INTRODUCTIONSwing for the Fences—I Did!
SECTION ONEIdentifying the Most Compelling Path for the Business of You
1Understanding the Business of You
2Building a Vision for Your Ideal Career
SECTION TWOGetting There: How to Find and Secure That Perfect Job
3Refining Your “Marketing Materials”—Resume Basics
4Closing the Deal = Impactful Interviews
SECTION THREEEstablishing Your Competitive Advantage:
How to Outperform the Competition
6Harnessing a Dynamic Personal Culture: It’s All about Attitude
7Confidence Is the Difference-Maker
SECTION FOURManaging Your Personal Brand
9Developing Professional Polish: The Packaging Matters
10Communicating in the Workplace: Marketing Your Brand
11Operational Marketing: Preparing for Success in Your Day-to-Day Responsibilities