Abbreviation conventions, in demonstrations, 83, 84, 86–88, 203, 204

fields, operators, 197

other, 204

parentheses, 198

(See also Notational conventions)

group operators, 185

inequalities, 225

inference rules, 50

multiple quantification, 158, 159

parentheses in quantified statements, 138

quantifiers, 158

restricted, 239

statement calculus, 38–40

symbolic form of miniature geometry, 245

Absolute value, 228

Abstract mathematical system, 102

Antecedent, 27

Arrangement (Ex. 1), 191


Bound variable, confusion of, 163, 164

Bound variable, confusion of, with IS, 174, 175

occurrence of, 139


Cancellation, in fields, 199

in groups, 187

Cases, proof by, 68–70

Conditional, interpretation of, 26–30

inverse of, 76, 77

truth table for, 30

Conditional statement function, 133

Confusion of bound variables, 163, 164

with IS, 174, 175

Conjecture, 2

Conjunction, interpretation of, 22, 23

truth table for, 30

Conjunctive inference, 51, 55, 144

Conjunctive simplification, 51, 55

Connective, 30

Consequent, 27

Contrapositive, 52, 77

Contrapositive inference, 52, 53, 56, 144

Conversion, 71–73, 77

in Aristotelian logic, 73–76

per accidens, 75

Conversion, of quantifiers, 137, 138

Correlative definitions, 119, 120

Correspondence, one-to-one, 192


Deduction principle, 89

Demonstration, 78, 79

scope of assumption in, 179–181

tree form of, 83, 86, 87

De Morgan, A., 46

De Morgan laws, 46, 48

Desargues theorem, 116, 266

Detachment, law of, 50

Disjunction, exclusive, statement formulas for, 25

interpretation of, 23–25

truth table for, 30

Duality in miniature geometry, 108–111, 252

Duality principle, 110


Equality, inference rule IS, 174

inference rule ISC, 176

interpretation, 13

standard, 166

reflexivity axiom R, 174

Equivalence, definition and truth table, 33

Euler, L., 3

Existential quantifiers, 135


Fermat conjecture, 3

Fields, 197–202, 205–219

axioms, 197

cancellation in, 199

interpretations, 200, 201

ordered, 220–233

absolute value defined in, 228

axioms of order, 221

solution of equations, linear, 205–207

quadratic, 210, 211

simultaneous linear, 214–217

subfield, 220

Free variable, occurrence of, 139, 140

Freed variable, 152, 153

Frege, G., 29


Generalization principle (see PGU)

Goldbach conjecture, 2

Groups, 183–196

Abelian, 185

axioms, 184, 185

cancellation in, 187

isomorphic interpretations, 189–196

formal definition of, 193

subgroup (Ex. 1 f.), 191


Hilbert, D., 123

Hypothetical syllogism, 52, 56


IE (inference rule), 150–152, 165

definition, 152

Indirect proof, 57–68, 71

basic form, 57–61

special cases, 61–63

summary of, 63

by elimination, 63–67

summary of, 67

summary of, 71

Individual, 128

Inference rules, predicate calculus (see IE; IS; ISC; IU; PGE; PGU)

statement calculus, derived, 51, 52

extended for predicate calculus, 143, 144

list of, 55, 56

Interpretation of a system, 119–124

fields, 200, 201

groups, 184, 185

Inverse, of a conditional, 76, 77

of a field element, 198

of a group element, 188

operators (−, ÷), 213

IS (inference rule), 174

modified for terms, 184

ISC (inference rule), 176

modified for terms, 184

Isomorphism, 192, 193

IU (inference rule), 143, 165, 166

modified for terms, 184


Lemma, definition of, 104

Limit of a sequence, 234


Major premise, 50

Mention, 9–15

Miniature geometry, axioms, 103

symbolic form of, 246

duality in, 108–111, 252

perspectivity in, 111

Minor premise, 50

Models, 100, 101

(See also Interpretation)

Modus ponens, 50, 55, 144

extended to predicate calculus, 144

Modus tollens, 56


Necessary condition, 34

Negation, field operation, 213, 218

in statement calculus, interpretation, 20, 21

truth table for, 30

Negative number, 219, 222

Notational conventions, 38–41

Numeral, 11


One-to-one correspondence, 192

Order axioms, 221

Ordered fields (see Fields)


Permutation (Ex. 1), 191

Perspectivity, 111

PGE (inference rule), 153, 166

with restricted quantifiers, 241

PGU (inference rule), final form of, 166

first statement of, 146

restricted, by IE, 152

for several variables, 165

with restricted quantifiers, 241

Placeholder, 31, 32, 41, 42, 128

Pole and polar, 103

Predicate symbol, 127, 128

Prime numbers, 2n.

relative, 160n.

Proposition, Aristotelian forms, 7–9, 73, 75

translations in predicate calculus, 135


Quantifiers, existential, 135

restricted, 238–242

scope of, 139, 158, 159

transformation (conversion) of, 137, 138

universal, 132

Quotation, 10, 13


R (reflexivity axiom for equality), 174

Replacement rule, 42, 44

Restricted quantifiers, 238–242

Russell, B., 30


Scope, of assumption in a demonstration, 179

notation for, 180, 181

of a quantifier, 139, 158, 159

Sequence, 234

Sheffer, H., 30

Simplification, conjunctive, 51, 55

Socrates argument, 5, 6, 127, 134, 142

translation in predicate calculus, 134

Statement, simple, 18

Statement formulas, definition of, 31

truth value of, 32

valid, list of, 48, 49

validity of, 35–37

extended for statement functions, 145

Statement function, 128

conditional, 133

of several variables, 157–161

substitution instance of, 128, 129, 140

Subfield, 220

Subgroup (Ex. 1 f.), 191

Substitution of names, 12

Substitution instance of statement function, 128, 129, 140

Substitution principle, 43, 44

Sufficient condition, 34

Syllogism, 7–9, 73, 74

hypothetical, 52, 56


Terms, 184

Translation, 14

Trichotomy, 221

Truth table, 30


Universal quantifiers, 132

Unknowns, 130

Use and mention, 9–15


Valid interpretation, 120

Valid statement formulas, 35–37

extended for statement functions, 145

list of, 48, 49

Variable, bound (see Bound variable)

free, 139, 140

freed, 152, 153

individual, 128

value of, 130

Veblen, O., 123


Well-formed formula, 31