
Illustrations ix

Preface: The Language We Speak to Ourselves xi

Acknowledgments xix

Part One

To 1800

One: George Washington Appears Before Bryan Fairfax 3

Two: From a Lofty Scaffold, John Adams Spies an Elephant 23

Three: Depleted of Energy, Heman Harris Leaves His Body 63

Part Two


Four: Eliza Champlain Sees Angels Over Connecticut 89

Five: Henry David Thoreau Gains Evidence of Reincarnation121

Six: Clay Dillard Learns a Strange Language 157

Part Three


Seven: Lincoln Dreams He’s Died 189

Eight:Mark Twain Can’t Resist a Mushy Apple Pie 227

Epilogue: Were They Like Us? 259

Abbreviations 279

Notes 281

Index 307