Page numbers in italics refer to captions
acid soil, see soil
Allium schoenoprasum, see chive
Allium ursinum, see wild garlic
Aloysia citrodora, see lemon verbena
Anethum graveolens, see dill
annuals 13
harvesting & best varieties 76
Malus x moerlandsii ‘Profusion’ 26
pollination groups 14
apricot, growing, harvesting & best varieties 66
Armoracia rusticana, see horseradish
basil (Ocimum basilicum), growing 154
bay (Laurus nobilis), growing 154
beans, French, growing, harvesting & best varieties 132
beds, see raised beds
growing, harvesting & best varieties 116
sowing 18
blackcurrant, growing, harvesting & best varieties 49
blueberry 13
growing, harvesting & best varieties 60
Cardamine hirsuta, see hairy bittercress
growing, harvesting & best varieties 113
sowing 18
growing, harvesting & best varieties 136
sowing 18
Chenopodium album, see fat hen
growing, harvesting & best varieties 56
pollination groups 14
chilli, growing, harvesting & best varieties 140
chive (Allium schoenoprasum), growing 154
citrus fruits, growing, harvesting & best varieties 101
clay soil, see soil
compost 11
containers, see pots
coriander (Coriandrum sativum) 154
Coriandrum sativum, see coriander
creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) 23
cucumber, growing, harvesting & best varieties 133
currant bushes 13
damson, growing, harvesting & best varieties 66
dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) 23
dill (Anethum graveolens), growing 155
diseases, combating 21
dock (Rumex obtusifolius) 23
elderflower (Sambucus nigra), growing 166
Equisetum arvense, see horsetail
fat hen (Chenopodium album) 23
fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), growing 155
fertilizer 22
Foeniculum vulgare, see fennel
bushes 13
picking 26
pollinating 14
self-fertile 14
trees 13
buying 14
pollination groups 14
rootstocks, selecting 14
staking 20
gages, growing & harvesting 66
gooseberry 13
growing, harvesting & best varieties 40
grapefruit, see citrus fruits
grapes, growing, harvesting & best varieties 92
grass (Poa annua) 23
ground cover plants 13
groundsell (Senecio vulgaris) 23
hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) 23
herbs 13
horseradish (Armoracia rusticana), growing 155
horsetail (Equisetum arvense) 23
kitchen garden design, tips on 13
Laurus nobilis, see bay
Lavandula angustifolia, see lavender
lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) 29
growing 166
L. a. ‘Hidcote’ 166
L. a. stoechas 166
lemon, see citrus fruits
lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), growing 155
M. o. ‘Lime Balm’ 155
lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora) 29
growing 155
lime, see citrus fruits
marjoram, see oregano
Malus x moerlandsii ‘Profusion’, see apple
medlar, growing, harvesting & best varieties 104
Melissa officinalis, see lemon balm
Mentha, see mint
mint (Mentha) 13
growing 156
mycorrhizal fungi 20
nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), growing 156
nettle (Urtica dioica) 23
Ocimum basilicum, see basil
onion, growing, harvesting & best varieties 129
oranges, see citrus fruits
oregano (Origanum), growing 156
organic matter 11, 11, see also compost
parsley (Petroselinum crispum), growing 156
pear 13
growing, harvesting & best varieties 86
pollination groups 14
pelargonium (Pelargonium)
‘Attar of Roses’ 167
growing 167
scented 29
peppers, sweet, growing, harvesting & best varieties 140
perennials 13
combating 21
predators 21
Petroselinum crispum, see parsley
growing, harvesting & best varieties 66
pollination groups 14
Poa annua, see grass
crops & compost for 13
growing, harvesting & best varieties 148
sowing 18
quince, growing, harvesting & best varieties 96
raised beds 13
crops & compost for 13
Ranunculus repens, see creeping buttercup
growing, harvesting & best varieties 52
redcurrant 13
growing, harvesting & best varieties 45
rhubarb, growing, harvesting & best varieties 109
Rosa, see rose
rose (Rosa)
petals 29
R. canina 166
R. ‘Geranium’ 166
R. rugosa (‘Alba’ & ‘Rubra’), growing 166
rosemary (Rosmarinus) 29
R. officinalis 156
Rumex obtusifolius, see dock
sage (Salvia officinalis), growing 157
Salvia officinalis, see sage
Sambucus nigra, see elderflower
sandy soil 11
seed, see sowing seed
Senecio vulgaris, see groundsel
shade, crops for 13
shallot, see onion
soil, see also topsoil
acid 13
clay 11
creating a healthy plot 21
improving with compost 11
kinds of 11
preparing for planting 12, 12,
testing 11
sowing seed 18
drill 18
hardening off 20
planting out young plants 20
station 18
squash, winter, growing, harvesting & best varieties 148
strawberry, growing, harvesting & best varieties 37
sweet violet, see violet
growing, harvesting & best varieties 145
sowing 18
Taraxacum officinale, see dandelion
thyme (Thymus) 29
lemon (T. citriodorus) 29
T. vulgaris 157
Thymus, see thyme
tomatoes, growing, harvesting & best varieties 125
topsoil 13
Tropaeolum majus, see nasturtium
Urtica dioica, see nettle
violet, sweet (Viola odorata), 13
growing 167
Viola odorata, see violet
walls, crops for 13
watering 21, 22, see also fruit trees
list of common weeds 23
wild garlic (Allium ursinum) 13
harvesting & best varieties 157
apple 50, 72, 75, 79, 85, 86, 89, 91, 93, 119
crab 163
Apple and blackberry pie curd 80
Apple and blackcurrant jam 50
Apple and quince pie curd 80
apple brandy 85
Apple chutney 82
Apple pie curd 80
apricot 88
Apricot jam 69
Bar-le-duc 48
basil 158
beetroot 120
Beetroot chutney 119
Berry cordials 64
Berry jam 53
Berry refrigerator jam 71
Berry syrups 64
Black butter 85
Blackcurrant and apple jam 50
Blackcurrant jam 50
Blueberry conserve 63
Bramble jam 72
brandy, apple 85
Caramelized onion marmalade 130
Carrot jam 115
cauliflower 139
cheese 25
cherry 64
Cherry compote 59
Cherry jam 58
Chilli jam 143
chives 158
chutney 25
setting problems 33
compote 25
conserve 25
curd 25
Damson and orange jelly 95
Damson jelly 95
Damson jelly, spiced 95
dill 135
elderflower 41
fennel 139
flowers, mixed 163, 164, see also individual entries
French beans, see beans
freezing 26
preparation of 26
garlic 70, 112, 121, 122, 128, 130, 143, 144
wild 158
Giardiniera 139
gooseberry 100
Gooseberry and elderflower jam 41
Gooseberry cheese 42
Gooseberry jam 41
Grape jelly 93
grapefruit 79
grapes 88
Green tomato jam 126
greengage 88
Greengage jam 69
harvest, preparation of 25
Herb and flower jellies 163
Herb and flower syrups 164
herbs, mixed 163, 164, see also individual entries
High Dumpsideary jam 75
horseradish 120
Horseradish sauce 160
jam 25
equipment for 30
removing scum 32
setting problems 33
sterilizing containers 30
storing 33
thermometers for 32
jelly 25
equipment for 30
sterilizing containers 30
storing 33
ketchup 25
lavender 63
lemon 38, 55, 58, 63, 69, 70, 75, 80, 85, 93, 101, 105, 127, 143
Lemon curd 102
Lemon, honey and ginger curd 102
Lemon verbena 63
Lime curd 102
loganberry 52
Loganberry jam 53
marmalade 25
setting problems 33
Medlar fudge 105
Membrillo 99
Mincemeat 89
mint 53
Mostarda di frutta 88
nasturtium 158
seeds 161
onion 82, 112, 119, 130, 139, 151
oranges 89, 95, 115, 119, 144, 149
oregano 122
parsley 158
Pâté de fruit 100
Pear caramel 91
pectin levels 25
pelargonium, rose, leaves 53
Pepper ketchup 128
Pesto 158
pickle 25
Pickle sticks 135
Pickled cucumber 135
Pickled garlic 122
Pickled nasturtium seeds 161
Pickled rhubarb 110
Plum jam 69
Plum ketchup 70
kinds of 25
potting 32
setting problems 33
storing 33
Pumpkin chutney 151
Pumpkin jam 149
Raspberry curd 55
Raspberry jam 53
Raspberry and currant jelly 46
Red chrain 120
redcurrant 48, 64, see also bar-le-duc
Redcurrant jelly 46
relish 25
Rhubarb and rosemary ketchup 112
Rosehip syrup 168
sage 82
spices 29
Strawberry jam 38
sugar 29
flavouring 29
making scented 29
Sweet chilli dipping sauce 144
Sweetcorn relish 146
syrup 25
tayberry 52
tomato 143
Tomato jam 127
Tomato jam, green 126
Tomato ketchup 128
vanilla 58
vegetables, preparation of 25
verbena, see lemon
vinegars 29
Windfall marmalade 79
zesting 26