DC motors are the mainstay of robotics. A surprisingly small motor, when connected to wheels through a gear reduction system, can power a 25-, 50-, even 100-lb robot with ease. A flick of a switch, a click of a relay, or a tick of a transistor, and the motor stops in its tracks and turns the other way. A simple electronic circuit enables you to gain quick and easy control over speed—from a slow crawl to a fast sprint.
This chapter shows you how to apply open-loop continuous DC motors (as opposed to servo DC motors, which use position feedback) to drive your robots. The emphasis is on using motors to propel a robot across your living room floor, but you can use the same control techniques for any motor application, including gripper closure, elbow flexion, and sensor positioning.
There are many ways to build a DC motor. By their nature, all DC motors are powered by direct current—hence the name DC—rather than the alternating current (AC) used by most motorized household appliances. By and large, AC motors are less expensive to manufacture than DC motors, and because their construction is simpler they tend to last longer than DC motors.

There are normally three sets of windings to a DC motor as illustrated in Fig. 20-3. The brushes can only come into contact with two of the windings’ commutators, resulting in two rotors being magnetized at any given time. These magnetized rotors create an unbalanced force in the DC motor, causing them to be pulled toward their respective permanent magnet poles, and torque on the motor shaft. The placement of the commutators and the brushes causes the motor windings to change polarity as the rotor turns (again shown in Fig. 20-3).
Other types of DC motors exist as well, including the series wound (or universal) and the shunt wound DC motors. These differ from the permanent magnet motor in that no magnets are used. Instead, the stator is composed of windings that, when supplied with current, become electromagnets.
One of the prime benefits of most, but not all, DC motors is that they are inherently reversible. Apply current in one direction (the “and” on the battery terminals, for example), and the motor may spin clockwise. Apply current in the other direction, and the motor spins counterclockwise. This capability makes DC motors well suited for robotics, where it is often desirable to have the motors reverse direction, such as to back a robot away from an obstacle or to raise or lower a mechanical arm.
Not all DC motors are reversible, and those that are typically exhibit better performance (though often just slightly better) in one direction over the other. For example, the motor may turn a few revolutions per minute faster in one direction. Normally, this is not observable in the typical motor application, but robotics isn’t typical. In a robot with the common two-motor drive (see Chapter 18, “Principles of Robot Locomotion”), the motors will be facing opposite directions, so one will turn clockwise while the other turns counterclockwise. If one motor is slightly faster than the other, it can cause the robot to steer off course. Fortunately, this effect isn’t usually seen when the robot just travels short distances, and in any case, it can often be corrected by the control circuitry used in the robot.
Motor ratings, such as voltage and current, were introduced in Chapter 19, “Choosing the Right Motor for the Job.” Here are some things to keep in mind when considering a DC motor for your robot:
You can use the direction control switch for experimenting, but you’ll soon want to graduate to more automatic control of your robot. There are a number of ways to accomplish the electronic or electrically assisted direction control of motors. All have their advantages and disadvantages.
Perhaps the most straightforward approach to the automatic control of DC motors is to use relays. It may seem rather daft to install something as old-fashioned and cumbersome as relays in a high-tech robot, but it is still a useful technique. You’ll find that while relays may wear out in time (after a few hundred thousand switchings), they are fairly inexpensive and easy to use.
You can accomplish basic on/off motor control with a single-pole relay. Rig up the relay so that current is broken when the relay is not activated. Turn on the relay, and the switch closes, thus completing the electrical circuit. The motor turns.
How you activate the relay is something you’ll want to consider carefully. You could control it with a push-button switch, but that’s no better than the manual switch method just described. Relays can easily be driven by digital signals. Fig. 20-5 shows the complete driver circuit for a relay-controller motor. Logical 0 (LOW) turns the relay off; logical 1 (HIGH) turns it on (refer to the parts list in Table 20-1). The relay can be operated from any digital gate, including a computer or microprocessor port.
SPDT relay, 5 V coil, contacts rated 2 A or more
2N2222 NPN transistor
1K resistor
1N4003 diode

Controlling the direction of the motor is only a little more difficult. This requires a double-pole, double-throw (DPDT) relay, wired in series after the on/off relay just described (see Fig. 20-6; refer to the parts list in Table 20-2). With the contacts in the relay in one position, the motor turns clockwise. Activate the relay, and the contacts change positions, turning the motor counterclockwise. Again, you can easily control the direction relay with digital signals. Logical 0 makes the motor turn in one direction (let’s say forward), and logical 1 makes the motor turn in the other direction. Both on/off and direction relay controls are shown combined in Fig. 20-7.
DPDT relay, 5V coil, contacts rated 2 A or more
2N2222 NPN transistor
1K resistor
1N4003 diode
You can quickly see how to control the operation and direction of a motor using just two data bits from a computer. Since most robot designs incorporate two drive motors, you can control the movement and direction of your robot with just four data bits. When selecting relays, make sure the contacts are rated for the motors you are using. All relays carry contact ratings, and they vary from a low of about 0.5 A to over 10 A, at 125 V. Higher-capacity relays are larger and may require bigger transistors to trigger them (the very small reed relays can often be triggered by digital control without adding the transistor). For most applications, you don’t need a relay rated higher than 2 or 3 A.
Bipolar transistors provide true solid-state control of motors. For the purpose of motor control, you use the bipolar transistor as a simple switch. By the way, note that when a transistor is referred to in this section it is a bipolar transistor. There are many kinds of transistors you can use, including the field effect transistor, or FET. In fact, FETs will be discussed in the next section.
There are two common ways to implement the transistor control of motors. One way is shown in Fig. 20-8 (see the parts list in Table 20-3). Here, two transistors do all the work. The motor is connected so that when one transistor is switched on, the shaft turns clockwise. When the other transistor is turned on, the shaft turns counterclockwise. When both transistors are off, the motor stops turning. Notice that this setup requires a dual-polarity power supply. The schematic calls for a 6-V motor and a 6-V and 6-V power source. This is known as a split power supply.
TIP31 NPN power transistor
TIP32 PNP power transistor
R1, R2
1–3K resistor
D1, D2
1N4002 diode
Heat sinks for transistors
Perhaps the most common way to control DC motors is to use the H-bridge network, as shown in Fig. 20-9 (see the parts list in Table 20-4). The figure shows a simplified H-bridge; some designs get quite complicated. However, this one will do for most hobby robot applications. The H-bridge is wired in such a way that only two transistors are on at a time. When transistors 1 and 4 are on, the motor turns in one direction. When transistors 2 and 3 are on, the motor spins the other way. When all transistors are off, the motor remains still.
TIP41 NPN power transistor
1–3K resistor
1N4002 diode
Heat sinks for transistors
Note that the resistor is used to bias the base of each transistor. These are necessary to prevent the transistor from pulling excessive current from the gate controlling it (computer port, logic gate, whatever). Without the resistor, the gate would overheat and be destroyed. The actual value of the bias resistor depends on the voltage and current draw of the motor, as well as the characteristics of the particular transistors used. For ballpark computations, the resistor is usually in the 1K- to 3K-Ω range. You can calculate the exact value of the resistor using Ohm’s law, taking into account the gain and current output of the transistor, or you can experiment until you find a resistor value that works. Start high and work down, noting when the controlling electronics seem to get too hot. Don’t go below 1K.
The transistors you choose should comply with some general guidelines. First, they must be capable of handling the current draw demanded by the motors, but which specific transistor you finally choose will largely depend on your application and your design preference. Most large drive motors draw about 1 to 3 A continuously, so the transistors you choose should be able to handle this. This immediately rules out the small signal transistors, which are rated for no more than a few hundred milliamps.
Another popular transistor to use in H-bridges is the TIP120, which is known as a Darlington transistor. Internally, it’s actually two transistors: a smaller “booster” transistor and a larger power transistor. The TIP120 is preferred because it’s often easier to interface it with control electronics. Some transistors, like the 2N3055, require a hefty amount of current in order to switch, and not all computer ports can supply this current. If you’re not using a Darlington like the TIP120, it’s sometimes necessary to use small-signal transistors (the 2N2222 is common) between the computer port and the power transistor.
Remember that with most power transistors, the case is the collector terminal. This is particularly important when there is more than one transistor on a common heat sink and they aren’t supposed to have their collectors connected together. It’s also important when that heat sink is connected to the grounded metal frame of the robot. You can avoid any extra hassle by using the insulating washer provided in most transistor mounting kits.
The power leads from the battery and to the motor should be 12- to 16-gauge wire. Use solder lugs or crimp-on connectors to attach the wire to the terminals of T0-3-style transistors. Don’t tap off power from the electronics for the driver transistors; get it directly from the battery or main power distribution rail. See Chapter 17, “All about Batteries and Robot Power Supplies,” for more detail about robot power distribution systems.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use a transistor without bothering with current limiting resistors? Well, you can as long as you use a special brand of transistor, the power MOSFET. The MOSFET part stands for “metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor.” The “power” part means you can use it for motor control without worrying about it or the controlling circuitry going up in smoke.
Physically, MOSFETs look a lot like bipolar transistors, but there are a few important differences. First, like CMOS ICs, it is entirely possible to damage a MOSFET device by zapping it with static electricity. When handling it, always keep the protective foam around the terminals. Further, the names of the terminals are different from transistors. Instead of base, emitter, and collector, MOSFETs have a gate, source, and drain. You can easily damage a MOSFET by connecting it in the circuit improperly. Always refer to the pinout diagram before wiring the circuit, and double-check your work.
When MOSFETs are on, the resistance between the drain and source (usually referred to as “RDS” in data sheets) is given as a parameter. The lower the drain and source resistance, the higher performing the transistor. This resistance represents power loss and the lower the RDS the lower the power loss in the MOSFETS and the smaller a heat sink that can be used with them.
4011 CMOS Quad NAND Gate IC
IRF-5XX series (e.g., IRF-530 or equiv.) N-channel power MOSFET
1N4002 diode
Heat sinks for transistors

4011 CMOS Quad NAND Gate IC
Q1, Q3
IRF-9530 (or equiv.) P-channel power MOSFET
Q2, Q4
IRF-5XX series (e.g., IRF-530 or equiv.) N-channel power MOSFET
1N4002 diode
Heat sinks for transistors
In both circuits, logic gates provide positive-action control. When the control signal is LOW, the motor turns clockwise. When the control signal is HIGH, the motor turns counterclockwise.
The control of motors is big business, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that dozens of companies offer all-in-one solutions for controlling motors through fully electronic means. These products range from inexpensive $2 integrated circuits to sophisticated modules costing tens of thousands of dollars. Of course, the discussion will be confined to the low end of this scale!
Motor control bridges have two or more pins on them for connection to control electronics. Typical functions for the pins are:
  • Motor enable. When enabled, the motor turns on. When disabled, the motor turns off. Some bridges let the motor float when disabled; that is, the motor coasts to a stop. On other bridges, disabling the motor causes a full or partial short across the motor terminals, which acts as a brake to stop the motor very quickly.
  • Direction. Setting the direction pin changes the direction of the motor.
  • Brake. On bridges that allow the motor to float when the enable pin is disengaged, a separate brake input is used to specifically control the braking action of the motor.
  • PWM. Most H-bridge motor control ICs are used not only to control the direction and power of the motor, but its speed as well. The typical means used to vary the speed of a motor is with pulse width modulation, or PWM. This topic is described more fully in the next section.
The better motor control bridges incorporate overcurrent protection circuitry, which prevents them from being damaged if the motor pulls too much current and overheats the chip. Some even provide for current sense, an output that can be fed back to the control electronics in order to monitor the amount of current being drawn from the motor. This can be useful when you need to determine if the robot has become stuck and the motors have stalled. Recall from earlier in this chapter that DC motors will draw the most current when they are stalled. If the robot gets caught on something and can’t budge, the motors will stop, and the current draw will increase.
When making the decision on what type of motor driver to use in a robot, you should consider the advantages of the different types that have been described so far. Some of the comments may be surprising and will hopefully give you some things to think about when you are designing your own robot.
Relay motor control is probably the least efficient and least reliable. Relays are quite costly and large (especially compared to power bipolar and MOSFET transistors) and will fail after a certain amount of time. To make it easier for you, remember to always socket your relays and provide easy access in your robot so that they can be replaced easily. Where relays have an advantage over the transistor motor controllers/drivers is their low motor power loss and voltage drop. It may seem to be a paradox, but relays are often the most effective method of control in small robots that run from radio battery power supplies.
Bipolar transistors are probably the cheapest solution but they can be very inefficient in terms of power usage. Remember that there is a definite voltage drop through the transistor, which translates to a power loss (which is the product of the current flowing through the motor and the voltage drop), which can be very significant in low-voltage situations.
MOSFET transistors tend to be the most efficient type of motor driver in terms of power loss, but they can be fairly expensive depending on the transistors that are chosen for the application. They must always be handled carefully to ensure they are not damaged by ESD. Despite the limitations, the high efficiency of MOSFETs makes them the preferred motor driver for DC motors.
There will be plenty of times when you’ll want the motors in your robot to go a little slower, or perhaps track at a predefined speed. Speed control with continuous DC motors is a science in its own, and there are literally dozens of ways to do it. Some of the more popular methods will be covered in this and later chapters.
Before exploring the right ways to control the speed of motors, it is important to understand how not to do it. Many robot experimenters first attempt to vary the speed of a motor by using a potentiometer. While this scheme certainly works, it wastes a lot of energy. Turning up the resistance of the pot decreases the speed of the motor, but it also causes excess current to flow through the pot. That current creates heat and draws off precious battery power.
Another similar approach is shown in Fig. 20-14. Here, the potentiometer controls the base current to a bipolar transistor controlling the operation of the motor. Like the previous case, excess current flows through the transistor, and the energy is dissipated as lost heat. There are, fortunately, far better ways of doing it. Read on.
One issue that you should always be aware of is that when a motor’s speed is controlled using a PWM, it will vibrate at the speed of the PWM (due to the coils being turned on and off according to the speed control), which could result in an annoying hum. To avoid this, you should run your PWM either at subaudible (60 Hz or less) or superaudible (18 kHz or more) frequencies. Subaudible frequencies are best for small motors that are usually found in toys, while superaudible frequencies should be used for high-performance or efficiency motors (basically anything that wouldn’t be considered in a toy).
It is interesting to note that the actual power delivered to the motors follows a square law with respect to the duty cycle instead of the expected linear relationship. The reason for power to drop off as the square of the duty cycle can be seen from going back to the DC electricity power equation:
Power = V × i = V2/R
By halving the time the voltage is applied (a 50 percent duty cycle), the actual power available to the motor is only one-quarter of that available when the duty cycle is 100 percent (or full on). As noted previously, throttling the PWM is not a linear process. When you are setting up your robot, you will have to make sure that the actual power-to-duty cycle relationship is understood as you will discover that if a linear range is used your robot will probably only be active when the PWM duty cycle is 50 percent or more.
Creating a PWM signal is not as easy as you would expect. In the previous versions of this book, a PWM generator circuit was built from a relaxation oscillator, not understanding that while the pulse width would change, so would the period, resulting in a constant PWM duty cycle for a varying frequency. What is desired is a varying PWM pulse width for a constant frequency.
The first demonstration circuit (Fig. 20-16 with parts list in Table 20-7) uses a 555 to allow a potentiometer to brighten or dim an LED.
555 timer chip
Visible light LED
1k resistor
R2, R3
10k resistors
100k potentiometer
0.1 μF capacitor
0.01 μF capacitor
Breadboard, breadboard wiring, 9-V battery clip, 9-V battery
You will find that the circuit works reasonably well, although it is impossible to completely turn off the LED. This is due to the 555’s inability to provide less than a 50 percent duty cycle signal. In Fig. 20-17, the operating signals are shown for different potentiometer settings. The left side of the oscilloscope trace shows the LED dimmed, a 17 percent duty cycle (the time the signal is low, which is when current can flow through the LED) versus the LED at its brightest, a 49 percent duty cycle.
The oscilloscope pictures in Fig. 20-15 probably do not look like what you would expect for two reasons. First, the LED was turned on when the 555 output was low. This allowed the greatest dynamic duty cycle range, which provided the most visible changes in the LED. Second, the PWM pulse width remained constant while the frequency changed: this is a function of the operation of the 555 timer and must be taken into account if this chip is used as a PWM generator.
While the 555-based PWM generator does not look all that acceptable as a PWM generator, it can be used successfully for motor control. R4’s resistance can be changed digitally using a selection of resistors that are allowed to pass current using transistors (as is done in the IBM PC gamepad/joystick interface discussed in Chapter 16). If it is to be used, you may have to switch between using the high and low outputs of the 555 to control the motor drivers, depending on the application and the characteristics of the motor.
The BS2 has a PWM function, which can be used to produce a PWM on each of its pins to control a motor. Fig. 20-18 shows the circuit (Table 20-8 lists the parts) for a BS2 PWM control of the brightness of an LED. The software used for the application is:
Parallax BASIC Stamp 2
Visible light LED
470 ω resistor
BS2 communications/programming interface, breadboard, breadboard wiring, 4x AA battery clip, 4x AA alkaline batteries

The BS2 PWM function is a very effective way to control a motor’s speed, and it can also be used to output an analog voltage using a resistor and capacitor, as is shown in the Parallax PBASIC reference manuals. The problem with the PWM function is that it does not run in the background, which is to say that the BS2 cannot do other operations (such as running more than one motor or polling sensors) while the PWM is active. In the next section, a circuit that will allow the BS2 to specify the PWM duty cycle for multiple motors as well as execute other tasks will be presented.
As mentioned in the previous section, the ideal motor speed control is a PWM in which the period stays constant and the pulse width (and therefore the duty cycle) is variable. Ideally the pulse width would be controlled by a digital value rather than an analog potentiometer or other components, which are difficult to interface digital signals and should not require constant monitoring by the robot’s controller. The PWM controller described in this section should meet these criteria and use parts that are readily available
The PWM controller circuit could be blocked out using the diagram in Fig. 20-19. A clock signal is used to increment a four-bit counter and the output of the counter is continually compared against an expected value. When the counter value is less than the expected value, the output from the digital magnitude comparator is a logic high and when the counter output is equal to or less than the compare value the comparator output is a logic low. When the counter overflows, the process starts over.
555 timer chip
74LS191 four-bit binary counter chip
74LS85 four-bit magnitude comparator chip
Visible light LED
4.7k resistors
470 ω resistor
0.01 μF capacitor
DIP Switch
Breadboard mountable four-bit DIP switch
Breadboard, breadboard wiring, 4x AA battery clip, 4x AA batteries
This circuit can be replicated surprisingly easily for controlling multiple motors. You do not have to replicate the entire circuit, you just have to add additional 74LS85 chips for each motor to be controlled. The clock oscillator and counter can be common for multiple PWM circuits. The controller must dedicate four digital outputs for each motor controller for the PWM control as well as any specific outputs for motor direction control. Using this circuit to control two motors, a minimum of 10 lines of the microcontroller must be dedicated to it.
As with any counter-based PWM, the counter clock frequency must be the maximum number value of the counter multiplied by the desired PWM frequency. For the circuit shown in Fig. 20-20, the clock period is 10 kHz; the actual PWM frequency is approximately 667 Hz (10 kHz divided by 15), which is very audible. For a 20 kHz PWM, the PWM clock would have to be 300 kHz. Similarly for a 30 Hz (subaudible) PWM, the PWM clock would have to be 450 Hz.
When more bits are used for the PWM, the clock frequency can become very high. Fortunately for most robot motor applications a four-bit PWM provides adequate resolution.
Finally, this circuit is available in a number of microcontrollers with built-in PWM outputs. Unfortunately, there are very few microcontrollers on the market with more than one built-in PWM. Most only have one PWM generation circuit and must either rely on an external circuit, similar to the one demonstrated in Fig. 20-20, or two microcontrollers must be used in the application (one to control each motor’s PWM).
Odometry is the science of measuring the movement of a mobile robot by keeping track of the number of revolutions each motor makes and in which direction. The amount of movement is a simple calculation: the number of revolutions multiplied by the diameter of the wheel times pi. As will be explained in this chapter, the odometry measurements are normally carried out using shaft encoders directly connected to the wheels and assume that they can accurately track the position of the robot by how much the wheels have turned.
Instead of mounting the shaft encoders on the motor shafts, mount them on the wheel shafts (if they are different). The number of slots in the disc determines the maximum accuracy of the travel circuit. The more slots the disc has, the better the accuracy.
If the encoder disc has 50 slots around its circumference, that represents a minimum sensing angle of 7.2°. As the wheel rotates, it provides a signal to the counting circuit every 7.2°. Stated another way, if the robot is outfitted with a 7-in wheel (circumference = 21.98 in), the maximum travel resolution is approximately 0.44 linear inches. This figure was calculated by taking the circumference of the wheel and dividing it by the number of slots in the shaft encoder.
The outputs of the phototransistor are conditioned by Schmitt triggers. This smooths out the wave shape of the light pulses so only voltage inputs above or below a specific threshold are accepted (this helps prevent spurious triggers). The output of the triggers is applied to the control circuitry of the robot.
Any counter with a binary or BCD output can be used with a 7485 magnitude comparator. A pinout of this versatile chip is shown in Fig. 20-23, and a basic hookup diagram in Fig. 20-24. In operation, the chip will compare the binary weighted number at its A and B inputs. One of the three LEDs will then light up, depending on the result of the difference between the two numbers. In a practical circuit, you’d replace the DIP switches (in the dotted box) with a computer port.

You can cascade comparators to count to just about any number. If counting in BCD, three packages can be used to count to 999, which should be enough for most distance recording purposes. Using a disc with 25 slots in it and a 7-in drive wheel, the travel resolution is 0.84 linear inches. Therefore, the counter system will stop the robot within 0.84 in of the desired distance (allowing for coasting and slip between the wheels and ground) up to a maximum working range of 69.93 ft. You can increase the distance by building a counter with more BCD stages or decreasing the number of slots in the encoder disc.
You can also make your own shaft encoder by taking a 1- to 2-in disc of plastic or metal and drilling holes in it. Remember that the disc material must be opaque to infrared light. Some things that may look opaque to you may actually pass infrared light. When in doubt, add a coat or two of flat black or dark blue paint. That should block stray infrared light from reaching the phototransistor. Mark the disc for at least 20 holes, with a minimum size of about in. The more holes the better. Use a compass to scribe an exact circle for drilling. The infrared light will only pass through holes that are on this scribe line.
Secure the shaft encoder to the shaft of the drive motor or wheel. Using brackets, attach the LED so that it fits snugly on the back side of the disc. You can bend the lead of the LED a bit to line it up with the holes. Do the same for the phototransistor. You must mask the phototransistor so it doesn’t pick up stray light or reflected light from the LED, as shown in Fig. 20-26. You can increase the effectiveness of the phototransistor placing an infrared filter (a dark red filter will do in a pinch) between the lens of the phototransistor and the disc. You can also use the type of phototransistor that has its own built-in infrared filter.
If you find that the circuit isn’t sensitive enough, check whether stray light is hitting the phototransistor. Baffle it with a piece of black construction paper if necessary. Or, if you prefer, you can use a striped disc of alternating white and black spokes as well as a reflectance IR emitter and detector. Reflectance discs are best used when you can control or limit the amount of ambient light that falls on the detector.
So far we’ve investigated shaft encoders that have just one output. This output pulses as the shaft encoder turns. By using two LEDs and phototransistors, positioned 90° out of phase (see Fig. 20-27), you can construct a system that not only tells you the amount of travel, but the direction as well. This can be useful if the wheels of your robot may slip. You can determine if the wheels are moving when they aren’t supposed to be, and you can determine the direction of travel. This so-called two-channel system uses quadrature encoding—the channels are out of phase by 90 degrees (one quarter of a circle).
Use the flip-flop circuit in Fig. 20-28 to separate the distance pulses from the direction pulses. Note that this circuit will only work when you are using quadrature encoding, where the pulses are in the following format:



off/on (… and repeat.)
To learn more about . . .
Selecting the right motors for your robot
Chapter 19, “Choosing the Right Motor for the Job”
Using stepper motors
Chapter 21, “Working with Stepper Motors”
Interfacing motors to computers and microcontrollers
Chapter 14, “Computer Peripherals”
More on odometry and measuring the distance of travel of a robot
Chapter 33, “Navigation”