administration, 18

see also Yuendumu Council

adultery (extra-marital sexual relations), 4950, 96

afternoon activities, 114


core jilimi residents, 57, 64

at first marriage, 47, 49

women and food distribution, 123

Alekarenge, 18, 47

Alice Springs, 22

aloneness, 13, 147

when sleeping, 44, 55, 106, 108

ancestral place, 34

animals, 34, 35

birds, 81

assimilation policy, 37–8

autonomy (boss for oneself), 96, 144, 146, 147

Polly, 104, 108

see also aloneness

Bachelard, Gaston, 24, 7, 27, 35, 97

bad news, 80

Baptist Mission, 18, 24, 25

bedding, 41, 96–7

announcement of marriage and, 51

putting out at night, 82–3, 106

see also sleeping places and arrangements

bedrooms, 41, 54–7, 152

early day houses, 21

Western-style living, 37

Bell, D, 47, 64

Belyuen women, 128

Big Shop, 13, 16, 24, 160

cruising to and from, 114, 125, 126

donations for mortuary rituals, 120–1

hithering and thithering to and from, 129

Bird-David, N, 143, 147

birds, 81

bodies, 95111, 145–6

boss for oneself, see autonomy

Bourdieu, Pierre, 8, 27, 95, 96, 110

boys resident in jilimi, 64, 68, 70

on-and-off, 66, 67

sleeping arrangements, 84–5, 86, 87–8, 98–9, 101

Brazil, 28, 152

breakfast, 115–23

building–dwelling–thinking theory (Heidegger), 46, 95, 151–7

anthropological literature and, 26–7

housing policies and, 3940

ngurra, 33–6

olden days camps, 29, 44

building materials, 36, 37, 38

butter, 133

Camps, 21–2, 23, 135

hithering and thithering to and from, 129

camps, 20–2, 2836, 40–5, 154–5

anthropological use of term ‘household’, 60

jarnpa detected near, 81

Napperby, 121–3

residents’ day time activity, 112–38

see also gendered camps

card games, 127

cars and car travel, 1011, 22–3, 86, 90

firewood collection, 132, 136–7

hithering and thithering, 127–32

telling distance, 35

CDEP, 134–5

work program, 19, 23

ceremonies, 35

damper production and distribution, 119

mortuary rituals (sorry business), 17, 61, 119–21, 147

children, 32, 42–3, 141, 142

girls’ first marriage, 47–8, 49

children resident in jilimi, 52, 61–2, 69

core residents, 64

sleeping arrangements, 84–5, 86–8, 98–9, 101

see also boys resident in jilimi

‘civilising process’, 38, 39

cold weather, 78, 84–7

firewood collection during, 132, 133–5

winds at seasonal change, 7980

‘concertina household’, 60

core jilimi residents, 1317, 57–8, 63, 64–5

people staying with, 6574

council, see Yuendumu Council

country, 35

countryman, 34–5

cruising, 124–7

damper, 115–23

Darwin fringe camps, 112, 141

daytime activity, 112–38

sexual, 96

death, 80

marriage and, 48

mortuary rituals (sorry business), 17, 61, 119–21, 147

decisions to go hunting, 128–32

demand sharing, 60, 73, 133–5, 144–5

dinner time, 114

divorce (termination of marriage), 49, 50, 51–2

domestic space, 26–8

methodological distinction between social practice relating to space and, 60–1

Moore’s proposal to read as text, 27–8, 45, 77, 82

Robben’s analysis, 28, 45, 151–2

spatial uses during different times of day, 112–13

see also building–dwelling–thinking theory;




sleeping places and arrangements

dreams, see world views

Dussart, F, 47

dwellings, see building–dwelling–thinking theory;


early days, 9, 18

camp sites, 20–2, 34

houses, 20, 21, 37–8

marriage, 48

East Camp, see Camps

east-west orientation, 32, 40

sleeping, 30, 41

employment, 18, 19

Joy, 85–6

see also social security payments

entry into yarlu space, 42–3

families and social relationships, 1217, 34–5, 139–49

breakfast seating arrangements, 116

damper making, 118–19, 122–3

daytime activities, 124–32

firewood collection and, 132, 133–7

jilimi residents, 57–8, 6474;

sleeping arrangements, 8494, 101–9

marlpa, 44, 68, 98, 114, 129

mortuary ritual distributions, 119–21

Westerners’ concept of houses f or, 36–7

see also autonomy;


fences, 42

fieldwork, 1012

fires, 30, 32, 113–14

at breakfast, 115–17, 118, 119, 122

firewood, 132–7

flour, 117–21

food, 18, 114, 115–23

butter, 133

hunting trips, 127–32

frail people, see old people

gambling, 127

gendered activities, 118, 119

gendered camps, 32–3, 40, 52, 68, 96–7

damper for, 117–18

men in jilimi, 52, 68–9

see also jilimi;


Goodale, JC, 122–3

government policies, 7, 3640

see also sedentisation

government-provided housing, see houses

government ration depots, 18, 25

grandmothers, 52, 64, 69, 70, 107

paternal (yaparla), 66, 69, 98–9, 101, 104, 139

health care, 66, 88–9

Heidegger, Martin, 27

see also building–dwelling–thinking theory

Heppel, M, 38–9

Hinkson, MJ, 20

historical past, 89, 1722, 25

government policies, 37–9

see also early days;

olden days;


hithering and thithering, 127–32

home, 34

hot weather, 78

winds at season change, 7980

house, in jilimi, 53–7

sleeping inside, 68–9, 7881, 91–2

sleeping on verandah/outside, 7881, 84–7

households, 34, 60, 75

taramaguti, 122–3

houses, 17, 26–8, 3645, 139–57

early days, 20, 21, 37–8

Joy’s, 13, 14

Nora’s, 70, 104–5

spatial uses during different times of day, 113

see also rooms

humpies, 20, 23, 38, 156

hunting trips, 127–32

immediacy, 11, 36, 7794, 146–7

during day, 138

literary device used to convey, 10

India, 147

indirectness in interaction, 145–6

initiation, 68

marriage promises, 48–9

Inner West Camp, see Camps

institutions and organisations (infrastructure), 18, 20, 25, 158–62

integration policy, 38

intimacy, 1112, 36, 44, 91, 95111

Bachelard’s conceptualisation, 3, 35, 97

during day, 115, 126, 138

obliqueness and, 145–6

Jackson, M, 21

jangkayi (men’s camps), 32–3, 40, 52, 68, 96–7

damper for, 118

jarnpa, 80–1

jilimi, 1317, 32–3, 40, 46111

breakfast time, 115–19

daytime activities, 126–7

firewood, 135–7

immediacy in, 7794

intimacy in, 91, 95111

mobility in, 5976

ngurra, 34

‘The Kabyle House or the World Reversed’, 27

Kardiyaville, 22, 23

Kendon, A, 145–7

Kenya, 27

Keys, C, 47, 80

kinship, see families and social relationships

kulkurru and yitipi, 29, 31–2, 81

in jilimi, 103, 105–9, 111

when people leave after yunta set up, 43–4

Kulkurru Camp, see Camps

kurdaitcha, 80–1

‘language of indeterminacy’, 128

Laramba, 121–3

levirate, 48

lunchtime, 114

Madigan, R & M Munro, 112–13

marlpa, 44, 68, 98, 114, 129

marriage and marital status, 4752

jilimi residents, 57, 66, 6770

Tamsin and family, 139–40, 142

see also yupukarra

matriarchs, 122–3

matrilines, 48, 49

Mauss, Marcel, 95–6, 97

meals, 114, 115–23

Meggitt, MJ, 21, 105

on marriage, 47, 48, 4951

memories, see world views

men, 4852

resident in jilimi, 52, 68–9, 72

see also boys resident in jilimi;


‘mob’ formation, 141

mobility, 1011, 36, 5976, 140–1, 147–9

during day, 112–38

marriage and, 49

see also cars and car travel

moieties (subsection system), 12, 35, 142, 143

money, 60

wages, 18, 19

see also social security payments

Moore, Henrietta, 27–8, 45, 77, 82

Morgan, LH, 26

morning activities, 113–14, 115–23

mortuary rituals (sorry business), 17, 61, 119–21, 147

Munn, ND, 21

Munro, M & R Madigan, 112–13

Myers, FR, 140–1, 144

Napperby, 121–3

Nayaka, 147


breakfast seating arrangements, 116

firewood collection, 132

marriages arranged through, 48

sleeping arrangements, 7884

ngurra, 56, 33–6, 40

ngurra-jarra, 35

ngurra-jinta, 34

ngurra-kurlarni-nyarra, 35

ngurra-kurra yanirlipa, 34

ngurra-ngajuku, 34

ngurra-wardingki, 35

ngurra-yatuju-mparra, 35

ngurra-yuntuyuntu, 34

ngurrarntija, 35

night-time, 115, 137–8

see also sleeping places and arrangements

North Camp, see Camps

obliqueness in interaction, 145–6

old people, 126–7

firewood collection for, 132, 135

sleeping arrangements, 81–2, 84–5, 86–7, 109

Old People’s Program, 24, 132, 161

olden days, 9, 1718

camps, 2833, 47–8, 51, 60

marriage, 47–8, 49, 51

on-and-off jilimi residents, 63, 6670, 71–2, 73

organisations and institutions, 18, 20, 25, 158–62

orientation, 41

camps, 32;

in Yuendumu, 20–2, 23, 40

moieties during rituals, 35

sleepers, 30, 41

Outline of a Theory of Practice, 8

ownership of firewood, 135–7

ownership of flour, 118–21

ownership of rooms, 54–7

the Park, 20, 22, 23–5

paternal grandmother (yaparla), 66, 69, 98–9, 101, 104, 139

patrimoieties (subsection system), 12, 35, 142, 143

pay, 18, 19

see also social security payments

pensions, see social security payments

performative kinship, 142–4

personal networks, see families and social relationships

Peterson, N, 134

Pine-O-Clean, 1314

Pintupi, 140–1, 147

The Poetics of Space (Bachelard), 24, 7, 27, 35, 97

population, 1920, 49

religious affiliation, 159–60

sleepers in jilimi, 61–3

Povinelli, EA, 128

pre-contact times, see olden days

privacy, 37, 147, 155–6

yarlu, yunta and yalka space, 42–3

see also aloneness;

public/private boundaries, separation of

private negotiations, see negotiations

public/private boundaries, separation of, 36–7, 54–7, 96

firewood, 135–7

flour, 119–21

see also privacy;


rain, 78–9

ration depots, 18, 25

regular jilimi residents, 63, 69, 71

relationships, see families and social relationships

religion, 18, 25, 159–60

‘residential group’, 75

ritual division (subsection system), 12, 35, 142, 143

rituals, see ceremonies

roads, see cars and car travel

Robben, ACGM, 28, 45, 151–2

rooms, 37, 41

Bachelard’s conceptualisation, 3

in jilimi house, 53–7

spatial uses during different times of day, 113

in transitional housing, 38

see also bedrooms

sand drawing, 36, 92–3

Sanders, W, 19

sandstorms, 80

Sansom, B, 60, 112, 141, 142

Scotland, 113

seating arrangements at breakfast, 116

sedentisation, 6, 9, 1718, 155

changes in social practices since, 4652

role of houses, 37, 44–5

see also early days

self-determination policy, 39

sexual relations, 4950, 96–7

see also marriage

shop, see Big Shop

single people’s camps, see jangkayi;


sleeping places and arrangements, 15, 41, 145

houses with different camps located in and around, 40

in jilimi, 54–5, 77111

ngurra, 34

relationship of daytime activity and restfulness of, 112

see also bedrooms;

kulkurru and yitipi;


social security (welfare) payments, 18, 19, 157

marriage and, 49

paydays, 16, 118, 126, 127

sociality, see families and social relationships

sorcery, 44, 66

sorry business (mortuary rituals), 17, 61, 119–21, 147

South Camp, see Camps

Space, Text and Gender (Moore), 27–8, 45, 77, 82

sporadic jilimi residents, 63, 67, 72

staged (transitional) housing, 21, 37–8

state-provided housing, see houses

stopping, 74

storage, 133–5

storage space, 37, 41, 55

yalka, 29, 31, 43

storms, 78, 79, 80

subsection system, 12, 35, 142, 143

suburban houses, see houses

summer, 78–9

winds at season change, 7980

tacit negotiations, 82–4, 116

Tanami Desert, 1718, 35

Tanami Road, 22–3

taramaguti, 122–3

thinking, see world views

thunderstorms, 79

time, 35

time sleeping in jilimi, 61, 6274, 100

sleeping positions and companions, 101–2, 106–9;

author’s, 90–2

time zoning, 112–38

Tiwi Islands, 122–3

Toyotas, see cars and car travel

transitional housing, 21, 37–8

unemployment, 18, 19

see also social security payments

unmarried people’s camps, see jangkayi;


Verdon, M, 75

wages, 18, 19

see also social security payments

Warlpiri Media Association, 156, 158–9

Warrabri, 18, 47

weather, 7880, 81, 84–7

welfare payments, see social security payments

West Camp, see Camps

westerly orientation, see east-west orientation

Western-style houses, see houses

wind, 7980, 81

windbreaks, see yunta

winter, see cold weather

women’s camps, see jilimi

world views (thinking), 36, 26–7, 155–7

ngurra, 56, 33–6

see also building–dwelling–thinking theory

yalka, 29, 31, 43

Yanagisako, SJ, 60

yaparla (paternal grandmother), 66, 69, 98–9, 101, 104, 139

yarlu (yards), 41–3, 53, 54

olden day camps, 29, 30–1

sleeping in, 41, 7881, 84–6, 87

yitipi, see kulkurru and yitipi

Young, EA, 19

Yuendumu Big Shop, see Big Shop

Yuendumu Council, 18, 20, 25, 132

community houses built by, 151, 152–3

Office, 24, 126

staff houses, 22

yunta, 41, 43–4, 54–5, 115, 144

breakfast fires, 116, 117

at Napperby (Laramba), 122

olden days camps, 2932

sand story iconography, 36

see also sleeping places and arrangements

yupukarra (married people’s camps), 40, 47, 51, 52, 53, 96–7

damper production, 117–18

in jilimi, 68–9

olden days, 32–3, 47–8, 51