally speaking it is: we are not provided with an opportunity to replace the standard-specific implementation.

This changes if we replace the call to std::pmr::null_memory_resource() with a call to std::pmr::get_default_resource() (2):

#include <memory_resource>
// ...

int main()
   // ...

      buffer{, raw.size(), std::pmr::get_default_resource() };  2

   // ...

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The std::pmr::get_default_resource() function also returns a pointer to std::pmr::memory_resource, which represents an abstraction for the system-wide default allocator. By default, the returned allocator is returned by the std::new_delete_resource() function. However, amazingly, this default can be customized by the std::pmr::set_default_resource() function:

namespace std::pmr {

memory_resource* set_default_resource(memory_resource* r) noexcept;

} // namespace std::pmr

With this function, we can define the std::pmr::null_memory_resource() as the new system-wide default allocator (3):

// ...

int main()
   // ...

   std::pmr::set_default_resource( std::pmr::null_memory_resource() );  3

      buffer{, raw.size(), std::pmr::get_default_resource() };

   // ...

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

With std::pmr::set_default_resource(), you are able to customize the system-wide allocator. In other words, this function provides you with the ability to inject the dependency on this allocator. Does this ring a bell? Does this sound familiar? I very much hope this makes you think about another, essential design pattern…drum roll…yes, correct: the Strategy design pattern.21

Indeed, this is a Strategy. Using this design pattern is a fantastic choice, because it has an amazing effect on the architecture. While std::pmr::memory_resource represents an abstraction from all possible allocators and thus can reside on the high level of the architecture, any concrete implementation of an allocator, including all (vendor-)specific implementation details, can reside on the lowest level of the architecture. As a demonstration, consider this sketch of the CustomAllocator class:

//---- <CustomAllocator.h> ----------------

#include <memory_resource>

class CustomAllocator : public std::pmr::memory_resource
   // There is no need to enforce a single instance
   CustomAllocator( /*...*/ );
   // No explicitly declared copy or move operations

   void* do_allocate( size_t bytes, size_t alignment ) override;

   void do_deallocate( void* ptr, size_t bytes,
                       size_t alignment ) override;

   bool do_is_equal(
      std::pmr::memory_resource const& other ) const noexcept override;

   // ...

Note that CustomAllocator publicly inherits from std::pmr::memory_resource in order to qualify as a C++17 allocator. Due to that, you can establish an instance of CustomAllocator as the new system-wide default allocator with the std::pmr::set_default_resource() function (4):

#include <CustomAllocator.h>

int main()
   // ...
   CustomAllocator custom_allocator{ /*...*/ };

   std::pmr::set_default_resource( &custom_allocator );  4
   // ...

While the std::pmr::memory_resource base class resides on the highest level of the architecture, CustomAllocator is logically introduced on the lowest architectural level (see Figure 10-4). Thus, the Strategy pattern causes an inversion of dependencies (see “Guideline 9: Pay Attention to the Ownership of Abstractions”): despite the Singleton-ness of the allocators, despite representing global state, you depend on an abstraction instead of the concrete implementation details.

The dependency inversion achieved via the +std::pmr::memory_resource+ abstraction.
Figure 10-4. The dependency inversion achieved via the std::pmr::memory_resource abstraction

As a side note, it’s worth pointing out that with this approach you can trivially avoid any dependency on the order of initialization of globals (i.e., SIOF), since you can explicitly manage the initialization order by creating all Singletons on the stack and in a single compilation unit:

int main()
   // The one and only system-wide clock has no lifetime dependencies.
   // Thus it is created first
   SystemClock clock{ /*...*/ };

   // The one and only system-wide configuration depends on the clock.
   SystemConfiguration config{ &clock, /*...*/ };

   // ...

Applying the Strategy Design Pattern

Based on this previous example, you should now have an idea how to fix our Database example. As a reminder, the goal is to keep the Database class as the default database implementation but to make it an implementation detail, i.e., to remove all dependencies on the concrete implementation. All you need to do is apply the Strategy design pattern to introduce an abstraction, alongside a global point of access and a global point for dependency injection, on the high level of our architecture. This will enable anyone (and I really mean anyone, as you also follow the Open-Closed Principle (OCP); see “Guideline 5: Design for Extension”) to introduce a custom database implementation (both concrete implementations as well as test stubs, mocks, or fakes) on the lowest level.

So let’s introduce the following PersistenceInterface abstraction (5):

//---- <PersistenceInterface.h> ----------------

class PersistenceInterface  5
   virtual ~PersistenceInterface() = default;

   bool read( /*some arguments*/ ) const  6
      return do_read( /*...*/ );
   bool write( /*some arguments*/ )  7
      return do_write( /*...*/ );

   // ... More database specific functionality

   virtual bool do_read( /*some arguments*/ ) const = 0;  6
   virtual bool do_write( /*some arguments*/ ) = 0;  7

PersistenceInterface* get_persistence_interface();  8
void set_persistence_interface( PersistenceInterface* persistence );  9

// Declaration of the one 'instance' variable
extern PersistenceInterface* instance;  10

The PersistenceInterface base class provides the interface for all possible database implementations. For instance, it introduces a read() and a write() function, split into the public interface part and the private implementation part, based on the example set by the std::pmr::memory_resource class (6 and 7).22 Of course, in reality it would introduce a few more database-specific functions, but let read() and write() be sufficient for this example.

In addition to the PersistenceInterface, you would also introduce a global point of access called get_persistence_interface() (8) and a function to enable dependency injection called set_persistence_interface() (9). These two functions allow you to access and set the global persistence system (10).

The Database class now inherits from the PersistenceInterface base class and implements the required interface (hopefully adhering to the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP); see “Guideline 6: Adhere to the Expected Behavior of Abstractions”):

//---- <Database.h> ----------------

class Database : public PersistenceInterface
   // ... Potentially access to data members

   // Make the class immobile by deleting the copy and move operations
   Database( Database const& ) = delete;
   Database& operator=( Database const& ) = delete;
   Database( Database&& ) = delete;
   Database& operator=( Database&& ) = delete;

   bool do_read( /*some arguments*/ ) const override;
   bool do_write( /*some arguments*/ ) override;
   // ... More database-specific functionality

   // ... Potentially some data members

In our special setting, the Database class represents the default database implementation. We need to create a default instance of the database, in case no other persistence system is specified via the set_persistence_interface() function. However, if any other persistence system is established as the system-wide database before Database is created, we must not create an instance, as this would cause unnecessary and unfortunate overhead. This behavior is achieved by implementing the get​_persistence_interface() function with two static local variables and an Immediately Invoked Lambda Expression (IILE) (11):

//---- <PersistenceInterface.cpp> ----------------

#include <Database.h>

// Definition of the one 'instance' variable
PersistenceInterface* instance = nullptr;

PersistenceInterface* get_persistence_interface()
   // Local object, initialized by an
   //   'Immediately Invoked Lambda Expression (IILE)'
   static bool init = [](){  11
      if( !instance ) {
         static Database db;
         instance = &db;
      return true;  // or false, as the actual value does not matter.
   }();  // Note the '()' after the lambda expression. This invokes the lambda.

   return instance;

void set_persistence_interface( PersistenceInterface* persistence )
   instance = persistence;

The first time the execution flow enters the get_persistence_interface() function, the init static local variable is initialized. If, at this point in time, the instance is already set, no Database is created. However, if it is not, the Database instance is created as another static local variable inside the lambda and bound to the instance variable:

#include <PersistenceInterface.h>
#include <cstdlib>

int main()
   // First access, database object is created
   PersistenceInterface* persistence = get_persistence_interface();

   // ...

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

This implementation achieves the desired effect: Database becomes an implementation detail, which no other code depends on and which can be replaced at any time by a custom database implementation (see Figure 10-5). Thus, despite the Singleton-ness of Database, it does not introduce dependencies, and it can be easily changed and easily replaced for testing purposes.

The dependency graph for the refactored, non-_Singleton_ +Database+.
Figure 10-5. The dependency graph for the refactored, non-Singleton Database

“Wow, this is a great solution. I bet I can use that in a few places in my own codebase!” you say, with an impressed and appreciative look on your face. “But I see a potential problem: since I have to inherit from an interface class, this is an intrusive solution. What should I do if I can’t change a given Singleton class?” Well, in that case you have two nonintrusive design patterns to choose from. Either you already have an inheritance hierarchy in place, in which case you can introduce an Adapter to wrap the given Singleton (see “Guideline 24: Use Adapters to Standardize Interfaces”), or you don’t have an inheritance hierarchy in place yet, in which case you can put the External Polymorphism design pattern to good use (see “Guideline 31: Use External Polymorphism for Nonintrusive Runtime Polymorphism”).

“OK, but I see another, more serious problem: is this code truly thread-safe?” Honestly, no, it is not. To give one example for a possible problem: it could happen that during the first call to get_persistence_interface(), which may take some time due to the setup of the Database instance, the set_persistence_interface() is called. In that case, either the Database is created in vain or the call to set_persistence_interface() is lost. However, perhaps surprisingly, this is not something that we need to address. Here’s why: remember that the instance represents global state. If we assume that set_persistence_interface() can be called from anywhere in the code at any time, in general we can’t expect that after calling set_persistence_interface(), a call to get_persistence_interface() would return the set value. Hence, calling the set_persistence_interface() function from anywhere in the code is like pulling the rug from under somebody’s feet. This is comparable to calling std::move() on any lvalue:

template< typename T >
void f( T& value )
   // ...
   T other = std::move(value);  // Very bad move (literally)!
   // ...

From this perspective, the set_persistence_interface() function should be used at the very beginning of the program or at the beginning of a single test, not arbitrarily.

“Shouldn’t we make sure that the set_persistence_interface() function can be called only once?” you ask. We most certainly could do that, but this would artificially limit its use for testing purposes: we would not be able to reset the persistence system at the beginning of every single test.

Moving Toward Local Dependency Injection

“OK, I see. One last question: since this solution involves global state that can be changed, wouldn’t it be better to use a more direct and more local dependency injection to the lower-level classes? Consider the following modification of the Widget class, which is given its dependency upon construction:”

//---- <Widget.h> ----------------

#include <PersistenceInterface.h>

class Widget
   Widget( PersistenceInterface* persistence )  // Dependency injection
      : persistence_(persistence)

   void doSomething( /*some arguments*/ )
      // ...
      persistence_->read( /*some arguments*/ );
      // ...

   PersistenceInterface* persistence_{};

I completely agree with you. This may be the next step to address the problem of global state. However, before we analyze this approach, keep in mind that this idea is only an option since we have already inverted the dependencies. Thanks to introducing an abstraction in the high level of our architecture, we suddenly have choices and can talk about alternative solutions. Hence, the first and most important step is to properly manage the dependencies. But back to your suggestion: I really like the approach. The interface of the Widget class becomes more “honest” and clearly displays all of its dependencies. And since the dependency is passed via the constructor argument, the dependency injection becomes more intuitive and more natural.

Alternatively, you could pass the dependency on the Widget::doSomething() function directly:

//---- <Widget.h> ----------------

#include <PersistenceInterface.h>

class Widget
   void doSomething( PersistenceInterface* persistence, /*some arguments*/ )
      // ...
      persistence->read( /*some arguments*/ );
      // ...

While this approach may not be the best for a member function, this may be your only option for free functions. And again, the function becomes a little more “honest” by explicitly stating its dependencies.

However, there is a flip side to this direct dependency injection: this approach may quickly become unwieldy in large call stacks. Passing a dependency through several levels of your software stack to make them available at the point they are needed is neither convenient nor intuitive. Additionally, especially in the presence of several Singletons, the solution quickly becomes cumbersome: passing, for instance, a PersistenceInterface, an Allocator, and the system-wide Configuration through many layers of function calls just to be able to use them on the lowest level truly is not the most elegant approach. For that reason, you may want to combine the ideas of providing a global access point and a local dependency injection, for instance, by introducing a wrapper function:

//---- <Widget.h> ----------------

#include <PersistenceInterface.h>

class Widget
   void doSomething( /*some arguments*/ )  12
      doSomething( get_persistence_interface(), /*some arguments*/ );

   void doSomething( PersistenceInterface* persistence, /*some arguments*/ )  13
      // ...
      persistence->read( /*some arguments*/ );
      // ...

While we still provide the previous doSomething() function (12), we now additionally provide an overload that accepts a PersistenceInterface as a function argument (13). The second function does all the work, whereas the first function now merely acts as a wrapper, which injects the globally set PersistenceInterface. In this combination, it’s possible to make local decisions and to locally inject the desired dependency, but at the same time it is not necessary to pass the dependency through many layers of function calls.

However, truth be told, while these solutions may work very well in this database example and also in the context of managing memory, it might not be the right approach for every single Singleton problem. So don’t believe that this is the only possible solution. After all, it depends. However, it is a great example of the general process of software design: identify the aspect that changes or causes dependencies, then separate concerns by extracting a fitting abstraction. Depending on your intent, you will just have applied a design pattern. So consider naming your solution accordingly, and by that leave traces of your reasoning for others to pick up on.

In summary, the Singleton pattern certainly is not one of the glamorous patterns. It simply comes with too many disadvantages, most importantly the usual flaws of global state. But still, despite the many negative aspects, if used judiciously, Singleton can be the right solution for representing the few global aspects in your code in some situations. If it is, prefer Singletons with unidirectional data flow, and design your Singletons for change and testability by inverting the dependencies and enabling dependency injection with the Strategy design pattern.

1 Steve McConnell, Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, 2nd ed. (Microsoft Press, 2004).

2 “There can be only one” is the tagline of the 1986 movie Highlander featuring Christopher Lambert.

3 Erich Gamma et al., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

4 The Meyers’ Singleton is explained in Item 4 of Scott Meyers’s Effective C++.

5 I know that the explicit handling of the copy and move assignment operators appears to be overkill, but this gives me the opportunity to remind you about the Rule of 5.

6 This behavior has changed in C++20, since the declaration of any constructor by the user is now enough to make a type nonaggregate.

7 To be precise and to avoid complaints, if the static local variable is zero or constant initialized, the initialization can happen before the function is entered. In our example, the variable is indeed created in the first pass.

8 In fact, a naive implementation of Singleton is creating lots of artificial dependencies itself; see “Guideline 38: Design Singletons for Change and Testability.

9 Without going into detail, I argue that there are several more so-called “design patterns” that fall in the category of implementation patterns, such as the Monostate pattern, the Memento pattern, and the RAII idiom, which Wikipedia lists as design patterns. While this might make sense in languages other than C++, the intent of RAII is most certainly not to reduce dependencies but to automate cleanup and encapsulate responsibility.

10 Another such piece of advice is the CppCon 2020 talk by Peter Muldoon’s “Retiring the Singleton Pattern: Concrete Suggestions for What to Use Instead”, which provides many useful techniques for how to deal with Singletons in your codebase.

11 If a Singleton is used for anything else, you should be very suspicious and consider it a misuse of the Singleton pattern.

12 Michael Feathers, Working Effectively with Legacy Code.

13 The best summary of SIOF I’m aware of is given by Jonathan Müller in his accordingly named talk “Meeting C++ 2020”.

14 “Globals are bad, m’kay?” as stated by Guy Davidson and Kate Gregory in Beautiful C++: 30 Core Guidelines for Writing Clean, Safe, and Fast Code (Addison-Wesley).

15 The Monostate pattern, to my best knowledge, was first mentioned in the September issue of the 1996 C++ Report in the article “Monostate Classes: The Power of One” by Steve Ball and John Crawford (see Stanley B. Lippmann, ed., More C++ Gems (Cambridge University Press)). It is also described in Martin Reddy’s API Design for C++ (Morgan Kaufmann). Monostate, in contrast to Singleton, allows any number of instances of a type, but makes sure that there is only a single state for all instances. As such, the pattern should not be confused with std::monostate, which is used as a well-behaved empty alternative in std::variant.

16 Miško Hevery, “Root Cause of Singletons”, The Testability Explorer (blog), August 2008.

17 Ibid.

18 For an explanation about the different kinds of test doubles, see Martin Fowler’s article “Mocks Aren’t Stubs”. For examples of how to use these in C++, refer to Jeff Langr’s Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development.

19 But I am sure you won’t be deterred from writing the tests anyway, despite it being difficult.

20 This is also one of the strong arguments in Robert C. Martin’s Clean Architecture.

21 For the design pattern experts, I should explicitly point out that the std::pmr::get_default_resource() function itself fulfills the intent of another design pattern: the Facade design pattern. Unfortunately, I do not go into detail about Facade in this book.

22 The separation into a public interface and a private implementation is an example of the Template Method design pattern. Unfortunately, in this book I can’t go into detail about the many benefits of this design pattern.