Abdi, Abbas, 358
Abu Ghraib prison abuse, 100
acceptance of destiny, 108
Accion Democratica (AD), 276
action radicalization, 388
activism and injustice, 159–161
Adam and Eve, 116, 119–120, 121, 123, 125, 217
ADL (Anti-Defamation League), 193, 212
Advanced Care Planning Consultation, 233–234
affirmative action programs, 218
Affordable Care Act
anger as symptom of political dysfunction, 234–237
anger on the Left, 237–239
compatibility of three theories, 239–240
elite mobilization and the process of victimization, 232–234
introduction to, 225–228
legitimate anger, 240
opposition to, 225–228
racial resentment hypothesis, 229–232
role of anger in politics, 228–229
summary, 241
age, political bias and, 59
agency, shared, 161–162
agrarian reform, 246–248
Agrarian Reform Law, 248
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 344–345, 358
Ahmed, Malabu, 320
AIOC (Anglo-Iranian Oil Company), 335–336
AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), 259
Albus Dumbledore, 146, 148–150, 152, 157–159, 162
Alexander, King, 182–183
Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, 139, 142n1
Alijani, Reza, 358
Aliyu, Babangida, 317
Allen, Richard, 259
Allen, Woody, 133–134
al-Qaeda, 394
al-Shabaab, 394
AMA (American Medical Association), 227
American Civil Rights Movement, 40
American Freedom Party, 195, 197, 199, 200
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 259
American Medical Association (AMA), 227
American National Election Survey, 53
American Nazi Party, 190, 196, 203
American Renaissance Conference, 203
American Third Position Party, 197
Americans for Prosperity, 232, 240
amnesty committee, 324–325
Amoli, Javadi, 356
Amouzgar, Jamshid, 341
AMS (“Angry Monk Syndrome”), 374–375
Andrews, Dana, 135
Angels with Dirty Faces, 138
conclusion, 403–405
facilitation of radicalization and terrorism, 392–394
at the group level, 389
at the individual level, 388–389
on the Left, 237–239
marginalization and, 315–318
role of in politics, 228–229
romance and, 132–134
specific effects of on radicalization, 389–390
as a symptom of political dysfunction, 234–237
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), 335–336
“Angry Monk Syndrome” (AMS), 374–375
Ansar-e Hizbollah, 357
anthropomorphosis, 120
anticommunism, 273–274
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 193, 212
Anti-Nazi League, 201
anti-Semitism, 190, 195, 210–212, 215–219. See also Extreme Right; The Turner Diaries (Pierce)
ARA (Aryan Republican Army), 219–220
Ara, Haji Ali Razm, 346
Arab Spring, 379
Ardebili, Abdel Karim, 353, 356
Argentina, 273
Ark of the Covenant, 122–123
Aryan Festival, 191
Aryan Nations, 192, 198, 201, 202, 215, 222
Aryan religions, 195–199
Aryan Republican Army (ARA), 219–220
“The Aryan Republican Army Presents: The Armed Struggle Underground,” 219
Aryan Youth Movement, 191
Asari-Dokubo, 320
Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 393
Askar, Saeed, 357
Assembly of Experts, 352
assertions of confidence, 13
Astaire, Fred, 132–133
Attack! 211
attitude bolstering, 13
attitude strength, 12–15, 17, 20
attribution, theories of, 31
attributional ambiguity, 31
austerity policies, 297–299, 300, 301–302
authority, submission to, 9
authority/subversion, 5
al-Awlaki, Anwar, 395
Azhari, Gholam Reza, 341
Bahonar, Mohammad Javad, 353
bailouts, 236–237
Bancroft, Anne, 139
Bandura, Albert, xi
Bani-Sadr, Abol Hasan, 342–343, 352, 353, 355
Bank of England, 294–295
bargaining range, 56–57
Barnett, Robert, 369
Barricade Books, 200
Barrow, Clyde, 139–140
Basir, Danjuma, 320
Batista, Fulgencio, 245, 246, 248
Bauer, Dan, 213
Bay of Pigs invasion, 250–251, 256–257
Bazargan, Mehdi, 340, 342, 352
Beale, Howard, 141
Beatty, Warren, 139
Beheshti, Mohammad, 349
benevolent sexism, 43
Berkowitz, Leonard, 333
Berlin, 182
Berry, Shawn Allen, 220
The Best Years of Our Lives, 135–136, 142n1
Between Midnight and Dawn, 137
Bible, anger in
conclusion, 126–128
introduction to, 111–116
New Testament, 124–126
Old Testament, 116–124
BibleWorks software, 114
The Big Heat, 137
“Big Stick” diplomacy, 271
Bill Weasley, 147
Black, Don, 197
Black Friday, 341
Black Legion, 136
Black Lives Matter, 40
Black Power movement, 190
Bloggett, Todd, 193
Blood & Honour, 195, 197, 204n4
A Body of Practical Divinity (Watson), 116
Boehner, John, 57
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 176
Bonnie and Clyde, 139–140
Boston Marathon bombing, 395
Brando, Marlon, 135
Bresica, Michael William, 219
Brewer, Lawrence Russell, 220
Bright Victory, 136
Brinton, Crane, 340
British Israelism, 216–217
Bronson, Charles, 141
Brown vs. Board of Education, 220
Brüder Schweigen. See The Order
Buddhism, 363–364. See also Tibetan independence movement
budget deficits, 299
Burstyn, Ellen, 139
Bush, George W., 334
Bush, Jeb, 403
Butler, Richard, 192, 197–198, 204n2
Byrd, James, Jr., 220
Cagney, James, 138
Cain, lineage of, 217
Cain and Abel, 116–117, 121, 123
“A Call to Arms,” 214
candidate nominating system, 235
CANF (Cuban American National Foundation), 259–260, 263
Canosa, Jorge Mas, 259
capitalism. See Greece and capitalism
care/harm, 5–6
Casablanca, 133
cassava cultivation, 314
Castile, Philando, 30
Castor, Kathy, 226
Castro, Fidel, 245–246, 247, 250
Castro, Raúl, 250
Cato Institute, 299
centaurs, 147
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 255, 273–274, 372
Chayefsky, Paddy, 141
Chiang Kaishek, 364
children, in film, 137–138
children, protection of, 148–149
The Children’s Bible, 111–112
China, 183, 363–368, 371–379. See also Tibetan independence movement
Christensen, Alex, 216
Christensen, Else, 216
Christian Identity
British Israelism and, 216–217
conspiracism, 221–222
Extreme Right, 191–192, 195, 197–198
overview of, 217–218
religion and politics, 219
Christian Identity Church of Jesus Christ Christian, 215
Christodoulakis, Nicos, 303
Church of Jesus Christ Christian, 191–192, 198, 204n2
Church of LaPorte, 215
Church of the Creator, 193, 198, 199, 204n2
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 255, 273–274, 372
cinema, anger and conflict in
anger-conflict variations, 140–141
denial of anger, 137–138
drama, anger in, 134–136
individual vs. group anger, 142n1
introduction to, 131–132
new American cinema, 138–140
romance and anger, 132–134
Citizens United ruling, 70, 235
The City of God (Augustine), 112
Civil Rights Movement, 40, 194, 218, 220, 334–335
Clayburgh, Jill, 139
clergy, 176
Clinton, Bill, 227, 229, 230–231, 234, 236, 238
Cobb, Lee J., 135
collective anger and action
conclusion, 46
definitions, 40
expectations, 31–34
ideological beliefs, 37–39
individual differences related to, 20–21
introduction to, 29–30
in Niger Delta conflict, 309–310
prejudice, attributions to, 29–46
prejudice, factors influencing attributions to, 30–31
against prejudice and discrimination, 39–43
role of higher-status groups, 43–45
social identities, 34–37
collective efficacy, xi
Communist Party, 291, 365, 368, 372
community rituals, 107–108
Comparet, Bertrand, 217
incentivizing, 54–55
incentivizing experiment, 61–68
media and, 58
negotiations, factors that influence, 56–57
personality traits and, 70
requirements of, 55–56
compromise condition, 62–67
compromise scorecard point system, 64, 68–69, 70
conflict management strategies, 19
Confucius, 97
conservatives. See also Republican Party
disgust sensitivity, 6
emotional reactions to perceived worldview threats, 5–6
fostering positive intergroup contact, 8
moral foundation of fairness, 6–7
social change, openness to, 4
conspiracism, 221
Copei, 276–277
Copeland, David, 201
cosmotheism, 204n2
counterfeit money, 213–214
counter-persuasion, 14–15
counter-radicalization, 398–399
Creativity Movement, 195, 198–199, 201, 202
Crossfire, 136
Cuba Poll, 261
Cuban American National Foundation (CANF), 259–260, 263
Cuban Constitution, 249
Cuban Democracy Act, 260–261, 262, 263
Cuban embargo, 245, 258, 259, 261–262
Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act, 260–261
Cuban Missile Crisis, 251, 258
Cuban penal code, 249–250
Cuban Revolution, 245–246
Cuban Americans
agrarian reform, 246–248
Castro regime, 246
collective anger, acting on, 255–261
Cuban embargo, generational change in attitudes, 261–262
Cuban immigrants as a source of anger among other groups, 252–255
current status and future projections, 262–265
generational changes in anger, 261–262
human rights abuses, 248–250
introduction to, 245–246
Obama administration’s departure, 262–264
paramilitary and propaganda phase, 255–258
political action phase, 258–261
sources of anger, 246–255
U.S. action and inaction, 250–252
cultural movements, 195–199
cultural persecution, 366–368
culture wars, 60–61
Cummings, Robert, 141
The Curse of Cain (Schwartz), 117
Cyprus, 291
Dalai Lama, 361, 362, 363–372, 374–377, 380–382
Dante, 119
Dastghaeyb, Ali Mohammad, 356
DDR (disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration), 322
De Niro, Robert, 139
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 340
Dean, James, 138
“death panels,” 233–234
Death Wish, 141
Deconstructing Harry, 134
Dees, Morris, 213
Defense Annual Report, 84
deflecting anger, 157–159
deforestation, 315
democracy, opposition to, 190–193
democratic anger
conclusion, 358–359
economic development, 337–340
introduction to, 334–335
Iranian military coup of 1953, 335–337
Iranian Revolution, since the, 341–344
Khamenei and, 356–358
Khomeini and, 353–356
post-revolutionary, 344–346
from protest movement to revolution, 340–341
radical anger, 346–348
theocracy, establishment of, 351–353
theological anger, 348–351
Democratic Party
Cuba policy, 263–264
culture wars, 60–61
demographic diversity, 59–60
divided government, 54
health care reform, 230
incentivizing compromise experiment, 61–68
liberalism, increase in, 4
Democratic Republican Union (URD), 276–277
demographics, 59–60
denial of anger, 137–138
deprivation, 333–334
deprivation/aggression hypothesis, 333–334
de-radicalization, 398–399
Desmoulins, Camille, 177
Dhondup, Pema, 380
Dickson, Sam, 203
Dingell, John, 226
diplomacy anger, 303
direct action, 199–202
disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR), 322
discrimination, collective action against, 39–43
disengagement, 398–399
disgust, 6
diversity, 59–60
divided government, 54
divine anger
in the New Testament, 124–126
in the Old Testament, 116–128
divorce, 104–105
Django Unchained, 140
Dodd, C. H., 124
Dollar Diplomacy, 271
Dollard, John, 333
domestication of anger, 228
Donat, Robert, 141
Doob, Leonard, 333
doves, 55–56
dramas, anger in, 134–136
dual process model of ideology and prejudice, 9–12
Dual Pyramid Model of Radicalization, 388
dual theory of radicalization, 388
Duey, Randy, 213
Duke, David, 194, 196–197, 200, 201, 203
Dulles, John Foster, 274
Dunaway, Faye, 139
Ebtehadj, Hooshang, 337
EC (European Community), 292, 294
ECB (European Central Bank), 288, 293, 300
economic policy, 297–299, 300, 301–302
EDES (Greek Democratic National Army), 289
EEC (European Economic Community), 292
efficacy, xi
EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), 311
divided government, 54
Iran and, 337
Latin America and, 256, 269–270, 272–274, 279, 280–281
Eisenstein, Sergei, 132
ELAS-EAM (National Liberation Front–National Popular Liberation Army), 289
electoral maps, 8
elite mobilization, 232–234
Emami, Sharif, 341
emigration movements, 169–170
French Revolution, 173–178
history of, 170–171
revolutions and, 173
Russian Revolution, 178–183
emotions, 4–6
empathy, x
environmental conflict. See Niger Delta conflict
environmental degradation, 311–315, 319
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), 311
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 314
equality, opposition to, 190–193
Era of Democratic Revolution, xii
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 303
Eskandari, Parvaneh, 357
Ethnic Cleansing computer game, 201
ethnic militia groups, 321
EU (European Union), 288, 292–294, 302, 303, 403
European Central Bank (ECB), 288, 293, 300
European Community (EC), 292, 294
European Economic Community (EEC), 292
European Free Trade Association, 292
European Monetary System, 292
European refugee crisis, 169–170, 303–304
European Union (EU), 288, 292–294, 302, 303, 403
Euroscepticism, 203
Eurozone, 288, 293–294, 295–296, 299, 303, 304n1
Eurozone South. See Greece and capitalism
evolutionary biology, 171
evolutionary theory, ix–x
existential fears, 22n2
expectations, 33
extreme political ideologies, 18
Extreme Right. See also The Turner Diaries (Pierce)
in Europe, 202–203
identity as driving force, 193–195
introduction to, 189–190
music and, 191, 193, 195–199, 200, 201–202
online community, 197, 202, 203, 204n4
opposition to democracy and equality, 190–193
political groups, cultural movements, and Aryan religions, 195–199
projections and status of the issue, 202–204
spreading ideas and direct action, 199–202
Fadayan Islam, 346
Fadayan-e Eslam, 336
Fadayan-e Khalq Organization (FKO), 347–348
fairness/cheating, 5–7
family groups, 148–149
fascism in the U.S., 190, 197. See also Extreme Right
Fatemi, Hossein, 346
FEI (Independent Electoral Front), 276–277
feminist movement, 139
Fields, Dorothy, 133
Figueres, José, 283
filibuster, 57
film. See cinema, anger and conflict in
financialization, 294–296
Finch, Peter, 141
“A Fine Romance,” 133
First Agrarian Reform, 248
First Amendment, 237
Five Point Peace Plan, 377
FKO (Fadayan-e Khalq Organization), 347–348
Florida. See Cuban Americans
Florida International University Cuba Poll, 261
Fonda, Henry, 141
Ford, Glenn, 137
Ford, Robert, 203
“14 Words” (Lane), 215
FOX News, 58
Foxx, Jamie, 140
France, 293
Francis, Pope, 263
Francis, St., 97
Franklin, Benjamin, 177
Franklin, John, 211
free will, 161
Freedom Movement of Iran, 340, 342, 349
FreedomWorks, 232
French Revolution, 170, 173–178
Freud, Sigmund, 114
Friedman, Milton, 297
friendship, 149–150
frustration-aggression hypothesis, 14, 319–320, 333–334, 346
Fundamentalist Christians, 218
Furrow, Buford, 198
Fury, 136
Gale, William Potter, 217
Gandhi, Mahatma, 334, 358–359, 370
Ganji, Akbar, 357
gas flaring, 313–315
general elections, 68
generational changes in anger among Cuban Americans, 261–262
Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, 319
Gentleman’s Agreement, 136
George II, King, 289
Gere, Richard, 376
German Youth Movement, 215
Germany, 288, 289–290, 292, 293, 295, 297–299
Glass, Philip, 376
global financial crisis, 294–299
Global War on Terrorism, 397
goblins, 147
God. See Bible, anger in; divine anger
Golden Age of Buddhism, 363
Goldstein, Melvyn, 363
Golsorkhi, Khosrow, 347
González, Elián, 252
Good Neighbor Policy, 271–272
Goodwin, Matthew, 203
Gore, Al, 100
Gouldbourne, Tony, 321–322
government, divided, 53–54
Granger, Farley, 141
Grant, Cary, 141
Great Britain, 289–290, 293, 295, 303, 335, 403
Great Recession, 294–299
Greece and capitalism
anger crisis, 302–303
from anger to resolve, 294–299
background: before the Metapolitefsi, 288–294
conclusion, 303–304
crippling blow, 300–301
crisis inflamed, 299–300
crisis unfolds, 301–302
economic crisis, 296–301
global crisis strikes Iceland, 294–299
introduction to, 287–288
Greek Communist Party, 289
Greek Cypriots, 291
Greek Democratic National Army (EDES), 289
Greek Reporter, 300
Green, Nancy L., 170–171
Green Movement, 345–346, 356, 358
Greer, Donald, 176
Griffin, Roger, 190–191
group efficacy, 42–43
group identification, 35
group polarization
citizens create Congress, 54–55
conclusion, 70–71
culture wars, 60–61
discussion, 67–68
disparity in demographic diversity, 59–60
divided and divisive government, 53–54
hawks and doves, 55–56
hypotheses, 62–67
laboratory study, 61–62
limitations and future research, 69–70
negotiations, factors that influence, 56–57
organic political negotiations, 57–58
partisan programs, 58
voter efficacy, 68–69
Guatemala, 273–274
Gudup, 362
Guevara, Che, 247
Gurr, Ted Robert, 333
Guthrie, Richard Lee, Jr, 219–220
Hagrid, 154–155
Hajjarian, Saeed, 357
Hale, Matthew, 199
Hall, T. H., 303
Halpern, Diane, 70–71
Hannity, Sean, 233
Harry Potter novels
anger, loss, and trust, 151–154
anger at not being believed, 154–157
angry groups in the magical world, 146–147
conclusion, 164
deflecting anger, 157–159
family groups, 148–149
friends and enemies, 149–151
injustice and activism, 159–161
introduction to, 143–145
overview of novels, 145–146
resistance, 162–164
shared agency, 161–162
Hasan, Nidal, 395–396
Hasanyi, Doina Pasca, 178
Hastert Rule, 57
hawks, 55–56
Hawn, Goldie, 376
Hayathay-e Mo’talefeh Eslami (Association of Islamic Coalitions), 346–347
Hays, Mary Ludwig, 79
health care reform. See Affordable Care Act
Heiron, Gary, 118
Helms-Burton Act, 260–261, 262, 263
Hemingway, Mariel, 134
hemispheric solidarity, 273
Henry Willink Commission, 316, 322–323
Heritage Foundation, 226
Hermione Granger, 148–150, 160–161, 162–164
Hick, John, 123
higher-status groups
collective action, role of in, 43–45
prejudice, attributions to, 35, 35–36, 38
same-sex marriage, 44–45
Hillman, James, 104
Hine, Edward, 216–217
History of Magic (Bagshot), 145
Hitchcock, Alfred, 141
Hoffman, Dustin, 139
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 145–146, 149
Holliday, Judy, 137
Holocaust, 122
Homayoun, Dariush, 350
Home of the Brave, 109n3, 136, 142n1
Homer, 93
Hoover, Herbert, 271
house-elves, 147
Hoveyda, Amir Abbas, 338–339
human rights abuses, 248–250, 320
Human Rights Policy, 339
Human Rights Violations Investigation Committee, 324
Human Rights Watch, 250, 300, 320
Hunter (Pierce), 191
Hurricane Katrina, 7
hyperbole, 232–234
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, 136, 142n1
Iceland, 294–295
Icelandic Central Bank, 294
ICI (Intergroup Compromise Inventory), 64, 67
Identification of the British Nation with Lost Israel (Hine), 216–217
identity crisis, 102
ideological beliefs, 37–39
ideological limits/scope conditions, 60–61
Ignatius of Loyola, St., 97
Iliad (Homer), 93
IMF (International Monetary Fund), 288, 293
immigrants, attitudes toward, 11
impression management, 36
impression of views, 17
Independent Electoral Front (FEI), 276–277
Indian independence movement, 334
individual actors in the process of radicalization, 394–396
individual differences in inciting anger and social action
attitude strength, 12–15
conclusion, 21
dual process model of ideology and prejudice, 9–12
implications for individual differences related to collective anger and action, 20–21
introduction to, 3–4
political orientation, 4–9
social vigilantism, 15–20
individual mandate, 226
Inferno (Dante), 119
Inglourious Basterds, 140
injustice and activism, 159–161
INRA (National Institute of Agrarian Reform), 247–248
Integrated Regional Information Network, 316
intergroup attitudes and prejudices, 9
Intergroup Compromise Inventory (ICI), 64, 67
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 288, 293
Internet, anger and, xiii
Intruder in the Dust, 136, 142n1
The Invisible War, 85
Iran, anger and politics in
conclusion, 358–359
democratic anger, 334–337
democratic anger since the revolution, 341–344
economic development and democratic anger, 337–340
introduction to, 333–334
Khamenei’s anger, 356–358
Khomeini’s anger, 353–356
military coup of 1953 and democratic anger, 335–337
post-revolutionary democratic anger, 344–346
from protest movement to revolution, 340–341
radical anger, 346–348
theocracy, establishment of, 351–353
theological anger, 348–351
Iranian Writers Association, 339–340
Iran–Iraq War of 1980, 354–355
IRP (Islamic Republic Party), 342–343, 353
Islamic Republic Party (IRP), 342–343, 353
Islamic Revolutionary Committee, 352
Islamic Revolutionary Guards, 352
Islamic State, xii
Islamist ideology, 396
Israelites, 121
It’s Even Worse Than It Looks (Mann and Ornstein), 235
The Jackie Robinson Story, 136
Jalili, Saeed, 358
JBS (John Birch Society), 191, 210, 211, 213
J-curve theory, 340
Job, 121
John, 125–126
John Birch Society (JBS), 191, 210, 211, 213
The John Franklin Letters, 211
John the Baptist, 124
Johnson, LaVena, 85
Johnson, Lyndon B., 54
Johnson, Sam, 182
Johnson, Tim, 375
Junger, Sebastian, 100
justice, 119–120
justified aggression, 10
Kadets, 180
Kaldenberg, Wyatt, 216
Kaplan, Jeffrey, 190
Karamanlis, Konstantinos, 291
Kashani, Abolghasem, 336
Kasravi, Ahmad, 346
Kaupthing, Icelandic bank, 294–295
Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander, 294–295
Kazemi, Zahra, 358
Keaton, Diane, 133–134
Kemp, Richie, 213
Kern, Jerome, 133
Keynes, John Maynard, 298
Khamenei, Ali, 343–345, 349, 353, 355, 356–358
Khan, Genghis, 363
Khan, Khubilai, 363
Khatami, Hojjatol Islam Mohammad, 344, 357
Khomeini, Mostafa, 349
Khomeini, Ruhollah, 342–343, 348–356, 359
kidnappings, 320–322
“killing rage,” 99–101
King, John William, 220
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 358–359, 370
Kissinger, Henry, 211
KKK (Ku Klux Klan), 195–199, 200, 202, 217
KKKK (Knights of the Ku Klux Klan), 191
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), 191
Koehl, Matt, 196
Kohl, Helmut, 297
Konstandaras, Nikos, 291, 296, 302
Kraft, Joseph, 350
Kreis, August, 198
Krugman, Paul, 238
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 195–199, 200, 202, 217
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 111–112
Lactantius, 120
land degradation, 315
Lane, David, 192, 213, 215, 216
Langan, Peter, 219–220
Lapavitas, Costas, 299
Lashkar-e-Taiba, 394
Latin America
Cold War policies toward, 272–275
historical relations between U.S. and Latin America, 270–272
introduction to, 269–270
Nixon’s trip, 279–282
reaction to Nixon’s trip, 282–285
Venezuela, 275–279
Laurents, Arthur, 109n3
League of Nations, 179–180, 181–182
Left, anger on, 237–239
legislative obstructionism, 57
liberals. See also Democratic Party
emotional reactions to perceived worldview threats, 5–6
fostering positive intergroup contact, 8
moral foundation of fairness, 6–7
social change, openness to, 4
Liebich, André, 180
Lifton, Robert J., xi
Limbaugh, Rush, 233
Lioness, 81
literature. See Harry Potter novels
Liu Xiaobo, 366
lobbying groups, 69–70
Loff, Ken, 213
lone actors, 395–396
Louis XVI, King, 174–176
lower-status groups
collective anger and action, 41
military and veterans, anger in, 96
prejudice, attributions to, 30, 35–38
same-sex marriage, 44–45
loyalty/betrayal, 5
Macdonald, Andrew, 211
MacGregor, G. H. C., 125
MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), xi
Mahedy, William, 106
Mallet du Pan, Jacques, 174
Manchus, 364
Mandela, Nelson, 358–359
Manhattan, 134
Mansur, Hasan Ali, 347
Mao Zedong, 365
March, Fredric, 135
Mareghehi, Rahmatollah Moghaddam, 340
marginalization and anger, 315–318
Mariel Boatlift, 253–255
marriage equality, 44–45
The Marrying Kind, 137–138
Martí, José, 248
Martin, Stephan A., 117
Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue, 182
Mathews, Robert, 192, 198, 200, 212–214, 219
May 1968 Movement, 334–335
Mayo, Virginia, 136
McCarthy, Dennis, 119
McCarthy, Michael, 112
McCarthy, Kevin William, 219
McCauley, Clark, 388
McGriffin, Dennis, 212
McPherson, Alan, 274
McVan, Ron, 216
McVeigh, Timothy, 191, 192–193, 200, 209, 211–212
media, partisan programs on, 58–59, 70, 235
Me’marian, Omid, 358
MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, 169–170
Mensheviks, 180
meritocratic worldviews, 37–38
Merkel, Angela, 297, 300, 302, 304
Merki, Robert, 215
metapolitefsi, 291
Metzger, Tom, 191–192, 193, 196
Mexican-American War, 270–271
MFT (moral foundations theory), 5, 9
Miami Herald, 255
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 169–170
midterm elections, 68
military and veterans, anger in
combat zone, anger in the, 99–101
combat zone, beyond the, 101–103
dealing with, 106–109
emotional and psychic rage, 103–106
entering service, anger, 94–96
introduction to, 93–94
physical disabilities, 105
poor command, 97–98
positive purposes, 108–109
service, anger in the, 96–99
spiritual wounds, 105–106
military coup (Iran), 335–337
military families, 78, 86–92, 103–105
military sexual trauma (MST), 80, 83–85
Miller, Glen, 100
Miller, Merlin, 197
Miller, Neal, 333
Mills, Alexander, 215–216
Ming Dynasty, 363–364
Ministry of Magic, 145–146, 159
Mirdamadi, Mohsen, 358
Misra, Amalendu, 366
MKO (Mojahedin Khalq Organization), 347–348, 355
Mohr, Jack, 213
Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), 347–348, 355
Mokhtari, Mohamad, 357
Mongols, 363
Monroe, James, 270
Montazeri, Hossein-Ali, 349, 353
Moosavi, Mir Hossien, 343, 345, 346
moral disengagement, xi
moral foundations theory (MFT), 5, 9
Morse, Wayne, 283
Mortazavi, Saeed, 357–358
Mossadegh, Mohammad, 335–337
Motazeri, Hossein Ali, 356
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), xi
motivated cognition, 31
motivation, 391
Mowrer, Oliver, 333
MST (military sexual trauma), 80, 83–85
multinational oil companies, 310–311, 320–321, 325
Muni, Paul, 136
Murder Chain, 357
Muslim Brotherhood, 346
My Awakening (Duke), 196–197
My Lai massacre, 100–101
Nabokov, Vladimir, 179
Nansen, Fridtjof, 181
Nasiri, Nematollah, 350
National Alliance, 191–192, 195, 196, 211, 213, 222
National Alliance-allied groups, 195–199
National Association for the Advancement of White People, 196
National Front, 201, 335, 336, 339–340, 342, 349, 357
National Identity, 217
National Institute of Agrarian Reform (INRA), 247–248
National Iranian Oil Company, 336
National Liberation Front–National Popular Liberation Army (ELAS-EAM), 289
National Rifle Association, 68, 71
National Right to Life Committee, 19
National Socialism, 215
National States’ Rights Party, 200
National Vietnam Veterans Foundation, 89
National Youth Alliance, 210–211
nationalism, xii
nationalist identity, xii
Nationalist Party, 364–365
Nature’s Eternal Religion (Klassen), 198
Navvab Safavi, 346
Nazi Germany, 289–290
Nazis, xiii. See also Extreme Right
NDDB (Niger Delta Development Board), 316
NDDC (Niger Delta Development Commission), 316
NDRBA (Niger Delta River Basin Authority), 316
factors that influence, 56–57
ideological limits/scope conditions, 60–61
organic political negotiations, 57–58
neo-Nazi sects, 195–199
Neo-Nazism. See also Extreme Right
identity as driving force, 193–195
introduction to, 189–190
opposition to democracy and equality, 190–193
political groups, cultural movements, and Aryan religions, 195–199
projections and status of the issue, 202–204
spreading ideas and direct action, 199–202
Network, 141
neuroscience, x–xi
new American cinema, 138–140
New Revised Standard Version, 116
New Right of Fascism, xiii
New Testament, 113–115, 124–126
New World Order, 195
New York Times, 263
Nichols, Terry, 209
Nicholson, Jack, 139
Niger Delta conflict
Amnesty Committee, 324–325
anger, roots of, 310–311
commissions and panels of inquiry, 322–324
conclusion, 325–326
consequences of anger in, 320–322
dealing with roots of anger, 322
environmental degradation and anger, 311–312
gas flaring, 313–315
Human Rights Violations Investigation Committee, 324
introduction to, 309–310
land degradation, 315
marginalization and anger, 315–318
oil spillage, 312–313
socio-economic rights abuses and anger, 318–320
Niger Delta Development Board (NDDB), 316
Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), 316
Niger Delta River Basin Authority (NDRBA), 316
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), 318
Nixon, Richard
China and, 372
Cuba policy, 259
Latin America and, 269–270, 273, 279–282
reaction to Latin America trip, 282–285
NNPC (Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation), 318
No Gun Ri massacre, 100
No Way Out, 136
Noah, 117
non-competitive districts, 58, 68–69
nonviolent protests, 40–41
Noori, Nateq, 356–357
North by Northwest, 141
Nuri, Hojjatol Islam Ali Akbar Nateq, 344
OAS (Organization of American States), 258–259
Obama, Barack, 4, 197, 230–234, 238–239, 262–264, 334
The Odinist (journal), 216
The Odinist Religion: Overcoming Jewish Christianity (Mills), 215–216
O’Donnell, Cathy, 135
Odria, Manuel, 280
Ogomudia Commission, 322
Ogomudia Panel of Inquiry, 323
oil companies, 310–311, 320–321, 325
oil exploration and exploitation, 311–312, 320–321
oil industry, nationalization of in Iran, 335–336
Oil Mineral Producing Area Development Commission (OMPADEC), 316
Oil Nationalization Bill, 336
oil revenue sharing, 316–317
oil spillage, 312–313
Oil-watch, 310–311
Oklahoma City bombing, 191, 192–193, 199, 200, 209, 211–212
Old Testament
divine anger, 116–128
introduction to, 111–115
Job, story of, 121
physical manifestation of anger, 116–117
sin, repentance, deliverance pattern, 118
Oliver, Revilo, 211
OMPADEC (Oil Mineral Producing Area Development Commission), 316
On Anger (Seneca), 112–113
On the Waterfront, 134–135, 141, 142n1
Operation Mongoose, 251–252
opinion radicalization, 388
oppression in the military, 98
Oputa, Chukwudifu, 324
The Order, 192, 198, 199, 212–215, 218–219
organic political negotiations, 57–58
The Organization, 211–212
The Organization for the Liberation of the Working Class (Peykar), 347
Organization for the Mobilization of Poor (Sazman-e Basij-e Mostasz’afin), 352
Organization of American States (OAS), 258
Origen of Alexandria, 115, 120
Ottoman rule of Greece, 288–289
The Ox-Bow Incident, 136
Pagan Revival, 216
Page, Wade Michael, 197
Palin, Sarah, 233
Panhellenic Socialist Movement, 292
Papandreou, Georgios, 289
paramilitary groups, and Cuba, 255–258
Parker, Bonnie, 139–140
Parmenter, Denver, 213
Parry, Robert, 354
partisan intransigence, 57
partisan programs, 58–59, 70, 235
partisanship, 54–56, 67–68, 70
PASOK party, 300
passive resistance, 334–335
Paul, 125
Peck, Scott, 100
Pelosi, Nancy, 232
perceived injustices, 41–43, 393
perception, theories of, 32–33
Pérez Jiménez, Marcos, 270, 275–279, 280–282
persecution in the military, 98
Pershing Punitive Expedition, 271
personal cues, 230–231
personality traits, 70
persuasion, resistance to, 16–19
Peru, 280
Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), 323
Peykar (The Organization for the Liberation of the Working Class), 347
Philo of Alexandria, 121
Pierce, Bruce, 213
Pierce, Bruce Carroll, 215
Pierce, William. See also The Turner Diaries (Pierce)
background, 209–211
cosmotheism, 204n2
death of, 196
influence of, 222
introduction to, 190–191
on political programs, 220
race, 194–195
youth culture and music, 193
Pinker, Steven, 127–128
Pinky, 136
Pitcher, Molly, 79
Planned Parenthood, 19
Plato, 121
PMAPS (Propensity to Make Attributions to Prejudice Scale), 33, 38
police shootings, 29–30
political action phase of Cuban Americans, 258–261
political affiliations, 4–9
political anger, institutionalization of
anger as symptom of political dysfunction, 234–237
anger on the Left, 237–239
compatibility of three theories, 239–240
elite mobilization and the process of victimization, 232–234
introduction to, 225–228
legitimate anger, 240
racial resentment hypothesis, 229–232
role of anger in politics, 228–229
summary, 241
political bias, 59
political divide, 7–8
political dysfunction, 234–237
political groups in Extreme Right, 195–199
political ideologies, extreme, 18
political ideology measurement, 63–64
political orientation, 4–9, 21n1
Pooyandeh, Mohammad Ja’far, 357
Populist Party, 199
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 77, 80, 83, 97
Prague, 182
collective action against, 39–43
collective anger and action, 29–46
conclusion, 46
dual process model of, 9–12
expectations, 31–34
factors influencing, 30–31
ideological beliefs, 37–39
social identities, 34–37
Preston, Alan, 322
propaganda, Cuba and, 257–258
Propensity to Make Attributions to Prejudice Scale (PMAPS), 33, 38
protection of children, 148–149
psychopaths, x
PTF (Petroleum Trust Fund), 323
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 77, 80, 83, 97
pure races, 204n1
al-Qaeda, 394
Qing Dynasty, 364
Qomi, Ahmad Azari, 356
Qomi, Hasan, 353
quest for significance theory, 391–392
racial cues, 229–230
racial hierarchy, 194
Racial Holy War (RaHoWa), 193, 198–199
Racial Loyalty, 198
racial prejudice. See prejudice
racial resentment hypothesis, 229–232
racism, perceptions of, 33–34
racist religions, 191–192, 195, 197–199, 204n2, 215–219. See also Christian Identity; Odinism
Radical Movement of Iran, 340
actors in process of, 394–397
additional roles for anger, 393–394
anger, 388–389
anger, specific effects of, 389–390
anger, facilitating radicalization and terrorism, 392
causes of, 390–391
conclusion, 399–400
de-radicalization, disengagement, and counter-radicalization, 398–399
governments, 397
individual actors, 394–396
introduction to, 387–389
quest for significance theory, 391–392
radicalization, 387–388
reducing and eliminating, 397
research, 399
specific effects of anger on radicalization and likelihood of terrorism, 389–390
terrorism, problem of, 387
terrorist groups, 396–397
Radio and TV Martí, 260
Rafsanjani, Hashemi, 343, 349, 353, 355
rage, 93–94, 99–101, 106–109. See also military and veterans, anger in
RaHoWa (Racial Holy War), 193, 198–199
RAND Military Workplace Study, 84, 104
Ransdell, Robert, 200
rape. See military sexual trauma (MST)
Rastakhiz (Resurgent) Party, 338, 340
Ray, Aldo, 137
Reagan, Ronald, 259–260
Rebel Without a Cause, 138
reconciliation journeys, 103, 107–108
Redfeairn, Ray, 198
relative deprivation, 333–334
relative deprivation theory, 41
legitimacy of pre-modern governments, xii
nationalism and, xii
racist religions, 191–192, 195, 197–199, 204n2
religious beliefs, 105–106
religious persecution, 365–368
Remus Lupin, 153–154
Republican Party
conservatism, increases in, 4
Cuba policy, 263–264
culture wars, 60–61
demographic diversity, 59–60
divided government, 54
health care reform, 230
incentivizing compromise experiment, 61–68
insurgent outlier, as an, 235
resistance, 162–164
resistance strategies, 14–15, 17
Revelation, Book of, 124, 125–126
Revolutionary War, 79
anger, 171–172
conclusion, 183–184
emigration and anger, 170–171
French Revolution, 173–178
introduction to, 169–170
phase model of, 172–173
Russian Revolution, 178–183
Rhetoric (Aristotle), 114
Rich, Frank, 229
right-wing extremism. See Extreme Right; The Turner Diaries (Pierce)
Robespierre, Maximilien, 173
Rock Against Communism, 201
Rock Against Racism, 201
Rockwell, George Lincoln, 190–191, 195
Rogers, Ginger, 132–133
Roma (Romani), prejudice against, 11
romance, anger and, 132–134
romantic comedies, 132–133, 142n1
Ron Weasley, 148–150, 156, 161
Rooney, Mickey, 138
Roosevelt, Franklin, 271
Roosevelt, Theodore, 271
Roosevelt Corollary, 271
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, 260
Rothschild, Baron Elie de, 214
Rouhani, Hasan, 358
Rowlands, Gena, 139
Rowling, J. K., 144–146, 148, 158, 162, 163, 164
rural economies, 304n2
Rushdie, Salman, 355–356
Russell, Harold, 135
Russian Revolution, xiii, 170, 178–183
Ryan, Meg, 133
Saboteur, 141
Sales, Mehdy Akhavan, 337
same-sex marriage, 44–45
sanctioned aggression, 9
sanctity/degradation, 5
Sanders, Bernie, 403
Sane’i, Yusef, 356
Sangay, Lobsang, 379
Sanjabi, Karim, 340
Sanusi, Sanusi Lamido, 317
Saro-Wiwa, Ken, 320
Satanic Verses (Rushdie), 355–356
Satyagraha (passive resistance), 334–335
Saudi Arabia, 398–399
Sazman-e Basij-e Mostasz’afin (Organization for the Mobilization of Poor), 352
Schäuble, Wolfgang, 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303
Schell, Orville, 382
Schfäer, Armin, 298
Schreiber, Karlheinz, 297
Schwartz, Ronald, 368, 371, 373–374
Scioto-Valley Company, 177
scope conditions, 60–61
Scutari, Richard, 192
Sears, Robert, 333
Second Agrarian Reform, 248
Second Sino-Japanese War, 365
Seguridad Nacional, 276, 279, 282
self-efficacy, 33
self-immolations, 362, 378–380
Self-Sacrificers of Islam, 336
sense of purpose, 101–102
Seth, 217
Seventeen Point Agreement, 365
sexism, 43
sexual assault in the military, 83–86, 98
al-Shabaab, 394
Shah of Iran, 336–339, 341, 348, 350
Shantideva, 361
shared agency, 161–162
Shariatmadari, Kazem, 350
Sharon, Ariel, 201
Sharoodi, Mahmoud Hashemi, 357
Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), 312
Shirazi, Naser Makarem, 356
Shoemaker, Larry Wayne, 212
Shue, Elisabeth, 134
signal detection theory (SDT), 32–33
Silent Brotherhood. See The Order
skinheads. See Extreme Right
Skrewdriver, 201
Smith, Ben, 199
Snowe, Olympia, 57
social action, 4–5
social belief system, perceived violations of, 5
social change, openness to, 4
social dominance theory, 11
social groups, 31–33
social identity theory, 34–37
social neuroscience, x–xi
social prejudices, 4–5
social processes, 391–392
social progress, opposition to, 9
social validation, 13
social vigilantism, 15–20
Social Vigilantism Scale, 18
social-historical perspective, xii
Soderquist, Bill, 213
soil fertility loss, 315
Sola, Mike, 226
Soldier’s Heart retreats, 103, 107–109
Soltanpoor, Saeed, 347
Southern Poverty Law Center, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 213
Spanish–American War, 271
SPDC (Shell Petroleum Development Company), 312
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), 65
Stedeford, Scott Anthony, 219
Steiger, Rod, 135
stereotypes, 228
stigma consciousness, 31–33
Stoddard, Heather, 368
Stoics, 113
Stone, Sharon, 376
Stormfront, 197
Strangers on a Train, 141
Strasbourg Proposal, 377
Streeck, Wolfgang, 298
Streep, Meryl, 139
Students for a Free Tibet, 376
sugar industry, 247
Swing Time, 133
Syndicate of Iranian Workers, 337
Syriza Party, 300–301
system justification perspective, 7
system-justifying beliefs, 7
Taft, Robert, 271
Taghlid, Marja,’ 356
Tajzadeh, Mostafa, 358
Tang Dynasty, 363
TAR (Tibet Autonomous Region), 365, 375, 378–379
Tarantino, Quentin, 140
tariffs, 273
Tashi Dorje, 380
TBI (traumatic brain injury), 83, 105
Tea Party movement, 228–229, 236, 334
The Ten Commandments, 111
Tenzin, Lobsang, 374
A Terrible Love of War (Hillman), 104
terrorist groups, 394, 396–397
terrorists, radicalization of
actors in process of, 394–397
additional roles for anger, 393–394
anger, 388–389
anger facilitating radicalization and terrorism, 392
causes of, 390–391
conclusion, 399–400
de-radicalization, disengagement, and counter-radicalization, 398–399
governments, 397
overview of, 387–388
quest for significance theory, 391–392
reducing and eliminating, 397
research, 399
specific effects of anger on radicalization and likelihood of terrorism, 389–390
terrorism, problem of, 387
terrorist groups, 396–397
terrorists’ attacks, 310
Texas Rebel Soldiers Division of the Confederate Knights of America, 220
theological anger, 348–351
They Won’t Forget, 136
The 39 Steps, 141
Thomas, Mark, 219
Thurman, Robert, 376
Tiananmen Square Massacre, 373
Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), 365, 375, 378–379
Tibet House, 376
Tibetan Freedom Concerts, 376
Tibetan independence movement
anger and, 365–368
Buddhist monastics, role of, 374–375
exile community, 368–369, 371–372
future of, 380–382
introduction to, 361–362
non-violent strategies, 370–371
self-immolations, 362, 378–380
Tibetan cultural persecution, 366–368
Western world and, 371–372, 375–377
Tibetan Uprising Day, 375
Tibetan Uprising of March 1959, 373
Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), 377
Tick, Ed, 77
Tick, Murray, 98
Tien, Tam, 103
Tolchin, Martin, 362
Tolchin, Susan, 362
Top Hat, 132–133
town hall meetings, 225–227, 232–233, 234
transnational extremism, 197
traumatic brain injury (TBI), 83, 105
“Treatise on the Anger of God” (Lactantius), 120
Treaty of London, 288
The Trial of God (Wiesel), 122
Tribuna Popular, 281
Tripartite Commission on German Debts, 290
trivialization, 33
Trump, Donald, 403
Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan, 395
Tsering, Lhasa, 380
Tsering, Tempa, 381
Tudeh Party, 336–337
Turkey, 303–304
Turkish Cypriots, 291
The Turner Diaries (Pierce)
Aryan Republican Army (ARA), 219–220
conspiracism, 221–222
counterfeiting money and robberies, 213–214, 219
Extreme Right and, 190–191, 192–193, 196, 200, 202, 203
government in, 220–221
influence of, 222
introduction to, 209–210
Oklahoma City bombing, 211–212
The Order, 212–215
religion, 215–219
“two seed theory,” 217
TYC (Tibetan Youth Congress), 377
unemployment, 301
United Kingdom. See Great Britain
United Nations Development Programme, 314, 318–319
United States, 177–178, 290, 337, 354
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 340
universal moral foundations, 5
An Unmarried Woman, 139, 142n1
URD (Democratic Republican Union), 276–277
Uruguay, 280
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 395
U.S. third parties, 200
Uzzah and the Ark, 122–123
VA (Veterans Administration), 83, 104
value adherence condition, 62–67
Vanguard, 220
vast right wing conspiracy, 232–234
Velayat-e Faghih (Guardianship of Theologian), 349, 351–352, 353, 354, 356
Veterans Administration (VA), 83, 104
victimization, process of, 232–234
Viet Nam, reconciliation journeys to, 103, 107
vigilance, 33
vilification, process of, 232–233
Vinyard, JoEllen McNergney, 202
Voldemort, 145, 150, 152, 154–156, 159, 163–164
von Brunn, James Wenneker, 395
Voorwinde, Stephen, 124
voter efficacy, 68–69
VotoLatino, 71
WAAC (Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps), 79
Waltz, Christoph, 140
War and the Soul (Tick), 77
war healing retreats, 77–79, 86. See also reconciliation journeys
warrior rage. See military and veterans, anger in
warrior traditions, 97
Watson, Thomas, 116
WAVES (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service), 79, 81
Weinberg, Leonard, 190
Whalen-Bridge, John, 370, 374–375, 378
When Harry Met Sally . . . , 133, 142n1
White Army, 180–181
White Aryan Resistance, 191, 193, 195, 196, 201
The White Man’s Bible (Klassen), 198
White Nation of Islam, 216
White Noise Records, 201
White Power (Rockwell), 190
“White Power” (Skrewdriver), 201
Why Men Rebel (Gurr), 333
Wiesel, Elie, 122
Willink Commission of Inquiry, 316, 322–323
Wilson, Darren, 29–30
Wilson, Joe, 234
Wilson, Woodrow, 271
Winkler, Jim, 229
witches, 147
wizards, 147
Woeser, Tsering, 367, 374, 382
A Woman Under the Influence, 139, 142n1
women, 31–32, 222. See also women warriors
Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES), 79, 81
women warriors. See also military and veterans, anger in
competitiveness and lack of bonding, 82
discrimination against, 80–86, 98
experiences of, 80–86
history of, 79–80
introduction to, 77–79
sexual assault, 83–86
women family members, 86–92
women veterans, 80
Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), 79
Women’s Suffrage Movement, 40
worldviews, perceived violations of, 5
The Wrong Man, 141
Yale Group, 333
Yarbrough, Gary Lee, 214
Yauch, Adam, 376
Yazdi, Mesbah, 356
Yuan Dynasty, 363–364
Yugoslavia, 182–183
ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government), 190, 213, 216
zone of possible agreement (ZOPA), 56–57