

Introduction: The Failure of Meter

Modern Instability

Metrical Communities

Meter as Culture

A Note on Historical Prosody


Chapter 1: The History of Meter

A Metrical History of England

A Grammatical History of England

Grammatical Instability

Metrical Instability

Chapter 2: The Stigma of Meter

Metrical Irrelevance

The British Empire of Letters

Marking Instresss

Acute Stress in “The Wreck of the Deutschland”

Mistrusting the Ear

Chapter 3: The Institution of Meter

Metrical Mastery

Inventing the Britannic

Dynamic Reading

Mastery for the Masses

The English Ear

A Prosodic Entity

Chapter 4: The Discipline of Meter

Patriotic Pedagogy

Matthew Arnold’s Metrical Intimacy

Henry Newbolt’s Cultural Metrics

Private Meters, Public Rhythms

The Sound of the Drum

Chapter 5: The Trauma of Meter

Wartime, Poetics

Sad Death for a Poet!

Therapeutic Measures


The Kindred Points of Heaven and Home

Chapter 6: The Before- and Afterlife of Meter

Metrical Modernism

Make It Old: Robert Bridges and Obsolescence

Alice Meynell’s “English Metres”

Toward a Critical Prosody



Works Cited
