
List of tables and figures

List of contributors



1Introduction: the accountability challenge
Elin Skaar, Jemima García-Godos, and Cath Collins

2Analytical framework
Elin Skaar, Cath Collins, and Jemima García-Godos

3Argentina: regional protagonist of transitional justice
Lorena Balardini

4Uruguay: halfway towards accountability
Francesca Lessa and Elin Skaar

5Brazil: the tortuous path to truth and justice
Glenda Mezarobba

6Chile: incremental truth, late justice
Cath Collins with Boris Hau

7Paraguay: accountability in the shadow of Stroessner
Cath Collins

8El Salvador: the difficult fight against impunity
Elena Martínez Barahona and Martha Liliana Gutiérrez Salazar

9Guatemala: truth and memory on trial
Jemima García-Godos and Luis Raúl Salvadó

10Peru: beyond paradigmatic cases
Jemima García-Godos and Félix Reátegui

11Colombia: transitional justice before transition
Nelson Camilo Sánchez León, Jemima García-Godos, and Catalina Vallejo

12Conclusions: the uneven road towards accountability in Latin America
Elin Skaar, Cath Collins, and Jemima García-Godos

Appendix 1: Impunity and accountability factors

Appendix 2: Guiding questions and evaluation of specific TJMs
