Numbers in italics refer to picture captions

advowson 132, 294

Aesthetic Movement 82, 111, 174, 190

Aestheticism 168, 169, 175

Albert Memorial, London 281

All Saints, Odd Rode 131

Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence 175

American Tobacco Company 242, 268

Apollo magazine 53–55, 71, 79, 84, 110, 262–3

Aqualate Hall 286

Argenteuil 142

Armstead, H. H. 280, 281

l’Art Pour l’Art 82

Art Journal, The 73–4, 83, 92–3

Artist’s Reminiscences, An (Walter Crane) 63, 93, 311

Athenaeum, The 151

Audley, Cheshire 125, 127–33, 165–7, 245, 284, 287, 290, 293–4, 299

Austen, Jane 24

Baggs, Edith 266

Baker, Rev. W. 171

Baker-Wilbraham, Sir Richard 10, 59, 127, 320

Balfour, Gerald 97

Barbican Gallery 54, 63–4, 67, 71, 82

Bateman, Agnes 231, 231–2, 320–1

Bateman, Ann 194

Bateman, Caroline, née Howard 8

    aristocratic relations 71, 119, 122, 124, 164, 171, 174–5, 188

    childhood 118, 119–20, 122, 184

    death of her father 124, 280, 282

moves with her mother to Milstead Manor 123, 123–4

    friendship with the Moncktons 120, 286–7

    friendship with Lady Wantage, 121–2, 169, 192

    marriage to Charles Wilbraham 59, 125–31, 126, 130, 134–5, 161, 165–6, 174, 178, 283–4, 287, 291–7, 299, 313

    honeymoon in Italy 172

    death of Charles Wilbraham 135–7, 169, 176–7, 189, 298–301

    moves to London 137, 168, 172, 219, 302, 307

    relationship with Robert Bateman 155–7, 160, 162–6, 169, 173, 189, 276, 282, 284, 289, 292–3, 295, 297, 299, 301–3, 307–8, 313

    marriage to Robert Bateman 71–2, 77, 79, 88, 102, 107, 122, 155, 161, 168–71, 170, 177, 216, 303, 307

    honeymoon in Italy 172

    inspiration to Robert Bateman 72, 76, 79, 159, 163, 166–7, 195, 210

    portrait by Robert Bateman 59, 60, 71–3, 76, 81, 89, 90, 94, 102, 119, 125, 172–5, 177, 262, 299, 301, 308

    life at Benthall Hall 72, 172, 179, 183–4, 187–8, 191, 193, 220

    letter to George Howard 120, 120–1, 124, 257

    move to Nunney 194–6, 199, 217, 220, 242

    care of Rowland Bateman 221, 225–6, 286

    relationship with Henry Burke 235, 238, 245, 248–9, 255, 262, 269–70, 272, 274, 283–7, 294–5, 302, 307–9, 313

    death 73, 159, 211, 264, 274

    death of Robert Bateman 159

    will 211, 215–6, 220, 239, 274

    graves and memorials 110, 201, 210–11, 264–5, 272–74

Bateman, James

    builds Biddulph Grange 148, 156

    creates gardens at Biddulph Grange 53, 149, 182

    purchase of Biddulph Old Hall 33, 35–6, 62

    makes the Clough walk 61–4, 62

    relationship with E. W. Cooke 66, 151

    R.H.S. 92

    Protestant views 113

    sale of Biddulph Grange 52, 150–1, 153

    moves to London, 149, 186–8

    visit to Glen Andred 149

    rents The Ferns, 149–50, 150

    moves to Knypersley Hall 152

    distaste for business 153

    moves to Worthing 154

    death 154, 154, 193

    Robert’s marriage 171–2

    will 193–4

    daughter Katherine 218, 236

    family tree 321

Bateman, John

    transfer of Biddulph Grange from James 52, 150

    sale of Biddulph Grange to Robert Heath 52, 150

    life tenancy of Biddulph Grange granted to Robert Bateman 52, 60, 90

    marriage 72, 153, 160, 288

    purchase of Brightlinsea Hall 154

    Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland 155

    Robert’s wedding 171

    death 196

    daughter Agnes 232

    family tree 320–1

Bateman, John Jones 182

Bateman, Katherine

    marriage to Ulick Ralph Burke 153, 216, 218

    family with Ulick 218, 274

    visits Edmund Swettenham 219, 302

    Robert’s wedding 171

    living in Long Melford 220, 251

    relationship with Rowland Bateman 221, 225, 285

    travels to India 221, 223–4, 232, 285

    birth of Henry 233, 284–5, 287, 293–4

    treatment of Henry 244, 274–5, 295

    housekeeper at Fawley Rectory 225

    returns to England, 23

    will 274–5

    ‘family portraits’ 275

    family tree 321

Bateman, Maria

    creates gardens at Biddulph Grange 149, 156

    health worries 149, 150, 154

    moves to London 150, 153

    moves to Worthing 154

    family tree 321

Bateman, Mary Sybilla 196, 321

Bateman, Melvill 196

Bateman, Old James 151–2

Bateman, Old John

    moves to Knypersley Hall 152

    grasp of family business 153

    death 153

Bateman, Robert

    lives at Biddulph Old Hall 36–38, 51–2, 64, 66, 72, 79, 83–4, 89, 98, 102, 128, 156, 165, 168, 172–3, 190, 219, 269, 302, 313

    tenancy of Biddulph Old Hall 50, 52, 60, 78, 90, 156, 293

    emotional response to Biddulph Old Hall 85, 105

    his significance to the restoration of the house 36, 110, 113, 115

    as school governor 36, 37

    and the Clough 37, 64–68

    date stone at Biddulph 54, 54, 111–2

    Biddulph Grange 148, 250–1, 209

    biographical information 59, 78, 148, 155–6, 159–60, 172, 181, 307, 309

    characteristic elongated ‘R’ 53–4, 75, 90, 97, 106, 181, 204, 209

    assessment as an artist 58, 63, 72, 74, 79, 142, 166, 173, 189, 202, 263, 272, 304, 311

    Apollo articles 55, 71–2, 78–9, 156

    Dudley Gallery & Group 63, 74, 82–3, 87, 92–3, 124, 161–2

    Grosvenor Gallery 122, 168–9, 175, 189, 190, 192–3

    Royal Academy 144, 161–2, 169, 189, 302

    witness at Hughes’s wedding 82, 99

    relationship with E. W. Cooke 66, 209

    links with E. Burne–Jones 190, 192–3

    associations with Walter Crane and Simeon Solomon 74, 82–3, 93, 123, 181, 207

    painting trips 66, 102, 172

    develops his own techniques 102, 181–2

    sculptures and their personal meaning 78, 88, 107, 143–4, 159–63, 165–9, 175–6, 180, 189, 202–3, 203, 206, 206, 209–11, 293, 295, 301, 303, 307–9, 312–13

    woodcuts 111, 114

    Anglo-Catholic Movement 113

    love for Caroline 72–3, 159–61, 165–9, 180–89, 195, 245, 275, 291–3, 296, 301–3, 308–9

    marriage 59, 71, 169–72, 169, 170, 177, 181, 307, 309

    portrait of Caroline 59, 60, 70, 71, 137, 175–6, 299, 301

    life at Benthall Hall 72, 172, 178–84, 187, 188–91, 220

    Madeley Board of Guardians 187

    financial rewards 193–4

    move to Nunney 195–6, 216–7, 220, 242, 269–70

    life at Nunney 194–5, 197, 202, 205, 206–7, 207

    passion for bowls 72, 182, 186

    architectural changes at Nunney 198–9, 198, 201, 203, 207, 209

    relationship with Katherine Bateman 216–7, 219, 220, 273–5, 285, 295

    relationship with Rowland Bateman 214, 221, 225–6, 286, 293, 295

    relationship with Henry Burke 216–18, 220, 235–6, 238–9, 245, 248–9, 255–6, 262, 267, 269, 270, 272–4, 284–6, 302–3, 307, 309

    relationship with Rose Burke 273, 274

    death at Nunney 51, 73, 159, 272–3, 315

    will 211, 215–20, 239, 256, 262, 274–5, 315

    grave at Whatley 201, 210–11, 211, 264–5, 264, 272–3


     Annunciation, The 158

     Appleton Thorn, The 314, 314

     Artist’s Wife, The 59, 60, 70, 71, 137, 175–6, 299, 301

     At Romsey Abbey 75, 75, 189

     Dead Knight, The 65, 66, 67, 71–4, 207, 305

     Four Seasons, The 208

     Heloise and Abelard 73, 84, 102, 140–5, 140, 147, 159, 163, 166–8, 167, 184, 202, 293, 295, 301–2, 308–9, 313

     Limes at Willsbridge, The 267, 268

     Little Red Riding Hood 190, 191

     Morning in the Green Cloister 172

     Mother and Child 305–6, 306

     Noon 207–8, 208

     Old Market – Milan, The 172

     On the Way 87

     Paolo and Francesca 87

     Past and Present 83

     Pool of Bethesda, The 52–4, 56–7, 102, 167

     Reading of Love, HE Being by 80, 85, 86

     Rose 260, 262

     Saul and the Witch of Endor (The Raising of Samuel) 311–17

     Two Ravens 76, 77

     Wild Geranium and Great Master Wort 76, 77

     Women Plucking Mandrakes 60, 74, 74

Bateman, Robert (Canadian artist) 52

Bateman, Rowland

    biographical information 221, 224, 225, 231, 286

    education 221

    dedication to missionary work 92, 160, 222

    ordination in Durham Cathedral 160, 221

    missionary work in India 160, 214, 221–3, 285, 293

    compassion and impartial care of the sick 223

    Journal 221, 224, 232, 286

    death of his wife and his reaction to it 225

    retirement from India 196

    vicar of Fawley 196, 225

    relationship with his sister Katherine 196, 223, 225, 232, 285

    relationship with his nephew Henry 286, 295

    death at Nunney 225–7, 227, 286

Bateman, Samuel 314

B.A.T (British American Tobacco) 268

BBC2: 31

Beauchamp, Jennifer 10, 254–63, 265, 272, 321

Beauchamp, John Louis 236–7, 239, 241, 248, 254–6, 265, 270, 321

Beauchamp, Joyce 10, 241, 270–1, 321

Beauchamp, Guy Louis 235, 321

Belvoir Castle 119

Benthall Hall, 72, 78, 120, 120, 178–84, 183, 186, 188–9, 191, 193, 195, 199, 200, 205, 209, 216–7, 220, 267, 269

Benthall, Edward 10

Benthall Hall, Pixie Garden (Rose Garden) 172, 182, 189

Bevis, Richard 53, 64

Bible 54–5, 221, 281

Biddulph Brook 35

Biddulph Castle see Biddulph Old Hall

Biddulph, Charles 33

Biddulph, Francis 32, 33

Biddulph Grange 33, 36, 51–2, 61, 78, 105–6, 148–56, 163, 181, 209, 236, 250–1, 269, 293.

Biddulph Moor 36, 38

Biddulph, Mary 34–35

Biddulph Old Hall

    owned by the Biddulph family 32, 33, 34, 35

    bought and owned by James Bateman 33, 36, 61, 62, 153

    E. W. Cooke’s visits and work 66, 210

    walk through the Clough 36, 61–2, 62, 105, 210

    sold by James Bateman 51–2, 150–1

    tenancy given to Robert Bateman 50, 52, 64, 90, 293

    Robert’s life at 8, 36–8, 51, 53, 59, 66, 72, 79, 83–5, 88–90, 92, 102, 106, 128, 141, 156, 165, 168, 172, 178, 182, 184, 189, 219, 245, 269, 284, 293, 302, 313

    Robert’s gardening at 189, 205, 209

    inspiration to Robert 83, 85–6, 88, 90, 102, 111, 172–3, 179, 190

    Robert’s carvings at 54, 54, 78, 78, 84, 96–7, 97, 106, 111–12, 245

    visit by Simeon Solomon? 97–9

    author’s purchase 14, 17, 26, 28–9, 145

    Pevsner’s description 19

    architecture 7, 17, 19, 21, 180, 245, 284

    saving the structure 9, 31–2, 38, 41, 45–6, 60, 106, 107, 107, 109, 110, 144

    author’s experience of 7, 14–17, 14, 17, 27, 29–32, 38, 41–6, 60, 73, 103–4, 209, 248

    making the parterre knot garden 47

Biddulph, Richard 33, 34

Binney, Marcus 103

Birmingham Architectural Association 182

Birmingham School of Art 182

Bishop French 223

Bitton Hill House 268

Bitton Grange 268

Bletchley Manor 15, 29, 31–2, 46, 103–5, 104

Bloomsbury Auctions (New York) 305

Bloxham School 112

Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward see 2nd Lord Skelmersdale

Botticelli 190

Boughy, Sir Thomas 286

Branch Theory 113

Brangwyn, Sir Frank 316

Brewood Hall, Shropshire 120, 188, 286

Brightlingsea Hall, Essex 154, 196, 231, 232

Brighton College 156–7, 221

Bristol Records Office 235, 237, 241, 269

Bristol, Ashton Gate 242, 268, 269

Brooks, Henry Jamyn 121, 121

Brossley Horticultural Show 187

Brossley Wood British and Foreign Bible Society 188

Browning, Oscar 97, 98

Browne, Sir Thomas 74

Buddhists 23

Buffalo Bill see William Cody

Burke, Eva Mary (Henry’s second wife Elsie, née Stride) 238

Burke, Henry Ulick (H.U.B.) 195

    family 217

    birth 218, 224, 244–5, 283–5, 287, 309

    lack of birth certificate 217

    relationship with father and mother 243–5, 274, 275, 321

    childhood in India 221, 224, 228–33, 228, 229, 230, 238, 243, 255, 285, 295, 307, 313

    visits Swettenham family 219

    childhood in Cyprus 243, 254, 303, 307

    time in England as a child 233, 233, 236, 249, 251, 252, 309, 313

    Cranleigh College 254

    banishment to Canada 243, 254, 303

    life in America 246–7, 266, 271

    marriage and life with Rose 220, 234, 234, 248, 252, 267, 269

    time in Peru 217, 235, 247, 253, 254, 257, 265

    returns to England from Peru 235, 257, 266, 267, 269

    address in Clifton 216–7

    working in Bristol 235, 240–2, 240, 248, 267, 269, 274

    children 235

    links to Robert and Caroline, 218, 220, 245, 248–9, 255, 262, 267, 269, 270, 273–4, 276, 284–5, 294, 302–3, 307, 309, 313, 321

    executor of Robert’s and Caroline’s wills 215–6, 220, 255, 274

    living at Nunney 236, 249, 255–6, 274–5

    second marriage to Eva Stride 236, 266, 271

    death 236–8

    will, 237–8, 255

    descendants 254, 270–4

Burke, Hope 196, 218–20, 231–4, 233, 234, 238, 274–5, 302, 321

Burke, Jeremy 235, 237, 321

Burke, John Okeden 259, 264, 272

Burke, Katrina Marian 217, 220, 235–8, 242, 254, 257, 259

Burke, Mabel Emma (Humphries) 217, 229, 232, 256–63, 265–7, 270–4, 321

Burke, Prudence (Jeremy’s wife, née Stride) 19, 235, 321

Burke, Rose (Henry’s first wife), 217–18, 220, 234–8, 234, 242, 248, 252, 254–67, 260, 270, 272–5, 321

Burke, Sybil (Knatchbull) 196, 218, 220, 231, 274, 275, 321

Burke, Ulick Ralph 171, 172, 216–21, 219, 223–5, 243–5, 251, 253, 267, 274, 285, 293–5, 307

Burlington House, Royal Academy 58, 81, 88, 95, 121, 124, 144, 157, 160, 162, 166, 169, 189, 302, 311

Burne-Jones, Edward

    influence on the Dudley Group 64, 73, 82, 92–95, 100, 112, 293

    affair with Mary Zambaco 90–1, 100, 161, 163, 293

    admiration of Simeon Solomon 95, 100, 163

desolate years 100–2, 161

    change in fortunes 101–2, 121, 168–9, 175, 190–3

    friendship with George Howard, 123, 161

    Grosvenor Gallery 175

    New Gallery 189, 192

    decline in popularity 192–3


     Beguiling of Merlin, The 190, 192

     Green Summer 100, 100

     Merciful Knight, The 100

     Morte D’Arthur 112

     Phyllis and Demophoon 90–3, 91

     Sleep of Arthur in Avalon 112, 192

     Wheel of Fortune 101

Burne-Jones, Georgina, 121, 123, 161, 192

Burton Park, Sussex, 33

Byron, Lord, 143

Calne, Wiltshire (Parliamentary seat) 218

Camelot 112

Camoys, Lord 10, 33–5, 61–2

Campbell, Rev. Archibald George 171

Canada 8, 125, 196, 243–6, 254

‘Capability’ Brown 142

Carlisle, 5th Earl of 71, 119, 174–6, 176, 318

Carlisle, 8th Earl of 193

Carlisle, 9th Earl of see Howard, George

Carlton Gardens, No. 2: 120–4, 172

‘Carpe Diem’, 143–4, 160, 308–9

Carr, Comyns 191–2

Castle Howard 8, 10, 71, 119–20, 124, 156, 175–6, 176, 323

Catholic Church 109–10, 113

Catholic Emancipation Act 34

Cavendish, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire 119

Cavendish, Georgina, 6th Countess of Carlisle 119, 318

Cawdor, Baroness of Castle Martin 119, 171, 318

Civil War, English, 7, 15, 32–5, 44, 113

Channel 4: 31, 104

Charles II 32–3

Chemical Lane, Stoke-on-Trent 317

Christie’s, South Kensington 84, 86, 141–3, 145, 323

Church Missionary Society 221, 224, 286, 323

Church of England 59, 113, 164, 283

Clifford, Edward 63, 82, 83

Clough stream, Biddulph 10–11, 27–8, 27, 36, 61, 63–8, 65, 69, 105, 219

Codrington Place, No. 1, Clifton, Bristol 286

Cody, William (‘Buffalo Bill’) 8, 246–7, 267, 270

Coke, Alfred Sacheverell 64, 82

Colvin, Sydney 168

Cooke, Edward W. 62, 64, 66, 149, 151, 209–10, 209

Crace, John Gregory & Son 155

Crane, Walter 63–4, 66–7, 74, 76, 78, 82–3, 90–4, 102, 123, 175, 181, 189, 190, 311

Cranleigh College 243, 254

Cruise, Colin 10, 207, 209, 323

Cyprus, 218, 243–4, 254, 303, 307

Cupid 85, 143–44, 309

Daily Telegraph, The 60

Dante, 87–8, 161, 163, 169

Darling, Cynthia Moya 253, 321

Davies, Emily Eliza 99

Deanery, Lichfield Cathedral Close 118–19, 160, 286

Dean of Lichfield see Howard, Rev. the Hon. Henry Edward

Disraeli, Benjamin 8, 288–90

Dominion Line, SS Oregon 266

Donaldson, A. B. 82–3

Donnington Rectory, Shropshire 119, 184

Dorment, Richard 10, 60–1, 66–7, 73–4, 81, 89, 94–5, 173, 175–8, 195, 301

downlighters 41, 45

Dr Barnado’s 243–4

Dressler, Conrad 204–5, 205

Dublin Registrars 218

Dudaim 99

Dudley Gallery, 63, 65, 73–4, 81–8, 90–5, 98–101, 121, 124, 144, 160, 162–4, 168, 173, 245, 284

Dudley Group, 53, 65, 73–4, 81–4, 89, 92, 94, 99, 162, 169, 293

Duke, James Buchanan 268

Dulverton, Lord 241

Egerton, Beatrix 133, 162, 291, 296

Egerton, Baron of Tatton 127, 162, 165

Emeric, son of St Stephen of Hungary 112

English Heritage 10, 31, 109–10

Eton College 97, 112, 157

‘experts’, the 31, 39–41, 45

Fahey, E. H. 64, 82

‘familiar spirits’, 311–3

Fantin-Latour 175

Fawley Rectory, Berkshire 196, 225

Ferns, The, No. 9 Hyde Park South 149–51, 150

Fildes, Samuel Luke 58

Ford, Henry 253

Forrester, Lord 188

Fortescue, Lady 135

Gainsborough 53, 174

Genesis 99

Genus Crocus, The (George Maw) 172

Gilbert, John 58

Gladstone, Mrs W. E. 132, 171

Gladstone, William Ewert 132, 288

Glen Andred 149, 151

Glyngarth Palace, Menai 188

Gordon, Rev., Vicar of Biddulph Moor 38

Goring, Anne 33–4

Goring family 33

Gosse, Edmund 164,

Graham, Katherine 190–1, 191

Graham, William 190

Grand Designs 31, 109

‘Great Hall’, 10, 19–20, 19, 32, 38–40, 39, 42–44, 43

Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland, The 155

Greenslade, Miss 231

Grosvenor Gallery 8, 58, 72, 77, 82, 92, 101–2, 121–2, 144, 162, 168–9, 172, 175, 177, 182, 189–93, 299, 319

Guinevere 112

Halle, Charles 191–2

Hambro, Caroline Susan 255

Hanley Museum and Art Gallery 314–5

Hare Inn, Long Melford 220

Hartnoll, Julian 10, 59–60, 84, 272, 323

Hatherton, Lord (Edward Richard Littleton) 130, 132–3, 135–7, 292, 295–7

Hatherton, Lady (wife of E. R. Littleton), 135–7, 298

Haydon, Peter 36, 59, 64, 149–50

Heath, Robert 51–2, 61, 149, 154

Henry VIII 33

Herckenrode Glass 281

Hilton, Cannon Henry 131

Home House, Worthing 154

Horace 143

Horner, Sir John 190

Howard, Caroline see Bateman, Caroline

Howard, George, 9th Earl of Carlisle (Caroline’s cousin) 119–22, 120, 124, 156–7, 161, 175, 188, 193, 257, 281

Howard, Rev. the Hon. Henry Edward (Caroline’s father) 71, 119, 160, 162, 245, 280, 281, 286, 319

Howard, Margaret Caroline, 5th Countess of Carlisle 176

Howard, Robert John 215

Hudson River, USA 125

Hughes, E. R. 82–3, 98–9

Illustrated London News, The 82, 91

Imperial Tobacco 266, 268

Impressionist school 192

India 125, 196, 214, 217, 221, 223–34, 238, 243–4, 255, 258, 266, 285–9, 293, 295, 302, 307, 309, 313

Indian Archive 221

James II 33

Jesus Christ 54–5, 112, 290, 292, 298, 303, 312

Josephine, Empress 142

Kavanagh, Amanda 10, 54, 71–6, 78–9, 84, 110, 129, 141–3, 156, 159, 172, 182, 195, 262–3, 272, 323

Keele Hall, Staffordshire 132–3, 292

Kerstein, Lincoln 141

King Arthur 112, 192

Knypersley 150, 152–3, 155, 236

Lahore 160, 214, 217–8, 221, 224–5, 231–3, 244, 255, 285, 287, 293, 309

Lancelot, Tale of, 87

Lanigan, Dennis 10, 81–4, 87

Lascelles, Beatrice 129, 318

Lathom Hall, Ormskirk 288–9, 320

Latin Year, The (Rev W. J. Loftie) 112, 114, 115, 158, 162, 313

Leader, 58

Legros, Alphonse 123

Leighton, Sir Frederick 58

Leonardo 101

Leyland, Frederick 190

Library, Biddulph Old Hall 22

Lichfield Cathedral 10, 118, 119, 124, 131, 280–1, 286, 290

Lindsey, Sir Coutts 121

Lindsey, Robert Lloyd see Wantage, Lord

Littleton, Henry 130

Lockinge House 10, 121–2, 188

Loftie, Rev. W. J. 111

Long Melford, Suffolk 220, 225, 251–2, 252

Longton, Stoke–on–Trent 315

McCloud, Kevin, 104

Macdonald, Mary Josephine 98

Maconachie, R. 223–4, 232, 286

Maddocks, Bob 10, 132

Madox-Brown, Ford 163

Madox-Brown, Lucy 82

Madely, Board of Guardians 187

Magdalen College, Oxford 153

Mantegna 101

Maw, George 172, 181

Mellon, Paul, 52–4, 323

Mells, Somerset 190

Melvill, Helen 196, 321

Methodists 67, 113, 271

Michelangelo 101

Milstead 128, 166

Milstead Church 129, 130

Milstead Manor 123–4, 123, 295

Monckton, Alice 120, 137, 188

Monckton, Anne 286

Monckton, Anna-Maria 286

Monckton, Emma-Frances 286

Monckton, Gen. Henry 286

Monckton, Leonora 120, 188, 295, 301

Monckton, Mary 120, 188, 295, 301

Moore, Albert 58

Morris & Co. 193

Morris, Jane 313

Morris, William 123, 204

Much Wenlock 188

Narawal, India 224

National Gallery, London 121

National Trust 33, 36, 66, 156, 172, 182, 189, 323

Naworth Castle 124

New Gallery 189, 191–2

New York 141, 266, 305

New York Review of Books, The 173

New Watercolour Society, The 81

Norton Hall, Midsomer Norton 271–2

Nunney, Somerset 72, 194–7, 197, 209, 216–7, 220, 225, 227, 235–7, 242, 245, 255–6, 262, 265, 267, 303

Nunney Delamere (Rockfield House) 78, 196, 198–200, 202–3, 207, 209–10, 215, 236, 258, 274–5, 311, 315

Ogden, Percy 242, 269

Old Testament 95, 99, 311, 316

Old Watercolour Society, The 73, 81, 90, 161

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, The 217

Oxford Movement, The 113, 132

Palace Green, No. 1, Kensington 123–4

Parry-Okeden, Edmund 266

Parry-Okeden, Hermione 266

Parry-Okeden, Millicent 238, 252, 266

Parry-Okeden, Rose see Burke, Rose

Parry-Okeden, Rose (née Lee-Warner) 272

Parry-Okeden, Violet 234, 255, 258, 271

Parry-Okeden, Uvedale Edward 255, 258

Papists 33

Penkridge 127–8, 130–7, 131, 165, 245, 286–7, 292, 294, 296–9, 301, 303

Penkridge, St Michael’s 131

Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris 142

Peruvian Corporation 218, 247, 253

Pevsner, Sir Niklaus 19, 20, 39

Plantagenet Role of the Blood Royal (Exeter Volume) 218

Plasma Bentellesca 181

Plea for Art in the House 111

Poetry Without Grammar School 63, 82, 93, 100, 168

Pomeroy, Anne 199, 201–2, 210

Portland, Oregon 266

Potteries Museum and Art Gallery 10, 314, 315

Powell, George 207–8

Powney, Christopher 305, 307

Poynter, Edward 175

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 81, 95, 100, 174, 190, 259, 272, 313

Punjab 8, 221, 223–5, 286, 294

Queen Anne 183

Ranking, Boyd Montgomerie Maurice 63

Rebellions, 1715 and 1745: 33

Recusancy, 33–5

‘Redeem the Day’, 143–4, 308

Regent’s Canal 90, 161

Reminiscences (Walter Crane) 93, 311

Repton, Sir Humphrey 24

Restored to Glory, BBC2: 45, 46

Reynolds, Sir Joshua 72, 174–6, 176

Richmond, Sir William Blake 175

‘Riddle of the Rock’, 106–7, 106, 270

Ridgway, Bill 10, 36

Roaring Meg 32

Roberts, George 163

Robinson, William 181

Rockfield House see Nunney Delamere

Rode Hall 125, 127, 130, 132, 160, 298–9, 301, 320

Roman Catholics 33–4, 54, 113

Rooke, Thomas 192

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 82, 95, 100, 163–4, 169, 313

Round Rock, Biddulph 105, 107

Royal Academy Schools 58, 95, 124, 157, 160

Royal Bank of Scotland 63

Royal Horticultural Society 66, 92

ruins, Biddulph Old Hall 25

Ruskin, John 204

St Bartholomew’s, Benthall 179, 179

St Giles’s Workhouse, Seven Dials 93, 96, 164

St John’s Gospel 290

St Lawrence, Biddulph 172

St Marylebone Parish Church 170, 172

St Mary’s Children’s Hospital, West Ham 220

St Stephen of Hungary 112, 112

Samuel, 1st Book, Old Testament 311

Saturday Review 82

Scott, Sir George Gilbert 131, 281

Selwyn, George Augustus, Bishop of Lichfield 133, 281

Sentinel, The 316

Singer-Sergeant, John 175

Shaw, Norman 151

Sherrat, William 152

Skelmersdale, 2nd Baron, later 1st Earl of Lathom, Lord-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria 28

    position in Westminster 289

    family ties 290, 320

Smith, Margaret 10, 18–24, 26, 28–9, 42

Sneyd, Keele Hall 132

Society of Artists in Tempera, The 94, 182

Solomon, Simeon

    comparisons with Bateman and Crane 74, 82–3, 92–4, 102, 164, 293

    childhood and early life 95

    links to PRB 95, 163–4, 293

    stops exhibiting 90

    friendship with ‘Willie’ 97–8

    travel to Italy 97, 102

    friendship with Hughes 98–9

    scandal, disaster and trial 92, 95–6, 163, 168

    condemnation 163–4, 168

    St Giles’s Workhouse 164


     Bacchus 96

     Carrying the Scrolls of the Law 96

     Noon 207–8

     Then I Knew my Soul Stood by Me 98

     Tormented Conscience, The 97

     Vision of Love Revealed in Sleep 96, 98–100, 207

Somerset, R. G. H. 172

Somerset Standard 72, 78

Sommerville, William 268–9

Spartali, Marie 82

Spencer, Stanley 63

Springbank, Victoria Road, Worthing 154, 159

Staircase Hall, Biddulph Old Hall 20–2, 21, 30, 32, 42–3, 44, 45

Stanier family 51–2, 78

Stanley, Rosalind, Countess of Carlisle 123, 318

Stoke-on-Trent 16, 25, 155, 299, 314–7

Stone, Marcus 58

Stonor Park 33–4

Stonor, Thomas 34

Stonor see Camoys, Lord

Street-Porter, Janet 104

Stretton Hall, Shropshire 10, 120, 133, 137, 286, 301

Surtees, Virginia 123

Swettenham, Edward 219

Swinburne, Algernon 91, 163–4, 204

Sylvester II 112

Talara, Peru 217, 235, 247–8, 253, 265–6

Tarleton, Capt. 127

Tate Britain 82

Taylor, Basil 53, 55, 58–9, 64, 71

Taylor, Frederick 91

Teddesley Hall 132–4

Temple, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury 129, 318

Terry, Mrs (wife of the vicar of Benthall) 188

Thorneycroft, Alice 82

Thorneycroft, Helen 82

Times, The 103, 192

Tilt Yard, Biddulph Old Hall 25–6, 52

Titchenor-Barret, Robert 145–7

Tollemarche, Hon. Lionel 162

Tractarians 113

‘Tracts for our Times’ 113

Trinity College, Cambridge 157

Turnworth House, Dorset 220, 234, 255, 258, 267, 273

Upper Berkeley Street, No. 14, Mayfair, 137, 172, 219, 302

Valparaiso, Chile 266

Victoria Pit, formerly Childerplay Colliery 152–3

Victoria, Queen Empress 8, 34, 155, 174, 183, 188, 288–9, 290

Vilmi, Ruth 10, 229, 251, 307, 323

Virgin Mary 112

Villiers, Lady Alice 288, 320

Villiers, George, 4th Earl of Clarendon, 288

Vowles, Brian 7, 11, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26–9, 34, 40–1, 45–6, 52, 55, 64–8, 84, 90, 93, 104, 106, 141, 201, 206, 216, 229, 243–5, 248, 265, 272, 304–5, 316–7, 323

Vowles, Iris 11, 66–7

Walsingham, Norfolk 255

Wantage, Lord, Robert Lloyd Lindsay 169, 171–2, 192, 319

Wantage, Lady Harriet 120–2, 172, 188, 319

Warburton, Rowland Egerton 150, 153

Waterhouse Hawkins 78

Waterhouse, John William 58

Watts, George Frederick 82, 169, 175

Webb, Philip 123

Wheelhouse, Derek 9, 51, 61, 323

White Star Line, SS Teutonic 266

Wellcome Foundation, The 10, 60, 74, 323

Wellington Journal 187

Westminster Review 82

Westwood, Bradford on Avon 255

Whatley, St George’s, Somerset 195–6, 201, 210–11, 264–5, 272–3

Whistler, James McNeil 58

Wilbraham, Caroline see Bateman, Caroline

Wilbraham, Rev. Charles Philip 126

    life at Audley 125–6, 167

    journal 127

    thwarted love for Beatrix Egerton 127–28, 165

    move to Penkridge 131, 132–33, 287, 290, 293

    marriage to Caroline Howard 59, 72, 127–31, 130, 134, 136, 161, 165, 188, 283–4, 291, 293–5, 299, 313, 318

    storytelling 135

    death 135–6, 169, 177, 299, 301, 307

    bequest to Caroline 193, 301

Wilbraham, Fanny 125, 130, 133, 136, 320

Wilbraham, Hon. Jessy Caroline 72, 153, 288–90

Wilbraham, Randle 125, 127, 130–1, 136, 320

Wilbraham, Gen. Sir Richard 136, 320

Wilbraham, Sybella 130

Wilde, Oscar 169

William III 33

Willey Hall, Shropshire 188

‘Willie’ from Warrington 97–8

Wills, Sir William (later Lord Winterstoke) 268–9

Wills, W. D. & H. O. 235, 268

Willsbridge Castle 268

Wilson’s of Kendal 151

Windsor (House of) 34

Wirgman, Theodore Blake 64, 66, 82

Wooldridge, H. Ellis 63, 82

Worthing, Sussex 154, 194, 196

Wright, Harriet (Lady Wantage’s mother) 122

Wright, Henrietta Elisabeth (Caroline’s mother) 119, 122, 319

Wright, Ichabod 119, 319

Wright, Joseph of Derby 174

Wyoming 243, 246, 271

Yale Center for British Art, 8, 10, 52–8, 71, 323

Yale University Press, 313–5, 308–9

Yew Walk, Biddulph Old Hall 26–8, 52, 61, 64, 68

York Minster 188

Zambaco, Mary 90–91, 100, 161, 163