Aad Guray Namay, 56
Activating Energy Flow exercise, 14
Anahata. See Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Solar Plexus Chakra, 81, 87, 89
Ansuz, 126
Archangels, 55
Crown Chakra, 167
Earth Star Chakra, 33
Heart Chakra, 109
Root Chakra, 55
Sacral Chakra, 73
Solar Plexus Chakra, 91
Soul Star Chakra, 189
Third Eye Chakra, 147
Throat Chakra, 127
Argus, 43
Athena, 83
Ayurvedic medicine, 8
1.assessing energy flow, 11
2.aligning energy flow, 12
3.activating energy flow, 14
frequency of, 14
Base Chakra. See Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Solar Plexus Chakra, 89
Soul Star Chakra, 177, 182, 185
Blue aventurine, 135, 139, 145
Bubble Meditation, 169
Cedar oil, 89
Chakra Assessment exercise, 11
Chakra system
effect on body, 6
maintaining balance of, 11
origins, 6
overview of, 7
subtle body as home to, 9
subtle body management, 10
See also Energy (in body); specific chakras
The Channel, 167
Chi. See Energy (in body)
Christ Consciousness, 179
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
activation exercise, 171
archetypes, 167
Bubble Meditation, 169
essential oils/herbs correspondences, 155, 163, 165
gemstone correspondences, 155, 159
goddess correspondence, 157
induction exercise, 153
mantra, 168
overview of, 152
planet correspondence, 155, 166
reflection questions, 154
tarot card correspondence, 155, 166
wisdom of, 196
Zipper Meditation, 170
Diana, 83
Earth Star Chakra (Vasundhara)
activation exercise, 35
archetype, 33
essential oils/herbs correspondences, 20, 29, 31
gemstone correspondences, 20, 25
goddess correspondences, 20, 23
importance of, 20
induction exercise, 19
mantra, 34
overview of, 18
reflection questions, 21
tarot card correspondence, 20, 32
wisdom of, 192
Embodiment exercises
Activating Energy Flow, 14
Chakra Assessment, 11
Crown Chakra Activation, 171
Crown Chakra Bubble Meditation, 169
Crown Chakra Induction, 153
Crown Chakra Zipper Meditation, 170
Earth Star Chakra Activation, 35
Earth Star Chakra Induction, 19
Heart Chakra Activation, 111
Heart Chakra Induction, 97
Root Chakra Activation, 57
Root Chakra Induction, 40
Sacral Chakra Activation, 75
Sacral Chakra Induction, 61
Sensing Ancestral Imprints, 9
Solar Plexus Chakra Activation, 93
Solar Plexus Chakra Induction, 79
Soul Star Chakra Activation, 191
Soul Star Chakra Induction, 175
Third Eye Chakra Activation, 149
Third Eye Chakra Induction, 133
Throat Chakra Activation, 129
Throat Chakra Induction, 115
Weaving the Thread of Healing, 13
Emerald, 107
The Empath, 167
The Empress, 72
Energy (in body)
activating, 14
aligning, 12
assessing, 11
blockages, 8
effect of chakras, 6
frequency of balancing, 14
lines, 10
location of corporal, 10
in yogic tradition, 9
See also specific chakras
Energy centers. See Chakra system
Essential oils/herbs correspondences
Solar Plexus Chakra, 81, 87, 89
Soul Star Chakra, 177, 185, 187
Third Eye Chakra, 135, 143, 145
The Father, 91
Frankincense resin, 20, 29, 31
Ganesha, 92
Gemstone correspondences
Third Eye Chakra, 135, 139, 145
embodiment exercise of sensing ancestral imprints, 9
inheritance of energy imprints, 9
Goddess correspondences
Crown Chakra, 157
The Guardian Angel, 55
The Guru, 127
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
activation exercise, 111
archetypes, 109
compared to Earth Star Chakra, 21
gemstone correspondences, 99, 103
goddess correspondences, 99, 101
induction exercise, 97
mantra, 110
overview of, 96
planet correspondence, 99, 108
reflection questions, 98
tarot card correspondence, 99, 108
wisdom of, 194
Root Chakra, 43
The High Priestess, 146
Holy Star. See Soul Star Chakra (Sutara)
Inanna and, 23
Jai Radha Madhav, 110
Third Eye Chakra, 135, 143, 145
The King, 91
Krishna, 110
Laguz, 146
Crown Chakra, 168
Earth Star Chakra, 34
Heart Chakra, 110
Root Chakra, 56
Sacral Chakra, 74
Solar Plexus Chakra, 92
Soul Star Chakra, 190
Third Eye Chakra, 148
Throat Chakra, 128
Maternal Line, connecting to, 10
Medicine bundles
Earth Star Chakra, 29
Root Chakra, 48
Throat Chakra, 126
Moon, 146
The Mother, 33
Muladhara. See Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Nadi, 10
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha, 92
Om Kumara Kushalo Dayayei Namaha, 128
Om Mani Padme Hum, 34
Om Namah Shivaya, 168
Om Shanti Om, 190
The Oracle, 147
Paternal Line, connecting to, 10
Peacocks, 43
Peppercorns, black and pink, 20, 29, 31
Personal energy flow (PEF)
aligning, 12
assessing, 11
frequency of balancing, 14
Planet correspondences
Third Eye Chakra, 146
Throat Chakra, 126
Pleiadians, 176
Pluto, 32
Prana. See Energy (in body)
The Queen, 91
Radha, 110
Red jasper
Reflection questions
Crown Chakra, 154
Earth Star Chakra, 21
Heart Chakra, 98
Root Chakra, 42
Sacral Chakra, 63
Solar Plexus Chakra, 80
Soul Star Chakra, 176
Third Eye Chakra, 134
Throat Chakra, 116
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
activation exercise, 57
archetypes, 55
essential oils/herbs correspondences, 43, 51, 53
gemstone correspondences, 43, 47
goddess correspondences, 43, 45
importance of, 39
induction exercise, 40
mantra, 56
overview of, 38
planet correspondence, 43
reflection questions, 42
rune correspondence, 43
tarot card correspondence, 43
wisdom of, 193
Rune correspondences
Third Eye Chakra, 146
Throat Chakra, 126
Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)
activation exercise, 75
archetypes, 73
essential oils/herbs correspondences, 62, 69, 71
gemstone correspondences, 62, 67
goddess correspondences, 62, 65
induction exercise, 61
mantra, 74
overview of, 60
planet correspondences, 62, 72
reflection questions, 65
tarot card correspondence, 62, 72
wisdom of, 193
Sacred Protection Herb and Resin Mandela, 53
Safe Surroundings Medicine Bundles, 48
Sahasrara. See Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The Saint, 73
Samba Sadashiva, 74
Sandalwood powder, 125
The Seeker, 127
Sensing Ancestral Imprints exercise, 9
Shakti, 157
The Shaman, 189
Shiava Lingam, 67
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
activation exercise, 93
archetypes, 91
essential oils/herbs correspondences, 81, 87, 89
gemstone correspondences, 81, 85
goddess correspondences, 81, 83
induction exercise, 79
mantra, 92
overview of, 78
reflection questions, 80
tarot card correspondence, 81, 90
wisdom of, 194
The Soldier, 55
Soul Star Chakra (Sutara)
activation exercise, 191
archetype, 189
essential oils/herbs correspondences, 177, 185, 187
gemstone correspondences, 177, 181
goddess correspondences, 177, 179
induction exercise, 175
mantra, 190
overview of, 174
planet correspondences, 177, 188
reflection questions, 176
rune correspondences, 177, 188
tarot card correspondences, 177, 188
wisdom of, 196
The Soulmates, 109
St.-John’s wort, 155, 163, 165
Sushumna, 10
Sutara. See Soul Star Chakra (Sutara)
Svadisthana. See Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)
Tarot card correspondences
Third Eye Chakra, 146
Throat Chakra, 126
The Temptress, 73
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
activation exercise, 149
archetype, 147
gemstone correspondences, 135, 139, 145
goddess correspondences, 135, 137
induction exercise, 133
mantra, 148
overview of, 132
planet correspondence, 146
reflection questions, 134
rune correspondence, 146
tarot card correspondence, 146
wisdom of, 195
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
activation exercise, 129
archetypes, 127
essential oils/herbs correspondences, 117, 123, 125
gemstone correspondences, 117, 121
goddess correspondences, 117, 119
induction exercise, 115
mantra, 128
overview of, 114
planet correspondence, 117, 126
reflection questions, 116
tarot card correspondences, 117, 126
wisdom of, 195
Tobacco, ceremonial, 20, 29, 31
Tools for aligning PEF, 12
The Twin Flame, 109
Upanashads, 6
Uruz, 72
Vasundhara. See Earth Star Chakra (Vasundhara)
Vedas, 6
Wah yantee, 148
Weaving the Thread of Healing exercise, 13
White Buffalo Calf Woman, 177, 179
White ceremonial sage, 20, 29, 31
Ylang tlang, 107
Yuletide Simmering Herbal Blend for Sensuality, Inspiration, and Creativity, 71