- absolute value, 191–192
- action verbs, 72
- active voice, 81
- acute angles, 234
- addition. See also numbers
- in algebra, 211–213
- associative property, 189–190
- commutative property, 190
- defined, 189
- general rule of, 280, 281
- in PEMDAS, 198
- adequate essay, 169–170
ad hominem, 115
- adjectives, 73
- admissions. See also MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs
- essays, 31–32, 417
- increasing chances of, 415–417
- scores and, 7–8
- voucher, 10
- adverb phrases, 74
- adverbs, 74
- affordability, of business schools, 28
- agreements, 77–79
- algebra
- constants, 210
- distance problems, 231
- equations
- linear, 222–223
- quadratic, 227–229
- simultaneous, 224–225
- expressions, 210–211
- factoring polynomials in, 216–217
- FOIL (first, outer, inner, last) method, 214–215
- functions
- defined, 218
- domains of, 220–221
- ranges of, 221–222
- terminology, 218
- inequalities
- defined, 225
- operations, 225–226
- ranges of numbers, 226–227
- symbols, 226
- linear equations, 222–223
- operations
- addition, 211–213
- division, 213–215
- multiplication, 213–215
- overview, 211
- subtraction, 211–213
- overview, 209
- terminology, 209–211
- terms, 210
- variables, 210
- word problems, 229–230
- work problems, 230–231
- alumni network, 29
- analogy arguments, 119, 121–122
- analytical writing assessment (AWA) section
- achieving high scores in, 165–167
- answer sheets, sample, 353–354
- argument-analysis in, 158–159
- careful reading in, 165
- clear transitions in, 164
- common errors in
- avoiding, 411–413
- complicated sentences, 411
- generic terms, 412
- informal English, 412
- list of examples, 412
- modifier errors, 163
- overview, 161
- passive voice, 411
- position without explanation, 412
- possessives, 163
- proofreading, putting aside, 412
- punctuation, 162
- sentence fragments, 163, 412
- spelling, 163–164
- unclear or zero transitions, 412
- unfamiliar words, 412
- conclusions in, 167
- directions, 165
- dos and don'ts, 164
- essay format, 166
- good preparation for, 164–165
- introduction in, 166
- noteboard for, 166
- outline, 166
- overview, 11, 157
- practice tests
- essay topic, 356
- sample response to essay prompt, 377–378
- precise descriptions in, 164
- proofreading in, 167
- sample prompts
- dissection of essay #1, 178–179
- dissection of essay #2, 180
- dissection of essay #3, 181
- dissection of essay #4, 182–183
- plan for, 177
- sample #1, 177–178
- sample #2, 179
- sample #3, 180
- sample #4, 182
- sample response to essay #1, 178
- sample response to essay #2, 179–180
- sample response to essay #3, 181
- sample response to essay #4, 182
- samples of
- overview, 170
- sample 1, 170–172
- sample 2, 172–174
- sample 3, 174–175
- sample 4, 175–176
- scoring of
- adequate, 169–170
- automated essay-scoring engine, 159
- defining, 169–170
- by independent readers, 159–160
- interpretation, 160
- limited, 170
- no-score, 170
- outstanding, 169–170
- reports, 13–14
- rescoring, 160
- seriously flawed, 170
- strong, 169–170
- simple and active sentences in, 164
- spelling and grammar in, 158, 163–164
- supporting paragraphs in, 166–167
- tasks in, 158
- ten steps to follow in, 165–167
- thesis, 166
- time limits in, 12
- word-processing skills in, 158
- angles. See also geometry
- acute, 234
- central angle of circles, 246
- complementary, 235
- defined, 234
- obtuse, 234–235
- perpendicular, 234–235
- right, 234–235
- rules for, 235–236
- straight, 235
- supplementary, 235
- vertical, 235
- answers
- common sense in, 22
- eliminating wrong answers, 20–24
- prior knowledge, 22
- in problem-solving questions, 293
- question wording, 23
- in reading-comprehension questions, 100–101
- Roman numerals, 24
- in sentence correction questions, 86–87
- tracking, 20–21
- using common sense, 22
- guessing strategies, 17–20
- relying on what you know for, 22
- anxiety, 26
Applied Turfgrass Science and Physiology (Fry and Huang), 46
- appositive, 73
- arcs, 246
- area
- of circles, 246
- of parallelograms, 243
- of rectangular solids, 249
- of right circular cylinder, 251
- of triangles, 237–238
- arguments
- analogy, 119, 121–122
- analysis in analytical writing assessment (AWA) section, 158–159
- cause-and-effect, 119, 122–123
- conclusions, 117
- deductive-reasoning, 124
- elements of, 117
- premises in, 117
- statistical, 119, 123
- strengthening or weakening, 120, 120–123
- Aristotle, 118
- arithmetic mean, 275
- assists per game, 51, 66
- associative property, 189–190
- assumptions, 120, 125–127
- author's tone and style, in GMAT passages, 95, 100
- automated essay-scoring engine, 159
- automatic corrections, 158
- average, 275–277
- axis of symmetry, 261
- bachelor’s degree, 9
- bar graphs. See also graphs
- making comparison with, 339–341
- multiple bars, 340
- overview, 339
- segmented, 340–341
- simple, 339–340
- bases, 194–195. See also numbers
- basic line graphs, 342
Big Splat, The (Mackenzie), 141
- binomials, 211
- bisect, 234
breaks, eight-minute, 10
- breathing techniques, 26
- Browning, Edgar, 106
- business passages, 97
- business schools
- admission to
- communicating interest, 416
- early submission of application, 416
- essay, 417
- focusing on best fit, 417
- interview, 415
- recommendations, 417
- studying for GMAT, 417
- unique profile, 416
- work experience and, 415
- affordability, 28
- alumni network, 29
- applying to
- early submission, 416
- essays, 31–32
- items to submit, 30
- review of applications, 31
- timing, 29
- while upwardly mobile, 416
- choosing, 27–29
- increasing chances of getting into, 415–417
- location, 29
- prestige of, 28
- public versus private, 29
- quality of life, 29
- selectivity, 28
- special programs, 28
- taking GMAT and, 9
Businessweek, 28
- calculators, using, 10, 323–324
- canceling scores, 14–15
- cars, 50
- cause-and-effect arguments, 119, 122–123
- center of circle, 245
- charts
- bar
- multiple bars, 340
- overview, 339–341
- segmented, 340–341
- simple, 339–340
- five-step approach for analyzing, 337–338
- pie, 345
- cheating, avoiding, 24, 25
- chords, 247
- circle graphs, 345
- circles. See also geometry
- arc, 246
- area, 246
- center of, 245
- central angle, 246
- chord, 247
- circumference, 246, 248
- circumscribed figures, 247
- defined, 245
- diameter, 246
- equation of, 261
- inscribed figures, 247
- radius, 246
- tangent line, 247–248
- circumference, 246, 248
- circumscribed figures, 247
- clauses, 75–76
- Clean Air Act, 159
- Clean Water Act, 159
- coefficients, 210, 216
- collinear, 234
- combinations, in statistics, 273–275
- commas, 162
- comma splices, 162
- common denominator, 53
- common ratios of right triangles, 239
- common sense, 22
- commutative property, 190
- complementary angles, 235
- complex scatter plots, 344
- complicated sentences, avoiding, 411
- composite numbers, 188
- computer-adaptive test (CAT) format
- answering all questions on, 12
- guess strategy and, 18
- overview, 11–12
- time limits, 12
- computer skills, 12
- concentration, 15, 25
- conclusions, 117, 124–125, 167
- congruent objects, in geometry, 235
- conjunctions, 74
- constant rates, 42
- constants, 210
- cool-season grasses, 46–47, 63
- coordinate geometry. See also geometry
- coordinate plane, 253–255
- finding coordinates, 254
- graphing functions
- domains, 264–266
- overview, 262
- ranges, 262–264
- vertical line test, 262–264
- linear equations, 255–262
- overview, 253
- slopes
- defined, 254
- distance formula, 260–261
- formula for, 255–256
- of lines, 41, 255–257
- midpoint formula, 259
- slope-intercept form, 257–259
- types of, 256–257
- coordinate plane, 253–255, 261–262
- coordinates, 42, 43, 65, 254
- coordinating conjunctions, 74, 80
- correct answers, 13
correlative conjunctions, 74
- correlative expressions, 84
- critical reasoning questions
- analogy arguments in, 121–122
- answering, 408
- argument paragraph, 116–117
- categories, 120
- cause-and-effect arguments in, 122–123
- conclusions, 124–125
- deductive-reasoning arguments in, 124
- eliminating wrong answers in, 22–23
- figuring how to answer, 116–117
- inference questions in, 127–128
- informal logic and
- arguments, 117
- conclusions, 117
- deductive reasoning, 117
- inductive reasoning, 118–119
- premises, 117
- method-of-reasoning questions, 128–129
- overview, 11, 115–116
- practice assessment
- answers, 61, 63–64
- questions, 44–46
- practice problems for
- answer explanations, 134–138
- questions, 130–134
- pre-assessment, 36
- question types, 119–120
- seeking-assumption questions, 125–127
- statistical arguments in, 123
- strengthening or weakening arguments in, 120–123
- structure, 116
- in verbal reasoning section, 140, 149, 151–152, 154
- cross-multiplication, 206
- cube root, 196–197
- cubes, 250. See also geometry
- cylinders, 250–251. See also geometry
- D.A.R.E. program, 61
- data sufficiency questions
- answer choices for, 284
- answer explanations, 297–299
- answering, 408
- overview, 11, 283–284
- practice assessment
- answers, 54
- questions, 40–43
- practice problems for, 287–293
- practice questions, 287–289, 295–297
- problem solving questions, 295–297
- steps in answering, 284–287
- decagons, 245
- decibels, 105–106, 110–112
- decimals
- converting fractions to, 199
- converting percent to, 199
- converting to fractions, 199
- converting to percent, 199
- deductive reasoning, 117, 124
- demand, 106–107, 113
- denominators, 199
- dependent clauses, 75–76, 162
- dependent variables, 218
- diameter, 246
- difference (subtraction), 190
- direct objects, in sentences, 72
- disjoint sets, 269
- dispersion, 277
- distance formula, 260–261
- distance problems, 231
- distributive property, 190
- dividend (math), 191
- division
- in algebra, 211–213
- defined, 191
- in PEMDAS, 198
- divisor, 191
- domains, 218, 220–221, 264–266
Earth Through Time, The (Levin), 102
Economist, 28
- eight-minute breaks, 10
- elasticity, 106–107, 113
- elements, 269
- empty sets, 269
English Grammar For Dummies (Woods), 161
- eons, 102
- equations
- linear, 222–223
- quadratic, 227–229
- simultaneous, 224–225
- equilateral triangle, 236
- errors, avoiding in writing
- complicated sentences, 411
- generic terms, 412
- informal English, 412
- list of examples, 412
- modifier errors, 163
- overview, 161
- passive voice, 411
- position without explanation, 413
- possessives, 163
- proofreading, putting aside, 413
- punctuation, 162
- sentence fragments, 163, 412
- spelling, 163–164
- unclear or zero transitions, 412
- unfamiliar words, 412
- essays
- achieving high scores in, 165–167
- for admissions, 31–32
- argument-analysis in, 158–159
- for business school admission, 417
- careful reading in, 165
- clear transitions in, 164
- common errors in
- avoiding, 411–413
- complicated sentences, 411
- generic terms, 412
- informal English, 412
- list of examples, 412
- modifier errors, 163
- overview, 161
- passive voice, 411
- position without explanation, 412
- possessives, 163
- proofreading, putting aside, 412
- punctuation, 162
- sentence fragments, 163, 412
- spelling, 163–164
- unclear or zero transitions, 412
- unfamiliar words, 412
- conclusions in, 167
- directions, 165
- dos and don'ts, 164
- essay format, 166
- good preparation for, 164–165
- introduction in, 166
- noteboard for, 166
- outline, 166
- overview, 11, 157
- precise descriptions in, 164
- proofreading in, 167
- sample prompts
- dissection of essay #1, 178–179
- dissection of essay #2, 180
- dissection of essay #3, 181
- dissection of essay #4, 182–183
- plan for, 177
- sample #1, 177–178
- sample #2, 179
- sample #3, 180
- sample #4, 182
- sample response to essay #1, 178
- sample response to essay #2, 179–180
- sample response to essay #3, 181
- sample response to essay #4, 182
- samples of
- overview, 170
- sample 1, 170–172
- sample 2, 172–174
- sample 3, 174–175
- sample 4, 175–176
- scoring of
- adequate, 169–170
- automated essay-scoring engine, 159
- defining, 169–170
- by independent readers, 159–160
- interpretation, 160
- limited, 170
- no-score, 170
- outstanding, 169–170
- reports, 13–14
- rescoring, 160
- seriously flawed, 170
- strong, 169–170
- simple and active sentences in, 164
- spelling and grammar in, 158, 163–164
- supporting paragraphs in, 166–167
- tasks in, 158
- ten steps to follow in, 165–167
- thesis, 166
- time limits in, 12
- word-processing skills in, 158
- even numbers, 192–193
- events, 280
- evidence, 124
- exception questions, 101–103, 408
- exponents. See also numbers
- adding and subtracting with, 194
- fractional, 195
- multiplying and dividing with, 194–195
- negative, 196
- overview, 194
- in PEMDAS, 198
- powers of 0 and 1, 195
- expressions. See also algebra
- adding, 211–213
- defined, 210
- distributing terms in, 213–214
- dividing, 213–215
- monomials, 211
- multiplying, 213–215
- polynomials, 211
- stacking, 214
- subtracting, 211–213
- extremes, 205
- factorials, 271–273
- factoring
- to find x in quadratic equations, 227–228
- polynomials, 216–217
- quadratic polynomials, 216–217
Financial Times, 28
focus, 15, 25
- FOIL (first, outer, inner, last) method, 214–215
Forbes, 28
- format of GMAT, 10–12
- formulas
- for distance, 260–261
- midpoint, 259
- quadratic, 228–229
- for slopes, 255–256
- fraction. See also mathematics section
- fractional exponents, 195
- fractions. See also numbers
- adding, 201
- common denominators, 53
- converting decimals to, 199
- converting to decimals, 199
- denominators, 199
- dividing, 201–203
- improper, 200
- mixed, 200
- multiplying, 201–203
- numerators, 199
- proper, 200
- reciprocal, 200
- simplifying, 200–201
- subtracting, 201
- Fry, Jack, 46
- functions
- defined, 218
- domains of, 220–221, 264–266
- graphing, 262–266
- domains, 264–266
- overview, 262
- ranges, 262–264
- vertical line test, 262–264
- ranges of, 221–222, 264–266
- vertical line test, 262–264
- gasoline mileage, 50, 65
- general rule of addition, 280, 281
- general rule of multiplication, 280, 281–282
- generic terms, 412
- geometry
- angles, 233–236
- circles, 245–248
- coordinate
- coordinate plane, 253–255
- graphing functions, 262–266
- linear equations, 255–262
- overview, 253
- slopes, 255–262
- lines, 233–236
- overview, 233
- polygons, 245
- quadrilaterals, 242–245
- three-dimensional (solid)
- cubes, 250
- cylinders, 250–251
- overview, 249
- rectangular solids, 249
- gerund, 72
- GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test)
- computer-adaptive test (CAT) format, 11–12, 18
- computer skills for, 12
- format, 10–12
- Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) versus, 30
- importance of, 7–8
- practice assessment
- critical reasoning questions, 43–47
- data sufficiency questions, 40–43, 54
- graphics interpretation, 51, 65
- integrated reasoning (IR) section, 48–52, 64–66
- multi-source reasoning, 48–50, 64, 65–66
- overview, 39
- problem solving questions, 40–43
- quantitative skills section, 40–43, 53–60
- reading comprehension questions, 43–47
- sentence correction questions, 43–47
- table analysis, 51–52
- two-part analysis, 50
- verbal reasoning section, 43–47, 61–64
- practice tests
- analytical writing assessment, 353–354, 356, 377–378
- answer sheets, 353–355
- integrated reasoning, 357, 379
- overview, 351–352
- quantitative skills, 355, 379–394
- quantitative skills section, 357–364
- verbal reasoning, 355, 394–402
- verbal reasoning section, 365–375
- registering for, 8–9
- retaking, 15
- scheduling, 9
- studying for, 417
- things to take, 10
- website, 8
- when to take, 8–10, 38
- goals per game, 51–52, 66
- Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), 29
- grammar. See also sentence correction questions
- checking, 158
- common errors in
- faulty construction, 79–82
- noun-pronoun agreement, 77–79
- rhetorical construction, 81–82
- run-on sentences, 79–80
- sentence fragments, 79
- verb tense, 80
- parallelism, 80
- parts of speech
- adjectives, 73
- adverbs, 74
- conjunctions, 74
- nouns, 72–73
- prepositions, 74
- pronouns, 73
- verbs, 72
- graphics interpretation
- in integrated reasoning (IR) section, 322
- overview, 11
- practice assessment, 51, 65
- graphing functions. See also coordinate geometry
- domains, 264–266
- overview, 262
- ranges, 262–264
- vertical line test, 262–264
- graphs
- bar
- multiple bars, 340
- overview, 339–341
- segmented, 340–341
- simple, 339–340
- circle, 345
- five-step approach for analyzing, 337–338
- line
- basic, 342
- complex scatter plots, 344
- overview, 342
- scatter plots, 342–343
- Great Depression, 84–85
- greatest possible value, 41
- groups, 267–269
- guessing. See also test-taking techniques
- to complete each section, 18
- eliminating wrong answers when
- prior knowledge, 22
- question wording, 23
- Roman numerals, 24
- sentence correction questions, 87
- tracking, 20–21
- using common sense, 22
- forcing yourself to guess, 18
- strategies for, 17–18
- heptagons, 245
- hexagons, 245
- horizontal lines, 234
- Huang, Bingru, 46
- hypotheses, 124
- ID, 10
- idiomatic expressions, 83–85
- illness, 14
- imaginary numbers, 188
- improper fractions, 200
- indefinite pronouns, 73
- independent clauses, 75, 162
- independent variables, 218
- indirect objects, in sentences, 72
- inductive reasoning, 118–119
- inequalities. See also algebra
- defined, 225
- graphing, 258–259
- operations, 225–226
- ranges of numbers, 226–227
- symbols, 226
- inference questions, 99, 127–128
- inferences, 120
- informal English, avoiding, 412
- informal logic
- argumental elements of, 117
- deductive reasoning, 117
- inductive reasoning, 118–119
- overview, 117
- premises in, 117
- inscribed figures, 247
- integers, 41, 188
- integrated reasoning (IR) section
- calculator in, 323–324
- five-step approach for, 337–338
- overview, 11, 321–322
- practice assessment
- answers, 64–66
- instructions, 48
- questions, 48–52
- practice tests
- answers and explanations, 379
- directions, 357
- pre-assessment, 36
- question format for, 322
- question types for
- graphics interpretation, 322, 331–332
- multi-source reasoning, 322, 332–336
- overview, 325
- table analysis, 322, 325–327
- two-part analysis, 322, 328–331
- scoring of, 13, 324
- skills tested in, 322
- time limits, 12
- time management for, 324–325
- intersect, 234
- intersecting lines, 235
- intransitive verbs, 75
- irrational numbers, 189
- isosceles triangle, 236
- Levin, Harold, 102
- light compensation point (LCP), 46
- light energy, 63–64
like terms, 210
- limited essay, 170
- linear equations, 51, 65, 222–223
- line graphs. See also graphs
- basic, 342
- complex scatter plots, 344
- overview, 342
- scatter plots, 342–343
- lines. See also geometry
- defined, 233
- equation of, 257
- graphing, 257–259
- horizontal, 234
- intersecting, 235
- parallel, 235–236
- perpendicular, 234
- rules for, 235–236
- slope-intercept form, 257–259
- vertical, 234
- line segments, 42, 234
- linking verbs, 72
- location of business schools, 29
- logic. See also critical reasoning questions
- formal, 115
- informal
- argumental elements of, 117
- deductive reasoning, 117
- inductive reasoning, 118–119
- overview, 117
- premises in, 117
- logical fallacies, 115
- Mackenzie, Dana, 141
- magnetic field, 61
- main point, of GMAT passages, 94–95
- main-theme questions
- answering, 407
- identifying, 98
- in verbal reasoning section, 153
- major arcs, 246
- massage, 26
- mathematics section
- bases, 194–195
- basic operations
- addition, 189–190
- division, 191
- multiplication, 190
- overview, 189
- subtraction, 190
- exponents
- adding and subtracting with, 194
- fractional, 195
- multiplying and dividing with, 194–195
- negative, 196
- overview, 194
- powers of 0 and 1, 195
- fractions
- adding, 201
- denominator, 199
- dividing, 201–203
- improper, 200
- mixed, 200
- multiplying, 201–203
- numerator, 199
- overview, 198–199
- proper, 200
- reciprocal, 200
- simplifying, 200–201
- subtracting, 201
- imaginary, 188
- integers, 188
- irrational numbers, 189
- mini practice test
- answer explanations, 309–318
- overview, 301
- practice questions, 301–309
- natural numbers, 188
- order of operations, 197
- PEMDAS acronym, 198
- percentages
- calculating changes in, 203–204
- converting decimals to, 199
- converting to decimals, 199
- repeated change in, 204–205
- prime numbers, 188, 189
- proportions, 205–206
- rational numbers, 188
- ratios, 205–206
- real numbers
- absolute value, 191–192
- defined, 188
- even, 192–193
- negative, 193
- odd, 192–193
- positive, 193
- roots, 196–197
- scientific notation, 206–207
- MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs
- admission to
- communicating interest, 416
- early submission of application, 416
- essay, 417
- focusing on best fit, 417
- GMAT scores and, 7–8
- interview, 415
- recommendations, 417
- studying for GMAT, 417
- unique profile, 416
- affordability, 28
- applying to
- early submission, 416
- essays, 31–32
- items to submit, 30
- overview, 29
- review of applications, 31
- timing, 29
- while upwardly mobile, 416
- choosing, 27–29
- concentration and specialties, 28
- importance of GMAT, 7–8
- location, 29
- prestige of, 28
- public versus private, 29
- registering for GMAT, 8–9
- selectivity, 28
- special programs, 28
- means (statistics), 40, 54–55, 205, 275
- median, 40, 54–55, 275–276
- method-of-reasoning questions, 128–129
Microeconomics Theory and Applications (Browning and Zupan), 106–108
- midpoint formula, 259
- midpoints, 234
- minor arcs, 246
- misspelling, 158, 163–164
- mixed fractions, 200
- mode, 276
- modifier errors, 163
- monomials, 211
- multiple bar graphs, 340
- multiplication
- in algebra, 213–215
- general rule of, 280, 281–282
- overview, 190
- in PEMDAS, 198
- multi-source reasoning
- in integrated reasoning (IR) section, 322
- overview, 11
- practice assessment, 48–50
- natural numbers, 188
- natural science passages, 96
- needs, 104–105
- negative exponents, 196
- negative numbers, 193
- nonagons, 245
- nonrestrictive clauses, 76
- no-score essay, 170
- noteboard, 166
- noun-pronoun agreement, 77–79
- nouns, 72–73, 163
- null sets, 269
- numbers
- bases, 194–195
- basic operations
- addition, 189–190
- division, 191
- multiplication, 190
- overview, 189
- subtraction, 190
- composite, 188
- exponents
- adding and subtracting with, 194
- fractional, 195
- multiplying and dividing with, 194–195
- negative, 196
- overview, 194
- powers of 0 and 1, 195
- fractions
- adding, 201
- denominator, 199
- dividing, 201–203
- improper, 200
- mixed, 200
- multiplying, 201–203
- numerator, 199
- overview, 198–199
- proper, 200
- reciprocal, 200
- simplifying, 200–201
- subtracting, 201
- imaginary, 188
- integers, 188
- irrational, 189
- natural, 188
- order of operations, 197
- overview, 187–188
- PEMDAS, 198
- percentages
- calculating changes in, 203–204
- converting decimals to, 199
- converting to decimals, 199
- repeated change in, 204–205
- prime, 188, 189
- proportions, 205–206
- rational, 188
- ratios, 205–206
- real
- absolute value, 191–192
- defined, 188
- even, 192–193
- negative, 193
- odd, 192–193
- positive, 193
- Roman numerals, 24
- roots, 196–197
- scientific notation, 206–207
- types of, 188
- numerators, 199
- objective personal pronouns, 73
- objects
- of the preposition, 74
- in sentences, 72
- obtuse angles, 234–235
- octagons, 245
- odd numbers, 192–193
- ordered pairs, 254
- origin, 254
- outcomes, 280
- outline, of GMAT passages, 95
- outstanding essay, 169–170
- parabolas, 261–262
- parallelism, 80–81
- parallel lines, 235–236
- parallelograms
- areas of, 243
- properties of, 242–243
- types of, 243
- parentheses, 198
Parmenids, 118
- passages, in reading comprehension questions
- author's tone, 95
- business, 97
- main point, 94–95
- natural science, 96
- outline, 95
- social science, 96–97
- types of, 96–97
- passive voice, 81, 411
- pentagons, 245
- percentages. See also numbers
- calculating changes in, 203–204
- converting decimals to, 199
- converting to decimals, 199
- repeated change in, 204–205
- perimeters, 243
- permutations, 271–273
- perpendicular angles, 234–235
- perpendicular lines, 234
- personal problems, 15
- personal pronouns, 73
- photo ID, 10
- photosynthesis, 46, 63–64
- phrases, 75
- pi, 189
- pie charts, 345
- Plato, 118
- Plotinus, 118
- points per game, 51–52, 66
- poles, 61
- pollutants, 50
- polygons, 245
- polynomials, 211, 216–217
- population, 51, 65, 277
- positive integers, 188
- positive numbers, 193
- positive thinking, 26
- possessives, 163
- practice assessment
- critical reasoning questions, 43–47
- data sufficiency questions, 40–43, 54
- graphics interpretation, 51, 65
- integrated reasoning (IR) section
- answers, 64–66
- questions, 48–52
- multi-source reasoning, 48–50, 64, 65–66
- overview, 39
- problem solving questions, 40–43
- quantitative skills section, 40–43, 53–60
- reading comprehension questions, 43–47
- sentence correction questions, 43–47
- table analysis, 51–52
- two-part analysis, 50
- verbal reasoning section, 44–47, 61–64
- practice tests
- analytical writing assessment
- answers and explanations, 377–378
- questions, 356
- analytical writing assessment (AWA) section, 353–354
- answer sheets, 353–355
- integrated reasoning (IR) section, 357
- overview, 351–352
- quantitative skills section, 355, 357–364
- verbal reasoning section, 355, 365–375
- pre-assessment
- integrated reasoning (IR) section, 36
- overview, 35
- quantitative skills section, 35–36
- verbal section, 36
- predicative noun, 73
- premises, 116–117
- preparation schedule, 37–38
- prepositions, 74
- prestige, of business schools, 28
- prime numbers, 188, 189
- prisms, 249
- private vs. public schools, 29
- probability. See also statistics
- general rule of addition, 280, 281
- general rule of multiplication, 280, 281–282
- of multiple events, 280
- of one event, 280
- overview, 279
- special rule of addition, 280–281
- special rule of multiplication, 280, 281
- problem solving questions
- answer explanations, 297–299
- answering, 408–409
- approach to, 293–294
- basic operations in, 408
- with figures, 408
- overview, 11, 289
- practice assessment
- answers, 53–60
- questions, 40–43
- practice questions, 295–297
- sample problem, 294–295
- substitution in, 409
- production, 230–231
- products (multiplication), 190
- pronouns, 73, 77–79, 163
- proofreading, 167, 413
- proper fractions, 200
- proportions, 205–206
- public vs. private schools, 29
- punctuation errors, 162
- Pythagorean theorem. See also triangles
- 30:60:90-degree triangle, 240
- 45:45:90-degree triangle, 240–241
- common ratios of right triangles, 239
- overview, 238–239
- quadrants, 255
- quadratic equations
- difference of perfect squares, 228
- factoring to find x in, 227–228
- formula for, 228–229
- solving, 227–229
- quadratic polynomials, 211, 216–217
- quadrilaterals
- overview, 242
- parallelograms, 242–244
- rules for, 242
- trapezoids, 243–245
- quality of life, 29
- quantitative question types
- data sufficiency questions
- answer choices for, 284
- answer explanations, 289–293, 297–299
- overview, 283–284
- practice problems for, 287–293
- practice questions, 287–289, 295–297
- problem solving questions, 295–297
- steps in answering, 284–287
- overview, 283
- problem solving questions
- answer explanations, 289–293, 297–299
- approach to, 293–294
- overview, 289
- practice questions, 295–297
- sample problem, 294–295
- quantitative skills section
- eliminating wrong answers in, 22–23
- mini practice test
- answer explanations, 309–318
- overview, 301
- practice questions, 301–309
- overview, 11
- practice assessment
- answers, 53–60
- instructions, 40
- questions, 40–43
- practice tests
- answers and explanations, 379–394
- questions, 357–364
- pre-assessment, 35–36
- sample answer sheet, 355
- scores, 13–14
- time limits, 12
- questions
- correct answers, 13
- difficulty, 13
- equal treatment for, 19
- first ten, 19
- as guides, 23
- last ten, 19–20
- number of, 13
- with Roman numerals, 24
- scores and, 13
- time management strategies, 19, 25
- unanswered, 15
- question types
- critical reasoning questions, 119–120, 408
- data sufficiency questions, 408
- exception questions, 408
- graph-analysis questions, 409
- graphics interpretation, 331–332
- with greater chance of answering correctly, 407–409
- for integrated reasoning (IR) section, 325–336
- main-theme reading, 407
- multi-source reasoning, 332–336
- problem solving questions, 408–409
- reading comprehension questions, 97–98
- sentence correction questions, 408
- specific-information questions, 407
- table analysis, 325–327
- table analysis questions, 409
- two-part analysis, 328–331
- quotient, 191
- radicals, 196–197
- radius, 246
- ranges
- defined, 218
- of functions, 221–222, 262–264
- in statistics, 277
- rates, 42
- rational numbers, 188
- ratios, 205–206
- rays, 234
- reading comprehension questions
- author's tone and style, 100
- eliminating wrong answers, 100–101
- exception questions, 101–103
- inference questions, 99
- main-theme questions, 98
- overview, 11, 93–94
- passages
- author's tone, 95
- business, 97
- main point, 94–95
- natural science, 96
- outline, 95
- social science, 96–97
- types of, 95–97
- practice assessment
- answers, 63–64
- questions, 46–47
- practice problems for
- answers, 109–113
- instructions, 104
- questions, 104–108
- pre-assessment, 36
- question types, 97–98
- inference questions, 99
- main-theme questions, 98
- specific-information questions, 98–99
- specific-information questions, 98–99
- in verbal reasoning section, 140, 149–150, 152, 153–154
- real numbers. See also numbers
- absolute value, 191–192
- defined, 188
- even, 192–193
- negative, 193
- odd, 192–193
- positive, 193
- reasoning. See also critical reasoning questions
- deductive, 117, 124
- finding the method of, 120
- inductive, 118–119
- reciprocals, 200
- recommendations, 417
- rectangles, 243
- rectangular solids, 249–250. See also geometry
- registering for GMAT, 8–9
- relative pronouns, 73
- relaxation techniques, 26
- repetitive language, 81
- rescheduling test, 14
- rescoring, 160
- restrictive clauses, 76
- retaking GMAT, 15
- return on investment (ROI), 28
- rhetorical construction, 81–82
- rhombus, 243
- right angle, 234–235
- right circular cylinder, 250–251
- right rectangular prism, 249
- right triangle, 236, 239
- Roman numerals, 24
- roots, 196–197, 198
- run-on sentences, 79–80, 162
- salary, starting, 29
- scalene triangle, 236
- scatter plots, 342–343
- scheduling GMAT, 9
- scientific notation, 206–207
- scores
- admissions and, 7–8
- for AWA essays
- adequate, 169–170
- automated essay-scoring engine, 159
- defining, 169–170
- by independent readers, 159–160
- interpretation, 160
- limited, 170
- no-score, 170
- outstanding, 169–170
- reports, 13–14
- rescoring, 160
- seriously flawed, 170
- strong, 169–170
- canceling, 14–15
- factors influencing, 13
- good, importance of, 8
- for integrated reasoning (IR) section, 13, 324
- for quantitative skills section, 13–14
- reporting of, 13–14
- strategies for maximizing
- eliminating wrong answers, 20–24
- successful guessing, 17–18
- time management, 19–20
- for verbal reasoning section, 13–14
- seeking-assumption questions, 125–127
- segmented bar graphs, 340–341
- segments, 42
- selectivity, of business schools, 28
- semicircles, 246
- semicolon, 80
- sentence correction questions
- answering, 408
- common errors in
- faulty construction, 79–82
- idiomatic expressions, 83–85
- noun-pronoun agreement, 77–79
- overview, 76–77
- run-on sentences, 79–80
- sentence fragments, 79
- subject-verb agreement, 77
- verb tense, 80
- grammar basics and
- parts of sentence, 75
- parts of speech, 71–74
- overview, 11
- practice assessment
- answers, 61–62
- questions, 44–45
- practice problems
- answers, 90–91
- questions, 88–89
- pre-assessment, 36
- systematic approach to
- eliminating wrong answers, 86–87
- guessing, 87
- overview, 85
- rereading sentence, 87
- spotting errors, 86
- in verbal reasoning section, 140, 150–152, 154
- sentence fragments, 79, 163, 412
- sentences
- dependent clauses in, 75
- independent clauses in, 75–76
- parts of, 75
- clauses, 75–76
- phrases, 75
- subject, 75
- verb, 75
- seriously flawed essay, 170
- sets. See also statistics
- similar objects, in geometry, 235, 241–242
- similar triangles, 241241–
- simple bar graphs, 339–340
- simultaneous equations, 224–225
- slang expressions, 164
- slope-intercept form, 257–259
- slopes. See also coordinate geometry
- defined, 254
- distance formula, 260–261
- formula for, 255–256
- of lines, 41, 255–257
- midpoint formula, 259
- slope-intercept form, 257–259
- types of, 256–257
- social science passages, 96–97
- solid geometry
- cubes, 250
- cylinders, 250–251
- overview, 249
- rectangular solids, 249
- special programs, in business schools, 28
- special rule of addition, 280–281
- special rule of multiplication, 280, 281
- specialties, of business schools, 28
- specific-information questions
- answering, 407
- overview, 98–99
- in verbal reasoning section, 150
- speech, parts of
- adjectives, 73
- adverbs, 74
- conjunctions, 74
- nouns, 72–73
- overview, 72
- prepositions, 74
- pronouns, 73
- verbs, 72
- speed reading, avoiding, 25
- spell check, 158, 164
- spelling errors, 163–164
- square root, 196–197
- squares
- defined, 243
- difference of perfect squares, 228
- standard deviation, 277–279
- standardized tests, 8, 10–11, 14
- statistical arguments, 119, 123
- statistics
- average, 275–277
- combinations, 273–275
- groups, 267–269
- median, 275–276
- mode, 276
- overview, 267
- permutations, 271–273
- population, 277
- probability, 279–282
- ranges, 277
- sets, 269–270
- standard deviation, 277–279
- straight angles, 235
- stretching, 26
- strong essay, 169–170
- studying
- devising plan for, 36–38
- preparation schedule, 37–38
- time needed for, 8–9, 37
- subjective personal pronouns, 73
- subjects, in sentences, 72, 75
- subject-verb agreement, 77
- subordinating conjunctions, 74
- subtraction, 190, 198, 211–213
- sum, 189
- supplementary angles, 235
- supporting paragraphs, 166–167
- surface area
- of rectangular solids, 249
- of right circular cylinder, 251
- synonyms, 158
- table analysis
- answering questions in, 409
- in integrated reasoning (IR) section, 322
- overview, 11
- practice assessment, 51–52
- translating information in, 338–339
- tangent line, 247–248
- terms
- defined, 210
- distributing, 213–214
- stacking, 214
- test centers, 9
testing times, 9
- test-taking techniques
- avoiding cheating, 25
- careful reading, 22–23, 25
- eliminating wrong answers, 20–24
- focus, 25
- handling nervousness, 26
- hard questions, 25
- for question types, 407–409
- tracking wrong answers, 20–21
- using common sense, 33
- thesis, 166
- three-dimensional geometry. See also geometry
- cubes, 250
- cylinders, 250–251
- overview, 249
- rectangular solids, 249
- time limits, 12
- time management. See also test-taking techniques
- for hard questions, 25
- for integrated reasoning (IR) questions, 324–325
- for last ten questions, 19–20
- pacing and, 20
- time limits and, 12
- treating questions equally and, 19
- timer, hiding, 324–325
- to be (verb), 72
- transition words, using, 412
- transitive verbs, 75
- trapezoids, 243–245
- trend lines, 343
- triangles. See also angles
- area of, 237–238
- equilateral, 236
- isosceles, 236
- overview, 236
- Pythagorean theorem
- 30:60:90-degree triangle, 240
- 45:45:90-degree triangle, 240–241
- common ratios of right triangles, 239
- overview, 238–239
- trinomials, 211
- two-part analysis
- in integrated reasoning (IR) section, 322
- overview, 11
- practice assessment, 50
- unanswered questions, 15
U.S. News & World Report, 28
- vacation, taking, 26
- variables, 210
- variation, 277
- Venn diagrams, 269–270, 345–347
- verbal phrase, 72
- verbal reasoning section
- critical reasoning questions in, 140, 149, 151–152, 154
- main-theme questions in, 153
- overview, 11, 139
- practice assessment
- answers, 61–64
- instructions, 44
- questions, 44–47
- practice problems for
- answer explanations, 148–154
- directions, 140
- questions, 140–148
- practice tests
- answers and explanations, 394–402
- questions, 365–375
- pre-assessment, 36
- reading comprehension questions in, 140, 149–150, 152, 153–154
- Roman numerals in, 23–24
- sample answer sheet, 355
- scores, 13–14
- sentence correction questions in, 140, 150–152, 154
- specific-information questions in, 150
- time limits, 12
- verbs, 72, 75, 80
- vertex, 234, 261–262
- vertical angles, 235
- vertical lines, 234
- vertical line test, 262–264
- volume
- of rectangular solids, 249
- of right circular cylinder, 250–251
- voucher, admission, 10
- warm-season grasses, 46–47, 63
- whispering, 325
- Woods, Geraldine, 161
- word problems, 229–230
- word-processing functions, 158
- work experience, 415
- work problems, 230–231