
Abbott, 10, 64, 689, 150, 160

Aboriginal, depictions of life, 43, 56, 61, 734, 211

Alt, Augustus, 174

Arabanoo, 10, 50

Archer family, 31, 34

Archer, Jonas, 18, 20, 24, 268, 113, 11617, 119, 121, 1258, 154, 1578, 194, 204, 207

Archer, Mary, 258, 30, 101, 103, 105, 127, 204

Archer’s Farm, 26

Arndell, Thomas, 221

Atkins, Richard, 36, 53, 80, 88, 94, 105, 108, 116, 119, 1401, 152, 1646, 16970, 1723, 2045, 207, 223

Baker, William, 64, 69, 105

Baldwyn, Henry, 143, 152, 155, 158

Ballerderry, 10, 45, 47, 49, 52, 53

Balmain, William, 169, 174, 187

Banks, Sir Joseph, 701, 80, 213, 216

Bannelong (Bennilong), 10, 51, 53

Bass, George, 170, 177

Baughan, John, 168

Bayly, Nicholas, 176, 180

Bejigal, 51

Bellerophon, 98

Bellona, 12, 30, 64

Bevan, Thomas, 80, 218

Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, 190

Blady, William, 143, 1525, 158

Bligh, William, 55, 98

Boston, John, 1678

Braithwaite, Robert, 102, 121, 124, 128, 130, 137, 158

Britannia, 76

Brown, David 105, 121, 125, 157, 204

Buffalo, 107, 129, 198

Burdett, Jospeh, 62, 138

Burn, John, 139

Burowan, 10, 445

Buruberongal, 9, 445, 47, 49

Butler, William, 9, 22, 27, 42, 101, 1056, 11314, 118, 120, 122, 124, 143, 1468, 194, 198, 2046, 214

Cadigal, 45

Caesar, John 16

Charley (Charles), 55, 79, 845, 10910, 1356, 138141, 150, 151, 1534, 159, 189, 196, 202, 20910, 2213, 225

Colebe (Colby), 10, 45, 47, 49, 51

Collins, David, 11, 13, 34, 44, 55, 5770, 72, 756, 80, 86, 94, 161, 167, 16970, 172, 175, 200, 210, 220; An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, 1314, 201, 46, 57, 74, 93, 107, 194, 204, 211

Collins, Joseph, 835, 152

Collins, William, 179, 198, 203

Convict women, 345

Cooley, Sarah, 100

Cooper, Private, 86, 137, 144, 154, 158, 193

Coppy, 139, 225

Criminal Court of New South Wales, 956, 142, 215

Croft, John, 185

Cummings, Lieutenant William, 54, 1401, 154, 221

Cuthie, Willi, 88, 218

Darkinjung, 47, 70

Darling, Governor Ralph, 225

Darug (Dharug, Daruk, Dharruk), 467

Davis, Lieutenant Thomas, 10, 99100, 130, 189, 191, 202

Dore, Richard, 11, 8792, 94, 96, 101, 104, 10910, 11718, 121, 123, 125, 1334, 1368, 1423, 150, 155, 159, 169, 1712, 1735, 176, 17980, 1836, 18891, 199202, 2089; private secretary to Governor Hunter, 171

Dorset, Sarah, 30

Doyle, Michael, 26, 5760

Doyle’s Farm, 24, 26

Eaddy, Private William, 168

Evatt, H.V., 202

Faithfull, Private William, 1678

Farming on the Hawkesbury, 334

Farrell, Corporal Peter, 62, 1357, 13943, 149, 151, 154, 1901, 196, 202, 209

Fenlow, John, 75

Fish, Betty, 30, 64 (see Powell, Elizabeth)

Flinders, Lieutenant Matthew, 10, 13, 96, 989, 156, 170, 1767, 179, 181, 18991

Flood, Mark, 34, 36, 140

Forbes, Jane, 27

Forrester family, 31, 34

Forrester, Robert, 268, 378, 5660, 111, 122, 196

Forrester’s Farm, 26

Foveaux, Captain Joseph, 167, 174

Francis, 32, 634, 73

Franklin, Nathaniel, 182

Freebody, Mary, 268

Freebody, Simon, 9, 22, 269, 34, 38, 42, 1001, 1056, 11213, 118, 120, 1224, 131, 143, 1458, 1545, 198, 204, 206, 214

Freemans Reach, 17, 64

Frost, Mary, 30

Fuller, William, 1425, 149, 1512, 154, 158

George, Little George, 9, 20, 223, 25, 40, 846, 1502, 1556, 159, 194, 203, 206, 21415

Glorious First of June, 98, 160, 170

Gomebeere (Gombeeree), 10, 478

Goodall, Sergeant, Ex-Sergeant William, 634, 69, 86, 109, 125, 132, 1345, 137, 139, 143, 1502, 159, 214, 221

Government House, Sydney, 162

Government House, Windsor, 131

Grose, Major Francis, 11, 25, 60, 77, 99, 101, 138, 151, 161, 163, 167, 200

Hawkesbury River floods, 4041; Deerabbun, 44; and Nepean River, 45, 107

Hemmings, Cornelius, 186

Hewitt, Thomas, 889, 218

Hobart, Lord, 1979, 21719

Hobby, Lieutenant Thomas, 10, 23, 86, 102, 105, 108, 121, 124, 12935, 1379, 151, 1536, 159, 202, 205, 214

Hodgkinson, Sarah, 15, 20, 269, 102, 110, 11213, 117, 122, 1245, 127, 144, 154, 1945, 203, 2067, 214

Hodgkinson, Thomas, 9, 15, 1820, 2629, 42, 86, 11217, 119, 1247, 129, 1323, 1367, 1446, 1489, 154, 156, 159, 190, 194, 196, 203, 2067, 212, 214, 221

Hodgkinson, Thomas, Jnr, 26, 207

Howe, Admiral, 98, 160

Hunt Lucas, 176, 180

Hunter, Governor John, 11, 201, 25, 38, 412, 25, 478, 50, 523, 63, 6874, 7682, 86, 8892, 96, 98100, 104, 10710, 117, 129, 132, 134, 13941, 148, 151, 154, 15960, 16373, 1757, 17983, 185205, 207, 20913, 21617, 21921, 225; Hunter’s government and general order of 22 February 1796, 71, 90, 212, 217

Hynes (or Hynde), brothers, 70

Inns, Upper Hawkesbury, 35

Jackey Jackey, 225

Jemmy, Little Jemmy, 89, 20, 223, 25, 44, 836, 116, 119, 1268, 144, 14952, 1546, 1589, 1945, 203, 206, 21415

Jim-bah (or Deimba), 48

Johnson, Captain George, 100, 170, 174, 177, 184

Johnson, Reverend Richard, 174, 178

Kearns, Mary, 30

Kemp, Lieutenant Anthony Fenn, 10, 130, 132, 137, 155, 184

Kent, William, 170, 174, 176, 178, 181

King, Lieutenant-Governor Phillip Gidley, 55, 91, 199, 215, 21720, 22; proclamation, 21819

Kurrajong rope, 33

Lacy, John, 70

Lady Juliana, 27, 30

Lambe, Private, 154

Lancashire, John William, 178, 198

Laycock, Quartermaster Thomas, 1678, 177, 184

Livingston, John, 64

Lowe, Lieutenant Nathaniel, 225, 226

Macarthur (McArthur), Captain John, 10, 13, 33, 56, 589, 64, 97, 99100, 130, 1501, 156, 1659, 174, 1789, 184, 187, 189, 191, 202, 203; inspector of public works, 1635

Macarthur, Elizabeth, 99

Macarthur, Edward, 99

Macnamarra, 9, 84

Macquarie, Governor Lachlan, 224

Major White, 10, 1820, 49, 84, 119, 1258, 136, 152, 154, 2078, 221

Major Worgan, 9, 11718, 1534

Malloy, John Francis, 42, 143, 157

Malony, Joseph, 845

Marsden, Reverend Samuel, 36, 174, 177, 183, 221

Marshall, Nathaniel, 1834, 186

McIntyre, John, 78

McKellar, Lieutenant Neil, 10, 69, 99100, 130, 1423, 151, 1556, 168, 176, 180, 189, 191, 202

Metcalfe, James, 9, 20, 22, 27, 42, 1001, 1056, 11218, 120, 122, 131, 136, 1435, 1479, 1545, 194, 198, 2034, 2068, 214

Miller, William, 80, 218

Minerva, 1867

Morris, Chapman, 1823, 198, 208

Myall Creek massacre, 226

Nabbin, 10, 208, 221

Nicholls, Isaac, 17682, 192, 198, 201, 208

Nixon, William, 60

Noah, William, 215

Norfolk, 99

Palmer, John, 64

Parker, George, 1834, 186

Pasley, Admiral, 98

Paterson, Captain William, 11, 25, 55, 63, 669, 151, 161, 163, 170, 200

Pearson, John, 9, 27, 101, 104, 106, 108, 113, 116, 11921, 127, 147, 149, 2048

Pemulwy (Pemullaway), 10, 51, 789, 83, 130, 209, 21920, 224

Phelps, Joseph, 139, 225

Phillip, Captain Arthur, 36, 42, 44, 4954, 72, 78, 88, 90, 97 99, 1356, 1401, 151, 1601, 200, 210, 212, 216, 218

Piper, Lieutenant John, 184

Pitt, William, 160

Plomer, Thomas, 26, 28, 34, 36

Portland, Duke of, 41, 80, 91, 108, 1657, 1745, 1812, 187, 191, 193, 1967, 213

Powell, Edward, 9, 12, 224, 2630, 389, 42, 64, 1013, 1056, 11320, 1226, 1302, 143, 1456, 1489, 154, 1567, 1935, 198, 204, 2067, 214

Powell, Elizabeth (Betty), 269, 39, 40

Prentice, Captain John, 174, 184

Providence, 98

Queen Charlotte, 98, 160

Ramsay, Isabella (Bella), 20, 223, 268, 30, 105, 11116, 11922, 126, 145, 194, 196, 2038

Raven, Mr, 80

Rayner, William, 26

Rayner’s Farm, 26, 29

Redman, Nicholas, 835, 151, 155, 214

Reliance, 989, 161, 170

Rickerby, Chief Constable Thomas, 223, 28, 30, 35, 1015, 10910, 118, 121, 124, 130, 132, 135, 1945, 205, 207,

Rickerby, John Pilot, 195

Rose, Thomas and Jane, 39, 65

Ross Farm, 26

Ross, Lochlin, 26

Rowe, Mary, 68

Rowe, William, 68

Rowley, Captain, 100

Rowley, Tom, 80, 218

Royal Admiral, 116

Roycroft, John, 1836

Sambourne (Sanburn, Samburn) Thomas, 9, 27, 101, 1046, 11621, 195, 2046

Shadrach, George, 26, 28, 5960, 81

Shadrach’s Farm, 268

Shortland, Lieutenant John, 10, 967, 99, 156, 170, 174, 181, 18991

Sinclair, John, 186

Sirius, 51, 97

Smallsalts, John, 86, 134, 154

Smith, William, 185

Stogdel, John, 64

Supply, 97, 170

Surprise, 65

Sydney Gazette, 2202

Tarlington, John, 44, 836, 143, 1512, 155, 212

Tench, Lieutenant Watkin, 45, 478

Terribandy, 9, 84, 119, 1267, 152, 207

Thompson, Bishop, 9, 27, 101, 104, 106, 118, 120, 146, 2046

Thompson, Constable Andrew, 134, 154

Thompson, James, 177

Thorp, William, 656

Timms, William, 9, 19, 22, 42, 101, 106, 118, 120, 1224, 143, 1468, 154, 198, 204, 206, 214

Twyfield, Roger, 58, 60

Upton, Thomas, 26, 207

Walker, 1834, 201

Wardell, 225

Waterhouse, Captain Henry, 10, 969, 170, 174, 1767, 181, 189, 1901

Webb, Robert, 65

Webb, Thomas, 646

Wells, Mary, 29

Wentworth, 225

White, David, 278, 36, 38, 1056, 1214, 147, 155, 204, 206

White, John, 19, 26, 49

White’s Farm, 26

Williamson, Commissary James, 1723, 177, 1823, 187

Wilson, Alexander, 578

Wilson, John, 5960, 812

Wilson, Joseph, 656

Wimbo, John, 9, 15, 1820, 42, 86, 11213, 115, 119, 124, 1267, 129, 1323, 1367, 1456, 1489, 154, 156, 159, 190, 203, 207, 214, 221

Windsor, 15, 23, 25, 33, 45, 131, 143, 222

Worth, James, 186

Yallahmiendi (Yaramundi, Yellomundee), 10, 489, 221

Yalloway, 53

Yellowgowie, 10, 1820, 128, 154, 207, 221, 222