The projects and discussion in this chapter focus on navigating your robot through space—not the outerspace kind, but the space between two chairs in your living room, between your bedroom and the hall bathroom, or outside your home by the pool. Robots suddenly become useful once they can master their surroundings, and being able to wend their way through their surrounds is the first step toward that mastery.
The techniques used to provide such navigation are varied: path-track systems, infrared beacons, ultrasonic rangers, compass bearings, dead reckoning, and more.
A helpful way to look at robot navigation is to think of it as a game, like soccer. The aim of soccer is for the members of one team to kick the ball into a goal. That goal is guarded by a member of the other team, so it’s not all that easy to get the ball into the goal. Similarly, for a robot a lot stands between it and its goal of getting from one place to another. Those obstacles include humans, chairs, cats, a puddle of water, an electrical cord—just about anything can prevent a robot from successfully traversing a room or yard.
1. Retrieve instruction of goal: get to point B. This can come from an internal condition (battery is getting low; must get to power recharge station) or from a programmed or external stimulus.
2. Determine where point B is in relation to current position (point A), and determine a path to point B. This requires obtaining the current position using known landmarks or references.
3. Avoid obstacles along the way. If an immovable obstacle is encountered, move around the obstacle and recalculate the path to get to point B.
4. Correct for errors in navigation ("in-path error correction") caused by such things as wheel slippage. This can be accomplished by periodically reassessing current position using known landmarks or references.
5. Optionally, time out (give up) if goal is not reached within a specific period of time or distance traveled.
Notice the intervening issues that can retard or inhibit the robot from reaching its goal. If there are any immovable obstacles in the way, the robot must steer around them. This means its predefined path to get from point A to point B must be recalculated. Position and navigation errors are normal and are to be expected. You can reduce the effects of error by having the robot periodically reassess its position. This can be accomplished by using a number of referencing schemes, such as mapping, active beacons, or landmarks.
People don’t like to admit failure, but a robot is just a machine and doesn’t know (or care) that it failed to reach its intended destination. You should account for the possibility that the robot may never get to point B. This can be accomplished by using time-outs, which entails either determining the maximum reasonable time to accomplish the goal or, better yet, the maximum reasonable distance that should be traveled to reach the goal.
You can build other fail-safes into the system as well, including a program override if the robot can no longer reassess its current location using known landmarks or references. In such a scenario, this could mean its sensors have gone kaput or that the landmarks or references are no longer functioning or accurate. One course of action is to have the robot shut down and wait to be bailed out by its human master.
Perhaps the simplest navigation system for mobile robots involves following some predefined path that’s marked on the ground. The path can be a black or white line painted on a hard-surfaced floor, a wire buried beneath a carpet, a physical track, or any of several other methods. This type of robot navigation is used in some factories. Marking the path with reflective tape is preferred in factories because the track can easily be changed without ripping up or repainting the floor.
You can readily incorporate a tape-track navigation system in your robot. The line-tracing feature can be the robot’s only means of semi-intelligent action, or it can be just one part of a more sophisticated machine. You could, for example, use the tape to help guide a robot back to its battery charger nest.
With a line-tracing robot, you place a piece of white or reflective tape on the floor. For the best results, the floor should be hard, like wood, concrete, or linoleum, and not carpeted. One or more optical sensors are placed on the robot. These sensors incorporate an infrared LED and an infrared phototransistor. When the transistor turns on it sees the light from the LED reflected off the tape. Obviously, darker floors provide better contrast against light-colored tape.
In a working robot, mount the LED and phototransistors in a suitable enclosure, as described more fully in Chapter 30, “Object Detection.” Or, use a commercially available LED–phototransistor pair (again, see Chapter 30). Mount the detectors on the bottom of the robot, as shown in Fig. 33-2, in which two detectors are set apart twice the width of the tape.
Fig. 33-3 shows the basic sensor circuit and how the LED and phototransistor are wired. Feel free to experiment with the value of R2; it determines the sensitivity of the phototransistor and its voltage range when just the floor or the tape is reflecting the infrared light or a combination of the two. Ideally, you would like the voltage output to be as “binary” as possible: a high voltage level for a black floor (no light being passed to the phototransistor, so no current passes through it) and low for the white tape. Fig. 33-4 shows the sensor output passed to a comparator circuit that forms the basis of the line-tracing system. Refer to this figure often because this circuit can be used in other applications.
You can use the schematics in Fig. 33-5 and Fig. 33-6 to build a complete line-tracing system (refer to the parts lists in Tables Table 33-1 and Table 33-2). You can build the circuit using just three IC packages: an LM339 quad comparator, a 7486 quad exclusive OR gate, and a 7400 quad NAND gate. Before using the robot, block the phototransistors so they don’t receive any light. Rotate the shaft of the set-point pots until the relays kick in, then back off again. You may have to experiment with the settings of the set-point pots as you try out the system.
LM339 quad comparator
7486 quad exclusive OR gate IC
7400 quad NAND gate IC
Q1, Q2
Infrared-sensitive phototransistors
R1, R4
270 Ω resistors
R2, R5, R7, R8
10k resistors
R3, R6
10k potentiometers
Infrared LEDs
Infrared filter for phototransistors (if needed)

RL1, RL2
DPDT fast-acting relay; contacts rated 2 A or more
D1, D2
1N4003 diodes

Depending on which motors you use and the switching speed of the relays, you may find your robot waddling its way down the track, overcorrecting for its errors every time. You can help minimize this by using faster-acting relays. Another approach is to vary the gap between the two sensors. By making it wide, the robot won’t be turning back and forth as much to correct for small errors.
The actual turn radius will depend entirely on the robot. If you need your robot to turn very tight, small corners, build it small. If your robot has a brain, whether it is a computer or central microprocessor, you can use it instead of the direct connection to the relays for motor control. The output of the comparators, when used with a +5 V supply, is compatible with computer and microprocessor circuitry, as long as you follow the interface guidelines provided in Chapter 14. The two sensors require only two bits of an eight-bit port.
It is quite easy to add and program computer control for a line-following robot. The following program was written for a three sensor line following robot with the distance between the sensors being about 75 percent of the width of the line—which means that as the line changes, two sensors are active at any given time, allowing the robot to slow down on that side rather than turn off the motor completely. Slowing down a side of the robot is accomplished by decreasing the PWM duty cycle on that side’s motor by 50 percent—you will see that the turn logic is replicated twice in the following program, with differing values for the slow turns to run the motors more slowly than if a hard turn is required.
The resulting motion is surprisingly smooth and follows the line very accurately with very few excursions to the "hard" turn required. To help you see the operation of the robot, you might want to add some LEDs to the BS2’s I/O pins to "parrot" the IR line sensor inputs and the motor control outputs.
Robots that can follow walls are similar to those that can trace a line. Like the line, the wall is used to provide the robot with navigation orientation. One benefit of wall-following robots is that you can use them without having to paint any lines or lay down tape. Depending on the robot’s design, the machine can even maneuver around small obstacles (doorstops, door frame molding, radiator pipes, etc.).
Wall following can be accomplished with any of four methods:
  • Contact. The robot uses a mechanical switch, or a stiff wire connected to a switch, to sense contact with the wall, as shown in Fig. 33-7a. This is by far the simplest method, but the switch is prone to mechanical damage over time.
  • Noncontact, active sensor. The robot uses active proximity sensors, such as infrared or ultrasonic, to determine its distance from the wall. No physical contact with the wall is needed. In a typical noncontact system, two sensors are used to judge when the robot is parallel to the wall (see Fig. 33-7b).
  • Noncontact, passive sensor. The robot uses passive sensors, such as linear Hall effect switches, to judge distance from a specially prepared wall (Fig. 33-7c). In the case of Hall effect switches, you could outfit the baseboard or wall with an electrical wire through which a low-voltage alternating current is fed. When the robot is in the proximity of the switches the sensors will pick up the induced magnetic field provided by the alternating current. Or, if the baseboard is metal, the Hall effect sensor (when rigged with a small magnet on its opposite side) could detect proximity to a wall.
  • Soft contact. The robot uses mechanical means to detect contact with the wall, but the contact is softened by using pliable materials. For example, you can use a lightweight foam wheel as a wall roller, as shown in Fig. 33-7d. The benefit of soft contact is that mechanical failure is reduced or eliminated because the contact with the wall is made through an elastic or pliable medium.
In all cases, upon encountering a wall the robot goes into a controlled program phase to follow the wall in order to get to its destination. In a simple contact system, the robot may back up a short moment after touching the wall, then swing in a long arc toward the wall again. This process is repeated, and the net effect is that the robot "follows the wall."
Because the robot will likely be close to the wall (within a few inches), you will want to drive the transmitters at very low power and use only moderate amplification, if any, for the receiver. You can drive the transmitters at very low power by reducing the voltage to the transmitter.
Soft-contact wall following with a roller wheel offers you some interesting possibilities. In fact, you may be able to substantially simplify the sensors and control electronics by placing an idler roller made of soft foam as an outrigger to the robot and then having the robot constantly steer inward toward the wall. This can be done simply by running the inward wheel (the wheel on the side of the wall) a little slower than the other. The foam idler roller will prevent the robot from hitting the wall.
Merely following a wall is, in essence, not that difficult. The task becomes more challenging when you want the robot to maneuver around obstacles or skip past doorways. This requires additional sensors, perhaps whiskers or other touch sensors in the forward portion of the robot. These are used to detect corners as well. This is especially important when you are constructing a robot that has a simple inward-arc behavior toward following walls. Without the ability to sense a wall straight ahead, the robot may become hopelessly trapped in a corner.
Open doorways that lead into other rooms can be sensed using a longer-range ultrasonic transducer. Here, the long-range ultrasonic detects that the robot is far from any wall and places the machine in a "go straight" mode. Ideally, the robot should time the duration of this mode to account for the maximum distance of an open doorway. If a wall is not detected within x seconds, the robot should go into a "look for wall" mode.
Software for a wall-following robot can be accomplished by using similar software as the line-following robot; a PWM can be used to make gentle turns, and hard turns can be made when required (such as when a wall is in front of the robot). The following program is optimized to eliminate some of the decision making for the "slow" versus "hard" turns in the first 15-ms portion of the PWM operation; in the second part, the decision is made whether or not to turn the motors off for the full PWM cycle.
Hop into your car. Note the reading on the odometer. Now drive straight down the road for exactly one minute, paying no attention to the speedometer or anything else (of course, keep your eyes on the road!). Again note the reading on the odometer. The information on the odometer can be used to tell you where you are. Suppose it says one mile. You know that if you turn the car around exactly 180° and travel back a mile, at whatever speed, you’ll reach home again.
This is the essence of odometry; reading the motion of a robot’s wheels to determine how far it’s gone. Odometry is perhaps the most common method for determining where a robot is at any given time. It’s cheap, easy to implement, and fairly accurate over short distances. Odometry is similar to the dead-reckoning navigation used by sea captains and pilots before the age of satellites, radar, and other electronic schemes. Hence, odometry is also referred to in robot literature as dead reckoning.
  • With a reflectance disc, infrared light strikes the disc and is reflected back to a photodetector.
  • With a slotted disc, infrared light is alternately blocked and passed and is picked up on the other side by a photodetector.
With either method, a pulse is generated each time the photodetector senses the light.
A bias magnet is placed behind the Hall effect sensor. A pulse is generated each time a tooth of the gear passes in front of the sensor. The technique provides more pulses on each revolution of the wheel or motor shaft, and without having to use separate magnets on the rim of the wheel or wheel shaft.
As the wheel or motor shaft turns, the encoder (optical or magnetic) produces a series of pulses relative to the distance the robot travels. Assume the wheel is 3 in diameter (9.42 in in circumference), and the encoder wheel has 32 slots. Each pulse of the encoder represents 0.294 in of travel (9.42/32). If the robot senses 10 pulses, it can calculate the movement to 2.94 in.
It’s best to make odometry measurements using a microcontroller that is outfitted with a pulse accumulator or counter input. These kinds of inputs independently count the number of pulses received since the last time they were reset. To take an odometry reading, you clear the accumulator or counter and then start the motors. Your software need not monitor the accumulator or counter. Stop the motors, and then read the value in the accumulator or counter. Multiply the number of pulses by the known distance of travel for each pulse. (This will vary depending on the construction of your robot; consider the diameter of the wheels and the number of pulses of the encoder per revolution.)
If the number of pulses from both encoders is the same, you can assume that the robot traveled in a straight line, and you have only to multiply the number of pulses by the distance per pulse. For example, if there are 1055 pulses in the accumulator-counter, and if each pulse represents 0.294 in of travel, then the robot has moved 310.17 in straight forward.
In a perfect world, robots would not need anything more than a single odometer to determine exactly where they were at any given time. Unfortunately, robots live and work in a world that is far from perfect; as a result, their odometers are far from accurate. Over a 20- to 30-ft range, for example, it’s not uncommon for the average odometer to misrepresent the position of the robot by as much as half a foot or more!
Why the discrepancy? First and foremost: wheels slip. As a wheel turns, it is bound to slip, especially if the surface is hard and smooth, like a kitchen floor. Wheels slip even more when they turn. The wheel encoder may register a certain number of pulses, but because of slip the actual distance of travel will be less. Certain robot drive designs are more prone to error than others. Robots with tracks are steered using slip—lots of it. The encoders will register pulses, but the robot will not actually be moving in proportion.
There are less subtle reasons for odometry error. If you’re even a hundredth of an inch off when measuring the diameter of the wheel, the error will be compounded over long distances. If the robot is equipped with soft or pneumatic wheels, the weight of the robot can deform the wheels, thereby changing their effective diameter.
Because of odometry errors, it is necessary to combine it with other navigation techniques, such as active beacons, distance mapping, or landmark recognition. All three are detailed later in this chapter.
Besides the stars, the magnetic compass has served as humankind's principal navigation aid over long distances. You know how it works: a needle points to the magnetic North Pole of the earth. Once you know which way is north, you can more easily reorient yourself in your travels.
The 1490 provides eight directions of heading information (N, S, E, W, SE, SW, NE, NW) by measuring the earth’s magnetic field. It does this by using miniature Hall effect sensors and a rotating compass needle (similar to ordinary compasses). The sensor is said to be internally designed to respond to directional changes much like a liquid-filled compass. It turns to the indicated direction from a 90° displacement in approximately 2.5 s. The manufacturer's specification sheet claims that the unit can operate with up to 12 degrees of tilt with acceptable error, but it is important to note that any tilting from center will cause a corresponding loss in accuracy.
Fig. 33-12 shows the circuit diagram for the 1490, which uses four inputs to a computer or microcontroller. Note the use of pull-up resistors. With this setup, your robot can determine its orientation with an accuracy of about 45 degrees (less if the 1490 compass is tilted). Dinsmore also makes an analog-output compass that exhibits better accuracy.
You could also consider the Vector 2X and 2XG. These units use magneto-inductive sensors for sensing magnetic fields. The Vector 2X/2XG provides either compass heading or uncalibrated magnetic field data. This information is output via a three-wire serial format and is compatible with Motorola SPI and National Semiconductor Microwire interface standards. Position data can be provided either 2.5 or 5 times per second.
Vector claims accuracy of ±2 degrees. The 2X is meant to be used in level applications. The more pricey 2XG has a built-in gimbal mechanism that keeps the active magnetic-inductive element level, even when the rest of the unit is tilted. The gimbal allows tilt up to 12 degrees.
A final option to consider is a commercially available GPS unit with a built-in compass and RS-232 serial interface like a Garmin "ETrex" line of outdoor GPS units. RS-232 data are normally sent as a "NMEA" data stream, which can be easily filtered by a microcontroller like a BS2. A handheld GPS unit usually has a very accurate compass built into the unit (to a degree or less) and is very insensitive to tilting. The only downside to using a handheld GPS unit is the price—they can often be several hundred dollars.
Police radar systems work by sending out a high-frequency radio beam that is reflected off nearby objects, such as your car as you are speeding down the road. Most people believe that the speed is calculated by timing how long it takes for a signal sent from the radar gun to bounce off the car and return; multiple "shots" are timed and the speed is calculated based on the rate of change in the return time of these pulses. Speed is actually calculated using the Doppler effect: the frequency of the reflected signal varies according to how fast you are going and whether you are approaching or going away from the radar unit.
Radar systems are complex and expensive, and most require certification by a government authority, such as the Federal Communications Commission for devices used in the United States. There is another approach: you can use high-frequency sound instead to measure distance, and with the right circuitry you can even provide a rough indication of speed.
Ultrasonic ranging is, by now, an old science. Polaroid used it for years as an automatic focusing aid on their instant cameras. Other camera manufacturers have used a similar technique, though it is now more common to implement infrared ranging (covered later in the chapter). The Doppler effect that is caused when something moves toward or away from the ultrasonic unit is used in home burglar alarm systems. However, for robotics the more typical application of ultrasonic sound is either to detect proximity to an object (see "Ultrasonic Wall Following," earlier in the chapter) or to measure distance (also called ultrasonic ranging).
To measure distance, a short burst of ultrasonic sound—usually at a frequency of 40 kHz for most ultrasonic ranging systems—is sent out through a transducer (a specially built ultrasonic speaker). The sound bounces off an object, and the echo is received by another transducer (this one a specially built ultrasonic microphone). A circuit then computes the time it took between the transmit pulse and the echo and comes up with distance.
The transducer, which is about the size of a silver dollar coin, acts as both ultrasonic transmitter and receiver. Because only a single transducer is used, the Polaroid system as described in this section cannot detect objects closer than about 1.3 ft. This is because of the amount of time required for the transducer to stop oscillating before it sets itself up to receive. The maximum distance of the sensor is about 35 ft when used indoors, and a little less when used outdoors, especially on a windy day. The system is powered by a single 6-vdc battery pack and can be interfaced to any computer or microcontroller.
First some statistics. At sea level, sound travels at a speed of about 1130 f/s (about 344 m/s) or 13,560 in/s. While this time varies depending on atmospheric conditions, including air pressure (which varies by altitude), temperature, and humidity, it is a good value to use when working with an ultrasonic ranging system. The overall time between transmit pulse and echo is divided by two to compensate for the round-trip travel time between the robot and the object. Given a travel time of 13,560 in/s for sound, it takes just 73.7 μ (0.0000737 s) for sound to travel 1 in. This means that for every 147.4 μs of time, the distance between the transducer and an object changes by 1 in (2.5 cm).
With the figure of 1 in per 147.4 μ in the back of our minds, let's consider how the Polaroid ranging system works. The Ranging Module is connected to a computer or microcontroller using only two wires: INIT (for INITiate) and ECHO. INIT is an output, and ECHO is an input. The Ranging Module contains other I/O connections, such as BLNK and BINH, but these are not strictly required when you are determining distance to a single object, and so they will not be discussed here.
To trigger the Ranging Module and have it send out a burst of ultrasonic sound, the computer or microcontroller brings the INIT line HIGH. The computer-microcontroller then waits for the ECHO line to change from LOW to HIGH. The time difference, in microseconds, is divided in two, and that gives you distance. To measure the time between the INIT pulse and the return ECHO, the computer or microcontroller uses a timer to precisely count the time interval.
To demonstrate the operation of the Polaroid 6500 with a BS2, some additional circuitry has to be added as shown in Fig. 33-14 (parts list in Table 33-3). The 74LS123 and 74LS74 create a delayed pulse that can be measured by a BASIC Stamp 2's Pulsin statement. Using one of the single 74LS123 monostable multivibrator's single-shot outputs creates two D-flip flop triggering pulses that ensure that the resulting pulse passed to the BS2 has the same timing as the delay between the initialization of the Init and the Echo return as shown in Fig. 33-15.
Parallax BS2
Polaroid 6500  
Polaroid 6500 ranging module with wires attached for breadboard interfacing
74LS123 dual monostable multivibrator chip
74LS74 dual D-flip flop chip
10k resistor
2.2k resistor
C1, C2  
0.1 μF capacitor
C3, C4  
0.01 μF capacitor
1 μF capacitor
1000 μF capacitor (see text)
Breadboard, BS2 communication/programming interface, 9-V battery, 6-V lantern battery (see text)
It is important to note that the Polaroid 6500 uses a massive amount of current when it is operating. To ensure that the BS2 and the TTL chips’ operation are not affected by the 6500, the 6500 is given a power supply separate from the other chips. For the prototype circuit, a 6-V lantern battery was used for powering the 6500. The BS2’s on-board regulator is used to power both it as well as the two TTL chips.
When the 6500 is active, make sure the transducer is mounted on a nonconducting surface and you are not touching it! The 6500 will give you a nasty shock when it is active and could potentially damage any electronics that have common pins to it.
The software to use the BS2/Polaroid 6500 combination follows and consists of resetting the 74LS74 D-flip flops before sending out the Init signal and waiting for the delayed pulse back.

'BS2 Polaroid 6500 - Use Polaroid 6500 Sonar Ranging Module
'myke predko
Explorers rely on landmarks to navigate wide-open areas. It might be an unusual outcropping of rocks or a bend in a river. Or the 7-Eleven down the street. In all cases, a landmark serves to give you general bearings. From these general bearings you can more readily navigate a given locale.
Robots can use the same techniques, though rocks, rivers, and convenience stores are somewhat atypical as useful landmarks. Instead, robots can use such techniques as beacons to determine their absolute position within a known area. The following sections describe some techniques you may wish to consider for your next robot project.
Unless you confine your robot to playing just within the laboratory, you'll probably want to provide it with a means to distinguish one room in your house from the next. This is particularly important if you’ve designed the robot with even a rudimentary form of object and area mapping. This mapping can be stored in the robot’s memory and used to steer around objects and avoid walls.
For less than a week's worth of groceries, you can construct an infrared beacon system that your robot can use to determine when it has passed from one room to the next. The robot is equipped with a receiver that will detect transmitters placed in each room. These transmitters send out a unique code, which the robot interprets as a specific room. Once it has identified the room, it can retrieve the mapping information previously stored for it and use it to navigate through its surroundings.
You can, of course, use just about any wireless remote control system you desire. The only requirements are that you must be able to set up different codes for each transmitter and that the system must work with infrared light.
You can connect the four-bit output of the HT-12D decoder IC to a microcontroller or computer. You will also want to connect the VD (valid data) line to a pin of your microcontroller or computer. When this line "winks" LOW, it means there is valid data on the four data lines. The value at the four data lines will coincide with the setting of the four-position DIP switch on each transmitter.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a hot technology that uses small passive devices that radiate a digital signature when exposed to a radio frequency signal. RFID is found in products ranging from toys to trucking, farm animal inventories, automobile manufacturing, and more, including replacing the bar codes used at retail checkouts.
A transmitter/receiver, called the interrogator or reader, radiates a low- or medium-frequency carrier RF signal. If it is within range, a passive (unpowered) or active (powered) detector, called a tag or transponder, re-radiates (or backscatters) the carrier frequency, along with a digital signature that uniquely identifies the device. RFID systems in use today operate on several common RF bands, including a low-speed 100 to 150 kHz band and a higher 13.5 MHz band.
The tag is composed of an antenna coil along with an integrated circuit. The radio signal provides power when used with passive tags, using well-known RF field induction principles. Inside the integrated circuit are decoding electronics and a small memory. A variety of data transmission schemes are used, including non-return-to-zero, frequency shift keying, and phase shift keying. Manufacturers of the RFID devices tend to favor one system over another for specific applications. Some data modulation schemes are better at long distances, for example.
Different RFID tags have different amounts of memory, but a common device might provide for 64 to 128 bits of data. This is more than enough to serve as room-by-room or locale-by-locale beacons. The advantage RFID has over infrared beacons (see earlier in this chapter) is that the coverage of the RF signal is naturally limited. While this limitation can certainly be a disadvantage, when properly deployed it can serve as a convenient way to differentiate between different areas of a house’s robotic work space. The average working distance between interrogator and tag is several feet, though this varies greatly depending on the power output of the interrogator. Units with higher RF power can be used over longer distances. For room-by-room robotics use, however, a unit with limited range is preferred, which also means a less expensive system.
While RFID systems are not complex, their cost can be a bit expensive for hobbyists. Demonstration and developers' kits are available from some manufacturers for $100 to $200, and this includes the reader and an assortment of tags. However, once implemented RFID is a low-maintenance, long-term solution for helping your robot know where it is.
As mentioned, humans navigate the real world by using landmarks: the red barn on the way to work signals you're getting close to your turnoff. Robots can use the same kind of visual cues to help them navigate a space. Landmarks can be natural—a support pillar in a warehouse for example—or they can be artificial—reflectors, posts, or bar codes positioned just for use by the robot. A key benefit of landmark recognition is that most systems are easy to install, cheap, and when done properly, unmistakable from the robot’s point of view.
Wide Field Bar Code   One technique to consider is the use of wide-field bar codes, which are commonly used in warehouses for quick and easy inventory. The bar code pattern is printed very large, perhaps as tall as 2 in and as wide as a foot. A traditional laser bar code reader then scans the code. The large size of the bar code makes it possible to use the bar code reader even from a distance—10 to 20 ft or more.
You can adapt the same method to help your robot navigate from room to room, and even within a room. For each location you want to identify, print up a large bar code. Free and low-cost bar code printing software is available over the Internet and in several commercial packages. You can either make or purchase a wide-field bar code scanner and connect it to your robot’s computer or microcontroller. As your robot roams about, the scanner can be constantly looking for bar codes. The laser light output from the scanner is very low and, if properly manufactured, is well within safe limits even if the beam should quickly scan past the eyes of people or animals.
Door Frame "Flags"  Yet another technique that merits consideration is the use of reflective tape placed around the frames of doors. Doorways are uniquely helpful in robot navigation because in the human world we tend to leave the space around them open and uncluttered. This allows us to enter and exit a room without tripping over something. It also typically means that the line of sight of the door will not be blocked, creating a reliable landmark for a robot.
Imagine vertical strips of reflective tape on either side of the doorway. These strips could reflect the light from a scanning laser mounted on the robot, as shown in Fig. 33-16. The laser light would be reflected from the tape and received by a sensor on the robot. Since the speed of the laser scan is known, the timing between the return pulses of the reflected laser light would indicate the relative distance between the robot and the doorway. You could use additional tape strips to reduce the ambiguity that results when the robot approaches the doorway at an angle.
Or consider using a CCD or CMOS camera. The robot could use several high-output infrared LEDs to illuminate the tape strips. Since the tape is much more reflective than the walls or door frame, it returns the most light. The CCD or CMOS camera is set with a high contrast ratio, so it effectively ignores anything but the bright tapes. Assuming the robot is positioned straight ahead of the door, the tapes will appear to be parallel. The distance between the tapes indicates the distance between the robot and the doorway. Should the robot be at an angle to the door, the tapes will not be parallel. Their angle, distance, and position can once again be interpolated to provide the robot’s position relative to the door.
There are scores of ways to relay position information to a robot. You've already seen two beacon-type systems: infrared and radio frequency. There are plenty more. There isn't enough space in this book to discuss them all, but the following sections outline some techniques you might want to consider. Many of these systems rely on a line of sight between the beacon or lighthouse and the robot. If the line of sight is broken, the robot may very well get lost.
Three-Point Triangulation   Traditional three-point triangulation is possible using either of two methods:
  • Active beacon. A sensor array on the robot determines its location by integrating the relative brightness of the light from three active light sources.
  • Active robot. The robot sends out a signal that is received by three sensors located around the room. The sensors integrate the robot's position, then relay this information back to the robot (via RF or an infrared radio link).
This technique calculates time of flight using sound, and it offers excellent accuracy. You equip three active beacons with sonar transmitters and high-output infrared light-emitting diodes. You then connect the three beacons electrically so they will fire in sequence. When fired, both the sonar transmitter and IR LEDs emit a short 40 kHz signal. Because light travels much faster than sound, the robot will detect the IR signal first, followed by the sound signal.
Over the years a number of worthwhile techniques have been developed to help robots know where they are. We've covered many of the most common techniques here. If your budget and construction skills allow for it, however, you might want to consider any or all of the following.
Hovering over the earth are some two dozen satellites that provide accurate world-positioning data to vehicles, ships, and aircraft. The satellite network, referred to as global positioning system (GPS), works by triangulation: the signals from three or more satellites are received and their timings are compared. The difference in the timings indicates the relative distances between the satellites and the receiver. This provides a “fix” by which the receiver can determine not only the latitude and longitude most anywhere on the earth, but also elevation.
GPS was primarily developed by the United States government for various defense systems, but it is also regularly used by private commerce and even consumers. Until recently, the signals received by a consumer-level GPS receiver have been intentionally “fuzzied” to decrease the accuracy of the device. (This is called selective availability, imposed by the U.S. government for national security reasons.) Instead of the accuracies of a few feet or less that are possible with military-grade GPS receivers, consumer GPS receivers have had a nominal resolution of 100 m, or about 325 ft. In practical use, with selective availability activated in the GPS satellites, the actual error is typically 50 to 100 ft. Selective availability has since been deactivated (but could be re-activated in the event of a national emergency), and the resolution of consumer GPS receivers can be under 20 to 25 ft.
Furthermore, a system called differential GPS, in which the satellite signals are correlated with a second known reference, demonstrably increases the resolution of GPS signals to less than 5 in. When used outdoors (the signal from the satellites is too weak for indoor use), this can provide your robot with highly accurate positioning information, especially if your ’bot wanders hundreds of feet from its base station. Real-time differential GPS systems are still fairly costly, but their outputs can read into the robot’s computer in real time. It takes from one to three minutes for the GPS system to lock onto the satellites overhead, however. Every time the lock is broken—the satellite signals are blocked or otherwise lost— it takes another one to three minutes to reestablish a fix.
If you’re interested in experimenting with GPS, look for a receiver that has a NMEA- 0183 or RS-232 compatible computer interface. A number of amateur radio sites on the Internet discuss how to use software to interpret the signals from a GPS receiver.
You can use the same physics that keeps a bicycle upright when its wheels are in motion to provide motion data to a robot. Consider a bicycle wheel spinning in front of you while you hold the axle between your hands. Turn sideways and the wheel tilts. This is the gyroscopic effect in action; the angle of the wheel is directly proportional to the amount and time you are turning. Put a gyroscope in an airplane or ship and you can record even imperceptible changes in movement, assuming you are using a precision gyroscope.
Gyros are still used in airplanes today, even with radar, ground controllers, and radios to guide their way. While many modern aircraft have substituted mechanical gyros with completely electronic ones, the concept is the same. During flight, any changes in direction are recorded by the inertial guidance system in the plane (there are three gyros, for all three axes). At any time during the flight the course of the plane can be scrutinized by looking at the output of the gyroscopes.
Inertial guidance systems for planes, ships, missiles, and other such devices are far, far too expensive for robots. However, there are some low-cost gyros that provide modest accuracies. One reasonably affordable model is the Max Products MX-9100 micro piezo gyro, often used in model helicopters. The MX-9100 uses a piezoelectric transducer to sense motion. This motion is converted into a digital signal whose duty cycle changes in proportion to the rate of change in the gyro.
Laser- and fiber-optic-based gyroscopes offer another navigational possibility, though the price for ready-made systems is still out of the reach of most hobby robot enthusiasts. These devices use interferometry—the subtle changes in the measured wavelength of a light source that travels in opposite directions around the circumference of the gyroscope. The light is recombined onto a photosensor or a photocell array such as a CCD camera. In the traditional laser-based gyroscopes (e.g., the Honeywell ring gyro), the two light beams create a bull’s-eye pattern that is analyzed by a computer. In simpler fiber-optic systems, the light beams are mixed and received by a single phototransistor. The wave patterns of the laser light produce sum and difference signals (heterodyning). The difference signals are well within audio frequency ranges, and these can be interpreted using a simple frequency-to-voltage converter. From there, relative motion can be calculated.
A low-cost method to experiment with inertial navigation is to use accelerometers (similar to those described in detail in Chapter 35, “Experimenting with Tilt and Gravity Sensors”). The nature of accelerometers, particularly the less-expensive piezoelectric variety, can make them difficult to employ in an inertial system. Accelerometers are sensitive to the earth’s gravity, and tilting on the part of the robot can introduce errors. By using multiple accelerometers—one to measure movement of the robot and one to determine tilt—it is generally possible to reduce (but perhaps not eliminate) these errors.
Maps help us navigate strange towns and roads. By correlating what we see out the windshield with the street names on the map, we can readily determine where we are—or just how lost we are! Likewise, given a map of its environment, a robot could use its various sensors to correlate its position with the information in a map. Map-based positioning, also known as map matching, uses a map you prepare for the robot or that the robot prepares for itself.
During navigation, the robot uses whatever sensors it has at its disposal (infrared, ultrasonic, vision, etc.) to visualize its environment. It checks the results of its sensors against the map previously stored in its memory. From there, it can compute its actual position and orientation. One common technique, developed by robot pioneer Hans Moravec, uses a “certainty grid” that consists of squares drawn inside the mapped environment (think of graph paper used in school). Objects, including obstacles, are placed within the squares. The robot can use this grid map to determine its location by attempting to match what it sees through its sensors with the patterns on the map.
Obviously, map matching requires that a map of the robot's environment be created first. Several consumer robots, like the Cyebot, are designed to do this mapping autonomously by exploring the environment over a period of time. Industrial robots typically require that the map be created using a CAD program and the structure and objects within it very accurately rendered. The introduction of new objects into the environment can drastically decrease the accuracy of map matching, however. The robot may mistake a car for a foot stool, for example, and seriously misjudge its location.