National Domestic Violence Hotline, 311, 386, 711, 714

National Endowment for the Arts, 578

National Family Caregiver Support Program, 575

National Gay and Lesbian Health Foundation, 87

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Policy Institute of, 96, 558

National Herpes Resource Center, 297

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 572

National HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention Resource Center, 300

National Human Genome Research Institute, 802

National Human Trafficking Resource Center, 792

National Indian Child Welfare Association, 315

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), 392

National Institute of Justice, 702

National Institute on Aging, 575

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 305, 389, 535, 543, 625, 645, 674

National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on Vaginal Birth After Cesarean, 663

National Institutes of Health (NIH) State-of-the-Science conference (2005), 533

National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH), 773

National Lead Information Hotline, 733

National Lesbian Health Care Survey, 87

National Library of Medicine, 568

National Network of Abortion Funds, 320, 322

National Network to End Domestic Violence, 714, 719

National Nurses United, 769

National Organization for Women (NOW), 583

National Osteoporosis Foundation, 529

National Partnership for Women & Families, 583

National Research Center for Women and Families, 55, 606

National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, 558

National Senior Citizen’s Law Center, 558

National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), 703, 711

National Society of Genetic Counselors, 599

National Task Force on Girls and Women in the Media, 69

National Vaccine for Children (VFC) program, 277

National Violence Against Women Survey, 701

National Vulvodynia Association, 187, 636

National Women’s Health Center, 525

National Women’s Health Information

Center, 305, 543, 557, 559, 664, 700, 710

National Women’s Health Network, 543, 644, 664

National Women’s Law Center, 583, 655, 771

Native Americans, see American Indians

Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORC), 568

Natural Resources Defense Fund, 819

nausea, 24, 184, 228, 231, 245, 290, 305, 484, 622

abortion and, 331

emergency contraception and, 252, 253

perimenopause and, 510, 514

pregnancy and, 309, 337, 380, 403

Navajo Nation, 733

Nebraska, abortion in, 345

needle sharing, 81, 284, 300, 302

neighborhoods, neighbors, 758, 764

safety in, 708

talking to, 752–53

Nelson, Ben, 775

Nelson, Margaret, 574

Nelson Amendment, 775, 776

neonatal death, 427, 471

Nepal, 824–25

nerve block, 515

nerves, nervous system, 157, 732, 734, 738

Netherlands, 627

transsexuals in, 80, 81, 83

Network for Surviving Stalking, 720

Network of East-West Women, 784–85

Nevada, 724, 771, 777, 815

newborns, 290, 421–24, 730, 743

bonding with, 434–36, 458

breastfeeding of, 423–24, 435–46

breathing of, 421, 426

crying of, 421

death of, 427

first hours and days and, 424

mother separated from, 380, 435

New Hampshire, 771

New Left Project, 59

Newman, Amy, 777

New Moon, 65

New Moon Girls, 818

New Our Bodies, Ourselves, The, 339

newsletters, for health information, 559

New View Campaign, 59, 156

New View of Women’s Sexual Problems, A (Kaschak and Tiefer, eds.), 156, 182

New York (state): abortion in, 340

environmental problems in, 739, 742, 754, 755–56

New York Academy of Medicine, 644

New York City, 59, 69, 706, 726, 748, 754, 809

Condom Availability Program in, 273

lead poisoning in, 732–33

New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP), 705

New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), 749

New York Times, 45, 551

New Zealand, 246, 627

Next Choice, 233, 252, 253

Nguyen, Connie, 751

Niagara Falls, N.Y., 739, 754, 755–56

Nicaragua, 786, 787

Niger, 781, 787

Nigeria, 526–27, 782, 797–98, 797

night sweats, 304, 506, 510, 513–16, 536

911 calls, 714

nipples, 13, 16, 17, 82, 154, 507, 564

breastfeeding and, 439, 440, 441–42, 443, 445

discharge from, 590

sensitivity of, 309

sore, 441–42

nitrofurantoin, 642

nitrous oxide, 414, 415, 762

NOAH (New York Online Access to Health), Women’s Health, 664

Nomani, Asra, 150

“no means no” phrase, 163

nonmedical birth control, 246–51, 255

abstinence, 248, 250–51

breastfeeding, 249

fertility awareness method, 27, 28, 248–49, 255

withdrawal, 246–47, 255

Nonoxynol-9 (N-9), 186, 221–22, 223, 268

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), 26, 331, 443, 512, 612, 645

Norberg-Bohm, Craig, 694

norepinephrine, 513n

norethindrone acetate, 542

Norris, Holly, 61

North American Menopause Society (NAMS), 534, 543

North Carolina, 748

Norway, 627, 782

nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), 54

noses, 56, 517

notification laws, abortion and, 323, 343

Novarel, 484

NovaSure, 613

NOW, Love Your Body campaign of, 71

Nubain, 414

nucleic acid amplification DNA test (NAAT), 291, 293

nurse-midwives, 654, 679, 747

nurse-practitioners, 286, 658, 673, 679

nurses, 366, 393, 412, 566, 748

breastfeeding and, 440

sexual assault, 706

Nursing Freedom, 454

nursing homes, 567, 569, 570, 572, 710

Nussbaum, Susan, 192

NuvaRing, 189, 197, 231, 251

Obama, Barack, 122, 697, 760, 770, 774–77, 785

Obama, Michelle, 50, 122

obesity, 648, 742, 762, 780

cancer and, 593, 595, 610

postmenopausal, 593

pregnancy and, 385, 469

risks of, 68

objects, objectification, 57, 141, 693, 817

obsessive-compulsive disorder, 67, 455, 456

obstetric fistula, 646, 783

obstetrician-gynecologists, 366, 519, 658

obstetricians, 363, 373, 384

occupational health, see environmental and occupational health

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. (OSHA), 728, 733

ochronosis, 47

Odette, Fran, 193

“Offensive Feminism” (Filipovic), 164

Office on Women’s Health, U.S., 581

Breastfeeding Helpline of, 438

Ogden, Gina, 155, 564

Ohio, sex education in, 765

oil-based lubricants, 177, 178, 213, 214, 268

diaphragm and, 220

female condom and, 215

Ojanen-Goldsmith, Alison, 727

old age, 547–83

advocacy and, 581–83

body image and, 549–50

caregiving and, 572–77

common chronic diseases and, 556–57

decline of poverty in, 761

elder abuse and neglect in, 575–76, 693–94, 711

end-of-life care and, 571–72

going it alone in, 554

guidelines for sexual and reproductive health care in, 557–60

health and, 554–60

health and legal decisions and, 571

health information sources for, 559

household help and long-term care and, 570–71

housing and, 568, 570, 576

LGBT, 558

living fully in, 577–83

Medicare basics and, 569–70

navigating health care and, 566–68

new, 548–50

physical changes that affect sexuality in, 562–64

planning ahead in, 568–72

preventive measures and, 555–56

recommended reading for, 551, 564, 573, 577

relationships and, 550–54, 564

retirement and Social Security in, 568

sexuality and, 560–66

sexual pleasure in, 561, 565–66

Older Americans 2010 (U.S. government report), 566

Older Americans Act (1965), 579

Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, 550

oligomenorrhea, 26

omega-3 fatty acids, 25, 447

oncologists, 533, 600, 604

oophorectomy, 169, 506, 524, 529, 599, 621, 626, 630–32

cysts and, 620

long-term risks of, 631

self-help and, 633–34

sexuality and, 631–32

OpEd Project, 811

Operation Rescue, 340

opioids (narcotics), 414–16, 418

oral herpes, 263, 294, 295, 296

oral sex, 169, 173, 185, 215, 565, 721

safer sex and, 263–64

spermicides and, 222

STIs and, 290, 292, 294, 296

Oregon Environmental Council, 740

O’Reilly, Bill, 809

Orenstein, Peggy, 64–65

Organic Birth (Davis and Pascali-Bonaro), 425

Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, 392

orgasm, 112, 113, 154–62, 168, 517, 631

breastfeeding and, 450

clitoris and, 5–6, 156–59, 177

disabilities and, 157, 193

effects of medications and hormones on, 188, 189

fantasies and, 174

intercourse and, 155, 159, 172

lack of, 158–59

male, 147

masturbation and, 157, 158

missing of, 157–58

multiple, 158

in old age, 562, 563, 564

pornography and, 180

power and, 147

as sexual response, 154, 155

simultaneous, 158

Orgasm Answer Guide, The (Komisaruk, Whipple, Nasserzadeh, and Beyer-Flores), 156

Orgasm Inc. (documentary), 183

Ortho Evra, 189, 229, 251

orthopedic surgeons, 567

Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes, 578

osmotic dilators, 333, 334

osteoarthritis, 543

osteopenia, 531, 538, 559

osteoporosis, 522, 523, 543, 556, 558–60, 596

diet and, 527–30

marketing of, 531

prevention of, 528–32, 536

Osteoporosis International, 530

Ostlin, Piroska, 777

ostomy, 196

Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth, 382

Our Bodies, Ourselves, foreign adaptations of, 32, 48, 48, 492, 492, 526, 527, 718, 784–87, 784, 786, 791, 797, 797

Our Bodies Ourselves, 805, 807

Our Bodies Ourselves Global Initiative, xii, resource section of, 158

Our Stolen Future (Colborn, Dumanoski, and Meyers), 754–55

“Outing Age 2010,” 558

ovarian cancer, 225, 241, 559, 597–98, 599, 620–21, 805

diagnosis of, 620–21

medical treatment for, 621, 629, 630

risk factors for, 620

in trans men, 83

ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), 485

ovarian reserve testing, 482–83

ovaries, 11, 11, 477, 538, 619–21, 637, 640

bimanual exam and, 39–40, 39

cysts or tumors on, 187, 225, 232, 233, 619–20

endometriosis and, 625, 626

failure of, 67, 477

midlife and late-life value of, 629–30

PCOS and, 477, 647–50

in perimenopause and menopause, 506, 508, 510

PID and, 621

rectovaginal exam and, 41

removal of, see oophorectomy

sex hormones produced by, 11, 15

of trans men, 82

overprotective behavior, 712

overweight, 68, 385, 648

Ovidrel, 484

ovulation, 19, 20, 239, 610

desire and, 189

drug stimulation of, 499

emergency contraception and, 256

FAM and, 27, 28, 29, 248, 249–50

hormones and, 17

infertility and, 477, 482

pain during, 622

PCOS and, 477, 647–50

PID and, 622

POI and, 477, 525

suppression of, 223, 224, 231, 232, 234, 238, 450, 487

timing of, 20, 475

of trans men, 82

vaginal wetness and, 8

ovulation predictor kits, 27

OWL, the Voice of Midlife and Older Women, 581

oxychlorsene sodium, 645

oxytocin, 334, 409, 450, 563

synthetic, see Pitocin

Pacific Islanders, 301, 762, 781

pacifiers, 249, 742

pain, 193

abortion and, 325, 327–28, 331, 332, 334, 336–37

anal intercourse and, 174

birth control pills and, 228

labor and, 401, 406, 408–18

management in labor of, 394–97

menstrual, 231, 233, 235, 237

old age and, 571, 572

postpartum, 432

during sexual activity, 33, 34, 172, 174, 185–88, 516–17, 557, 620, 624, 635, 636, 643, 646

suffering vs., 411

see also specific parts of body

painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis (PBS/IC), 643–45

Pakistan, 782, 791

Paltrow, Lynn M., 815

pancreatic cancer, 597

Pandagon, 119

panic, panic attacks, 134, 149, 455, 456, 514, 698

panic button, remote control, 134

pansexual, 84

Pap tests, 87, 277, 284, 288, 512, 610, 612, 615–18, 619, 628, 630, 654

disparities in, 680

HPV and, 40, 298, 299, 766, 794

in old age, 558

photos of, 10

pregnancy and, 378

results of, 41

for trans men, 82

ParaGuard IUD (Copper T), 238–42, 238, 253, 254, 255

parasitic infections, 258, 279

parenting, considering, 349–58

deciding not to have a child and, 355

decision making and, 354–55

influences on, 353

issues from childhood and, 354

paths to parenthood and, 356–58

support and, 358

thinking about, 350–52

parenting classes, 377

parenting support groups, 454

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), 90

parents, parenting:

early months of, 429–60

ethics of ART and, 408–9

HPV vaccine and, 616

teen abortion and, 323, 340, 343

teen use of birth control and, 207, 208

see also fathers; mothers, mothering

Parker, Pat, 91–92

Parkinson’s disease, 668

paroxetine, 188, 391, 515

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (PBA), 344


death of, 520, 563, 564

elder abuse and, 575

multiple, 276, 293, 299, 304, 562

parenting considerations and, 353

safer sex and, 263, 269, 270–71

STIs and, 276, 281, 288, 289, 304, 623

unplanned pregnancy and, 312–13

violence of, 692, 788–89

partner sex, 168–77, 636

aging and, 554, 561–66

anal, 173–74

desire discrepancies in, 169

erection-enhancing drugs and, 172–73

fantasies and, 174–75

oral, 173

role-playing, sadomasochism, bondage and discipline and, 175–77

self-pleasuring during, 170–71

vaginal penetration in, 171–72

Partners for Livable Communities, 570

Pascali-Bonaro, Debra, 425

patch, see contraceptive patch

Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. (USPTO), 805

patents, 805

patient advocates, 677–78, 682

patient assistance programs, 680

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA; 2010), 534, 569, 651, 653–55, 687, 759, 770–77

abortion and, 653, 655, 773–77

breastfeeding and, 446, 772–73

consumer protections in, 772

expansion of coverage in, 771–72

increase in access and, 681

quality improvements and lower costs in, 772–73

where it falls short, 773

Paxil, 188, 391, 392, 515

Paycheck Fairness Act, 583

PCBs, see polychlorinated biphenyls

PCR test, 307

Peace Corps, 342

peanut allergy, 540

peanut oil, 540

pectoral muscles, 588

pelvic exams, 37–42, 82, 612, 628, 635, 640

abortion and, 329

bimanual, 39–40, 39

birth control and, 218, 224, 225, 239

postpartum, 434

pregnancy and, 378

after rape, 707

sexual abuse and, 41–42

virginity and, 39

pelvic floor muscles, 9, 563, 635, 636, 646–47

pelvic floor physical therapy, 187

pelvic infections, 240, 241, 244, 630

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 187, 477, 614, 621–25, 628, 756

birth control and, 197, 225, 226, 233, 235, 237

causes of, 622

diagnosis of, 623

ectopic pregnancy and, 466

female genital cutting and, 281

medical treatments for, 623, 628

prevention of, 622

self-help for, 624

STIs and, 278, 290, 291, 304, 621–25, 766

symptoms of, 622

pelvic muscles, 418, 433

pelvic organ prolapse, 559

pelvic organs:

female (side view), 11

male, 206

pelvic or genital pain, 33, 34, 612, 631, 643

pelvic relaxation, 629, 646–47

pelvis, 625, 646–50

pain deep in, 187

prelabor and, 401, 402

sexual response and, 154

spinal cord injuries and, 157

Pempengco, Charice, 54

penis, 73, 83, 159, 168, 174, 187, 631

bulb of, 206

clitoris compared with, 6

condom use and, 213

DES and, 628

discharge from, 290, 291

glans of, 206

oral sex and, 173

size of, 186

STIs and, 290, 291, 293

vaginal infection and, 186

withdrawal method and, 246–47, 259

yeast infections and, 639

see also erections

Pennsylvania, abortion in, 344

pentosan polysulfate sodium, 645

People for Community Recovery, 754

perception, body image and, 46–47, 53, 57

Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters (Martin), 69–70

perfumes, 31, 214, 744

Pergonal, 484

perimenopause, 17, 21, 26, 177, 186, 505–46, 588, 595

abnormal uterine bleeding at, 611, 612

activity and movement in, 523

birth control in, 512–13

complementary/alternative treatments for, 532–33

conclusion for, 545–46

cultural and personal contexts of, 507–10

defined, 506

desire and, 189

finding the right health care provider and, 533–34

hot flashes and night sweats in, 513–15

how to tell if you’ve reached, 508–10

HT in, 534–42

insurance and access to health care in, 534

memory and, 509, 521–22

mood changes in, 509, 510, 519, 522

nonhormonal medical treatment options in, 534–35

safer sex in, 521

seeking care and treatment for discomforts of, 532–35

sexual desire and satisfaction in, 519–21

signs of, 510–12

sleep disturbances in, 515–16

taking care of ourselves during, 522–523, 527–32

urinary changes and, 518–19

vaginal changes in, 516–19

weight gain in, 523, 527

Western medicine and, 533

perineal body, 5

perineum, 11, 420, 433, 449

pain in, 432

period, see menstruation, menstrual cycle

peritoneum, 11

peritonitis, 622

persistent genital arousal disorder, 154

persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 729, 737, 738, 739, 742

persistent pulmonary hypertension, 391

personal protective equipment (PPE), 731, 750

Personhood USA, 815

pessaries, 519, 629, 647

Pesticide Action Network, 738

Pesticide Action Network UK, 756, 757

pesticides, 18, 625, 728, 731, 735–36, 738, 739, 752, 753

in Bhopal, 756–57

effects at home and abroad of, 745–46

reduction of community exposure to, 736

Peterson, Latoya, 701

Pethidine, 414

pets, 552, 710, 736

Pew Research Center, 551, 578

Pfizer, 537

pharmaceutical companies, 25, 156, 391, 534, 550, 569, 618, 768

birth control and, 210

drug testing of, 798–99

female sexual desire and, 182–83, 184

HT and, 536, 540, 541

osteoporosis and, 528, 531

patient assistance program of, 680

research studies and, 559, 668

pharmacies, 217, 222, 233, 255, 306

checking on drug prices among, 680

compounding, 184, 185, 540, 541

safer sex and, 266

Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board, 541

PhD in Parenting, 454

phenobarbitol, 228

phenytoin, 228

Philippines, 329

phosphorus, 529–30

photographs, 61, 138

Photoshop, 46

phthalates, 742, 743

physical abuse, 150, 158, 523, 692, 700

domestic violence and, 709, 711, 713

pregnancy and, 386

physical activity, see exercise; movement

physician assistants, 286, 658, 679

physicians, 286, 366, 378, 393, 402, 413, 566

constraints on, 557

infertility and, 481

questions for, 368

see also specific specialists

Physicians’ Desk Reference, 521

Physicians for a National Health Program, 770

Physicians for Social Responsibility, 753

phytoestrogens, 514–15, 533

Pierce, Tamora, 119

Pill, the, 189, 205, 224–29, 235, 254

breastfeeding and, 251, 444

condoms used with, 202, 225, 228

effectiveness of, 209, 224–25

as emergency contraception, 229

health concerns and, 227–28

how to use, 225–27

safety of, 226

side effects of, 228–29, 237

switching from, 238

vaginal ring compared with, 231

pillows, 162, 172, 331, 432

Pima, 762

pinkwashers, 820–21

Pioneer Network, 583

Pitocin, 334, 369, 406, 408–9, 417

placenta, 20, 421, 467, 469, 484, 734

delivery of, 404, 423

Plan B, 233, 251, 252, 765

Plan B One-Step, 252, 253

Planned Parenthood, 34, 207, 208, 217, 286, 679, 682

abortion and, 318

safer sex and, 266, 270

unplanned pregnancy and, 311

Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 342, 344

plastic, 819–20

plastics, 18, 597, 739, 740, 742

plastic surgery, see cosmetic surgery

plateau stage, 154

pleasure, loss of interest in, 456, 520–21

pleasure, sexual, see sexual pleasure

pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), 304

POI, see premature ovarian insufficiency

Poland, 627, 784–85, 784, 787

Polaris Project, 792

police, 95, 286, 692, 696, 705, 714

state, 709

politics of women’s health, 758–807

abortion and, 337, 340, 341–42, 773–77

aging and, 581–83

conflicts of interest and, 762

disparities and, 761–65

around the globe, 777, 779–801

of HT, 535–37

reproductive health and, 765–67

safer sex and, 271

in United States, 535–37, 581–83, 758–79

Polo Ralph Lauren, 59

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 729, 730, 735, 737, 742

polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 477, 647–50


cervical, 614

uterine, 512, 609, 611

pop culture, relationships and, 64, 100, 120, 123

POPs, see persistent organic pollutants

pornography, 57–60, 116, 175, 179–80, 723

Portugal, 627, 787

positron emission mammography (PEM), 591

post-abortion stress syndrome (PASS), 318

post-abortion syndrome (PAS), 318

postadoption depression, 455

postexposure prophylaxis (PEP), 286

postmenopausal women, 177, 186, 189, 595

birth control and, 512

breast pain in, 588

endometrial cancer in, 610

health insurance and, 534

hormone treatments in, 80

hot flashes in, 515

limits of phrase, 549

sexual desire and satisfaction in, 519–20

sleep disturbances in, 515–16

social infertility and, 475

STIs and, 280

urinary tract infections, 640

vaginal dryness in, 516–17

vulvitis in, 634

weight gain and, 597

Western medicine and, 533

see also old age

postmenopause, 522, 544

postovulatory infertile phase, 27

postpartum mood disorders, 434, 455–59

depression, 374, 448, 455–58

getting help for, 457

psychosis, 455, 457, 458

signs of, 456

treatment of, 457–59

who is at risk for, 457

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 149, 374, 392, 684, 763

abortion and, 318

postpartum, 455, 457

violence and, 698

posture, 431, 556

potassium, 530

potassium sorbate, 638

poverty, 93, 95, 272, 646, 760–61, 764, 768, 822

abortion and, 317

health care reform and, 771

old age and, 549, 576

sex work and, 723

STIs and, 281, 282, 766, 767

teen mothers and, 314

violence and, 694

power, 576, 758, 777

in doctor-patient relationship, 673, 676

environmental conditions and, 744–75

relationships and, 111, 124–26

sex and, 111, 142, 176, 817

social influences and, 147–48

violence and, 692–93, 693, 710

Power and Control Wheel, 693

power of attorney, durable, 571

Precautionary Action, 754

Precautionary Principle, 731

preexisting condition, 768, 772

Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (POIP), 771, 775–76

pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), 303, 800

pregnancy, 20, 34, 227, 359–97

after abortion, 318

advocacy and, 815

affairs and, 130

after birth control use, 210–11, 228, 233, 235, 242

birth control use after, 227, 434, 450

bleeding in, 26

body image and, 66, 115

books about, 360

breasts and, 15, 17

cervix and, 10

choosing a practitioner and birth place in, 362–67

“climate of confidence” and, 360

DES and, 626–28, 739

desire and, 189

disparities in health and, 763–64

domestic violence and, 710–11

ectopic, see ectopic pregnancy

emergency contraception and, 251, 252–53, 256

environmental toxins and, 734, 735, 736, 741, 746, 748–49, 756

estrogen and, 189

FAM and, 27, 28, 248

fibroids and, 608

health risks of, 210

herpes and, 295, 296

high-risk, 383–84

incarceration and, 684

without intercourse, 310

IUD and, 241, 242

in late thirties or forties, 385

length of, 324, 378

Medicaid and, 379, 654, 680, 768

menstrual cycle and, 17, 19, 20, 21

molar, 467

multiple, 19, 468, 484–87, 489, 497, 498

patch and, 230

PCOS and, 649, 650

physical and emotional changes in, 360–62

POI and, 525

Rh factor and, 323n

rights of women during, 375–76

signs of, 309, 337, 463, 466

smoking and, 763

spermicides and, 222

sterilization and, 244

STIs and, 285, 290–94, 296, 299, 301, 302, 304, 796, 798

teenage, see teen pregnancy

as temptation, 203

of trans men, 82

urinary incontinence and, 642–43

urinary tract infections and, 640, 641

vaginal wetness and, 8

yeast infections and, 638

see also childbirth; labor; maternity care; prenatal care

pregnancy, unplanned, 204, 250, 308–46, 361n, 759, 771–72

carrying to term and, 313–15

deciding what to do about, 311–13

delayed realization of, 312

facts about, 310

finding honest information about, 311

lowering your risk of, 209

see also abortion

pregnancy loss, 461–73

coping with, 471–73

dealing with the remains in, 465, 470

disparities in, 471

multiple-gestation, 468

after prenatal diagnosis of abnormalities or impairments, 468

recommended reading for, 463

recurrent, 466

subsequent pregnancy and, 462, 466, 473, 474

types of, 462–71

see also ectopic pregnancy; miscarriage

pregnancy tests, 309–10, 311, 323, 466, 612

birth control and, 37, 225, 234, 235, 240, 256

emergency contraception and, 253

Pregnyl, 484

preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), 488, 491

preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), 491

prelabor, signs of, 400–404

Premarin, 517, 519, 535, 537, 538, 542, 545, 668

premature birth, 293, 378, 639, 728, 740, 742, 764

birth control and, 235, 241

breastfeeding and, 441

premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), 477, 524–25

premenstrual changes, 23–24, 25

premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), 25

premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 25, 225, 457, 510–11, 522

Prempro, 536, 537, 539, 542, 668

prenatal care, 372, 374, 376–92, 424, 469

Centering Pregnancy and, 378

childbirth classes and, 377, 383

disparities in, 680

first visit in, 377–80

frequency of visits and, 376

group, 376, 377, 378

for pregnant women without health insurance, 379

questions to consider about testing and, 382–83

refusing tests and, 381

special considerations in, 383–92

tests and, 380–83, 385

time crunch in, 658

what to expect from, 374, 376

preovulatory infertile phase, 27

prepuce (foreskin), 206

President’s Cancer Panel (POP), 728, 730

President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), 796, 798

“Preventing Falls and Broken Bones,” 529

preventive care, 772

Preventive Services Task Force, U.S. (USPSTF), 299, 557, 591, 592, 594, 762, 776

Price, Joan, 551, 564–65

primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), 21

Prior, Jerilynn, 508, 510, 512, 544

prisons, see incarceration

privacy, 36, 662, 719

Procter & Gamble, 184

Profasi, 484

Professional Compounding Centers of America, 541

progesterone, 11, 482, 536, 610, 626

abortion and, 325

bioidentical micronized, 539–40, 544

desire and, 188, 189

HT and, 539–41, 544, 545, 596

in menopause, 506, 522

in menstrual cycle, 19, 20, 27, 29, 223, 511, 588, 649

in perimenopause, 508, 510–12, 515, 516, 518, 522, 539–40, 545

pregnancy and, 189, 325, 484

progesterone cream, 540–41

progestin, 242, 610

in birth control pills, 223, 224, 251

in emergency contraception, 252, 253

in HT, 531, 536, 537, 540, 541, 542

in long-acting methods, 229, 613

in osteoporosis treatment, 531, 532

in patch, 189, 229

perimenopause and, 511–12, 519

in vaginal ring, 231

progestin allergies, 237

progestin-only birth control, 197, 223

see also Depo-Provera; implants; minipills

progestogens, 539, 610, 611, 626

Progressive Women’s Voices Project, 812

Project Renewment (Bratter and Dennis), 577

prolactin, 189, 431, 450, 482

proliferation phase, 20

Prometrium, 515, 540, 541

pronouns, 76

prophylactics, see condoms

prostaglandins, 24, 325

prostate cancer, 82

prostate fluid, 160

prosthesis, breast, 604, 605

prostitution, prostitutes, 692, 723, 724, 790

protection orders, 711, 713, 715, 716, 720

protein, 530

Protestants, 317

proton pump inhibitors, 529

Provera, 537, 539, 540, 542, 626

Provider’s Guide for the Care of Women with Physical Disabilities and Chronic Medical Conditions, A (Smeltzer and Sharts-Hopko), 193

Prozac, 188, 392, 458, 515, 521

psychiatrists, 566, 634

psychologists, 566

psychosis, postpartum, 455, 457, 458

puberty, 8, 15, 17, 647

early, 18, 593, 594, 597, 744, 754

of transsexual teens, 83

pubic arch, 420

pubic bone, 11, 39, 157, 219, 640

male, 206

pubic hair, 4, 17, 37

body image and, 52, 57, 63, 116

removal of, 52

pubic symphysis, 4, 5, 5

public breastfeeding, 445–46

public health, Precautionary Principle of, 731

Public Patent Foundation, 805

PubMed, 665

pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, 158, 563

Puerto Ricans, 126, 762, 773

purchasing power, 62, 70

purity, 135, 143

purity balls, 143

Purity Myth, The (Valenti), 143

pushing (giving birth), 404, 407, 417–21

with an epidural, 419, 422

pyelonephritis, 640

Pyridium, 642

quadriplegia, 190

Quakerism (Society of Friends), 151

queer, 76, 84

relationships and, 117, 119, 121, 139

queer communities, 76

queer discrimination, 94

queering, of black female heterosexuality, 145


aging and, 542, 543, 545, 549, 566

cervical cancer and, 616–17

disparities in health status by, 761–63

STIs and, 280, 282–83

racism, 60, 95, 144, 272, 764

violence and, 694–96

radiation, 593, 620, 733

radiation therapy, 506, 524, 599, 600, 602, 603, 610, 619, 621, 627

radioactive materials, 437, 479

Raging Grannies International, 581

Rai, Aishwarya, 47

Raising Women’s Voices, 583, 655, 771

raloxifene, 532, 599

rape, 187, 699–709, 721, 792

abortion and, 774, 775, 777, 786, 822

campus, 702–3

defined, 700–701

domestic violence and, 702, 710–11

doubts about, 704

fantasies of, 174–75

gray, 704

health care after, 42

incidence of, 691

legal considerations regarding, 708–9

medical considerations regarding, 705–7

of Native women, 696

pregnancy from, 342

reflections on consent and, 703

relationships and, 109, 132, 133, 135, 137

social influences and, 148, 150, 692, 693

statutory, 700n

STIs and, 286, 702

as war crime, 692, 695, 789

by women, 705

of women of color, 695–96

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), 311, 703, 705

rape crisis advocates, 705–6

rape crisis centers, 96, 700, 702

rape drugs, 704

rape kits, 286, 702, 705, 706

rapid tests, for HIV, 306

rappers, 123

Rapunzel’s Daughters (Weitz), 71

rashes, 278, 279, 304, 447

after condom use, 214

patch and, 231

spermicides and, 222

razors, 31, 300

Reagan, Ronald, 760, 774

“Real Sex Education” (Kulwicki), 164

Reclast, 532

recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), 821

reconstruction, breast, 604–7

Reconstructionist Judaism, 151

recovery stage, 404

rectal exams, 707

rectovaginal exam, 41

rectum, 4, 9, 11, 11, 38, 39, 646, 647

abortion and, 334

anal sex and, 174, 215, 223

blood in, 41

female condoms adapted for use in, 262

giving birth and, 418

male, 206

orgasm and, 154

pain in, 290, 643

STIs and, 290

tearing in, 174, 215, 262

Reform Judaism, 151

Refugee Medical Assistance, 681

refugees, 646, 681–82, 693–94, 790, 794

relationships, 99–139, 520, 636

adoption and, 358

aging and, 110, 137–38, 550–54

asexuality and, 152

asking for what we want in, 166

body image and, 114–19

children and, 113–14, 127–30, 354, 358, 449

elder abuse and, 576

eroticism and, 155

FSD and, 183

ideal, 64, 119–23, 152

interracial, 121, 123, 126–27

intimacy in, 109–12, 117, 138, 152, 449, 496

love and, 106, 107, 112–14, 122, 123

media and, 100, 114, 119–23

obstacles in, 131–32

in old age, 550–54, 564

orgasm problems and, 158, 159

participant bios and, 100–106

pop culture and, 64, 100

postpartum, 449, 452

power disparities in, 124–26

preferred sexual enjoyment in, 110–12

sexual abuse and, 132–37, 158

singles and, 105

time lines of, 138–39

violence and, 132–35, 698, 702, 708

what are you looking for in, 106–9

relaxation, fertility and, 479

relaxation techniques, 497, 514

religion, 150–51, 271, 317, 694

Remifemin, 533

Replens, 517

reproductive endocrinologists (REs), 481

reproductive life cycle, stages in, 17–29

reproductive rights:

brief history of, 205

justice and, 345–46, 813–17

politics of, 773–77

reproductive technologies, 349, 466

see also assisted reproductive technologies

Repronex, 484

Republicans, Republican Party, 66, 771, 775

research cloning, objections to, 802–3

research studies, 665–69

do the results apply to you, 666

evidence-based medicine and, 667–69

finding, 665

reading, 665–66, 669

recommended reading for, 665

resolution stage, 154

Resolve, 488

respiratory problems, 751

respiratory tract infections, 730, 756

restless leg syndrome, 516, 660

retinol, 529

retirement, 568, 579–80, 582–83

Return of Desire, The (Ogden), 155

rheumatic diseases, 195

rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 195, 524, 624

Rheumatrex, 197

Rh factor, 323, 466

Rh immune globulin, 466

Rhode Island, 573, 766

RhoGAM, 323n

RH Reality Check, 777

ribs, 588

Ricart, Gladys, 726

rifampin, 227, 228, 233

Riggs, Lee Jacobs, 703, 709

Rights of Patients, The (Annas), 671

rimming, 174, 264

Rimso-50, 645

Rise of Viagra, The (Loe), 172

RISUG birth control method, 247

Ritchie, Rochelle, 49, 49

RNA, HIV in, 307

Road Scholar, 578

Robinson, Susan, 341

Rochester, University of, School of Medicine and Dentistry of, 572

Rodriguez, Taina, 192

Roeder, Scott, 808

Roe v. Wade, 340, 341, 344, 774, 823

role-playing, 175–77, 263


relationships and, 105, 124, 132

women’s, 105, 132

Roman Catholicism, 150, 317, 336, 707, 784, 786

romance drive, 152

rooming in, 435

room sharing, 436

Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, 575

Ross, Carlin, 167

Ross, Loretta, 746, 755, 813–15, 814

Roye, Carol, 144

RU-486, see mifepristone

running away, 721, 723, 790

Running Strong for American Indian Youth, First Environment Collaborative, 745

rushed, risk-averse society, 373

Russia, 627

Russo, Ann, 724

Rutgers University, Center for Women’s Global Leadership at, 788

Rwanda, 789

Sachse, Jes, 61

sadomasochism (S/M), 175–77, 265

Safe Cosmetics Act (2010), 52

Safe Drinking Water Hotline, 733

Safe Food and Fertilizer, 754

Safe Mama, 740

safer sex, 31, 88, 257–73, 276, 282, 623, 683

activity-specific recommendations for, 262–65

age and, 259, 261

basics of, 258

blood and, 258, 265

challenges to, 269–71

fluid bonding and, 266

HIV and, 302

lubricants and, 262, 268

myths about, 259

old age and, 565

in perimenopause and menopause, 521

reasons to practice, 258

school and community empowerment and, 271–73

talking about, 165, 166, 258, 260–61, 263, 271

tips for, 262, 263

safety plans, 713–16, 720

Saint-John’s-wort, 228, 514, 533

saliva, as lubricant, 162, 171, 177

saliva tests, 248–49

SAMA, 803, 804–5

Sambhavna Clinic, 757

same-sex couples, 349, 475, 552

same-sex marriage, 568, 573–74

views about, by generation, 118

Sanger, Margaret, 205

sanitary pads (sanitary napkins), 21, 641

Sanlaap, 526–27, 791–92

Santoro, Geraldine, 339

Santoro, Nanette, 510

satisfaction, 155, 183, 184, 185

with birth experience, 411

sexual, 519–21

Saudi Arabia, 779

scabies (mites), 279

Scarleteen, 167, 207, 275

Schakowsky, Jan, 52

Scherrer, Susan, 151

Schiller’s test, 628

schools, 96, 124, 282

see also sex education

Science & Environmental Health Network, 731

Science of Orgasm, The (Komisaruk, Beyer-Flores, and Whipple), 156

scleroderma, 195

Scott, Gunner, 695

screening tests, fetal, 382

scrotum, 6, 206

Seafood Health Alerts chart, 735

Seaman, Barbara, 536

sea sponges, 22

sebaceous glands, 13, 16

second opinions, 567, 599, 600, 620, 630

secretory phase, 20

seimo (sexual hair), 13

selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMS), 532

self-care, 287, 335, 533, 659

self-defense, 724–25, 725

self-esteem, 87, 180

body image and, 53–54, 56–57, 65, 66

self-help groups, 167–68, 659

Self-Help Group Sourcebook, 167–68

self-hypnosis, 413

self-image, breasts and, 11, 13

self-mutilation, 83

self-talk, 69

Sella, Shelley, 341

semen, 9, 29, 206, 213, 247, 622, 639

infertility and, 482

pregnancy and, 310

safer sex and, 258, 265

STIs and, 276

Semillas, 822

Sen, Gita, 777

Senate, U.S., 776

Senegal, 48

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), 579

sentinel node procedure, 603

Septra, 642

Serano, Julia, 75, 76

Serbia, 718

Serophene, 484

sertraline, 188

Service and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE), 558

Service Employees International Union, 769

Sex, Etc., 217, 275

sex, sexuality:

anal, see anal sex

aversion to, 185

avoiding, 35–36

body image and, 57

common understanding of, 72–73

continuum of, 560–62

effect of drugs and disease on, 521

hysterectomy, oophorectomy and, 631–32

in old age, 560–66

oral, see oral sex

partner, see partner sex

postpartum, 448–50

power and, 111, 142

preferred enjoyment in, 110–12

recommended reading for, 564

recommended resources for, 167

risky, 141, 262–65

rough, 133–34, 187

safer, see safer sex

smart, 31

social influences on, see social influences on sexuality

surgical assignment of, 14–15, 75

talking about, 164–68, 564

twenty-first-century activism and, 817–19

unprotected, 147, 209, 213, 253, 255, 262, 283, 287, 309, 615, 767

unrealistic romance about, 203

violence and, 698

washing before, 641

“Sex, Stereotypes and Beauty,” 71

sex education, 143, 158, 167, 616, 701

disabilities and, 191–92

safer sex and, 271–73

STIs and, 282

teen pregnancy and, 765–66

sex hormones, 11, 15, 17

see also estrogen; progesterone; testosterone

sexism, 55, 144, 508

Sex Is Not a Natural Act and Other Essays (Tiefer), 564

sex reassignment surgery, 77, 157

sex shops, 167, 266

sex therapists, 158, 564

sexting, 46

sex toys, 167, 178–79, 264

sex-toys parties, 167

“Sex Trade and Feminism, The” (interview), 724

sexual abuse, 41–42, 109, 116, 576, 684, 692

BDSM and, 176

of children and adolescents, 720–21

common reactions to, 698

disabilities and, 192

domestic violence and, 710–11

healing from, 135–37, 149

immigrants and, 699, 700

orgasm and, 158

postpartum mood disorders and, 457

pregnancy and, 311, 386

relationships and, 132–37, 158

safer sex and, 263

social influences and, 148–50

sexual alarm system, 150

sexual and reproductive health, 30–43

consumer rights and, 36

getting care for, 33–34

where to get care for, 34

see also gynecological exam

sexual and reproductive organs, anatomy and physiology of, 4–16, 5, 6, 11, 16, 17

sexual arousal, 153–54, 157, 158, 169

breastfeeding and, 450

breasts and, 15, 153

clitoris and, 5–6

old age and, 562, 563, 564

vaginal wetness and, 8

sexual assault, 42, 132–35, 141, 576, 692, 721, 774

campus, 702–3

defined, 701

domestic violence and, 710–11

enthusiastic consent and, 163

fear of, 148

of immigrant women, 699

of Native women, 696, 697

protecting ourselves and each other from, 708–9

recommended resources for coping with, 703

STIs and, 286

what to do if someone you care about experiences, 707

by women, 705

see also rape

sexual attraction, asexuality and, 151–52

sexual challenges, 181–97

aversion to sex as, 185

disability and chronic disease as, 189–97

effects of medications and hormones as, 188–89

painful intercourse/penetration as, 185–88

variations in desire as, 182–85

sexual dysfunction, definitions of, 156

sexual freedom, 205

sexual frustration, 692

sexual harassment, 148, 692, 693, 701, 722–23

sexual intercourse, 168, 250–51, 721

abortion and, 334–35

abstinence from, 143

aging and, 565, 566

bleeding during, 58, 611, 622

condom use and, 214, 215, 267

diaphragm and, 219

FAM and, 28

female condom and, 216

frequency of, 209

orgasm and, 155, 159, 172

pain during, 172, 185–88, 290, 516–517, 557, 620, 622, 635, 636, 643, 646

perimenopause and, 516–17

POI and, 525

positions for, 171–72, 449, 450

postpartum, 449–50

power and, 148

pregnancy without, 310

safer sex and, 262–63, 267

STIs and, 260, 280, 290–94, 623

sudden increase in, 639

timing of, 475, 476

vaginal corona and, 7

“Sexuality and Spirituality in Women’s Relationships” (Ogden), 564

Sexuality and U, 275

“Sexuality in Midlife and Beyond,” 562

“Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance” (CDC report), 280

sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 33, 41, 141, 274–307, 614, 615, 684, 759

anal sex and, 174, 215, 260

biological factors in, 280–81

birth control as protection against, 201, 202, 207, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 218, 250, 337, 615

birth control that fails to protect against, 223, 225, 231–34, 237, 240, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247, 248

connection between HIV and other, 279

curability of, 278–79

defined, 275–76

depression and, 392

global, 779, 785, 787, 789

infertility and, 278, 285, 290, 479

male responsibility and, 204

needle drug use and, 284, 300, 302

old age and, 565

PID and, 278, 290, 291, 304, 621–25

postexposure prophylaxis and, 286

preparing for health care visits and, 287–89

protection against, 177, 276

race and, 280, 282–83

rape and, 286, 707

recommended reading for, 275

reporting requirements and, 289

research studies on, 666

safer sex and, see safer sex

social and cultural factors in, 281–84

symptoms of, 276, 278, 290–93, 296, 299, 301, 303–4

testing for, 261, 262, 271, 279–80, 284–86, 288, 290–93, 297, 299–300, 301, 304–7

toilet seats and, 276

transmission of, 276, 280, 283, 290–294, 299, 300, 302, 303

unprotected sex and, 147, 262

untreated, 187, 285

vaccination against, 271, 276, 277, 288, 298, 300, 307

where to go for care of, 285–86

see also specific infections

sexual orientation, 72, 84–96, 152

bisexuals and, 84–88

coming out and, 88–91

countering homophobia, heterosexism, and transphobia and, 94–96

gender identity confused with, 84–85

glossary for, 84

lesbian and bisexual experience and, 85

multiple identities and, 91–92

resources for LGBTQ youth and, 90

special health issues for lesbians and bisexual women and, 87–88

transgender and, 75

sexual pleasure, 153–80

brain and, 174

female ejaculation and, 159–60

G-spot and, 154, 159

lubrication and, 177–78, 186

masturbation and, 155, 158, 160–62, 164

models of sexual response and, 154–56

in old age, 561, 565–66

orgasm and, 154–62

power and, 147

recommended reading for, 156

recommended resources for, 167

see also enthusiastic consent

sexual response, models of, 154–56, 184

sex workers, 122

STIs and, 283, 789

violence against, 699, 723–24, 789–90, 792

Sex Workers Project in New York, 723

Shaffer, Ellen, 776

Shakesville, 119, 809

shame, 144, 190

birth control and, 202–3

body image and, 117, 118

orgasm and, 158

sluts and, 144–45

unplanned pregnancy and, 312

violence and, 697, 698, 714

Shaping Youth, 65

Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support, 465, 470

Share the Care, 575

Share This! How You Will Change the World with Social Networking (Zandt), 812

Sharts-Hopko, Nancy, 193

shaving, 31, 116

Shelbourne Health Center, 82

Shepard, Peggy, 754

shower nozzles, masturbation and, 162

showers, 230, 244, 260, 413, 705

Sidibe, Gabourney, 47

SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States), 167

Sierra Leone, 793, 799

sildenafil, 172, 184

Silent Spring, 597

Silent Spring (Carson), 753, 820

Silent Spring Institute, 598, 599, 753–54, 820

silicone, 605

silicone implants, 55, 178, 605, 606

silicone lubricants, 178, 215, 220, 223

Silk-E, 517

Silver, Lee, 807

Silverberg, Cory, 193

Simkin, Penny, 411

Singapore, 594

single parenthood, 129, 130, 349, 459, 761

unplanned pregnancy and, 314

single women, 568, 574, 582, 768

social infertility and, 475

wants of, 105

SisterLove, 814

SisterSong, 813–15, 814

sitz baths, 433, 634, 637

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign, 788, 822

Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), 195, 624

Sjostrom, Lisa, 67

skin, 112, 138, 514, 517, 648

eczema and, 119, 447, 624, 637, 730

HT and, 538–39, 545

melasma and, 228

see also rashes

skin bleaching, 47, 48

skin color, body image and, 47, 48, 50, 66

skin-lightening creams, 47, 48, 734

sleep, sleeping, 453

changes in, 456

disturbances of, 506, 510, 514, 515–16, 556

fertility and, 479

of infants, 249, 435–36

during labor, 420

lack of, 27, 183, 448, 457, 522

old age and, 556

Prometrium for, 540

after sex, 112

without underwear, 31

Sleeping Beauty, 64

Slippery Stuff, 517

slut shaming, 144–45

Smeltzer, Suzanne, 193

smoking, 436, 508, 516, 529, 606, 736, 780

birth control pills and, 210, 226

cancer and, 594, 615

fertility and, 479

hot flashes and, 514

of lesbians, 87–88

pregnancy and, 763

pregnancy loss and, 462, 469

Snow White, 64

SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), 188, 197

soaps, 31, 517, 736

social anxiety disorder, 660

social infertility, 475

social influences on sexuality, 140–52

body image and, 145–48, 693

celibacy and asexuality and, 151–52

growing up and, 141

power and, 147–48

religion and spirituality and, 150–51

stereotypes and, 141, 144–45

violence and, 148–50, 692, 693

virginity and, 141–44

social justice, 813–17, 825

social media, 809–10, 816–17, 822

body image and, 46, 47

stalking and, 719

Social Security, 534, 568, 569, 582–83, 761

Social Security Trust Funds, 583

social service organizations, 454

social situations, safety in, 708

social workers, 679

Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), 481, 490, 497

Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, 543

Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI), 481

Sole-Smith, Virginia, 52

Solot, Dorian, 156

Somalia, 793

sonograms, 463, 464

see also ultrasounds

sonohysterogram (saline infusion sonography), 612


of nipples, 441–42

postpartum, 431

sore throat, 278, 304

South Africa, 787, 788, 796–800

South Asia, 48, 646, 791–92, 794

Southeast Asia, 779, 794

South Korea, 804

soy milk, 447

soy products, 514, 532, 533, 613

Spack, Norman, 81, 83

Spain, 627, 763

SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW, 814

SPARK Summit (2010), 69, 818

spatulas, 40, 40

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, 379, 384


abortion and, 330, 330, 332

provider’s use of, 38, 39, 40, 239

in self-exams, 9–10, 19–20

where to buy, 9

speech disability, 192, 710

sperm, 19, 27, 258, 476

ART and, 486, 487, 488, 491, 493, 496, 500, 806

birth control and, 231, 232, 234, 238, 247, 253

cervical fluid and, 29, 231

decreased count of, 734, 742

donor, 491, 493, 496, 500

freezing of, 486

healthy, 479

infertility and, 477, 479, 491, 493

in pre-ejaculatory fluid, 255

pregnancy and, 310

sperm banks, 82

sperm duct, 206