Leon Harmon and Ken Knowlton, Studies in Perception 1, 1966.
Nicolas Schöffer, CYSP 1, 1956.
Gordon Pask, Colloquy of Mobiles, 1968.
Edward Ihnatowicz, Sound Activated Mobile (SAM), 1968.
Piet Mondrian, Composition with Lines, 1917.
A. Michael Noll, Computer Composition With Lines, 1964.
Roy Ascott, Change-Painting, 1960.
Harold Cohen, Merging Systems, 2013.
Paul Brown, Swimming Pool, 1997.
Susan Collins, Seascape, Folkestone, 25th October 2008 at 11:41 am.
Joseph Paradiso, Expressive Footwear, 2000.
Peter Weibel, Imaginary or Virtual Tetrahedron, 1978.
Tobie Kerridge, Nikki Scott, and Ian Thompson, Models of Trish and Lynsey’s Rings, 2006.
Julian Voss-Andreae, Quantum Man, 2006.
Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand, Camera Lucida: Sonochemical Laboratory, 2006.
Nathan Cohen, Interactive RPT Wall Installation, 2008 (without projection).
Nathan Cohen, Interactive RPT Wall Installation, 2008 (detail with projection).
Tim Roth in collaboration with Bob Fosbury, From the Distant Past, 2010.
Vanessa Harden, Shape of the Universe, 2011.
Josiah McElheny, An End to Modernity, 2005.
Fiorella Lavado, Anschaulichkeit, 2010.
Ken McMullen, Skin Without Skin/Shadows and Errors, 2000–01.
Ken McMullen, ?Lumen de Lumine, 2000–01.
Julius von Bismarck, Versuch unter Kreisen, 2012.
Steve Miller, Untitled 91101, 2001.
Antony Gormley, Feeling Material XXXIV, 2008.
David Marron, The Physician, 2011.
Katharine Dowson, Memory of a Brain Malformation, 2006.
Susan Aldworth, Cogito Ergo Sum 3, 2006.
Annie Cattrell, Pleasure and Pain, 2010.
Helen Pynor, Liquid Ground 6, 2010.
Stelarc, Stretched Skin, 2010.
Marta de Menezes, Nature?, 1999.
Suzanne Anker, Zoosemiotics (Primates, Frog, Gazelle, Fish), 1993 (detail).
Joe Davis, Bacterial Radio, 2011.
Jun Takita, Light, only Light, 2004.
Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benôit Mangin, May the Horse Live in Me, 2011.
Bernhard Leitner, SOUND CUBE. Two sound spaces, in countermotion, intertwined, 1969.
Sam Auinger, Grundklang Bonn (Comtemporary Soundscape of Bonn), 2012.
David Toop, in performance using flute, laptop, and amplified percussion, 2012.
Paul Prudence performing Cyclotone, 2013.
Tod Machover, Playing the Hypercello, circa 1993.
A scene from Tod Machover’s opera Death and the Powers, 2011.
Tristan Perich, 1-Bit Symphony, 2009.
Mike Phillips, AFM Mote, 2009.
William Latham, Mutation X Raytraced. Bump mapped/Blue, 1993.
Benedikt Gross, a frame from Speculative Sea Level Explorer, 2013.
Scott Draves, Flame #149, 1993.
Aaron Koblin and Chris Milk, This Exquisite Forest, 2012.
Ernest Edmonds, Shaping Space One, 2012.
Michael Bove and Paula Dawson, Fig. 3 Phantombrush, 2009.
Paul Friedlander, String Theory II, 2010.
Keith Tyson, Studio Wall Drawing: 2001, The Thinker (After Rodin)—Technical/Notes, 2001.
Steve Miller, Portrait of Pierre Restany, 1993.
Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr in collaboration with Guy Ben-Ary, Pig Wings, 2000–02.
Nina Sellars, Oblique: Stelarc’s Extra Ear Surgery, 2008.
Brandon Ballengée, DFA186: Hades, 2012.
Erik Guzman, Weather Beacon, 2008–09.
Scott Draves, Electric Sheep, 1999.