Abelson, Robert, 117
Agnew, Spiro, 136
Alexander the Great, 134
alternative medicine, 12, 25–26, 56–60
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 60
American College Testing program, 131
Angell, Marcia, 37
Animal House (movie), 49
aphorisms, 78
appeal to ignorance, 244
argument from authority, 217–18
asbestos, 15
Asch, Solomon, 219
astrology, 14, 30, 109, 136–37, 169
bankruptcy prediction, 171
Bass, Ellen, 205
Bay of Pigs, 227
Beatles, the, 46
definition of, 14
Belsky, Gary, 145
Bergson, Henri-Louis, 103
Berle, Milton, 201
bin Laden, Osama, 134
Bird, Larry, 93
Blackmore, Susan, 40
Blaine, David, 48
Blakeslee, Sandra, 114
Bohr, Neils, 133
Bono, Sonny, 21
Borg, Bjorn, 97
Boston Globe, 151
Bradley, Bill, 136
Dow Corning, 36
lawsuits, 36
New England Journal of Medicine, 37
Brokaw, Tom, 225
Burns, George, 271
Bush, George H. W., 178
Bush, George W., 136, 156, 217, 227–28
BusinessWeek, 152
Cambridge Psychological Society, 203
Capgras' delusion, 115
cause and effect relationships, 19
Challenger explosion, 193, 203, 227
chance and coincidence, 18–19, 85–100, 234
computing probabilities, 88–89
searching for causal explanations, 86–87
Cheney, Vice President Dick, 156
Churchill, Winston, 154
and the Stargate program, 29–30
Columbia School of Journalism, 34
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), 136
confirming decision strategies, 18, 155–65, 234
ignoring contradictory evidence, 156
positive test strategy, 162–63
Consumer Reports, 17
continental drift, 76
directionality problem, 129
third variable problem, 129–30
Courage to Heal, The (Bass and Davis), 205
Crichton, Michael, 98
crime rate, 32
murder at work, 43
in schools, 35
Culture of Fear, The (Glassner), 44
Darwin, Charles, 51
Dateline, 37
Davis, Laura, 205
Dawkins, Daryl, 93
relation to beliefs, 13
Descartes, René, 51
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, The, 271
diagnosticity of a test, 170–71
Diana, Princess of Wales, 136
diffusion of responsibility, 221–22
Dineen, T., 271
disease, variability of, 59–60
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 30–31
Duvall, David, 172
Economist, 149
efficient market hypothesis, 144–45
Ehrlich, Paul, 153
Eisenhower, Dwight, 17
Entine, Jon, 191
ESP, 12, 29, 34, 40, 81, 90–91, 156
Euripides, 53
Evans, Michael, 149
effect on perceptions, 103–106, 116–17
confounding variables, 73
double-blind studies, 70
importance of randomization, 71
extraordinary claims, requiring extraordinary evidence, 46–48
facilitated communication, 27–28, 42
FBI, 170
Federal Reserve, 148
firewalking, 55
Fischoff, Barruch, 192
flesh-eating bacteria, 34
Fox television, 33
France, Anatole, 215
Frank, Mark, 105
Franken, Al, 158
Frazier, Kendrick, 71
Fridson, Martin, 139
Futures (magazine), 152
Future Shock (Toffler), 153
Gallico, Paul, 191
Gardner, Martin, 241
Genovese, Kitty, 221
Gilovich, Thomas, 92–93, 105, 135, 145, 237
Glassner, Barry, 35
Glick, Peter, 109
Gretzky, Wayne, 97
Hahneman, Samuel, 56
Halloween, 43
hallucinations, 12, 110–11, 117
Charles Bonnet syndrome, 114
fantasy-prone personalities, 111
hypnogogic and hypnopompic, 12, 111, 117
International Census of Waking Hallucinations, 110
REM sleep, 110
halo effect, 104
Hastie, Reid, 230
haunted houses, 29
Head Start, 79
anchoring and adjustment, 179–82
availability and the media, 177–79
benefits of, 182
definition, 167
disregarding sample size, 173–74
History Channel, 32
and the Philadelphia 76ers, 92–93
Hussein, Saddam, 156
hypnosis, 22, 201, 202, 205–206
conflict with well-established knowledge, 56–57
consider alternatives, 54
definition of, 72
reasonableness of, 54
testability, 55
individuals versus groups, 199–200
intelligent design, 249
college admission decisions, 195–96
parole board decisions, 197
versus statistical models, 196–98
intuitive physics, 77
Irving, Janus, 227
Irving, Julius, 92
Jensen, Michael, 140
Jung, Carl, 96
Jurassic Park (Crichton), 98
Kelly, Jim, 97
Kennedy, Michael, 21
Ketcham, Katherine, 202
Kimmel, Admiral, 155
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 134
Kosinski, Jerzy, 104
Langer, Eileen, 194
Learning Channel, 32
Letterman, David, 136
levitation, 39
Liddy, Gordon, 204
lie detector test, 160–61, 171
Lies, and the Lying Liars who Tell Them (Franken), 158
Loftus, Elizabeth, 194, 202, 207–208, 212
lunar landing hoax, 33
Madey, Scott, 135
Malkiel, Burton, 122–23, 141–42, 143, 145, 147, 239
Mander, Alfred, 236
Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat, The (Sacks), 115
McCloskey, Michael, 77
McLaine, Shirley, 30
Meehl, Paul, 270
childhood sexual abuse, 21–22, 201, 204–208
effect of suggestive questioning, 22, 204–209, 235
eyewitness court testimony, 211–13
flashbulb memories, 203
repressed memory 22, 201, 204–208
space shuttle Challenger explosion, 203
Microsoft, 153
Midler, Bette, 223
misperceptions, 19–20, 101–17, 234
effect of desires, 19–20, 106–109
effect of expectations, 19–20, 103–106
hallucinations, 12, 103, 110–11, 114, 116–17, 234
neurobiological problems, 113–16
Mozart effect, 79
murder, 34
in the workplace, 43
Myers, David, 265
My Life and Prophecies (Dixon), 136
Nash, John, 110
National Institutes of Health, 60
National Science Board, 71
near-death experience, 12
negative data, paying attention to, 126–28
Neisser, Ulric, 203
neural structures, 116
New England Journal of Medicine, 37
Newton, Isaac, 75
Nixon, Richard, 203–204, 217, 227
Norman, Greg, 172
Occam's razor, 56, 86, 94, 96, 117
Ofshe, Richard, 207
Old Farmer's Almanac, 151
Orne, Martin, 206
oversimplifying, 20–21, 167–82, 234–35
paradigm, 75
paranormal beliefs, 28–34, 39–40, 46–48, 90–91
Parcells, Bill, 97
pareidolia, 109
Pauling, Linus, 218
Pearl Harbor, 155
pedophiles, 43
Penfield, Wilder, 110
penis-shrinking panics, 20, 112–13
Penn and Teller, 81
and judgment, 101
neurobiological problems, 113–16
religious influences, 107
seeing what we expect, 103–106
Persinger, Michael, 110
Phaedrus, 101
Phantom Gasser of Mattoon, 111–12
planning fallacy, 193
Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 153
pseudoscientific thinking, 15, 40–44
psychics, 14, 42–43, 61–65, 133–37
psychology of judgment and decision-making, 15
Psychology Today, 67, 241–42, 248
Randi, James, 31, 33, 38, 65, 97, 241
one-million-dollar challenge, 31
random processes, misperceiving, 93–95
Regan, Donald, 30
regression to the mean, 19, 144, 172–73
reliability of evidence from others, 223–26
repressed memory, 22, 201, 205–208
Rhine, J. B., 39
Rorschach inkblot test, 123–26
Exner comprehensive system, 255
Rosa, Emily, 58
roulette, 13, 87–89, 91–92, 95, 96
Russell, Bertrand, 28, 45, 52, 233
Sacks, Oliver, 115
Sagan, Carl, 40, 49, 51–52, 55
Salem witch trials, 208
satanic rituals, 113
schizophrenia, 110
Schnaars, Stephen, 152
schools, public versus private, 129–30
definition of theory, 74
difference between pseudoscience, 80–81
error correcting mechanism, 72–73
facts are provisional, 74
public's misperceptions, 77–80
thinking like a scientist, 82–83
Seinfeld, Jerry, 124
self-esteem, 12–13, 32, 68, 129
self-fulfilling prophecies, 164
sexual abuse, 21–22, 201, 204–208
Shaw, George Bernard, 25
Sherden, William, 141–43, 151, 153, 154
Shermer, Michael, 33, 60, 64, 72, 86, 90, 91, 97, 157, 239
simplifying strategies, 20–21, 167–82
Simpsons, The, 210
Skeptic magazine, 60
skeptics and skepticism, 16, 33, 51–53, 81
importance of skeptical thinking, 51–53
Skeptics Society, 239
Skinner, B. F., 98
Snyder, Mark, 160
Speer, Albert, 227
spiritualism, 49
Sports Illustrated jinx, 173
Standard & Poor's 500, 13, 140–43
stock market, 13, 119–23, 138–48
beating the market, 140
Black Monday, 145
dart board contest, 142
effect of frequent trades, 143–44
Forbes honor role funds, 142
gurus, 143
mutual fund performance, 140–43
stories versus statistics, 16–18, 233–34
Survivor (television show), 85
Thaler, Richard, 189
therapeutic touch, 25–26, 57–60
Thoreau, Henry David, 167
Time, 35
Toffler, Alvin, 153
Tomlin, Lily, 11
Travel Channel, 32
US Food and Drug Administration, 36
U.S. News & World Report, 35
Vallone, Robert, 92
Vyse, Stuart, 100
Wall Street Journal, 18, 142, 152
Washington Post, 178
Climate Analysis Center, 150–51
Old Farmer's Almanac, 151
World Meteorological Organization, 150
Wegener, Alfred, 76
Wells, Gary, 213
Woods, Tiger, 172
World Trade Center disaster, 108, 133–35, 203
face of devil in smoke, 108