Good modeling practice is based on robust design intent. This just means that you should try to build parts that can adapt easily to changes. This section of the book begins with things you need to know in order to make good models—models that react predictably in drawings and that update properly with changes. A robust design intent will make downstream operations easier.
Creating simple parts will help you understand the techniques used in more complex modeling projects. Learning on simple tools and then expanding your skills will help you understand best-practice issues, which will make you a better contributor to a team environment.
By knowing the right information about the part's function before you start modeling or designing, you can create a model that will be easier to edit, easier to properly place into an assembly, easier to detail in drawings, and easier for other SolidWorks users to understand when someone else has to work on your models. Design intent is a statement of how the part functions, the major features of the part, and how the model reacts to modeling changes.
It may help if you try to put the design intent into words to help you focus on what is important in the design. An example of a statement of design intent is “This part is symmetric about two planes, is used to support a 1.00 inch (diametral pitch) diameter shaft with a constant downward load of 150 pounds using a bronze bushing, and is bolted to a plate below it.” This does not give you enough information to design the part, but it does give you information about two surfaces that are important (a hole for the bushing and the bottom that touches the mounting plate), as well as some general size and load requirements.
Symmetry is an important aspect of design intent. Taking advantage of symmetry can significantly reduce the time needed to model the part. Symmetry can exist on several levels:
This is probably the most important information to know. Primary or functional features include how the part mounts or connects to other parts, motion that it needs to accommodate, and additional structure to support loads.
Often, it is a good idea to create a special sketch as the first feature in the part that lays out the functional features. This could be as simple as a straight line to denote the bottom and a circle to represent the position and size of a mating part, or as complex as full outlines of parts and features from all three standard planes. This technique is called creating a layout sketch, and it is an important technique in both simple and complex parts. You can use layout sketches for anything from simply drawing a size-reference bounding box to creating the one point of reference for all sketched features in the part. You can use multiple layout sketches if a single sketch on one plane is not sufficient.
When the marketing department gets out of a meeting at 4:45 p.m., what changes do you need to be prepared for so that you can still be out the door by 5:00 p.m.? No one expects you to be able to tell the future, but you do need to model in such a way that your model easily adapts to future changes. As you gain experience with the software and engineering design processes, keep this idea in mind: you will develop some instincts for the type of modeling that you do.
I've talked a lot about what success looks like with a good design intent model, but let's talk a little bit about failure. Failure will turn out to be more motivating in practice. When design intent fails, you get a feature tree full of errors, and you have to go through each feature, investigate what's wrong, and then fix it. The failures are generally due to errors in the parent/child dependencies following the original change. Fixing errors like this can take up much more time than creating a model in the first place. This is, in essence, the big weakness of history-based modeling. There are a few ways to solve it:
I discuss this issue again in Chapter 12, “Editing, Evaluating, and Troubleshooting.”
Chapter 2, “Navigating the SolidWorks Interface,” introduced the tools and features you will use to create simple parts, and this chapter teaches you how to string the simple features together intelligently. In this section, I'll show you how to build the simple part shown in Figure 4.1. Although the shape is simple, the techniques used and discussed here are applicable to a wide variety of real-world parts. The discussion on how to model the part contains information on some of the topics you must understand in order to do the work.
FIGURE 4.1 A simple machined part
Deciding where to start can be more difficult than it sounds, especially for new users. For this reason, I'll go through some sample parts and discuss possible starting points. Figure 4.2 shows the first part. For reference, all of these parts can be found
FIGURE 4.2 Which starting sketch is the best?
As you decide how to model geometry in SolidWorks, you should be thinking of a 2D shape and a process. You typically create prismatic shapes by using an Extrude feature and round shapes by using a Revolve feature. Features can also add material (boss) or remove material (cut). Obviously, your first feature must add material.
If you look at the 3D geometry and see it as a series of 2D drawing views arranged in 3D space (as shown in Figure 4.2), you are on your way to deciding where to start.
The part in Figure 4.2 has flat and round faces, but if you examine it, you can create the overall shape using a single extrude. The best option in this case would be to start with a sketch like the one in the lower-right corner and extrude it. This is a good beginning. Although you can make the same part starting from any of the three sketches, the one in the lower-right corner gets you closest to the final shape.
Also realize that you don't need to make all the geometry in a single feature. It is often best to use multiple features for elements such as holes, fillets, chamfers, and other groups of geometry that can be separated out from the main shape.
You might look at the part and see many ways to create it, but the most straightforward way is to extrude the U shape, a rectangular cutout, and four chamfers, as shown in Figure 4.3.
FIGURE 4.3 Breaking down the features in this part
Notice where the part is placed in relation to the origin. Different people might do this differently, and the same person might even do it differently depending on the function of the part. In this case, the origin is aligned with the center of the round shape and at the bottom of the flat face. The placement of the origin suggests that this part sits on the flat face of another part and may hold a cylindrical face of another part.
If you open the part from
, you will notice that the origin is also placed in the middle of the extrusion depth. This suggests that the part is symmetrical from front to back.
If you are new to 3D modeling, this might be too much to take in all at once, but you should try to keep the ideas presented here in mind as you work through your first several parts and when you examine SolidWorks parts made by more-experienced users.
Figure 4.4 shows another part with other features. Again, you can choose from several ways to make this part.
FIGURE 4.4 Identify the best starting point for this part.
In this case, the best option is to use the one on top. (The other two profiles would add geometry that you would have to remove later.) Notice that the holes in the part are not represented in any of the profiles. This is because holes are often added as separate features later. This gives you control over whether the holes are there or not, as well as the size and placement of the holes.
Returning to the part in Figure 4.1, it should be clear enough that this part would be best started from a rectangle, although the rectangle could come from any of the three directions. I personally try to use the biggest sketch that will create a solid that requires the fewest number of additional features. The first feature that you create should also be positioned relative to the origin. Whether a corner of a rectangle is coincident to the origin, the rectangle is centered on the origin, or dimensions are used to stand the rectangle off from the origin at some distance, you need to lock the first feature to the origin with every part you build.
Many people ask how to move the origin, and this is perhaps one of the first things you need to understand about working in SolidWorks. You don't move the origin in SolidWorks. You move everything else in relation to the origin. If you have a part built with the origin in a certain place and want to move it, depending on how the part was built, this might be a very big job. If every feature was created dimensioned from the origin, you will have to move every feature. If features were created dimensioned from an edge of the first feature, you only need to move the first feature. It is also possible to move the entire body, but that is a more complex operation that will be addressed later.
When working with a simple part, the entire part can sometimes be described as rectangular or cylindrical. In cases like these, it is easy to know where to start: You simply draw a rectangle or a circle, respectively. On complex parts, it may not be obvious where to start, and the overall part cannot be said to have any simple shape. In cases like these, it may be best to select the (or a) prominent feature, mounting location, functional shape, or focus of the mechanism. For example, if you were to design an automobile, what would you designate as the 0,0,0 origin? The ground might be a reasonable location, as would the plane of the centers of the wheels. The end of the crankshaft in the engine is often used as the assembly origin in automotive modeling. As long as everyone working on the project agrees, many different reference points could work. With that in mind, it seems logical to start the rectangular part by sketching a rectangle. Select the Top plane, and sketch a centerpoint rectangle centered on the part origin.
Your next decision is about part symmetry. The part in Figure 4.1 is not completely symmetrical. Modeling a quarter of it and mirroring the entire model twice is not the most effective technique. Instead, you should build the complete part around the origin and mirror individual features as appropriate. To start this type of symmetry, you need to sketch a rectangle centered on the origin. Again, to some extent, this is personal judgment.
Sketch a center rectangle where the first point, the centerpoint, is created at the origin. Drag or click the second point (one of the corners) to an approximate size. This creates symmetry in both directions. You can use additional construction geometry and sketch relations to make the rectangle symmetrical side-to-side only.
Beginning with the rectangle you sketched in the preceding section, apply one horizontal dimension by clicking the Smart Dimension tool on a single horizontal line, placing the horizontal dimension (4.00 inches), and clicking a vertical line, placing the vertical dimension (6.00 inches). The sketch is fully defined at this point because both the size and position of the rectangle have been established. Figure 4.5 shows the sketch at this point.
FIGURE 4.5 Sketch and dimension a center rectangle.
The Extrude feature is one of the staples of SolidWorks modeling. Depending on the type of modeling you do, the Extrude feature may be one of your main tools. This section describes some of the available Extrude options.
The From panel establishes where the Extrude feature starts. By default, SolidWorks extrudes from the sketch plane. These other options are available:
FIGURE 4.6 Extruding from a surface
Following is a brief description of each of the available end conditions for the Extrude feature:
FIGURE 4.7 Offset From Surface using the default
FIGURE 4.8 Offset From Surface using Translate Surface options
FIGURE 4.9 The Reverse Offset option
FIGURE 4.10 Up To Next end condition
By default, the Direction Of Extrusion is normal to the sketch plane, but you can also select a linear entity such as an edge, planar face, face, plane, or axis as the direction. All the end-condition options are still available when you manually define the Direction Of Extrusion as something other than the default.
You can also assign a draft option to an extrusion as it is created, and you can control the draft separately for Direction 1 and Direction 2.
The Thin Feature panel is activated by default when you try to extrude an open-loop sketch (a sketch that does not fully enclose an area). The end-condition options remain the same. What changes is that the feature applies a thickness to the sketch elements in the manner of a sheet metal part, thin-walled plastic part, or rib. The Thin Feature panel of the Extrude PropertyManager, along with a representative thin feature extrusion, are shown in Figure 4.11.
FIGURE 4.11 The Thin Feature panel and a thin feature extrusion
The Cap Ends option is available only when you specify a Thin Feature to be created from a closed-loop sketch. This creates a hollow, solid body in a single step. You can also use Thin Features with cuts, and they are very useful for creating slots or grooves.
SolidWorks sketches are easiest to control when the sketches are neat and clean, when nothing overlaps, and when no extra entities exist. However, when you need to use a sketch that does not meet these criteria, you can use contour selection as an alternative method. Contour selection enables you to select areas completely bounded by sketch entities for use with features such as Extrude. For example, you could use a sketch like the number sign (#) where lines do not connect at end points. You can use contour selection to select the box in the center, which is completely bound by sketch elements. Figure 4.12 shows an extrude feature making use of contour selection in a sketch.
FIGURE 4.12 Using contour selection
Instant 3D enables you to pull handles to create extrusions and to drag model faces to change the size and location of features. Several feature types enable you to use arrows to adjust elements visually of parametric features and sketches. Figure 4.13 shows the ruler added by Instant 3D shows the arrows added by Instant 3D, which are the handles that you pull on to create a solid from a sketch or edit an existing feature. Notice also that you can make cut features with Instant 3D. In fact, you can change a boss feature into a cut. I'm sure this is a neat sales demo trick, but I'm not aware of any practical application of changing a boss into a cut. Figure 4.13 shows the interface for Instant 3D.
FIGURE 4.13 Using Instant 3D and Live Section
The intent is for this functionality to look and feel like direct modeling, but it is not direct modeling. What you can do is still limited by the features in the history tree and the sketches and dimensions driving the design intent. While this may be handy for making quick visual changes to a model, it is not a great method for precise modeling. Instant 3D can also be an effective tool when used in conjunction with the direct editing type of tools such as Move Face. Instant 3D mimics some of the direct edit type of functionality found in applications such as Solid Edge, SketchUp, and SpaceClaim.
Instant 3D also offers a tool called Live Section, which enables you to section a part with a plane or drag the edges of the section regardless of the features to which the edges belong. To activate Live Section, right-click a plane that intersects the part and select Live Section Plane. Live Section is shown in Figure 4.13.
Chapter 37, “Using Imported Geometry,” discusses the direct edit theme in more detail and revisits the Instant 3D manipulators in that light.
Going back to the sketch in Figure 4.5, I will show you how to continue building the part using the newly learned tools. By centering the sketch on the origin and extruding using a Mid Plane end condition, the initial block is built symmetrically about all three standard planes, with the part origin at the center. In many parts, this is a desirable situation. It enables you to create mirrored features using the standard planes and helps you put parts together later, when parts must be centered and do not have a hard face-to-face connection with other parts. Figure 4.14 shows the initial feature with the standard planes.
FIGURE 4.14 An initial extruded feature centered on the standard planes
The next modeling step is to create a groove on the back of the part. How is this feature going to be made? You can use several techniques to create this geometry. List as many techniques as you can think of, whether or not you know how to use them.
Figure 4.15 shows multiple methods for creating the groove. From left to right, the methods are a thin feature cut, a swept cut, and a nested-loop sketch.
FIGURE 4.15 Methods for creating the groove
With a thin feature cut (shown on the left), you sketch the centerline of the groove and in the Cut-Extrude feature, select the Thin Feature option and assign a width and depth. The option on the right is what is called a nested loop, because it has a loop around the outside of the slot and another around the inside. Only the material between the loops is cut away. The method in the center is a sweep where the cross section of the slot is swept around a path to make the cut.
Another potential option could include a large pocket being cut out, with a boss adding material back in the middle. Each option is appropriate for a specific situation. The thin feature cut is probably the fastest to create, but also the least commonly used technique for a feature of this type. (Many users are not even aware of the thin feature unless they attended specific training or read about it in some of my other books.) Most users tend to use the nested-loop option (one loop inside another) because it enables you to specify geometry more directly, as opposed to specifying the geometry indirectly using the combination sketch and feature settings.
You can control the size of the groove as an offset from the edges of the existing part, or you can drive the dimensions independently. Again, this depends on the type of changes you anticipate. If the groove will always depend on the outer size of the part, the decision is easy—go with the offset from the outside edges. If the groove changes independently from the part, you need to re-create dimensions and relations within the sketch to reflect a different design intent.
The decision of how to control the size of the slot is something I've been putting in the context of design intent, but there is another way of looking at it. Some SolidWorks users, like me, are focused on the 3D model. Many users, however, need to focus on the 2D drawing. If that’s your situation, the decision of how to control the 3D model comes down to what dimensions you want on the 2D drawing. You can take the dimensions from the 3D model and put them directly onto the 2D drawing. If you can do this, it saves you a lot of time. Sometimes, though, the way you create a 3D part is going to be different from how you want to show that part on your drawings. Both methods work. You have to decide how you want to create your parts and how you want to create your drawings.
SolidWorks includes tools for Model-Based Definition (MBD). This is a method where you document the 3D part separate from a 2D drawing. Chapter 41, “Facilities Design Tools,” covers MBD methods in detail, and drawings start in Chapter 24, “Automating Drawings: The Basics.”
You need to consider one more thing before you create the groove sketch. What should you use to create the offset—the actual block edges or the original sketch? The answer to this is a Best Practice issue.
An assembly is a special document type in SolidWorks that allows you to position multiple parts with respect to one another using geometrical mate relationships (such as coincident and concentric) or distance relationships (such as dimensions). The simple assemblies you begin creating here start with a single part that is located with respect to the assembly's origin and standard planes. This is very much like orienting the first sketch of a part to the part's origin.
Parts can be added to the assembly in a number of ways and mated together using reference geometry or faces. It is best if you can use reference geometry, because items like planes and axes tend to be more stable than edges and faces. If you make a change later that removes a face that an assembly mate depends on, that mate fails or does something unexpected.
SolidWorks assembly documents can become extremely complex, with patterns, layouts, in-context, virtual parts, subassemblies, flexible subassemblies, configurations, assembly features, exploded views, in-context features, special Toolbox features, and an assortment of other assembly-only tools available. For the purposes of this chapter, we'll just talk about putting parts together with mates.
When creating an assembly, give careful thought to the selection of the first part. The first part or component of an assembly should always be the key component. In an assembly for a bicycle, the frame would be added first and locked in place using the assembly planes. Similarly, an assembly of an engine would be started with the block, where the block is fixed at the assembly origin.
Like other document types, SolidWorks assemblies start from templates. Before you get started making lots of assemblies, you should make sure you have at least one custom template that you intend to use. Special settings common for assembly templates are units, plane names, drafting standard, custom properties, and other items.
Assemblies have a FeatureManager arrangement of their own. In the assembly FeatureManager, you will find parts and subassemblies, special folders for mates, component patterns, assembly features, Toolbox parts and features, and other assembly-specific items.
To get started with an assembly, click New, find an assembly template, and double-click it. The settings that come up in the PropertyManager will be the topic of later chapters, starting with Chapter 13, “Building Efficient Assemblies.” You can insert any of the currently open parts or assemblies shown in the Browse window by double-clicking the filename and then clicking in the graphics window to place the part or assembly (Figure 4.16).
FIGURE 4.16 Creating a new assembly
Notice that the assembly has some folders and reference geometry just like part documents. As you add parts to the assembly, they will be listed in the FeatureManager. Very large assemblies require some special techniques to manage all the data, but for now we are starting simple.
You can use one of several methods for putting a part into an assembly:
The first part you put into an assembly is always automatically fixed, meaning it does not move. Any other parts you put in have no constraints or mates, unless you add them using Smart Mates or Mate References, as explained in more detail in Chapter 14, “Getting More from Mates.”
Mates work very much like sketch relations, but they work in 3D space, and they relate edges, faces, vertices, or different types of reference geometry to one another. They do this in order to position and orient parts with respect to one another, but also to allow for motion when a part is dragged with the cursor. Common mates are coincident and concentric—again, just like sketch relations.
Mates are not just for positioning parts, but are also used to establish design intent in the assembly.
Figure 4.17 shows the assembly FeatureManager with several components and some mates.
FIGURE 4.17 A simple assembly
CAD salesmen have been telling us for 30 years that 2D paper drawings are going away. 2D drawings may never go away, but what is happening less is drawing three views with individual lines and arcs. Although AutoCAD is still a popular product, it is tedious for view creation.
Drawings in SolidWorks are really just automated snapshots of the model from various views. Any change to the model automatically updates all the views. You can make section views, auxiliary views, cutaway views, and other specialized views quickly when you are working from a 3D model. There are some exceptions to the automatic updates, including when models aren't loaded and a setting called Detached Drawings, when they are intentionally not updated.
To create a new drawing, you again start with a drawing template, which contains the document-specific settings such as units, drafting standard, and so on. You also might use a format, which determines the paper size and has the drawing border with the title block and other items. So, the template is the drawing file with overall settings, and the format is the drawing border. Usually, templates are saved with the format within it, so the blank drawing already has a sheet size and a border.
You can make drawings of individual parts or assemblies, and you can make multi-sheet drawings with an assembly on the front and all the detail parts on subsequent sheets. Drawings can also contain tables such as bills of materials, general tables, hole charts, and other types of annotated charts.
You can also make drawing views from simple sketches. This is useful for layouts, schematics, and items that might not have a physical representation.
Figure 4.18 shows a drawing with some simple views, dimensions, and annotations.
FIGURE 4.18 A simple drawing with views and a title block
To create the simple part for this chapter from scratch, follow these steps:
To create the groove, follow these steps:
FIGURE 4.19 Creating the groove with a thin feature cut
Continue with the part from the previous section, and follow these steps:
FIGURE 4.20 Closed loop with angled side
FIGURE 4.21 Using automatic relationships
The next features that you will apply are a pair of counterbored holes. SolidWorks has a special tool called the Hole Wizard that you can use to create common hole types. The Hole Wizard helps you create standard hole types using standard or custom sizes. You can place holes on any face of a 3D model or constrain them to a single 2D plane or face. A single feature created by the Hole Wizard may create a single hole or multiple holes, and a feature that is not constrained to a single plane can create individual holes originating from multiple faces, nonparallel faces, and even nonplanar faces (holes may go in different directions). All holes in a single feature that you create by using the Hole Wizard must be the same type and size. If you want multiple sizes or types, you must create multiple Hole Wizard features.
To apply counterbored holes to your part, follow these steps:
FIGURE 4.22 The Hole Wizard Hole Specification interface
FIGURE 4.23 Placing the centerpoints of holes
SolidWorks provides two types of slots: Hole Wizard slots and sketched slots. Fancier slots with the counterbores and countersinks can be made more quickly using the Hole Wizard, but the Hole Wizard is able to create only straight slots. For curved slots, you will need to use the curved slot sketch entity and extrude the sketch as a cut. In this tutorial, we create a curved slot.
To cut slots in your part, follow these steps:
FIGURE 4.24 Creating a slot
As mentioned earlier, it is considered a best practice to avoid using sketch fillets when possible and use feature fillets instead. Another best-practice guideline is to put fillets at the bottom of the design tree or at least after all the functional features. You should not dimension sketches to model edges created by fillets unless no better methods are available. Several chapters could be written just about fillet types, techniques, and strategies in SolidWorks. Chapter 7, “Modeling with Primary Features,” deals with more complex fillet types.
To add fillets and chamfers to your part, follow these steps:
FIGURE 4.25 Selecting edges using the context toolbar
FIGURE 4.26 Edges for fillet and chamfer features
and then close it.The finished part is simple, but you have learned many useful techniques along the way.
In SolidWorks, drawing views are created from the 3D model. Even the most complex section views are almost free, because they are simply projected from the 3D model. When you make changes to the 3D model, all 2D views update. You can handle dimensions in a couple of ways, either using the dimensions that you used to create the model or placing new dimensions on the drawing. (Best practice for modeling is not necessarily the same as best practice for manufacturing drawings.) Model-Based Definition (MBD) is covered in Chapter 40, “Using Model-Based Design.”
To make a simple drawing of a SolidWorks native part, follow these steps:
Select the D-Landscape sheet size, as well as the format that automatically associates with that sheet size, and click OK. If the Model View PropertyManager appears, click the red X icon to exit. (If the template you selected already has a format, you can skip this step.)
FIGURE 4.27 The Sheet Properties dialog box
. These annotations are linked to custom properties. Some of them have properties with values (such as the Scale note), and some of the properties do not have values (such as the Description).FIGURE 4.28 The Custom Properties entry table
FIGURE 4.29 Creating a section view with the Section View Assist
Model Items imports the dimensions used to build the SolidWorks model and uses them on the drawing. These dimensions are bidirectionally associative, meaning that changing them on the drawing updates the model and changing them on the model updates them in the drawing. On the surface of things, this sounds too good to be true, and it is. The potential problems is that you might not model things the way you would dimension them for the shop. You have to answer several questions for yourself, such as “Do the leader lines go to the right locations or can they be moved?” The dimensions usually come in such a way that they need to be moved around quite a bit.
Reference (driven) Dimensions can be applied to the drawing view directly. These are only associative in one direction, meaning that they measure what is there, but they do not drive the size or position of the geometry. All changes must be made from the model. Again, on the face of things, this appears to be redundant and a waste of time; but in my personal estimation, by the time you finish rearranging dimensions, checking to ensure that you have everything you need, and hiding the extraneous dimensions, you are usually far better off using reference dimensions.
SolidWorks data is made of parts, assemblies, and drawings. In this chapter, you learned how to create simple examples of each type.